The Legacy (2014) s01e05 Episode Script

Afsnit 5

Previously - It's not every day you meet
someone who wants to give away ten million.
According to these papers
you're transferring the house
- Yes.
I would strongly advise you
to take time out to think it over
before signing anything at all.
It is a chance you'll never be
given again.
I want to be able to look
my siblings in the face.
It's ten million krone
and you're making it sound like
- you've giving them a bar of chocolate.
- Why can't you think of anything
- but that fucking money?
- She isn't thinking straight.
She might have seen things
a bit differently
if you two hadn't lied
to her all her life.
I heard that Frederik is
against the museum, is that so?
He just needs to get used to the idea.
He knows I got that letter
from Veronika, right?
No, I wanted
to have everything in place first.
Gro has drawn up a contract for me
to give it to the trust.
Gro has drawn up a contract?
It means Gro gets her museum
and we get nothing
- if Signe signs the damned thing.
- I need some money right now.
Yes, I hear what you say,
but I can't do anything about it.
OK, Frederik and Emil
will share the big house,
Gro gets the barn and the whole
of this bit of the grounds
is for the museum and the new building.
The museum can't be built
in a barn in Frederik's back garden.
It's better than you walking off
with the lot.
I can't go along with it I am afraid.
Sunshine, art doesn't mean
the same to us as it did to mum.
It was sweet of you to try.
I think Veronika gave me the house
in an attack of conscience.
Art was what mattered most to her.
I think it mattered more than her family.
She's bloody well gone and done it.
- She has given the house to Gro.
- I don't believe it.
My caravan mustn't be moved.
But what do you think Frederik
will do if he gets the house?
- Frederik? - Yes.
- Frederik won't chuck me out.
- If you get the house
- Yes?
What about my caravan,
can it stay put?
Yes, of course.
Where else would it go?
I think you should have a look
at those trust papers.
What's wrong with them?
I don't think it's Veronika's signature
on those papers.
- Hi.
- Hi there.
I thought you were going
to fix some lunch?
- What are you doing?
- It's this museum trust thing.
Forensic handwriting analyst,
Eva Mikkelsen.
Well, if we're going to have a bite
to eat before we go, now's the time.
- Go and get your shoes.
- Go? - It's Saturday.
- Ville has football.
- This is very important.
I'm going to have to go to the office
for a meeting about the signature
- on the trust papers.
- Why?
Thomas has told me that it may
not be Veronika who signed them.
- And how does he know?
- Well, I don't know.
- No, don't put them on the dining table.
- Mummy, why haven't you washed this?
- What?
- Why haven't you washed it?
- I don't know. Do you need it now?
- It's Anna's,
- I am going to her place tonight.
- I'll wash it
and she'll just have to wait
till next time you go.
Come on, she has so many Frederik,
why didn't you tell me about this before?
That it's forgery, Solveig?
I can't go round spreading
that kind of rumour
to just anyone.
Just anyone?
Did you really say that?
Well, I just wanted to wait
till I was 100% certain.
25 people are waiting for me
to deliver a paper at that seminar
and I have to be there
in half an hour's time,
so you will just have to sort
this out yourself.
Can Emil take him?
He'd love that. He loves Emil.
I love you.
I miss you.
They're both on sleepovers tonight,
so I thought I'd cook us a nice dinner.
Yes, I'll be back as quick as I can.
Here comes Ronaldo
and he turns and he shoots.
- Emil, it is OK by you?
- Yeah, sure, it's fine.
- Thank you, you are a hero.
- No, you'll spoil it.
- Look, it's stretched totally out.
- Sorry, I'll take it off in a moment.
Eat this, darling.
Look, and here is your bag.
- Have you seen this?
- Yeah, most people think
I will look totally cool!
Just look at these colours,
- it's so gorgeous, right?
- Yes.
Solveig, Hannah is going to have
this from me as her birthday present.
- That eagle. I don't think so.
- It's amazing though. - Yes.
- Just a teeny one on my back.
- Emil, it is almost time to go to soccer.
- Is it now?
- If you're going to make it, it's now.
- Villads, I'll just change my top, OK?
- Yes. - Be right with you.
Emil, I was thinking about tonight.
I would really like some time alone
with Frederik. We haven't been alone
without the kids for ages and ages.
You want sex, that's fine, I'll eat out.
OK, thanks.
- Hannah. - Thanks.
- Be with you in a second, Villads.
Are you sure I'm allowed to go in this?
