The Machinery (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


There you are.
Isn't it a bit early for that?
I thought we could have coffee.
Have a seat. There you go.
-Have something to eat.
-Thank you.
We were good yesterday. Jesus.
We're not we're not 18 anymore.
Hey I know you've
had a hard time lately.
And that you can't tell me
But if there's anything I can help
with, you have to tell me.
I can drive you to Sweden.
I don't think I can go to Sweden
right now.
Does it
have something to do with Monica?
Have you found out something else?
All I know is that she's
called Monica.
And has a son called Jimmy.
Okay. I understand.
Tom, I just want to say
Thank you so much.
I mean it. I really appreciate this.
That's what friends are for.
Well, time to go
see a man about a horse.
Come on, come on.
Good morning.
Police arrested a man yesterday
evening suspected of involvement
in the robbery of the cash depot
in Sandefjord.
The man has Swedish citizenship
and is also suspected of
the murder of three people.
He's seriously injured and is being
treated in Sandefjord's hospital.
-Can I have a shower later?
-Yes, of course.
Susanne from the Evening Post.
Have you questioned him?
The man is still unconscious.
Stephanie Sanden, Bergens Tidende .
How did you find him?
He forced an ambulance
to drive him to the hospital.
So if I understand correctly,
he wasn't arrested as part of
this week's police investigation?
Yes, that's correct.
Hey, Runar from
the National Broadcaster.
You found a deceased person
in Knattholmen yesterday.
Have they been identified?
Do you have reason to believe the
person was involved in the robbery?
As stated,
he has not been identified,
so it's impossible to comment
at this time.
You can't just go with strangers
like that, Jimmy.
But he said he knew Niko.
People say lots of things.
There are dangerous people out there.
Crazy people.
But he had his car and wallet.
Why did he have them?
Can you describe
what the man looked like?
He had hair to here and blue eyes.
-And a moustache.
-Where did you meet him?
At school.
I want you to stay far away from him.
Do you understand?
What the hell is the problem?
You conducted a large-scale
police pursuit
for a man in central Sandefjord,
Have you made more arrests?
-Can't we watch the football instead?
-We're looking for other people.
We are especially interested
in this woman.
We don't yet know her name.
But we encourage the public to
contact us with any information.
The man pictured is Olle Hultén.
He's been wanted since Wednesday and
last seen in Sandefjord yesterday.
He has previously been known
as Terje Olav Mørk.
We want to warn the public.
These people are extremely dangerous.
They are armed.
It is our highest priority to find
them before they hurt anyone else.
It has been many days
since the robbery,
and it's obvious they are
still in the local area,
but you have only made one arrest.
What consequences will there be
for those investigating the case?
I think we're finished here.
Thank you.
Hey, it's me.
I need a favour.
It's worth 10,000 kronor.
Have you got someone
in the fridge now?
-There are towels next to the toilet!
Olle. Please sit down.
I haven't been
totally honest with you.
I know very well who
Monica Hansen is.
I got a call from Sandefjord Council.
He's sulking like a pussy cause
he doesn't know what we're doing.
And, frankly, I don't either.
Do you need more staff?
-It's not a question of resources.
We need to find him. Understood?
How are you doing?
Are you getting any sleep?
No. Not much.
We can sleep later.
I don't really know
when I'll be back.
We need to figure out
some things here first.
Yes, you can let Stefan
take over the account.
I'll call you when I'm back
in Strömstad. Bye.
-Hi, there!
-Hi, Mum!
-Here I am with Lilly.
We rode the ferry!
Hey, thank God it wasn't him
in the morgue.
-Hey, sweetie!
-Hey, Mum!
So! You came!
Did you take the boat the whole way?
-Pig also took the boat!
-What a surprise!
What Has something happened?
What is it?
I've never thought about
how beautiful it is here.
They're good at making money,
the Norwegians.
All of Sandefjord is built on
whale hunting and tax evasion.
-I can tell there's something.
No, no, no. It's nothing.
