The Oath of Love (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

♪Time once stopped everything♪
♪There's someone special♪
♪I flip the eternity dictionary♪
♪And uncover the suspense
that makes my heart beat fast♪
♪At this special moment
we run into each other♪
♪As unconsciously as we breathe♪
♪Holding hands over a long time♪
♪Means more than any word♪
♪Among a sea of people♪
♪I hold the umbrella for you♪
♪You hold the umbrella for me♪
♪I'll be special for you♪
♪You shelter me from the rain♪
♪Don't be afraid♪
♪Your love gets me through the haze♪
♪You'll have me♪
♪I'll search and wait♪
♪For the love of our lives♪
♪The future spent with you♪
♪We shall no longer linger♪
♪Is the best arrangement of love♪
♪The best arrangement♪
=The Oath of Love=
♪Is love♪
=Episode 5=
I may not
know you very well.
But I'm sure about one thing.
That is,
you're a very good doctor.
A doctor heals the wounded
and rescues the dying.
Since I was an intern,
totally 15 patients have died,
regardless of my treatment.
I still remember
what they look like.
But now,
I even failed to save
my most respected teacher.
Do you still think I'm a good doctor?
Of course.
My grandfather was a doctor
of traditional Chinese medicine.
He told us
that many people think
doctors can remain indifferent
to death.
But actually, no one
can be indifferent to death.
When ordinary guys like us
see a dying man,
our first reaction is sympathy.
But when a doctor sees the man,
he thinks of whether he can save him
and how he can save him.
The doctor fulfills his duty
if he saves lives.
He also fulfills his duty if he fails.
So, Dr. Gu,
you've tried your best.
Like I just said,
in my heart,
you're a very good doctor.
I guess
you want to be a better doctor.
Before you become a better doctor,
don't break down.
Come on.
Lin Zhixiao.
Many people tried to comfort me
with many reasons.
But no one talked like you.
They did?
I'm quite outstanding
and unique, aren't I?
A little bit.
Who's there?
Run, run.
Didn't you say
climbing through the window
can be a tradition of the Music Academy?
If I'm caught, I'll receive
a disciplinary record.
I haven't graduated yet.
Stop, stop!
Lin Zhixiao,
you were just wounded.
Could you walk more carefully?
It's for you.
Dr. Gu,
you're off work, okay?
Besides, even though I was wounded,
I climbed through the window
and even ran today.
Never mind.
Come on. Let me be happy.
Have some Pepsi.
You don't want it?
I'll drink it first, then.
Tastes great.
Just taste it.
Come on, Dr. Gu.
Doesn't it feel great?
Just so-so.
Would you like some music?
Oh, dear.
Dr. Gu,
a big twist.
My teacher just texted me
that I could return to the orchestra
and continue as a cellist.
As long as I keep practicing hard,
I will be able to join the concert.
The wound on my head is indeed useful.
Lin Zhixiao,
what does your wound
have anything to do
with your teacher's decision?
It has a lot to do with it.
It's heaven-sent compensation.
It's like magic. You don't understand.
I indeed don't understand.
Why not let go of me?
I was just too excited.
It's okay.
If you want to disinfect
your hands,
just do it.
I won't think
you're discriminating against me.
Look at you.
How can you be in a relationship?
You can't even hold a girl's hands.
What did you say?
No nothing.
I said nothing.
in a relationship,
there are solutions.
There's a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
There's a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
As long as you don't give up,
there's always a miracle.
Are you sure you want another round?
I never give in
on two things.
First, my charm.
Second, my capacity for liquor.
Don't regret it, idiot.
I won't.
Let me taste it.
Why does it taste different?
Let me taste it again.
Isn't it sparkling water?
Should I complain about it
to China Consumers Association?
Let's challenge the real wine.
Do you dare?
A bottle of whisky, please.
Here. Have some tea.
Thank you.
it's been long since you last came in.
I know
you often come
and see me from outside.
You just didn't come in.
there was nothing wrong
with your operation proposal.
It was just an accident.
