The Luminaries (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


If two people were to be
born at the exact same instant
and very near to one another,
they would become what's
known as astral twins.
They would share a destiny.
- Where's my gold?
- It's on the ship.
The Godspeed, down on the quay.
She leaves tomorrow morning.
I find - my gold.
He says he found
this on your claim.
You found this on Aurora?
If she gave his half
to her, she should have it.
The gold, we lost.
Wells, we lost.
But the ship, we won.
That ship was sold
to Crosbie Wells.
Where's Crosbie Wells?!
He's up north on Maori
land, by the river.
It's the name of
a claim. The man who owns it
hasn't been seen since
the night Mr Wells died.
She planted
it, to set me up.
You're lying.
I'll shoot you.
Get out of the way!
Go down the hold if you're sick!
There's less movement
down there.
Hello in there?
Anna, for Christ's
sake, put the gun away.
Where is it? Where did it go?
Oh God.
Oh God.
Captions by Able.
It's been three
months, Anna. Time to get on.
I've put your price up -
10 times what the other
girls are asking.
The whole stage to yourself.
It'll be the easiest
money you ever made.
I don't want to make money.
got debts to pay.
- It's so heavy.
- What is?
The dress.
Come on.
It's what you do best.
You were talking
in your sleep.
What did I say?
I don't know. It was Cantonese.
What's that?
Lauderback is
running for Westland.
So he's gonna make his voyage
overland, not by sea.
Look at the map.
His route is gonna take him
right down the Arahura River -
Maori land, where Crosbie is.
Crosbie can't find out about
the Godspeed, Francis.
We can't risk them meeting face
to face. We'll lose everything.
If they realise what we've done,
you'll go to prison;
we both will.
you have to get there first.
I miss him -
the man I fell for,
the man who could sail a
brigantine against the wind
faster than the lightest
schooner on the swiftest tide,
who never stayed in my bed
for more than two nights
because he couldn't bear being
apart from the ocean
who tasted like salt and
tar and oak and
who was insatiable
and so proud.
I miss that man.
You're not a convict, Francis;
you're a captain.
I need a captain.
No. Not you.
- I only want to talk.
- I can't do this. Please.
Look, I was swindled
too; same as you.
- The same as me?
- Everything that's happened -
I hate it. I want
to put it right.
- You can't.
- Why?
Because you paid for it.
I promise you,
I only want to talk.
All right. You wanna talk?
What do I say? You're paying.
Tell me what you want me to say.
Whatever you like.
I don't know. If I
knew in advance
The day we met -
on deck, in the dawn light,
with the albatross - you were
so alive and open and free.
You're still that person.
You don't know anything
about me.
What does it matter if
I want to, if I'm here?
You wanna rescue me.
You see me like this, and you
think, 'I wanna save her life,
'and she's gonna
thank me for it.'
But you can't change anything.
I'll still be in debt.
Same as with Mr Mannering -
first I'm in his pocket,
then I'm in yours.
This is who I am -
this moment,
right here,
and nowhere else.
You know what I think are
the two saddest words
in the English language?
Too late -
I never want to say
those words to anybody;
certainly not to you.
That's all I wanted to say.
Goodnight, Miss Wetherell.
I've been looking
for you everywhere.
What the hell happened up there?
I killed him.
Oh Jesus.
I didn't mean to hurt him.
I meant to hurt myself.
I don't understand.
I don't understand
what's happening to me.
Why'd you give it to him?
- Give what to him?
- The laudanum.
- I didn't.
- You just told me that you did.
Not Crosbie; Emery.
I killed Emery Staines.
Anna, what's going on?
Anna, come back here!
You're burning a hell of a lot
of bridges, Anna Wetherell.
I sure hope you
know how to swim!
I need a room.
Dormitory or on your own?
On my own.
Good news, Alistair -
your luggage has arrived.
Have it sent up to my room.
Well, it did arrive, and then it
left again, I should have said.
- We know where it is.
- What?
Here's the rub.
It actually beat you here. Yeah.
Only there was a
mix-up, you see,
between goods going out and
goods coming in, and, well,
the long and short of it
is that it was loaded on to
- the Godspeed.
- What?
Well, you can see
how it happened.
You know, your name; your ship.
- Godspeed was here?
- Yes. She's a regular,
back and forth from Dunedin. She
left the morning you arrived.
Anyway, the good news is
she's back, just offshore.
She's back?
Just waiting for
the tide to turn.
And as soon as it does, we'll
have your luggage in to shore,
and all this will be
put to rest. I promise.
He promised me I would never
see that ship again.
What's it doing here?
At least tell me his name -
the man who blackmailed me.
I suppose he named
himself captain?
I suppose he's here too,
just offshore, hey?
