The On1y One (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Closing Time: All because the wind picked up

A new teacher.
You guys are too much. Settle down.
I know you're all excited
and eager for this
because I, your teacher,
am going to attend a teacher's seminar,
so I won't be able to teach regularly.
So I've invited Zhao Xi.
Mr. Zhao and I will teach you
physics and chemistry.
Let me also introduce you
to the history and geography teacher here,
Mr. Lin Beiting.
For your information,
these gentlemen have studied abroad
and were outstanding students.
The schools they attended are very famous.
Make sure you learn from them.
I'll let them introduce themselves now.
Hello, all. I'm Zhao Xi.
I was your senior.
I'm also from Tamsui.
I wasn't your senior,
but I like Tamsui people.
I'm Lin Beiting.
Anyone with geography or history questions
can come see me.
Give them a warm welcome.
So I'll now let Mr. Zhao Xi
take over this physics class.
Don't give him a hard time, okay?
-See you.
-See you, Teacher.
Okay, I'd like to teach you
a new scientific law today.
What's this law?
Don't know.
Conservation of energy.
That's what it's called in English.
People also call it Bernoulli's principle.
-Please have a seat.
-Thank you, sir.
In our daily lives,
there are many examples
of Bernoulli's principle
which we often come across.
Do you know what they are?
The change in airflow produces
a different atmospheric pressure
which results in an air current.
Look at these two spheres.
We'd like to blow them apart.
But they come together instead.
Once the wind stops,
they will separate and return
to their original states.
This is what's known as
Bernoulli's principle.
Everyone can try it out now.
-It's true.
-So cool.
Because of Bernoulli's principle,
I got closer to Xiao Lajiao.
It's because I don't like it.
Tell me clearly. What don't you like?
I don't like Bernoulli's principle.
And I don't like Qi Jiahao.
He works too hard.
Just like right now.
can come and save me?
It sucks.
It really sucks.
Resorting to this
to keep me from taking the exam.
It just sucks.
I'll never let you get away with this!
You sure can fight, huh?
You sure can fight, huh?
-Come on!
-Let go!
Don't run!
You're late for the exam.
Where have you been?
I went to see the doctor.
What are you sick with?
My brain is sick.
-That's why I got deceived.
Teacher, may I enter to take the exam?
Yes, hurry up.
You're 12 minutes late.
The listening test is over.
Write quickly.
I'm too late for the listening test.
I can still answer the questions.
The first part is all single questions.
There's no choice now.
Second part.
There's mutual communication.
As long as I find the word
which appears more frequently,
I'll know the dialogue's main point
and can understand its semantics.
Guessing the answers this way
will greatly increase my accuracy.
After that,
I'll go back to the first part.
I should still be able
to answer a few questions.
Time's up. Stop writing.
Pass your papers forward.
The way you filled this in,
you may as well have chosen all Cs.
What if you don't get even one point?
Ma'am, do you teach English?
No, I teach geography.
So, have you seen the answers
to this exam?
Okay, quickly, pass it forward.
Hey, Sheng, Tian. There's room here.
Hurry, there's room here.
I called Sheng and Tian, not you.
None of your business.
What happened
at the English exam this morning?
Yes, I heard about it too.
-You missed the listening test.
Lower your voice.
I don't want to hold
a press conference here.
Someone set you up!
Shut up.
someone lied saying Miss Jing
was waiting for me at Xi Le.
I got there, Xi Le was closed
and the boss was nowhere to be seen.
I turned around, and two thugs
started a fight with me.
-Did you beat them up?
-You won?
How can he?
Then how did you return for the exam?
I ran as soon as I got the chance.
I ran like I've never run before.
But I still missed the listening test.
I wonder who has a grudge against you.
Or I can go ask my father,
see if they'll let you
retake the listening test.
Would your father agree?
I don't know.
Anyway, I think we should let Big Mouth Xu
know about this and let him deal with it.
The one who did this is just too much.
Don't you think so?
Yes, let's go talk to Mr. Xu.
Yes, let's go together.
There's strength in numbers. Come on!
Sit down.
Thank you all very much.
Thank you guys for not killing me.
Huh? What do you mean not killing you?
During the last test, I got into trouble
with him for fighting.
This time, if he asks me why I was late
and I tell him,
he'll know I was fighting again.
I can't imagine what he'll do this time.
That's true,
and we don't have proof either.
We can't testify that those thugs
snuck in to beat you.
Okay, then let's not see my dad for now.
This is really weird.
I've thought about it.
Why would two thugs from off campus
sneak into our school?
Who are you enemies with?
There's only one truth. I know.
It must be Zhai Tao!
Zhai Tao.
Zhai Tao? Who's that?
Zhai Tao.
He's the one who kicked Uncle Mute.
What did those thugs look like?
I can't remember very well.
