The Letter for the King (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


[solemn music playing]
Hey! Wait for me!
Come on!
Guys, wait!
[Jussipo] What about this letter
he was supposed to deliver?
[Iona] Who cares about the letter?
[Foldo] Seems like everyone cares
about the letter.
How can you still be discussing this?
You saw what he did in that cave.
I have no idea what he did in that cave.
It doesn't matter what he did.
We have him now,
and our job is to take him home.
So you can hand him over.
He's riding with me now.
What, on that mule?
It's barely big enough for you.
For your information, this is not a mule.
It is a pony or quite possibly
a very small breed of horse.
And given the size of his legs,
moves amazingly fast
and is amazingly strong.
So don't be casting aspersions.
Now, back off. He's coming with us.
What's wrong with you?
Unless you're blind or stupid,
you know
there's something special about him.
The most powerful
and dangerous people in the world,
not to mention every freak
we come across,
are all trying desperately
to get their hands on him.
Why do you think that is?
Because he killed the Black Knight.
You seriously believe
Tiuri killed the Black Knight?
It doesn't matter what we believe
or whether or not he did it.
- I'm not sure
- [Iona] He broke the vigil.
He destroyed our futures.
The only way we can get them back
- is by taking him home.
- Exactly.
[Tiuri groans]
I thought people in Mistrinaut
were ruthless scum.
But you aristocrats,
you take the biscuit.
And don't you forget it.
And in case you're thinking
about any funny business,
remember, we've got her,
and she's the most ruthless scum
of us all.
I meant that in a good way.
[Tiuri grunts]
Well, he's not gonna be worth anything
if he's dead, is he?
- [Jussipo] I thought we were getting help.
- [Foldo] So did I.
[Piak] Where is she taking us then?
I'm not taking you anywhere. Ardanwen is.
Well, where's Ardanwen taking us?
Looks like we're about to find out.
[Foldo] What on Earth happened here?
[Iona] It's a ghost town.
[Piak] Do you think it's haunted?
Is this place giving you the creeps
as much as this place
is giving me the creeps?
[Piak] Creep City.
Creepitude County.
- Kingdom of
- Shut up, Piak.
Cursed King Creep.
[Lavinia grunts] Help me.
- What is it?
- Shh.
We need help.
For our friend. He's hurt. Please.
Perfect! A hamlet of half-wits.
We in hurry.
need help.
We have pretty beads.
Say thank you.
What? It's how you talk to these people.
Who sent you here?
[Lavinia] No one.
Our friend is sick.
He's your friend, not ours.
Some food for him
and a place for the night,
and then we'll be on our way.
One night.
He's our prisoner.
We carry him.
- He's not a prisoner.
- [Arman] Yes, he is.
He's been a prisoner since we found him.
We took Tiuri prisoner?
No, we didn't take anyone prisoner.
Yes, we did.
My first prisoner.
I wouldn't if I were you.
He'll take you head off.
[whinnying quiets]
[horses approaching]
Sir, perhaps we
I'm busy.
- But
- No.
Your Majesty.
Prince Viridian is momentarily detained
with military matters.
With your permission
Ah, military matters indeed.
If you're about to berate me
for my lack of manners,
you can save your breath.
That cloud looks like a chariot
pulled by a fish.
I want to be here about as much
as you want me to be here.
So why don't we get this over with
as quickly as possible?
Then we can both see the back
of this wretched meeting.
All we can do now is wait.
Didn't your mother ever tell you
not to do that?
You have nice hands, though,
good skin, fine eyes.
Your hair would make a haystack blush,
of course,
but you'd scrub up well.
Maybe I have no interest
in scrubbing up well.
Fair enough.
But just so you know,
it would help take the stink away.
you and I need to have a conversation.
Where does a child like you
get a horse like that?
It's not mine. It's Tiuri's.
You're lying.
Tell me the truth.
I'm not lying.
A famous knight told him to take it.
Said to take his horse
and deliver a letter to the king.
