The Mosquito Coast (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Elvis, Jesus, Coca Cola

[IN SPANISH] Can I help you, sir?
Did you leave something behind?
No, no.
[IN SPANISH] I didn't
leave anything behind.
I just got here.
I'm sorry, but we're closed.
We open again at night.
can I ask you something?
Can you look up?
Just for a second?
It's okay. It's okay.
It won't have time to hurt.
Good, good, Jorge.
You're doing very good.
Just let it go.
Let it go.
It's okay.
Nothing to be afraid of.
You did good.
Hey, come on.
- Is this it?
- This is it. Come on. Let's go.
Come on, sweetie. Let's go.
Come on.
You done? Come on. Let's go. Finish up.
Hey, what are you doing?
- So we go this way?
- Come on.
We're kinda close. Charlie.
- Come on.
- Gracias.
Gracias. Buenas noches.
- You have tacos?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, we go this way.
- [ALLIE] Careful, careful, careful.
Everyone here's a
19-year-old backpacker.
We're like mastodons stomping around.
We're visible from space.
I think it's pretty cool.
Excuse me? I don't even know how
to answer that. I'm unequipped.
Do you know what cool means?
Yes, I know what cool means.
Not if it means Neil Young, you don't.
Neil Young is cool.
Dad, Neil Young sings
like someone's squeezing
an old man's ball sack.
One of these days I'm
gonna meet Neil Young,
and I'm gonna tell him you said that.
- And you know what he's gonna say?
- What?
Something cool.
- Okay, come come on, guys. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
It's time for bed. Let's go.
Are you insane? We just got here.
And you know what, we're tired.
[CHUCKLES] I'm not t
- I'm not tired.
- Well, I'm tired.
Go to bed. Come on.
Hey, hey. Stop it.
I know you wanna goof around.
We gotta keep a low profile
so no one finds us.
- You mean her?
No, no, no. Not her.
She's behind us, all right?
while we're here, we gotta
sit tight, all right?
Can't talk to anybody.
Do you understand?
Okay, except there's, like,
eight million people out there.
Nine million.
- [DINA] I think it's eight. Eight.
- [CHARLIE] No, it's it's more like nine.
- All right. All right.
- Nine.
[DINA] Either way, who's gonna find us?
Nobody. Nobody's gonna find us.
Tomorrow I'm gonna go see some people.
And they're gonna help
me find my friend, Isela.
You, in particular,
are gonna like Isela.
[DINA] So where is she?
[ALLIE] I don't know. Or not exactly.
[DINA] How come?
A long time ago, she got
into a lot of trouble.
She got involved in
destroying crops, GM's.
Uh, genetically modified crops.
So she went on the run.
And now she lives in the
most beautiful place.
And she's gonna let us live there.
[CHARLIE] Like a place on the beach?
I don't know about a beach, but
if not a beach, it's gonna
be a whole lot better.
[MAN] Mm-hmm.
Residencia Lee.
[IN SPANISH] With whom do I speak?
[IN SPANISH] Bill, I hope
you're not too busy?
[IN SPANISH] Not at all.
work on The Glass Sandwich.
How is it coming along?
I've reached my daddy's death, so
[IN SPANISH] Well, I hate to obtrude.
Not at all.
[IN SPANISH] It's always a pleasure.
Who do you have for me?
Well, I have four of them.
- Oh.
- [ALLIE] Oh.
You look great.
Like Grace Kelly.
[SIGHS] You look like Mickey Rourke.
Which movie?
You sure Calaca's even here?
As sure as I can be without
seeing him face-to-face.
And if they're not?
They are. They're here.
I wanna come with you.
You can't.
We need you to steal us some money.
We need money.
Well, yeah, we can do that
together, right? Later?
Except what happens if I die?
Who's gonna plan my memorial service?
I'm not trusting the kids to do that.
That's not funny.
It's kind of funny.
Look at my face.
Is it laughing?
- Think anyone would come?
- To what?
My memorial service.
You don't know anybody.
Who the hell is gonna come?
If I did, do you think
anyone would come?
Oh, so if you had hypothetical friends,
do you think hypothetically they'd come
to your hypothetical memorial service?
Yeah. That's the question I'm asking.
Sure. Why not?
Would you cater it?
[SIGHS] Come on.
I'm a little nervous.
They know about you,
but they don't know you.
Well, you don't know them.
They're friends.
Whom you've never met,
only interacted with.
You make it sound so filthy.
It's easy. Calaca tells
us where to find Isela,
and then, you know, we
have a minute to regroup.
