The Head (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

"Where are all the others?"
- Polaris V, the old station.
- Why?
We came back for the comms.
"They were looking for something"
We need to find the suitcase
"I don't think it was the radio."
"We found a body buried outside
the station."
It's Sarah Jackson.
"We had a causality incident
in the last station"
"Unfortunately we lost a dear
college of us,
Sarah Jackson."
It's my fault.
"Sarah didn't die in the fire."
She was murdered.
"They wanted to get rid
of the evidence.
This was it.
This was what they were all
looking for."
It's me, Damian.
Please, listen to me.
I left a gift for you. Inside Polaris.
"That thing you thought you got rid of,
well, you didn't.
What I want
is for you to wake up
every morning thinking that,
maybe it's still down there.
That when the ice melts,"
they'll go down there
and they'll find it.
And then everybody'll know
what you've done
to Sarah Jackson, and all of us.
"I know you're incapable of guilt.
But fear?
That will do."
"This was it."
This was what
they were all looking for.
Oh, shit!
"When Theseus entered the Labyrinth"
Ariadne gave him a ball of thread
so he could find his way back to her.
"That phone cable,
was my very own ball of thread."
"There was nothing we could salvage.
We were trapped."
I'm afraid, by that time,
we were running out of moves.
Maggie? It's me.
"Can anybody hear me?"
I've found the comms room.
There is nothing left.
It's completely destroyed.
"I think we should head back."
- Okay.
- "Roger that."
This way.
Annika? Do you hear me?
- Annika!
- Annika!
- Annika!
- Annika!
You okay?
I got lost. I
I got lost
She had two daughters
She's here!
Why don't we take Sarah back?
I needed the body.
I couldn't prove she'd been
murdered without an autopsy.
What do you think?
Yeah, I'd like that.
We don't have enough room.
Yes, we do.
If we lose some of the gear.
Let's take her home.
"I knew they didn't like it."
But they had to keep
the charade going, for us.
"It was the right thing to do."
Her family needed closure.
She's secured.
Alright, let's do the tents
and then we'll go.
Ok, just give me a minute.
I'll go talk to her.
Cherry pie, cheese
Are you okay?
Dream cake,
cherry pie,
and cheesecake.
"What was she saying?"
Dream cake
Cherry pie?
It was blueberry.
Danish dream cake on Mondays,
blueberry pie on Wednesdays,
cheesecake on Fridays.
The dessert menu at Polaris V.
And she would always be there,
sitting alone in a corner.
Head down.
Taking notes, doing some work.
- That's how you met her?
- Yeah.
I was leaving at the end
of the summer, so I mustered
the courage to chat her up.
And the first thing she said to me is:
"You're the guy that's eating
those shitty cakes."
So I had to buy her one,
show her what she was missing.
I didn't see her
until the end of winter,
after the rescue.
I went to the hospital to visit her.
Honestly, I didn't know what to expect.
How was she?
I'd seen that look before, you know?
On people who leave but
in here they haven't.
"I brought a blueberry pie."
"And suddenly, out of nothing,
she started laughing."
"But it's Friday!"
"At first,
I didn't know what she meant,
then she reminded me that
Friday was cheesecake day."
So, I got her out of bed, and we
went down to the cafeteria, and we
we found some cheesecake.
It was shit. It was so bad.
But it didn't matter.
We found eachother again.
"I hope you find her."
Why did she
say that?
I think the T3
was getting to her memories.
That, I think it's a survival thing.
Your body
takes you back
to a time when you felt safe.
Come on.
Come on, we have to go.
Come on.
The storm will abate in a few hours.
As soon as it's safe, we'll send
the search party to Polaris V.
What if she's not there?
- Johan
- What if she never made it?
What if she made it just to
starve or freeze to death?
We will find her, Johan.
I know we will.
"Johan, the forecast is good.
I come back to the air."
"What happened next?"
It's all a blur.
We went back to Polaris
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
I found this at Polaris V.