Of course you are.
I got it to work.
I took the engine out and everything.
Dad says it is dangerous.
Dad's the one who's dangerous,
very, very dangerous in fact.
No, it's OK, and tell you what,
we'll drive very carefully, all right?
- How much is a car like this worth?
- I have no idea.
- That's a good question.
- More than three million?
Probably not more than three million,
but that is certainly hop in, then
a very good question.
But why do you have to knock off
so soon? It's only 11.30.
Gro wants me to get there before.
I have to meet the trustees and stuff.
- Isn't it OK?
- Of course it is.
I can shut up shop for you on Monday.
What is it?
- I can tell you don't like it.
- No, but that van is always away.
- But do you need it?
- No, but it costs a lot of money
and you are not the one who owes
250,000 to the bank, are you?
I just didn't think you needed it.
You've got nothing
but that art crap on the brain.
Hey, listen, actually
I was thinking of asking you
to be there for champagne
at the openings and all.
- Who'd mind the shop in the meantime?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Do you think we can borrow
Michael's moped to get there?
I don't know. Why?
Can't we take the van?
Yes, just make sure you bring it back
as soon as you've dropped her off.
Of course.
- Got everything?
- Yes.
See you.
Look, I'm not hungry.
A drop of coffee,
you'd like that though.
I talked to the architects. They're
not going to move your caravan.
And why not?
Because it's important
that you are part of this
and that's always been the idea
in Veronika's plans too.
That wasn't what you said last time
we talked about it, was it?
No, I got so annoyed with you
because you are so stubborn.
Look, we'll simply increase the height
of the suspension bridge
- and you'll be able to stay put.
- You might have told me before!
Yes, but I had to talk to them
to figure out what we could do.
If you think it'll be too massive
living under the bridge,
you can always move your caravan.
It's up to you.
Aren't you going to wash
your hands first?
And I was thinking you should be
on the board of trustees too.
Me, I can't even understand
my own bank statement.
No, but you can regard it as somewhere
you can meet lots of interesting people
- you can mix with.
- Yes, well, the thing is, it's more, like
I don't have the time really.
- Oh, is he?
You can have some jolly good chats
about art together.
The thing is it's not that,
it's the question of time, you see.
The founding meeting of the board
of trustees is at 3 p. m. today.
What about Frederik and Emil,
are they coming?
They've been invited,
but I'm afraid not.
Dad, they'll come round, don't worry.
The door's open!
- Yes.
I am from Langbjerg's the undertakers.
- Is that
- Yes, my condolences.
I'd like a signature, please.
- What's that?
- It's mum.
What if they ask me
about anything to do with art?
I haven't the foggiest. Can't you just
say:"I am fascinated by the modernicity
of modern modernism?"
Something like that.
They'll love you,
and if not they are a bunch of morons.
Enjoy your training session.
Hey, my bag!
I thought we were trying for a baby?
Yes, I should have said.
Yes, you really should.
I just want to wait a bit.
- Hey, do you hate me?
- Yes, a little.
- Hi, Gro.
- Hi.
I am sorry.
- What?
- About your mother.
I am a great fan of her works.
Yes, they are very popular.
- Have you looked at the papers?
- Yes. Now, look
This is her signature from an older
document, look at the sloping letters,
- especially the e's.
- Yes.
But on this card she sent your son
last year the e's are upright again.
- And?
- Well,
it shows she went on developing
till the very end.
But then things get stranger.
- On Signe's letter.
- Yes.
If you look here, you can see
that the signatures on Signe's letter
and your son's card are almost identical.
But on the trust papers
- They are sloping again.
- Yes. Precisely.
So she wrote every which
way and you can't conclude
Oh, yes, I can. The signature
on the trust papers is a forgery.
It's been copied from a document
at least five years old.
- You are certain?
- 99 per cent.
Bloody hell. I mean, it's unbelievable!
Just let me know if you need
a written statement for the police.
Right, yes.
- May I take these blow-ups with me?
- Of course.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
my God, they are crooked.
Why's that?
- Will you bring in a cloth for the table,
Rene? - Yes.
There will be a bite to eat
and a glass of wine after the meeting;
it'll be very relaxed. Do you mind
pressing the down arrow in the corner?
And again.
- Yes, that's perfect.
- And then just back to the beginning?
It came today, it's got mum's ashes in.
What's going to happen to it?
Bury it in the garden and plant
and apple tree on top.
- Is that allowed?
- Not if you ask for permission.
