The Legend of Hanuman (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Spirits Of The Forest

This is an age of darkness
where horrors stalk the shadows
of our lands.
For many, there is no hope that
beauty will ever return to the forest.
Yet, beauty is not frail.
Its strength can still be found.
Yet, there are divine beings
still giving hope.
But their light has become faint
and may soon be extinguished forever.
Angad, I'm sorry.
Something's disturbing you,
my friend.
"My friend"?
Who conspired to kill my father?
Who brought outsiders into our home?
Who killed the rightful king
through deceit?
"My friend!"
King Sugreev has given us
an important mission.
That must tell you
how much he values you.
Sugreev sent us on a mission
doomed to fail.
Can't you see that?
If we don't find Princess Sita
in a month, all our lives are forfeit.
Listen to Prince Angad.
His words speak the truth.
We have all been deceived
by King Sugreev.
Do you think he's right, brother?
That this is a fool's quest?
Is that why Sugreev picked us?
Give it!
Give it!
Hungry! Give me now.
I'm sure Angad went this way.
Are you sure?
I don't want to get lost.
What are they?
Fresh meat for us.
I have never seen such a beast.
He chilled my blood.
We dare not attack.
Then what shall we do?
They journey towards
We shall go to our queen.
She will arrange
an appropriate greeting.
Look there.
I was wondering
if they would appear.
What are they, Jambhvan?
These are the Vandevata,
spirits of the woods, Hanuman.
And they seem drawn
towards our prince.
How have we never seen them before?
So close to Kishkindha.
When I was much younger,
they could be found
in every part of this forest.
They were magical times.
Now they are few. Exiled, hunted.
Who would commit such a crime?
The dark reflections.
The rakshasas.
The demons feed
upon these gentle creatures.
They need our help.
That must be why
they showed themselves to us.
What a stench!
This must be the cave of some beast.
No. Feel it. It's not stone.
It's bone.
This isn't a cave, Angad.
This is the remains of a beast.
Look at the size of it.
What could have killed it?
Whatever it was. It's gone.
For now.
Let's find the others.
The demon that did this
is an abomination of this forest.
Then our duty is clear.
We must find it and destroy it.
Look over there.
That path was made by something big.
Come on, Hanuman.
Wait, Angad.
We don't know what we're up against.
Wait? Since when are you scared,
my friend?
We aren't here to hunt demons, Angad.
Finding Princess Sita is our only mission.
If we do nothing, what happens
to the vanadevata? They'll be wiped out.
King Sugreev gave us a mission, Angad.
To uphold dharma,
that is your mission.
What you see as separate
is all part of a single whole.
The forces of adharma are rising.
Only we can stop them.
You and me
on the same side for once.
I've always been on your side, Angad.
Stay close, brother.
Are you frightened, brother?
No. Of course not.
Why? Are you?
Why should I be frightened?
We're just in a dark forest
searching for a giant demon
armed with little more
than a stick and a toy.
Perhaps the demon has run away?
Of course! That's exactly what's happened.
There is nothing to worry about.
I bet the rakshas has run off
and is far away from here.
Lucky for the rakshas then.
If I had gotten my hands on it,
well, I would have torn it in two.
I would have chopped it
into pieces. Easy!
See this?
That's what I would have done.
Snapped it into a dozen pieces.
No, a hundred pieces.
Is that right? Can you even count that
high? Just a moment. I would've just
ripped it into
Nal, I'd stop that if I were you.
Once I start, there's no stopping me.
Help me! Help me, Nal!
It's trying to eat me.
Help! Help, Hanuman!
The forest is haunted! We must flee!
Hanuman, we have to go back
to Kishkindha. Immediately!
Sooner, if possible!
What is this place?
An encampment.
Of the rakshasas.
Looks like they've abandoned the place.
But why?
Let's clear out the biggest building.
We'll all sleep in there tonight.
We'll take shifts on watch,
just in case.
You think they might come back?
It was here a moment ago.
Where did it go?
My silver armlet.
My father gave it to me
just before we left.
I promised him I'd look after it,
and now it's gone.
Perhaps it fell off in the forest?
No, I removed it just a minute ago.
Where is it?
Where is what?
You've been looking at it all day.
I know you have it. Give it to me.
You're mad!
I have nothing of yours.
I know you took it.
Leave my things alone.
- Leave it!
- Hey!
You wretch!
How dare you lay your hands
on my belongings?
Your father is a thief, not me.
We do not whip our own.
What's going on?
Hariya has my armlet, Hanuman.
It's my father's.
He's a thief. He always has been!
How many families did he steal from
and ruin when he served Vaali?
The reign of Vaali is over.
What happened then is the past.
Well? Do you have the armlet?
No, my Lord. I swear it.
Search my belongings,
meagre as they are. You'll find nothing.
I am your humble servant.
Get up.
It's dark and easy to miss things.
Tomorrow morning we'll search
the camp properly.
We'll find the armlet.
Don't worry.
If you say so, Hanuman, but
We are all allies here.
We need to trust one another.
The fools.
Hanuman will lead us all
to our deaths.
Who's there?
Is that you, Nil?
If it's you, Nil, I'll skin your hide!
This is not time for
Where are you, Hariya?
Where am I?
Please let me go. Have mercy!
What are you and your people doing
in my forest, little monkey?
Tell me quickly. My subjects are hungry,
and though you are scrawny
it has been many moons
since they were fed.
Please, mighty lady,
I am nothing. Less than nothing.
I am but a humble servant
of King Sugreev.
We stumbled into your forest
by accident, on a quest.
A foolish quest to find
Princess Sita
Sita? Sita!
Cursed is the name of Sita!
Foolish vaanar, you have sealed your doom.
Please Please!
I never wanted to go on this quest.
I hate Sita as much as you.
Oh, you wretch!
Your hate for her cannot compare to mine.
Please! Let me prove it.
Let me help you.
Prove it? How?
Any way I can.
Just give me a chance, that is all I ask.
What do you want, great Queen?
I want Ram to suffer
as I have suffered.
I want him to feel as I feel.
The agony of losing the thing one loves.
The loss of Sita would destroy him.
It would tear out his heart.
Never speak that name in my presence
if you value your pitiful life.
Yet, you speak the truth.
Her loss would be the greatest suffering
for the Prince.
You say you have been sent to find her?
Yes, great one.
Since she was taken by Ravan,
Ram has known no happiness, no peace.
This army of vaanars is led
by Hanuman,
who has sworn he will find Si
the Princess for him.
Hanuman's devotion to Ram is without equal.
He would rather die than fail him.
Then we must kill this Hanuman.
Tell me. Where is
Where are you, Hariya?
I know you have my armlet.
What have you
done with it?
Help me destroy this Hanuman,
snivelling worm.
Do so and I shall be generous.
Fail me and your death
will be preceded by much suffering.
Swear to serve me
and you may yet live, little monkey.
I swear to serve you.
I swear it, my Lady.
My Lady?
I am Shurpanakha.
Sister of the great Ravan.
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