The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Did We Connect?

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
(The Virtuous Woman)
Ms. Park.
Ms. Park?
Ms. Park.
Ms. Park, wake up.
- Ms. Park? - Sir!
Ms. Park!
Gosh, what is taking her so long?
Who is over there?
My lady?
My gosh.
- Excuse me. - What is going on?
- Excuse me. - My lady!
My lady, are you all right?
Please wake up.
May I ask how you know Ms. Yeon Woo?
What on earth
What is wrong with Lady Yeon Woo?
What happened to her?
I have no clue as to what happened.
Who was it?
I just asked you who did this to her.
- Sir, please. - Answer me!
That's enough. The both of you.
Now, leave quietly.
Right, of course.
Let go of this.
My lady
I truly am from Joseon.
My husband!
My father is originally from Hamyang.
His name is Park Jae Won.
I told you.
I am a precious daughter of a noble family.
I am clueless
as to why I was brought here.
What should I do to go back home?
- Why am I here? - Are you okay?
Excuse me.
I believe we have met before.
As if. We are complete strangers.
Where has your head been?
- Hurry. Hide! - Where to?
Gosh, that was close.
This is bad.
This is our business proposal
for the first-anniversary event of SH Seoul's opening.
I already received one from Mr. Kang Tae Ha.
I'm aware of that.
That is the one I personally put together.
I was hoping you'd consider which business proposal
better suits Midam.
Is Mr. Kang also aware of this?
Well, I'm the CEO of SH Seoul.
I see.
Due to the company being of its size,
it must have adapted a unique system.
A proposal of this nature could give the wrong impression.
One must do whatever it takes to produce results.
That is my way of saying how valuable
Midam is to me.
In order to have the upper hand against Mr. Kang?
I must have lunch with the directors tomorrow.
Bear with me.
You are hurt.
Was that my doing?
I'm fine. It's nothing.
Thank you.
were you in the woods?
He would not believe me if I told him about Cheon Myung.
I went to get fresh air to clear my head.
Where was I though?
I saw a memorial stone.
- Does someone live there? - No.
There aren't paved paths, and it's dangerous out there.
don't go out there alone again.
All right.
(Chapter 5: Did We Connect?)
My lady, wake up.
My lady?
Sa Wol?
What on earth?
Am I in Joseon?
I am back in Joseon.
I guess I am not.
Joseon, my foot.
You said you did not know how to get back.
I was confused by the sight of your face.
Are you feeling better?
You have no idea how alarmed I was
to see you being carried back by a burly man.
A burly man and not a good looking young master?
It was not the young master.
Accompanying him was a burly man with bulging arms.
Oh, Mr. Hong.
Did Mr. Hong carry me back?
What the I want to know what happened.
I think I have found a way home.
Vice President Kang Tae Ha got married?
- What? - He got married?
- What on earth - What is going on?
Ms. Min, when did he marry and with whom?
But more importantly, the chairman
wishes to have Mr. