The Interest of Love (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Did you send us money again?
Goodness. Why did you send so much?
You need money to eat too.
Dad, you've heard of KCU Bank, right?
Yes, I got a job there.
I'm also moving out of the tiny studio
and into a really nice place.
It's better than the studio
because it's got everything.
Of course.
It comes with a gas stove
and a refrigerator.
It's fully furnished.
Dad, on top of that,
the view is amazing here.
You really need to see this too.
Come on. I'm doing fine.
There's no need to worry.
You're the new guy, right?
-Nice to meet you.
-I'm Jeong Jong-hyeon.
-I'm Ma Du-sik.
Are you an aspiring actor?
No, I'm studying
to become a police officer.
An aspiring civil servant then.
Mr. Ma.
I have bad heartburn.
Get me some medicine.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jeong, why don't you go instead?
-Sure, I'll--
-Don't go.
There's a hangover cure
on the second shelf in the locker room.
-Oh, that?
Is that what's on the shelf?
You must be the new security guard.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Ahn Su-yeong.
I'm Jeong Jong-hyeon.
Do you live around here?
I live nearby too. Up there.
Goodbye, then.
About that client who made a scene today…
The crosswalk light will change to red
whenever they try to cross the road.
It's frustrating to see
the light change from green to red
right before you're about to cross.
And they'll always miss the bus by a hair.
And spill red tteokbokki sauce
on their white outfit.
And another thing.
The exchange rate will drop
as soon as they exchange money.
Right, people get
really frustrated when that happens
even though
it doesn't make a big difference.
Let me… ask you a question too.
If I…
If I had kept my promise…
that day at the hotel…
would you have dated me?
Hey, Sang-su!
Let's have a smoke.
Are you close to Ms. Ahn?
Can you set him up with her?
He wants to start dating.
It's just that I'd like to have one last
exciting romance before I get married.
I'm a pretty decent catch, no?
What is it? Is she seeing someone?
Really? Is she seeing someone?
Hi, Jong-hyeon.
No, it's okay.
I had dinner.
What is it? Is she seeing someone?
I've lost my mind. What am I doing?
Why did you just go back in yesterday?
I saw you on the phone.
-About yesterday.
I'm sorry if I made you
feel uncomfortable.
I didn't feel uncomfortable.
Do you want to meet tonight for a bit?
Let's talk after we're done for the day.
Sang-su, call me
when you see this message.
Is that your lunch?
I think it's expired.
It expired yesterday,
so it should be fine.
You were like that in college too.
You're still the same.
Why do you keep speaking so formally?
I did?
Do I make you uncomfortable?
Talk comfortably.
I don't want things to be awkward.
Sang-su, I didn't know you were here.
Hey. Yes.
You didn't answer my calls
when you were there.
Sorry, I ended up
grabbing a drink afterward.
It must've been fun.
Those sessions are all the same.
Why? Did something happen?
Hyeon-a and Hyeong-su
from college are getting married.
You heard, right?
-Let's go there together.
Hi, Su-yeong.
-Let's go to the wedding.
Sang-su seems weird, right?
I'm not sure.
It's because of me.
I told him that I liked him.
He probably feels awkward.
He's so bad at lying.
So are you two dating now?
Not yet.
Knowing him,
he's going to think about it a lot.
It's really difficult to date at work.
But I think I might have a chance.
Sang-su, drink this.
Right. Thank you.
Can you show me the files
that we talked about?
-Here they are.
-I see.
-All the information is here…
-I see.
The total is 123,780 won.
What? That can't be right.
When I counted it at home,
it was 125,780 won.
Would you like me to count it again then?
No, just give it to me.
My wife is alone at home.
Her dementia has gotten worse.
I feel really anxious when she's alone.
I see. Then please take this.
People who need help can use this device
to make emergency calls.
There's a GPS tracker inside, so…
You can find out where your wife is,
and if she calls for help,
you'll be notified immediately.
-I've never heard of this.
-We provide it for free.
I could help connect it
to your phone if you'd like.
The balance is correct.
Okay, let's call it a day.
-Good work.