In any case,
they weren't tall, about 1.7 meters.
Dark hair.
I've forgotten what they were wearing.
I don't remember the rest of it.
I don't mean to lecture you, but
you're face-blind,
and you can't remember names.
How's this little detective
going to investigate?
Hey, they came here to beat me up,
not introduce themselves.
I don't know their names.
Makes sense. Dimwit.
Who always helps you?
Outgrown me, have you?
Who has my back? Who?
Who has my back?
-It's my dad.
-Stop picking. Eat up.
I'm going to Xi Le.
-What for?
-To buy water.
Buy water?
Doesn't Tian use a water bottle?
I don't know.
He didn't eat at all.
Are you done picking?
Are you going to eat or not?
The one who sliced these ribs
must've been slicing garlic before that.
There's a taste of onion and garlic.
I can't eat this.
It's a miracle you've lived this long.
How were you brought up?
Uncle Zhao.
Don't you have exams?
What are you doing here at midday?
I want to buy water.
Any thieves lately?
Of course.
It's dark and lonely here at night.
Can't do much about it.
Uncle Mute and I have caught many.
Why are you buying bandages?
How much is it?
Here. It's all right.
-I'll get going then.
-Okay. Hurry back for the exam.
I got this while buying water.
You mean we're going
to marinate this cucumber later
or sauté it?
Xiaowang, are you home?
Have a rest. We'll eat in a bit.
This This
This is enough.
Let me help.
Please don't help me.
You can't even hold a bowl properly.
Why are you here? To supervise me?
Are you worried I'll cook something awful?
Are you kidding me?
You only got two points for your essay.
You're as bad as my neighbor.
Wow! You're laughing at me.
I asked around for answers for you.
-Hey. Wait.
Don't come over here.
The one in the kitchen will accompany you
in the latter half of your life.
I'll be flying the coop when I'm 18,
or people will say I leech off my parents.
Don't do this to me.
You little brat
You know?
The grading teacher said that
the meaning is unclear,
and the idioms are used incorrectly.
Please! That teacher has no insight.
Do you want me to go next door
and borrow some guidance
in lyrical writing for you?
No need.
Please! I'm a literary giant, okay?
I don't need those things.
My article is far too advanced.
Sheng, did you know that the thugs
who beat you up have been caught?
Hello, Crab? I'll call you back.
What are you
Hi, Sheng.
How did they get caught?
It was Xi.
They caused trouble at the café.
Xi and the others beat them up
and took them to the station.
Not only that.
They had installed
a new surveillance camera at Xi Le.
Your getting attacked
was caught on camera.
Huh, what a coincidence.
They had bad luck though.
Xi doesn't know them.
I told him they beat you up this morning.
He was shocked.
Let me send you a photo.
Did you see it?
This is justice from above.
The heavens have eyes.
Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure.
Take care of Xiaowang!
No need for that!
Is that Xiaotian coming back?
We'll talk later. Tian is here.
The thugs who beat me up today
have been caught.
Did you know that?
I did.
Gao Tianyang showed me a livestream.
Was it you?
Was it me what?
It's all recorded.
Your shoes.
Impossible what?
I stayed well out of the way.
It was me.
-Is Xiaotian back?
Go wash your hands and tidy up.
We'll eat soon.
I went to Xi Le to buy water at noon.
I happened to see
two surveillance cameras.
Xi Le's boss probably installed them
because of the thieves coming at night.
I got the recording
and sent it to Zhao Xi.
I said there were lots of people
coming and going at the shop,
and this might be a chance to nail them,
but I didn't tell him
you had been attacked.
What a coincidence.
Those thugs caused trouble today.
So if I hadn't noticed,
would you have told me?
You like to do exemplary deeds so much?
You wouldn't have told me
if I hadn't asked?
I was just thinking
that you must've been very scared then.
You must have wished
there was someone to help you,
but no one was there.
There wasn't a single person.
You were alone there,
with two thugs from nowhere.
There was also the fear
of wondering if you'd win.
If I were you,
I'd probably have been panicked too.
I didn't know about it, so I couldn't have
helped you in the moment.
But I didn't want to sit back
and do nothing.
Better late than never.
It was a piece of cake, no worries.
I twisted my ankle while fighting
this morning.
Piggy-back me up.
Hurry upstairs.
Don't let my dad or your mom see.
We're eating soon.
Why are you going upstairs?
We're here.
Thank you.
Aren't you getting down?
Just that
When helping someone, go all the way.
Bring me to my door.
Open the door for me.
Thank you again.
Don't eat dinner tonight.
You should lose weight.
I take back my thanks.
Give me your hand.
Don't be too moved.
You gave it to me this morning.
There's one more left.
Is it painful?
I tend to be pretty casual
when doing things.
Tell me if it hurts.
Oh, yes.