Do you mind finding somewhere for it
on top of the shelf
- to get it out of the way a bit?
- Sure.
Wow, how amazing!
Peter Wulf. Peter Wulf, isn't
that the guy with the dresses?
He is chairman of the ACD trust.
They are rolling in money.
Robert Eliasen,
that's the gallerist, isn't it?
- Yes.
- What have you got going with him?
- What do you mean?
- There is something between you.
- I think I'll tell you another day.
- So there is something
This one?
I am quite sure
Robert would like this one best.
Oh, so that's what you think?
That dress is also lovely.
That one doesn't suit me anymore.
It makes me look like a man.
No, you're the most stylish
person I know!
- Would you like to try it on?
- Me? - Yes.
If it suits you, it's yours.
You look gorgeous.
Wow, how lovely!
How does it fasten?
Wow, how lovely!
Bloody hell, I look like
somebody from an arts foundation.
And how does one look like
somebody from an arts foundation?
- They look like you.
- Like me? What are you talking about?
The kind who greet the queen.
All smart hats and:
Qu'est que ce que
j'aime bien avec les croisssants.
- Where does the queen come into it?
- I don't know.
All those fine public figures
I mean, I
They won't be here today.
You'll be centre stage.
Veronika's unknown daughter.
So just relax!
- Wow, you both look great!
- Thanks.
- Are my cigarettes in here somewhere?
- I have no idea. - There they are.
- That's a really nice shirt.
- Stan Getz.
- I am just about to go out.
- Will you come downstairs a moment?
Will you do me a favour
and pop this round to Signe's?
What is all this?
Well, I expect she'd like her stuff,
wouldn't she?
- You can't be serious.
- Why not?
What do you think she'll think
when she sees all that?
I have no idea.
She wants her own life, right?
- Lise.
- What?
It's really like you want
to escalate this war.
Listen, I did my level best for her.
All her life, right?
So if she doesn't want to see us
we sort of can't do anymore, can we?
Give me a hand!
What can she do?
You are on her back all the time.
You've been suffocating her!
So now it's my fault that
she doesn't want to see us anymore?
No, but it's just like
you're punishing her.
Punish her? What would you do?
You're so good at sorting things out.
If you were her mother
you would not be doing this.
- Out it came, eh?
- I am sorry.
You've always felt that way.
That I should be grateful.
- For being allowed to share in her.
- I miss her too, damn it, don't I.
And that I should spend
my life in fear.
- I miss her
- Fear of losing you, of losing her
but let me tell you, I can't
go on being afraid any longer.
If you won't help me now,
I'll do it myself.
- Will you bring the cardboard box?
- I will do that.
Damn it
I don't think they are in.
No, they aren't,
so we'll just leave it all here.
I'll write her a note at least.
- Will you write her a note?
- Yes.
What are you writing?
Just that it's her stuff
and we've left it here.
- I must get to the sports hall.
- Yes.
You can drop me off on the way.
- Hi.
- Hi. - Hi.
- How did the meeting go?
- Very well. - And?
- He is in.
- How much "in"? - 5 million.
- How did you do it?
- It cost a six course dinner,
five bottles of wine and one hell of
a lot of yacking about his collection.
You are so good!
- It's the 1978 model?
- A 78, yes.
- A Californian import?
- Yep.
So it has never been
driven on salted roads?
- It certainly bloody hasn't.
- No? - Never.
Well, tell you what
- I'll just have a look at the chassis, too.
- Feel free.
It's got to be in order.
You're not answering your phone.
- I don't know. It's probably indoors.
- They're forgeries. - What are?
The trust papers. Forgeries.
- What are you on about?
- It wasn't mum
- who signed those trust papers.
- Oh? So who did?
Well, who do you think?
Gro did, of course.
- Of course she didn't.
- Yes, she did.
Mum had some ideas about some kind of
trust. But she hadn't made up her mind.
- And Gro made the decision for her.
- And what if she did?
It's chapter 171 of the penal code.
Forgery. Six years in prison.
You wouldn't send your sister
to prison,
- come off it.
- Of course I would.
We'll go to the house
and put a stop to this madness.
- Up where?
- They're founding the trust today.
- I'm not interrupting some meeting.
- You'll go with me
and you will do your bit.
I've just secured your inheritance.
What are you doing here?
Standing here washing the car.
I've got stuff going on.
Washing the car.
And what's this?
The registration form?
A bill of sale?
- They have to be in the car.
- Not a bill of sale!