If your teacher
wanted to tell you something,
he would ask you
not to blame yourself or feel sad
for that accident.
may I read my teacher's books?
Go ahead.
(The Ternary Therapy
proposed by Dr. Liang Zhou)
(has been regarded
as one of the top therapies.)
(Liang Zhou, professor
and deputy Party secretary)
(of Gastroenterology Center)
(Never forget why you started.)
I swear
I'll try my best
to take medical measures
that I believe are beneficial
to patients.
I won't bring pain or damage to them.
(Never forget why you started.)
I'll work and live blamelessly.
From now on,
you must keep in mind
that you decide
the lives and health of many people.
don't forget
that medicine isn't a perfect science,
but a changeable
and elusive knowledge system.
There's always a gap
between our pursuits and goals.
Make the gap encourage you,
instead of crushing you.
Because doctors
don't fight alone.
Instead, they keep making
human-centered progress.
I hope you'll never forget
why you started
and your mission will be accomplished.
Mr. Lin.
Time for lunch.
I hear you were wounded.
Just a flesh wound. No big deal.
No big deal.
Where were you wounded?
It's not a big problem.
Just a hit on the head.
Let me check.
That's not necessary.
Let me check.
Fine. Fine.
Just this. It's okay.
Put your fringe down.
You revealed your imperfect face.
Mr. Lin,
I'm your daughter, all right?
It's all because of your genes.
We both have imperfect faces.
Let's not complain
about each other, okay?
You've got good genes, too.
Did you get your dimples by yourself?
Fine, I got them from you.
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
I came to check on Qiuqiu.
Dr. Gu.
Come on, Qiuqiu.
Let me check your wound.
Does it still hurt?
The wound heals well.
The operation was successful, too.
When he actively accepts our treatment,
he can have the stitches removed
and leave hospital in two weeks.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
We're indeed grateful to you.
It's my duty.
you will leave hospital in good health.
Are you happy about it?
have you finished your homework?
Son, don't be a coward.
I'll take my leave.
Okay. See you.
Have some more. You ate so little.
Have some more. Here.
Let me play with you.
How do you feel?
Does it still hurt?
No. I'm rough.
It doesn't hurt at all now.
In a couple of weeks,
if I pass the test
and can join the concert,
may I invite you to watch it?
In a couple of days,
come to me
and have the stitches removed.
I gotta go.
Wait a second.
I have something to tell you.
What what is it?
I've decided
to give an operation to my father.
To my father?
But you
What about your psychological disorder?
I never joke about a patient's life.
Thank Thank you, Dr. Gu.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
Oh, you
You want me to check your hand?
It's very steady.
Very steady. It doesn't shake at all.
I've been confirming this
over the days.
Don't worry.
I'll do my best.
Dr. Gu,
I trust you.
thank you.
Qiuqiu, look at your grandpa.
I'll arrange the distal gastrectomy
as soon as possible.
The tissues to be removed
will be adjusted
according to the operation condition.
But don't worry.
I'll reserve as many body tissues
as I can.
I understand.
But it's a cancer operation, after all.
Will it be risky
for my father's health?
Any kind of operation can be risky,
not to mention such a big one.
During the operation,
there are all kinds of emergencies, too.
As a doctor, I can't
assure you anything.
But please rest assured.
I'll do my best.
Dr. Gu,
I'll count on you
for my father's operation.
I've checked the gastroscopy report.
The stomach ulcer looks special.
In my experience,
you'd better take another checkup.
Be careful. Don't cut your hand.
I won't.
It was you
who said those frightening things
to my family
or they wouldn't be in a panic.
If something happens to you one day,
your family will feel guilty
for the rest of their lives.
I know my condition very well.
I'm all right.
Right, right.
We're just too worried.
I just saw your daughter crying.
The apple looks funny.
why don't you eat the apple?
Eat it.
Or you can't have the second one.
We're like two psychos.
The tissues to be removed
will be adjusted
according to the operation condition.
But don't worry.
I'll reserve as many body tissues
as I can.
Here. Get your Ultraman.
Lin Zhixiao.
