The Hijacking of Flight 601 (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

601: An Aerospace Odyssey

["Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30"
by Richard Strauss playing]
Another day of 601: An Aerospace Odyssey.
Good morning,
good evening, good afternoon.
Today, I am here
as more than Flaco Marulanda,
I come to you
as Francisco "Flaco" Marulanda,
survivor and witness of Flight 601.
[Flaco] For 11 hours and 43 minutes,
I stared the ghost
of the revolution directly in the eye.
I gazed into the abyss.
I danced tango with Death
and tarantella with the devil.
But I never abandoned hope.
So I devised and executed
an escape worthy of a film.
Four crew members,
five passengers, and a lifeless body
are still on board
this 601: An Aerospace Odyssey.
["Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30"
continues playing]
For the past seven hours,
the scoundrels have flown over
the Gulf of Maracaibo,
then moved northwest towards Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, and Panama,
hoping any of these countries
grant them permission to land.
And being denied by all three,
the plane heads south,
down to a place unbeknownst to us.
With that, a total of 11 nations
now stand with Colombia
and join us in the collective prayer
of the 11th Commandment,
which states, "Thou shalt not
negotiate with terrorists."
And now, although Aerobolívar delivered
a portion of the money to the terrorists,
the hijackers
have made their conditions clear.
And until they receive the total
negotiated amount of money in full,
there will be no end
to this inferno on wings.
Having lasted 30 hours so far,
this is now the longest hijacking
in all of the history of Latin America.
My disciples, fear not.
Because if the story is true,
El Flaco's got the scoop for you.
Covering what has occurred and,
believe it or not,
covering what might still occur.
our direct link to extraterrestrial life,
what do you predict will occur next
in this 601: An Aerospace Odyssey?
All the gates and doors of Heaven
will open wide
to the music of misfortune and death!
[speaking nonsensical gibberish]
We'll be right back.
["Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30"
building to a climax]
- [song fades]
- [plane rumbling]
A little lipstick,
and you'll look just like your grandma.
[laughs] I wanna see you laugh
when my grandma's spirit
comes and haunts your dreams.
- What's the plan now? Freeze us to death?
- [Eusebio mutters]
That's right. The plan is to shrink
your dick until the humiliation kills you.
If you can't feel your tiny balls,
it's because Edie opened a hole over there
and the plane's depressurizing.
And because you put
a goddamn bullet in my foot!
We need to land
or we all might just die of pneumonia.
- Lima, Aerobolívar 601.
- [static on radio]
- Lima, Aerobolívar 601.
- [static]
What is it now, Captain? Where are we at?
Well, we're flying over Lima,
but they're turning a deaf ear.
- Let's go to Santiago, then.
- [chuckles]
Lima, Aerobolívar 601. Mayday, Mayday.
[woman on radio] Aerobolívar 601,
Lima Control Tower. Go ahead.
Mayday, Lima.
Requesting permission
for us to land at your station.
[woman] Negative, Aerobolívar 601.
You're not cleared to land.
What part of "Mayday"
don't you understand, you fucking dumbass?
I am running out of fucking fuel,
and this is a goddamn,
motherfucking emergency!
[woman] These are police orders, damn it!
Fuck those assholes!
- [static]
- [Wilches muttering]
- Are you ready, Lequerica?
- I was born ready, Captain.
Give me a minute,
I'm just putting on my shoe. Ah!
Ah, sure, in one minute we land
but in flames! Let's go!
- [Eusebio] Get up, motherfucker!
- Yes! All right!
- Son of a bitch!
- [Eusebio] Stop being a pussy.
["Creo estar soñando"
by Hermanos Carrión playing]
[all clamoring and clapping]
[gentle pop music continues playing]
[chatter continues in background]
- Director!
- [music stops]
- Director, you're a hero.
- [chuckling] Yeah, okay. Cut the bullshit.
It's not bullshit. You saved a baby.
That's not bullshit at all!
- Well, I actually saved a pillow.
- What?
- That woman wasn't pregnant.
- [gasps]
You're living proof
that there is nothing more dangerous
than a clever man
who knows how to play the dumbass.
