The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

But I do feel bad for her.
If she didn't know anything,
she never would've died.
I can't believe she blackmailed us
with a video.
Let's forget about it all
and celebrate.
Cheers to our luck.
Is someone there?
They treated me like a fool
to hide the fact they were cheating?
You'll be punished for this.
I will rip you to pieces, you jerk.
It's nothing.
I must've been too sensitive.
I think I should just leave.
Relax. Min Seol Ah is dead
and her phone is gone.
Our secret will be buried forever.
I told you I'm not in the mood.
Are you hiding something from me?
What are you talking about?
I'm just a bit tired.
I'll call you later.
Why are you so surprised?
Where have you been at this hour?
Oh. I had a late lesson today
and it just ended.
Oh. Really?
You should take it easy.
I got your favorite whiskey
as a gift. How about a drink?
I have something to say too.
What is it?
About that night
when Min Seol Ah died at Hera Palace.
What are you trying to say?
I don't want to think about
that night anymore.
Did you forget
what Chairman Joo said?
Min Seol Ah never came
to Hera Palace.
So stop saying anything unnecessary.
Why is she lying?
It can't be.
I can't have killed her.
No. No
I've noticed you drank last night.
Cure your hangover.
I made dried pollack soup,
your favorite.
When did you come home?
This morning. Did you not hear me
because of your shower?
The kids are gone
and you gave the helpers a break,
so I hurried home.
When did you prepare this?
You must be busy nursing Hye In.
I was so preoccupied with Hye In
and was inattentive to you.
I'm sorry about that.
Oh, you haven't heard, have you?
That girl's dead. Min Seol Ah.
She killed herself.
It was suicide?
Why so suddenly?
Orphans are like that.
I guess people don't change
even before death.
She was so full of venom,
and she burned her own apartment
before jumping.
Are you having fun on the trip?
You didn't fight with
Eun Byeol and Seok Kyung, right?
I'm losing my mind because
I miss you so much, princess.
Call right away
if something happens.
Mom will put everything aside
to rush to you.
What, she hung up already?
Was that Jenny? Is she okay?
Yes. She's so excited
to be traveling with her friends.
My daughter means so much to me,
I just can't relax when she's away.
She's not that pretty.
You don't have to worry so much.
Bye, anyway.
That evening.
What was that blood about?
What blood?
On the day of our party,
in the restroom.
I saw you, Dr. Ha.
Ms. Kang. This is the men's room.
Oh, that. I'd spilled wine
on my clothes.
"Blood"? Anyone who overheard
would've gotten the wrong idea.
I have to go.
You didn't do something
to that girl, did you?
I didn't tell anyone
what I saw that night.
Ms. Kang. Think before you speak.
Such suspicion is very unpleasant.
Darn it.
Does he take me for a fool?
Does he think that
I can't tell blood from wine?
There's something going on.
How much did she see?
Nice shot, Min Hyuk!
My gosh.
- Oh Oh, no.
- Look.
Get it.
What's this?
You told me to send it 120m.
I sent it exactly 120m,
so why did it land there?
What if it fell into
the water hazards?
I think the ball ran a bit.
You should've calculated that
before calling the distance.
If I lose, you will pay for it.
Come on, Eun Byeol. It's your turn.
What got into you?
You missed the ball.
Hey, something's
really bothering you, isn't it?
What would bother me?
I'm just not in tip-top shape.
Watch carefully.
I'll end this round for you.
- Seok Kyung!
- Oh, no!
- Seok Kyung!
- Do something!
Stay alert and grab my hand!
- Joo Seok Kyung!
- Oh, dear.
Get her! Help her!
- Is she okay?
- Get her out of there!
You're all wet.
It's all your fault.
This happened because
you called the distance wrong!
Why didn't you say
they lined the hazard with plastic?
You should've told me
it would be slippery!
Were you trying to get me killed?
Stop it. You're fine.
You're okay and it's fine.
Are you okay? Were you hurt?
It felt like someone was
dragging me underwater.
I can't stand that face.
Whose face?
Never mind. I just saw things.
You looked death in the face
in that short moment.
- I think you saw the Grim Reaper.
- Stop it.
My gosh. Look at the state of you.
That was so close.
Can you keep playing?