Lin Zhixiao.
Lin Zhixiao?
He's awake.
Honey, you're awake?
What's wrong with you?
When I woke up,
no one was around!
When you were asleep,
I went out for only a few minutes.
I went home to make soup for you.
I was held up in traffic
on my way back here.
When you were away,
what if something happened to me?
Who would take care of me?
What's wrong? Why are you so angry?
Do you think
you're having a hard time
accompanying me in the hospital?
Go back home, then!
We would never think like that.
All right. All right.
I'll then tell you
wherever I go.
Zhixiao made some soup for you.
Try a drop.
I have no appetite. I won't want any.
Have some.
You haven't had anything to eat today.
- I said no. Don't annoy me!
- Just have some.
What are you doing, honey?
Clean Clean it up.
Lie there and cool down.
I'll go get the mop
and clean the floor.
Go, Ms. Li.
Go, go.
don't be angry with your father.
Why would I be angry with him?
He's sick and in a bad mood.
I won't be angry with him.
Why was he acting so weirdly
without a reason?
Did he know it already?
You mean his real problem?
No, no. He wouldn't know.
Dr. Gu promised me
that he would keep the secret.
Dr. Gao agreed, too.
The doctors will say
it's just an operation
for stomach ulcer.
Everything will be all right.
Don't worry.
Don't you know it's harmful
to your stomach and the other organs?
Don't you know that?
I just
I'm gonna turn this place upside down.
If I find one more cigarette,
you're dead!
But it's a cancer operation, after all.
Will it
be risky
for my father's health?
Any kind of operation can be risky.
During the operation,
there are all kinds of emergencies, too.
As a doctor, I can't
assure you anything.
But please rest assured.
I'll do my best.
- how's it going with the patient file?
- Oh, Dr. Gu.
Here's the operation consent
of the patient in Bed 9.
She hung up on me again.
She's even more heartless than me.
I haven't touched anything.
I was just too tired of standing.
I couldn't hold it
and then sat for a while.
If you're not okay with it,
disinfect your chair.
Forget it.
What brings you here?
Do you really think I wanted to come?
Your mother,
namely my dear aunt,
said you didn't go home for days
and no one could get you home.
I have to take you back home today,
no matter what.
In recent days,
I've indeed been busy.
But what meal can we have
at this time of day?
Dinner or midnight snack?
That's not my concern.
You know your mother's temper.
If you don't go home, she'll kill me.
Go, go, go.
Go back home quickly.
Go, go.
After you.
Let me get changed first.
I have to follow you.
Honey, get to sleep early.
You'll have the operation tomorrow.
You can't eat anything
after 9:00 PM.
Got it.
His family shall come
to the nurse station with me.
I'll tell you some dos and don'ts
for tomorrow's operation.
Mom, you go with her.
Lin Zhixiao,
go with your mother.
Don't miss anything.
Fine. Fine.
I'll go. I will.
Qiuqiu, have fun by yourself.
You're back? Come on in.
I knocked off early.
I came to help Aunt with dinner.
But you
You haven't married him yet.
What a family!
You're already cold, Wei.
With another cold person,
your home will be like an ice house.
I invited Xi.
Go wash your hands.
Seven steps of hand washing.
I know that.
I have to do this every time I come.
We all have to
get to sleep early tonight.
Where's he?
did you see Grandpa Lin?
He went out just now.
He even hushed me,
asking me not to make a sound.
How long has he been out?
For a long while.
Zhixiao, come and check this.
(Huijuan, I'm leaving.
The password of my bank card is 181012.)
What does this mean?
I'll go call him first.
- I'll check the toilet.
- Check if he's in the toilet.
- Is he in there?
- No.
Hurry. Let's check out there.
Gu Wei's father
has an operation to give.
Let's not wait for him.
Let's enjoy dinner.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Use the serving chopsticks.
Here, Xi.
- Thank you, Aunt.
- Have some more.
Here, Wei.
Have some more.
you've been
Gu Wei's colleague in MDT.
Are there any new cases lately?