Where do you think you're going?
To draft my letter of resignation.
From now on,
Aerobolívar is no longer my employer.
You can't jump
off the Titanic just because.
Pastrana is out looking for blood,
mine, yours, and the other idiots.
He either buries us,
or we come forward with the truth,
which is that you're ignorant.
I was landing in
You were landing in Aruba
when Pastrana went on the air.
And since Aruba's a butterless,
whoreless, TV-less shithole,
you just turned in the cash
unaware of the antiterrorist order.
That is the story.
[plane approaching in distance]
[officer] You hear that?
That's the sound of the enemy.
What the fuck are you doing, you idiot?
Our orders
are to prevent them from landing.
Otherwise, why are we even here?
[officer] Deterrence, Quispe.
Do you know what this word means?
- [plane approaching]
- [ominous music playing]
These Peruvians have lost it!
There's a car on the runway.
Strap in if you want to live.
We're going to land.
- Sir, we're gonna die.
- Flaps.
Flaps, Lequerica!
- [Eusebio] Strap in.
- [ominous music continues]
[hostages whimpering]
What's the best seat to be in
in case the plane crashes?
- [whimpering] I don't know.
- Get up! Get up!
[Bárbara] No!
- [hostages whimpering indistinctly]
- Let us go!
- [hostages muttering]
- [Eusebio] Sit down.
- [ominous music continues]
- [plane approaching]
Deterrence, Quispe.
Come on, come on, come on!
[imitates kissing] That's it.
Nose up. Here we go.
- [officer] Deter
- No, man, fuck this.
- [plane approaching]
- Holy shit.
- No, man, fuck this!
- Just chill out.
- [Quispe yells] No, man, fuck this!
- No, no, no, wait!
[plane approaching]
Holy mother of God.
Stay away!
[plane engine roaring]
[grunts] Fucking kidding me! Shit!
- [keys clatter]
- [groans]
- [plane roaring overhead]
- Ahh! Fuck me!
[plane rattling]
[Lequerica whimpers nervously]
We're almost out of runway, Captain!
- Speed brakes! Reverse the pitch!
- [flicking switches]
[engine roaring]
- God, we're gonna crash! We won't make it!
- Stop crying, Lequerica!
Step on the brake with your good foot!
- Come on!
- [brake engaging]
[tires squealing]
[Wilches] Come on!
Brake, Lequerica! Brake!
[brakes screeching]
[metal clanging]
[hostages wailing]
Come on, go, go, go!
- [plane roaring]
- [Wilches] Come on, come on, come on!
- [engine slowing]
- [propellers slowing]
[engine quieting]
[Edilma pants]
[radio crackles]
[man on radio] Aerobolívar 601,
is everyone all right?
- [Wilches exhales]
- [radio crackles]
[Wilches] Affirmative.
All passengers and crew members are safe,
but no thanks to you,
you useless pieces of shit, motherfuckers.
- [radio crackles]
- [sighs]
[Wilches laughing]
[laughs hysterically]
Thank you for not murdering us, Lequerica
[laughing hysterically]
- Thank you, Captain.
- [Wilches laughing]
Crazy, goddamn city slicker!
[laughing hysterically]
You little Caribbean fucker!
[both laughing hysterically]
[laughing continues]
[laughing subsides]
[Eusebio breathing heavily]
Could you let go of me now?
[sirens wailing]
- [sirens wailing]
- [cars approaching]
[dark music playing]
[on megaphone] Attention!
Attention, Aerobolívar!
This is Commissioner Condori,
member of the commendable
Civil Guard of Peru.
We will proceed with refueling your plane
so that you can be on your way.
Do not get out!
You are not welcome in Peru!
[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Toro] Partner!
Angirú, that's enough.
The money we already have is enough.
We're both still alive.
And we're together.
Why press our luck?
[Edilma crying]
Anybody try anything,
and I'll slit her throat!
- [screams] No!
- [on megaphone] Easy, young man. Easy.
[Edilma whimpers]
We don't want you to harm the hostages.
- Throw us the car keys!