I'm not in the mood!
Let's call it quits.
Move it! Let's get to the clubhouse!
I'm scared. I want to go home.
What is wrong with you?
Have you never heard thunder before?
We'll be punished
for what we did to her.
Shut your mouth!
If you bring that up once more,
I will make sure you never do.
Seok Kyung!
- Seok Kyung.
- It hurts!
Hang in there. Is anyone there?
- Help me.
- Is anyone there?
- Seok Kyung. Seok Kyung.
- Stay calm.
Over here!
(Write Diary)
(Read Diary)
(Anna's 2018 Photo Album)
(Anna's 2018 Photo Album)
(Anna's 2018 Photo Album)
(For the first time,
I have a family.)
For the first time,
I have a family.
Welcome, Seol Ah.
You have no idea
how long we waited for you.
Let me introduce you to
your new mother and father.
Welcome home, daughter.
Shall we go inside?
Starting today, your name is Anna.
Anna Lee.
I fell in love with them
at first sight.
Our Anna's prettiest.
Happy birthday, dear daughter. Tada.
We love you, Anna.
I want to try it on.
(I'll live a new life in America.
Not as Min Seol Ah but as Anna Lee.)
Why was your adoption
canceled, Seol Ah?
- My goodness.
- Hello.
My gosh. Look.
What kind of car is that?
Oh, yes.
Hello. Am I late?
Did you see the news
about Min Seol Ah's death?
I was so freaked out.
It's dreadful to think that girl
could've studied in this school.
So what if she was talented?
Why was such a lowlife
given first place?
Shouldn't the judges
be penalized for that?
That girl was just too below
our standards, wasn't she?
As one of the judges,
I feel truly sorry.
But I think good
will come from evil.
It provided a reason for
the new parents to come together,
and now the root cause
of that problem is gone.
She worked at a bar
and had a sponsor too.
What if that were
to rub off on our kids?
Just one lowlife could've killed off
the name of this prestigious school.
- Right.
- That is true.
Seol Ah
wasn't that kind of kid.
My daughter Bae Ro Na
was first on the waiting list.
Who here has cleaned
barbecue grills as a part-time job?
No one, right?
Seol Ah worked
and lived hard, working at
multiple part-time jobs
that even adults find difficult.
How would you know about that?
Because I saw her.
As mothers of having children
around her age,
don't you feel embarrassed
to speak ill of the dead?
Well, you're the one
who benefited most from her death.
How about you be more honest?
You should wear
the biggest smile here.
You gained the most from her death.
Don't say what you don't mean.
That's just silly.
You're really something,
Oh Yoon Hee.
How did it feel to attend
the parents' meeting?
This school has never accepted
a student from the waiting list.
Did you get lucky or
do you have another skill?
Don't pick on me.
My daughter got in fair and square,
and we don't deserve to be mocked.
How did you get the money to settle?
Where did you get the
100,000 dollars so quickly?
Did you put your house
on the market for your daughter?
What are you talking about?
You offered to settle.
What? Did you think
you went too far as well?
100,000 dollars might be
small change you always carry about,
but people like me
can never make that much.
How dare you threaten me with it?
Anyway, thanks for settling with me.
Darn it.
Yes. You're right.
- Dr. Ha insisted that
- Then the 100,000 dollars
came from my husband?
"What money could
someone like her have?"
"Let's say we're saving a life."
He was all over it.
He felt so sorry for her.
How could a lawyer settle a case
without telling his own client?
I will not just let this go.
Do you want to tell the world
that this case
wasn't about an assault,
but about an illicit love affair?
Is that what you want?
Wouldn't that harm
your reputation of all things?
You value that more than anything.
Oh, sure
That doesn't matter now, right?
Do not tell him that I know.
If you do,
I will really not hold back.
My gosh.
Me? What else would I be doing?
I'm talking to you.
You lunatic!
Do you know how much that cost?
Your dad paid 1.5 million dollars
to win that watch at an auction.
You took that watch in secret
and lost it?
Mom, that's not what happened.
I wanted to brag about it.
People look down on me
because I work for Dad.
They call me
"poor, penniless Papa's Boy".
Why are you a Papa's Boy?
You're a Mama's Boy.
Be quiet!
