The Longest Promise (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 5=
(should've been deranged
because of my trap.)
(He can only make up his mind)
(to take revenge
after experiencing this hardship.)
(How could he)
(look so calm?)
(Was there)
(anyone in the mountain)
(who helped him get through this?)
I just went
to worship your mother.
after your mother died,
her name is not allowed
to be put on the epitaph.
You must seek justice
for her.
Your Supreme Majesty,
I've made a huge mistake.
And now,
I really can't disobey
Mother's order again.
I've made up my mind.
To practice magic techniques
and never enter Jialan again
as Mother wished.
Didn't I already tell you?
That your mother said this
to you back then
was for the sake of your safety.
Shouldn't you
put your mother before everything else?
She died for you.
And you should fight for her sake.
But Your Supreme Majesty,
if I was controlled by hatred,
that would be the last thing
that my mother wished to see.
That would really fall short
of her expectations.
I've made up my mind.
Your Supreme Majesty,
please fulfill my wish.
As you always stay
at the bottom of the valley,
you'll tend to chase a dead end.
On tomorrow's Grand Ceremony of Worship,
Immortal Records Official,
unfortunately, caught a cold.
In Jiuyi Mountain,
you're the one
with extravagant literary talent.
I command you
to go to the Water Mirror
of the Pavilion of Books tomorrow
to watch and record this ceremony.
Just consider it as getting
some fresh air outside the valley.
You can also
visit that younger brother of yours.
You should know
that he'll represent the Emperor
to join
this Grand Ceremony of Worship.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor
He asked me to attend
the Grand Ceremony of Worship.
Why don't you just pretend
to be sick and ask for a leave?
Did you forget
that the princess of the Crimson Clan is
still on the mountain?
I certainly remember it.
But if I don't go,
the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
will get suspicious.
I'm afraid it'll be harder
to explain it by then.
There's some distance from the Hall
to the Pavilion of Books.
I won't run into her.
Chong Ming,
don't worry.
Since I've decided
not to see her again,
I won't change my mind.
Now that her wish has been fulfilled.
If you meet her again,
be sure to erase her memories.
Make her forget about you.
So that
it can assure your safety.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor
asked you to attend
the Grand Ceremony of Worship.
But there are hundreds
of Immortal Officials in Jiuyi Mountain.
He chose you out of all the officials.
Why is that?
High Priest of Grand Preceptor
knew that Shi Yu and I share
a very deep bond.
Now that we haven't seen each other
for five years.
It's good to be able to see him
from far.
I don't have the intention
to compete with others,
but if I keep backing down,
how could I face the people
who support me?
Put your head back.
Hold your breath in your stomach.
Empty your mind.
Breathe out and breathe in.
Make a sound with your throat.
I can't believe
there's someone like me
in the world.
I was just passing by.
I didn't know there was someone here.
It's all right.
I've always been funny.
Even I want to laugh at myself.
laughing is better
than pulling a long face.
Isn't it?
I've got the same book
like this.
Actually, I've got to give
a speech tomorrow.
I'm not ready yet.
In fact,
my father also wishes
that I could look graceful.
So he asked someone to find
these kinds
of secret books from the market.
Just that the writers
of these secret books,
most of them are eloquent,
and capable of dealing
with all people.
That's why they can't understand
our sorrow.
It's pointless to read them.
You're right.
You are not
from the Six Ministries, right?
I live in the mountain nearby.
is your father going to test you
in public tomorrow?
Something like that.
Can you help me
come up with a plan?
I think
if I were you,
I'd feel better when someone was there
to go through this
with me.
This is a good idea.
Then, can you be
that person?
We are
mere acquaintances.
I'm not that important to you.
Don't you also wish
to be brave?
We can form an alliance
to encourage each other.
We can name
this alliance as
The Weaklings Alliance.
that sounds bad.
Why don't we call it
The Nightwalkers Alliance?
The Nightwalkers Alliance.
I think
I'm like a person walking in the night.
Hoping that I could walk
until dawn.