I'm afraid I haven't
the slightest idea
- what you're talking about.
- Just for one second,
would you stop it with this
performance and talk to me?
But it was always a performance,
Mr Lauderback.
Couldn't you tell?
You're a bitch. You know that?
You're a callous, cold-hearted-
Save it for your wife.
You know what happens
to people like you,
people who think
they're untouchable?
They get touched?
Anna Wetherell.
She's not here.
- Where is she?
- I don't know.
- I'm not her keeper.
- No.
I am.
We got a live one;
she's done a runner,
which means that we
are on the scent.
The purse was low,
even for you.
Unannounced and uninvited.
It seems old habits die hard.
Jesus Christ, Lydia, this is a
human life we're talking about.
You want to see her hang?
You burned down
the Hotel Oriental -
bought it for a song,
ran it to the ground,
then set the fires yourself
to claim on the insurance.
What's that? Blackmail?
Not at all; I'm simply
drawing an analogy.
- Why are you here?
- To make my fortune,
Mr Mannering -
just the same as you.
So take it. You're his widow,
there's no children -
- the money's yours.
- If only it were that simple.
What do you mean?
Aurora was a tailing pile.
She never turned £4000.
- Well, the circumstances-
- I know that for a fact,
Charlie. That claim
belonged to me.
Please, just lower your voice.
I sold it, he
bought it and changed the name.
How in all hell
did Emery Staines
find a homeward bounder
on that pile?
Not Staines; a Chinaman.
What Chinaman?
What was his name?
I don't know. He's a Chinaman.
- Why didn't I know about this?
- Well, Mr Staines
- specifically requested-
- Falsified the records.
And you got a cut. You got a cut
to keep your dirty mouth shut!
- Let's go.
- Where?
- Chinatown.
- No,
I can't just leave.
- I'm working.
- Oh, right.
Come on.
Mr Mannering,
there's a warrant out for
Anna Wetherell's arrest.
I heard.
I told the Governor she
was probably in Chinatown.
He said if she comes back,
I gotta turn her in at once.
You've got some
explaining to do.
How'd you find it?
The gold you melted here -
- how did you find it?
- I give to Emery Staines.
Emery Staines gave
you that gold?
No. I give to him. He steal!
Do you really think
that's the right approach?
Mr Mannering, please.
Get in here. Get in here
and help him understand!
The gold he melted here -
I want to know how it
got to Crosbie Wells.
Ask him.
It's not from the bloody Aurora!
I know that for a fact!
Aurora was a tailing pile. Where
the hell did it come from?!
Benjamin. What can I do you for?
Could you get me the records
on the barque Godspeed?
Typesetter's habit -
the words go in back to
front and in reverse.
Godspeed - Deepsdog.
What are you looking for?
Alistair Lauderback just told
me that he doesn't want me
shipping with Godspeed
any more - his own ship.
- I don't understand it.
- Ah.
- Good Lord.
- What?
He sold it last year
to Crosbie Wells.
Think of the sky
like a looking glass.
What you see is who you are.
Who you are, of course,
is no simple thing.
Each of us is a living
constellation of habits,
desires, notions, memories,
all shaped by the circumstances
of how we've lived
and what we've been through.
Blood - Aries.
Money - Taurus.
Knowledge - Gemini.
Where we come from - Cancer.
Where we go - Leo.
Work - Virgo.
Marriage - Libra.
Death - Scorpio.
Discovery - Sagittarius.
Who we serve - Capricorn.
Who we meet - Aquarius.
And what we sacrifice -
Go and have a wee chat.
Just arrived, then?
- I have, sir.
- Hell of a day for a landing.
It certainly was.
Are you stopping here?
- I am. Mm.
- Thomas Balfour's the name.
Walter Moody.
Shipping agent, that's me.
You'll have seen us down on the
water there - Balfour Shipping.
I'm honoured to make your
acquaintance, Mr Balfour,
but I'm afraid
I must beg your pardon.
I've had a difficult journey,
and I'm very tired.
All the way from
Scotland, was it?
By way of Dunedin. Yes, sir.
How did you come -
sail or steam?
By sail, sir.
A private charter -
name of Godspeed.
Yes, sir. You know the ship?
May I enquire how you came to be
aboard that craft, Mr Moody?
Merely by chance. She was the
only departure from Dunedin
on the day I wished to leave.
By some arrangement
with the captain?
Yes, sir. A man with a gruesome
scar on his cheek.
- Francis Carver.
- Francis Carver, the convict?
He made captain
of Godspeed?
Perhaps the man is known to you.
- In a manner of speaking.
- Perhaps, then,
I might beg to enter
into your confidence.
I confessed to you just now
that my journey was difficult;
I've not yet told
you precisely why.