Did you two sell it in secret
just to lie about it to me?
Mother, I wouldn't dare deceive you.
Then why would no one
contact us about it
when it even has a serial number?
I will seize Kyu Jin's salary
starting with this month's.
No! He doesn't make
that much already.
Kyu Jin will be able to find it.
I'm sure he will find it, Mother.
Right, honey?
Where would I ever find it?
I will really die if you
don't bring home a single penny.
I'll die too.
I'm afraid I'll see ghosts
if I go there. It's too scary.
This is the kind of place
you've been living in, Seol Ah.
(Gold Award, Min Seol Ah, Grade 4,
Yeongran Elementary School)
"Min Seol Ah."
Can you not hold onto me?
You're walking too fast. Slow down.
- Slow down.
- Okay.
Darn it.
My gosh. Why are we back here
where she died?
It's giving me the chills.
It wasn't in the flowerbed,
so I had to be sure.
I'll give you
a huge commission, Dr. Ha.
I told you it's a one-of-a-kind
skeleton watch
from Switzerland, didn't I?
You said that over 100 times
on the way here.
It was definitely not in my car.
Even if you dropped it here,
it must've burned up.
Why did you have to steal
your dad's watch in the first place?
Why did he even
have to set the place on fire?
Joo Dan Tae, if you think about it,
is a complete nutcase.
He's a psycho.
It's not here.
Do you think the police took it?
Call Chairman Joo and
get him to ask if the cops have it.
We cannot tell him about this.
That's impossible.
Don't you know
how bad-tempered he is?
Imagine if he finds out
I lost something.
It's obvious he'll throw a fit.
This is driving me crazy.
Everything has become a total mess
because of that little brat.
Why did you have to die
at our apartment, out of all places?
Hey, keep it down!
It's a ghost!
Help! It's a ghost!
Help us! It's a ghost!
Is this me?
Seol Ah.
They were all on the same boat.
I will never forgive
the ones who did this to you.
I will find them
one by one
and tear them to pieces.
Is it you, Sugar?
I told you it's a one-of-a-kind
skeleton watch
from Switzerland, didn't I?
(Min Seol Ah was murdered
at Hera Palace.)
(Min Seol Ah was murdered
at Hera Palace.)
(Mr. Yoon)
Don't touch anything, I'm on my way.
Dad, the fountain
(Min Seol Ah was murdered
at Hera Palace.)
- Take it down.
- Yes, sir.
Check it for fingerprints
right away.
Yes, sir.
Who's the one
who first discovered it?
Eun Byeol and Jenny, after
they went to the pool this morning.
Judging by how the security cameras
have been turned around,
it's someone who's familiar
with this place
Or someone who lives here.
Does it mean
- there could be a witness
- Come on.
Someone is using her death
to insult Hera Palace
with dirty intentions.
Yes, that's right.
Someone's trying to scare us
when this case has been concluded.
It's obvious someone's
pulling strings
to affect the housing costs
of this place.
I will not forgive anyone
who may try to challenge
Hera Palace.
Of course not.
We should never forgive them!
Did you guys see anyone suspicious?
We didn't see anyone.
It was only us.
Eun Byeol!
- Eun Byeol
- Eun Byeol!
- My gosh, are you okay?
- Eun Byeol!
Are you awake?
Eun Byeol, shall we have a talk?
The death of someone you know
may cause extreme stress.
I'm thinking of introducing
my friend who is an expert
in post-traumatic stress disorder.
No. I'm okay.
You should get to work.
Eun Byeol is not that weak.
Think about it, Eun Byeol.
It's not like you to faint
over something like this.
You should stay even more alert
in this situation.
You need to get ready
for the admission ceremony too.
I heard everything.
I heard you and Min Seol Ah
talking in the mechanical room.
Min Seol Ah saw everything.
The test scores you fabricated.
What will happen if people find out?
Will I get kicked out?
That will never happen. She's dead.
I cut Min Seol Ah loose.
I went to the mechanical room.
Why did you do that?
Who knows? I may know
much more than you think.
What could you possibly know?
That Cheong Ah Arts High School's
exam was rigged.
I know everything.
Do you think your daughter
Ha Eun Byeol was accepted fairly?
Didn't she just take
someone else's place instead?