Did you give them a proper beating
for what they did to me this morning?
They ran in front of me
while trying to escape.
I blocked them with my hands.
They hit me six times today.
Did you block them six times?
Definitely more than six times.
You two! Come down and eat!
I'm not eating today.
I'm on a diet.
That fellow
must have gone back to bed.
I'll mail you the proofing
once it's out tomorrow.
It'll be done according to what we agreed.
Don't worry. Okay. Bye.
-Time to eat.
-Let me help you.
-Thank you.
-Xiaowang, good morning.
-Good morning.
Come and sit here.
You finally decided to come down and eat?
Didn't you say you wanted to eat siumai?
I learned how to make it online,
especially for you.
Try it.
If you like it, I'll make more for you.
Where's Jiang Tian?
He's gone to the Little White House.
Aren't you both going
to the English competition?
I'll be going later this afternoon.
Do your best.
Eat more.
Have this.
Yes, I don't know what's wrong,
but the fridge just won't stay cold.
I can't see any problem.
No problem?
Then why isn't it cold?
Did you turn up
the temperature without knowing?
I didn't turn up the temperature.
But sometimes, the motor sounds like
Then it'll stop.
Then again
The engine makes that weird sound.
Okay, I've turned it back down.
That'll do then?
It'll gradually get cold. Okay.
-Tell me if there's a problem.
I'll get going then.
Hey, wait a minute.
Where are you hurrying to?
You haven't eaten.
I have an English competition
this afternoon.
I'm taking the subway with someone.
-You're meeting someone?
The one who didn't pay
for his meal last time.
How could you say
he didn't pay for a meal?
He's such a nice and obedient boy.
And he's very courteous,
not cold like you.
It's been so long
since he came for a meal.
Doesn't he like my cooking?
He hates the canteen's food
more than yours.
That would mean
he likes my cooking.
Why didn't he come today?
Did you invite him?
Even if I didn't invite him,
couldn't you have invited him?
What kind of friend are you?
-Give me your phone.
-What do you want to do?
Quick, hand it over. Don't be fussy.
Xiaowang, Jiang Tian wants you
to come over for lunch.
Hurry up.
I'll go cook now.
There still a leak inside the toilet bowl.
So please take a look at it for me.
What's wrong with your hand?
I accidentally scraped it.
I'll repair it for you.
Hey, Xiaowang. Here
Come and eat.
Quick, come and eat.
Where's Jiang Tian?
My house is really old.
The pipe in the toilet is leaking.
I asked him to take a look at it.
Go on, eat.
So he asked me to come over today
just to eat?
Or is he saying I can have a meal here
from now on?
That would be me.
Today's dish
You go ahead.
did Xiaotian get into a fight?
I saw a bandage
on his hand today.
He said he accidentally scraped it.
He wouldn't tell me the truth
even if I asked him.
So you asked me over today
to ask me about it?
To tell you the truth,
I've never seen Xiaotian
so close to anyone before.
Including me.
Xiaotian has never liked
getting close to people.
So he's very careful.
And he doesn't want to harm others.
Maybe because he's been hurt before.
That's why he really understands
the hurt that others feel
and their needs.
Do you know?
Just like the master martial artist
in those drama films,
anyone who comes within three feet
will be sent flying
by his protective energy.
He's been on his own since he was little.
His parents and grandmother
took no notice of him.
So he isolated himself from them.
Nobody knows
what's going on in his heart.
He doesn't let anyone near him.
That's why no one can enter
his inner world.
You're the first one I've ever seen him
bring over as a friend.
So I'd like to
ask a favor of you.
Don't let him push you away.
I hope you and he can become
a little closer, okay?
How do we buy a ticket? So many stations.
From where to where?
Use this.
I guess you don't have an EasyCard.
This is for you.
So how much do I owe you?
Never mind.
Just do better at the competition.
Even if you're not number one,
at least get into the top five.
Okay, I'll bring it along to the exam
and keep it with me at all times.
I'll use it like an amulet. All right?
You can exaggerate a bit more.
-Let's go.
Everyone, remember what I told you.
Winning through stability,
and score points through risk.
Answer the ones you know first.
Secure your base score.
What you don't know
Why are you two so late?
Let me repeat.
You two, listen carefully.
Answer what you know first.
Secure your base score.
Answer what you don't know last
when you have time.
Check your exam paper over and over again.
Don't hand it in early.
I've reiterated this many times.
Don't hand in your papers early.
It's almost time.
Get ready to go in.
I'll go register you two.
-Thank you, Miss Jing.
-Thank you.
Thank you, Miss Jing.
Hey, I just called you.
Why didn't you answer?
Oh, sorry about that.
What was it?
It's nothing. Just that
Miss Jing asked me to tell you
that it's okay if you didn't do well
in the last weekly test.
Forget about it
and do your best in the competition.