-Great day.
-Great work today.
-Great day.
Ms. Ahn.
Come with me to meet Punggyeong Products.
Right now, sir?
You couldn't come
while you worked the PB shift.
You're back at your post,
so you should come.
Okay, sir.
Then get changed and come downstairs.
-Goodnight, sir.
-Keep up the good work.
We'll have to meet next time.
It's okay.
Here, let me take that.
-Thank you.
-Good job today.
Look at that.
Why does he always take Ms. Ahn with him?
Is there something going on?
Of course not.
What could possibly go on with them?
Did she look happy to go with him?
She could've just said no, then.
That's our Ms. Bae.
You can tell that she grew up sheltered.
You don't know how
command and discipline work, do you?
-I'm heading out.
Well, what Ms. Bae said isn't wrong.
Ms. Ahn probably gets something
in return for going.
If you're not going to help her,
then at least stop badmouthing her.
It only hurts the victim.
You're acting as if
you're Ms. Ahn's mother.
-You're so protective of her.
-I'm leaving.
Hey, wait up. Let's leave together.
I thought you had plans.
They got canceled. I'll join you.
-Let's go.
Here you go.
We'll continue to support you
in every way we can.
I can't do business alone
in this day and age.
I've come this far
because I have a trustworthy partner.
I see.
I checked your account earlier,
and you have some funds
that will mature in a few weeks.
May I suggest a good product
before they mature?
We recently put together
a product for VIPs…
I thought this was a casual dinner.
Gosh, of course.
It's just that Ms. Ahn
is very dedicated to her job.
Goodness. Allow me to pour you a drink.
Bank clerks are too business-oriented.
They only talk about what they want
in any given situation.
Business dealings stem
from personal relationships, you know.
I'm not like that, sir.
I can see disapproval
written all over her face.
She has a long way to go,
and she has a lot to learn.
Young people these days
are different than us.
I'm getting married.
The parents are meeting this month.
Is it a shotgun wedding?
How can you get married? You just met her.
Marry first, date later.
Guys, my outlook on life has changed.
Think about it. Our ancestors
met their spouse
on their wedding day but lived well.
Getting married
to a suitable partner first
is a system proven by history.
It's not the Joseon era.
There was a higher birthrate
and lower divorce rate back then.
Are you sure about this?
You won't regret it?
Do you know what's funny?
I hesitated a lot
until the moment I made my decision.
But as soon as I decided,
it was really easy to move on.
Will I regret this decision?
I guess it's possible.
But I even have regrets about
not taking a dump before work, so…
Anyway, I've made up my mind.
In that case,
treat us to an expensive meal.
Okay, fine. What do you want?
-This one.
-Get this dish too.
I'll get going too.
You know you were
being bold back there, right?
I thought that was my job--
When you're at a meeting like this,
your job is to entertain the other party,
not offend them.
Anyway, good work, Ms. Ahn.
Wait, Ms. Ahn.
-Take a cab.
-No, I can take a bus.
It'll make me feel better. Just take it.
-No, sir. It's okay.
-Just take the money.
I told you it'd make me feel better.
Just take it!
See you tomorrow.
The meeting went great
thanks to you, Ms. Ahn!
It's good manners to accept
what your superiors give you.
Just take it. It'll make me feel better.
Are you done?
Do you want to meet tomorrow evening?
-Good morning.
-Have you had breakfast?
-I had a sandwich.
-Mr. Ha.
Here's the receipt from last night
for Mr. Yuk's operating expenses.
Did the meeting end late yesterday?
A little.
Okay, I'll process this.
That's our branch manager.
Who was the woman next to him?
All I know is that it wasn't his wife.
She was younger and prettier.
If it was yesterday, then…
Ms. Ahn.
I'm meeting Seonghun Construction today.
Come with me.
Mr. Yuk, let me accompany you today.
They're Ms. Ahn's clients,
so she should go.
You need to play golf
with a client this weekend.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Yuk.
If they need me to explain the product,
I'll visit their office
during business hours.
Are you saying that you won't go?
I feel uncomfortable having drinks
when no business is being conducted.