A patient with Phase II stomach cancer
was diagnosed
after Gu Wei urged him
to have a recheck.
Now, the patient is
preparing for the operation.
He is?
Then you should have
good cooperation.
That young guys like you help each other
and care about each other
will be the best thing.
what is MDT?
Mountain Daylight Time.
That's MDT.
I'm not an idiot.
Three doctors like you
wouldn't talk about daylight time.
Focus on dinner.
I always like you.
For young guys like you,
career is important.
But you also have to think about
the family issue.
You and Gu Wei have known for years.
And you two get along very well.
Don't always talk about work.
You should also communicate more
about family life.
Gu Wei can't take good care of himself.
He's too busy to care about himself,
just like his father.
Pay attention to him on my behalf.
I will, Aunt.
Have more shrimps.
Mom, excuse me.
Hello. What's up?
Dr. Gu,
the patient of Bed 9
left the hospital without permission.
We can't reach him now.
I'll let his family
explain to you.
Dr. Gu, it's me, Lin Zhixiao.
I'm sorry to disturb you this late.
Here's the thing.
Have more fish.
- Mm.
- Have some more.
- Aunt, I also want
- Have some more, too.
Lin Zhixiao, listen.
First, calm down.
The hospital is big.
Don't look for him blindly.
Ask Du Wenjun to apply for you
so that you can check the security tape.
I'm going back immediately.
I'll be arriving in about a quarter.
Don't do anything else
until I'm back there.
Okay. Thank you, Dr. Gu.
Okay. Okay.
What did he say?
Dr. Gu said
you could apply for us
to check the security tape.
Fine. Let's go immediately.
- Okay.
- Yes.
- Go.
- Hurry.
It's okay. It's okay.
This way.
Gao Xi,
Lin Jianguo of Bed 9
left the hospital without permission.
What he left indicates
a suicidal tendency.
I'm going back with you.
Aunt, enjoy the dinner without us.
Mom, I gotta go.
Wei, Wei
no one is here, but me.
Fine. Enjoy your dinner.
Okay. Okay.
Have some more.
Dr. Gu.
- What happened?
- Dr. Gu is back.
Have you reached him?
First, he didn't answer the phone.
Later, he even turned off his phone.
We checked the security tape.
Mr. Lin has indeed left the hospital.
But we don't know where he has gone.
There's a strict processing program
for patients who leave the hospital
without permission.
Gao Xi, report it to the man on duty.
- I'm on it.
- Okay.
Don't worry.
Think carefully
about where Mr. Lin may possibly go.
Where can he go?
Shall I go back home and check?
Fine. You go back home.
I'll look for him nearby.
- Let's keep informed.
- Okay.
Okay. Okay.
Calm down.
Dr. Gu,
- I'll go look for him.
- Mm.
Get in the car.
I'll take you to find him.
Dr. Gu,
you must be tired after a day's work.
I'm sorry
- It doesn't matter.
- to disturb you
Mr. Lin is my patient.
I'm his surgeon.
I'm obligated to supervise him.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Hello, Mom. What have you got?
I'm back home,
but your father isn't home.
He isn't home?
Calm down, Ms. Li.
Mr. Lin can't be
an irresponsible man.
Trust me, okay?
I will find him.
Don't worry.
I'll let you know when I find him.
I'll hang up.
Mr. Lin isn't home.
Where has he gone?
He's a mature man.
Why did he go out
in the middle of the night?
Doesn't he know we're worried?
I'm sorry
to call you when it's so late.
Is my husband with you?
Sorry. Bye.
When he's out there alone,
what if he has a stomachache?
He can't take care of himself at all.
Maybe Maybe his phone died.
I'll try some other way.
And he left such a note.
What will he do?
What on earth will he do?
Lin Zhixiao.
What's wrong, Lin Zhixiao?
I'm fine.
I'm just having a painful period.
Bear with it.
I'll find a place to pull over.
Hang in there.
Wait for me.
Put my coat on.
(Small pack)
(Kotex, small pack)
(Kotex, for girls)
Are you picking this
for your girlfriend?
