The Minions of Midas (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


- [cell phone vibrating]
- [Gloria] Víctor?
Your phone keeps ringing.
Are you all right?
Go away, Gloria
I’m sorry?
I said go away.
Don't come back today.
[cell phone continues vibrating]
[anchor on TV]
Official news of the move by GTW
has made a few waves on markets
at opening bell in Spain.
One company facing a hostile takeover bid
has been particularly affected.
Shares of the Malvar Group have plummeted
six percent this morning.
Company officials say the acquisition
won’t mean changes to the group’s policy…
[cell phone continues vibrating]
…and doesn’t signal any changes
for The National Observer,
the popular Spanish language paper.
Nevertheless, many suspect the invisible
hand of Banco Industrial of Madrid
is behind this move.
You will recall, the Spanish bank
has had differences with Malvar's CEO,
Víctor Genovés,
who would in all probability
lose control of the group.
[knock at door]
It was three weeks ago that
The National Observer published an article
linking Banco Industrial of Madrid
with the findings that
[TV clicks off]
Everything is going to hell.
I wanted to ask for two weeks off,
beginning tomorrow.
You'll have that union piece
at the end of the day.
Gonna tell me why
you need a two-week break?
- Are you interviewing somewhere?
- No.
Are you all right?
Are you?
Well, might get nasty,
but I'll stick it out.
Was it really my article
that brought on the takeover?
Víctor's the person
to answer that question,
why don't you put it to him?
That article was the best thing
the Observer has published in years.
[door closes]
[inaudible conversation]
[knocking on door]
I'm back on duty now.
So where do I start?
You hear anything, Natalia?
Like what?
From upstairs.
From our superiors.
We're up to six victims on this case now.
Nothing has happened,
nobody's asked for an explanation.
When I have the whole squad interrogated,
no one questions my decision,
no one asks me what the fuck I'm doing.
Do they think it's not important?
Or is it that they don't trust us?
What do you think?
I think they know what this is, Alfredo.
Nothing more.
Hmm. Yeah, not so sure.
[Natalia] Okay.
I'll go see what the lab turned
up about Armando Gomez.
None of our officers are moles, Alfredo.
Life goes on.
So does crime.
We’ve got a lot of work to do.
[Daniel on phone]
Hey Víctor, call me back.
Just let me know when you'll be in.
All right?
It’s just getting out of hand.
I have 140 messages for you
and the Board is down my throat.
You need to call a meeting and
oppose the TOB or it's gonna be mutiny.
[Laura on phone]
Yesterday, he cried for two hours.
You can't just throw money
at this anymore, Víctor.
Just thinking about his father
is painful for him.
Listen, this is your last warning.
Do your duty as a father,
whatever it takes,
or leave us alone.
[Jose on phone] My darling,
I’m so sorry about that takeover bid.
But that's not why I'm calling.
Madrid can be so boring at times.
I miss you.
Why don't you come see me?
If you want we could just
have dinner and some wine.
Call me.
[Víctor] I didn't go to the office today…
I didn't even answer the phone.
I can't feel sorry for you.
Your stock is worth a fortune now.
The girl?
She's gone.
So that's why you're so miserable.
I knew it wasn’t just the takeover.
Let's talk about the future.
Which looks bright,
if you open your eyes to it.
Wine, dinner, privacy,
and a good business conversation.
Tell me what you'll do
when you sell everything
and have all that money.
That's not necessarily my future.
- Oh, no?
- No.
What do you think?
You'll just be an ordinary stockholder?
Go to the meetings,
sit with security in the back row?
The TOB might not succeed.
Your pride is truly remarkable.
But you're gonna need an atomic bomb
in order to get your way.
If you had accepted my offer…
Now hang on.
your offer was a lot smaller than theirs.
The price per share was lower.
But you would've remained chairman,
in control.
These guys are going to get rid of you.
And I offered my hand in matrimony.
Yeah, but no children.
So long, Observer.
Víctor, that baggage that you’re carrying,
it's starting to be a disadvantage.