This is my first time naming something.
Don't make fun of me,
if it sounds bad.
This is your progress.
From now on,
we have to become braver.
From now on,
we have to become braver.
The recent small goal
that I've got to achieve is
to pass the test tomorrow.
The recent small goal
that I've got to achieve is
don't get bullied by others.
Does someone bully you?
Actually, it's not the others' arrogance
which can bully me
but my
gentle personality.
Then, I hope you can be confident
that you will not be bullied.
I also want you to trust yourself
that you can pass the test.
I'll get going.
Let me see you off.
It's not necessary.
If my father saw me
with an unknown man,
I'm sure he'd be furious.
you'll see me pass the test.
That's great.
Yes, it's beautiful.
She's enchanting.
I'm so envious.
Princess Xuelu dances gracefully
and looks gorgeous.
She is the best candidate
for Star Gazer.
Princess Xuelu deserves
to be the Star Gazer.
Princess Xuelu is
indeed a good dancer.
Since something went wrong with
Princess Xueying's dress,
the position of Star Gazer
Why is she here?
Sorry, Granny.
I'm late.
This dress
The dress is remade.
Fortunately, I got Chong Ming's feather
that my mother left
as a decoration.
can I be the Star Gazer?
Princess Xueying has been
disqualified due to her mistake
but she has amended it.
The two princesses are pretty even.
Let's do it this way.
we're going to meet Prince Shi Yu.
We'll let Prince Shi Yu
make the decision.
(I received a precious gift)
(at the mountain.)
(So you must find me)
(a peerless thing)
(to repay him.)
(Do not embarrass me.)
Keeper Yuan,
just get a good thing
from the residence as a return gift.
This is a trivial matter,
but it's very important to the princess.
It is the opening of Merfolk's market
that is only held once
in several months.
I can take this chance
to find a gift for Princess.
Thank you, Keeper Yuan.
(To Chi Yuan)
I'll be sure to find you
a satisfying gift.
(Merfolk's Market)
Come, take a look.
(Merfolk's Market)
Come and take a look.
Come and take a look.
Take a look.
We have the conches and seashells
from the deep sea.
Come in and take a look.
Fresh conches and seashells.
Come and see.
Come, please.
Deep Sea Tridacna Wine Cup.
Millennial Black Coral Screen.
Very well.
Fresh seashells.
Come and take a look.
Take a look at this.
Come and take a look.
What do you think about this?
Come and take a look.
The Black Armor of Dark Clan
is well-renowned.
But it's breakable when it meets
our Whalebone Sword.
Dark Iron Torch
is personally made by Master.
Check it out.
Come and take a look.
take a look at our Mermaid Silk.
It's very nice.
do you have a better Mermaid Silk?
If you want,
I do have a piece
of prime Mermaid Silk.
This is woven with the deep-sea
Mermaid Silk from Biluo Sea.
I've kept it for a dozen years.
It's very precious, especially this kind
of golden silk.
It's comparable to Mingyue Silk.
This Mermaid Silk is
indeed extraordinary.
You have good taste.
Officer. Officer
This is outrageous.
Without our protection,
how are you going to do business?
Do it in your dream.
The marine force is here again.
This is too much.
Marine force?
Over the years,
the God of Dragon has been lurking
and the Sea Emperor hasn't emerged.
When they run out
of military expenditures,
they'll come and ask
for money from their kinsmen.
This Mermaid Silk is really nice.
What a nice thing.
You can't do this, Officer.
Take it away.
Don't do this, Officer.
I beg of you.
No, Officer.
This is everything I've got.
We take your stuff
to let you contribute
to the Merfolk Clan.
Be sensible
and get up.
I beg of you.
Get lost.
No, Officer.
Get out of the way.
What are you looking at?
Move aside.
All of you, move aside.
Forget it.
Let's go.
Madam, come, be careful.
Keep this.
These golden pearls
should be enough
for that Mermaid Silk.
That Mermaid Silk
has been stolen by those thieves.