What knight?
Answer me!
Open the door.
You can kill me, child
or you can tell me the truth,
but those are the only two ways
you're getting out of this room.
The Black Knight with the White Shield.
And why did the Black Knight
need a boy to take this letter?
Because he was dying.
What Lavinia said
should simply be given some consideration.
That's all I'm saying.
And what you're saying is stupid
because what Lavinia said
is complete nonsense.
How is it nonsense?
You seriously believe that Tiuri's
the hero of some ancient prophecy?
That the Black Knight gave him
a secret letter in an Eviellan puzzle box,
and that if he doesn't deliver it
to the king,
the whole world will be swallowed
by infernal darkness?
Well, does that sound
like nonsense to you or what?
[Foldo] That
actually does sound quite like nonsense.
So are we agreed, once and for all?
[Black Knight] Take this letter.
Take this letter.
You must deliver it to King Favian
in Unauwen.
[woman] It's a very special ring.
I don't understand.
I think you do.
Why do you think
Ardanwen brought you here?
He was coming home.
The Black Knight lived here?
Are you
I'm so sorry.
Were you with my
at the end?
Near the end.
He was wounded
and outnumbered
but he drew his sword
and turned to fight them.
Story of his stupid life.
No. He was magnificent.
A true knight.
And so it goes,
handed down from one blinkered knight
to the next.
You think I want this?
[Tiuri exhales]
If you have any sense,
you'll forget my husband
and ride straight back
to where you came from.
I can't do that.
You can, and you must.
You don't understand.
Everything that's happened,
these things
I've never been able to understand,
is sending me on the same journey
your husband was sending me on.
You think something is guiding you?
Fate, is that it?
[chuckles wryly]
That's what my husband thought.
It's what all knights think
as they ride off to glory,
convinced that they're gonna
put the world to rights at last.
And where does it always end?
In death
and slaughter
and the people you care about
never coming home.
You think just because you're here,
you're a hero?
You're a fool, Tiuri.
Take it from me.
The last thing this world needs
is another hero.
[Jaro] Sometimes, my friends
is so impossibly sweet.
And this time,
we're really going to milk it. [chuckles]
You took a vote?
We did.
And Tiuri's coming with us.
His fever's broken,
and his color's returning.
And that means that tomorrow morning,
Tiuri will be riding to Unauwen with me.
Uh, no, he's not.
And what would be the point anyway?
You said it yourself,
you don't have the stupid letter.
The Red Riders have it.
So even if we let you take him,
which we won't
you wouldn't be delivering anything.
[Lavinia] You all right?
Arman's right, though.
The Red Riders do have the letter.
But unfortunately for them
they don't have all of it.
[Jaro screaming]
But this makes no sense.
It's just a time and a date.
"Vespers hour,
on the feast of Saint Adalar,
in the 36th year of the reign
of Favian the Third."
That's it? That's all there is?
- Why is that so important?
- It isn't important.
It's important to Viridian.
That's what matters.
The Red Riders are his bodyguards.
They killed the Black Knight
and tried to kill me to get this letter.
Give it to me.
Do you smell that?
I knew it.
It's vinegar.
It's an old smuggler's trick.
"The date is set, the hour has come."
[Tiuri] "The throne will now be mine."
[Jussipo] "The following
will pay the price at my ascension."
[Foldo] Are those our parents' names?
- [Piak] Are they gonna kill our parents?
- No, no one's gonna kill our parents.
The letter didn't say anything
about killing anyone.
It's just a date and a list of names.
Written in invisible ink
by a man who's about to seize the crown
and kill anyone who might get in his way.
They're gonna kill our parents.
Where's he going?
To do what I was always going to do:
finish what the Black Knight started
and deliver this letter to the king.
When he sees what Viridian's doing,
he'll stop him.
And how does that work exactly?
How do you get a letter to the king?
You think just anyone can waltz in
and see the most powerful man
in the world?
You have to be somebody
to even see the man
who tips out the king's chamber pot,
and you're not somebody, Tiuri!