- [Edilma cries]
- [Toro] Shh! Quiet!
- Throw me the fucking car keys now!
- [Quispe] The Colombians want to get out!
- Shut it, for fuck's sake!
[on megaphone] Easy!
Easy, we have reinforcements on the way.
Throw the car keys,
or I'm gonna shoot her!
- [women wailing]
- I'm gonna kill her!
Just throw the car keys now!
- [Edilma] No, please!
- [women wailing]
We will get you another vehicle.
We don't want another car,
we want that one!
We want your car!
The stewardesses are coming with us,
and we'll release the other hostages.
Throw me the keys right now!
Well, fuck me. Now what?
All right.
- What are you gonna do, Commissioner?
- Get out of the way!
[suspenseful music continues]
[Edilma cries softly]
- [Toro] Go get it! Go on, go!
- Hey, stay where you are!
- [Toro] Go on!
- [Edilma whimpering]
[Eusebio] Stay back!
Stay where you are!
- For fuck's sake, do not get out!
- Shut the fuck up!
[suspenseful music building]
[gun fires]
[guns firing]
[bullets ricocheting]
[gunfire continues]
- [Edilma] Don't shoot! No! Help!
- [gunfire continues]
[Edilma shrieks] No, God! Help!
- [hostages clamoring]
- [gunfire continues]
[Edilma whimpering]
[hostages clamoring]
[gunfire continues]
[Condori yelling] Hold your fire!
[gunfire continues sporadically]
- Hold your fire!
- [gunfire stops]
Hold your fire, assholes!
Who the fuck gave you permission to shoot?
What's the matter, Commissioner?
Didn't you say "deterrence"? Deterrence?
[nervously] Everything's fine.
Everything's okay.
[Edilma whimpering]
[Edilma] Get off! Ugh! Ugh!
[Edilma grunting]
- [Wilches] Edie! Edie!
- [Edilma whimpers]
What is that? There's blood on you!
Hey, motherfuckers! Stop firing!
Dumbasses, you shot a stewardess!
- You shot the attendant, imbecile!
- Yeah, so what? I put a bullet in her!
For our Peru!
Long live Peru! Suck on this!
[gun firing]
[Condori] Stop, you fucking idiot!
- [Edilma whimpering]
- Okay.
Is Is it bad? Am I Am I gonna make it?
- [Bárbara] Every problem has
- Bárbara, please.
- Don't let me die here!
- Edilma, stop! Look at me.
Every problem can be fixed.
Don't forget that.
Honey, let me take a look, yeah?
Let me.
[Edilma cries softly]
[Eusebio] Is she hurt?
[faint shouting]
Hey, you're fine.
[nervously] Huh?
You're fine. That's not your blood.
Angirú! Angirú!
Is it yours?
[Toro groans softly]
[Toro sobs]
I'm dying, right, partner?
[Eusebio] Calm down.
Help me!
Help me! Help me!
[Toro crying softly] No.
No, I don't wanna die.
[Eusebio] Help me!
[door opens]
[man] Let me introduce you
to the Vice Minister of Defense,
Julio César Esguerra.
Let's skip the first-date antics
'cause I've got a pretty big hard-on,
and I am ready to fuck you in the ass.
I'd prefer it if you spoke to me
with some respect.
[Pirateque] I wasn't aware of the
antiterrorist order when I gave the money.
All right, the thing is,
you made a new enemy yesterday.
I'm sure you've heard his name,
Misael Pastrana.
He's the president
of this whole damn country.
Hmm? And I'm his representative.
I imagine you don't want
to see this guy face to face.
So, listen up,
if you know what's good for you.
601 actually landed in Lima.
As you can imagine, they welcomed them
with open arms and bullets.
Hmm? My prediction is
they're all dead by now.
Such a shame.
Especially bearing in mind
our antiterrorist efforts.
Let me ask you something.
Just who do you think will have to shovel
the massive pile of shit
that that little bunch
of dead guerrilla fighters leave behind
when this huge mess is over?
I've reached my limit
on the amount of crap I can swallow
for everybody who sits above me.
- And you, sir?
