The Matchmakers (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

What Happened at Sunhwa Temple

(Cho Yi Hyun)
(Writer: Ha Soo Jin)
(Directors: Hwang Seung Ki, Kim Soo Jin)
(The Matchmakers)
It is convenient to make a living on your own.
Why must I marry, support a husband,
and serve and cater to him too?
All men are the same.
Who has an ideal type?
She said I do not have to marry a man I do not like.
My ideal type is someone
who uses his hands
to earn enough money to buy the food he eats.
(Yoon Bu Kyum, 27, orphaned at an early age)
Mencius said
farming is the basis of a great nation.
It is not shameful for a nobleman to farm land.
My ideal type
Even if I were to say,
would my heart count for anything?
(Episode 5: What Happened at Sunhwa Temple)
Stop being nervous.
Even my brother cannot recognize me before and after makeup.
What do I do?
Oh, no.
What is with this outfit?
Do you recognize who I am?
How can I not recognize you?
I asked what this outfit was about.
To make my work easier,
I dressed as a Bukchon daughter-in-law.
A peddler pretending to be a rich noblewoman?
- I will - Report me?
This work goes against my beliefs,
and it makes me feel miserable.
He feels miserable over this?
Without the face full of makeup
Do not say a thing.
I know I look common
without the makeup and mole.
I am glad you know that,
but it is not a terrible sight.
I prefer this look on you.
Forget all that and explain
why Sunhwa Temple is so special.
Where are the superstar bachelors you spoke of?
I will start by explaining
Circling the Pagoda of Love.
This is
Oh, dear.
The innermost circle
consist of mothers and children with a purpose.
They check if their future son or daughter-in-law
is physically well and able.
Seok Ho is the young man next to the lady
in a long hood with a peony.
Some aggressive ladies dress up as peddlers
to check their future children's spouse,
but that is a hassle, so if the timing is right,
they prefer to do this.
There is an unspoken rule to circling the pagoda?
I am surprised.
I am surprised you do not know of this
when you are from Hanyang.
My family went to Yongmun Temple.
What a pity.
Then we shall
move onto my favourite stage, the excitement stage.
The excitement stage?
Wait for me.
This is where people gather if they do not have partners.
It is where first eye contact happens most often.
Are you unwell?
When I am in a crowd,
my heart races for no reason.
You are speaking our language,
so why do I not know what you mean?
When there are too many people,
sometimes my heart beats fast,
and my chest hurts.
I calm down once people stop looking at me.
Stand still in front of me.
Will this
kill you?
There is no medical solution,
but it is not deadly.
Yes. I feel a little better now.
Just a moment.
I will make a path.
Stay close and walk with your eyes on me.
To put it simply,
use me as a shield and do not look at others.
Then your chest will no longer hurt.
Come along.
We shall go.
If we leave like this, we will not meet the bachelors.
The bachelors are not here.
They gather somewhere else.
This is it.
Where the bachelors gather.
Matchmakers call it
the Wall of Darkness.
I see no one.
Are you sure?
There will be many bachelors.
I feel very at ease because I see no one.
Take a few more steps, then look again.
What is it now?
Does your chest hurt?
Do not make such a fuss.
I do not suffer whenever there is a crowd.
Do not treat me like a patient either.
Very well.
But tell me if you feel any pain.
I will be your shield.
Okay. I like that idea.
What is that way off in the darkness?
The poor souls who could not circle the pagoda.
Bachelors who came here
with some kind of hope.
You can see more clearly if you step closer.
Come on.
- Goodness. - You play too slow.
Why did you play this move?
- Listen. - Yes?
How about the lady in the jade-coloured long hood?
She is too tall for me.
I did not like her that much either.
The left state councillor has one daughter,
- and the millionaire - Lord Song.
Yes, Lord Song's eldest is of marriageable age.
What if both ladies were to propose to you?
Whom would you marry?
Wait. I need time to think.
It is not easy.
Why do they even wonder about such things?
