The Newsreader (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

No More Lies

You gotta watch yourself wit her, okay?
She's gonna hit you with
a lot of shitty ideas
about cross-eyed single mothers
and AIDS and Christ knows what else.
I have been in contact with a woman.
Her name is Caroline Gibson.
She has two children
and she's HIV positive.
Elaine Carlisle mentioned
something else on the phone
about Adam Lindell.
He hasn't tried to be in
contact with you, has he?
Hi, Dale. It's Adam here from school.
If you ever have any time, will you
talk me through a footy game?
Aussie Rules footy is the single
best sport on the planet,
and I am the single best
person to explain it to you.
Geoff? Oh!
Geoff suffered a heart
attack late last night.
Obviously, there will be public interest
and Geoff had a quote he was
very keen for me to pass on.
I will absolutely be back on
air in July and I can't wait.
Please don't tell anyone.
Of course.
I'm committed to Helen.
I care about her deeply.
The last thing I want to do is hurt her.
I love you.
Helen, morning.
- Good morning.
- Five hours for one photo shoot.
What, is it really going
to take half a day?
It says it says "candid
shots of couple at home".
- Yes.
- So why do we need a stylist?
Uh, it's a photo shoot. This is nothing.
I dress up as a bon-bon
on the News At Six Christmas
card the other year.
Oh, where can I see those photos?
I've got really good news.
I have got the Caroline Gibson
story across the line.
Caroline Gibson?
The mother who contracted HIV
through a blood transfusion
and unknowingly gave it to her children.
- Lindsay signed off on it?
- Yes.
And I think you should do it.
It's your story.
It's going to do more for
you than it is for me.
You imagine? You on camera,
empathizing with a mother.
Every woman watching is going
to fall in love with you,
and they're going to
call the switchboard
and ask for more Dale Jennings.
Thank you.
Noelene, could you check
some dates for me?
I need to know when AIDS
first arrived in Australia
and when the blood bank started
screening donors for HIV.
On it.
- Jam donuts.
- Aw, thanks, Noels.
You're a champion. Oi, um
who's your pick for this Saturday?
Demons or Swans?
What? I thought you wanted
a bit of office footy chat?
I do, but I don't want anyone
to know you're teaching me.
What? So I'm banned from talking
about the footy with you?
In here, yes.
Everyone else can, but not me?
Until further notice.
We allowed to chat about other topics?
Do you have other topics?
It's going to be the Swans.
I'm tipping three goals.
Hey, Dennis, is there a crew available?
I'm doing the Caroline Gibson story.
- She's in Beaumaris.
- Ah, mate.
- What?
- Poisoned chalice.
- Lindsay signed off on it.
- That's 'cause Helen wore him down.
Lindsay hates AIDS stories.
He's gonna want to see a cut
and he's not gonna be kind.
I'll be right.
Your funeral. Take Tim's crew.
Anyone else available?
You always go out with Tim's crew.
What, has he got BO or something?
Whatever. Give me a second.
I need a crew.
What, no, not Tim's crew.
Give me another crew.
No. Thanks.
Well, it's higher than
I would have liked.
You haven't been exerting
yourself, have you?
Just a gentle walk most evenings.
- How far?
- End of the road and back.
Attempted the full
block yesterday and
never heard the end of it.
It's paramount to give your
body the time it needs, Geoff.
Remember when they sent
me to cover Vietnam?
- Of course.
- I came to you to get my jabs.
- Yes.
- I could only get three at a time.
You made me pick.
Disease roulette.
I gave you tetanus,
cholera and diphtheria,
and you got typhoid.
- Yes.
- Yep.
Chucking my guts up on
a dirt road somewhere.
Seconds later, shooting a story.
But I soldiered on.
We all did.
Your second Walkley.
Yes, well, you know,
soldiering on with typhoid at 43
is very impressive,
but soldiering on after a
heart bypass at 60 is
something else entirely, Geoff.
- I'll see you out.
- No.
You stay right there. Rest.
I'll check in on you in
a fortnight, alright?
Realistically, when do you think
he'll be ready for work?
Months yet.
- Months?