I can't accept your money.
I've seen
its luminous glow.
And I know it's worth the money.
That'll be enough.
I can't take it.
Sir, I can't.
(What a shame.)
(I've got to find
another gift for Princess.)
Wait, sir.
This is my token of appreciation.
Please take it.
Thank you, Madam.
You're Lord Left Envoy, aren't you?
I am Shi Tou.
You saved me back then.
You've got the wrong person.
I'll never forget your silhouette.
The marine force has changed.
They often
come and disturb us.
You can't just let them do this.
I told you.
I'm not him.
Are you really not him?
Dad, are you all right?
Ruyi, why are you here?
He's telling the truth.
He will turn around for sure
when he hears the name of Ruyi.
Back then,
he was known as Tearless Lone Star.
When he saw someone bullying
his kinsmen,
he'd execute him right away.
He'd never let him
continue to do evil.
Greetings, Your Highness Shi Yu.
(Why is he here?)
(Shi Yu, Prince of Kongsang)
Greetings, Your Highness Shi Yu.
Please rise.
Thank you, Your Highness.
As Father is busy with public affairs,
so he sends me here
to worship the ancestors
and pray on his behalf.
Your Highness,
the ceremony is around the corner.
And these two princesses from Bai Family
are even.
They're both the top candidates
for the position of Star Gazer.
I dare not to make the decision.
So you're requested
to make the decision.
Princess Xuelu, Princess Xueying.
Are both of them
the legitimate princesses
of Bai Family?
Your Highness,
Princess Xuelu is not
a legitimate princess.
she indeed has
remarkable dancing skills.
According to the ancestral system,
the Star Gazer should be
held by
Bai Family's legitimate daughter.
Just follow the ancestral system.
Princess Xuelu,
I made this decision
due to the unchangeable
ancestral system.
It's not because I'm biased
against your bloodline.
You're pretty and brilliant.
I'm sure you'll have another chance.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Your Highness,
the three-day fasting is over.
The auspicious time has come.
The ritual can start now.
His Highness didn't pick you
as the Star Gazer.
But obviously,
he's impressed with you.
Rather than obtaining this title,
winning the favor of His Highness
is more important.
The load that the earth carries
includes everything
in all corners of the world.
It's lighted by the sun and the moon
while the stars circle around it.
Four Seasons includes Spring,
Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
And the orbit of the planet records
the time of year.
Everything is created
by the divine spirit.
Only the saint can understand the truth.
The prince is requested to give
a speech on behalf of the Emperor.
(Shi Ying,)
(I want you to watch)
(the reverence that had belonged to you)
(being occupied by Shi Yu.)
Hundreds of rivers
Hundreds of rivers
Your younger brother
is way worse than you.
Don't underestimate him.
He can do it.
I also want you to trust yourself
that you can pass the test.
Hundreds of rivers are like mirrors.
The world is bright.
Be devout and watch the night.
Be solemn in the court.
Be respectful and act with courtesy.
The descendants welcome the Gods
with a dignified appearance.
The sacrificial offerings are prepared.
We've sincerely offered up a fast.
We treat our ancestors
with filial respect.
To worship them.
To express the sincerity of the Emperor.
It's all thanks
to the Emperor's clairvoyant.
He will forever be our role model.
Working hard to worship the ancestors.
As you've bestowed grace on us.
Thanks for your blessings.
The people are able to live peacefully.
The kingdom is well established.
So the country can be stable.
This ritual is
to show our respect to you.
We must enjoy the ceremony.
Every worshipper
will be blessed.
Praying to the immortals,
divines and ancestors.
Please bless Kongsang
with prosperity and peace.
With prosperity and peace!
How did he do?
This kid is good, isn't he?
And he's charming.
He's no match for you.
Let alone me.
Objectively speaking,
no one there is prettier than me.
Of course.
But they
are the flip-floppers who used
to accuse and abandon you.
They don't deserve to see
my beautiful face.
I won't show up.
This is their punishment
for being senseless.