Is the Bukchon housing price still not under control?
How frustrating.
I do not think any official
can get Bukchon's housing price under control.
Will you take back the last move?
I was busy talking and did not look.
Once played, there is no going back.
Did you not want the lantern?
Yes, I did want it.
I need you
to make notes of all the bachelors by the wall.
As promised, I will
bring the ladies here in an hour.
Very well. I will do that.
Is it because it is Buddha's birthday?
I look extra good today.
It is not a terrible sight.
I prefer this look on you.
He is the first person to recognize me
without my makeup.
Come and take a seat.
I think Joseon is no longer fair or impartial.
If the father is not a high official,
his children have no chance
at holding office or marrying well.
(Deep-seated sense of inheriting wealth)
The type of woman I want
is someone young and pretty.
Even houses at the top of Mount Mokmyeok cost too much now,
so I could not marry.
I would like to marry a young and pretty woman.
A married man must buy a house within the four gates of Hanyang,
and travel the nation with friends
once a year to boost their friendship.
I could not find a woman
who would accept that.
The woman I marry must be
- young and pretty. - Young and pretty.
How do you know that?
It surprises me no longer.
O Bong!
The door to the petitioner's drum
was unlocked by Lieutenant Jung Soon Gu.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Very well.
So Hyun.
Keep your in-laws in line.
I asked around,
and your daughter-in-law's brother unlocked the petitioner's drum.
Why would he do that?
I have no idea.
He must have forgotten who made him a lieutenant.
I will scold him
I will look into it.
You keep quiet.
Very well.
By the way,
I saw Lord Gyeongunjae on the way here.
Lord Gyeongunjae is here?
He is trying to marry off Maeng Ha Na.
That must be why.
Sunhwa Temple on Buddha's birthday is a matchmaker's favourite spot.
Lord Gyeongunjae is a matchmaker?
I came from far away because I heard Sunhwa Temple
was exceptionally beautiful.
Regardless of riches or name,
I wish to find a woman who accepts me for who I am.
Does that make me a romantic?
Until a while ago, I would have said that were absurd.
But you seem more normal than most.
All men are here for the same thing.
I need not feel ashamed.
I am a second-hand single man.
Do you not know the meaning?
I was briefly married, but I am now single.
"Second-hand single."
However, I do not have children,
so I am as good as a bachelor.
Do you understand?
I managed a large village school in Myeongryun-dong for years,
so I have a lot of farmland beyond the fortress.
I would like a healthy, pretty, virtuous,
and young woman.
Do you understand?
Hello. Take a seat.
Youth and good looks do not last.
Men grow old just the same.
People of similar age must marry
if they are to be compatible.
Oh, sorry.
Would there be a woman
(Bachelor 23, Office of Tributes and Food)
who would like a man like me?
There might be, so tell me
your ideal type of woman.
Any woman who can understand me will do.
Why must I be interviewed?
All the men here must be interviewed.
Bachelor 24, the last one.
Yoon Bu Kyum who hails from Sinchon?
You got high marks
on the initial state exam,
so why did you turn to farming instead of
continuing to study?
As part of neither faction, even if I were to take office,
could I ever be successful?
Before then,
could I ever pass the state exam?
Anyone with the necessary skills can pass the state exam.
If you believe so,
you must be in the Dongro Faction.
His distorted inferiority complex has got him
all twisted inside.
No wonder he is single.
Oh, dear.
(Bachelor interview, done)
Put down your lanterns and gather round.
Pass through Iljumun Gate,
wear your long hood so no one can see your face,
and head straight to the main temple.
Then circle the two pagodas.
Do you like her?
She is over there.
The more you know, the more charms you see.
Circle the pagoda just twice.
Starting with Lady Ha Na, take about 50 steps to the left,
and stand under the tree with the fish-shaped lantern.
From there,
you can see the Event Horizon of Darkness I spoke of.
Starting with Lady Ha Na,
walk across the Event Horizon of Darkness.
When you are about halfway through, use your first eye contact skill.