- I'm a vegetarian.
[both chuckling]
You, on the other hand,
you look like you'd happily chow down
on a huge pile of seasoned shit
and still have room for seconds,
no problem.
[Esguerra chuckling]
Sir, but you cannot
cover the sun with a finger.
And I will not eat a pile of crap
that's not mine, I'm not that stupid.
You know what is not stupid?
Quid pro quo. It's Latin.
- Yeah, like when you give some
- [tutting]
I stroke you, you stroke me.
[Esguerra chuckling]
Just say you were behind this hijacking.
When they name me Minister of Defense,
and they will name me Minister of Defense
for prying this
wild confession out of you,
then I, out of my own kindness,
will exile you to Havana,
AKA a vacation.
[imitates sucking and chuckles]
Sir, I'm afraid that
now that I'm a free man,
I only feel like speaking the truth.
Even if I have to lie a little. [laughs]
What's that woman's name again,
your right hand?
[Esguerra] That's right, "Manchola."
How about this, Pirateque?
Why don't we have Manchola take a bite
of that delicious pile of shit instead?
[scoffs] Hmm?
[Pirateque sighs]
[Toro] Ahh! It burns! It burns!
[Edilma] I know,
but I need you to stay still. Stay still.
- [Toro groaning loudly]
- [Edilma] Calm down.
[groaning] Ahh!
It burns, it burns, it burns!
[Edilma] I know, I know.
Yeah, I know, but I need you to stay still
or you might bleed to death.
Am I gonna die?
- [Edilma] No, you're not going to die.
- [Eusebio] Easy.
- [Toro whimpering]
- [Edilma] Just breathe. Breathe.
- [Eusebio] Easy. Breathe.
- [Wilches] Hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
I think you should take him off!
[panting] I want to get off!
Let me out here.
We're not getting off
because then we'll go to prison.
- [Toro cries] Oh no.
- I'm gonna stay here with you. It's okay.
Maybe I can get off
and see he gets to a hospital.
No, they'll finish him off
as soon as we get him off the plane.
- [Toro] Get me out of here.
- He's going to die if you keep him here.
- Nobody's leaving here!
- I'm dying too, for fuck's sake!
- I also need a hospital!
- I said nobody's leaving!
[Eusebio] You're okay. You're okay.
[Condori on megaphone] This is not a game!
Your plane has been refueled!
Now, get out of here!
You're not welcome here!
Go away right now!
Let's prevent a tragedy from happening.
[gun firing]
[yells] Get the fuck out of here!
[Toro whimpering]
- I'm scared, partner.
- Can you fix him here? Can you try?
Please, I'm begging you.
- [Toro] Help me.
- [Eusebio] Please. Please patch him up.
[Toro weakly] Mama. Mama. Ma
Mama's in Heaven, Toro.
You're staying here with me.
Mama, are you there?
- Toro. Toro.
- [cries] I'm scared, Mama. I'm scared.
- [Toro crying] I'm scared, Mom.
- Toro. Toro.
Your mom's in Heaven.
[weakly] Please, sing?
Sing to me, please.
Sing me a song, please. [sobbing]
[sobbing] Please.
- [Toro crying]
- [Edilma] Baby of mine, don't you cry ♪
- Baby of mine, dry your eyes ♪
- [Toro coughs]
Rest your head close to my heart ♪
[Edilma crying]
Never to part again ♪
- [Toro breathing slowly]
- Baby of mine, don't you cry ♪
Baby of mine, dry your eyes ♪
[Eusebio] Start the fucking engines now!
Now, start the plane!
Don't you understand
they won't let us in anywhere?
They will not let us land.
They just won't.
[Wilches shudders]
I won't go to prison.
I'd rather kill myself.
But, first, I'm killing you and her
and her and every other motherfucker left
on this plane.
A massacre, Captain.
- A fucking massacre.
- [Edilma singing in background]
Or would you rather help
and start the engines?
[Edilma in background]
Baby of mine, dry your eyes ♪
Baby of mine, don't you cry ♪
Baby of mine ♪
[plane engine roaring]
[Wilches] Reaching cruising speed.
