The Glory (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Ooh! Oh!
Wait! Oh!
Oh God.
Wow, that sunset.
Did you buy that
with the money you won from me?
No. I got this with my own money.
You want one?
Is that the only gambling you do?
One time,
I bet my whole life on something.
Did you win?
I plan to.
Do you live near here?
I saw you playing at the Go house.
I guess you live around here.
I'm close, so…
Do you work nearby?
Why aren't you eating?
Don't eat food from convenience stores?
Can't say I do. Watching my carbs.
You don't like to share much, do you?
Do you usually ask so many things?
Normally, I keep quiet, believe it or not.
Why do you like to play Go?
I like it because you engage
in an intense battle in silence.
And also, I like that you get to destroy
somebody's house in order to win.
Why don't we play together sometime?
Since I now know what you like.
I'm Ha Do-yeong.
Next time,
bring some more money when we play.
You won't eat this, right?
Is that supposed to be your breakfast?
You come here every morning, huh?
Do you ever cook for yourself?
Did you have
your breakfast already?
Semyeong Elementary,
is that where you work?
I noticed the sticker on your car.
That's a great job to have.
Can I ask you about something as well?
You're the owner
of Semyeong Real Estate, right?
I think you were the one I ran into
when I first looked for a place.
Yeah, that was me.
Ever since I moved in here,
I noticed that my rent's
less than anyone else's around.
Why did you do that?
It's a good thing when the rent's so low.
A teacher doesn't make much these days.
But you couldn't have known
that I was a teacher.
I'm sorry for asking here,
but is it 'cause the condo's haunted?
I was thinking you had
absolutely no sense of humor.
That's rich.
Make sure that you take
your trash with you
when you head back down.
Here are
my receipts, parking, gas,
and everything else
I needed for our operation.
I'm sorry.
Seems like revenge is pretty expensive.
I spent my twenties tutoring
so I could pay for things like this.
I've got plenty saved up, so don't worry.
After following them,
I found Hye-jeong is
the easiest to predict.
She's always on her phone.
I've been thinking
I should try and steal her phone.
I think I can be pretty talented.
Could you do that?
Just leave it to me.
By the way, did you meet
Park Yeon-jin in person yet?
Everything went smooth, right?
Do you want to meet?
Were you scared? Intimidated?
You should have stomped on her soul
like she was nothing but a piece of paper.
I did one of those things.
That's good. I'm glad.
That's really good. Great job.
I was so worried about you.
Remember Park Yeon-jin's mom?
Oh, the photo came out blurry.
She visited that shaman again,
two weeks after her last visit.
With the same man, too.
I thought they might be dating,
but they leave in separate cars.
They even arrive separately.
If there's a pattern here,
there must be a reason.
-Let me know if you find anything else.
And did you happen to tail this person?
What do you mean by tail?
Just don't try to follow this man.
I didn't want to scare you
so I didn't tell you this,
but he's a cop.
When we first met, he was the chief.
Maybe he moved up.
He's the senior
superintendent-general at Bukbu.
He's fallen behind most of his classmates
who are all chiefs now.
How did you know that?
Didn't you see the receipts
for that soup restaurant?
I found four soup restaurants
near the police station,
and just waited for him.
When you threatened me
the first time we met…
I had no idea how scary you really are.
Don't put yourself at risk.
Yeah, I won't.
Oh, and can you look here for me?
Think of this as part of the job.
Hang on, I don't--
Is something wrong? Are you okay?
I'm… I'm so sorry.
I'm good at pictures of flowers and birds.
But when I take photos of people,
my hands start to shake.
It's okay now.
Take another.
I wanna try one more.
My, oh, my.
Ye-sol, sweetie,
it's your first Gucci, huh?
Do you like what Grandma got you? Hmm?
"Babies can't tell the difference."
"Why get Gucci
when she won't be wearing it in a month?
Is that right?
-You know, you reap what you sow.
You only live the way you do,
because of the way you think.
-Go get a new nanny.
Everything I owe you will be
deposited directly into your account.
Thanks for your work.
Screw this.
Hold onto her newborn clothes
so she has it for any important event.