- Two at least,
preferably three, and even
then I'd suggest part time.
I know my husband. He is
not built to be at home.
He gets agitated.
Evelyn, he could die.
The warning signs have
been there for years.
He's ignored them.
And if he keeps ignoring them
What? I'm sorry, what?
Maybe you don't know everything
about your husband.
She specifically said not to get
her kids' faces on camera,
so if they are in frame,
make sure you explain to
her what you're filming,
'cause she might be okay with
background shots with them.
Got it.
We don't touch her, right?
No, you're not going to be touching her.
What about door handles and stuff?
I read you can get it from that.
Well, that's a myth. You can only get it
if some of her blood gets
physically inside you.
Sorry. I'm not good with sickness.
She's not sick.
She's HIV positive, and right now
she doesn't have any symptoms.
Are we good here?
WOMAN: I was six months
pregnant with my second child.
The hospital suggested
that I have the AIDS test.
And when it came back
positive, I thought
it had to be a mistake.
I couldn't even think
how it was possible.
Till they asked me if I'd
had a blood transfusion.
And you did have one,
after the birth of your son.
That's right.
So you went undiagnosed for
Four years.
And I passed it on to my children.
If I'd known, I never would
have breastfed and, um
I certainly wouldn't have gotten
pregnant for the second time.
Oh, sorry, are you sick?
- What?
- Do you have a cold?
Just allergies.
I'm so sorry, I just really
can't afford to get sick.
Of course. So sorry.
Brian, can you lock the camera
off and go and wait in the car?
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
- Sorry.
- Of course.
Thank you.
Caroline, could you
Could you explain to me a bit more
about what it's like living
with the virus day to day?
people treat us like lepers.
Our dentist has stop seeing us.
My son's been ostracised from school.
And the clinics we have
to go to for treatment
are just full of homosexual men.
Are you angry that this happened?
Of course.
I was told that this blood
transfusion had saved my life,
but really, it was
it was a death sentence
for me and my children.
You're gonna have to lose
30 seconds out of that.
- 30 seconds.
- It is dire.
It's wrist-slashing stuff.
It's moving, sure, but
isn't that the point?
The point, Dale, is not to drop viewers.
Every time we put one of
these bloody AIDS stories on,
we drop 100k, every time.
I'm worried if we cut that
much, we'll lose the impact.
- We left out the best bit.
- No, we didn't.
What's that?
When she says they poisoned
the blood bank. The gays.
It's unsubstantiated.
- She was upset
- Let's see it.
Mate, you've just woken me up.
Poofter poisoning the blood
bank. That is gold.
- The whole focus is the family impact.
- Here.
"If it takes threatening and
perhaps donating blood
"to get us the attention we need,
that may be what we have to do."
That's a quote from a US gay activist.
I'll see if I can get another
source, but it looks good.
That's your story.
Okay, if we put the quote in,
can we keep the 30 seconds?
Oh, you're learning.
Yes, we can.
In 1983, Robert Schwab,
a US gay activist
frustrated by the lack of funding
for AIDS, told his followers,
"If it takes threatening
and perhaps donating blood
"to get us the attention we need,
that may be what we have to do."
Some gays thought that AIDS
would only get attention
if straight people had it too.
That's what I've heard.
And now they do.
Are you angry that this happened?
Of course.
I was told that this blood
transfusion had saved my life,
- but really, it was
- On my hand.
it was a death sentence
for me and my children.
This is Dale Jennings, News At Six.
To the Philippines now where deposed
President Ferdinand Marcos
and his wife Imelda remain under siege.
You first hatchet job.
Congrats. It's quite a milestone.
You don't actually believe that
there's people deliberately out there
poisoning the blood banks, do you?
I don't always get a final say
about what goes into the edit.
Well, you do get a say,
though, don't you?
(WHISPERS) I know it's a
sensitive issue for you.
Nah. It's just shit journalism.
Oh, hell of a story, mate.
Just hope you washed your hands.
- Night.
- See ya, mate.
You sure that she
she said it on the record?
- Of course.
- Okay.
Look, I admit that bit was bad,
but it was definitely on the record.
Okay, okay.
You were still really great.
No buts.