All right.
I witnessed something
aboard the Godspeed.
It's something that I'm afraid
I cannot logically explain.
And what was it?
I shall be very happy
to tell you, sir,
once I learn the nature
and purpose of the council
I have interrupted tonight.
Hey, hey, hey.
Mr Moody
let me get you another drink.
A drink.
- Aubert Gascoigne.
- Walter Moody.
You speak well, Mr Moody.
I think you are
a man of education.
I am a lawyer.
Then you are a paradox, I think.
How so?
You bring our number to 13.
This makes you bad luck.
And yet, you say
you are a lawyer,
which, as it happens,
is exactly what we lack.
The truth is, Mr Moody,
the truth deserves a tale,
and that's as short
as I can make it.
But we are more
than simply circumstance.
We also have free will.
We make choices.
And these choices depend on
what we think -
what we want - Venus;
what we've done - Mars;
what we stand for - Jupiter;
what we stand against - Saturn.
And how we
see ourselves
Both inside
the Moon; and out
the Sun.
It's not too late.
- I-
- The day-
You first.
We have the same birthday.
Do we really?
I think it's why we met.
Why are you laughing?
Well, because if we'd never met,
Miss Wetherell, none
of this would have happened.
I'm sorry to say it, but
- if we hadn't met
- we'd be different people.
And somewhere else -
not here, not you and I.
Different people,
somewhere else.
Everything went
wrong, didn't it?
It went about as wrong as
it possibly could.
Let's go for a walk -
somewhere new.
I won that gun
in a game of brag -
a five and an eight.
I was bluffing.
Astral twins?
- You think it's mad.
- No. I think it's wonderful.
So, we were born in
the very same instant.
Under the very same sky.
We die in the same instant.
We'll marry in the same instant?
So, when were you born?
What time of day?
I don't know.
My mother never said.
Nor did mine.
Slide that to me.
You want it to look
like a suicide.
That's why you brought my gun.
My mother
only met my father once.
He used an alias.
And when she found
out she was in trouble,
she went to see a priest.
He was a good man.
He took good care of her.
Father Wells,
his name was.
So that's the name
she gave to me -
the name you stole.
- Drink.
- Or what?
Or I blow your brains out.
Well, that's very decent of you,
giving me a choice.
It looks like shit,
by the way -
your face. I bet you feel it
every time you open your mouth.
Hurry up.
What shall I drink to?
Your whore mother -
I don't fucking care. Drink.
Nothing changed.
You got it all -
my money, my wife,
my name - everything
you planned for,
and it didn't change you at all.
To Francis
May you get the death
that you deserve.
Anna. Anna.
What's happening?
Why did he
say his name was Wells?
We need to leave.
I went for a swim.
What's past is past.
Mr Wells.
Mr Wells, wake up!
Mr Wells, the key
to the strongbox has gone.
I carried that
sack for two weeks.
I know how much it weighs.
Where's my gold?!
- It's on a ship.
- What ship?
The Godspeed.
Where's my gold?!
- So the night Mr Wells died?
- We don't know a damn thing.
We don't know how she ended
up at the cottage that night,
and we don't know
if she was alone.
We assume that Staines is dead.
But we don't know where he is.
Or why she would
have killed him.
We all saw them going into
the opera house that night,
but none of us saw them leave.
This is all connected.
We just can't see how.
- What did you see?
- I beg your pardon?
Well, you said you saw something
on the ship. What did you see?
May I see that revolver, please?
Would you show me exactly
how it misfired earlier today
in Miss Wetherell's room?
- Just like that?
- Yes.
And the incident took place
at what hour of the day?
Maybe 3 in the afternoon.
- Why is that, Mr Moody?
- Gentlemen, I
Gentlemen, I am a man of reason.
I do not believe in magic,
or indeed in anything beyond
the scope of empirical proof.
And yet,
contrary to all my faculties
of reason and intelligence,
I believe I saw today a
kind of echo;
a sort of response
to events that,
as you have described them, took
place on shore this afternoon.
- Utu.
- Don't interrupt him.
Go on, Mr Moody.
What is 'utu'?
Every deed creates another deed.
Evil creates evil.
Good creates good.
is keeping the balance.
Wait. Somebody's missing.
You're 11. You used to be 12.
Sir! Sir!
- What?
- It's Godspeed.
- What about her?
- She's on the rocks.
She's wrecked.
Come on.
Miss Wetherell.
Let me tell
your fortune.
When is your birthday?
it's today.
Every birth creates
a kind of dawn;
For every life, a light;
for every light, a shadow;
for every shadow, sleep;
for every sleep, a dream;
and for every dream,
a sudden waking,
in the night, alone,
and longing for the dawn.
Sir, we've found her.