You're not even nobody.
You're a nobody accused of murder.
You think you'll just walk in
to the strongest place
in the whole of the north,
past Favian's entire army
and all the way to the king himself
with just her to help you?
Never going to happen.
You're going to use your powers.
But to use them,
I've got to learn to control them.
Well, how are you going to do that?
I'm not doing this.
If you kill me, I will kill you.
[Lavinia] Go.
Do you even know
how to summon these powers?
Not exactly.
How are you gonna
make him explode then?
No one's making anyone explode.
Reach down inside
and draw on Eviellan in you.
- Close your eyes
- Stare at him really hard.
What you wanna do
is be moving your hands like this.
That's actually quite good.
Create with your mind,
and it will become your reality.
Picture Arman
flying through the air.
- I like that picture.
- Can everyone shut up for a moment?
Please don't let it hurt.
Please don't let it hurt.
Please don't let it hurt.
- [grunts]
- [exclaims]
Hey! That wasn't magic!
Sorry, couldn't resist.
[Arman] You're dead!
Someone tell that brat
he's graveyard dead!
Can we please all concentrate?
Fly away! Be gone!
Go on then, Tiuri
come and get me, huh?
Come and save the world. [laughs]
Come on! Come and get me! Whoo!
Everyone, look, Tiuri the hero.
[laughs] Come on, Tiuri. Come on.
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Come on, Tiuri.
Come on. Come on.
I've got more magic in my smallest farts
than he does in his entire body.
[crowd laughs]
Come on. Whoo! Whoo!
Come on. Come on.
[continues taunting]
Need a drink.
A drink, you fool, not water.
There he goes.
Dead man walking.
[Lavinia] Any luck?
I take that as a no.
Maybe it can't be controlled.
Maybe it just decides for itself
when it happens.
Tiuri, stop.
This thing, whatever it is,
is in you.
It is you.
So take control.
The times it's worked before,
the cave, the monastery
what do they have in common?
- I was being attacked.
- [Lavinia] Exactly.
So maybe it comes when
your heart's pounding,
and your emotions are running high,
and you're not thinking.
You're just there in the moment.
Go on then.
Attack me.
That's never going to work.
You know I won't hurt you.
What is it?
Why do you all care about Tiuri so much?
What's he ever done for any of you?
You know why.
Our parents' names are on that letter.
Is this really the Black Knight's house?
We can't sit by and do nothing
while Viridian has them all killed.
We talked about this.
The letter doesn't even mention killing.
Easy for you to say.
Your parents' names aren't on the list!
What's that supposed to mean?
The Black Knight wrote with this quill?
He may well have done.
It's not supposed to mean anything.
It's a fact!
Her parents aren't on the list either.
Why aren't you looking at her?
[door slams shut]
Her parents are dead you idiot.
Well, fine, whatever.
The point is you think
my father's involved in this, don't you?
You think my father
wants your parents dead?
[scoffs] You're out of your minds!
My father doesn't need to kill anyone!
My father's so clever,
he can run rings around his enemies
without ever having to draw his sword.
The Black Knight ate off this plate?
The Black Knight shaved with this brush?
The Black Knight
clipped his nose hair with
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
By all the holy saints!
- [chuckles]
- Ugh!
[wind whistling softly]
It's pounding.
You did it.
Told you.
You're telling me
that you've not only lost
one of my letters
but that the boy who found it
the boy who has it now
is the Shaman's son?
Get out.
- My Lord, if you'd just let me ex
- Out!
The same boy.
- [Piak] Can you be invisible?
- No.
- Can you fly like a bird?
- Piak, shut up.
Did you kiss her, or did she kiss you?
I still haven't heard an answer yet. Ow.
What are you, Tiuri?
In for a difficult conversation,
by the looks of it.
[woman] Most prophecies
they're just old wives' tales.
But there are some that aren't like that.
Some have been told for generations
in every kingdom, in every language.
The prophecy your friends spoke of
is one of them.