I can tell you've got more thoughts.
I don't.
You have a version in your
head that you think's better.
Just tell me.
I probably would have asked
more about the marriage
- I knew it!
- 'Cause I just
- I just That's the only thing.
- I knew it.
- (LAUGHS) That was the only thing.
No! It was good! It was good.
MAN: Maybe laughing now. Just laughing.
One more time.
That was so much better.
You look beautiful.
Just your standard
Thursday morning outfit.
(LAUGHS) Well, we decided
that it's cocktail hour, so.
- We have?
- Yes.
Mr Jennings, if you just
want to stand beside her,
and maybe put your hand on her shoulder?
Um, isn't the bulletin at
cocktail hour, though?
Dale, you don't have to
fact check the photoshoot.
Okay, just loosening up the shoulders.
And if you just want to
pick up the martini glass,
maybe like you're offering a toast?
Is that real gin?
Maybe laughing now.
(LAUGHS) Laughing. Just laughing.
Couple in love, enjoying
each other's company.
Mate, you look like you've
been kicked in the nuts.
Okay. What's wrong? What is wrong?
It just feels a bit artificial.
Yeah, but that's the magic of it.
It's not us presenting
who we really are.
It's more what people
might imagine us to be.
Just relax. It's just supposed
to be romantic and fun.
No tension. (EXHALES)
One, two, three, looking.
One more time.
We can dance if you want to ♪
We can leave your friends behind ♪
'Cause your friends don't dance
and if they don't dance ♪
Well, they're no friends of mine ♪
Say, we can dance, we can dance ♪
Everybody's taking the chance ♪
Safety dance ♪
It's the safety dance ♪
ALL: (CHANT) No more
lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
- No more lies while gay men die.
- What is this?
- No more lies while gay men die.
- Um
Should we go to the staff entrance?
Uh no. I think we'll be okay.
It's not Caroline Gibson, is it?
No more lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
MAN: You're all liars, News At Six.
Do a bit of research.
No more lies while gay men die.
It's Adam. Adam Lindell.
No more lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
Did you did you know that guy?
He's just a research contact.
- You seen it?
- No.
- The protesters?
- The article.
It's a whole op-ed about the quote
I found. The Robert Schwab one.
They say it was made up for
some sort of anti-gay pamphlet.
I am so sorry.
"Throughout the coverage
of this epidemic,
"we've heard from doctors,
politicians, priests,
"but the primary victims, gay men,
have been at best excluded
"and at worst demonized."
- I mean, he's not wrong.
- Lindsay knows?
This is what happens when
you let game show girls
and footy players front the news.
Geoff, that's got nothing to do
with that. That quote is solid.
And Noelene found it, so it's
legit. It's ridgy-didge, okay?
Serious reporters,
they develop an instinct
for these sorts of things.
You know if something
doesn't pass the sniff test.
- Just calm down, Geoff.
- The Whitlam dismissal, '75.
You remember. There was bedlam.
There was rumours flying
around everywhere.
And some donkey in Canberra got
wind that the Queen was in on it.
You wanted to run it as fact.
My gut told me it didn't hold water,
so we held off. And guess what?
I saved us the humiliation
of an apology!
Helen and Rob could
never make that call!
Listen, mate, this is a completely
different situation, alright?
Now, these people outside,
they're just a pack of pillow biters
who are whipping up trouble.
Now, this quote is legit. It's solid.
We can back it up and we're
gonna do that tonight.
Noelene! That quote better be
fucking watertight, you got that?
I'm getting more articles
from the Herald Library.
I'm also checking with the blood
bank and the AIDS Council.
I'm waiting for them to call back.
Well, go call them now, will you?
We are not issuing an apology on
this unless we absolutely have to.
Okay? Now, what's the follow up?
Well, I think that we should interview
- the op-ed writer.
- That's insane.
Why would we back away?
It's clearly hit a nerve.
- There are plenty more angles out there.
- I'm just telling you it's a recipe
- for disaster.
- I think that Dale should interview
the op-ed writer, then follow
up with the blood bank
and I'll interview an AIDS
sufferer, preferably gay.
five minutes of AIDS.