You've got enough problems, so
Okay, but
I've messed up a bit.
The money Dad loaned me
for the restaurant--
It's not going well?
Yeah, yeah, the restaurant is going
well, it's not that, it's just
The money didn't really go
to the restaurant
I wanted to do some trading,
so I invested in cryptocurrency.
It was I know,
it was stupid.
How did you open
the restaurant, then?
That must have cost so much money!
You have employees,
they need to be paid.
I got a loan from
an old acquaintance.
-What the hell, Pelle?
-I know, I know.
-How much?
-I'll sort it out.
How much?!
It started at a few hundred thousand,
and now it's up to half a million.
But you don't need to tell Dad,
because I've got it under control.
I'll sort it out.
There's money coming in.
Where are you going?
I saw Olle's dad yesterday.
-Aren't his parents dead?
Okay, do the police know this?
The father is police.
Lilly, you can come with me.
-I have to go.
-But, what okay. Bye, sweetie.
It's so lovely this was able to
happen. Thank you so much.
Of course. It's important to
get to say good bye.
Could I have a few minutes
alone with my aunt?
Of course.
Where's the fridge? Thank you.
So, you work together?
How long have you known each other?
You get to meet her now, okay?
Oh, fuck.
The first number is eight,
the number eight.
36, the number 36.
Ten, the number ten.
35, the number 35.
The first additional number is 48,
the number 48.
-We'll wait in there.
-31. And 26. Number 26.
So, the numbers for this lotto draw
are eight, ten
-That's fine.
-36, 45.
Where the hell are they?
Where are you? We're here now.
Nikolaj said we'd meet at your place.
No, no, no, no, no. That's not
possible. I think Olle killed him.
Hello? Tom? Tom, are you there?
Hey, Monica.
It's me.
Tom, what are you doing?
Sorry, Ole.
I haven't done anything. I just
shipped equipment from Strömstad.
They promised me a lot of money.
I didn't know what
they planned to do with you.
That they were going to kill people.
Who are "they"?
Tom? Tom, look at me.
I killed Nikolaj.
I want you to know that. Because
it doesn't matter to me anymore.
I'm doing all this to protect my
family. Do you understand? Tom?
Okay! Okay! I was there.
I was part of the robbery.
The only ones I was
in contact with were
Monica and Nikolaj.
Nobody else.
Who is the police they drove
to the hospital?
Tom, don't force me to do this.
Who did they drive to the hospital?
A Swede.
Jack something.
Jack Harding?
-Ow! Fuck!
-Are you okay?
Why did you shoot?!
You stay here! You stay here.
I'm leaving now.
Take care of yourself.
-Hey! Are you looking for Irene?
She's probably not home now.
She plays bridge on Thursdays.
Over there in the house
furthest up the hill.
Hey, Irene,
someone wants to talk to you.
Sorry to intrude.
Hi. Irene.
I'm Olle's wife.
Yes, he has many secrets, your son.
I don't know who you are, or what you
want, but I think you should leave.
This is Lilly. Your grandchild.
Olle's daughter.
Come in, come in.
No, no, no.
No need to take your shoes off.
What are we going to do here, Mum?
I'll go put some coffee on.
I'm sorry I was so dismissive.
-There you go.
I'd promised Olle
I wouldn't say anything.
And well, he'd been away so long.
I never thought I'd see him again.
I didn't know he was
married and
had a child.
What a sweet little girl.
It's like looking at your dad
when he was your age.
You're so beautiful.
Is he a good father?
Yes. Yes, he really is.
That's nice to hear.
Why did Olle leave?
When Brede died
he became so depressed.
He changed completely.
Who was Brede?
Brede was his school friend.
He was just 17.
Olle became a totally different
person. So aggressive and
He fought with his dad
and ran away to sea.
he got a job on an oil rig.
I never heard from him again.
I thought something had happened
and he was
And you really don't know
where he is?
Would you mind babysitting
for a moment?
Of course!
Is that okay, Lilly?
I'll be back soon, okay?
Nina, keep in mind Jack has just
been operated on.