"First came the Earth
and all we desire.
Then came the beast
the dark spreading like fire.
Cloaking the land
on the reddest of moons
only once every century
does the sky make it bloom.
The great mage of the North
will bring light to the shadow
while the amaranth flowers
and the fields lie fallow."
The date on the letter
it's the same date
that the Blood Moon rises.
Then this hero,
whoever he is,
had better get a move on, hadn't he?
Thank you
for not killing me.
You're home now.
You can rest.
This is my journey now.
[nickers softly]
- [people shouting]
- [man] Hey! Hey!
It's Fantumar. We have to go.
Come on!
[Foldo] How'd he find us?
- How could you?
- I didn't do anything.
- He told his father. He must've.
- Stop.
He wanted you dead.
He wanted to serve you up on a plate
and our parents with it.
- I didn't.
- We don't know what he did.
Not for sure. Not yet.
Right now, all that matters is getting
our horses and getting out of here.
So, come on.
[horses neighing]
[people shouting]
[Sir Fantumar]
Find him! Search everywhere!
[Tiuri] Let's go.
Wait. Where's Iona?
Told you I was the one
you needed to worry about.
[Sir Fantumar]
You idiots sent me on a merry dance.
But now, you're going to pay for it.
Drop your weapons
and hand over that Eviellan scum.
Don't make me tell you again!
And you
get your useless ass over here right now.
You'll live to regret this, boy.
[Ardanwen whinnies]
[Red Rider] Get them! Get back!
Get the horses!
Don't let them go!
Someone get the horses! Get the Novices!
They're getting away!
Some things never change.
Stop that horse!
He's getting away!
[Sir Fantumar]
Do you think I was born yesterday?
Hand that Eviellan traitor over
or this day is going to end very badly
for you.
Oh, it's also going to end very badly
for someone else too.
You call yourself a knight.
I will not allow this.
You will have to go through me first.
That's actually my preferred route.
Get off your horses now.
Do something.
Use your powers.
What powers has this shrimp got?
[wind rushing]
Uh, you might want to
[wind whistling]
Maybe this is a sign, my lord.
Maybe this is a warning
that what you are trying to do
the darkness you are trying
so hard to banish
[wind rushing]
is in danger of consuming you.
Maybe that's what
the prophecy's telling us.
That if you continue on this path
you will become the darkness.
And this boy will become the hero
who has to destroy you.
You know nothing, Jabroot.
For there to be shadow
there first has to be light.
The hero the prophecy speaks of
isn't this meaningless boy.
It is me.
It has always been me.
The darkness is already out there
in the wars and divisions
that will always pit one man
against the other.
And it is the darkness
that throws this boy against me now.
For when the Blood Moon
reaches its highest point,
and I'm bathed in its light at last
this boy
and the darkness he serves
will find they have met their match.
That was the most incredible thing
I've ever seen.
You did it, Tiuri.
You did it.
No, I didn't do it.
[Jussipo chuckles]
What do you mean, you didn't do it?
If you didn't do it, then who did?
Times it's worked before
what do they have in common?
["White Flag" by Bishop Briggs playing]
Take a hit
Shoot me down, shoot me down ♪
I won't ever hit the ground
Hit the ground ♪
Playing dead, I'll never do
Gotta keep an eye on you ♪
Patience is wearing thin, paper-thin ♪
Promises broke again
What a sin ♪
But it only feeds my energy
So don't expect no sympathy ♪
Smoke, fire, flares are going up
Flares are going up ♪
Oh ♪
Won't wave my white flag, no
This time, I won't let go ♪
I'd rather die ♪
Than give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight ♪
Give up the fight ♪
Won't wave my white flag, no ♪
Oh, I won't go down slow ♪
I'd rather die ♪
Than give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight ♪
Give up the fight ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh ♪
- Oh, oh ♪
- Give up the fight ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh ♪
- Oh, oh ♪
- Won't raise my white flag, no ♪
[song ends]
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