Yeah, I know, Dennis,
but we went up last night
and that's never happened
before on an AIDS story,
so we'll keep going.
Caroline actually mentioned that
there was problems in some schools,
so that could be another story.
(CLEARER) Dale, you could
maybe interview a parent.
I'm prepping for Anzac Day.
Oh, Jesus, Dale.
- They're throwing eggs out there now.
- What?
Egged my car.
That happen to anyone else?
Do those protesters have AIDS?
I wonder if there was
AIDS in what they threw.
You think they put HIV
positive blood into an egg?
Jesus. Come on, everybody.
Don't back away from
this. This is your story.
- Yeah, and it's a disaster.
- No, it's not.
We'll get it back on track.
Have you spoken to Caroline?
You should, because all the other
networks will be calling her
and it will be very overwhelming.
And this this happens.
Sometimes things blow up.
It's gonna be okay.
No more lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
No more lies while gay men die.
Do you have a spokesperson
or an organiser?
We don't have an organiser.
We're a collective.
Okay, I understand why you're upset.
That's why I'd like to show
a different perspective.
I'm very interested in talking
to an AIDS sufferer,
someone who's gay,
and not just about the
blood bank controversy,
but about their life.
I'm genuinely interested in putting
the other perspective on air.
My lover has AIDS.
Let me get your name and
I'll set something up.
What's wrong?
I confirmed it.
The article was right.
A religious fundamentalist group
in the US fabricated the quote
for these anti-gay pamphlets.
It spread at the start of '84.
I found all these subsequent
sources debunking it.
- This is really bad.
- It's okay.
I was the reporter.
Lindsay signed off on it.
Have you told Dennis?
Noelene confirmed the quote was false.
We've confirmed that
the quote was false.
Right. We are doing an apology.
And you're coming to see
me after the bulletin.
27, 33 and the supplementary
number is 26.
And don't forget that tomorrow is
a public holiday for Anzac Day.
It certainly is, Rob.
So all dividends will be announced
after the long weekend.
But before we leave you
this evening, a clarification.
Last night, the News
At Six aired a story
about a woman who contracted
HIV from the blood bank.
A statement attributed to the
late US activist Robert Schwab
was incorrect.
We apologise unreservedly.
- We'll leave you tonight
- First apology in years.
musicians from China,
touring Australia for
a series of concerts.
- I'm Helen Norville.
- And I'm Rob Rickards.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I suppose that's the
best they can muster.
Well, I'm changing the channel.
Sale Of The Century or
there's a doco on Japan.
You know, the thing that kills me
is there is a great story there.
You'd never know it from that bulletin,
but they have stumbled on to
one of the most critical stories
of our time.
And the gays have put society at risk.
Of course they have.
And no news outlet will touch it.
Instead of exposing it,
they've muddied the waters with
with conspiracy theories, misquotes
But it reflects well on you, doesn't it?
A month without you and
look where they've ended up!
Apologising, grovelling.
Best thing you can do is sit
back and let them fall apart.
Noelene. A word.
Ah, close the door after
yourself, will you, please?
It's a sad old shitshow, isn't it?
Lindsay, I am so, so sorry.
The quote came up a couple of times,
so I didn't think I needed
to cross check it further.
I promise this will never happen again.
easy mistake to make.
Yes, still, I wanted to stress
But it was your mistake
and we had to apologise.
So, I'm sorry.
You gotta go.
Lots of typing work out
there. You'll be fine.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Not at all.
Mate, not now.
Noelene was just doing
what she was asked to do.
- Mate
- Can't you just put her on suspension?
You wanted to run the
quote. I was the
Wake up to yourself, ya drip!
If you weren't Mr Helen Norville,
you'd be out on your arse too.
So I'd tread very carefully, young Dale.
Thin ice.
Noelene, I'm gonna talk to Helen.
- It's okay.
- No, it's not.
She won't stand for it
and neither will Rob.
Thank you, but I don't want
to cause any more trouble.
I'll I'll I'll do a ring around.
There might be something
going at another network.
Thank you.
Now let it out ♪
Shout to the night ♪
And so it goes ♪
- I hear motion ♪
DALE: Lindsay sacked Noelene.