No matter how good a businessman you are.
Just let it go.
Don't be swimming against the current.
You sound like an infomercial, Jose.
We both know this is all
going to hell in what? Ten…
fifteen years?
And that whole struggle for integrity,
and for justice,
or journalistic truth,
makes no sense anymore.
Look, those moral reservations
of yours, at this point…
it's a little ridiculous.
Enjoy yourself, man.
What's the point of all this if you don't?
While the party is still going, enjoy it.
[siren wailing in distance]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[crowd yelling]
- [glass smashing]
- [siren wailing]
[indistinct yelling]
[gun shots]
[officer] Good morning.
Please drop whatever you're doing
and move away from your desks.
They're looking for you.
I’m sorry.
These gentlemen are with the police.
Good morning, everyone…
These officers are from
National Intelligence.
The decision has come down that
they're taking over this case, as of now.
We're distributing these documents
and you all need to sign them.
Good morning.
The document we're handing out
is a confidentiality agreement.
You are all required to sign it.
Please initial each page
and sign at the end.
Add your ID and badge numbers
under the signature,
on the last page.
Effective today, the Minions of Midas
are being considered
a national security threat
and, as such, this case
is now a state secret.
That means that revealing any of the facts
of this case
will be considered treason,
and punished accordingly.
It's crucial that you provide the names
of any people who are aware of this case,
even if only by casual mention.
No exceptions.
Any omission in this section will
constitute a breach of state secrets.
Your computers are to remain in this room.
Any digital storage devices
must be handed over to us now.
After the investigation,
they will be returned to you.
Now, this all sounds upsetting, I know,
but they're merely precautionary measures.
Please don't conclude that this
is the result of this unit's failure.
The truth is, this case goes beyond our…
our mission.
But you have all done
a fantastic job here.
Thank you, everyone.
[man] Wait here.
Thanks for coming.
Have a seat.
Let me introduce you.
Elena works at the Ministry,
Alfonso is Deputy Police Commissioner,
And Marta is head of National intelligence
How are you, Víctor?
[sighs] Well, a little surprised.
[Pilar] Let me get to the point.
I'm told that since you called me
to put you in touch with the police
the situation is more complex.
I've never seen a case where
the police force has dedicated
so much energy
and gotten absolutely nowhere.
The only thing we can really be sure of
is that Mister Genovés,
as long as he appears
to be a vulnerable target,
will go on getting extorted
by the Minions of Midas.
Why should they stop?
And also that all we have is a series of
crimes and nothing tying them together.
If it weren't for you and us, there
would be nothing to link those deaths.
In truth, if it weren't for
some letters and emails you received,
no one would even bat an eye.
They're just like dozens
of everyday deaths in Spain.
As it happens, European leaders
will be arriving for a summit
only a few days from now,
so as I'm sure you can understand,
our police force will be devoting
all available personnel
and resources to that.
- You're giving up on this investigation.
- [Alfonso] Absolutely not.
We're going back to the usual system.
Each time there's a death
we will follow up using
established protocols and procedures.
As is appropriate, case by case.
You'll treat each one independently,
you mean.
[Alfonso] According to usual procedure.
[Marta] We're going to free you.
We're going to show them
they don't exist.
That's their weak spot.
And I know you will agree.
If no one's paying attention,
nothing exists.
The most important thing is that
the Minions of Midas understand.
Whatever they do,
they won’t get away with it.
I understand, I do.
It's pretty clear.
So people will continue dying
and we'll pretend nothing's happening,
that we don't know a thing.
- What are they gonna say?
- [Pilar] The people?
People will get on with their lives.
Sure, statistics will show
the violent deaths in Madrid rose
slightly, for a few months, that's it.
The issue will be closed.
The state can't take care of everything.
[Elena] One thing
the state can do is reimburse you
for the five million euros you lost.
We'll wire you that money tomorrow.
I don't believe what I just heard.
You're actually trying to buy me off,
simple as that?
