The Mess You Leave Behind (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

El lugar secreto

- [monitor beeping]
- [sirens wailing in distance]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Raquel inhales sharply]
- [Germán] Quela.
- [Raquel grunts softly]
[Germán] Quela, baby.
How are you feeling?
Where am I?
[Germán] You had an accident,
and you're in the hospital.
But you're all right.
It was nothing serious.
Hmm? Calm down.
I'm gonna tell the doctor
you're awake and alert, okay?
No, no, no, no. Please don't leave me.
Where are all my things?
They brought them a while ago.
They're here in this bag. Calm down.
- Raquel. Raquel.
- Where's the phone?
[Germán sighs]
The phone in the car.
In the car, there was a phone.
[Germán] It's okay.
They'll find it. It's no big deal.
No, I know that they took it.
Who are "they"?
I think they did something bad to Viruca.
[sighs] Raquel, what are you even saying?
I think they may have killed her.
And that's why they were following me.
I was really nervous,
and I drove right off the road.
Who followed you?
Why would they wanna follow you?
For sticking my nose
into something I shouldn't have.
Come on, Raquel.
- [Raquel] No, listen to me.
- Please don't.
I know you're not gonna believe me,
but I swear it's not my imagination.
I promise.
It's okay.
[Germán] I'll be right back, okay?
Gonna go talk to the doctor.
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Raquel sighs, sniffles]
- Oh, shit.
- [items rustling]
[woman] Excuse me. Is this your phone?
The paramedic said
you left it in the ambulance.
[indistinct chatter]
[ominous music plays]
["La Espina de la Flor en tu Costado"
by Xoel López playing]
[Nanook barking, panting]
[Raquel chuckling] Hello. Hello.
Oh, hello. Hello, honey, my sweetest.
- [Nanook whining]
- [Raquel grunts, exhales]
[inhales sharply, grunts softly]
[exhales, kisses] Come here.
I missed you, my dear.
[Germán sighs]
- I'm gonna fix us something to eat.
- [Raquel] Mm-hmm.
[kisses] Hey, buddy.
Hey, buddy, hey.
- What is it?
- [Nanook growls, whines]
What is it? What is
[rain pattering on patio]
[Raquel sighs]
[Nanook barking]
Come on. [kisses, whistles]
Come on. Come on.
Come here.
- It was just the wind.
- [Nanook whining and panting]
[ominous music playing]
[sighs] Ah, shit.
- [phone unlocks]
- [Raquel exhales]
- [cell phone chimes]
- Tere.
Uh, hey there.
Are you still in touch with that contact
who knew so much
about phones and all that sort of stuff?
Um, call me as soon as you can.
- Kisses.
- [cell phone chimes]
[Raquel exhales] Hello.
- Raquel, what are you doing? Are you okay?
- How do you already know?
[Marga] You know how many people live
in this tiny town?
- You can't miss the news.
- Yeah.
- [Ramón] How are you doing?
- Um, okay. It was just a small accident.
I got distracted
and swerved off the road, and that's all.
You're sure that's all there was to it?
I hope everything's gonna be fine
with the students and with your classes.
Yes. Yes, it is.
You know you can count on all of us.
- I know. Thanks.
- [Marga] You only have one class?
I'll cover for you.
Take the rest of the day off.
- Seriously?
- [Marga] Of course.
That would be good. That way,
I could run some errands I have in Coruña,
but I… I don't have a car right now,
so it's fine.
[Mauro] If you want, I can take you there.
- [Raquel] Yeah?
- [Mauro] Mm-hmm.
[faculty members chattering]
[birds calling]
Hey, should we be worried
about what happened?
No, I'm good.
It was just a small scare, nothing else.
Hey, I'm not Marga, huh?
You don't have to lie to me about this.
No, I really am good. Don't worry.
Okay, have it your way.
[Raquel sighs]
[takes a deep breath] I think
I'm going a little crazy, Mauro.
I… I can't get this image
out of my head of Viruca.
It's as if I…
I'm starting to suspect,
like, I'm repeating her mistakes.
That's why I have to know
what really happened,
so I don't make the same mistakes as her.
- I don't wanna end up the same way.
- Hold on. What?
You're not like her at all.
Don't worry about that.
No, Viruca had a personality
that was destructive.
She had this sort of tendency
to make things harder.
In the last few months,
she started taking a lot of drugs
and drinking and…
Uh, you're not like her at all.