Yeah, right after the bulletin.
He wouldn't listen to me,
so can you call him?
- Are you still at work?
- No, I'm at home.
Actually, do you know what? Call Rob.
Lindsay might pay more attention to him.
Um, Dale, I'm making dinner for us.
I've got to be up before dawn.
I've got a 15-hour day.
I'm sorry.
- Is there something wrong?
- Yes.
I fucked up with my reporting
and my colleague lost her job.
Isn't that enough?
I just think maybe if you come
over here, we can talk about
No. No, Helen, I can't.
I've gotta be up at three.
You say the word ♪
I hear motion ♪
Now let it out ♪
Shout to the night ♪
Shout to the night ♪
And so it goes ♪
I hear motion ♪
I hear motion ♪
I hear motion ♪
I hear motion. ♪
- Hi.
- Hi, Adam.
Come in.
Thank you so much for agreeing to this.
Oh, we're lucky.
It's a good day for Russell. Relatively.
Russ, this is Helen Norville.
Hi. It's a pleasure to meet you.
I hear you might be
putting me on the telly.
Uh, let's just see how we go, eh?
I thought you were gonna make me a star.
- Well.
- You think it's too late for me.
Is the other reporter coming?
- The Bendigo boy?
- No.
You can't have too many visitors.
I forgot that you'd had
contact with Dale.
- Mm.
- Was that for this issue?
Actually, I went to
high school with Dale.
In Bendigo, hence the
Were you friends at school?
Uh, I don't know.
He's not exactly the
most popular alumnus.
Um, cuppa? Or water?
Glass of water, please.
How did you two meet?
Oh, well, we were both
working at the university.
When was it, darling?
- '82?
- Yes, it was.
In '82.
And we locked eyes at a faculty drinks.
But at the time, Adam wasn't out,
so the whole thing was very secretive.
Almost like we were having
some thrilling affair.
Thank you.
So may I may I ask
about the diagnosis?
That's what you're here for.
How did that happen?
I'd had a bad run of colds,
but I'd been putting
off seeing a doctor.
I think
part of me knew.
But then I bit the bullet
and three weeks later,
the results came back.
What was it like for you,
Adam? Getting tested?
Waiting for the results was agony.
And I started bargaining with myself.
I said, "If the test results
come back negative,
"then I'll never sleep
with another man again."
And if they came back positive?
I'd end it.
With Russ?
My life.
So, I really want to put
your story on camera.
Now, if you're open to it.
I think I could get a crew
here, maybe even today.
Ah, I don't know.
- It could be, a small crew.
- Only if it's live.
I'd do it
if it's live to air.
- Russ
- No.
I don't want to be chopped up
and spliced between Fred Nile
- We wouldn't water you down.
- We need to talk about this.
I know how it goes.
You might have the best of intentions,
but your boss has done
I can look at getting
a live cross out here,
- but it's a bit
- No.
I want to be in the studio and
I want to sit at that desk.
Do you have those makeup mirrors
with the light bulbs all around them?
Yes, we do.
Well, then.
Make me a star.
Hey. They charged my car.
- Spat on it.
- Who? The protesters?
Yeah, they yelled so hard, bits
of spit landed on the windscreen.
I just I don't understand, mate.
We apologised. Why are
they still even here?
Mate, don't worry about it.
Well, can't we get the coppers
to move 'em on or something?
Yeah, well, you're going to
speak to two of them tonight,
so hopefully that'll
shut the door on it.
Helen chased down an interview.
An AIDS patient on the desk.
Well, Helen could do
it alone, couldn't she?
Well, how do you think
that's going to work, Rob?
We're gonna cut to the desk
and you're just not there.
(SIGHS) Mate, it's just three minutes.
We'll write down the
questions. You'll be fine.
Where's Noelene?
It was, uh, Lindsay's call, not mine.
What do you mean?
She got sacked late, over the misquotes.
After last night's bulletin.
As I said, wasn't my call.
Rob, just don't
- Did you sack Noelene?
- Sorry?
This place is bullshit.
You can't sack Noelene.
She does 10 times as much
work as anyone else here.