[Pilar] We're trying
to treat you fairly, Víctor.
Nothing is ever that simple.
Not when you have jobs like we do.
It’s the same as you as well as me.
And the best strategy for
fighting blackmailers is silence.
for everyone's sake.
If all this got released,
it would cause
an entirely avoidable state of hysteria.
If it was released? It-it-it…
There's nobody spreading this, Pilar.
We need to stop this.
You’ve got a job to do.
You’re abandoning
your obligations to the state!
What do you think people would say
if they found out
everyone in this room
is washing their hands of this?
We're doing this because we care.
Because of our obligations,
this is the best way to proceed.
The most efficient.
You more than anyone else
should want to keep this a secret.
All of us in this room, all of us,
are responsible for keeping our silence.
And to help each other.
I'll always be there to help you
when you need me,
for whatever reason.
Will you help us as well?
[driver] Are you all right?
Don’t take me home. Use another address.
I want to go to 22 Serrano.
It's all yours.
[Mauro] Five million, Víctor.
Christ. Again?
No, it's the same five million.
Tomorrow it’s going back
into the account again.
I only want to have it ready
in case I gotta take it out.
Possibly in cash.
And naturally once again
with no way to insure it?
[Víctor] And this time
there’s no police supervision.
And I suppose you still can't
offer me any explanation?
I'll explain it to you later.
When the next payments
need to get handled.
Look, Víctor.
I am your lawyer so our conversations
are always confidential.
They're privileged, fortunately,
but from this point on,
the law is the same for me
as it is for you.
Are they extorting you?
'Cause you know,
even paying blackmail is illegal, Víctor.
How much money are we talking about?
Fifty million.
[sighs] Víctor,
what you're doing here is really bad.
That's putting it mildly,
it's fucking nuts.
If the police catch you,
you'll rot in jail.
Mauro, I know.
The police are not our problem
right now, all right?
[takes a deep breath]
I'll do as you ask.
But all of it must be legal.
And in writing.
Yeah. Fine. But I’m gonna
need your help concealing it, though.
Gonna need some kind of cover story,
something they can't disprove.
Hey, you’re gonna have to
lower your rates now.
- Thanks.
- Víctor…
Malvar came by to see me
three days before he died.
The day he wanted me to amend his will.
To be honest, when I saw
he was leaving everything to you,
I must admit, I also said he was nuts.
He had the same expression as you as
he walked through the door that morning.
Two weeks later, he died in a car wreck.
He was the best goddamn driver
that anyone ever saw.
Anyway I hope you know
what you're getting into.
[elevator doors open]
[woman] Excuse me, sir.
Going down?
In a communiqué,
the Minister of the Interior said
the government is studying the idea
of using military assistance
to put down the revolt,
as well as to impose order
in the streets of the capital.
Unless disturbances
are significantly reduced,
these measures may be applied
in only two or three days.
Hello. Is this Gerardo Pinzón?
I'm Mónica Báez.
I'm with The National Observer.
[reporter] …to intervene
in a domestic conflict.
Thank you very much.
I'd like to request an interview.
…possible to negotiate a settlement,
and in view of the upcoming summit…
Given everything that's going on,
I feel a statement from him could be…
very important.
How about tomorrow?
[elevator dings]
Hey, how about a drink?
I wanted to tell you
I've handed in my resignation.
I thought you'd be interested.
I'm glad to hear…
that you've found some peace
within your own conscience.
I gotta admit,
my superiors got one thing right.
Tapping phones,
dusting for prints is probably not
the best way to combat
the Minions of Midas.
You know they want to bury it, don't you?
Did you ever get the feeling
that the Minions of Midas could be
a group of hundreds of people?
Thousands, maybe.
Like a cult.
I know I'm sounding crazy again,
but just think about it.
Try to imagine the Minions of Midas
representing a kind of virus.
One that infects society.
It can spread pretty much anywhere,
and it probably has
already infected
a portion of our social institutions.
Including in the room where you
went to that meeting today.