I was being followed that night.
And I think they…
they wanted Viruca's cell phone.
Her cell phone?
I think maybe they wanted, um…
or they were trying to maybe, uh…
- Yeah.
- [turn signal clicking]
[calming instrumental music playing]
[Raquel sighs heavily]
- [seagulls crying]
- [car door opens]
[Mauro] Okay. But, seriously,
you inherited a house in La Marina?
Why are you teaching
and not living off the rent?
[Raquel chuckles]
Thank you for the ride, Mauro.
[footsteps fading]
Come here, honey. Come here.
- Please come here.
- [Raquel sighs]
- [Tere] Oh, who's that?
- [Raquel] Hmm?
[Tere] I like your driver, too.
- [Raquel scoffs] He's an acquaintance.
- [Tere] An acquaintance?
[seagulls continue crying]
[laptop fan whirring]
[Tere] Dear, it's okay.
If someone will be able
to unlock the cell phone, it's Darío.
Come on.
[bar patrons chattering indistinctly]
Okay. Um, thank you for the favor.
[Darío] The favor?
- It's 200 euros, sweetie.
- Oh? Oh, my goodness. [chuckles]
[Darío] Relax.
It's almost done. There you go.
- [fanfare plays on laptop]
- Yeah? Gimme.
[Tere] Ah. Okay. What's there?
[Raquel] Um, let's see. Uh, wait a sec.
In the, um… [sighs]
In the contacts,
there are only numbers. No names.
- Call them. Come on, call them.
- Okay, but how can I call them?
They can't know
that I'm the one with her phone.
- Okay, I see. And what else?
- Okay, you are making me super nervous.
- [Raquel grunts]
- Honey. [exhales]
[tense instrumental music playing]
What the fuck?
[Raquel breathing shakily]
[tense music swells]
[Raquel sighs]
[doorbell rings]
[lock clicks]
- You called?
- [Viruca] Come in.
[Iago exhales]
[Viruca sighs]
[Iago exhales deeply]
[Viruca] Can you explain?
Explain what?
[Viruca] Explain this.
- [Iago scoffs, sighs]
- [Viruca] No.
See, it's my fault because I'm an idiot
for letting you into my house,
for treating you like an adult.
- For feeling sorry for you.
- Feeling sorry?
Feeling sorry, yes.
I don't want your pity.
No, you want to cum all over my face.
Others already do.
[Iago exhales]
You can hit me as much as you want.
I can't feel it.
[Viruca sighs]
- Would you please get out of here?
- [Iago sighs]
[Viruca] What are you doing?
Get out of here. Please go.
[Iago exhales]
Tell me you don't wanna kiss me, I'll go.
[Viruca sighs]
[gentle instrumental music playing]
[Iago inhales sharply]
Tell me you don't wanna take off
my clothes, and I'll go.
[both breathing heavily]
Tell me you don't wanna fuck me right now,
and I'll go.
Tell me.
- [both panting]
- [music swells]
[Iago sighs heavily]
[Viruca exhales]
[Viruca moans softly]
[music fades]
[cell phone ringtone playing, vibrating]
[Viruca exhales]
[cell phone clicks]
[Viruca sighs]
[Iago exhales deeply, groans]
How are you?
You should get out of here.
[Iago] You're already regretting this?
[exhales deeply] I'm not.
Can I please take a shower?
- [Iago exhales]
- [Viruca sighs]
[Iago clears throat]
[door opens]
[shower running]
[Viruca sighs]
- [Nanook whining]
- [cell phone ringing]
[indistinct chatter]
- [Mauro] Raquel?
- Yeah?
Are you busy right now?
There's something I want to show you.
- [Nanook whining]
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Thank you for leaving the dog in the car.
I've been afraid of dogs
since I was a little kid.
Yeah. No, no, it's not a problem.
We'll be right back, okay? Huh?
- [Nanook continues whining]
- Stay there. Stay.
Yeah, he'll be fine.
- [birds singing]
- [somber instrumental music playing]
It's so peaceful.
Well, here's where they think she died,
and the current took her
all the way to the dam over there.
Here's where she jumped in the water.
That's what they say.
Did you notice how long it took us
to get here from Novariz?
[Raquel] Yeah. Why?
Then you understand
it was almost impossible
for her to take all of those sedatives
and then drive out here.
then she wouldn't have been able to drive.