Come one, Rob. Mate,
I don't like it either.
But upstairs wanted a head to roll
and she had the most expendable head.
Well, get her on the
phone. Get her back.
Don't you come in here,
yelping orders at me.
If you don't her back
right now, I'm happy to
What are you gonna do, son?
What are you gonna do?
Well, I'll fuckin' walk is
what I'll do. I don't care.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
It's done.
Righto, mate.
That's how you're gonna treat people.
(LAUGHS) Well!
Very fuckin' professional, Rob.
- Chuckin' a hissy fit.
- No, no.
You find someone else
to sit on your desk.
Oh, come on! Hey!
You fancy her, don't ya?
Son, you are scraping the
bottom of the fuckin' barrel.
Oh, you Righto, mate.
You poor bastard.
Well, piss off back to Echuca,
you sausage-roll-munching bastard.
Need a moment?
I need a fucking decade.
Should I call Noelene?
And you can inform her
her suspension is over.
Is Noelene there?
Noelene Kim?
Okay, just do it.
- Rob!
- Evelyn.
Um, I'm sorry to turn up unannounced.
I don't suppose Geoff's
free at the minute, is he?
- Yeah. Come in.
- Thanks.
Good job, darling. You're
the eucalyptus hunter.
Well, hey, you look pretty good, Cap.
Well they've got me, uh,
wrapped up in cotton wool,
but I'm getting there.
Listen, um
I'm sorry for not coming
around to see you sooner.
- It's just been
- Of course. Of course.
To be honest, I've been imagining
you sitting up there watching me
and thinking, "Who is this
joker who's taken my job?"
Not at all.
Well, I want you to know that I know
how shithouse I'm doing. It's
It's just
It's never a job I wanted.
And I certainly never lobbied for it.
I know that.
And given the circumstances,
you've done very well
and you will continue to grow.
- No doubt.
- Actually, I think I'm done,
'cause, uh yeah, I walked out today.
- What?
- Well, it's the blowout
from this AIDS story.
There's riots outside the building.
Noelene got the sack
and now they want me, right,
to interview one of the protesters
with AIDS live on the desk.
And I'm I'm not up for it.
You put me with a sportsman
and I can go for hours,
but this situation, it's
I'm not you.
I'll never be.
And I know that.
And, uh I want you to know
that I know that.
I appreciate that, Rob.
- It takes a very decent man
to be that honest.
Well done.
Lay out a suit.
New runsheet. This is now
after the AIDS interview.
AIDS interview?
Do you wanna have one last
look at this parade story
or are you happy?
- Dale?
- Ah, it's fine.
Great! Let's move on
to the dawn service.
Adam, Russell, just this way.
Just come through here, if you like.
- Do you need a hand?
- We're fine, thanks.
You may need everything
in that kit of yours.
(CHUCKLES) Nah, we'll have
you glowing in no time.
- Just in here?
- Mm-hm.
- Oh, yes.
- Yep.
Just take a seat.
You can't get it, by the way,
just doing his make-up.
Oh, yeah, I know that.
- Less talk, more make-up.
Tonight, Australia
commemorates Anzac Day.
From the dawn service to the parade,
a record number of Australians
lined the streets
to honour those who have
made the ultimate sacrifice.
It's about a nation,
it's about a country.
And living with the AIDS virus.
It's feared, it's debated,
it's misunderstood.
But for homosexual couple,
Russell and Adam,
AIDS isn't a headline, it's their life.
We'll be speaking to them
later on in the program.
And from all of us at News at 6,
a very warm welcome back to you, Geoff.
Thank you, Helen.
And to all the viewers who sent cards,
flowers and well wishes
- Blah, blah, bloody blah.
- a very, very sincere thank you.
A huge turnout for Anzac Day
marches around the country
has surprised even the RSL.
Dale Jennings reports.
- Thousands of people
- And we're clear!
Uh, if I could have my AIDS
gentlemen around, please?
DALE: and to think about
those who made it home too.
Just up the stairs here, gents.
Russell, you're here,
and Adam, you're here.
- Thank you again. Hi, Russell.
- Hi.
Thank you.