[Conte] You and I live in entirely
separate realities.
Two completely different worlds.
Yet we understand each other, I'm sure.
We're capable of hearing one another.
We don’t even use first names, Mr. Conte.
There is no such thing as making peace
with your conscience, Mister Genovés,
believe me.
But that is not the issue now.
The issue now is you're all alone.
From now on, you're the only one
who can stop these crimes.
You’re suggesting that I pay them?
Let me confess something to you.
During the most painful nights
of this investigation,
and there were really some painful nights,
I admit it crossed my mind
I could kill you.
Just kill you.
One more death.
Just one more death,
maybe preventing many more deaths.
As a cop, of course, it was my duty
to prevent those deaths,
but they kept on piling up,
week after week,
one after the other.
And the way out was right there.
Illegal, illegitimate, immoral…
but it was a way out.
Just one more death…
to prevent any more deaths.
But I didn't have
the ice in my veins it takes to do that.
Giving up your job was the right move.
You've clearly lost faith in it.
It's the easy way out,
I'm very aware of that.
"It's not my responsibility.
What can I do?"
That's what most of us say.
And that's how I know that this virus
will end up infecting the entire organism.
I'm sorry… Víctor.
Sorry to leave you all alone.
[footsteps approaching on recording]
[knock on door]
[man] Come in, Alfredo.
- What's this?
- [Conte] My letter of resignation.
[man] You're going to resign on me?
Fuck. Your integrity is a pain in the ass.
I don't want this, I don't accept it.
Let it go, Alfredo.
They’re not gonna like this upstairs.
Christ. You're this close to retirement.
I can let you retire early, in two years.
- Fucking son of a bitch!
- [Conte] No, thank you.
[man] If you talk,
we're fucked. All of us.
If you leave,
don't blame me for what happens.
[drawer opening]
- What're you doing, Alfredo?
- Where do you keep the envelopes?
Top righthand drawer.
Go back to sleep. I'm almost done.
- Alfredo?
- Yes.
Let's go to the village. Move back there.
[Laura] Víctor, you decided to call back.
Hello, Laura.
Sorry about the silence.
I've had a rough time the last few days.
I've made a decision.
And, well, I wanted to tell you
because it's going to affect you.
What decision?
I'm going to sell.
Oh. Fabulous. And?
And I'm going to donate
all the money to charity.
I'm only going to keep a small stake
so I can start over.
[scoffs] I don't get it, all right,
let me just…
I actually never understand
what you’re thinking.
What're you telling me here?
Laura, we're gonna have to renegotiate
the divorce agreement.
No. No!
That negotiation's done.
It's all negotiated,
I'm not going back over it.
What's wrong with you?
Laura, it's my money, it’s my life…
No, it's not your life or your money.
It belongs to Marcos.
We’re not negotiating his education
or taking away the life we gave him.
Do you understand me?
Get it through your skull.
Good morning, Víctor.
Great that you're here.
You have a full schedule.
The media forgot about me a long time ago.
I was surprised you were so interested.
You’re gonna be responsible
for awakening my vanity.
Thank you so much.
In the back there.
[church bells tolling]
I don't have anything alcoholic
but if you're thirsty I could get you…
No, thank you.
Is it okay if I record this?
Sure, of course. Go right ahead.
I don't think what I have to say
is very important but…
In 2016, you donated 68 million euros.
- Your entire fortune.
- Yes.
That year, I sold
all my shares of my company.
Then, over the next two years,
I got rid of the rest of my holdings.
I was saying, I have some fruit juice.
Prune, orange…
A total of 68 million euros.
Is that correct?
No, thank you. I'm fine.
No, that's not correct, actually.
The final number was 80 million euros.
[Mónica] Why?
Why would you donate your fortune
and dismantle your company?
It’s strange that after all this time
people ask me that question. It’s curious.
If someone spends his life accumulating
wealth, sure, no one blinks an eye.
Somehow it's too hard to accept that…
- [Mónica] You'd renounce it completely?
- Renounce what?