I've tried shouting at her,
but it's like she's asleep.
You, there!
You goddamned son of a whore!
What's your name? It's sure
as hell not Crosbie Wells.
- What is it? What's your name?
- Francis Carver.
Stop. Put that down. Stop.
- What are you saying?
- Don't be a fool, Yongsheng.
Then I will hang.
Still cheating the
chinks, Mr Carver?
- You never learned your lesson.
- You know this man?
I was a penitentiary sergeant
on Cockatoo Island for 11 years.
Mr Carver was one
of my convicts.
A convict! Well,
that's about right.
about bloody right.
What's going on?
This man has committed fraud.
He told me to my face
- his name was Crosbie Wells.
- That's not true.
I will swear on every
Bible you have -
I sold the ship Godspeed
to this man.
- No, you didn't.
- You realise I have proof!
I have the deed of sale.
I saw you sign it.
He sold a ship to Crosbie Wells,
who then named me as captain.
Brazen, bald-faced-
All the papers are in
order, Mr Governor.
Crosbie Wells owns the ship.
- Crosbie Wells is dead.
- I can't believe this.
I cannot believe
this. He's lying!
Who gave you that scar?
He did.
How utterly convenient!
I didn't kill him.
You sold a ship, an asset worth
tens of thousands of pounds,
to Crosbie Wells, and you failed
to mention it in any way?
No. I mean yes, but it wasn't
really Crosbie Wells.
I only thought it
was. I can explain.
Where is it now?
- She foundered.
- You wrecked my ship?!
Governor, arrest
this man at once.
- What for?
- Good God, where to begin?
Theft of identity, blackmail,
theft, conspiracy.
He is a convict.
I'm a Member of Parliament.
Who has lied - repeatedly.
I am the wronged party
here. I am the victim.
They were in it together
from the start!
In what? What's this about?
- Mr Shepard!
- Shut up.
The ship, Godspeed.
Sold to my husband by
Mr Lauderback last year.
Mr Carver is the captain.
Of course, when Crosbie died,
he left everything to me.
You didn't believe
I'd do it, did you?
You thought I'd lose my nerve,
so you came after me
to crack the whip.
- Keep your voice down.
- I did everything exactly as
we agreed, Lydia -
chapter and verse.
I made sure nobody saw me;
I killed him, and I left.
I went straight back to
Dunedin, only to find
- you'd bloody cleared out.
- Listen to me.
If you hadn't second-guessed me,
I'd never have come back here,
and I would still
have that ship.
We would still have
that ship, Francis,
if you hadn't wrecked it!
What are you even doing here?
What were you thinking?
The man we blackmailed is
campaigning for the vote.
The man we murdered-
Anna Wetherell knew
about the dresses.
I found them in her room.
They were gutted.
- The gold was gone.
- How?
She must have given
it back to Crosbie.
A homeward-bounder turned up
in his cottage after he died.
£4096 worth of pure.
- What?
- That was why I came here,
Francis. I read about
it in the paper,
and I was on the first
ship out of town.
I didn't second-guess you.
I didn't come here
to crack the whip.
I came here to get
my money back,
and I stayed to see
that bitch go down.
What am I doing here?
Well, at a guess, I'd say
you smoked so much opium,
- you passed out.
- But that's impossible.
You've been arrested.
You're facing a criminal
charge, Miss Wetherell,
for the murder of Crosbie Wells.
Whatever you know,
whomever you're protecting,
now is the time
to tell the truth.
- I've never seen this before.
- Why is it unsigned?
- Crosbie?
- He fell asleep.
- Crosbie?
- He meant to sign it.
He meant to give Carver's
half to me.
Only he fell asleep before
What are you doing?
Now it's signed.
- Forgery!
- It's not forgery.
You will add the crime of
perjury to the crime of fraud.
It's his signature.
It's not a forgery.
I know what I just saw, Miss
Wetherell, and I will testify.
I wanted to trust you.
Mr Quee!
Who is that?
I need to know if that dead
man is Emery Staines.
Tell me.
Please! Mr Quee!
Who are you?
My name is Mr Walter Moody.
May I come in?
I am recently arrived.
I've become acquainted with the
particulars of your situation.
What do you want?
On my voyage here, I experienced
something that I could not
and still cannot
rationally explain.
The weather was turning,
and I was advised to
seek shelter below.
No sooner had I descended
than I heard a thumping
coming from within
a shipping crate.
I worked to free the lid,
and a ghostly figure reared up -
a young man,
who suddenly
began to bleed
from the chest,
as though he'd been shot
at a very close range.
I know this sounds preposterous,
but I must ask -
was it Mr Staines I saw?
Did you kill him?
He's alive.
He's alive!
Captions by Able.
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