What's this?
If it's Sarah's blood,
it means she was murdered
And that's the reason
for all the killings?
One of them is the killer.
They're all involved somehow,
but only one is killing for it.
And the others don't know who it is.
So he can't kill us
in front of the others.
He has to wait until
we are alone.
Help, we need to block it!
He cannot get in.
I'm sure he'll try again.
Get me some needles.
I've got enough propofol
to put an elephant to sleep.
We get him, and this nightmare is over.
We had a plan.
It wasn't a good one,
but we had a plan.
The problem was, he had one too.
Fifteen degrees and dropping.
He's turned off the power
and the heating.
This place is insulated,
so we have some time.
- But not much.
- Where're the controls?
The comms room.
He's trying to flush us out.
What do we do?
You can't fall asleep.
If you sleep, you may not wake up.
Okay, let's talk.
About what?
Tell me what you'll do,
once we get out of here.
Out of the infirmary?
No, I mean
out, out.
I'll go for a beer with my sister,
celebrate my first
successful polar winter.
I'll buy a ton of ice and melt it.
As revenge.
Don't make me laugh.
I just want to
lose myself
in something.
In someone.
You're afraid of me?
No, it's not that
Then what?
We can't make plans.
Of course we can.
We're trapped in the middle
of the fucking ice,
and we can't get out.
Whether it's the cold, or
the killer outside, or
Or Erik snaps, or the power dies, or
Or we'll just go crazy,
waiting for it all to end.
We won't die
You don't know that.
We won't.
Saying it won't make it happen.
What happened next?
What happened next, Maggie?
I'm going to make a run for it.
You can't.
You were right.
We cannot just wait here
until it's over.
- Wait here. I'll go check.
- Okay.
Heating is back Oh, shit!
"Who was he?"
Who attacked you?
I don't know.
I couldn't see his face.
Help me! Help me, Erik!
Help me, help me, help me!
Help me, please. Please!
Please, help me.
Erik! No, no, no! Erik, Erik!
Let me in!
Let me in, you fucking coward!
Let me in!
I'm sorry
I killed him
I killed Ramon.
You had to. You had no choice, Maggie.
- Maggie.
- Johan, come here.
This is not working anymore.
What she has been through
This questioning is over.
Where are you going?
after what you've gone through,
I can't let in good conscience
Let's get this over with.
I need to know
I need to know!
You've come to finish the job?
You might as well.
Yeah, you keep your mouth shut.
Keep your fucking mouth shut!
In the meantime people keep dying
because of your silence!
I had no choice
Is that what you told Ebba?
When she came asking for help?
You told her to keep her mouth shut,
and now she's fucking dead!
It's okay. It's me, it's me, it's me!
You're okay? Come on, come on.
You're okay.
Are you okay?
It's not mine.
It's okay, it's okay.
It was Ramon.
It's okay.
Come on, come on!
Oh, fuck.
Ramon, he wasn't working alone.
Arthur? Annika?
Oh, shit.
We were trying to figure out
why he wanted Sarah's body.
Sarah was gone and
our chances of finding out
what happened to her were
quickly disappearing.
We went to Ramon's room.
We wanted to see if we could
find something there.
And what did you find?
I can't remember
There are still some places
No, I can't.
If I took you there, would that help?
If we took you there.
I don't know, maybe.
"This place doen't give a shit
if we live or die."
"What is going on?"
"Empathy will only get you kill."
"Please stop, just let us go!"
"He could have done it"
"It could be anyone."
What are we looking for?
"Universidad Complutense."
He checked out this one 17 years ago,
and never returned it.
We found his phone in here.
We were trying to unlock it.
Maybe there's something in here.
It's locked.
Fancy a guess?
Only a million combinations,
easier to win the lottery.
It's all encrypted,
we couldn't read anything.
I think Aki had an idea
All of these books,
they're fairly new.
But not this one.
He's had it for nearly 20 years.