Are you refusing to do your job
simply because you feel uncomfortable?
Not just today, but from here on out?
I don't believe
it's my duty to entertain clients.
All right. I'll go alone, then.
In that case, Ms. Ahn, you should
clean out the filing room today.
Some of the documents have expired,
and it's a huge mess in there.
Pull them out and organize everything
before our next audit
and have them shredded by Monday.
I'll do it with her, then.
-It's too much to do alone.
-You don't have time for that.
Instead of paying attention
to menial work,
you should update
the list of the Winner's Plan clients.
I want everyone
to focus on their own jobs.
Ms. Ahn.
I hope you don't feel
uncomfortable about this.
I'll do it.
May I give you a hand?
Tell me what to do. I can help.
You should go study.
-But still…
-Mr. Yuk will get mad
if he finds out you were in here.
My gosh, Ms. Ahn
is having the worst day today.
Mr. Yuk used to adore her,
but not anymore.
He's one scary guy.
Cleaning out the filing room
is a two-person job.
It means she has to finish today
in order to shred files by Monday.
She'll have to work this weekend.
This is abuse.
She's pretty tenacious, though.
I'm sure she'll manage.
-Let's go.
What are you doing? Let's go.
You can go on ahead.
Are you okay?
Let me help.
Didn't you hear Mr. Yuk?
He said not to pay attention
to menial work and focus on your job.
This is just repetitive work.
It's okay, really.
I sent you a text message yesterday.
I got tired and fell asleep.
Should I wait?
This is going to take a while.
You should go ahead and leave.
Thank you.
Eat dinner as you work. You got this!
Thank you.
You should've brought
enough food for both of us.
I can't believe
you only got enough for yourself.
You said you were on a diet
and that you weren't going to eat.
This isn't a restaurant.
It's a massage shop.
Why are you eating here?
And what's with the long face?
I'm fine.
You're here often.
I was just bored and stopped by.
Why are you bored?
There are lots of
pretty ladies at the bank…
I mean, there should be.
What about you? Why won't you go on dates?
I dated plenty when I was younger,
so I don't feel the need.
And I had enough passionate relationships
before I met your father.
I don't know if this
is a proper mother-son conversation.
Actually, there was someone
I liked more than him,
but I still married your father.
So I figured you end up marrying
someone whom you're meant to be with.
And thanks to that, I had you.
I realized fiery,
passionate love wasn't everything.
If you just
go with the flow and follow your heart,
you'll end up with a kid with an old soul.
That's life.
Do you want some beer?
No, I have to play golf tomorrow.
Put some ointment on your hands.
They're a mess.
My hands would've looked like flowers
if I lived a sheltered life,
but I had to live under the scorching sun
without a husband to provide shade for me.
Now look at my hands.
So where was I?
That's right.
So as soon as Seong-hye's husband
threw the spoon,
she ducked under the table,
and ended up with a herniated disc.
She's always been like that.
She puts up with everything,
so now her kitchen walls are covered
with an assortment of sauces.
I took a photo. Do you want to see it?
What's funny is that
it looks a bit like a Matisse.
Do you want to chat or eat?
You're just like your dad.
I wanted to get a reaction,
so I put two tablespoons
of salt in his stew.
But he just ate it without a word.
Even monks who made a vow of silence
would talk more than him.
If you have no one to talk to,
then you should meet your friends.
Weren't you listening to me?
They're all busy bickering
with their husbands.
I'm an outcast now.
-Are you finished?
Then come with me.
-What now?
-Hurry now. Come on.
You need to stop shopping.
The price tags are still on this.
Why do you keep buying stuff?
It's my way of protesting
against your dad.
I'm spending as much money as possible,
but I can't make a dent. It's annoying.
Mom, I don't want this. It's not my style.
Just paint on it then.
You love doing that.
Mom, please.
Wait, I got another one.
I'm going out to play golf.
I'll see you at the wedding.
Where are you playing?
I'll pick you up. Let's go together.
President Park, I heard you found
a great plot of land recently.
You'll get hurt if you stand there.