So, what's the plan now?
Fly in circles
until the cops just give up and leave?
South, Captain. We're flying south.
And what part, exactly?
[Eusebio] Here.
We're flying here.
- The military base?
- No.
We're gonna land in the desert.
It's not possible to land in the desert.
We would get buried in the sand
and this shit plane will explode.
- It doesn't make any sense.
- Nothing makes sense right now!
- But it's a way out.
- Dying is a way out?
That depends on your ability
to safely land this plane in the desert.
Hey, miss, how is he?
[Edilma] We stopped the bleeding,
but he's still very weak.
Sleeping will help with the recovery.
Thank you for saving him.
You're good people.
I'm sorry for making you
a part of all of this.
Thank you.
Captain, why are you turning around?
- Captain, why are we turning around?
- Shh! Shh, shh.
We're taking these
sons of bitches to Bogotá.
What are we waiting for?
[Esguerra] We're waiting
for the president.
Everybody has their Chavarriaga.
- [chuckling]
- [knock on door]
Pardon me. Update from Lima.
601 veered north.
They're coming to Bogotá.
[Esguerra] What?
What? What?
[Esguerra] Esguerra for Grandpa.
Sol, Montería, 27. I'll wait.
[Esguerra clears throat]
Evening, Mr. President.
This is Vice Minister Esguerra.
Yes, I'm calling you
because I've been told
Flight 601 is headed towards Bogotá.
Yes, sir.
Well, then you tell me. Shall we proceed?
Yes, of course, sir.
Have a good evening, Mr. President.
Got my miracle.
We're about to blow up
the stupid bastards.
I won't be minister. I'll be president!
What gets you votes in Colombia?
- Huh?
- Demonstrating results that
[Esguerra tutting]
Bloodshed, son of a bitch, that's what!
It's bloodshed they all want!
Don't worry, 'cause when I'm president,
I'll give amnesty to all those guerrilla,
terrorist motherfuckers.
They'll get seats in the house!
You interested? Huh?
What do you say? "Senator Pirateque."
How does that sound?
- Yes, sir. I'm in. Thanks.
- [Esguerra cackling]
[rotary phone dialing]
Hey, put me through to Colonel Rojas.
It's urgent.
Colonel, Esguerra here.
I'm at El Dorado. It's about 601.
Miracles do exist.
[chuckling] Just a minute
Where do you think you're going?
Senators have to shit too.
- [determined music playing]
- [lock rattling]
[Esguerra] Pirateque? What's going on?
- Shit!
- [phone clatters]
This motherfucker! What?
- [doorknob rattles]
- Hey! Help us! Hey! Get us out of here!
Aerobolívar 601.
- Aerobolívar 601.
- [Esguerra muted] Open the fucking door!
601, is anyone there?
Break the damn door, you pussy! Right now!
601, anyone there?
- What are you waiting for? Do it!
- 601, pick up!
- [glass shattering]
- [workers screaming]
Aerobolívar 601.
Defense forces are planning a military
operative, they're gonna kill you!
- Don't come here, they're gonna kill you!
- Don't move! Freeze!
What, you thought
you could get away with this?
Come on, move it! Go!
[man] Move, move, move!
Come on, move it! Come on!
God himself wouldn't be able
to land this plane in the desert.
But they will kill us, Captain.
But if they don't?
[tense music playing]
- Wait, what are you doing? Hang on!
- [Lequerica] Edie!
- You better watch what you say to her!
- Could you check my foot, please?
- [Lequerica wincing]
- [Eusebio] Where are you going? Sit down!
Look, brother, this fever's killing me.
- I need help, I just need Easy.
- [Eusebio] Go back to your seat!
[tense music continues]
Stay where I can see you.
[Lequerica whimpering]
[whispering] Edie! Edie! Edie!
[quietly] Wilches
is flying the plane to Bogotá.
And we heard they're putting together
a military operative.
They're going to kill us.
[tense music continues]
His wound is infected. I need to clean it.
May I go to the back and get another kit?
Go ahead.
What's the emergency?
