The Fortress (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Black Level

Pantogena claims the salmon was
infected by bacteria from the sea.
But you and I found
no proof of that.
- Have you seen the opinion polls?
- Yeah.
Yeah. That fucking plague.
You're implying that the Black
Death didn't come here from outside?
- That it originated here in Norway?
- Yes.
We have to be tested! We've had
close contact with an infected man!
Clean yourself up
and put this on.
Wait! Wait!
Got something.
We'll just take everything.
- I want to see my son.
- Sit down.
My son and husband were
exposed. They need treatment.
- I need a blood sample. Sit!
- I want to talk to them.
Sit yourself down!
Do they know that I'm here?
Do they know that I'm here?
Do my husband and son
know that I'm here?
There's been a serious incident.
It's particularly serious
as it concerns a prioritised
person of authority, Esther Winter.
She appears to have been
collaborating with Lars Irgens.
A member of the resistance group
Vigen, suspected of this attack.
As I'm sure you know,
Esther Winter is central
to the effort of securing
the food supply in Norway.
This occurs at the same time as a
large disease outbreak is detected
in both the fish and the
vegetable production.
We're wondering if this could be
a premeditated terrorist attack.
The Ministry of Justice
has authorised us
to carry out a background check
of Esther Winter and her husband.
Captain Sæther will brief
you further. Please
A central search criterium
concerns Lars Irgens.
Did Winter or her
husband meet him before?
Charlie Oldham was with Winter
when Lars Irgens was killed.
Is there a connection
between them?
Winter's husband, Leo Winter, moved
to Norway from England 13 years ago.
He was in the first worker
patrol. An apparent success story.
Well-adapted to society. In light
of recent events we have to ask
if Leo Winter is head of the secret
network of human traffickers.
We've been granted permission to
go 10 years back in the Meta-data.
That was when Esther and Leo
Winter moved in together.
A computer was found
in Winter's home
with an illegal program installed
to circumvent the state's firewall.
IT experts are now looking into what
contacts she may have had abroad.
Was that how they communicated
with the human traffickers?
Each of you will be assigned a
six-month period of Meta-data.
And I want information on
who Winter's friends are.
Where she meets them,
who she sees at work.
Correspondence, telecommunications,
sexual preferences, affairs,
drugs and alcohol intake,
everything. Leave no stone unturned.
Get to it.
The time is 11:21 PM.
Present is police lawyer Helene
Sommer interviewing Esther Winter.
Sommer, Winter No
pun intended, but
Where's my son?
Johannes is with Child Protection.
They're taking good care of him.
- I want to see him.
- That won't be possible right now.
You're suspected of
complicity in a murder.
I haven't killed anybody.
I tried to save him.
Okay. Let's take it easy now.
You have the right to a
lawyer. Do you want one?
I don't need a lawyer. I
haven't done anything wrong.
Okay. So, you knew
Lars Irgens beforehand?
Did you know that he
was a human trafficker?
I just want to see my son.
You can't see your
son yet, Esther.
So you went to see Lars Irgens
without having met him before?
Are you sure about that?
Esther, I have images here that
show you arriving at his house
with a person who was
fleeing the authorities.
Can you explain that?
I want a lawyer.
I thought you just said
that you didn't need one?
I want a lawyer.
We've talked about visiting small
towns during the election campaign.
Show that we're there for the whole
country. Check suitable places.
Maybe some with relevant
stories Amund could use. Okay?
I'll do my best.
It'll be fine, because
you are very good.
And very pretty.
You have to attend a meeting. Zara
Sandberg is liaising with editors
- to discuss the situation in Bergen.
- What will I do at the meeting?
- Be my eyes.
- Okay.
Let's log the editors on.
Hello. Thanks for taking the
time. I know you are busy.
I want to explain our strategy
to handle the Yersinia pestis.
We've been extremely lucky that
the outbreak is confined to Bergen.
That's an odd way of putting it.
Here in Bergen we're locked in.
I understand. But during the
first pandemic of modern times
hundreds of thousands died. In
London, New York, Rio, everywhere.
But in the city where it all began,
that had the biggest population
They sealed Wuhan shut. The
entire population was locked in.
They welded shut the doors of
people who breached the quarantine.
And when I last checked,
Norway was still a democracy.
This plague doesn't care
about the form of government.
We can't relax
measures too soon.
But rest assured that we're
doing absolutely everything,
using all available
resources to gain control.
But you're not. There's a
whole world outside the wall.
What about the World Health
Organisation for example?
They didn't manage
to stop Covid.
They didn't even dare call it a
pandemic until four months in.
- In fear of upsetting China.
- You're oversimplifying.
Frøydis! It won't help anyone if you
spread fear amongst your readers.
You have no reason to speculate in
all sorts of worst case-scenarios.
I don't want to see
things like this anymore.
Is that a threat?
The media have a
huge responsibility.
Be aware of that responsibility.
- Norne, call Esther.
- Calling Esther.
Hi, you've reached Esther
Winter. Leave a message.
Esther, where are you?
I need help with Hilde.
Someone has to tell her
that Tora is dead and
I can't face it on my own.
