The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e05 Episode Script

Forty Fathoms Into Yesterday

[theme music]
[fire crackling]
[aircraft droning]
bark bark
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
Oh, Race, you scared off that dolphin
before I could take his picture.
Sorry, Jonny, just testing out
'these new grappling arms.'
Okay, as long as it wasn't on purpose.
- 'Aw!' - 'Aw!'
The grappling arm seemed to be A-okay, doctor.
They'll need to be perfect, Race
if we're to raise this sunken sub.
This should demonstrate the sea spider's abilities.
Secure hatches!
- Aye-aye, sir. - Aye-aye, sir.
Your hatch secured, Bandit?
bark bark
Looks like Bandit's hatch is closed.
- Sure does. - Take us down, Race.
[dramatic music]
Wow, what a view!
This is much better than skin diving.
[both screaming]
[chuckling] And safer. Eh, Bandit?
bark bark
One thing's for sure, without the sea spider
'there'd be no way to recover this wreck.'
(Jonny) 'What's so special about'
'an old sunken German sub anyway?'
(Benton) 'During the war, it belonged
to Dr. Wolfgang Krueger.'
'Some say he was experimenting with time teleportation.'
(Race) 'And if those rumors were true'
'he could have changed the course of the Second World
(Benton) 'And over 40 years ago'
his sub mysteriously sank.
(Race) 'And our job
is to find out why.'
I see it! The sub's down there!
Hit the high-intensity Alfa beams, Race.
(Race) 'Bull's-eye, doctor.
We got ourselves a German sub.'
'The U-235.'
Wolfgang Krueger's sub.
- Prepare for docking, Race. - Grappling arms descending.
(Benton) 'Careful, Race, the sub
could slide over the edge'
'out of our reach.'
No sweat, doctor.
thud thud
Attach the airlock.
Dr. Quest, this is incredible!
After 40 years, it's as dry as a bone.
(Hadji) Bu-but it's dark as a tomb
down there.
bark bark
Don't worry, Hadj.
We'll have all the light we need.
Tell you what, Hadji, you two keep an eye on things here
while we explore below.
Aye aye, Dr. Quest.
(Benton) 'It's amazing!'
Everything's exactly as it was on that fateful day in 1944.
But what forced Krueger's sub
to sink?
Know what else is creepy, doctor?
This sub is completely empty. Where's the crew?
Maybe this sub is really a ghost ship.
- 'It's just an old wet suit.' - Phew.
Obviously, doctor, Krueger and his crew
'didn't go down with their sub.'
Would you look at that?
We've gone to a lot of trouble
to salvage an empty tin can.
(Jonny) Maybe not. Take a look at this.
Is this some kind of old radio?
It's certainly not a transistor.
Krueger must have actually constructed a working model
'of his time teleporter.'
What was that?
Hadji, what's going on up there?
[dramatic music]
Oh, my goodness! No!
[music continues]
bark bark
bark bark
I got the message, Bandit. We're in trouble!
- But what kind? - The worst kind.
A giant squid is attacking us!
Squids are territorial creatures.
It must think our sea spider wants to fight.
Jonny, Hadji, look out.
bark bark
[music continues]
Are you alright, doctor?
I must have activated Krueger's time device.
Jonny, Hadji..
- Dr. Quest! - Race!
[dramatic music]
(Race) Uh, that's what I call
a quick exit.
Dr. Quest, you must teach me that trick.
'How in the Himalayas did you do it?'
All I remember is getting knocked
into Krueger's time device.
And we've got a bigger problem now.
The sea quest is gone!
And where's Bandit?
bark bark bark
Bandit. Here, boy.
bark bark bark
(Jonny) 'Bandit's in the bandages.'
Shh. Quiet, boy.
I hear an airplane, but I don't see it.
There it is! Boy, is it weird-looking.
[aircraft droning]
That's a German war cargo plane.
Those antiques haven't flown since World War II.
A real flying fossil.
[aircraft droning]
(Hadji) Your fossil's laying eggs, Race.
And they're drifting down on to that island.
Yes, Hadji.
And that mysterious island
is where we're headed, too.