- [Mauro] Mm-hmm.
- Maybe she could've taken 'em here?
No, no. We found the box in her closet
and a bottle of water
with her fingerprints.
Besides… how did she get those pills
in the first place?
[Raquel] Well,
someone could've given them to her, hmm?
- [Mauro] You think?
- [Raquel] Yeah.
- It's warm, huh?
- [Mauro] Yeah, it's the thermal water.
So the currents are warmer in this part.
But that's what's weird.
Viruca didn't jump in back there.
[crow cawing]
[Nanook barking]
[Germán sniffling]
- [door squeaks open]
- Hey.
- Hey there.
- [Germán] So? Where you been?
- I tried to call, but your phone was off.
- Uh, I don't know.
I… My phone must've died.
- [Nanook whining]
- What's up?
Nothing here. The life of a businessman.
Trying to organize the chaos
that is the O Muíño accounts.
Think I'm starting to see a light
at the end of the tunnel.
You don't have to sell your apartment.
No, that decision's already been made.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Listen, I'm gonna go to bed, okay?
- I'm not feeling too hot.
- You don't want to talk?
Well, the accident,
whatever's going on with you.
Maybe it's just been affecting
- You know, I'm afraid that… that…
- Afraid that I will lose my mind again?
No! What do you mean?
[sighs] Yeah.
[Germán] Maybe you're not as invincible
as you think you are.
We are having a party.
- What do you mean, a party?
- [Germán] Yeah.
- [Raquel] Huh?
- Yeah, a party.
- Right here.
- What?
To relax, to enjoy,
to celebrate the house.
To invite the Acebedos,
who are always inviting us. And your
friends from school, and everyone.
Okay, yeah. We can… We can do that.
- Yeah, but you'll have to organize it.
- Sure.
I'm going to bed.
[dramatic instrumental music playing]
[Raquel sighs]
[cell phone unlocks]
[birds calling]
Never knew this place was here.
I often come here when I…
when I wanna be on my own.
- [Viruca sighs]
- Something wrong?
We need to have a talk.
[Iago] You're gonna leave me again?
How long will it take you to come back?
Three days? Two semesters?
- You'll be back.
- Do you think that this is normal?
And fucking my dad is normal?
[crows cawing]
Can't you see I'm thinking about you?
Can't you see this makes no sense at all?
This has no present, no future, no
- [huffs] Future?
- Yeah.
What future?
I'm living with that son of a bitch
who will beat me when he feels like it.
I have nothing in my life.
Except that everything sucks.
- [Viruca sighs]
- Hey, listen.
You know what?
I don't care about that.
I wanna be right here.
With you. Right now.
But, Iago, no. Come on.
Okay, fine.
[Viruca sighs]
Hey, where are you going?
Iago, come back here.
[Iago grunts]
[Viruca panting] Get down!
Get down from there, Iago!
Come on! Please stop that! [gasps]
Iago! [panting]
Get down, now.
If there's no us,
then I don't give a fuck anymore.
- [gentle music playing]
- [Viruca] So you're actually gonna jump?
If I do this,
it'll be an end to your problems.
Mine, too. And in there,
no one will be able to hurt me.
Not my father, not you.
[Viruca sighs]
[Iago] What are you doing?
[exhales] I'm not getting down from here
until you get down.
Does it scare you?
[Viruca exhales]
Just tell me that you care.
Tell me that you'll break up with my dad
and be with me.
Say it, and I'll get down.
If I didn't care about you,
would I be here?
Tell me that you'll leave him. Tell me.
- I can't hear you!
- Okay, yes.
Iago, I will.
[music swells]
[students chattering indistinctly]
[Raquel] Good morning.
[class grows quiet]
[Raquel exhales]
Surprised to see me today?
Some of us bet
that you weren't gonna come back.
[Raquel] Oh, yeah?
Why wasn't I coming back?
I'm not a person who gives up easily
or leaves things unfinished.
Although I know some of you
would have liked to see that.
Can anyone tell me where we left off?
Please could you, before you start…
can you tell us what happened to you?
Uh, no. No, I won't.
[Roi] Don't you understand how losing
another teacher could affect all of us?
Do you know that I found her?
I found Viruca.
[sighs] That I'll always have
that image in my head.
I dream about her every single night.
- What do you wanna know?
- [Iago] Did you think you were dying?
