The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e05 Episode Script


[Núria] We need a change of scenery,
don't we?
We went to see your new high school
yesterday, it looks amazing.
They said you could start in the middle
of the semester, if you want.
You mean next semester, right?
[Lluc] Have you seen what they're
talking about on WhatsApp?
Who the hell did this?
Everybody's talking about it,
and I'm getting tired of it, Lluc.
Just give me the keys.
That's your boyfriend talking, right?
No, Enric never asks me for anything,
unlike you.
Yeah right, a saint.
[Gina] Good morning.
-Here, I'll help.
-No, it's okay.
[Lorena] Go to the bar, have breakfast
and we'll hang out later.
It turns out that the club asked
for a loan before the summer.
Come on, don't exaggerate,
it's not a big deal.
Everything's under control.
What did the doctor say?
I'm pregnant!
[Anna] I'm sick of always doing
what you want.
[Terrats] You're the one
who's always done what you've wanted.
I've only done what I could to help you
accomplish things.
-Right. And who asked you?
-That's very unfair, Anna.
[Óscar] I can't wait to do it with you.
I don't know, Óscar.
-I don't feel like I'm
-Not today either?
[screams coming from TV]
[eerie lullaby]
[growling and shrieking]
Seriously, I don't know
how you guys can like these things.
It's so fake,
and they put too much blood.
So are those high school drama shows
you like so much,
-and I don't hear you complain.
Raquel, your house is awesome.
I know.
I don't get why you'd rather
hang out at our place.
You should invite us over more often.
Yeah, anything to get out of my house.
I don't want to see Enric
fucking my mom again.
Be honest, Lorena, deep down,
Enric and you are besties.
Shut up.
Speaking of besties,
how come you're not with Emma?
I saw a story about Putxi's place.
Really? I had no idea.
Hey, don't sweat it.
That place is a dump anyways.
Yeah, I don't really care about it.
Let's watch something else.
Pass the popcorn, Berta.
Do you want to watch a new show?
-What do you want to watch?
Berta, pass the bowl,
I want more than a handful.
Come on, drop the phone.
You're making this too easy.
Dude, you have to listen to this.
Which one?
Emma has no rhythm.
Excuse me?
I have more rhythm than you, loser.
Let's see it.
It's really cool.
But, I don't know,
I'm kinda weirded out by needles.
Don't even think about it.
I'm getting another one done.
Why don't you come with me?
-Of course, dude.
It's not that big a deal.
Wouldn't you like to have one?
I don't know, dude.
Hey! Check out these relics
we've found!
No way! From back
when online porn didn't exist!
You're parents are quite liberal,
huh, Reich?
Porn a la carte.
Yeah, dude, but it's so fake.
Some things make you think:
"Who goes for this stuff?"
I know. And I don't get the obsession
with scissoring.
I don't like it.
As if every guy out there were well hung,
and only thought about sex.
-It's horrible.
-Does Lluc do it slowly?
Hey, I'm not kidding.
He's not bad at all, seriously.
Why are you so quiet?
How's Óscar in bed?
I don't know.
I mean, we've done some things,
but haven't gone all the way yet.
Are you a virgin?
Haven't you been dating for a while?
Half a year, not that long.
[Lorena] No way!
you spend all the time in his room.
What do you even do in there, sudokus?
Should we watch a porn movie?
Yeah, yeah!
This one, White Shower!
Gina, you're phone's ringing.
There's a DVD player, right?
So close! If you get it this time,
I'll buy your next drink.
Dude, are you wearing your glasses
the right way?
I think his watch is weighing him down.
-Right, the watch.
-Let's see now.
-Hey, that was better.
-Much better.
I'm going to crush you. Just you wait.
All right, it's your turn.
What? Have you slept with her?
No, not yet, but we've been talking
all day on Instagram.
Her friends not bad looking, huh?
I could introduce you.
No, dude, forget it.
Come on, dude,
put your stick to good use.
Aren't you jealous
of two studs like us?
Check this out.
Life just ain't fair, huh?
How're things with Raquel?
Come on, tell us.
Is she as innocent as she looks?
-No, no, forget it.
-Dude, tell us. Come on.
Dude, don't ask those things.
Why? I'm just curious
about how often they do it.
What do you think? All day long.
There's my stud. Get over here.
All right, my turn.
Move, I need space.
Well, excuse me.
Dude, you suck so bad.