Take our time.
Figure out what's happening next.
Coming with, huh?
Coming with.
[IN SPANISH] Cola, please.
Room temperature.
Warm as it comes.
No ice.
I'm hungry.
[DINA] Mom and Dad said they
want us to stay in the room
until they get back.
Left us again.
[SCOFFS] Great.
So, what are we supposed to do?
- Don't know.
- Stay in?
"Don't go out or talk to anyone."
Ask no questions. Do what they say.
[SIGHS] Well, I'm hungry right now.
Do you think there's, like,
a restaurant or something?
Like a Denny's?
Like you've even ate at a Denny's.
So what? Neither have you.
- [SCOFFS] All the time.
- Uh-huh.
Yeah. With, you know,
with Josh and stuff.
You seriously never been there?
No. When would I have gone?
I don't know. When do you do anything?
Well, if I don't eat, I'm
literally gonna die, so
Maybe you should go to the restaurant.
See if you can steal someone's
leftovers or something, like rolls.
Okay. You coming?
No, no, you go. I'm good.
You sure?
Yes. Jesus. Go.
Fuck it. If you won't tell me what
you did, I'll find out myself.
I'm gonna go.
- Hey. You took your time.
Yeah, no kidding.
Guy wanted a fortune for this thing.
So, what, you haggled?
Of course I haggled.
- You don't haggle, you you stand out.
- Oh, my God.
When you haggle too much,
you get remembered.
- You don't haggle enough
- Huh?
you have no money for coffee.
And I've been dreaming about
a coffee. You want one?
I'd love one.
Where'd you eat last night?
Japanese place. Near the hotel.
Hmm. Any good?
[JONES] According to what metric?
The "did it taste good?" metric.
I hate Japanese food.
But it fit the "closest
place to eat" metric.
What about you?
Irish place.
[JONES] Irish place.
- You mean the bar?
- [SHAPLAND] They serve food.
We got a hit. Uh, from the
digital buoy. The article.
Outstanding. Where is she?
[WOMAN] Oh, yeah.
Right. Um, Mexico City.
[JONES] Get the jet fueled up.
And find my Dramamine,
or we're all gonna be sorry.
Yes. [SIGHS]
Do you like chocolate?
Oh, sorry. Uh, y-you
don't speak, uh, English?
Do you?
- Yeah. I'm, uh I'm American.
- Okay.
Oh, wait.
- This one?
- Yes.
- Ta-da. [CHUCKLES]
Um, okay. Thanks, um
That was, um, unnecessary.
- Oh, yeah. Sorry.
- J'ai de l'argent.
- Uh, it was
- I have I have money to buy.
Sorry. Yeah, it was stupid.
Um, may I, uh, also have some chips?
[ALLIE] Are you fucking kidding me?
- [IN SPANISH] Keep an eye out.
- [IN SPANISH] Okay.
You keep watching that
pot, it's not gonna boil.
It's been ten years.
So what are they doing?
Reprimanding us for being tardy?
They got the message.
You know that, right?
- Got the message.
- Yeah.
- Be one thing if
What? Doesn't make any sense.
- What is this shit?
- What shit?
- It's coordinates.
- To where?
Fifteen minutes.
Can we even do that?
Well, it's what they need us to do
and where they need us to go.
We've got no choice.
No, no, no.
Point is they don't need anything.
They can't need it.
They're just doing that
to us because they can.
So what am I? Just a a trained seal?
Listen, you're a guy who
has to swallow his pride
and be where they need you to be
in a bit less than 15 minutes,
or else you're a guy who has to
come up with a whole new plan.
Well, I don't have another plan.
I'd like another plan. You have a plan?
We did my plan. You remember that?
Yeah, you remember that.
We stayed at home under the radar,
but they still found us, Allie.
Because you know what,
it turns out they don't forget.
They keep looking.
All right, fuck it. Let's spitball.
Uh, we'll just get out the
whiteboard and Sharpie, right?
No such thing as a bad idea.
We got nothing.
We got nowhere else to go.
- Jesus.
- I could rob a casino.
I could do that.
Go anywhere we want in the world.
I'll bet you I can rob a casino.
Yeah, I bet you could. Let's go.
I mean, like, uh, the English guy.
He dropped some E on the beach.
[GASPS] No, don't. He doesn't know
what ecstasy is. [CHUCKLES]
- He found it.
- We can't corrupt him. [LAUGHS]
- [DINA] Hey.
- Hey. I've been
- Hi.
- Hey, sis.