I saw everything.
Even the test score sheet
that you fabricated.
Die! Die!
I trusted you.
You're the only one I told
about ruining my performance test.
Yet you used that
to blackmail my mom?
How dare you?
I had no choice
in order to protect myself.
I needed something
that your mom was afraid of.
I'll give you my phone,
so let me go.
How can I trust you?
I'm tired of it too.
Your mom and all the adults
at this place.
I'm sick and tired of everything.
I don't want to get involved
So just let me go.
I'll give you what you want.
Don't try anything funny,
or you'll have to pay for it.
Hey! Stop!
Hey! Stop!
Don't do this, Eun Byeol.
Give it to me. Give me your phone!
She died because of me.
It's my fault.
It's not your fault. Min Seol Ah
just tripped
while she was running away.
But Min Seol Ah
died in Bosuk Village.
Am I wrong?
Did she die in Hera Palace?
Tell me. Did she die in Hera Palace?
Listen to me carefully.
That night, Min Seol Ah jumped
from the rooftop of her house.
Do you understand?
Answer me!
No, that's not true.
It's a lie.
Just believe what I say!
Tell me.
Do the other kids know too?
You must not tell anyone.
Never say a word about this.
You weren't there that night,
and you don't know anything. Got it?
Let's keep this a secret
between us. Do you understand?
Do you understand?
Forget everything about her.
She's was just
fated to die. So
It's not your fault.
Get ready.
You'll be late for practice.
(Ha Eun Byeol)
(Performance Test Score Sheet)
(Trash Bin)
(Ha Eun Byeol, Original File)
(Performance Test Score Sheet,
Kwon Hye Mi)
(Copying to USB drive)
It's okay.
She has already been cremated.
Everything is gone.
There's no way people will find out
about this.
You want to know her foster parents'
contact number?
All I know is that she was
adopted to the States.
(Hope Orphanage)
I'm sorry. I can't tell you.
It's personal information.
They already sent her back,
so they're not her foster parents.
And they don't want
anything to do with her.
They don't want
anything to do with her?
Why did they send her back?
(Daehan Adoption Center, Min Seol Ah)
(Min Seol Ah)
(Deported for committing a crime,
Cannot reach foster parents)
It says here that she was deported
for having committed a crime.
She committed a crime?
That's all we know.
Darn it.
Why do you keep digging up the past?
I need to know
who her foster parents were
and why she was sent back.
I told you I don't know.
Plus, Seol Ah is already dead.
How do you know that?
I got a call because she used to be
at my orphanage.
She set fire and died.
It was all over the news.
Her name wasn't on the news.
What are you hiding?
Tell me what you're hiding!
Is she the woman
who came last time?
Yes, sir.
She came a few times
and kept asking about Min Seol Ah.
I don't get why
she's suddenly curious about
You didn't tell her
anything about me, did you?
Of course, not.
I would never tell her
what happened.
I might be in for some luck.
That girl's bringing me money
even after she's dead.
Min Hyuk, how are you so good
at playing instruments?
Hey, Waiting List.
Oh, you're the girl
who was on the waiting list?
Nice to meet you.
I've heard a lot about you.
I heard you're really annoying.
My name is Bae Ro Na,
not Waiting List.
She's feisty.
Do you see what I mean?
This is how she is.
She's extremely brazen.
Do you know how to speak Italian?
Will you look at what she's wearing?
It's really hard to look at.
But still, she's pretty.
You think she's pretty?
What's wrong with your eyes?
Are you that proud that you're
able to speak a foreign language?
Is that all you can boast about?
Get out of the way if you're not
going to sit next to me.
Min Hyuk.
I bumped into this.
I think my shoulder got dislocated.
It hurts.
She's a real bully.
You're pretty confident for someone
who was on the waiting list.
Are you normally so brazen?
Why? I like that she's fearless.
That's enough.
Stop acting like children.
We're not in elementary school.
Who cares if she was
on the waiting list or not?
We're all friends now.
I'm Joo Seok Kyung.
I hope we get along.
I'm Bae Ro Na.
I hope we get along as well.
What's with her?
Hey, you guys. We have a situation.
Someone uploaded a post
on our school webpage
about why Min Seol Ah died.
Please let me go. Please.