I will go first.
Do as you practiced.
Shall we start with a chant?
Why should we chant?
How childish.
I love chants.
Seize your fated match and live happily.
- Let us do this. - Let us do this!
Let us do this!
Let us go.
Darn it.
Are you trying to show you are in the Namjang Faction?
Why bring that up when you ruined the game?
You know I am with the Dongro Faction.
You irritated me by saying the Dongro Faction
is responsible for rising expenses!
That is just an excuse.
You thought you would lose,
- so you ruined - Why are they fighting?
- Why? - You should be ashamed.
Do not even ask.
They are fighting over a game of Baduk.
- What will you do, then? - How dare you
Let us fight.
Physically? Do you think you scare me?
- Come at me. - No, you come at me.
I really hate bachelors.
The sisters will pass through soon.
- Gosh. - That guy.
Do not stop me.
- Bring it on. - Why you little
I am done for.
The sound of a daegeum that brings love!
My lord.
That daegeum music is so annoying.
Do you not like it, Auntie?
I like it a lot.
It is too nice.
Something nice is annoying?
If only she were here with us.
I will head back to the hall.
Watch Geun Seok for me.
Poor her.
There is a reason for that.
This is a secret match,
so I cannot tell you the exact details,
but the left state councillor’s daughter
will circle the pagoda with her 12-year-old nephew.
You should be able to recognize her right away.
How strange.
Why is she not here?
Mother. Who are you looking for?
I have not circled the pagoda with you in years,
and it makes me so happy.
Does it? I like it as well.
My lady.
What the
What did you just do?
All the men will notice Lady Ha Na's looks.
It is easier to find her match
if she is allowed to choose.
Agents of Love with a heightened level of skill
are said to bring couples together without knowing themselves.
Awesome move.
It seems too good a game to give up.
I saw a fairy.
Wait, you
Why are you banging on a drum?
Your heart pounds when you see the one you like.
The same happens when you hear a drum.
I want to make the men think
their hearts are beating because they saw Lady Doo Ri.
That is fraud.
Instead of calling it fraud,
we shall call it my skill to increase excitement.
Lady Doo Ri is not fond of the idea of marriage,
and she needs an enthusiastic bachelor.
This is a spring flower essence.
Spray it on your wrists, neck, and skirt hem before you go.
It is made of flowers?
Let us do this.
What is that lantern doing there?
Unfortunately for her, the bachelors care about looks,
so I used the perfume to get their attention as I would a bee's.
The light from the fish lantern
should exaggerate Lady Sam Soon's looks.
That is also fraud caused by an illusion.
I believe it is a matchmaking skill.
You are
definitely more thoughtful.
You call fraud a skill.
The future of Joseon is so bleak.
Oh, dear.
Pollen makes Lady Sam Soon sneeze?
This is bad. She should have told me.
My goodness.
No one followed the youngest out.
What now?
Do not worry. I will not upset the wedding plans.
If we can stick to the plans even if first eye contact failed,
why did we go through all this trouble?
To find bachelors that the ladies like.
Poor Lady Sam Soon
Darn it.
That sigh.
It was too long.
You said you would not come.
I was in the area, so I stopped by.
You are lying.
How is it possible that you happened to be around Sunhwa Temple?
I know you came to see me.
You brought this horse lantern instead of the turtle lantern.
It is pretty.
Oh, let me pour you one too.
This wine is very good.
What man would want to marry a young lady who loves to drink?
Do not worry.
A handsome young master who studies at Sungkyunkwan
already proposed to me.
That is great news.
So you will get married, kiddo. We should drink to celebrate.
Goodness. Stop turning around, will you?
You will twist your neck.
Many scholars wanted to be matched with you two,
so you can call it a day without regrets.
Sam Soon.
If you are that worried, I suggest you go and ask Lady Yeoju about it.
Can I do that?
Doo Ri, go with her.
- I must give Mother her medicine. - No, what a hassle.
Come along. Please come with me.