Some paintings here are
well worth over a million euros.
I live on a property that's worth,
I don't know, three million.
I'm not some Franciscan or Marxist.
Just a man who got tired.
Tired of…
the money, or…
Or the power?
Power? I don't think I had any power,
not real power anyway.
Or else if I did, then it was not enough.
- And now you have none at all.
- No.
So what’s left?
If I talk about tranquility,
time on my hands,
or the absence of stress,
I suppose that won't satisfy you, will it?
No, not at all.
Well, then.
I couldn't take the responsibility.
For anything more.
That's all.
[Mónica] Mr. Pinzón,
have you ever heard of
The Minions of Midas?
[Gerardo] Midas?
Yes. Yeah, I read of King Midas.
As a young man I read a lot of mythology.
Is that what this is about now?
A King Midas who retired?
Did someone, or some group attempt
to get you to give up your money,
pressure you into doing it?
At that moment I simply did
what I thought was for the best.
The pressure is always there.
Possessing a fortune,
you soon face a reality:
they all want to take it.
With that reality comes a dilemma.
Either you get rid of the whole thing,
or you've got to be a bigger bastard
than all of the other bastards
who want to take it
and there's a ton of those.
Have any regrets?
There's no place for regrets now.
No looking back. It's not healthy.
[recorder clicks off]
You're not alone.
You're not the only one.
I really have enjoyed
your company here today.
Sorry I couldn't give you anything new.
Thank you.
There will be more.
Always more.
My decision was strictly personal.
But there are times we’re all alone.
Completely alone.
You take care Ms. Báez, please take care.
[sirens wailing]
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
we are delighted you have
once again changed your mind,
and we trust that you have resolved
to dispense with trickery
and honor the next nine installments
without fail.
Please understand that,
under the circumstances,
we must require cash payment.
Please place five million euros
in a locked briefcase,
the combination of which will match
the date of our first letter.
Zero, nine, twenty-one.
Enclosed are detailed instructions
for delivery,
which you must make personally,
alone, tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.
Confident that you will comply,
and until our next correspondence,
cordially yours,
The Minions of Midas.
- [water running]
- [birds chirping]
[tires squealing]
[breathing heavily]
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[breathing shakily]
[shuts off engine]
[door closes]
[man reading]
We feel sorry for you, Mr. Genovés.
You must feel like King Midas,
for whom we are named.
- [man reading] Remember?
- [Víctor shouts]
[man reading]
He's the mythological king
who was granted one wish
and asked that
all he touched be turned to gold.
Imagine his chagrin when he realized
that the granting of his wish
would lead inevitably to his own death.
Even the food he needed to survive
also turned to gold.
[cell phone vibrates]
Well, Mr. Genovés…
…here is how King Midas
remedied his dilemma.
He was afraid.
And he begged
for his gift to be taken away.
That way he could get on with his life.
Now, ask yourself:
Are you capable of dying for your money?
If the answer is yes, please allow us
to congratulate you most sincerely.
In the meantime,
tomorrow, the 5th of the month,
another person will die,
one more victim of your indecision.
What will you do, Mr. Genovés?
Time is running out.
We are waiting your reply.
We are watching you.
Cordially yours,
The Minions of Midas.
Could you help me with this, please.
Okay. Move your hand.
Thank you.
[Víctor] Hello, Mauro. I need a favor.
[Mauro] Again?
I need you to conceive a plan
to keep Marcos from inheriting if I die.
Christ, Víctor! What's this about?
You think you're gonna have
a car wreck as well?
No, just in case something happens to me.
My instinct is telling me
to call the police.
I think that's what I'll have to do.
I'd prefer you don't do that.
Marcos is your protected heir.
A third of your estate would
go straight to him.
That's the legal minimum.
But I want that changed, Mauro.
Think of a plan.
I want to prepare so, when I go,
he’ll be comfortable,
he'll have all he needs
but I don't want him to have my capital.
So I need you to do this
by any means necessary.
All right. I'll do it.