- Uh This is
- Geoff Walters. Welcome.
I, uh, I thought it was just with you.
Uh live interviews
are conducted by us both.
This is a really special bulletin
'cause this is Geoff's
first since returning.
- Oh, lucky us.
- And we are on in 20.
- Adam, what should I call you?
Companion? Friend?
- And in 10.
On my hand in five, four
Dale Jennings, News at 6.
It's the greatest health crisis
to face the country this century.
Hundreds of Australians are now
infected with the AIDS virus,
and experts predict it
will soon be thousands.
Among those scores, Russell
and his companion Adam.
They join us in the studio tonight.
Russell, can you explain your diagnosis?
Uh, well, there's a few.
Um, stomach cancer, which
is what's making me sick.
Also AIDS.
How severe is it at the moment?
Well, I'm not about to go
dancing, put it that way.
I have my good days and my bad days.
But I'm very lucky.
You don't usually think of an
AIDS sufferer as being lucky.
But my lover, Adam
has been a huge support to me.
Some people have to
go through this alone,
which I just can't imagine.
When your results came back positive,
how did that impact you?
It was horrific.
All of a sudden, you're staring
down your own mortality
at the age of 35.
But the worst part, by far,
was knowing that I'd put Adam at risk.
But, Adam, you are not infected.
- Is that right?
- That's right.
I got tested right after
Russell found out
and, um, well, waiting
for those results,
that was the worst time in my life.
And I'm ashamed to say that
Sorry, sorry, just to go back. Um
As a loyal long-term couple,
how do you account for the fact that
one of you contracted the virus
and the other one did not?
Well, we were a couple,
but we were not a monogamous couple.
Adam, did you know that Russell
was non-monogamous?
Yes, I did.
Adam, you were saying
while you were waiting
Were you angry with Russell
because of the huge
risk he exposed you to?
Russell, do you regret
your lack of monogamy?
No, not at all. Not at all.
My only regret is that I wish we'd
known about the virus back then.
Well, amongst the public at large,
there's the impression that gay
men have spread this disease,
putting the whole community at risk
because of promiscuity and carelessness.
Now, even despite the terrifying
price that you've paid,
you still wouldn't endorse monogamy?
No, no.
I would endorse safe sex.
Adam, you've been caring
for Russell at home
Imagine a mother whose
young children have AIDS.
- A mother who's devastated
- Come on.
because a promiscuous
gay man donated blood.
- What would you say to them?
- Fucking hell!
Maybe that heart attack's
done him some good!
What would you say to a mother
who's about to lose her young children?
Well, I would extend
my greatest sympathy.
What would you say to Adam's mother
whose son's life you put
at risk by your behaviour?
- I think we should move on to
- My mother
in fact, my whole family,
don't speak to me.
That must be very, very difficult.
It's agony.
But I've spent most of my
life trying to avoid it.
But in the end, denying
the truth about myself
that was even worse.
Russell, Adam, I'm afraid that's
all we have time for tonight.
Thank you both very much.
We'll be right back after the break.
Bugger me, I can tell you,
I have not seen this bloke
this sharp since the 1970s.
He's grown a set in hospital,
that's what he's done.
Come on, hey!
And clear!
I am so sorry.
Adam, Russell, I didn't know that
Geoff was gonna be at the bulletin.
I didn't think that he was gonna take
If your goal was to
subdue those protests,
I suspect you might have
fallen a little short.
Is Dale here?
Uh, I don't think so, no.
Could I get you to pass
on a message from me?
Just sorry.
I'll call you tomorrow
and maybe come around to
your house to see you.
Oh, darling
we've both heard far worse before
and we will again.
Helen, 20 seconds.
Hello, you've reached Dale Jennings.
I can't take your call right now,
but if you leave me a
message with your details,
- I'll get back to you.
- (BEEP!)
Dale, it's Mum.
Could you
Could you give me a ring,
please, just when you
Hi, Mum.
- You saw the
- Yeah.
I had nothing to do with it.
You said you'd had no contact with him.
I haven't.
Adam's a
I don't know. He's an activist, I guess.
Someone needs to say
something to the Lindells.
He shouldn't be coming to your work!