I hope for Raquel's sake
that you're aiming isn't as bad in bed.
At this rate, we'll have to play chess.
It's insane, dudes.
I wish I could make music like this.
I also love this group.
I you want, I can share my Spotify list
with you, it's awesome.
Dude, have you seen the time?
-Yeah, so?
-Nothing, I thought you had to leave soon.
Nah, dude, I'm not a kid.
[Bernat] All right, all right.
[Santi] Emma's not watching
the movie with you?
No, she's in her room.
She's at that insufferable age.
[Santi] Tell me about it.
I have good news though.
And a surprise.
What is it?
[Santi] I'm coming to watch
the game tomorrow.
You're coming back earlier?
Yes, but it's just me.
Mom has to work.
Was that the surprise or the good news?
What do you think?
I'll tell you the surprise tomorrow.
All right, I'll see tomorrow, Dad.
Bye, kisses.
What are you doing? Where were you?
I thought you were in your room.
-No, don't "Anna" me.
You have to let me know
if you're going out this late.
You wouldn't have let me.
I can't deal with you anymore.
I just can't.
Dad's coming tomorrow.
-And I'm telling him.
Anna, no, no, no.
I promise I won't do this ever again.
I have my own problems to deal with.
-No, I'm tired of covering for you.
Please, Anna.
Go to bed.
Go to bed!
Is everything clean over there, Emma?
Emma, are you listening?
Yes, it's all clean.
I love it. This base you added
is even better.
-It's got a cool vibe.
Nothing, Anna,
I'm sending an audio note to Putxi.
None of your business.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
We've already had breakfast,
but I made some coffee. Do you want some?
Sure, I'll some.
-You look handsome.
-Sure, because you say so.
I can see you're doing just fine
without us.
Oh, yeah, perfectly fine.
-Isn't that right, Anna?
-Yeah, more or less.
Are you coming to the game?
Of course.
We'll go after I finish my coffee.
Actually, can you make me one, Emma?
I had a bit of a long night.
Because you're--
You brought a lot of things with you.
Yes, it's part of my surprise.
I'm staying!
What? What about Mom?
Your mom is doing very well in Budapest.
You know, she loves her job,
and I only moved there for her.
It became very clear to me
when I was in Budapest.
What will you do? Will you retire?
No, I'll open a wine store.
-You're going to make wine?
-No, I'll buy wine from the winemakers,
and then I'll send it to Budapest
and my partner there will sell it.
Damn, it's late. I'll be right back.
Come on, Dad,
what's going on with Mom?
Nothing, we're fine.
It's just a rough patch.
Dad, does that mean
we don't have to go live in Budapest?
No, wait, we still have
to talk about this with Mom.
Just because I came back home, doesn't
mean that she doesn't want you with her.
Emma, it looks like
you're still going to Budapest.
Yeah, but since Dad is back
-That doesn't change anything.
-Let's calm down, please. I just got here.
I'm going to make a call
and then we'll head out, okay?
-My girls!
You got lucky this time,
but you better watch out from now on.
Tread carefully.
What the fuck is that?
[Raquel] Dude, forget about it.
You're the best.
You're live on Insta was incredible.
Don't let something like this
bring you down.
I know, dude, but even though it's stupid,
it still gets to me.
It's for Valen.
All right, girls, come here.
Okay, we're killing it. Stay sharp.
Now, clear the way for Flor. Berta,
once Flor has the puck, switch places.
Lorena, serve the puck.
Flor, make the goal.
-I thought I was receiving.
-No, no, Flor is.
-Are you punishing me for last night?
-Emma, you're on defense.
I can do it and you know it.
Emma, if you can't play as a team,
you can sit on the bench.
-Laila, you're in.
-Fuck you and your shitty play!
Fuck this!
Girls, keep it up! We're doing great.
On my signal, we play "alligator."
Got it, Berta?
Let's do this! Come on! Let's go!
[Cris] What is this?
Sumo wrestling on skates?
At least those fat rolls
can cushion her fall.
Hey, hey, forget them.
Come on.
[Anna] Come on, girls!
Remember what we have said.
-[Anna] Come on, come on!
-[Terrats] Pass it, pass it, pass it.
-Yes, yes, yes!
-That was a good throw!
-Yeah, but it didn't score.
If Emma were playing
I don't know why Anna benched her.
Emma must be pissed.