Please, Doo Ri.
So? Was there someone you liked?
I could not even see anyone for I was too busy sneezing.
I would like any scholar who finds me charming.
What? Anyone? Do you like men that much?
I know. What is wrong with me?
Why can I not maintain my dignity in front of men, unlike you two?
Why do I like men so much and have such a dirty mind?
Hey, why are you running away?
Darn it. That fool.
You scared me.
Where did you come from?
Oh, I was very surprised too.
I did not expect to see you again at a place like this.
This is nice.
Mind your own business, and just be on your way.
I guess you sprained your ankle again.
I cannot just leave, knowing that.
Please hold this for a moment.
And please excuse me.
Hey, put me down at once!
He is after me even on Buddha's birthday?
He is too diligent for his own good, is he not?
Hang on.
Is he persistently chasing me because it is me?
Hand over the petition in your chest, and I will spare you.
I knew it. You are a woman.
The soldier who took the petition
and the assassin who got the petition taken away
both stood there facing each other as if time had stopped.
Back then, they did not know that it was the beginning
of their love, which would lead them through their long hard journey.
This is such a fantastic beginning.
Oh, no!
I knew you were Hwa Rok.
I will not arrest you.
Do not worry.
If you are not here to arrest me,
hurry up and say what you need to say.
Stop writing those erotic romance novels at once.
Corrupting public morals is not the only reason
the Capital District Office is after Hwa Rok.
They believe you broke the law and caused Lee Cho Ok's death.
I broke the law and caused someone to die?
If you get caught, you could face the death penalty.
So if you do not wish to die unfairly
Well understood.
Once you hurt your ankle,
it is easy to get a sprained ankle again, so you must be careful.
It will heal with time, so please make yourself at home.
I should have followed Sam Soon.
Pardon me? I did not hear what you just said.
I was not talking to you.
And did you think I would thank you for this?
My father told me
that the feelings of remorse, gratitude, and love
should be expressed without delay in order to avoid regret.
It sounds like you have a wonderful father.
Okay, you do that.
There is something I have been curious about.
How old are you that you always talk down to me like this?
I am 23. What about you?
We are around the same age.
Around the same age? As if.
You look younger than my youngest sister.
If you have not walked around the pagoda yet,
how about we do it together?
I already did it.
So she already did it.
Oh, my. Who knew there was such a scenic spot at Sunhwa Temple?
What a nice view.
Oh, right.
There is something I meant to tell you.
Your daegeum performance earlier was great.
Once I start something, I always excel at it.
By the way, will Sam Soon be all right?
I know a rice cake vendor at the market.
They make injeolmi,
sirutteok, and mugwort jeolpyeon.
One day, they had a lot of sirutteok that did not sell,
but the batch of sirutteok tasted just fine.
I do not think
that is sirutteok's fault.
You are trying to tell me
that the situation was not in Sam Soon's favour earlier.
I knew you would get it.
You understand things very quickly.
Well, stop saying things that everyone in Joseon knows.
Here, take this.
It is the latest item imported from Ming.
Do you know what it is?
- This is - It is a sky lantern, is it not?
Yes, it is.
I flew one with my brother in Pyongyang.
You are talking about your brother again.
What does your brother do?
Speaking of which,
how old are you?
You look much younger than me,
and yet you talk so casually to me.
Oh, no! I have to make a wish.
A wish? Come on. Are you a kid?
Here, you can have this.
May I? Truly?
Oh, right.
My goodness.
You really are making a wish?
Let me ask you.
What did you wish for?
My brother told me that your wish would never come true
if you told anyone what you wished for.
Must you talk about your brother again?
I read about this in the erotic romance novel.
This is what happens right before a kiss.
Why is the bell ringing already?
My lord, I will see you at the inn in three days.
I will be off, then.
After creating a situation like this,
you cannot just leave.
Oh, no.
Gosh, what should I do?
How come Soon Duk is not here?
I believe she is outside with Geun Seok.
I saw Geun Seok with his servant on my way here.
