The Orchestra (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

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Way to go.
If you play like that in Aalborg,
you'll get the job.
You think so?
I just get so nervous
when other people are watching me.
You'll be sitting behind a screen.
Just pretend they're not there.
You're not there to make friends.
You're there to get a job.
Oh, it's just you in here.
Good evening.
Yeah, it's us, Simon.
- Elin.
- How weird.
That's Frederik from my class.
What do you want, Simon?
I couldn't help hearing
the sound of potential -
so I had to see
who was playing in here.
- Okay.
- Simon. I'm first clarinet.
I know.
I'm Elin.
Hi, Elin.
Bo is second clarinet.
Listen. I'm helping Elin prepare
for a competition in Aalborg -
so if you'd stop taking up our time,
that'd be awesome.
What a coincidence.
Frederik's signed up for that too.
Oh. That's funny.
We're rivals.
- I guess we are.
- Yeah. That's a real coincidence.
We don't want to disturb you.
See you in Aalborg.
Are you going with him to Aalborg?
Of course, I am.
I'm always fully committed
to my students.
That's the difference between having
a teacher and learning from a master.
See you, Elin.
- That's funny.
- He's such a fucking asshole.
- Is he any good?
- Frederik?
- He's the best in the class.
- He's only doing that to annoy me.
- I don't think so.
- I'm going with you to Aalborg.
- You don't have time for that.
- You bet I do. I have plenty of time.
We'll go there tomorrow
and find a hotel,
and you're gonna get that job.
- Alright?
- Okay.
I'll find a hotel and a car.
We'll rehearse
until your lips are bleeding.
That's so wild!
I'm out of here.
You're having a jolly old time.
- Mom can fit half a bun in her mouth.
- I didn't know that.
There's a lot we don't know
about what she can fit in her mouth.
Do it again, mom.
- No more of that, sweetie.
- Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Go, mommy, go!
I can do that.
- I can fit a whole bun in my mouth.
- I don't think so. Then do it.
- Okay. I might just do that.
- Come on.
- Alright. Are you ready?
- Yeah.
You look like an idiot.
It's not all the way in there.
Shut up!
It was all the way in!
I'm sorry.
I'm a little stressed out at the moment.
I'm sorry.
Have a nice day.
Did you call the carpenter?
- What, Regitze?
- For the bookcase.
- You said you'd call a carpenter.
- Let me tell you something.
I'm keeping so many balls in the air
right now. I'm very sorry.
- Fine.
- Good.
Well, have a nice day then.
Dad has a very small mouth.
He's not like us.
Simon will be here shortly -
but let's just get
this show on the road.
Thanks to Jeppe,
our orchestra has no conductor.
Jeppe, will you present the candidates
you're not gonna scare off?
Sure, Gertrud.
I've heard through the grapevine -
that there are very persistent rumours
from Sydney that Sarah Sundström
- Good morning. Sorry I'm late.
- That's okay, Simon.
You got new glasses.
They're very nice.
Aren't they
I have the same glasses.
I don't think so.
They're the same as mine.
Yes. Look at them.
No. They're nicer than yours.
Let's leave it at that.
Look at them.
I know what my glasses look like.
Fine. You're right.
It's hard to tell
because they look better on Simon.
We're talking about the new conductor.
Jeppe was going through the candidates.
Go ahead, Jeppe.
That's a weird thing to do.
You bought the exact same glasses as me.
Isn't it weird?
What are you looking at?
I was just enjoying the view.
It looks like it might rain.
- Isn't that Regitze?
- What?
- No.
- Yeah.
Yes, it is.
We should've been lawyers.
Then we could leave early.
And enjoy ourselves.
Maybe have a meeting or something.
With a colleague.
I think
Have you seen Simon today?
I thought I saw him a minute ago.
Maybe he left early too.
Damn it.
- You like that, huh?
- Yeah.
Do you rub oil on it or what?
It's like
I just think it's fascinating.
That whole organic aspect.
- It makes it
- Beautiful.
- What's going on here?
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
- Hey there.
Claus here is gonna build the bookcase.
- Alright. Claus in the house.
- What are you doing here?
I thought we'd talk about the project
before we made our final decision.
We've been talking about it
for six months.
Lucky for us,
Claus found time to help us out.
- That was great.
- I'll get it done this afternoon.
- You're gonna love it.
- Oh.
Lucky us.
I'm working from home,
so let me know if you need anything.
- Will do.
- I'll be in the bedroom.
I have some tools in the basement.
I brought my own tools,
so don't worry about it.
It's Bosch, you know.
Aalborg, here we come.
Do you really want to
drive to Aalborg in that thing?
It was all I could get
on such short notice.
I have a question, and I'm dead serious.
- Is it remote-controlled?
- No.
We'll be there before you know it.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- We might have to fill it up.
- You didn't fill it up?
- Did you put on your seatbelt?
- Yes!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm building the bookcase.
- Where's Claus?
- I sent him home.
That big gorilla was fumbling around.
He was all thumbs.
What a nice crime scene
you've found here.
Did we go through the police tape
without even noticing?
I'm sorry. I'm a student,
and I have a tight budget.
I'll sleep on the floor I guess.
No. I'll sleep on the floor.
You can sleep in the bed.
You have to be well-rested,
so you can win tomorrow.