Did you see what she did with her stick?
She's got a temper.
Tell me about it.
How's Anna been these days?
She has to accept many things at once.
Not being able to compete
because of an injury sucks.
We should give her time.
Come on, come on!
What about you? How are you?
I'm fine!
Yeah. I've already started
selecting the winemakers,
and I've contacted the providers.
I've made a few calls and--
Santi, how are you really?
I'll get better.
-[Anna] Keep pushing!
-Of course.
Look, I needed to make a change,
but I've never had the guts to do it.
Of course you needed it.
Do you also think I've gone crazy?
I don't know if it's the wine
or the hockey, but you look well.
-[Berta] Come on, Minervas!
-Better than ever!
[Santi] Foul!
Berta now.
[Terrats] Go, go, go!
[Santi] Yes, yes, yes!
That's our captain!
[cheering and laughing]
There goes the alligator!
Score one for the alligator!
We did it!
This one's for the alligator!
I can't believe it worked.
Get in there, girls!
We have to celebrate this.
This doesn't happen every day.
-We could throw a party or something.
-Yes! A party! Let's do it.
-How about at your place, Reich?
-I can't, my parents are home tonight.
What about yours?
Impossible, my mom would kill me.
-[Berta] You sure?
-[Flor] Yeah, I can't.
-I don't like where this is going.
-Can we celebrate our victory at the bar?
We'll behave, I promise.
I don't know, I suppose Youssef
would be fine with it,
but we'd have to ask Enric.
-Hey, I'll talk to him,
but I can't promise anything.
Laila, Putxi and Berni are asking
to come over, do you want to come?
But you said you were coming
to the skate park with us.
Right now? Aren't you tired?
-We just played a game.
-That fine, I'll go by myself.
-Bye, girls!
-Bye, Emma.
Congrats, girls!
Hey, good looking.
I have something for you,
to celebrate today's game.
-I'm sure that--
-I have a lot of homework, Óscar.
You didn't let me finish.
I'm sure you're going to love it.
-But I really have a lot of work to do.
-You haven't had time for me lately.
Come on, Raquel, don't say no.
Okay, fine.
Hey, Óscar, could you do us a favor?
Can you buy alcohol for us?
Oh, come on!
-Baby, baby.
-No, my mom will get pissed.
-No way.
Hey, I didn't know
you were into skateboarding.
Well, yeah.
Cool, dude!
Are you any good?
I don't know, average.
I've been practicing ollies all my life,
and I still can't do any.
I think that the secret to an ollie
is turning your ankle at the right moment.
First, keep one foot on the back,
-and the other in the front, see?
Then, using your ankle,
step on the board and lift it.
-Okay, let's see it.
-Step and lift.
-Wow, dude, you're awesome!
Do you mind if we hang out
so you can teach me more things?
Come on, catch me if you can!
Did you really think
I was going to love this?
I don't know,
it's like in that movie we watched.
I thought you'd like it!
You're so dumb.
I really like you, Raquel.
And I like you.
It's just that
Ever since I mentioned doing it
I've noticed you've been distant.
Hey, I don't want you to think
that it doesn't mean anything to me.
Actually, it means everything.
I mean, I've done it with other girls,
but to me,
doing it with you is super important.
And since you're reacting this way,
it's making me think
that maybe we're not on the same page.
That maybe you don't like me
as much as I like you.
Of course I like you.
So, what's the problem?
There's no problem.
Do you not trust me?
Of course I trust you.
Well, then, I don't get it.
Don't you want this relationship
to move forward?
Of course I do, my love.
You know
We have the house all to ourselves.
-[Óscar nods]
I've made sure everything is ready,
it'll be great.
Together forever, right?
You don't have to sleep in the RV.
Dad, I'm fine in here.
I can fix up the guest room for you.
You can also see the stars
from inside the house.
I'd like for the three of us
to be together.
Okay, fine.
Finally, you're really stubborn.
Hey, have you thought about surgery?
Yeah, I think I'm overthinking it.
I mean, I knew that one day
I wouldn't be able to compete anymore,
but I never thought it would happen
so soon and so fast.
When life changes like this,
suddenly and without warning,
it hurts
It hurts a lot.
But all we can do
is look forward and stay positive.
Like I did in Budapest.
I found the perfect partner
for my new business.
And what's the downside?
That you and Mom are separating?
No, we're not separating.
We're just giving each other some space.