Lady Park.
You must watch your widowed daughter-in-law.
Shall I step out and look for her?
Gosh, you scared me.
Aunt, please lower your voice.
Why were you praying in the back?
Because you were not here, Mother.
Never forget that you are a member of the Jo family.
Yes, Mother.
You appeared out of nowhere.
You were not here even just a moment ago.
Aunt, you did not even look carefully.
My gosh, Ye Jin. You appeared out of nowhere too.
Soon Duk was adamant about doing 1,000 bows,
so I could not go to the lotus lantern festival either.
I have been stuck here bowing all day.
Thanks for that.
Oh, I see Uncle Soon Gu over there.
Soon Gu.
How have you been?
I have been well, thanks to you.
Your father is doing well too, right?
Yes, thanks to you.
Oh, right.
When there was the incident involving the petitioner's drum,
I heard you opened the door
to the petitioner's drum. Am I right?
What brings you here at this time?
There is a lady who was treated unjustly.
Can you open the door to the petitioner's drum?
Mother, that was
I did it because Lord Gyeongunjae asked me to.
The royal in-law at Gyeongunjae?
I apologize if it offended you in any way.
No, not at all.
Thanks to you, the Minister of Defence could clear his name.
Are you here to see Soon Duk?
Geun Seok.
Soon Duk, I will look after Geun Seok.
You should catch up with your brother.
- You do not need to - Thank you,
What is Lord Gyeongunjae up to?
I was going to take care of it.
How could you tell a lie that would be exposed in no time?
Mother can ask the Man of Anger
I mean, she can ask Lord Gyeongunjae directly.
- I did not lie. - You did.
I was the one who asked you to open the door.
When the situation was almost sorted out,
Lord Gyeongunjae came to see me.
He told me to say he was the one who ordered me to open the door
if anyone ever asked me.
Why did the Man of Anger say that?
Why are you telling me to say you did something you did not do?
The Minister of Defence is the one who did wrong.
I do not wish to see a bunch of innocent people being interrogated.
As for me,
I can avoid it, for I am a member of the royal family.
You see, this is how much I care for the people.
how do you and Lady Yeoju know each other?
Who is Lady Yeoju?
If you do not know her, forget what I said.
Just like the rumours, he can be cantankerous
and has a lot of anger, but I do not think he is a bad person.
Does the inspector and Lord Gyeongunjae know each other?
No wonder he looked upset when I was bad-mouthing the Man of Anger.
Anyway, I am relieved then.
Can you please behave yourself and stay out of trouble?
Look at you lecturing me after helping me just once.
I can take care of myself, so mind your own business.
Hurry up and go home.
Already? No, I do not want to.
I rarely get a chance to let loose and play like this.
I will play some more.
You are not a child.
Come along.
I see two lanterns.
Did someone else fly a sky lantern?
(1 hour ago)
Do not come here. Please wait there.
You will ruin your clothes, my lord.
Goodness. Just keep going, will you?
Yes, over there.
I see it right there.
Oh, boy.
What did you wish for?
If you tell anyone what you wished for, your wish will never come true.
Says who?
My brother Goodness, must you ask?
- My apologies. - What is with you?
What brings you here?
I am concerned as to what Lord Gyeongunjae may be up to,
so I came to speak with you.
If it is about the petitioner's drum,
I will handle it.
Beyond that,
his matchmaking for Erudite Maeng's daughters
bothers me more.
So you heard about him being their matchmaker.
But this is not the first time
Lord Gyeongunjae has done something weird, you know.
The spinsters allowed us to postpone the crown prince's marriage.
How can he matchmake for those model spinsters?
By any chance, is he working for His Majesty?
It worries me.
Once the upcoming ritual ends,
I was planning to exile him
by accusing him of bribery from his brother.
I shall bring it forward.
Instead of exiling him,
how about we make him Geun Seok's tutor?
Lord Gyeongunjae is not someone
who will quietly be exiled if he is framed.
He will not give up on the Dongro Faction either.