We will do our best for the growth
of both our businesses
through financial support.
Both our businesses?
It's a better business for the bank.
Isn't that why you invited me
out for a round of golf?
President Park, if you read the proposal--
We came to play golf,
so let's just focus on that.
Do you play a little?
-Allow me to introduce--
I was asking him.
I've been practicing a lot.
I'll play with him this time.
Mr. Ha is still a beginner.
He can't even beat me.
What do you think?
Do you run when you don't stand a chance?
I'll give you a handicap.
I won't accept the handicap.
if I win, please consider this proposal.
Thank you.
Nice shot.
Nice shot.
Nice one.
-I'll do it.
-It's okay.
-I got it.
-It's fine.
You should look
a little more to the right.
There's a bit of an incline.
-Nice birdie.
-Nice birdie.
-Congratulations, sir.
Are you really a beginner?
I was just lucky today.
I was the one who got lucky.
I would've lost
if it hadn't been for your advice.
No, sir. It was an honor
to have played with you.
I learned a lot.
All right.
-Good work.
-Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much for your time today.
I want a rematch.
And bring your proposal then.
Thank you, President Park.
You've done well today, Mr. Ha.
-Thank you.
Ms. Park, what brings you here?
I'm here to pick up Mr. Ha
for an engagement.
May I leave with him?
Ms. Park.
-Say hello. This is Daeseong--
We should get going now.
Sure. See you at the bank, Ms. Park.
See you next time, Mr. Ha Sang-su.
-Yes, sir.
Goodbye, sir.
Why did you do that just now?
He's an important client for our branch.
I don't even say hi to him at home.
Why should I do it out here?
That client was my dad.
I'm hungry.
Let's eat as soon as we get there.
-You're here.
-Sang-su, you're here.
It's been a while.
-Have you been well?
-Sang-su, I'll go upstairs first.
-Looking good.
-How have you been?
Good. You don't look too bad yourself.
I just look decent for a bank clerk.
You sure do look like one.
What is it?
Do you want to get married too?
-Let's go in.
-Let's go.
All right.
One has no money
after getting a doctorate,
and the other has never worked a day.
How will they make a living?
I'm so worried.
Why would you say that
on their wedding day?
I'm just worried, that's all.
Marriage should bring benefits,
but this is the opposite.
Who knows if it'll be good or bad?
Only they would know.
Everyone's standard
of happiness is relative.
But there's also an absolute standard.
If you're here to celebrate,
then stick to that.
Don't be so rude.
We don't talk about you behind your back.
We respect your picky standards
when it comes to men.
-Hi, Sang-su.
Does it taste all right?
Yes, it's good.
Enjoy your meal.
Sang-su, is Mi-gyeong
also like this at the bank?
What do you mean?
I mean, she's arrogant.
Pretending like she never benefits
from her rich parents.
You're drunk. That's enough.
She got a full scholarship
throughout college.
I know you're proud
that you received a full scholarship,
but you pretty much stole it
from those who really needed it.
The person who lost the scholarship to you
had to work three jobs, you know.
Do you think you
still would've gotten the scholarship
if you had to work and study too?
You could focus on your studies
because you didn't have to work
thanks to your family's wealth.
The clothes you wear
and that bag you carry…
An ordinary bank clerk can't afford those.
You couldn't have done anything
without your father.
So stop pretending
like you're different from us.
You're being a pretentious hypocrite.
What's gotten into you?
Mi-gyeong, she's just drunk.
I need to go to the ladies' room.
It must be hard for you, Sang-su.
She stands on everyone's help,
thinking she achieved it all on her own.
I understand what you're saying,
but she's working hard and doing well.
I hope you'll apologize to her
when you get the chance.
You caught me, didn't you?
You caught me running away.
Let's have our own reception.
Can you buy me a drink, Sang-su?
Sure. Let's go.
Back in school…
do you know what I loved to do the most?
Because the results are clear.
And no one could say that I won…
thanks to my parents.
I just…
wanted people to acknowledge my effort.
I wanted people to think
that I came this far
and became Park Mi-gyeong
of the Youngpo branch's PB
without the help of my parents.