I don't give a shit.
Are you coming to the summer party?
Don't know. We'll see.
Hey, Jack.
What are you doing?
Fuck you.
How many of you are there?
Everyone who hates you.
You're starting to upset me.
Everyone will find out
what a fucking bastard you are.
You tricked us.
He'd lost a lot of blood
and was unconscious
when he came in last night.
The surgeon operated until
five o'clock this morning.
I need to question him immediately.
That's up to the doctor.
I have to ask you to wait
until he comes.
-No, he needs to rest!
-Don't touch him!
Thanks for last time.
Hey, come on.
I got some interesting information
about you
from our Swedish colleagues.
Jack Harding, born in Sala, 1982.
An impressive list of merits.
Narcotics, fraud, assault.
Six years in Swedish prison.
Two years in Danish prison.
Three years in Topo Chico?
Was it horrible in Mexican prison?
A good CV.
You're a well-travelled man, Jack.
You have to leave now!
I assume you don't want to talk
about the robbery spoils.
I need help here!
Maybe you can say something
about Olle Hultén?
Nina, calm down.
Is he behind this?
Where is Olle Hultén?
-You have to calm--
-Where is Olle Hultén?!
You have to calm down, Nina!
-What's going on here?
-It's fine, Dr Andersen.
-Everything's fine.
-I haven't approved an interrogation!
Just calm
I have to ask you to
follow our routines.
All patients have a right to equal--
If you let us do our job, you
might have fewer patients.
I saw him!
He's here!
-What's going on?
-Nina, what is it?
-He's here.
He's on the roof,
on his way out the back!
Come on, come on!
Police! Stop! Hands up!
Turn around slowly!
Nina! Listen to me!
You've got the wrong person.
I didn't do this.
I don't give a shit
until it's proven! Down!
Lie still, or I'll shoot!
Hands up!
He fell from the roof at the
entrance. I'm coming down.
Cover the doors down there!
-You take that area.
-Look over there!
Did you see a man run here?
How far could he have gotten?
-A greeting from Olle.
-Where did you find it?
On the car.
Nikolaj Ström, who have we got here?
Mum, when's dinner? Mum?
Yes? Can't I get inside, first?
-But I'm hungry.
-Wait a minute.
Go to Tony.
Are you alone?
What the fuck happened?
Olle tricked me into coming here.
He's after you.
Where is he now?
I don't know.
Why did you just let him go?
I shot at him
but I don't know if I hit him.
Tom? Tom! He's alive.
He's not on the ground out there.
We have to find him.
He knew about the hospital.
I didn't say anything, Monica.
You have to believe me!
I didn't say anything.
I didn't say anything.
What the hell?
What the hell are you doing here?
We shouldn't have contact.
You know that.
-You have to give me more money.
-You already got your money.
You never said what you were going
to do to Olle.
Those pictures and documents
are worth so much more.
You have 30 million.
I just want my share.
Your share?
You took a few pictures
of your brother-in-law.
Made a copy of his work roster.
You've been paid for it.
I've falsified and planted documents,
damn it. I want a million.
Look at me.
Who the hell do you think you are?
People have died for this money.
What the hell do you think happens
when a little pussy like you
comes and pressures us for money?
Tom, I'm in deep shit.
I need to know where Olle is.
If you can help us with that,
it would be worth something.
-Get lost, now.
-Hi, it's Josefin.
-I don't want anything.
No, I'm not selling anything. I'd
like to talk about your son, Brede.
Come in.
I thought you were from welfare.
They're going on about my benefits.
They don't make life easy.
What do you want to know about Brede?
Sit down.
Are you a journalist?
No, no. I'm Olle Edvardsen's
wife. Or Ole.
Oh, Ole.
Oh yeah, he was Brede's best friend.
Do you know why Olle ran away from
Sandefjord after Brede died?
Have you got any money?
-Money, yes kronor.
You have to expect
information costs money.
It's not free.
Brede, he didn't die.
He was murdered.