Are you taking us to Bogotá,
Captain Wilches?
Yes, because they'll set us free there.
- We go there, we won't make it!
- And we will in the desert?
Please, Bogotáis our only chance.
No, no, no.
There must be something else!
There's gotta be another way.
They're just a couple of poor idiots.
They're not even terrorists.
No, they're a couple of murderers.
You and I both know that.
Take this plane to the desert.
Or what, huh?
Or I'll tell them your plan.
Which fucking side are you on, Edie?
[voice breaking] The side of my children.
Then you should've thought
about your children
way before getting on this fucking plane.
[tense music continues]
[man 1] I only managed to hear
that we won't make it out alive.
They're gonna murder us.
- [man 1] Motherfuckin' murder us.
- [man 2 whimpers]
[hostages whimpering]
[tense music continues]
Don't give me that look.
[expectant music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
Colonel! Ready to defend our democracy?
Vice Minister Esguerra.
Nice to see you around these parts, sir.
Hey, I have a question for you.
Do we want them alive,
or do we want them dead?
Democracy doesn't care about that.
["Cómo fue"
by Benny Moré playing on radio]
[Manchola] What are you doing here?
Are you all right?
I came to get my things.
I'm going back to Chiquinquirá.
But I started feeling a little dizzy,
so I sat down to wait for it to pass.
- What? I'm calling a doctor.
- No!
No, please, don't. I'm getting better.
I'm getting better.
Let me pour you a little drink.
This'll get you feeling better in no time.
Take it.
Drink it.
I had my life planned out.
See the ocean, finally.
Save up for my marriage.
[crying] And in a few years, I would
return to Chiquinquirá
and get married to Alfredo.
But now I don't know how I'd even return.
I haven't got a single clue what to do,
Ms. Manchola.
It's like nothing makes sense.
Well, the advice I could give you is
just keep dreaming.
Give yourself the opportunity
to see the ocean,
to have a good job,
meet the love of your life.
And in 15 or 20 years
find yourself somewhere quiet,
and drink something strong,
because nothing you planned
will happen as expected.
Are you a little bit dizzy?
[crying and laughing]
Yeah, dizzy sounds about right.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
[door opens]
[William] Where's Edie?
Do you have a pen?
- [Eusebio] Where are you going?
- I'm looking for a pen.
[somber music playing]
[Edilma] Willy, my love,
I hope that when you hear this message,
you don't already hate me
for having left without a warning.
I never expected things
to turn out this way.
I didn't want you to
have to grow up like this,
one blow after another.
But you have to take care
of your younger brothers.
[cassette tape whirring]
You know when the four of us
spent the day outside,
laying on our backs, admiring the sky?
And Boris was a baby,
and Roberto was jumping with joy
because he saw
four stars lined up in a row.
And you, Willy, went for a pen
and drew an itty-bitty dot on each of us,
remember that?
That day, I learned that we will
never be away from each other.
That, no matter what, we'll be together.
And when you look at the stars,
I'll be there with you.
And you know I'll be watching,
laughing, and
and scolding you
and staying by your side.
Don't you think
I forgot about your birthday, my son.
I can't believe how much you've grown.
You're 12 years old.
Big kisses to my three sweeties.
My three loves of my life.
I love you! I love you!
- [tape recorder clicks]
- [sobbing]
["Ya lo sé que te vas"
by Juan Gabriel playing]
[Edilma crying]
["Ya lo sé que te vas" continues playing]
- [hostages whimpering and crying]
- [nostalgic ballad continues playing]
[Jesús] It's all right.
[song fading]
[Eusebio] Bárbara.
That's your name, isn't that right?
My name's Eusebio.
Bárbara, I'm not what you think I am.
I'm not a bad person
or a heartless bastard.
But you are a killer.
And a killer is a bad person, right?
[ominous music playing]
[Bárbara] Edie.
Edie, open the trap door.
The passenger's still alive!
- [Eusebio] What are you doing? Shut up!
- The dead guy's alive!
- [Eusebio] Shut the fuck up!
- Open the trap door! Go!
- [Bárbara] Go! Ahh! Ahh!