He was obsessed with it
So, I'm thinking
If Pascal was his favourite writer
A Pascal Triangle.
It's a number pattern,
every number is the sum
of the ones directly above it.
Somebody could use it
to create a series of numbers
What's that?
I think we used
these numbers to open the phone.
- Get the phone.
- Yeah.
He could just recreate it
with the formula.
- Worth a shot.
- Well
There are several options.
But it's six digits,
and the sixth row
is the first one
that has six unmirrored numbers.
So, one, six, one,
two, zero.
Nothing recent.
He deleted all
his conversations, even emails.
But he seems to have
lots of pictures and videos.
What is this shit?
What is it?
This is horrible
What kind of a person
keeps this on his phone?
The kind of person that enjoys it
The kind of person
who's turned on by that shit.
Maybe Sarah found out
That's why he killed her.
But what about the rest?
Why kill them too?
Did they all find out?
What if it wasn't Sarah who found out?
This shit can send you to jail.
- If someone else knew
- Blackmail?
What's wrong, Maggie?
I think there was something else
on the phone.
Polaris V.
This picture.
This was taken the night of the fire.
The night Sarah Jackson died, look.
The sweater.
It was him.
Arthur killed Sarah Jackson.
Are you sure about this?
I think so
It has to have been him.
Where's the sweater?
I took it and then
- I can't remember.
- Think, Maggie.
- I'm trying
- Then, try harder.
Johan, we should go back to her room.
"Arthur Wilde.
He is one of the most brilliant
scientists in the world."
"He is a very
and seemingly efficient researcher."
"He is
very good at what he does.
we started this together
and we'll finish it together."
"So, I guess
he is very focused
the success of his research."
"His research is just amazing.
He gave me this incredible opportunity.
For me it's a big honor
to work with him."
"He is doing good things
for the planet and I
admire that."
No, Erik.
Erik, Erik.
"Where's Sarah's body now?
Where is it?"
It's downstairs!
Please, please
Erik, put the gun down.
Stay away from this.
I can't let you do this, Erik.
Have you seen what he just did
with Sarah's body?
You were right, Maggie.
I should've done this eight years ago.
Arthur needs to go home
and answer for what he did.
Sarah deserves that.
Sarah, yes!
- But he doesn't.
- Stop him, please!
You shut up!
I can't hide you anymore.
I know him better than you do.
You let him open his wretched mouth,
and you'll regret it
your entire fucking life.
Let him be, Maggie.
He fucking deserves it.
You see? Aki is right with me.
No! That'd be the easy way out for him.
And we wouldn't want that.
The world deserves
to know what he's done.
Come on, Erik!
I can't hide him anymore.
Erik! Erik, stay with me!
Erik, Erik! Erik, stay with me!
He was going to kill me.
I was getting to him!
The man snapped.
He's not the one I'm afraid of.
He was going to kill you too.
Aki, what are you doing?
"this is an SOS
If anyone is listening
please contact
the International Emergency
Response Team immediately.
We've lost all of our
satellite communication,
and we are in urgent need
of medical assistance."
Yeah, you scared me, Maggie
I thought I
For a moment there, I
I just
- What are you doing?
- "My name
- is Dr. Annika Lundqvist"
- Yeah
- Are you okay?
- "member of
the scientific expedition
at Polaris VI."
I'm not I'm not I'm not sure.
"this is an SOS"
I think I need to see a doctor.
I need to see a doctor
Where's Lars? Have you seen Lars?
Doctor Lars Olander?
Yeah, he'll know what to do.
Maybe I can help you.
What are you feeling?
I feel my mind slipping, you know? I
I spent I spent
half an hour this morning,
struggling to put my boots on.
I couldn't make them fit,
they hurt like hell.
And then I realized that I
I'd got them
the wrong way around. They
I forgot what was left,
and what was right.
- Annika?
- Yeah?
What happened at Polaris V?
What happened?
What happened to Sarah Jackson?
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