What was the last thing
that went through your mind?
That you were going to miss us all?
[students chuckle]
[sighs] You see,
I can't take you seriously.
- That's okay.
- [Iago] Hey, come on.
What's wrong
with the question I asked you?
When the car swerved off the road, I was…
I was afraid.
I was really scared.
I thought about
all the things I hadn't said.
About all the things I hadn't done.
And about all the things that I…
I would like to do in my life.
[takes a deep breath]
And I felt like I had failed you
because I haven't conveyed my passion
for literature.
[boy 1 scoffs] Come on, shut up.
- [boy 2] Really? Come on.
- [Raquel] Seriously.
Because literature saved me.
- Understand? And
- [Iago] Bullshit.
It's clear
that you're in need of medication.
- [students laugh]
- You could give her something, huh?
- Can you shut up?
- Like those pills. [chuckles]
Okay. Well, okay.
Confession time is now over.
So open your books to page… [sighs]
…to page 32.
Nerea, can you start reading from there?
"Next time, please knock
on the door twice before coming in."
[students chattering]
[Nerea laughing]
[Raquel] Nerea,
can I talk to you for a second?
Uh, I have to go.
I have to go help my mother. [sighs]
[Raquel] Nerea.
Nerea, listen.
[Nerea sighs] What's up?
It sounded like Iago was saying something
about giving someone pills.
- What thing?
- Fine.
Did you give pills to Viruca?
Hey, look.
I'm not your girl in this, okay?
[door opens]
[woman 1 over TV]
And these are for you, Rosa.
- I hope that your husband gets better.
- [door closes]
- [Viruca] Hi there, Ana. You good?
- [Ana] Uh, hello.
[Viruca] Um, I'm gonna need a box
of those tranquilizers over there, please.
- [Ana] Do you have a prescription?
- [Viruca] No.
No, I don't, but tomorrow,
I'll go to the specialist and get one.
[Ana] I'm sorry,
but they are really strict
with prescriptions for that.
I… I can't give them to you.
You see, I lost the box somewhere,
and I'm going through some tough times
right now with my health,
and I need them
because, well, you know, it…
to go to sleep, but nothing else.
[Ana] Yeah, but you shouldn't take them
so often and without supervision.
That's not a solution.
I'm sorry.
[softly] Ana, please. I…
- [sighs]
- [Ana] I can't.
Okay. Okay, thank you. [sighs]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, Viruca.
- [Viruca gasps softly]
- Here.
Thank you.
Just remember to bring the prescription
as soon as you can, okay?
Why are you doing this?
Well, because I want…
I want you to be okay.
And keep on talking about Carmen Laforet
and Sylvia Plath…
and all the female writers
that no one bothered to teach us about.
You do realize that…
that you're changing our lives?
Well, at least mine, and…
ah, shit, I'm actually grateful to you.
[Viruca] Nerea.
Thank you.
[sniffles] Thank you.
Well, not for this, but for…
for reminding me
that this is the job I love.
And that I can still do it.
[birds singing outside]
[cell phone ringtone playing, vibrating]
[Viruca sighs]
[cell phone continues vibrating]
Hey, Mom? [gasps]
[suspenseful music playing]
[crowd clamoring]
- What's going on?
- Sorry. You can't go in.
- They're my parents. Please.
- We have a warrant.
- A warrant for what?
- This is an eviction notice.
- It's signed by the judge.
- [Viruca gasps]
Will you just kick them out
onto the street?
We're following orders from the judge.
Don't make this more difficult.
I'm calling the bank.
This was fixed, and I just don't get it.
[father] Viruca, your mother.
[Viruca] Hmm?
[officers speaking indistinctly]
[crowd clamoring]
- You're going with her, right?
- Yeah, yeah. Okay.
- You know which hospital she's going to?
- Either to Santiago or Coruña.
Okay. I'm gonna find out where, then.
[father speaking indistinctly]
[crowd continues chattering]
[ambulance doors close]
- [engine starts]
- [siren wailing]
- [monitor beeping]
- [ventilator hissing]
- [indistinct chatter in hallway]
- [tense instrumental music playing]
[Raquel sighs]
You're awake.
Hello. [sighs]
- [mother gasps]
- [hushes] It's me.
[mother breathing heavily]
What's wrong?
What do you want?
No, leave that there, Mom. Mom.
- [mother grunts]
- [Raquel] Mom, leave that.