I also work just as hard as everyone else.
But what's important
is that I'm afraid
you'll just think of this as a rant
coming from a spoiled rich kid.
I don't think of it that way.
Everyone has…
their share of pain and misfortune.
So I don't want to be quick to judge
or comfort you
without knowing the whole story.
I just can't do that.
What you just said…
comforts me the most.
We'll close down the restaurant
and leave. I'm sorry, Su-yeong.
Excuse me.
Goodness, come on in.
Looking for a lease or a tenant?
About the new oyster gukbap place
in the marketplace…
They insisted on opening their business
in that marketplace,
but now they want to cancel the lease.
They don't even mind
paying an early termination fee.
It's as if they're on the run.
They live up the hill.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
Where have you been?
Here's a hangover cure.
I was knocked out, wasn't I?
It's okay, kiddo.
I'll get going now.
Thank you.
Goodness gracious. Oh, dear.
These muscle cramps are killing me.
This is a bank, not a hospital.
-Stop with the fuss.
-What is this?
Did you buy this for me?
Are you crazy?
I just saw them lying around the office.
You should work out more.
All you did was jog, and you're half-dead.
I guess the only muscle
you have is the sphincter.
What do you mean? I have muscles.
They must be playing hide-and-seek
because I can't see them.
Are you feeling okay?
Yes, thanks to someone's hangover cure.
-Let's head to the meeting.
Is Su-yeong still in the filing room?
I hope she's okay.
-Hey, Ji-yun.
Mr. Yuk was spotted.
He was arm-in-arm with a woman
at a naengmyeon place in Jamsil.
Doesn't it look like Su-yeong?
What do you think?
I got this photo too.
My gosh. No way.
This person also looks like Su-yeong.
Maybe they're really seeing each other.
But it's weird.
If they are, why would Mr. Yuk
make her life so miserable?
Maybe it's a lover's quarrel.
-Get dressed.
Is the shredding truck here?
Let's move them together.
You should go to your meeting.
-Are you hurt?
-I'm fine.
You aren't fine. You're hurt.
Why would you…
Don't say you're fine when you're not.
You could've asked me for help
at the very least…
You could've done this another way.
-You didn't have to make it so hard--
-What other way?
You may find me frustrating,
but I'm trying to get through this
in my own way.
This is who I am here.
You know that, Mr. Ha.
It's funny…
how you thought
I had a choice in this matter.
Every day has been a struggle for me
at this bank since day one.
So don't mind me and go to your meeting.
Mr. Ha.
Please stand up.
Thanks to Mr. Ha,
the Youngpo branch got a chance
to become business partners
with Daeseong Construction.
Thanks to talented employees like him
who love our company,
we are able to march forward
despite people complaining
and neglecting their duties.
Mr. Ha.
The Deposits Team is missing a person
with Ms. Ahn shredding files,
so General Affairs should help.
And do not leave your post
trying to help Ms. Ahn.
If you do,
it'll be considered a dereliction of duty.
Is he saying
that he'll also hold us responsible
if we help her out?
He's completely bullying her.
This is ridiculous.
Where are you headed in such a hurry?
The meeting is over.
We can get by without you, Ms. Ahn.
So just go do your job.
-Let's go.
If you ask me,
Ms. Ahn is being stubborn.
If she apologizes
and says she won't do it again,
I'm sure Mr. Yuk would accept the apology.
So what if he does?
She'll have to go to those meetings again.
What's wrong with that?
I go to those meetings too.
No one here
has been to those drinking meetings
more than she has.
It's part of life
to humor people when you need to.
I'm all about enjoying life,
but even I hold back sometimes.
How could a senior clerk
with no connections
have the guts to talk back
to the branch manager?
You all think she overreacted, don't you?
What do you think, Mr. Ha?
It's a choice she made.
If we step in hastily,
she could get in further trouble.
Yes, hello.
I'm calling about Mr. Park
and what happened last Friday…
No, it's not that.
What do you think, Mr. Ha?
It's a choice she made.
Why do you look so worn out?
Don't force me.