Then I won't have to go
to Aalborg ever again.
We could
We could both sleep in the bed.
It's big enough.
I can't stand
other people breathing in my face.
If there were UV lamps in the room,
it'd light up like the Chinese New Year.
How's it coming along?
Really well actually.
It's 11 p.m.
Maybe you should
- You're making a lot of noise.
- I'll just be a minute.
- Alma has school tomorrow.
- Yeah. I'm almost done.
- I'm going back to bed.
- Yes.
- Sleep tight.
- No more noise. Okay?
- I'll be there in a bit.
- It's 11 p.m.
Are you sleeping?
No. It's a little difficult
when you're making all that noise.
I have an upset stomach.
Everyone at the hotel is aware of that.
It's so strange to think about.
If I get the job -
I have to move to Aalborg.
It's so strange to think about.
I'll be living in Aalborg.
Some people manage.
I guess you get used to it.
- Right?
- Yeah.
I'll definitely miss you.
Or The lessons.
- With you.
- Hold your horses.
- You don't have the job yet.
- No.
Elin, try to get some sleep,
so you can be well-rested tomorrow.
- Are you comfortable down there?
- No. It feels like shit.
- Are you ready?
- Yeah.
- Are you coming?
- Yeah, yeah.
We're not gonna be late, honey.
Let's go.
Darn it.
Damn. I completely forgot to change
the batteries in the smoke detector.
Just go. Get going.
Bye, bye.
- It's Gertrud.
- Hi, Gertrud.
I'm really not feeling well today.
It's a stomach thing.
Sushi I think.
I mean it was sushi.
- I'll stay on the couch today.
- You do that.
It's exciting, huh?
- What?
- It's exciting.
You think so?
- Are you from the academy?
- Yeah. From Copenhagen.
Competitions always give
me an upset stomach.
I've had the shits for days.
- Right. That's a bummer.
- Don't talk to him.
He's Hans Fischer's student.
He doesn't stand a chance.
Just focus on yourself.
You're not here to make friends.
Save your breath.
You'll need it in a minute.
- That sounds amazing.
- That?
It's okay.
It's not amazing.
I'm really nervous, Bo.
- Do you feel sick?
- I can't breathe.
I don't know what to
Relax. Alright?
That's what I'm having trouble with.
Mind your own business.
All the way down to your stomach.
Give me your hand.
It's a good-luck charm. My father gave
it to me before my first competition.
Thank you, Bo.
I want it back. You can't have it.
No, no.
Hello there.
- Hi, Simon.
- Hi, Frederik.
You look a little bleary-eyed.
Did you drive all night?
- No.
- We spent the night at a hotel, Simon!
We're well-rested,
and Elin's better than ever.
We caught a plane this morning.
Freddy here is fit as a violin.
It's fit as a fiddle!
When did you catch that plane?
Before or after you got matching outfits
on your couple's getaway?
- Number 84.
- That's me.
We're ready for you.
This is what you prepared for.
Don't think about the people in there.
Let's go.
Here you go, Claus.
Coffee. Perfectly stirred.
Jeppe, listen up.
Those screws
I need 50 screws.
Right. Let me know
if I can help you with anything.
That's what I'm doing.
Sit over there take out 50 screws.
You bet.
These aren't just for show.
- We're waiting.
- Yeah.
I won't be playing after all.
- I'm pulling out of the competition.
- Next.
- What's up?
- I couldn't do it. I froze.
Don't worry about it.
It can happen to anyone.
Mind your own business.
When you get over the disappointment,
give me a call.
It's rarely the student's fault.
the teacher is the one who failed.
- Let me tell you something, shithead!
- Let's get out of here.
I don't even like Aalborg.
It's a shithole.
- Number 85.
- That's you.
Thanks for letting me borrow it.
- I'm sorry it didn't work.
- No.
You're incredibly talented,
and you're a magnificent musician.
So perhaps you should
find another teacher.
Don't you
Don't you want to be my teacher anymore?
I'm just saying that I understand
if you want to find another teacher.
I think I can still
learn a lot from you.
So I'd love it
if you'd stay on as my teacher -
but you can just
Let's keep it that way then.
Let's get out of here.
- Hi.
- Oh my God!
- That looks freaking awesome.
- Really?
- Are you kidding me?
- Yeah.
I was just finishing up here.
Jeppe. Holy crap.
I'm really impressed.
- Are you now?
- I didn't think you could do this.
- It looks great.
- I have many skills.
Yeah. You do.
I can show you,
but you have to take your clothes off.
No, Jeppe.
Get a hold of yourself.
- Now what?
- It's probably Alma.
- Don't open it. It's not Alma.
- Who else could it be?
I forgot one of my tools.
So do you like the bookcase?
Hey, Jeppe.
Hi, Claus.
I forgot my folding rule.
Have you seen it?
Is it this one?
You know that Simon's student
got the job in Aalborg, right?
Instead of my student.
We have something in common now.
Is your wife screwing Simon too? No.
So we don't have anything in common.
Why don't you do something about it?
Because we're a family.
We have a daughter.
We both have
an interest in getting rid of Simon.
This was nice.
He looks like a cock in that turtleneck.
Well, well.
Thank you very much.
Wait here.
Look what Simon accidentally forgot.
His glasses.
It'd be a real shame
if someone happened to step on them.
When they look so good on him.
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