Stop that, Mom. Calm down. Please, Mom.
You better calm down, please, Mom.
Mom, listen to me.
You are going to get out of here,
and we're going home, and you'll be okay.
- [mother crying]
- [Raquel] Hmm?
[mother takes a deep breath]
Mom, please.
[mother sobs quietly]
[indistinct chatter continues in hallway]
- [sirens wailing outside]
- [doctor 1] The diagnosis is lung cancer.
We'll have to wait and see what the tests…
- [father] How is she?
- [doctor 2] Everything's going well.
Don't get too worried.
Your wife is stronger than she seems.
- We're going to wait to see how it goes
- [Viruca] Can we see her?
[doctor 2] Only one of you can go,
and not for too long.
I will go.
I hope you now see
what brought her to this condition.
[gentle instrumental music playing]
[Viruca breathing shakily]
[doctor 1] First, I want to thank you all.
I wish I had better news.
[Viruca sniffles]
[doctor 1] But there isn't much more
we can do at this time.
- [Viruca sighs, sniffles]
- [doctor 1 continues indistinctly]
[purse clatters]
- [Viruca continues sniffling]
- [items rustling]
- [Raquel] Here.
- [Viruca gasps]
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Are you all right?
[exhales] Yeah, thank you.
[Raquel sighs heavily]
[Viruca breathing shakily]
It's just that my mother is in the ICU.
That makes two of us.
Mine's there, too.
[Viruca sighs]
[Raquel] You'll see.
She'll be better in no time.
In the meantime,
you can try to make her happy.
Or a disappointment because…
[both chuckle]
Well, that makes two of us.
[Viruca sighs]
[Raquel exhales]
I have to go make a phone call.
Excuse me.
- Good luck.
- [Raquel] You too.
Remedios. Hi, this is Elvira Ferreiro.
Yeah. How are you? Okay, um, thank you.
Excuse me, can you put me through
to the minister, please?
[suspenseful music playing]
I will be waiting for his call, then.
It's urgent. Very much.
Okay, okay. Thank you.
[gasps softly]
So, how is she?
The same.
At least she is resting.
Mom is gonna be okay.
And I'm gonna fix all of this.
- I promise you.
- [father sighs]
[Viruca sighs]
[music swells]
[dog barking in distance]
[birds singing]
[doorbell ringing rapidly]
[intercom buzzes]
[Viruca exhales]
[Tomás] Well, the disappearing woman.
My parents are getting evicted, Tomás.
Didn't you have a contact?
- You told me
- I wanted to talk.
- You don't pick up the phone.
- They're my parents.
They can't be thrown out into the street.
Will you please help me?
Help you?
You must help me.
Okay. But do you think you can play games
with me whenever you want?
You appear, you disappear.
Why should I wanna do anything
to help you?
Because I'm not gonna go anywhere.
[breathing heavily]
[tense instrumental music playing]
Because I'm not with Mauro.
- [dogs barking in distance]
- [Viruca and Tomás breathing deeply]
[Viruca gasps] Iago.
Hey, no.
Come, come, come. Let me tell you.
- [door opens]
- [Viruca sighs]
[door slams]
- [birds calling]
- [Nerea] You okay?
[Iago spits] My dad's a piece of shit.
[Nerea] Well, it looks
as if they all decided to fuck up our day.
- My mother's the same way.
- Why?
[takes a deep breath] A couple days ago,
Viruca came to the pharmacy
for some sleeping pills,
and she had no prescription.
[Iago sighs]
So I gave her a box of them
without my mother knowing that I did.
Why'd you do that?
Fuck it, because I like her.
The thing is that she promised me
she'd bring the prescription, and…
[Iago huffs] It's…
You realize
that she does anything she fucking wants?
Well, you know what?
The next time she asks, give her extra.
And I hope she swallows
all those pills and dies.
That fucking bitch!
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Raquel sighs]
[exhales deeply]
[music swells]
[Raquel] Tere, the phone shows
Viruca came to this place
the day she died.
The address is in the GPS.
[Tere on phone] Good.
You can't think of doing anything else
than going there on your own?
Well, it's the last thing
she did before she died.
I wanna know
why she came all the way out here.
I need to go there
to find out what really happened.
Listen, when you get there,
let me know you're all right.
And for now, concentrate on the road ahead
so that you don't have another accident.
- I will. I promise.