You're forcing me
to forgive him just because you did.
It's not like that, Su-yeong.
Back then, when Dad…
When that man abandoned us…
and you had to work at a restaurant
while selling insurance…
The first thing I did when you came home
was check your feet,
wondering if they'd be
covered in blood again.
I was worried every single day.
On the day of Su-hyeok's death…
I went to meet the person
who picked up his cell phone.
Yes, I just arrived.
Thank you.
Why did he come here?
Why are you here, Dad?
Who's that woman?
We couldn't reach you for months. Why…
Did Su-hyeok see this too?
Did he come to this neighborhood
because of you?
Are you Mr. Ahn Su-hyeok's guardian?
The patient just passed away.
"How did we end up like this?"
I thought about it again and again.
But I couldn't think of what it was
that we had done wrong.
That's why I can't understand
why you chose to forgive him.
Your father is…
a good man.
Only he and I know…
the sorrow of losing a child.
As you live on,
you realize that nothing really matters.
Don't hate your dad.
It's all my fault.
How is it your fault?
A parent who loses a child
lives forever in pain.
But that's my pain to bear.
So please…
don't hate anybody.
Just keep the restaurant open.
Stay here. I'll bring an umbrella.
What's wrong, Mom?
Why are you walking like that?
What happened?
How long has it been like this?
I'm fine.
It doesn't bother me. I'm used to it now.
-It doesn't hurt. I'm fine.
-You're not fine!
Why do you walk with a limp?
Mom, why on earth…
Can you stop making me feel bad for you?
Can you please stop living like this?
Here's what it is.
I like you.
I said I like you.
I'm afraid I have bad news.
They were right. I'm dating Mr. Jeong.
I hurt his pride for nothing.
And all though I had feelings for him…
If I had kept my promise…
that day at the hotel…
would you have dated me?
I couldn't bring myself to be honest…
because I could understand…
why he hesitated.
So I did not have the right…
to be honest about my feelings.
No matter how hard I tried,
I was stuck where I was
and couldn't go any further.
Are you all right?
But despite all this…
this man…
The weather is great, right?
This is my favorite weather.
Our neighborhood
looks the most beautiful when it rains.
Ms. Ahn.
Should we run?
Let's run.
Thank you.
I got this for you too.
Why are you so nice to me?
Come on.
If you don't know why, then you're a fool.
I just think you're cool.
Ms. Ahn, you're such a cool person.
So you're not foolish at all.
In five years,
you'll shine even more brightly than now.
It'll be unimaginable.
Can you stop going on blind dates?
I like you, Ms. Ahn.
I waited for you to tell you that.
Why do you keep comforting me?
All done.
Make sure you put a fresh one on later.
I want to be more than just your neighbor.
I'm trying really hard
to become your boyfriend.
What I mean is--
Be my boyfriend.
You wrapped my finger nicely.
Really? Do you mean it?
Yes, I mean it.
This isn't a dream, is it?
We're from the Audit Team.
I see.
What brings you here?
We need to confirm a few things.
This way, please.
Can you please bring in some tea?
-Do you think it's about that?
-About what?
Mr. Yuk's affair.
Why would they come here
over a private matter?
They might if his mistress
is someone in the office.
Mr. Ma Du-sik.
Ms. Bae Eun-jeong.
They want you in there one at a time.
Why me?
They want to talk to you two.
All I ever did was butter up my superiors.
What do you want to ask me?
Everything we talk about here
will be kept confidential.
Ahn Su-yeong!
I can take care of this myself.
Don't worry about me, Mr. Ha.
Don't they look good together?
He must really like her.
I'm so jealous that they're dating.
You're going to think of me
whenever you see a tow truck from now on.
Think of me, Sang-su. Abracadabra!
I can't seem to reach you, Jong-hyeon.
Is something wrong?
-Doesn't this feel great?
-Yes, it does.
Mr. Ha. You should meet a woman
who can fulfill your desires.
Then what about you? Did you meet someone
who could fulfill your desires?
Su-yeong. I have something to tell you.
Subtitle translation by: Eunsook Youn
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