This is, like, my sister or whatever.
- Ciao.
- Hey.
- Hey.
[MAN] Beer? Have a seat.
- Beer?
- Do you wanna sit down?
Can I Hey, can I Can
I talk to you for a minute?
I don't even That's so disgusting.
Wait, pass me that.
Uh, now?
- Yeah. Yeah, now.
- What? What do you need to tell me?
Like a human Froyo. [CHUCKLES]
- This is fun.
- What is your problem?
- I just need
- What is your problem? Can you relax?
Can we go to the room or something?
- I need to tell you something.
- Why?
- Charlie's sister, have a beer.
- I just
- You got another one?
- Don't listen to those assholes.
- How you feeling, man?
- [MAN] It's just one beer.
- Yeah, like, I feel like I'm blushing.
- I'm sorry, these guys are complete nuts.
- Yeah. Wow. [CHUCKLES]
- Don't listen to anything they say.
[ALLIE] Margot.
Come here.
This isn't how it's supposed to be.
I know. But it is what it is. Okay?
- [MAN] It was a great time, really.
- And the owner opens the door
- Uh,
so you guys know each other, huh?
Yeah, we, um we met up down in Lima.
- [DINA] Lima? Uh, cool.
What about you? Where are you from?
Um, I'm from I'm from Stockton.
I'm really sorry. I don't
know where that is.
- It's okay. It's okay. It's in California.
- Great.
Oh, my God. Guys, she's
from California, Stockton.
- Stockton?
- [WOMAN] Yeah.
- Is that a disease?
- [CHUCKLES] No, it's
You know, we we talked about
doing America, but then
you know, we thought about
it, and [CHUCKLES]
Not for us. [CHUCKLES]
No, no, no. [CHUCKLES]
Masculinité toxique. No? Incels.
Uh, Jesus. Elvis. [CHUCKLES]
Uh, Coca-Cola.
It's like you can't even buy
a Kinder Surprise Egg
'cause they're illegal.
They're too dangerous.
The little teeny-tiny plastic
toy might choke someone.
But you can basically go to a fast food
and order a gun with your hot wings.
This is it.
How long?
Two minutes.
Two. Do you even know
who we're looking for?
[MAN] Allie?
- Hello?
- [MAN] Who are you?
You know who this it.
It's Allie. You know me.
Allie disappeared ten years ago.
No, that's not It's not what you
Nobody disappeared. We just
We just thought we'd try and make
it work in the States, that's all.
Is this, um Is this Calaca?
You know me. You don't need to do this.
Are you alone?
I mean, no, I'm Well, I'm with
Margot, my wife, and the kids.
You know about them.
They were all part of the deal.
[ALLIE] Hello?
- Hello?
Fucking asshole.
Come on, let's go.
Shit, wait.
Fuck. They were making
sure we don't have a tail.
Security protocol.
Security protocols, my ass.
Passive-aggressive fuckery.
It's a mentality I do
not understand at all.
[RUFUS] Let me just
[DINA] So, um So what are
you gonna do when you get home?
I mean, God knows. I've got
an offer from Cambridge. PPE.
- Uh, PP
- E.
You know, philosophy,
politics and economics?
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Of course. PPE.
It's kinda like a big thing. [CHUCKLES]
But actually, you know, I think
I'll take the offer from NYU.
International law.
Because what I'd really
like to do is run an NGO
or maybe organize microloans
for women-run businesses.
Wow, that's awesome.
I just feel like it'd be really great
to give something back,
you know? [CHUCKLES]
Stop hogging it. Give it.
Hey. You got it. Go.
- [RUFUS] That was a big one.
- What about you?
Oh, it's all good. Um
I don't really
I Actually, I got into Columbia.
I was, like, wait-listed
at first, but
That's so cool!
Guys, she got into Columbia.
- That's great.
- [DINA] Yeah.
- That's good.
- [WOMAN] That is so cool.
We could hang out in New York together.
Exactly. [CHUCKLES] Exactly, yeah.
[MAN] Bingo.
Get in.
[MAN] And yet America has
no culture, no sense of irony.
Oh, they think it's better than
anywhere else in the world,
and if you don't agree with them,
you basically get invaded. [CHUCKLES]
- I mean, why all the flags? [LAUGHS]
There are flags everywhere.
It's crazy land. It's crazy land.
Take a look at the
big fat motherfuckers.
Oh, my God.
Waddling around the mall like elephants.
Americans think they own the world.
They're bullies stomping around in
their socks and sandals. [LAUGHS]
- Jesus.