It'll be good to miss one another.
Look, we needed
to add direction to our lives.
And you need to do the same with yours.
Sílvia, can I get a coffee?
Oh, I just turned off the machine, sorry.
Oh, that's fine.
I'll have an orange juice.
Who's he with?
I don't know,
but they've been here for over an hour.
You can go, Sílvia, I'll close.
I'm still waiting for Laila.
Oh, great. Thanks.
Youssef, who was that man
you were talking to?
Oh, he's a lawyer friend.
-Bye, Sílvia.
-See you tomorrow.
She gets out later and later every day.
Youssef, are you having problems
with your wife, or?
No, no. He was just advising me
on something. It's nothing.
-There she is. Hi.
You should've been here sooner.
Sorry, I forgot my binder at
the skate park, and went back to get it.
-Did you do your homework?
Laila, we agreed
that school work comes first.
It's too hard, Dad.
-Sit down and I'll help you.
Youssef, I know you, what's wrong?
I shouldn't say anything.
We're friends,
you know you can count on me, right?
-What is it?
-The club is in debt because of Enric.
When were you going to tell me?
I'll call you later and explain, okay?
[crickets chirping]
[door opens]
Watch the step.
-Can I open them now?
-No, wait, wait.
Do you like it?
[opens wrapper]
[Óscar moans]
[Óscar breathes heavy]
[Óscar breathes heavy]
I love you.
[Enric] Long, with soy milk,
no sugar and very hot.
-Just how you like it.
-Perfect, thanks.
-How about "good morning"?
-Good morning!
He likes you.
But you know, at his age,
everything's embarrassing.
Must be that.
Listen, Enric.
Are you working late at the club today?
I can wait until you're done,
if you want.
Why's that?
I was thinking
about closing the bar late,
so that the girls
can celebrate their victory.
Can't they do that elsewhere?
If everyone celebrated every victory
Come on, it's just for today.
And it would make them really happy.
Come on, that way
we can come back together.
What do you think?
It's really good!
[phone rings]
Good morning!
How are you, honey?
Sleeping, Mom.
Hey, I feel bad about not being able
to make it to the game.
It's okay, I didn't get to play that much.
Besides, Dad told us
you had a lot of work to do.
Yes, I'm up to my ears with work,
but I have good news for you.
One moment, Mom.
Can I ask you something first?
I'm learning to mix some trap basses
that are insane.
Yeah, and the team is improving a lot.
In fact, we're moving up
in the league, Mom.
And you're going to love this,
I'm passing all my classes.
I got a C+ in Philosophy!
Sweetie, it's okay. You don't have
to prove how happy you are over there.
In fact, I'm calling to tell you that
Dad and I have been talking, and
we've decided that you should stay.
You're growing up, Emma,
and we can't force you to make
a major life change if you don't want to.
We have to let you spread your wings.
[shower water running]
[Gina] Dude, you finally got one.
It looks awesome.
I bet it didn't hurt that much.
Raquel, what's up?
You don't want to go to the party?
Not really.
Can I ask you something, Gina?
Of course, dude, anything.
What was your first time like?
My first time with a girl or a boy?
I don't know, did you like it?
Well, let's be honest,
the first time is never the best.
Neither he nor I knew
what we were doing, but it was fun.
What do you mean "fun"?
Raquel, don't worry.
When you're ready to do it with Óscar,
you'll know.
But how will I know?
I don't know,
everyone's different, but
somehow you'll know
that you want to do it.
Maybe I don't like sex.
Why? Don't you like it when Óscar
kisses and touches you?
Yes, I do,
-Raquel, don't sweat it.
It'll happen when the time comes.
Óscar is really into you.
I mean, he doesn't just want sex.
Some guys, that's all they want,
and you should watch out for those.
But Óscar cares for you.
[phone rings]
Dude, the party is starting without us.
Shall we go?
[loud babel]
You look pretty.
You don't give a damn, do you?
What are you talking about?
I don't know, dude.
Don't you want to talk about what happened
at your father's house?
What do you want me to say?
That it was great, and that I'd love
to do it again right now?
No, I want to talk for real.
What do you want to talk about?
What did it mean to you?
It was really good sex, that's it.
That's it?
Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.
They look happy, right?
They should've left half an hour ago,
and Enric is about to leave.
Then go with him,
I'll make sure to close up the shop.
-Really? You sure?