Police say he broke in and assaulted
someone who had won the lotto.
I never believed that theory.
The guy had a Mauser!
It wasn't really self-defence.
He shot my son in cold blood.
Brede might not have been God's best
child, but No, no, no
And I might not have been
the best parental figure either
Newly divorced,
I was here alone with two kids.
It wasn't easy being Brede,
poor thing.
He needed a father figure
in his life, he did.
But is that why Olle ran away?
Can't you just ask Ole?
No No, he probably doesn't
want to talk about Brede.
It's a bit too unpleasant.
Ole, yes
He was the way he was.
What do you mean?
Was he involved in criminal activity,
There were a few stolen cars and
assaults and robberies and stuff.
Small things.
But he ended up with a sweet wife.
Brede could have too.
Is that Brede in the picture?
He's got his sister on his back.
She lives in Oslo,
working on her career.
Busy with friends and her own stuff.
But she loved her brother so much.
Imagine living here, Nina.
But not on our salaries.
That's life.
There's a lot of crooked money
in this town, Nina.
The body down at the boat
hasn't been identified.
Could it be the guy who lives in
this apartment? Nikolaj Ström?
I would be surprised if it wasn't.
Could Olle have killed him,
do you think?
Everything suggests that.
There are rumours he sold steroids
and worked as a torpedo.
But we've never arrested Nikolaj
for anything,
just small things,
smuggling and stuff like that.
It looks like he's been monitored.
Olle wanted to show us
he was innocent.
That he was subject to a plot?
How are you doing?
Good to see you!
-Have you moved here?
Did Daddy pay for it? This is Nina,
Organised Crime Unit, Oslo.
-Cassandra. A pleasure.
So, you're here again.
Has something happened?
What do you mean?
There was a police car here
yesterday as well.
In the afternoon,
around three, I think.
That older man.
-Was he alone?
Three o'clock
A car was meant to have been here.
Sondre, can you come here a minute?
You and Einar went off duty
at half past two yesterday.
Did one of you use the car
after that?
No, but Einar said he was
going to have it washed.
Was that all?
Yes, he said it's important to
maintain the car.
Yeah, yeah.
Because he was seen at the wharf
around three yesterday.
-Do you know anything about that?
-What's his last name?
Einar Edvardsen.
Do a search on him.
First, I saw him at the boat.
Then he turned up at the morgue.
Maybe he wanted to know
who the victim was.
Does he have a son?
Yes. Ole Edvardsen. 13/3/77.
What are you thinking?
-Do you know anything about his son?
-No, he almost never talks about him.
But I think he lives
in South America.
In Mexico?
Yeah, maybe?
-Where have you been?
What are you doing here?
Did you know I had a Grandma?
Daddy's missed you so much.
I've missed you too, Daddy.
Soon, we're going home. I promise.
Do you?
You're parents are nice.
You didn't need to lie about them.
But you seem to lie about most things
these days.
Go into the kitchen for a minute.
Why did you leave Sandefjord?
And all the years overseas,
what were you doing?
Olle? Huh?
And that bag with the money? Huh?
We found your ring on a body, Olle.
What the hell is going on?
Come on.
Why is it so hard to answer?
Tell me, now!
I'm not who you think I am.
My god, who are you, then?
I think I need
some time to be myself.
But Olle. Please.
I'm just trying to
understand what's going on.
I don't think you'll understand this.
So I want you to take Lilly,
and go home now.
I have to force myself to smile.
And say nice things to you.
But, really, I feel nothing.
I promised myself
after we had Lilly
that I'd never have
more children with you.
I don't love you anymore.
-Hey, Irene.
-Hey, Magnus, is that you?
This is Nina Berge from
Organised Crime Unit, Oslo.
-Okay, yes.
-We'd like to talk to Einar.
He's not home.
We want to talk to him
about your son Ole.
He's here.
He's in here!
Damn it! Hey! Hey!
Damn it, bloody hell!
Ole! Hop in.
Hey! Hey! Damn it!
I think we know who Ole Hultén is.
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