- It does!
- Are you selling the car?
- No. Give me a break!
- Yes, you are. - No, I'm not.
There is rust on the rear suspension.
I'll give you 89.
Hey, listen up,
I told you it wasn't for sale.
- 89 and a half.
- I told you it's not for sale.
- It isn't for sale.
- It isn't for sale.
OK, 90 and not a penny more.
We can keep things tight at first
and then make a big splash.
We have to maintain control.
There was a big article in one
of the German papers about Hamburg.
Hi, baby.
You can't do that to me, Thomas.
It's not just hearsay.
I am in regular touch with them
Shall we sit down?
Slow down a bit, will you?
How lovely to see you all!
We're embarking on Scandinavia's
most ambitious art project.
Or so I read in the papers yesterday,
so we'd better get a move on!
Ease up a bit, Frederik,
you're driving like a madman.
How much do you owe?
That means 200, knowing you.
250, actually.
Frederik, please slow down,
I don't like going this fast.
- Tell me how come.
- Yes, I'll tell you how come
- if you slow down. How come what?
- How come 250,000, of course?
It's a lot of money.
Are you in some kind of trouble?
And with us today is
- Signe
- God!
I'd like to thank my sister, Signe,
who was born here.
Your generosity means
that we can all meet here today.
Thank you, Gro.
Slow down a bit,
will you? Damn it, Frederik!
Thank you. Racing along like that!
I'm sorry.
- Yes, no problem, just drive sensibly.
- That's not what I mean.
I mean I'm sorry
I didn't take better care of you.
Come off it. It wasn't your job.
Actually it was.
You are the only person
I have always been able to turn to.
Don't say sorry.
Just stick to the speed limit.
All right?
Now for the matter of Thomas's house.
Veronika wanted Thomas
to be part of the project.
She wanted his home to stay on the site.
So after some discussion
we have figured out that
- You made it!
- Hi. - How lovely!
This is Frederik and Emil, my brothers.
Do you have you a moment?
- Can't it wait till afterwards?
- Now. In the next room, I think.
Excuse me for a moment.
Should I go with her?
No, no. Just let them
sort it out between them.
- What is this?
- What do you think?
- I have no idea.
- These papers are forgeries.
- What papers?
- The trust papers.
- Frederik thinks you
- What are you talking about?
Gro, I would really advise you
not to lie about this,
it is a very serious crime.
It has nothing to do with me.
- So, who signed them?
- I haven't the foggiest.
All right,
in that case
I'll have to go to the police.
You do understand that when I go
to the police they will investigate,
and it carries a prison sentence?
Then that is just
what you will have to do.
I will ask you for the last time:
- Did you sign these papers?
- No
it was what she wanted.
So you admit it?
I didn't forge anything!
She just didn't get round to it
before she died, so I helped her.
- Damn it, Gro!
- Don't her wishes matter to you?
No, they don't. In law, without
a signature nobody wants anything.
- It was her life's dream.
- It's your bloody dream,
for your own sake so you can go on
prancing around fixing everything,
- you are sick.
- Calm down!
- Like hell! You have defrauded us.
- Easy now.
This can mean up to six years in prison.
I should go to the police.
I am afraid we'll have to stop here.
- What do you expect me to do?
- I expect you to go back inside
and dissolve the board of trustees.
Tell them new information has emerged
rendering the project impossible.
Then the three of us
can sit down and thrash it out.
Ah, there she is.
I am afraid we'll have to stop here.
- Stop what?
- Sadly, the museum just isn't to be.
- Gro, what is going on?
- New information has emerged
which means that the project cannot be
carried out. I am terribly sorry.
What do you mean,
what kind of information?
- I am afraid I can't divulge it.
- Surely we can sort it out?
- I am afraid not.
- Is it something your brother is saying?
- Can we talk to him?
- No, you can't.
You will have to go now.
- Do you realise what you are doing?
- Yes.
I think we had better declare
the meeting adjourned.
Thank you for coming.
I am terribly sorry.
What is going on?
I simply don't get it.
- What were you thinking of?
- I am sorry. I really am.
I thought Gro was reliable.
What do you expect me
to tell my own trustees?
- Gro, what happened?
- Go home.
- No matter what, we can sort it out
- Go home!
What happened?
She won't even talk to me.
She put the signature
on Veronika's trust papers.
Oh, I am sure she wouldn't do that.
She has just admitted it. And Frederik
has had the papers forensically tested.
- Is it true?