Want to give me a heads up
about anything else?
No, not yet.
Keep me informed, please,
insofar as you're able.
And yeah, you can rely on me.
Thanks, Mauro.
- [woman] Good evening, Mr. Genovés.
- [Víctor] Hello.
Hello, Laura.
What happened to you?
On your way out?
He's in his room.
I said you were on your way.
Have a good night.
I'm glad you changed your mind about this.
[video game noises]
[knocking on door]
Hey, Dad.
Hey, Marcos.
I'm doing my homework.
You were playing a game, right?
It's still hot.
[Marcos] No…
Not important.
I spend the whole day
looking at a screen myself.
All that finance stuff…
it's just like a game.
Just as addictive.
Mom told me that
you might lose your company.
Yeah, it's not important.
Like one of those games of yours.
But you don't have to kill zombies.
So I stood you up again this week. Huh?
[Marcos] It’s not important.
Want to do some fencing
with me next weekend?
Little duel. Huh?
Come on, give me a hug.
I wish you could live here.
Yeah, me too, Marcos.
I want to live here with you.
[message chimes]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [clamoring]
[reporter] The Spanish Revolt is now
more than two months old.
In five days,
the European Summit is set to begin
and the eyes of the world
have turned to Spain.
Attempts at negotiation
have broken down, permanently.
Popular opinion is totally
polarized on the issue.
And the Spanish army
is in the streets of Madrid
for the first time in this democracy.
That is the situation here in Spain,
today, November 5th.
To begin, let me ask you for a brief
overview of the situation. Jaime?
Sure. Finally, the government is
doing what it needs to do.
It's been clearly demonstrated
that the leaders of this Revolt
can't even entertain the possibility
of finding an accord.
They have absolutely no interest
in negotiation.
All they want to do is perpetuate
this chaos and public danger
that people are confronted with now.
There is no justification
for this behavior.
We can’t allow this to happen anymore.
We’re letting protests happen
that always end in violence,
no matter what the motives are.
I think we're making a very serious error
seeing the Spanish Revolt as a problem
rather than a symptom of something larger.
The protests happening now are a reaction
to a huge miscarriage of justice,
to which we've all contributed.
And now we're at a turning point.
We're all forced to make choices
we don't want to make. All of us.
We, as a society, have been crossing
these red lines every day.
Crossing bright red lines.
We either cross them or, worse,
we push them back, a little further.
And those who are not
in the stre e t protesting
also have taken a position
on that injustice.
Some people,
either because they're too busy,
or because it doesn't
affect them personally,
don't see those red lines,
don't even think about them.
In fact, most people
just don't want to see them.
They decide they can't do anything
about it, that it's not up to them.
And then there are people like us,
who do see those lines,
and who know why they're there.
We can see they're being crossed,
and that it's wrong.
And despite it all, we consent,
we shut our mouths.
Because it's more convenient,
or in order to survive…
Because our jobs
and our security depend on it.
Our family's future depends on it.
And finally there are those
who knowingly cross those red lines.
And to justify it, they fall back
on the idea of a greater good,
on certain principles,
a system that must be defended.
We're all afraid to lose what we have.
That's understandable.
But we can't keep looking away,
only treating the symptom.
We must choose sides.
We all have to search our conscience
and decide what position to take.
Decide if we approve of the repression
of popular protest.
If crossing all those red lines is okay.
And if it's not okay with us,
we have to be able to say so.
To be ready, to stand up and say…
Not in my name."
[breathing shakily]
[jogging footsteps approaching]
[gun shot]
[Víctor gasps softly]
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
allow us to congratulate you.
At Dehesa de la Villa Park,
your seventh victim has fallen.
It appears you have finally understood
the essence of our proposal.
And your response is one
of admirable audacity.
[cell phone vibrates]
M. OF M.
For that reason,
we are delighted to inform you
that the deal uniting us
is nearing completion.
You’ll be hearing from us again soon.
[car engine starts]
Until then, we remain…
the Minions of Midas.
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