She'll talk to you tomorrow.
Hey, Miss Jing asked you to tell him
after the exam.
Are you trying to fluster him?
It's okay.
I heard you.
It's almost time to go in. Come on.
Hey, wait.
I'm not sitting behind you this time.
You might run out of refills.
I won't be able to help.
I brought refills.
Take it.
What Qi Jiahao did just now
was to knock you down.
It's because you're strong.
So do well. Believe in yourself.
Do you believe in yourself?
What about you?
Do you believe in me?
Don't let him push you away.
I hope you and he can become
a little closer, okay?
Look at these two spheres.
We'd like to blow them apart.
The change in airflow
produces a different atmospheric pressure
which results in an air current.
But they come together instead.
Don't you run fast?
So run again.
Trying to act cool, huh?
Didn't I tell you not
to hand in the papers early?
You have to check your answers
a few more times.
How many times have I told you that?
As many as possible.
We were wrong, Miss Jing.
You should admit your mistakes.
Do you know how many points you got
on this week's test?
91 points.
Nine points lower than the last test.
You lost seven points
in listening ability.
Now, let's talk
about your terrible writing.
The teacher who graded it
couldn't make out what you wrote.
You lost two points there.
I understand.
Good. Remember what you said before.
You want to advance 50 whole ranks.
Otherwise, Big Mouth Xu
Principal Xu will tear you apart.
You can say goodbye
to the model student titles too.
Ma'am, may I ask how
the other students did?
Besides the two of you,
no one else got above 90.
What to do?
Hmm? What?
You're actually pleased with yourselves?
Just wait!
Once the competition results are out,
I'll be settling scores with you.
-Get out.
-Come in.
Qi Jiahao.
It's good I didn't listen to the proctor
about choosing C for all the questions.
Otherwise, I would have lost
more than seven points for sure.
So you want me to praise you
for taking wild guesses?
Why are you so annoying?
Little English Teacher
Qi Jiahao's a goner.
He only got 80-something.
Miss Jing called him up.
your score may have been terrible,
but the one
who progressed the most
is without a doubt still you.
Actually, my performance in English
Gao Tianyang!
Lend me your math textbook.
-You didn't bring yours?
Yes, I can lend it to you.
But you'll have to pay me a fee.
I'll charge less
since we know each other well.
Go on a date with me after school.
-Forget it. Sheng.
-Hey, okay. I
Just kidding.
I'll lend it to you. Let's go.
Don't make jokes like that.
Gao Tianyang, do you have
the accommodation form?
You asked me about accommodation.
Fill in this form and give it to me.
Do you have yours?
Do you want accommodation?
I asked for one from the class monitor
without much thought.
Tian. This is yours.
Once you're done filling in the form,
hand it to me before Friday.
Don't forget.
You haven't got yours yet, right?
-Here you are.
-Thank you.
Why're you laughing?
Stop it.
Why do you want to stay?
I just
asked the monitor for one without reason.
Besides, I didn't know you well
at the time.
And now?
Do you still want to stay?
I know you very well now.
What about you?
Do you still want accommodation?
You'll probably need to
stay later on, right?
Time for the lesson.
Go back to your seats.
Whoever's sleeping, wake up.
I have an announcement to make first.
Here's the results
of the model student election.
The winner is Qi Jiahao.
For this exam, ranking is by seating.
So you'll know
your ranks by your seating.
Here's the report.
Here you are.
Your total score has risen by over 50.
Your physics and chemistry grades
are top 3 in the school.
Your overall ranking has risen by 47.
It's a shame though.
If you had made it
to the English listening part of the test,
you'd have gone up a further
seven or eight ranks.
What a pity.
What a waste of effort.
Look at these two spheres.
We'd like to blow them apart.
The change in airflow
produces a different atmospheric pressure
which results in an air current.
But they come together instead.
This is what's known as
It's not poison.
Hawthorn helps with digestion.
You won't get diarrhea.
I remember telling you
I was afraid of the dark
when I was little.
I always slept with my mother.
Then my mother got sick,
so I slept with my dad.
Even though my family was very small,
there was still someone with me
all the time.
Then my family got bigger.
Just like this family,
there were more and more people.
But no one was by my side anymore.
Know why I hate Bernoulli's principle?
Because I hate wasted effort.
You strive for something,
but it doesn't bear fruit.
A model student is like that.
Wanting you to stay is like that too.
Know why I hate Qi Jiahao?
Because the more effort I put in,
the more pitiful I look.
is because the wind has started.
When the wind stops,
everything will be back to how it was.
The thoughts of youth
can be compared to a June day.
Dark clouds enshroud the sky
in a torrential downpour,
and it seems as though
they won't scatter in this lifetime.
Once the rain stops,
everything clears up once more,
and the sun shines brightly again.
Subtitle translation by: Elaine Liew
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