Okay, guys. Everyone gets an oar.
[speaking in foreign language]
(male #1) 'Yes, yes, I see them.'
They must never reach our island.
Frighten them away or sink them. I don't care.
[intense music]
Good grief! Look!
(Hadji) 'What is it, Dr. Quest?'
(Benton) 'I don't know. A bird?'
Or maybe it's a pygmy. A flying pygmy.
What a great shot he'll make!
(Race) He's thinking
the exact same thing.
Paddle for your lives.
[music continues]
Hadji, duck!
Thanks, Jonny..
[birds chirping]
Our raft is shot, but at least we lost that pygmy pilot.
[speaking in foreign language]
- 'Me and my big mouth.' - Everybody, take cover.
(Jonny) Hurry, Bandit.
bark bark
We need more cover. Into the jungle.
bark bark
No way he'll spot us from the air now.
[sighs] I think we lost him, Race.
[instrumental music]
How about climbing this palm tree
and taking a look around, Hadji?
Good idea, Race.
[instrumental music]
Hey, look what I see!
'There's a trail through the jungle, up ahead!'
It might lead us out of here.
[monkeys chattering]
bark bark
Bandit's on to something!
sniff sniff
[monkeys chattering]
Whatever was in this crate came straight from Berlin.
Yeah, air mail, special delivery.
That little pygmy sure gets a lot of big packages.
But where does all this litter lead?
- Down there! - 'Wow! A wrecked freighter!'
I'll check it out with my telephoto.
Do you see anyone down there?
(Jonny) 'Looks deserted.'
'Wait, another one of those pygmies'
is opening a gift package from Germany.
Race, did you hear what I said..
Hey, where'd everyone go?
Whoa. Hey!
[babbling] Ha-ha-ha!
[intense music]
Looks like a miniature airport from up here.
They even have a welcoming committee.
(Hadji) 'But not a very friendly one.'
Any idea what they want, doctor?
Well, if these idols are any clue
this is a tribe of dog-worshippers.
(Race) 'You're right, doctor'
'and Bandit's in the driver's seat.'
He's bowing to Bandit!
(Hadji) 'Looks like Bandit's getting
the royal treatment.'
Now it must be our turn.
[speaking in foreign language]
(Benton) Guess again, Race.
I think one of us has to fight for our freedom
'against the tribe's strongest warrior.'
Relax, I'll take care of shorty.
[speaking in foreign language]
(Benton) 'Looks like he's going to choose
our champion for us, Race.'
I guess he wants to pick on someone his own size, huh?
Well, good luck, Jonny.
Who? M-m-me?
I do not fight.
I don't think they'll take no for an answer, Hadji.
(Jonny) And they're not planning
to give us parachutes.
Okay, okay, I will fight! I-I will fight.
We've got to help, Hadji.
clap clap clap
That must signal the start of the contest.
- Keep the sun to your back. - You can do it, Hadji.
Yes. But does he know that?
[speaking in foreign language]
- Uh-oh! - 'Show him who's boss, Hadji!'
Oh, I think he already knows.
[speaking in foreign language]
Excuse me, sir, but..
Sim sim salabim!
[speaking in foreign language]
Alright! Has Hadji got some stuff or what!
bark bark
[speaking in foreign language]
I wonder if he's seen the old Indian rope trick.
'Sim sim salabim!'
- Ah.. - 'That should tie things up.'
[speaking in foreign language]
Uh-oh. He knows some rope tricks of his own.
[speaking in foreign language]
Yoo-hoo, over here! Time to play Hadji-go-seek.
[speaking in foreign language]
The old basket trick works every time.
[gasps] Well, almost every time.
Uh, sim sim salabim!
[speaking in foreign language]
Oh-oh, can't fool this little guy twice.
[babbling] Ooh!
- The winner, and still champ. - Huh?
You clobbered him, Hadji!
I did? Yes, I did!
Are we free to go?
[speaking in foreign language]
(Jonny) 'We're free, Bandit!
Let's split.'
I think he likes being top dog.
You're not gonna stand us up for a pile of bones
'are you, Bandit?'
bark bark
Bandit's coming with us, after all.