This doesn't trouble me anymore.
And you
don't have to keep it in mind either.
Start the dance.
Isn't that my feathers?
How dare she use it to make a dress?
She even gave it to someone else.
(How could she have
Chong Ming's feathers?)
(Was Ying)
(really hiding someone that day?)
(It was Bai Xueying.)
(It was also her who helped)
(Ying overcome his fear.)
I was too careless.
If the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
notices it,
he'll surely get suspicious.
What should I do?
Under the circumstances,
this is the only way.
Your spiritual power
hasn't recovered yet.
You must act quickly.
Or your cover will be blown.
Do you hear me?
Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan.
Lord Immortal Official.
Why are you here?
Before the dance ends,
try to approach the Star Gazer.
Don't talk, just do as I told you.
I can do it.
But why?
I don't have time to explain.
Go break one
of Chong Ming's feathers.
I'll try my best.
Right now.
Lord Immortal Official.
Lord Immortal Official.
Yan, are you all right?
I'm fine.
I just sprained my ankle.
you danced beautifully just now.
Luckily, you came back in time.
From my viewpoint,
you don't have to wait until 18.
The Princess of Crimson Clan
has immediately brought you the doom.
She is a calamity.
That's not going to happen again.
I hope that the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
won't get suspicious.
Have you ever erased her memory?
What she wishes for
is not your feathers.
Ladies, you've worked hard.
Especially the princess of Bai Family.
Princess Xuelu.
You're a wonderful dancer.
Thank you, Your Highness.
I'm really envious of you.
Prince Shi Yu has
a real eye for talent.
Are you all right?
High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Princess Xueying,
this is
a dazzling dress.
I wonder where you got it.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
it's a dress
that my deceased mother left
for me.
Chong Ming's feathers are very precious.
It's a tribute to the palace.
How did your mother get it?
(Yan said)
(I can't tell anyone about it.)
I didn't ask her this before.
did someone who declined
to be identified
give it to you?
what do you mean by that?
This dress was left for me
by my mother.
(Chong Ming did have a piece)
(of broken feather
that can't be used as tribute.)
(And it ended up in the civil society.)
(Did Concubine Bai buy it?)
(Did I think too much?)
Please go on.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor indeed
doesn't want others to know
about Immortal Official.
I nearly messed it up.
It's my fault
for not keeping my promise.
No wonder
he was so angry just now.
That he left without saying a word.
Put it on both sides.
Apply it all.
Yes, right.
It hurts.
Didn't I tell you to be gentle?
- What are you doing here?
- Your Lordship.
There's a dispute between two heirs
in Jiuyi Mountain now.
The war is becoming imminent.
I'm afraid if we stay here
Are you all right?
I'll be gentle.
We won't be spared.
Let's just
go home.
My foot is injured.
I can't afford to go down the mountain.
It's just a little sprain.
And you'll be in the carriage.
You don't need to walk.
Why can't we leave?
I'm severely
This is an old injury.
I was injured once
when I went down the mountain.
Right, Yufei?
Yes, Your Lordship.
Besides, I've been
busy practicing the dance
in these few days.
I've been
Now that my stomach aches a lot.
It makes me feel fatigued
and uncomfortable.
If I endure it and go down
the mountain with you,
I'll surely become violently ill.
I understand that your foot hurts,
but you know about my difficulties too.
White King is eager
to marry off his daughter.
And Azure King is eager
to establish a Crown Prince.
Both of them have nearly
fallen out with each other.
If I stay here,
they'll make me choose a side.
That would be nice if Mother was here.
She wouldn't leave me
like you do.
You may rest for one more day.
Tomorrow morning,
we'll leave.
Walk less.
These are gifts for the two princesses
of Bai Family
from Prince Shi Yu.
A pair of pearl earrings.
Thank you, Your Highness and Granny.
A silk flower.
Thank you, Your Highness and Granny.
let's go.
Where are you going?
I'm going to deliver medicines to Yan.
They said Princess Zhu Yan
didn't get any reward.