Like when you had her,
you'll need to try your hardest.
I did it for Do-yeong.
Yes, of course.
Hi! Oh!
Ye-sol, honey.
Say "Grandma" for me.
Say "Grandma."
I will make sure Ye-sol never
has to try her hardest for anything.
Hey, how has my favorite principal been?
If you're free, can I see you?
Yeah, now works.
The homeroom teacher?
The school's chairman
recommended her to us.
Actually, the school was
in a bit of a tight spot,
since Mr. Yang quit so suddenly.
I'm sorry, hold on.
So you're telling me that Dong-eun
personally knows the chairman?
-How does she?
I'm not too sure.
Okay, so is she
even qualified for the job?
Oh, no, no.
We made sure to do our own research,
and her CV is great.
It's odd though.
It's rare for teachers to transfer
from public to private schools.
Ah. I see.
Could I possibly
take a peek at her resume, then?
Ah, well, we have to be careful
with private information nowadays.
Ah. Of course. I know I can't ask that.
So you could just happen to be
holding her resume right now,
and I could just steal a glance.
How's that sound?
Hey! You're doing it wrong!
You can't color it like that!
Hey, Ms. Moon!
You're supposed to color
cherry blossoms pink, right?
She's doing it wrong!
I can color them however I want.
Cherry blossoms can be see-through.
You can't do it like that!
Ms. Moon, her drawing is all wrong, right?
Seung-a's tulips are full of color,
but Ye-sol's colorless cherry blossoms
are still pretty.
Both are incredible.
Why don't we all
try to finish our drawings?
How much?
Stop playing around now.
I can give it to you.
So just ask for whatever you want.
I promise I'll pay you
for damages, all right?
Mental and physical.
You've just made a lot of money.
Guess we'll sign something.
"Until I die,
you will never see my face ever again."
I'll need that in writing
with your signature.
Like how your mom
signed your high school withdrawal letter.
For people like you, it's usually
their parents who destroy their lives.
You're angry at the wrong person.
Don't try to act tough.
Just tell me how much.
No, wait.
You're not doing this because you want
a sincere apology, are you?
I mean, we're almost 40.
That's only happens in fairy tales.
That's all history now!
What do you want me
to do about it now? Really?
Of course, I don't.
Don't say sorry.
I didn't bet all of my teens,
twenties, and thirties for an apology.
You deserve to be punished.
If God's on your side, it's what you owe.
If not, you'll know God's fury.
So we're in the scripture,
not a fairy tale?
What God?
Not mine.
So you're holding my daughter hostage.
And? You think God will help?
Who, me?
Have I done anything?
Has Ye-Sol ever been choked by me?
Have I punched her?
Have I slapped her ever?
Or have I burned her with an iron?
So tell me. What have I done to her?
You know, I've actually tried
to be very supportive of her,
as she lives in a world where she doesn't
know that the rainbow has seven colors…
…or can't even tell when food is ripe.
In my classroom,
things like colors don't matter at all.
And that might be…
not great for the position you're in.
How do you…
How'd you find out?
I won't do anything to her.
I can do things to you, though.
For example, parent-teacher conferences.
And as you know,
the mother's not the only person
who goes to parent-teacher conferences.
So, never test me
on how far I'm willing to go,
or how far I can
make you suffer, Yeon-jin.
I want you to slowly wither away,
so you understand how it feels.
Slowly, the two of us will die together.
You get that?
I'm so excited for us.
That's quite an interesting pair.
Wonder what's up.
Hey, Bixby.
Call "Son of a Bitch" for me.
Calling "Son of a Bitch."
The person
you are trying to reach is unavailable.
-Please leave a message after the beep…
Has that motherfucker really lost it?
Mr. Jeon, someone dropped off
a package for you.
-To here?
-Yes, sir.
Right here, on the street?
They the Avengers?
What is this?
Looks like
my secretary's doing a shitty job.
Outsiders aren't allowed in.
Make a lot of money today?
I like it when you wear your work clothes.
I like it better
than when you wear your full suit.
It's so sexy.
I guess you just put Prada
and Versace out of business.