-Yes, I don't mind.
-'Cause this music
-I have to listen to it all day at home.
Perfect. Thank you.
See you later.
Hey, nice party you have going on.
We've had a victory like this,
not even with Terrats.
-You're awesome, Anna, just awesome!
-No, you guys are.
I don't believe it.
What a dick!
Are you okay?
Yeah, don't worry,
I don't care if he's with other girls.
Yeah, but not with that chick.
[Lluc laughs]
Ignore her.
It's over.
Hey sexy, I've been calling you all day,
what's the matter?
I've been very busy.
Yesterday you left
without saying goodbye.
Óscar, she can't be here.
Doesn't Lluc know any better?
What did I ever do to you
for you to treat me like this?
Aw, Terrat's perfect little niece
is having a bad day.
Maybe having you going around
gossiping about my abortion
-is enough reason to be pissed.
-What are you talking about, loser?
How about the little message
in the locker room?
Or insulting me during the match?
Is it my fault that you're a slut?
Hey, enough, enough!
You can't smoke here. Out!
Aw, I'm not smoking anymore.
You can't kick me out.
Look, Cris, you can do whatever you want
at your own party,
but we make the rules at ours.
Get out!
Come on, Berta, let's go.
Hey, what are you doing?
-[Anna] Berta, stop!
-Stop it!
-[Lluc] Berta, stop!
-She's not worth it.
-Berta, stop!
-Calm down.
-Go to hell!
-[Raquel] No, no!
-[All] Berta! Berta!
[Enric] What the hell is going on here?
[Anna] Emma, stop!
What's wrong with you?
Do you think this little skirmish
is normal?
-You look like animals!
-[Cris] It wasn't our fault.
Oh, no, no, no, it was my fault.
If it's not one thing, it's another.
And you, Anna?
I thought you were in charge.
-I can explain, Uncle.
-[Enric] No need.
We'll figure out what to do with you
at tomorrow's meeting.
I want you to clean this up immediately.
-[Enric] Just what I needed!
-Enric, it's not that bad!
Sílvia, you're soft.
I don't know how they convinced you.
It's as if you didn't know them.
They only have bad ideas.
Hey, that's my daughter
you're talking about.
Why are you so stuck up all the time?
You're not really like that.
Yes, I am. I'm strict and serious.
That's why you like me,
I bring stability into your chaotic life.
-Sílvia, where are you going now?
-To my house! To my fucking chaos!
[Berta] I'm beat, dude.
[Lorena] So am I, but it was worth it.
No one messes with the Minervas.
Berta, I'm sorry.
I didn't know she was the one
messing with you, honestly.
Yeah, I know.
But don't play with me, Lluc.
We'll talk.
So, you wanna go?
-To your place?
I haven't asked my parents to go out.
Just text them, like always.
Come on, my mom's
staying at Enric's tonight.
Hey, bro, haven't you seen Mom's text?
-No, why?
-She's staying home tonight.
She finally realized
what a scumbag Enric is.
Are you also staying home?
Of course.
[Óscar sighs]
What about your mother?
She won't be home for a while.
But Lore's home, she could walk in.
She on her PlayStation,
she won't bother us.
Yesterday was great, my love.
Stop, damnit!
-I wasn't ready!
I wasn't ready
and you didn't stop until we did it!
-You didn't like it?
-No, no, no.
It sucked.
And you only thought about yourself!
But you also wanted it, Raquel.
All I wanted was to be with you,
so you wouldn't leave me.
And then, the only thing
that I wanted was for it to end.
And now, I don't want you
to ever touch me again.
[stammering] Raquel, I I don't
Wait, wait, wait, Raquel,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Raquel, I'm sorry.
Can't we work this out?
Raquel, I love you.
Well, I deserve to be loved better.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[cries in anger]
It's clear that this situation
is no longer viable.
We must make a decision
about the girls team.
And what about a decision
on what to do with the club's debt?
Where's this coming from?
It's not the girl's fault
that the club is in debt.
-Let's not get confused here.
-No, there's no confusion here.
You're always coming up with economic
excuses to shut down the girls team,
but don't blame
you're bad management on them.
The girls need someone
to keep them in check, I agree,
but I assure you
that their nonsense will end soon.
They played a great game yesterday.
You said you'd let them play
if they qualified.
At least let them try.
Anna can make it happen,
and we want her to continue coaching.