- [blow landing]
- Stop right there, bitch! Let go!
- [loud crunch]
[Edilma screaming]
- I said, let go!
- [screams] My hand!
- I said, let it go!
- [screaming]
- [Bárbara] Eusebio, wait!
- Let go of it right now!
I want to see the body!
I want to see the corpse!
Let go or, I'm gonna shoot you!
- [Bárbara] Eusebio
- Shut up, you fucking bitch!
- You're not a murderer!
- [Edilma wails]
Eusebio, please, look at me.
- You're not a killer.
- Let go of that, you bitch! Now!
[Bárbara] Eusebio, look at me!
[crying] Please, Eusebio!
[Eusebio] Shut up! Shut up!
- [screaming] Get off!
- Let it go now!
[Bárbara] You're not a murderer.
Look at me.
Let go, you bitch,
or I'll blow your head off!
[Bárbara] Eusebio,
I understand what you're going through.
Let go, or I'll blow your head off!
[Bárbara] I know what it's like
to have nothing and be hungry.
It can make you do bad things,
but you're not a bad person, Eusebio.
I know you don't want to kill anyone
and there's still time to do what's right.
Eusebio, listen to me! Please!
Listen to me!
[Bárbara] Please, Eusebio, listen to me!
- You're a good person, I know you are!
- [gun firing]
- [gun firing]
- [indistinct wailing]
[Edilma wailing]
- [Bárbara] You're not a killer, Eusebio.
- [crying]
[Edilma wailing]
[Edilma whimpering]
[angelic music playing]
[angelic music continues]
[man whimpering]
[angelic music continues]
[Toro] You lied, motherfucker.
[angelic music fading]
Captain, they didn't murder the passenger.
They will surrender.
Tell them to call off the operation.
We're not going to the desert.
We're going to Bogotá.
And you'll turn yourselves in, okay?
[crying softly]
[Toro] You lying son of a bitch!
[Toro] You got me on this plane
in the name of your fucking revolution.
And I followed you.
But you know what?
- [dark music playing]
- [Toro] Look at me.
[yelling] I'm done with you!
What are you doing with this, Toro?
From now on,
I'll do whatever the fuck I want!
[dark music building]
- [Eusebio] Put it down.
- [Edilma] Yeah.
- Toro, put it down.
- [Toro] I'm not going to prison.
- No, you won't go to prison.
- No! You won't!
But you said revolution or death.
- [Edilma] No!
- Well, death, then.
- [Eusebio] No, don't do it!
- [Toro] Death! Death!
[dramatic music playing]
- Don't do it!
- I'm not going to prison!
- [Edilma] Bárbara!
- I'm not going to Bogotá!
- [Eusebio] Don't pull it!
- [Toro] Let me go!
- I don't want to go to prison!
- You're not going to Bogotá!
- I don't want to! No, no, no!
- [Eusebio] Turn the plane around!
Turn around!
[Toro grunting]
They have a grenade.
They're going to kill us all.
You gotta turn this around!
Captain, did you hear me?
A grenade!
Captain Wilches!
We're going to Bogotá.
- Captain!
- We're going to Bogotá, Edie.
[dramatic music continues]
- [Toro] Let go of me!
- [Eusebio] Toro, don't pull it!
- [Toro] Let go of me, son of a bitch!
- [Eusebio] Don't pull it!
- [Toro] Ahh!
- Turn around!
Turn the plane around!
Turn this plane around before we explode.
- Now, Captain!
- [Lequerica] Edie, calm down!
Captain, come on. I think Edie's right.
It's best if we turn the plane
Shut your fat fucking mouth now!
You traitorous bastard!
We're going to Bogotá!
- Captain, this is your final warning.
- Or what?
Are you gonna kill me, Edilma?
[tense music playing]
[tense music building]
["Ya lo sé que te vas"
by Juan Gabriel playing]
["Ya lo sé que te vas" continues playing]
Even though it's inspired
by real events and people,
some characters, incidents,
places, lines, and names are fictitious.
Any similarity to reality
is for dramatic purposes.
[music slowly fading into background]
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