Honey, should we send Ye-sol
abroad for school?
What're you saying?
Ye-sol is only six years old.
There are a lot of professional guardians
who can keep an eye on her.
Why all of a sudden?
Is it 'cause you want to go abroad?
No, nothing like that.
Then that's even stranger.
You won't even let the nanny
take her to school without a driver.
Now you want to send her abroad?
Sweetie, I heard you've been
golfing a lot with Chairman Kim, right?
Would you be able to arrange
a meeting for us, just this once?
Uh, Ye-sol got a new homeroom teacher,
and she's insane.
How is she "insane?"
Is it that bad that you need
to involve the chairman?
I'll need to know more
before I can do anything.
Actually, don't worry.
I think I'm just a little
overly tired right now.
Now, I'm off to my mother's before work.
I'll call you later.
Her finances, boyfriends, and any family.
Her friends, coworkers, and anyone else.
Just find out everything.
Good one!
Your mother broke 90 yesterday.
Dong-eun. Who is she?
That's what I'm asking you right now.
I wanna know everything.
Anything I already know
about her is worthless.
Dissolving tablets?
You know how
a bunch of bubbles start coming up
when you drop
one of those tablets into water?
I start feeling calmer
when I'm listening to that sound.
And why do you think
that sound helps calm you down?
It kinda sound like ginko leaves,
shaking in the wind.
And maybe raindrops
falling softly on a Go board.
And when I keep listening to it,
I start to feel lonely.
Something like that.
Your body's feeling healthy,
while your heart's feeling lonely.
I think it might do you some good
if you changed up your environment.
Like move somewhere new, go on a trip.
I might consider it. Thank you.
I have patients to see.
You must be a good doctor,
since you're always late for our therapy.
But you get paid hourly.
Wouldn't you want me late?
We'll have to run a CT to be sure.
Since it feels hard,
there's a good chance it's osteoma.
Do I really need surgery?
But I can hardly feel anything at all.
You might not have symptoms now,
but it'll start causing discomfort later.
So if I do get surgery,
how long will I stay in the hospital?
I teach elementary school,
so I want to do it during a break.
Mmm, probably a week,
with all the exams
and other possible procedures.
-Did you say you were a teacher?
At what school?
How do you enjoy working there?
I've been watching vlogs
where the teachers are always so busy
taking care of the children,
even during their lunch.
Do you find that the kids
actually listen to you?
Are you also a parent?
Oh, I'm not.
Uh, I'm interested in
what teachers usually do, not the kids.
You, did you lose some weight?
Yeah, a little.
I thought I told you
that our weights need to match.
Now, it won't look the same!
-You should apologize right now.
-I'm so sorry.
Ugh. Just return it. Next one.
I'll do it right now.
Make sure you bring your weight up
before your next flight.
If your weight changes again…
Shit, what's this?
What the fuck?
Did your phone get switched with another?
How the hell would I know?
Call Incheon International!
Hurry and ask if they found a phone.
What the fuck is this shit? Ugh!
You got it?
Well, it was all very easy.
Got anything else? Tell me what you need.
You did a great job.
I'll see you next time.
Oh, hold on, just wait. Just one second.
You always act so cold whenever I see you.
Here, try this.
I thought we'd be meeting outside again.
Last time, I liked that
it was kinda like a picnic.
This is meant to be very meaningful.
The bird fights its way out of the egg.
The egg is the whole world.
Seon-a was reading their work.
That bird can't fight its way out.
You've gone and boiled it.
Also, Raemian is an apartment.
The book is called Demian.
It didn't boil. I baked it in the oven.
Am I not allowed to get a little…
Just, like, a little emotional here?
Ow! I had a bruise there!
It's gonna bruise again.
My dear beloved…
never seek revenge yourselves,
but leave it to God's wrath.
"Vengeance is mine
and I will repay," says the Lord.
Let us pray together as we remember
the Lord's own words from Romans 12:19.
Let us pray.
Beloved Father, we truly adore you.
You always embrace us with love,
though we are not deserving.
Allow us to thank you
again for this moment.