- Veronika died before
she could get round to signing.
I signed the papers.
- So it wasn't what she wanted at all?
- Yes. I helped her.
Helped her? Gro!
You'll have to talk to Frederik.
You're full of shit, Gro!
- Will you come back a moment?
- No. - Signe?
We must find a solution.
I suggest the four of us discuss it
tomorrow. 11 a. m. at my office?
- OK.
- 11 o'clock. - Yes.
Say something.
I'll call you.
Won't you stay for a bit?
There is a whole load of people
to whom I am now a laughing stock.
I am going to have to talk to them.
How dare you walk in like that?
It's not all right.
All right, Thomas. In that case why
did you tell me about the signature?
Not so you'd you burst in
and ruin everything.
No, but
Was it you who told him?
Report to my office
at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
All this crap everywhere
What the hell is this?
It's mum.
I can't do it.
What can't you do?
I'll have to go to the office to get some
of these things sorted out for tomorrow.
Can I get you to tell Solveig
I'll be back late tonight?
Wasn't it tonight she'd arranged
for the kids to be out and all that?
Sure. I know that perfectly well,
but I've simply got to go to the office
to get this sorted.
It's stressing me out.
Frederik, for fuck's sake,
she's been cooking all day!
Please won't you just go inside
and tell her I won't be back
- from the office till late.
- She's your wife, you go in!
Do you mind not poking your nose
into my life right now and just tell her
- I'll be late. Go inside and
- What is wrong with you?
I've got to go. I am going now.
- It's a bit over the top, isn't it?
- What is? - Candles.
And I've spent hours in the kitchen.
It was kind of overdoing it really.
I think everything
is almost sorted, right?
There won't be a trust;
all that's left is to figure out
what to do.
- But I think it'll be sorted soon.
- I just don't see why.
- Why what?
- Look around you.
We have two wonderful children,
a big house,
loads of money
I know he wants to fight
for that legacy
and we've been really busy.
But I can't
I can't work out what he wants.
What does he want?
And it is just getting worse and worse.
I've never known him to be like this.
He doesn't sleep at night.
I shouldn't sit here
unloading on you like this.
Oh, that's all right.
Unload away!
- Do you like meat loaf?
- You bloody bet I do!
- It's Frederik's favourite.
- It's mine too. I love it.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Sorry I'm late.
- That's OK.
- How did the meeting go?
- It's all off.
- What?
- There'll be no museum.
Veronika didn't sign the house
over to a trust. Gro did.
- I don't believe it.
- She forged the signature.
How will it affect things?
I don't know. I am seeing Frederik
tomorrow at his office.
- And what the heck is all that?
- My stuff.
Lise and John brought it round
and left it here.
They just let themselves
in and dumped it here?
Everything I do is wrong.
They've purged me from their home
and you hate me because of the pill.
- No, I understand you and it's OK.
- Please will you stop saying OK!
It really pisses me off!
I ruin everything.
I should have accepted the money
like you said,
- Yes, I am.
Gro tricked me from the word go.
Tomorrow I'll go to that meeting
and Frederik will offer me
some money and I'll just accept.
Unless we want to move
into that house, Signe.
I've had enough.
I'll sign and that will be it.
I've had enough.
What's all this?
I just thought, well, it's been
needing it for years.
I see.
Don't you think it'll look lovely?
I'll do the woodwork, too, afterwards.
At the sports hall they asked after you;
they were expecting you, too.
I know, but I have just been so busy.
The boys are in good shape.
I reckon we can beat Viby tomorrow.
I've agreed with Mette that she
is going instead of me tomorrow.
She knows what to do.
I see.
Is it too white?
Should I add a spot of yellow
to tone down the brightness?
- Maybe that would be an idea, possibly.
- No, not yellow.
But I am "lonely and miserable
and abandoned".
Welcome to the club!
What will become of us?
Can you tell me that?
What will become of all of us lonely,
abandoned people?
- I think most of us will die one day.
- So who's going to come to our rescue?
Nobody can.
We are all in free fall.
What the heck are you up to?
Are you OK?
You can't just throw yourself
down like that!
Come on! Upsidaisy!
I'd like to emphasise
that I don't normally get so drunk.
No? OK, if you say so.
Did you hurt yourself?
- Hello!
- Hey.
I must say
- Hi.
- Way up.
- Hey.
- Hi. Hey.
I have drawn up a contract now
and everything is ready.
- Excellent.
- Hi there. - Hey.
- Hi.