I want to keep him close to fathom his intentions.
Whether he is someone who can work with us
or one we should
get rid of entirely,
I will be able to decide then.
My lord, it is O Bong.
I compiled a list of tenant farmers based on their farmlands.
The letter is from Lady Park, the wife of Lord Jo.
Lady Park?
Why is she ordering me about?
Oh, dear.
What should I do? What do I do?
I thought Lady Yeoju would handle everything.
Why are you pacing about here? It is giving me a headache.
Back then, I had time
so I thought I could play it by ear.
I need to get the wedding date tomorrow. What do I do?
Why not ask Madam Lee for help?
Ask Madam Lee?
The left state councillor’s daughter is marrying the headmaster's son?
Of course, I will keep it a secret until their wedding day.
I am rather tight-lipped, you see.
The moment she gets involved,
the entire city will find out.
That is true. The wedding will only be called off.
Why, you
What if I put on heavier makeup
and go as Lady Yeoju's sister instead?
That is too
No. If my brother could not recognize me,
Mother might not either.
I will get going.
She will not go there herself, will she?
Please wait here.
My lady.
She is here on Lady Yeoju's behalf, who has a cold.
Should I let her in?
How can she send someone else when this is supposed to be secret?
Let her in.
Yes, my lady.
You want me to get the wedding date myself?
You did not get to see their daughter's face
at Sunhwa Temple, did you?
That is true, but how can I go there myself?
Sometimes, noble ladies dress up as peddlers
to have a look at their future daughter-in-law's face.
I have heard of that.
But I would have to meet Lady Park there.
Will she not know?
She will probably
recognize you right away.
That is why you should go there
to see if this marriage will be good for your family.
You have been uncertain, have you not?
Lady Yeoju sent her apologies for her absence.
And this
is a present from the headmaster's wife.
There is one for you, Lady Ye Jin, and her aunt.
She prepared three pieces.
Even for Royal Noble Consort Suk?
She is such a thoughtful lady.
Your future mother-in-law will be here tomorrow.
Make sure you look demure.
First impressions are the most important, after all.
("The Young Master Next Door")
If you get in her bad books, your married life will be tough.
Must I go through such lengths?
Tell me about it.
Why were you absent during the pagoda circling?
This is my daughter.
I heard Lady Yeoju
can tell one's love compatibility from their appearance.
I called her over in case you could do the same.
Rumours in town say that
the left state councillor’s daughter makes the best daughter-in-law.
How can I, a mere peddler, decide her worthiness?
I heard the headmaster's son
is intelligent and dutiful.
Since young, their son has enjoyed studying.
As he is compassionate,
he has the potential to do great things for the country.
His parents' only concern is that he is too kind for his sake.
If that is so, please tell them that my bright daughter Ye Jin
and her father
will help him out with that.
Yes, my lady.
May 25? Is that not too soon?
We are certain of him. There is no need for further delay.
I will ask Sam Wol's mother to make the detailed preparations.
You just need to take care of Ye Jin
and make sure word does not get out until the wedding.
Yes, Mother.
By the way, Geun Seok's tutor will be here in a while.
When I call for you, come to the villa with Geun Seok.
Geun Seok is only 12 years old.
Is it not too much for him to handle school and tutoring?
Twelve years old is no longer young.
Now, Geun Seok has to focus on his studies.
While I am grateful for the offer, I have never tutored anyone.
I shall have to refuse
tutoring your grandson.
Before the crown prince got his title,
did you not
tutor him for half a year?
Back then, I was just his simple companion.
You can simply share ideas with my grandson too.
Grandmother, it is Geun Seok.
Come in.
(The Matchmakers)
Calm down.
I just need to be careful not to get on his nerves.
You are here early.
He is the famous Man of Anger?
Just find out what Soon Duk had been up to.
We will be able to get rid of Lady Ha Na's rumour.
She must have feelings for the widower.
No. I do not.
It happened in a flash, but I caught it.
His loving gaze.
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