Does Helen know about
- what he
- No.
Well, if she has any concerns,
get her to ring me.
I can tell her what kind
of person Adam is,
- what kind of a attacks
- Mum.
He's been through enough.
I'll call you tomorrow.
- ROB: very boring.
Noels, how are you?
What the hell, Noely?!
Yeah, I can explain.
Did you get the sack
and you didn't tell us?!
I had the best intentions, I promise.
I just might have stuck my foot in it.
I learnt a bit of French at school,
but no Korean, I'm afraid.
Oops. Excuse me. Sorry, everyone.
Mr Kim, Mrs Kim, Jean,
thank you for that tea.
It was delicious.
Um actually, I'll just leave
these thongs for you at the door.
Noels, Noels.
(WHISPERS) I'm gathering
you didn't tell your family.
I'm gathering you did!
Well anyway
I'm hearing you can
come back in on Monday.
Yeah, well, you know bloody Lindsay.
He he blows a gasket
and then a day later
he's forgotten all about it.
- Did you say something?
- Eh?
Well, I I didn't say anything
a halfway decent person
wouldn't have said.
I mean, you're the best
one there, Noels.
Thank you.
Oh, it's alright.
- Oh.
- Oh.
You'd better head back in.
Do you want to grab a drink?
Yeah, I mean, are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Nah, I feel like a dork.
- You saw it?
- Of course!
- (PANTS) Ah.
- Geoff, just slow down.
- You're breathless.
- I'm fine, darling.
First day back was always
going to push me.
What did you think?
Why don't you have a lie down
and I'll bring your dinner
What did you think?
You were incredible.
Absolutely incredible.
Ah, yes.
You should have seen Lindsay's face. Ha!
Okay, you bastard.
You think a sports boy
could give you that, huh?
Yeah, unlikely. Ha-ha!
- You watched?
- Yeah.
Fuck! It was a fucking disaster.
You know, Geoff wasn't
even supposed to be there.
He came in specifically, and I
don't even know how he heard.
Could I pour myself a drink?
Oh, I feel sick.
- Did you book them?
- Fuck!
- Adam and, um
- And Russell? Yeah.
Yeah, I went out looking
for someone who had AIDS,
and then Adam came forward
and told me about his partner.
You said that he was a research contact.
He said that you guys went
to high school together.
So which is it? Or is it both?
- He said that?
- Yeah.
He asked me to pass on a message.
He said, "Tell him I'm sorry."
Helen, it's a complicated
situation between our families.
I don't think
There's no need to involve you in this.
Involve me in what?
I don't want to talk about it.
You have to tell me.
I mean, nothing that you can say
is worse than what I'm thinking
in my head right now.
He made allegations against me.
What kind of allegations?
When we were teenagers.
He said I did things that I did not do.
He said I forced myself on him.
It wasn't me.
It was not me.
- Are you talking sexually?
- We were best friends,
we were teenage boys messing around.
It was adolescent boy
stuff. It wasn't
Has anything like this happened
since you were a teenager?
Helen, I love you.
- I'm I'm in love with you.
- While we were together?
I'm in love with you, Helen.
With who? With who?
- With who, Dale?
- Tim.
For a brief moment,
only once, and I stopped it.
As soon as it ended, I told him, Helen.
I told him that I was committed to you!
Helen, this is not fair.
Could you just open the door, please?
Very substantial quantities of
radiation have been released
in an accident at the
Chernobyl power station.
NOELENE: They're getting five times
the standard level of radiation
in Finland.
LINDSAY: Well, safe to
assume there's gonna be
a few changes for tonight's bulletin.
We don't know how it's gonna play out.
GEOFF: How about I go to the press
and detail exactly how I've
been treated by this network?
I've been watching the power structure
here for years. Trust me.
Lindsay's blowing his top, he's
literally frothing at the mouth.
So I need you to get back
here now, please.
Yeah, so what we're gonna do is
we're gonna bill you as an expert
on the whole nuclear thing.
With Helen?
Meet with her, spend every
waking minute with her,
because both of you
have got to blitz this.
Can we talk privately?
Whatever happens, son, you
just concentrate on the job.
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