- How super!
But it's your own fault
that we ate your dinner.
I am sorry.
I don't know
what's come over me lately.
We had meat loaf. It was delicious.
I am sorry, both of you.
I have fixed it
so you can have 100,000 in advance.
- Oh, right!
- Just to keep you afloat.
- Nice, nice, nice.
- Now we're getting the legacy.
- That is just brilliant!
- But you'll have to stay here
- until the estate has been divided.
- Yes, of course.
- Yes?
- Yes, I'll stay around.
- Right?
- Yes.
- You can stay here.
- Thanks.
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful.
- We were about to watch the TV.
- What's on?
Hey, is that you, my beautiful?
What happened here?
There was a conversation.
- What's that?
- A bit of ash.
You're going to smoke her?
Well, it'll sort of make her
kind of part of everything.
- Have you got a corkscrew?
- It's too cold to sit here.
We can go up to the house.
Why did you dump Signe's stuff
at our place?
Lise thought Signe might want it.
Look, what the hell is going on?
Signe is getting totally cut up
about it. Don't you see?
By the way, Stig has called
to say Carsten isn't playing,
so if they do a fake 'East German',
we won't need to go right up close
like we talked about.
Just keep that in mind.
OK, lads, listen up!
- You can't go on your own.
- No, but Andreas is playing away today.
- I can go with you instead.
- There's no need.
I'm just going to go there
and hear what they have to say.
And you'll come back a millionaire.
Promise you'll phone when it's over
and you've talked to them!
- Do you want the van?
- No, I can easily go by bus.
But it'd be OK.
Katja, the bus goes practically
to the door. It really is OK.
- See you.
- See you.
Effects, bank accounts and stocks and
bonds, we'll share equally between us.
You can decide on the works of art.
You can buy Emil out whenever it suits you.
I can easily wait to claim
my third share
until you've found the right buyers
and all that,
and as for your own third you can
decide what you want to do with it.
- And the house?
- I'll buy you out.
I've had it professionally valued.
10.5 million is fair.
- Sunshine? What about her?
- She's not really entitled to anything.
But to save all of us a lot of bother
I've decided to buy her out
- and offer her 2.5 million.
- What if she says no?
- What choice has she?
- She could claim the house.
If we all stand up in court
and say the same thing
she won't have a leg to stand on,
and without your help
- she won't even consider suing.
- I'm not intending to testify against her.
- It's more than just a very fair offer
we're making her. - Listen to you!
I would hate to involve the police
in this, forgery carries a possible
- six year prison sentence.
- Are you threatening me?
Cut it out, both of you! Nobody's
going to report anyone to the police
and nobody is going to prison.
She is being made an excellent offer.
We'll talk to her nice and quietly
and we'll get it all sorted. OK?
I'll do the talking.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You've brought a tree?
- It's for Veronika's ashes.
It'll grow really big.
They're Filippa apples.
Veronika's ashes.
Yes, for when they're buried
in the garden.
- She is not going in that garden.
- Frederik!
- She is not going in that garden.
- Would you like some water or coffee?
A glass of water, please.
Anyway, Signe, it's all very simple.
Veronika's trust turns out to be invalid.
- Because Gro signed.
- Precisely.
So things have changed.
We don't think the letter
you received from Veronika
can serve as a deathbed will,
but nevertheless we'd like
to buy you out anyway,
and as you can see here
we are proposing to offer you
the 2.5 million
I already offered you once before.
Why do that if you don't think
she wanted me to have the house?
Well, that's a good question.
But if I were you I'd hurry up
and sign it.
The alternative is that
you'll lose everything in court.
- It's only fair to tell her where she
stands. - All right. - Yes. - Yes.
The fact is we'll all testify
against you in court.
Right, Gro?
It's a really fine offer.
You'll be bought out on exactly
the same terms as the rest of us.
- So let's get it over with shall we
- What's in it for you, Frederik?
An extremely fair deal for everyone.
And what about us?
What about us?
We're still a kind of family, right?
Yes, of course we are.
And you, Frederik,
will I still be part of your family?
I won't lie to you, Signe.
We've known each other
Just a couple of months.
I don't think you are
part of my family.
But once you've signed
on the dotted like you'll be a millionaire
and you'll be able to play
families with anyone you like.
I'm not signing.
I'll fight for the house
Veronika wanted me to have.
It'll be very nasty in court.
I won't go easy on you.
I couldn't care less, Frederik.
I am not going along with this.
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