- Okay.
[Raquel sighs]
[suspenseful instrumental music playing]
[birds singing]
[door locks click]
[crow caws]
[man] Hello.
[Raquel] Hello. Good afternoon.
- What exactly is this place?
- [man] This is where we store the kayaks.
Many people come here to row the river,
and they leave their equipment here.
Um, can I, um… [sighs]
Have you seen this woman around?
Viruca? Yeah, of course.
She used to come with friends
to rent catamarans.
She also had her own canoe.
[sighs] I think she was here only
a few days before what happened to her.
Poor lady.
And would you mind
if I take a look at her canoe?
Come with me.
This one here is hers.
But that day,
she didn't go out on the river at all.
She might have come to get something.
Many people put their things
in their kayaks.
- [Raquel] Hmm.
- [man 2] Hello?
- Hey. I'll be right back.
- Yeah.
[tense instrumental music playing]
[man 1] What can I do for ya?
[men chat indistinctly]
[Raquel sighs]
- [music blasting on stereo]
- [people laughing and chattering]
[Germán] Cold beer, comin' through!
Come on!
["7 Días Juntos"
by La Bien Querida playing on stereo]
- [guests laughing and chattering]
- [Germán] What's up?
Germán. I'm Germán.
You havin' a good time?
[man speaking indistinctly]
That tall one right there's for you.
I'm always loyal to my guys from CrossFit.
[snorts] Hey. Fuck off.
- What, dude? There's a party. Chill.
- Yeah, but not in here.
- [Iago snorting]
- [man] Come on, hang on.
You can charge me whatever, okay?
See how horny I am?
Hey, man. I said no.
Don't fuckin' touch me. Did you hear me?
Okay, okay, okay, man.
- I get it, I get it. I get it, man.
- [Iago scoffs]
Come on. Stay here,
and we'll smoke one together, hmm?
Not right now, okay?
[Raquel] Germán.
[Gabriel] Hey, the lady of the house.
Hmm? And you are late to your own party,
as you should be.
Hey, can I please talk to you
for a minute over here?
- [Gabriel] Hey there.
- [Raquel sighs, under breath] Fuck me.
Why on earth are you throwing a party
at my home and inviting my students?
- Are you crazy?
- Didn't we say we'd have a party?
- With the Acebedos, not my students.
- What do you mean, your students?
He invited them.
What do you want me to say?
This is a small town, Raquel.
- Everybody knows everybody.
- [Raquel] "What's so wrong?"
Oh, I am not in the mood
to explain this to you.
- [Germán] Hold on. What's wrong?
- [Raquel] What's wrong?
- I told you at the hospital.
- [Germán] Mm-hmm?
Viruca was in trouble,
and I'm becoming more convinced
that she was murdered.
- [Germán] What are you talkin' about?
- What am I talking about?
["Doble Tic Azul" playing]
Oh, shit.
Hold on.
- [door opens]
- Why are you here?
Shit, some guy threw a drink on me.
I was lookin' for a T-shirt.
Give me that.
Come on, get outa here. Get out.
Your husband was the one who invited me.
Besides, how are you gonna get rid of me?
You gonna call my cousin
at the police department?
- [grunts]
- [Raquel scoffs]
What? Do you like what you see?
I'm not Viruca.
You can't seduce me,
and I won't be provoked.
[Iago] Stop kidding yourself.
You know what? Stop imagining things.
And don't stick your nose
where it doesn't belong.
Just in case, you know.
Is that a threat?
Just some friendly advice.
'Cause look how easy it was
for me to get in your house…
and make friends with your husband.
- By the way, he's all in.
- [Raquel sighs]
[chuckles] I can make him start thinking
you're delusional.
How could he not trust
such a cute little guy like me? [exhales]
You're a fucking son of a bitch.
- [grunts] Move! Get the fuck out!
- You don't know what a son of a bitch is.
This is all too much for you and for me.
Don't you get it?
The best thing for you
is to let this all go.
Forget about Viruca's husband
and the shit he's putting into your head.
And forget about her.
She's dead. End of story.
[sighs heavily]
[Raquel breathing shakily]
["Malos Hábitos" by NEVVER playing]
[guests laughing]
[line ringing]
[ringtone playing]
[line continues ringing]
[line beeps, disconnects]
[song and chatter fade]
[ominous music playing]
[ominous music swells]
[suspenseful music playing]
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