And you are coming with me.
Thank you for holding them until we could arrive, Keith.
Seize the spies' horns.
Ich werde, Dr. Krueger.
Did he call you Krueger?
Dr. Wolfgang Krueger?
You know my name!
That proves that you are American spies.
[laughs] Spies? Who are you kidding, pal?
Look, I am Dr. Benton Quest.
A scientist like yourself.
Of course, a scientist spy sent to steal my transporter.
The device that will make me
the most powerful leader in the world!
(Jonny) Sorry, Bandit. You were safer
back with those pygmies.
[Bandit whimpers]
(Krueger) Everyone has been trying to find
my secret headquarters.
But it is spy-proof, Dr. Quest.
Now I see what was delivered in those empty crates.
(Benton) Electronic equipment
for Krueger's experiment.
With my new time transporter, I will rule the world!
It's the crazy old radio we saw in the sunken submarine!
But, Jonny, look. It is no longer sunk.
It says "U-235."
We've been sent back to 1944!
Right, Jonny, just before the sub was launched
with the time transporter aboard.
And now here, Dr. Quest, before I dispose of all of you
allow me to demonstrate my invention.
(Jonny) 'Bandit, get away from there!'
Hey, cut that out.
[intense music]
(Jonny) No! Where's Bandit?
I sent him a few minutes into the future.
He'll pop up somewhere.
And I will do the same to every world leader
'if their countries do not pay the proper ransom.'
The ultimate weapon.
And nothing in this world can stop me!
[water gurgling]
With the device aboard my submarine
'I will rule the world'
'while you lay helpless in my steel prison.'
Lock them in.
Bandit, you're back just in time to be locked up forever.
What is going on in there?
We gotta do something while he's distracted!
It'll be my pleasure, boys.
Let's make a run for Krueger's sub.
Hans, stop them!
They are going nowhere yet, doctor.
Race, we're not moving.
- We're still tied to the dock. - I will go.
Hadji, wait.
Sim sim salabim!
- Hadji, someday-- - I know.
I'll have to teach you that trick. Ha-ha-ha.
(Benton) 'Close the hatch, boys.
We're preparing to dive.'
[hatch shuts]
[intense music]
We must catch them and reclaim my time transporter.
[music continues]
Faster, faster! I must get my transporter back.
[music continues]
We can't shake 'em, Race.
(Jonny) 'Hadji, can't you
make them disappear?'
I was hoping your father could make us disappear.
I'm trying, Hadji.
Krueger's device could send us back to our own time.
Hurry, doctor, or we'll be sunk for sure.
Race, we already know the U-235 is going to be sunk
'just the way we found it.'
[dramatic music]
I say we sink the spies now!
[music continues]
Fool. I gave no order to fire.
You'll destroy my time transporter!
The controls are wrecked.
(Race) 'We're out of control!'
[music continues]
(Krueger) The U-235, it's sinking
and all my dreams along with it.
- Dive! - But, doctor..
- We cannot take the pressure. - I said dive, you coward!
[music continues]
(Jonny) So this is how
the U-235 was sunk.
We were on it trying to escape.
Any luck with the time teleporter?
It's jammed. I can't activate it.
Ha-h! We've got them now!
The controls are frozen!
Stop, stop!
[intense music]
[Krueger screaming]
crackle crackle
Oh! We're back in our own time.
Home, safe and sound, I hope.
(Race) 'Sorry we couldn't save
'time transporter, doctor.'
A device with such potential for evil
is better off unrecovered, Race.
[instrumental music]
You know, Hadji, I didn't know
history could be so exciting!
Oh, no! Look!
(Jonny) 'Ha-ha..
Would you look at that?'
(Benton) 'Looks like Bandit made quite
an impression on the pygmies'
40 years ago.
[speaking in foreign language]
And it looks like they want him back.
(Jonny) 'How about it, Bandit?'
(Race) 'Heh, you wanna be'
'a lap dog of luxury?'
bark bark
Okay, okay. So you don't wanna be king.
slurp slurp
Sorry, chief. No deal.
[theme music]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
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