Try this.
It's small and portable.
It's very popular lately.
Thank you.
Sir, there's a promotion.
You'll get a small gift for this tampon.
Let me pack it for you.
By the way,
what does a girl
usually need
for a?
For a painful period?
Buy some warmer pads.
Thank you. Put them in.
Oh, and a hot drink, too.
Thank you.
You care so much for your girlfriend.
(Kotex, small pack)
I'm so jealous of your girlfriend.
Thank you.
This is for you.
(Kotex, small pack)
I I feel much better now.
I'm all right.
Let's go look for Mr. Lin.
You're quite weak now.
How can you find him?
Do you know where he usually goes?
What you have to do now is
to relax
and ease the tension.
The tension will
It will give you
a more painful period.
Don't you have
professional advice for a painful period
as a doctor?
I'm afraid
I even know less about it than you.
If you really want some advice,
I can only advise you
to drink more hot water. Drink it up.
Take a good rest.
After you recover,
we'll continue to look for your father.
Lin Zhixiao.
Why haven't I ever heard you
call Mr. Lin Dad?
When I was at school,
I climbed over the wall
to skip classes for fun.
But I was caught.
I was given a disciplinary record.
I then begged my father.
I said, Dad
But Mr. Lin said,
don't call me Dad.
Call me Mr. Lin!
I remember that day,
even the grade director
interceded for me.
He offered an oral warning.
But Mr. Lin rejected.
Forced by him,
I read my self-criticism
at the flag-raising ceremony
in front of the whole school.
From that day on,
I've never called him Dad.
I've been calling him Mr. Lin.
Looks like Mr. Lin
has always been strict with you.
Not strict,
but harsh.
Do you know
what's the most horrible thing
for a little child?
That his father is also his teacher.
Mr. Lin is my father and teacher.
Whenever I got up late,
he would first scold me at home.
When I got to school,
he then punished me
to run laps
as the dean.
Horrible, isn't it?
I remember one year,
my birthday wish was
that my biological father
would come to get me.
Then he would say,
Lin Jianguo isn't your real father.
I was nine years old
when I made the wish, I remember.
That day, I even ran away from home.
Because Mr. Lin was too busy
to celebrate my birthday
and he even scolded me.
In a fit of anger, I ran away from home.
I remember that I walked
and walked
until I reached a small river.
I piled a little cake for myself
with the dirt
and made a wish.
You ran away from home
when you were so young.
Your parents must have panicked.
They did, I guess.
Do you think
when Mr. Lin found me,
he would hug me,
weep disconsolately,
and apologize to me,
saying he shouldn't have scolded me
and would be nice to me?
He didn't?
I remember when he found me,
he rushed up
and kicked me over.
Then he pointed at my nose, yelling,
Lin Zhixiao,
if you dare to run away again,
I'll break your legs!
Since that day,
there has been a curfew in my family.
I can't go anywhere after 6:00 PM.
He keeps watching me every day.
When I find him,
I'll repeat every single word
he once said to me.
Lin Jianguo,
if you dare to run away again,
I'll break your legs.
We will find him.
Let me hold it for you.
Mom, what have you got?
You You know what?
I figure out where your father is.
Where's he?
I just got a message.
His mobile payment is tied
to my bank card.
He bought a train ticket.
Now he's at the train station.
I guess he's going to our hometown.
The train leaves in 45 minutes.
Excuse me. Is this seat taken?
Thank you.
You mustn't smoke here.
I know.
I just smell it
to satisfy my urge.
♪Pass by the bustling scenery♪
♪Fascinated by a raindrop♪
♪Watch it glide on my fingertip♪
♪Kind of like
the intersection of pressing strings♪
♪Some small things♪
♪Have been kept in my mind♪
♪Later I smiled and remembered,
leaning on you♪
♪I couldn't help myself then♪
♪One likes another♪
♪They show love
by slowly getting closer♪
♪Secretly glad how incredible it is♪
♪One likes another♪
♪Leave all care♪
♪Without a trace, without reservation♪
♪All myself to you♪
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