The Crocs and the the
baseball caps. [LAUGHS]
Wait, wait. God and money, right?
- Money first.
- Here, Charlie, have some more.
- So American. [CHUCKLES]
[DINA] Charlie.
- Charlie, you don't want that.
- What?
- Give it back.
- Aw, Charlie's sister owns Charlie.
Tell you what to do.
- Does Charlie's sister own Charlie?
- Listen to your sister.
[WOMAN] It's totally fine.
- It's okay. It's fine.
- Telling you what to do.
- You need to calm down. It's fine.
You know, there was this
time where we were
we were, like, in a desert.
- There were, like, bodies everywhere.
- [MAN] Bodies? What?
- It was crazy, like
- Charlie.
- like mummies, kind of.
- [MAN] What?
- I think he's really high. [LAUGHS]
We We knew this guy, uh, Chuy.
He was He was a coyote.
- Chuy, the coyote?
- He was
- Is it your cat?
- No.
[CHUCKLES] Is he your brother?
He was taking us through
the smuggling route
that was like a bombing range.
There were just bombs, like,
everywhere just lying around.
Oh, I think I've been there. [LAUGHS]
[WOMAN] Your brother is
hilarious. [CHUCKLES]
- That was a good one.
- We saw someone get shot too.
- I hate when people just get shot.
Oh, my God.
You guys are such dicks.
No, you guys, I don't even
Have you ever even seen anyone get shot?
- [WOMAN] What? [LAUGHS]
- My brother has seen more shit
than you will ever.
You fucking bourgeois,
hipster dilettantes.
Okay, okay.
Come on.
[MAN] Yeah, go, Charlie. She said go.
What a pleasant experience.
I thought we were friends.
She didn't even smoke
with us. That's why.
- Like, I really thought we were friends.
- [THUD]
- That is what you get.
- Off you go, Charlie. Leave now.
That's what you get for picking
up strays. Like, enough.
[DINA] Charlie, come on.
Okay, how long? [PANTS]
I don't know. A minute, less.
A minute? A minute's
good. A minute's fine.
What are we looking for?
Uh, a message or a dead
drop. Something like that.
- Okay.
- We're looking for a thing.
Got that? A thing!
- You sure this is the right place?
- Yeah. This is it.
You hear that?
- Fuck.
- Come here.
- Three, two, one.
- Come on, up. Lift, lift, lift.
- [ALLIE] Come on. There you go.
- Still think he's not fucking with us?
- [ALLIE] Come on.
- Hello?
Motherfucking bastard!
Piece of shit.
- Come on. Come on, come on.
We're here. I'm here. Uh, we're here.
[CALACA] You're too late.
- No, come on. We're here.
- Last stop.
Be at Mercado Sonora. Ten minutes.
No. No, look, we made it.
We're here. Come on.
You have a tail.
We don't have a fucking tail.
- [ALLIE] There's no tail.
- We've been watching.
You have a tail.
There's no tail! No one
knows where we are.
No tail!
You can always stop. Forget
this, forget us, go home.
We don't have a fucking home.
Mercado Sonora. Be there in
ten minutes or we'll be gone.
If you have a tail, we'll be gone.
If you call anyone, we'll be gone.
If you do anything we
don't like, we'll be gone.
Do you understand?
- Yeah.
- Yes.
We got it. Let's go.
Let's go.
- Anyone home?
What did you wanna tell me earlier?
You said you needed
to show me something.
- [SIGHS] Nothing. It was nothing.
Come on.
Oh, boy.
[IN SPANISH] Do you want a dress?
- What?
- [IN SPANISH] A dress.
Oh, um, sorry, we don't have any money.
[IN SPANISH] I sell dresses
in my store. It's over here.
No dinero. No dinero.
[IN SPANISH] Dresses right over here.
Come on.
We're here. We're here.
[CALACA] Keep heading north
until you reach the intersection.
There's a covered market.
Head inside. We're watching.
Look for the aisle selling
narco traficante figurines.
Pass the Santa Muerte statues.
Find the pork butcher.
If you're not there in two minutes,
we'll assume you've changed your mind.
We're almost there.
Look for a man in an
orange baseball cap.
He'll bring you to us.
- Orange hat. An orange hat.
- Okay.
- [CALACA] You've got a tail.
- What?
- No! There's no tail!
- You've got a tail.
Take the side exit to your left.
Look for a side exit.
[SIGHS] This is bullshit.
What the fuck is going on?
[CALACA] You have
reached your destination.
Fuck! No!
What do we have here?
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