Look over here.
- I'll take a nice photo.
- Look at yourself.
I totally get
why your parents abandoned you.
My gosh, is this why she died?
Min Seol Ah was a victim.
Those twins are famous.
I feel bad for Min Seol Ah.
Aren't they the rich kids
who live in Hera Palace?
"Unanswered Questions"
should do an episode about this.
Let's have them sent to jail.
I bet there are more victims.
(We apologize.
This page is not available.)
We shut down our official
social media page for now.
But unfortunately,
some kids have already copied
the file,
so it'll be hard to stop it
from spreading.
What about the parents?
They are demanding to know
the truth.
Who on earth would do this?
Min Seol Ah is a nuisance to us
either dead or alive.
If I knew this would happen,
I should've granted
admission sooner
to Bae Ro Na,
just like her mom requested.
- Bae Ro Na's mom?
- Yes.
She came to me every day
for quite some time
and begged me.
She asked if there was
an empty slot
and bothered me so much.
Is that
Write up an anonymous letter.
Also, there's something you need
to secretly investigate.
The one who put up that sign
on the fountain
and the one
who uploaded that file online
is the same person!
You need to calm down.
The victim has already died,
so it'll be hard for the police
to investigate.
What if this broadcasts on TV
and becomes an issue?
Who knows what will happen?
How can we stop it from spreading
on social media in this era?
You talk as if
this doesn't involve you.
If this comes to the surface,
all of us and our kids
will be done for.
I know. To be honest,
it's Min Seol Ah's fault too.
She shouldn't have pretended to be
in college and tutored the kids.
Min Seol Ah's death may not be
our kids' fault.
What do you mean?
Number one on the waiting list,
Bae Ro Na. I think her mom
approached Min Seol Ah.
What are you talking about?
What about her? What did she say?
Don't tell me she demanded
Min Seol Ah's slot.
That woman is truly unbelievable.
My goodness. So she threatened
that poor girl?
How could she be so dirty?
It's always right to bury an issue
with an even bigger one.
We're going to change the target
from our kids to someone else.
Well, it's true a rumor
is scarier
than the actual truth.
We will overcome
this crisis again
like we've always have.
Do you have actual proof?
That she threatened Min Seol Ah.
I'm searching for it now.
As soon as it's ready,
I'm thinking of
summoning the parents
for an emergency meeting.
We look forward to your support,
Congressman Cho.
Please stop them from writing
an article about this.
You know I always repay my debts.
These are documents that prove
Congressman Song's slush fund.
I'm sure you'll need it
for your upcoming election.
We've known each other for so long.
I'll try my best to stop it.
I'm sorry, it's an urgent call.
Excuse me.
You look dignified as always,
Ms. Shim.
You match perfectly
with this beautiful penthouse.
I'll leave you two to talk.
Min Seol Ah.
How do you know her?
How do you
know about her?
A politician and an orphan?
There's nothing wrong about that.
But you're different.
What if Chairman Joo finds out
that you have a real daughter?
What are you talking about?
You know, if you step outside
the warm greenhouse,
there could be a rainstorm
and there's lightning
and thunder everywhere.
I mean if things go well between us,
you will never
be kicked out of this penthouse.
(Congressman Cho Sang Heon)
(Emergency Parent Committee)
Oh Yoon Hee.
Let's end this ill-fated
relationship as of today.
I have been entrusted with
the rights
of the director of
Cheong Ah Arts High School
to host today's emergency meeting.
Why did you summon me here?
We received an anonymous letter
a few days ago.
Lee Min Hyuk's mother will read
that letter for us.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School
Emergency Parent Meeting)
"I'm writing this to expose"
"a mother's twisted madness
and obsession."
"She's the mother of the number one
student on the waiting list."
What are you talking about?
Have a seat.
"She is a murderer."
"In order to get her daughter
"she continuously and
obsessively forced the victim"
"to give up her admission
to school."
"That was because the victim
had no parents."
"If the victim really died
because of her,"
"I strongly demand
Cheong Ah Arts High School"
"to uncover the truth so her death
won't be in vain."
(I'm writing this to expose)
This is unbelievable!
"I'm writing this to expose"
"a mother's twisted madness
and obsession."