Just Just call me.
So annoying. I can't
get hold of Esther.
What's the matter?
I just lost my job
at Bergen hospital.
- You've been fired?
- Because I misused medical records.
I'll just I'll call HR and
This is Esther's fault. She made me
break my oath of confidentiality.
Esther's trying to find
out what's going on here.
I've lost my job.
I'll never get a job in
another hospital after this.
- Zara Sandberg is a bit much.
- Zara was only doing her job.
- I didn't even know you'd be there.
- Would that have made a difference?
Come on, grow up. You know
this is a real crisis, right?
We're under huge pressure. I'm
really busy. Did you want anything?
- I want to go back to Bergen.
- What do you mean?
I can't take the quarantine.
I want to go home.
- You could get ill. You could die.
- I doubt it.
But if so, I'd rather die in
Bergen than in this bloody prison.
We have the result of your test.
I have an offer for you.
We need help to develop a
vaccine against the plague.
Anne Marie Moen in Pantogena
strongly recommended you.
I don't work with Anne
Marie nor in Pantogena.
That's not a problem. Anne
Marie has been dismissed.
You'll be working for
us. The armed forces.
Pantogena's been
bought by the state.
We draw on the best
resources nationwide.
Stefan Keyn died because he pricked
himself on a vaccine needle.
And Pantogena covered it up.
Stefan Keyn died
because he got infected.
Who are you? Where
do you come from?
I'm someone giving you a
chance to clear your name.
Become a hero even.
Are you a messenger? Or someone
with power, someone in the know?
The thing I think about constantly
is that people are dying.
In escalating numbers.
Don't you think about that?
Of course I think about it.
But the reason people are dying now
is that you're killing the truth.
Really? Perhaps a tad
melodramatic, wouldn't you say?
I want to see my son and my
husband. We're going home now!
If Heyerdahl goes public with
where the plague really originated,
I'm in.
They said that you
were very intelligent.
I want to talk to a lawyer!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You alright?
- Yeah.
How did it go with
Zara and the editors?
She may have overdone it when
she told them what to do.
A call of high priority.
- Is this classified?
- To the highest degree.
Could you go to the
office? I'll be there soon.
Yes, I'm ready.
I came across a video that
Stefan Keyn recorded in secret.
With Zara Sandberg herself approving
the development of the vaccine.
And putting a factory at
their disposal to test it.
- And that was Zara?
- Yeah.
- God. Where did the video come from?
- From Esther Winter.
She showed it to Odd Seljestad
so he could take it to the media.
Odd wouldn't dare to do that.
Does he still have the video?
No, he's just seen it,
he doesn't have it.
And Winter?
Everything was confiscated
when Winter was arrested.
I've asked them to release it, and
I wiped everything from the cloud.
- So you have the only copy?
- Yeah.
Is there anything
else I should know?
I found a photo of two
dead fish farm workers.
Okay, send me all the
material you've got.
It's extremely important.
Everything. You don't keep anything.
What about the fish farm workers?
Should I have them identified?
No. No, we'll take care of that.
- And Zara Sandberg?
- I'll talk to her.
You won't regret this.
No, I hope not.
I'll do my very best, I can
assure the party secretary.
- What the hell is this?
- It comes from Stefan Keyn.
So Stefan Keyn spied on me?
The man was paranoid,
he filmed everything.
This doesn't look good, Zara.
You'll have to resign.
Take a break from politics.
For the sake of the party.
There is this too.
You made me approve
that vaccine.
If this is leaked, Our Way will
lose the election, guaranteed.
Then we're both
finished in politics.
If you leave quietly, you can have
the ministerial position you wanted.
When the dust has settled.
Hello, Esther.
How are you?
I've been tested,
and I'm not infected.
Could you ask if it's okay
for you to come in here?
Better safe than sorry, I
think. Wouldn't you agree?
Listen It's very flattering that
you wanted me as your lawyer, but
Criminal law isn't my
field of expertise.
You'd be better served by a defence
lawyer. I brought some suggestions.
We went to a fisherman to buy fresh
seaweed. What's wrong with that?
People don't normally shoot
the fishermen they buy from.
Fishermen don't normally threaten
their customers with a shotgun.
Lars Irgens is
mentally unstable.
Charlie Oldman had to defend
himself, it was an accident.
I even tried to save Irgens' life.
The police know, they recorded it.
Okay. I understand.
I want to get out of here.
I understand. I
totally understand.
But our judicial system
doesn't work that way.
Next, you'll be
appearing before a judge.
The police regard this as a serious
case, the judge will probably agree.
That means another two weeks
of custody, for starters.
Then there is the overall picture.
It doesn't go in your favour.
- What do you mean?
- Lars Irgens.
He was under surveillance.
You weren't going to see a
fisherman, but a human trafficker.
You brought your
husband and child.
A refugee from England
helped you find Irgens.
You left a city that's hermetically
sealed, except from on the seafront.
So from a judicial standpoint
It's not looking good,
Esther. Not very good at all.
Do you want to know the truth?
Why we really went to see Irgens?
Not really.
As I said, I brought some
suggestions. The cards are numbered.