Our Lord has always told us
to love our enemies.
But how many times have we tried
to really love and help our enemies?
We have failed to live by your word
and have held grudges against them.
We pray now that you will forgive us.
What's a shitty person like you
doing in a holy place like this?
Sa-ra, I'm genuinely curious,
so let me ask you.
Do you… you honestly believe in God?
Seriously, you?
What you just said… Blasphemy.
Repent. Or you'll suffer God's wrath.
-Oh, yeah?
Mmm. I just happened to pray
and made a pact with God.
He's okay with it.
You're crossing the line, you bitch.
You don't give a shit
about anything as an adult?
Don't do that in here.
Don't use that language in a house of God.
Just hang on.
That's not good.
Your God is super pissed right now.
He says you're going to Hell.
Have you lost your shit? Are you on drugs?
You're the one on drugs here.
Pretty often, no?
That's you.
What're you talking about?
You have 15 days.
Fill that with cash and wait
for my message. I want them in dollars.
Making a threat like that
is against the law.
Do you have a clue,
how many police officers go here?
You've never been bullied, have you?
Ah! Stop! Let me go!
Ah, shit!
I haven't even started
with you yet, Sa-ra.
Turn left at the intersection
at University of Education Park.
Did you save my number?
Well, I'll make it easy
for you in case you didn't.
Also, this is Yeo-jeong.
There's supposed to be a heat wave today.
How're you doing?
It's supposed to snow a lot today.
Make sure to be careful so you don't fall.
Stay safe.
Did you see the sky today?
It's crystal clear.
I hope you're doing well
and staying healthy.
Yeo-jeong, you got a text.
-Whoa! Whoa!
-What the… Shit!
I think there's something wrong
with my phone. Look at it.
There's no way she responded
after this long.
I guess we ran into each other that once,
but… but still, she responded?
Maybe she think I looked cool.
Oh, that's it. I get it now. I did.
Is Dong-eun married?
Don't go reading my texts!
Why? What'd she say now?
Uh, is… is it a wedding invite?
She's getting married? To who?
Ah! It's a divorce!
Or remarrying?
Is she remarrying?
She's asking if you know what Cialis is.
Do you know
what medicine this is?
-Hey, let's meet up. Where you now?
-You insane?
-The attending will be here soon.
-Ah, not right now.
Where will you be after 7:00?
Sorry to bug you when you're this busy.
I only got busy after your text.
Had to change my on-call.
Have you still been playing Go?
I play for money sometimes.
Living in Seoul still?
Or are you in Semyeong now?
How did you know that?
Back then you said
you weren't living there "just yet."
Moved, right?
Semyeong Elementary is where I work now.
So are you close to that person?
-The one with the medicine.
-No, I'm not yet.
So I guess
they're also a "not yet," huh?
Listen closely.
I'm only gonna say this once.
Cialis is a drug that's based on
something called Tadalafil.
It's got long-lasting effects.
Anything else?
I guess that's good.
This is a product like Viagra, as well.
I know that already.
Could the drug be used for maybe
another purpose other than that?
What kind of other purpose
would you be talking about?
Could it be used
for a different condition?
From what I've heard, some people try it
to cure altitude sickness.
But from a doctor's opinion,
the medication is
for erectile dysfunction only.
Does that man also live in Semyeong?
No. That's not why I asked.
You should meet a guy
that doesn't need that.
As a doctor, I'm a bit concerned.
But you know, as a man, it makes me think.
You've got it wrong.
Mmm. Since I last saw you,
you've gotten ruder.
'Cause you're losing
the argument, I'm wrong?
Did you not know
that it was an excuse to see you?
Yeah. I know that.
You didn't need me when you could've
just looked up what Cialis was for.
But I… didn't know
why you would need an excuse for that.
Got a little too excited.
And although I don't know who he is,
I wonder if this guy has
anything else wrong.
I really hope there's not a single inch
of his body that's healthy.
Just what I thought. Hmm.
I wanted to apologize to you.
What? Apologize?
You see, I don't exactly know
when it happened,
but I was… rude to you.
I'm really sorry if I hurt you.