(Anonymous Letter)
Hey, isn't this about your mom?
You were number one
on the waiting list.
"She is a murderer"?
This can't be.
It's not true.
I didn't harm that child.
I'm aware that the kids
of Hera Palace
actually harassed her.
That's why she killed herself.
I doubt that.
I accidentally gave that woman
some information.
I told her about the girl who died.
By the way,
I heard an orphan got in.
Why don't you visit her?
Who knows?
If you give her a lot of money,
maybe she'll give up her place.
But I never imagined
she would really go see her.
Well, from now on,
- let me take over.
- Okay.
I'm Lee Kyu Jin.
Ms. Oh.
After hearing there was an orphan,
you came to this school right away.
I heard you went straight
to the principal's office.
- Is that correct?
- What are you doing right now?
It's correct.
Do you
remember what you talked about
with Ms. Oh that day, sir?
She demanded to see the list
of students who were accepted.
That was just Just in case
"Just in case"?
If you threatened a poor girl
who had nothing,
maybe she would give up
her admission.
Was it because of that hope?
Am I wrong?
Did your mom really push Min Seol Ah?
Off that rooftop.
She was even willing to kill
for her daughter?
Gosh, it creeps me out.
Come to think of it,
your mom came to see us
with bloody hands
the day after Seol Ah died.
I wonder what really happened.
Maybe she killed Min Seol Ah
and made it look like a suicide.
Say that again!
Hey, do you want to die?
You little
Come here!
How dare you push me?
Do you want to die?
I was
I was desperate at the time.
When I heard her admission
could get canceled,
I thought my daughter Ro Na
might receive a chance.
Is that why you went to see
that poor girl
with no parents
and even stalked her?
No, that's not true.
It's true I went to see her, but
Come to think of it, she said he saw
Min Seol Ah working part-time.
If she didn't stalk her,
how would she have known
where she worked?
Don't you think?
That's right.
I remember.
That's a very good point.
That's why
I brought this person
as a witness today.
Hey. That woman came to my
I'm certain
she came to harm poor Seol Ah.
What are you talking about?
Who's the one who harassed her?
It's not the time for this.
I think we should call the police.
It was the first time
someone took my side.
Hey! What are you doing?
Have you lost your mind?
Do you want to ruin my business?
Starting today, you better work
without any pay for three months.
Got it? From morning
till the evening.
No, sir. I need money.
You didn't even pay me last month.
Are you crazy?
Hey. Do you know how many plates
you broke?
Clean this up.
Clean everything now!
What do you think you're doing?
Don't you think it's wrong
to have a young girl carry
those heavy grills?
This is child abuse.
I'm going to report you.
- Who are you?
- I'm her mom. Why?
Get up.
You can make money elsewhere.
Don't work for a piece of trash
like him.
- Let's go.
- Hey, lady. Are you crazy?
- Stop!
- Hey!
Get lost before I call the police.
The police? Where are you going?
Clean this up!
Thank you for walking me home.
I'm sorry you lost your job
because of me.
I'll find another one.
Get something good with this.
It's okay, I have money.
It's because I feel so bad.
Take it, it's okay.
Do you live here?
I'll call you if there's
a nice opening.
She was the first person to treat me
and ask nothing for return.
I will never forget her kindness.
It's true I momentarily thought
of harming her.
But when I saw her suffering,
I felt so bad.
So I wanted to help her somehow.
I even wanted to find her a job.
Why would you do that when
you weren't even her guardian?
Were you intending
to cut a deal with her in return
for giving up her admission?
- I told you that's not true.
- Hey, calm down.
Don't get angry.
Well, then. Now, it's time
for all of us
to go back to the night
when Min Seol Ah died.
Ms. Oh, what were you doing
that night?
That night
You drank?
And after that?
After After that
I can't remember.
She just said she can't remember.
Does that mean you cannot
remember what you did
on the night the incident occurred?
You cannot give us an alibi?
What's that wound on your hand?
You don't remember that as well?
I guess
our work here is done.
Let's call the police.
Sir, until the truth is
fully uncovered,
please reconsider Bae Ro Na's
admission to this school.
If not, all of us will refuse
to send our children here.
Let's decide by a show of hands.
Those who are against
Bae Ro Na's admission,
raise your hands.