You should begin with number 1, and
if she doesn't answer, try the next.
- Olai, we're still friends, right?
- Yes, of course.
What if I, as your friend,
said that it's true?
That we did go to see
Irgens, but not to run away.
What's happening in Bergen
We weren't infected by
refugees, but by ourselves.
Stefan Keyn got sick
from his own vaccine.
The people behind this had me
arrested and took the evidence.
That's why we had
to go into hiding.
What would you say to that?
I would say
that it sounds a bit paranoid.
My dear. Start there.
This will be a long night.
Zara Sandberg is resigning as party
secretary due to family issues.
We need a press release.
- How did Zara take it?
- As expected.
We had no choice. And we have more
important things to think about.
Like what?
What is it?
We'll have to go to Black Level in
Bergen. Around-the-clock curfew.
The army will deliver food.
No one can leave their home.
With no working vaccine we'll have
to try to burn the bacteria out.
Deny it the chance to
infect more people.
But a curfew For how long?
As long as it takes.
The Institute of Public Health says
the bacterium mutates constantly.
They've never seen a
bacterium behave this way.
No wonder they're struggling
to find a vaccine then.
The Institute of Public Health also
suggested that we contact the WHO.
That could be an option.
You don't even
believe that yourself.
We can't go against everything
that Our Way stands for.
If the WHO said a vaccine would take
10 years, they'd stay for 10 years.
Before you know it, half
the UN would be here.
Believe me, that
is not a good idea.
- He's alive?
- Yeah. And that's very surprising.
Everyone with his diagnosis
has died within three days.
- That means there's still hope.
- Could he still infect others?
We don't know enough about that,
but we'd have to assume so.
Okay. You need to
guard Oldman closely.
He was the partner
of Patient Zero.
So Many people would regard
him as Norway's enemy number one.
Open the door, please. I
need to take some samples.
The curfew applies around the
clock for the next 72 hours.
The army will distribute emergency
supplies for this period.
I was expecting a sharp
female defence lawyer.
The sharp one called me
and said she'd fallen ill.
- Ill?
- Yeah.
Thanks for coming.
Don't thank me. Thank my
feet. They brought me here.
It's about time I stand upright
as a proper man of Bergen.
I accept the police's
request for continued custody
with a ban on visitors
and letters for two weeks.
Your Honour.
My client hasn't seen her son or
her husband for more than a week.
That's inhumane.
I will consider the visitors
ban again in two weeks.
- What do we do now?
- We'll stay in touch.
- Because
- Come.
- Vigleik?
- Ariel!
The guys in charge of the quarantine
said if I track the car and myself
and don't stop or get out of the
car, I can drive back to Bergen.
- Then you'll be locked in.
- I'm locked in now.
I'm a journalist. I want to get
out on the streets in my town.
- You can't.
- I've made up my mind.
- You can come with me.
- No.
Just think about it!
The curfew applies around the
clock for the next 72 hours.
Emergency kits will be distributed.
For questions, call the hotline.
Come take a look at this.
Isn't that a vaccine passport?
Look at this.
You see Esther Winter? And
what she is receiving here?
Good work.
Very good.
Great. Keep going.
You're not afraid of
getting infected anymore?
Regard it as a sign of trust.
My task is to get you
to sign this contract.
- So you can solve a bigger problem.
- I won't work for Pantogena.
Last time, I realised that what I
had to offer wouldn't be enough.
- That your past with Pantogena
- You're forgetting you guys.
Heyerdahl made me lie
on TV. He lied to me.
He said the plague came from
outside. It came from Pantogena.
Pantogena hasn't managed to
develop a vaccine that works.
Neither for humans nor for fish.
And that's my operative problem.
Yesterday 23 people
died in Bergen.
There were 2,311 new cases,
all were in quarantine.
274 of those lived alone, and hadn't
met anyone else for three weeks.
So how did they get infected?
One theory is that Yersinia
lies dormant in our bodies.
But the Institute of Public
Health really doesn't know.
Pantogena don't
know, nobody knows.
The only thing on which there
seems to be a general consensus
is that within six weeks the
entire country may be infected.
You studied at Johns Hopkins. At
23, you were one of the recipients
of the a great prize in the US for
your work in developing vaccines.
And I have tried
I have really tried
But I haven't found anyone better
qualified in Norway than you.
But I did find something else.
Something that is
personal to you.
Your husband Leo Winter has a fake
vaccine passport from England.
So Leo
Leo lost everything in the fire in
England. When he fled, he had to
- Loads of people do the same.
- I'm sure they do, I'm sure they do.
No doubt. But we have an Emergency
Powers Act in Norway now.
So all asylum seekers, immigrants
without a verified health record,
are to be deported.
The only difference is that you'll
get a prison sentence. A long one.
Your son Johannes will be deported
to live with his dad in England.
And I don't know much about England
right now, but last I checked
I have to say that things
had gone to hell over there.
Then there's one more
thing. It's a minor detail.
But your friend Anette
She'll lose her job as a nurse.
She'll get a prison sentence,
although not as long as yours.
But as you are a very
principled person
I guess
You won't want to
compromise your ideals.
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