No, we demand that she keeps
coaching them. I'll keep an eye.
Are you done?
We've talked to a lawyer.
If word gets around about how you've been
managing the board's money,
you'll be in huge trouble.
You know that, right?
That's blackmail.
It's the same thing you do.
And by the way, the old locker room
is going to be renovated.
There's no money!
You're a contractor, Enric.
Figure it out.
[Terrats] Let's go.
[door opens]
[door closes]
You're staying.
Do you know why I involve myself
in your life, Anna?
Because I always end up saving your ass
when you need it.
[wrench creaking]
I just don't get it.
I don't understand what happened.
She said she didn't want me
to touch her again.
And that she doesn't want to see me.
I honestly don't get it,
I don't know what I did wrong.
You guys think that what you see in porn
is real life, but it's not.
What you see is something rough,
very rough.
That's not how things really work.
When you're with a girl,
I mean, with a real woman,
it's different. You have to, I don't know,
have communication and a connection,
you have to be with her.
Okay, I get it.
But everything can be fixed, right?
I mean, I'm not giving up, Dad.
[Pela sighs]
[puts wrench down]
Look, Óscar, I know it sucks,
but if she wants to break up,
you need to give her space.
Right, like how you respected
Mom's space?
You're not in a position to give advice.
No, your mother and I
had an agreement.
A bit unusual maybe,
but it worked until now.
Of course it sucks
that she asked for the keys back,
but if she wants to move on with her life
I have to respect that, and that's it.
Cheer up! Okay?
[both grunt approvingly]
[videogame music]
[clinking noises]
Hey, Emma, it's my turn.
-You said you don't like it.
-So, what?
What are you doing?
You're always bossing me around, Emma.
You always do what you want
without asking me.
That's not true.
Why are you going off on me now?
You don't need me to hang out
with Bernat and Putxi, right?
-'Cause they're cooler than me.
-Laila, dude
It's the truth, Emma.
I'm just the friend you hang out
with when you have nothing better to do.
[videogame noises continue]
-[Gina] Hey, they're for everyone.
I really need chocolate,
my period's killing me.
I know, girl, same here.
Reich, do you have something?
I'm in so much pain.
I think so, let me check.
Do you know what's up with Reich?
I don't know,
she's been like that since yesterday.
She looks kinda down.
I talked to her before the party,
something was bothering her.
Maybe we said something the other day.
[noises from TV]
Reich, are you okay?
Yeah, everything's fine.
Listen, if calling you a virgin
made you feel bad, we're sorry.
[Berta] Yeah, the social pressure
to lose your virginity sucks.
Sex should be for pleasure,
not an obligation.
Even if you're in a relationship,
you're not obligated to have sex.
It took me a few months
before I had my first time with Valen.
I broke up with Óscar.
Really? Why?
Are you okay?
Do you want to talk?
No, no, no, thanks.
I just need to hang out with you guys
so I can forget about it.
Okay then,
do you want to play another game?
Let's see who beats who.
Let's go.
[phone rings]
Wow, you finally answered.
I went out dancing, I forgot my phone.
-But you uploaded stories.
-Enough, dude.
I can't be looking after you all day.
Why not? I do!
I know, and that's the problem.
Look, Flor,
the long distance is killing me.
-I can't do this anymore.
- What are you saying?
We need to think about
our relationship, if it's worth it.
Maybe we should take a break.
Dude, we're in fifth place.
If we don't move up, the team's finished.
If I don't go, I won't have a girlfriend.
Come on, dude,
hurry up or I won't make it.
Emma will not play.
[Berta] We've done enough already lately.
Besides, you can't always
have it your way, okay?
Wow, thanks. Thank you so much.
You guys are great friends.
Listen, Germán,
I want to talk to you for a minute.
Maybe today's the day
you regret leaving us.
I was also looking forward to seeing you.
-May the best man win.
-May the best woman win.
[Terrats] Have you ever had any problems
with your body before?
And are you going to have some now
because of some idiots?
-[Lluc] Someone likes Laila.
-Dude, girls can be friends too.
Just try to avoid falling in love.
Don't be like Óscar.
-[Raquel] What do you want?
-Don't you miss me?
I'm going to Buenos Aires.
-We're friends, right?
-I don't know what to do.
[Montse] So, what are you going to do?
If you can't play,
you'll have to figure something out.
[Santi] Júlia?
Take me to the hospital.
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