She is indeed a good sister
of Princess Xueying.
(The Emperor Valley)
Lord Chong Ming.
I'm here for Lord Immortal Official
to apologize.
I've been extra careful on my way here.
No one will see this.
It was my fault last time.
I shouldn't have given
the feather to someone else.
I nearly got Lord Immortal Official
into trouble.
But I'm here this time
to apologize to him in person.
Please let me see him.
(Just as I thought.)
(It's hard to get rid of this lady.)
(I might as well kill her and end this.)
Chong Ming.
Lord Immortal Official.
I've told you
to stop entering the valley.
Why are you here?
I'm here to apologize
I'm here to apologize.
You know
that my foot is injured.
It really hurts.
Lord Immortal Official,
please let me finish what I want to say.
For the sake that I came
regardless of the pain I suffer.
You fell to your left side
when you danced.
Why is it your right foot
that got hurt?
I fake my injury.
But I sincerely want
to apologize.
Because Xueying is my best friend.
I can't watch her being set up
and disqualified from taking
the position of the Star Gazer.
That's why I gave her the feather.
I didn't give enough thought to that.
Since you've come,
let's end this today.
What do you wish for?
Tell me.
I'll fulfill it.
My wish
I want you
to be my master.
Is there really a magic spell
in the world
that can bring
the primordial spirit back together?
Are you trying to learn
Primordial Spirit-Gathering Spell?
How did you know that?
Did I tell you
about that when I first
met you?
I'm not a fool, Lord.
I've learned magic techniques before.
Will you promise me that?
If you want to learn
this magic technique,
it means your understanding
of the magic technique
is shallow and frivolous.
Just like the apprentices
from the Six Ministries.
Men learn magic techniques
just for fame.
Women learn magic technique
just to keep up appearances
and marry a decent man.
I won't accept
this kind of disciple.
Just give up.
I didn't learn it
for fame
or to get married.
I learn it for a person.
I've told you before.
It's that deceased
who died a wrongful death.
I'd like to learn this magic
to bring him back to life.
But back then,
even High Priest of Grand Preceptor said
that there was no such magic
in the world.
So I thought
maybe only a hidden master
like you would teach me that.
I'd really like to revive him.
You want to revive him?
You saved me once before.
So I thought
maybe you could bring
him back to life.
Lord, I beg of you.
Will you teach me the magic?
They were right.
There's no
such magic in the world.
Are you kidding me?
A word of advice.
Don't waste
your life
on a ridiculous thought.
No one is worth that.
You don't have a clue.
He's worth it.
I can't grant this wish.
Tell me another wish.
Nothing else.
I don't have another wish.
This is my only wish.
Very well.
Then, I'll give this back to you.
I hope
you won't come here again.
Are you sure
there is no such magic?
This time,
I've made a resolute response.
I'm sure she won't come here again.
Chong Ming, you
That's so touching.
It breaks my heart to hear that.
But as fate would have it.
Why must it be her?
(I'll go test her again.)
(If she still doesn't give up,)
(after I kill her,)
(I'll bury her well)
(in the soil.)
send this medicine
to Princess Zhu Yan.
I'd like to be alone.
I can't always show Yan
my weak side.
She'll worry about me.
Your Highness, why do you
take me here?
Are you mad
because I concealed my identity?
Or is it because of what happened today?
Your Highness,
you've seen a lot of ladies.
It makes sense that you don't know me.
How could I not know you?
You are Bai Xueying.
Bai is your family name.
Xueying is
your first name.
I've got something for you.
I know it doesn't look nice.
It's normal that you dislike it.
I made it myself.
today when we were in the Hall,
why did you
I did that to protect you.
What kind of a reason is this?
Your father wants us
to get married sooner.
But my mother and uncle
don't want it.
If they know
we're in a relationship,
I dare not imagine
we have to
keep our relationship a secret
and we can't see each other often.
But our oath is kept
in our hearts.
(My promise to Xueying
deeply rooted within)
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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