Please make your decision.
Why are you doing this to me?
I really didn't do anything to her.
It's true. Please believe me!
According to the parents' opinions,
as the representative
of the director of this school,
- I shall suspend Bae Ro Na's
- Wait.
I know Ms. Oh's whereabouts
that night.
What? Dr. Ha. Hey!
That night, she was with me
at Hera Palace.
My gosh.
Darn it.
What are you doing?
Come here.
Let go!
- Goodness.
- Let go of me!
- How did you come in here?
- Ha Yoon Chul?
You little
It is you, Ha Yoon Chul.
Leave. Seo Jin will throw a fit
if she sees you.
Are you that scared of your wife?
Are you happy that you dumped me
for Cheon Seo Jin?
You're the same as her.
You didn't believe me anyway!
- Move.
- You're way too drunk.
Cheon Seo Jin was the start
of my misfortune.
I won't let anyone interfere
with my daughter's life.
- So move!
- Hey, wait!
Let go of me!
Go away!
Yoon Hee!
Yoon Hee!
Yoon Hee, pull yourself together.
You're hurt.
Let go!
It's because of this.
My life was ruined because of this!
Because of this.
Give me your hand.
Do you have proof?
We can't just believe
what you're saying.
You can check the CCTV footage.
Let's stop the witch-hunting.
What good will it do
to the school
to frame an innocent person
as an assailant?
Min Seol Ah's death ended
as a suicide case.
Must we all create another victim?
What are you doing?
Did it break your heart
to see your first love in trouble?
Don't you think you're taking things
a bit too far?
Was framing an innocent person
the best idea you could think of
with that smart brain of yours?
She barged into my office
and threw a fit.
How do you call that innocent?
She's still delusional.
Do you know that?
But today,
my own husband stood up for her.
That's because
she was too drunk that night.
I didn't think
you guys should meet
How dare you!
You call that an excuse?
Is that why?
Is that why you gave her
100,000 dollars?
You knew about that?
What's going on between you two?
Have you been seeing each other
behind my back?
Are you still not over
your first love?
That's not what this is!
Don't jump to conclusions!
Then what?
Then why did you spend
that much money on her?
How am I supposed
to understand that?
You totally trampled on my pride.
And I won't forgive you for that.
You just wait and see.
Watch how I'm going to handle this.
What if this leaves a scar
on your pretty face?
Why would you let someone hit you?
I let her off the hook.
I could've hit her back, you know.
Then why didn't you?
This is making me so upset.
I had no other choice.
What if she asks us for
compensation again like last time?
We don't have money.
We can't afford to move from here.
Jenny's mother is
even more spiteful.
We won't be able to handle her.
That's why you couldn't hit her?
Don't worry.
It didn't hurt at all.
She punches like a baby.
She's so weak.
Don't look at me like that.
I'll teach her a lesson
by doing better than her.
I'm so upset.
Here's our next news.
Yesterday, someone started
a rumor online
saying Congressman Cho,
who got elected for the second time,
is having an affair with an actress.
However, Congressman Cho
claimed that it was fake news
and made it clear that he plans
to press charges to those
who continue to spread the rumor.
Reporter Song,
please tell us the details.
Congressman Cho
- continues to claim
- My gosh, that startled me.
that he's merely acquainted
with the actress from the rumor.
He also insisted on stepping down
from his position
if this rumor turns out to be true.
Oh Yoon Hee,
you did this, didn't you?
You should've kept quiet
if you took my money.
What are you talking about, sir?
You spread the rumor,
so don't act like you don't know.
Come to my house and return
every single penny I gave you.
If you don't, I'll make sure
to ruin your daughter's life.
Hello? Hello?
Hello? Sir?
Sir, it's me, Oh Yoon Hee.
Are you inside?
Sir, I'm going in.
Sir, I'm on my way up.
Congressman Cho, aren't you home?
(The Penthouse)
I know nothing.
You're a loyal dog that will bite
when I tell you to bite.
I won't let things go your way.
You're the one who left the woman
you loved and chose me!
That means there was a witness.
There's someone I'm suspicious of.
- Su Ryeon?
- Did Su Ryeon see us?
I think my husband
caught onto something.
Since when did you start
doing things behind my back?
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