So, hey,
why does your apology
sound just like a farewell?
This is goodbye.
Gonna tell me to stop texting?
So then why? Huh?
You never respond to me anyways.
You're not interested a little bit?
Fine, then. I'm not.
You're not my type.
Hey, enough now.
I don't know what's going on,
but I don't understand
why you're acting this way.
Right now,
whatever you want to do, just go for it.
But you can date me too.
I know I'll make you happy.
You know those moments?
Those moment in which
you're allowed to like someone.
If moments like those mean you're alive,
then how many days
have I truly lived, Yeon-jin?
Dong-eun, what's so funny?
Guess I'm feeling happy.
But, Yeo-jeong…
I'm not looking for a prince now.
Rather than a prince,
I need an executioner with me,
who can help me in the hunt.
Hang on. They said you'd pass out
after eight seconds. That can't be right.
Come on, she'll pass out
if you hit her hard enough.
If she doesn't, that just means
you're weak as shit.
Come on, hey. Who here got
the high score on the punching machine?
That was all me.
Dong-eun, tell me if it hurts.
I'll pray for you.
Look here. Come on.
Stand straight.
Let's go, Dong-eun.
If I miss, I might hit your boob.
You wanted to talk about
something important at a tteokbokki place,
and you haven't ordered anything yet?
Hey, miss, one tteokbokki
and soondae, please.
You eat soondae, right?
You don't cover your tattoo now?
Tattoo? Ah, this one.
No one gives me shit about it now.
You remember we were
in the same Spanish class, right?
I really hated that class, at first.
But then I started liking it again
because of your tattoo.
Wow. You're dumber
than I would've guessed.
This isn't in Spanish. It's in Latin.
Memento mori.
"Remember that you must die."
Well, you used to
only cover up part of it,
and that meant something else in Spanish.
Mean what?
I do eat soondae.
You went to the hospital?
Yeah… Looks like you've got something.
So-hee's body was really there.
Yeah. Damn. I don't even know
what the payout would be.
So, who did it?
How much we get will depend on who did it.
-And if I tell you?
-Just say who did it.
Everything else is easy.
I'll grill them about it, day and night.
Make their lives impossible.
I'll turn them all into a huge mess,
then I'll deliver them straight to you.
Okay, so there are four.
Who was it?
Was is Sa-ra? While she was high on drugs?
Or maybe Yeon-jin?
She's the scariest out of them.
Or Hye-jeong?
If So-hee spread the rumor
about Hye-jeong and the gym teacher…
Maybe So-hui said something
about his eyes.
But now we're together in the same boat.
Which one of those four killed So-hui?
Dong-eun demanded you give her money?
How much she want?
Don't know. She threw a bag
at me and said to fill it up.
Fuck, that bag is so fucking big! Shit…
-Why didn't you answer your phone?
-When'd you call me?
-Not talking to you.
-So, then you…
Did she not talk to either of you?
It's not money she's after.
I tried to bribe her,
but she didn't want any of it.
Why isn't Myeong-o answering my calls?
You fired him?
He probably doesn't even know
that he got fired.
He's not answering me. Neither will she.
Do you remember what happened
in high school? Anything?
How's Ye-sol doing?
Since you're here, who's watching her?
What did we even do to Dong-eun back then?
Don't know.
She seriously didn't
throw a bag at you two?
Fuck. She watches way too many movies.
Fill it up with dollar bills?! Fuck me.
Ye-sol must be
in elementary school by now.
Where at? Semyeong Elementary?
What is she going to do to us
to make us suffer like her?
I never even got Ye-sol a gift.
Which classroom is she in?
Can you please tell me your destination
and if you'd like a one-way or round trip?
Wow. I've always wanted to try this.
And now, finally, I can.
Vladivostok, one-way.
I have been thinking about you
non-stop, all day long.
Wanna meet up later?
Come on, now. Fuck off.
You wanna see me alone? Why?
Now, I'm curious.
Why do you want to see me?
Who's this? Son Myeong-o?
Motherfucker, where the hell are you?
And Yeon-jin? Set a date with her?
"…am dead."
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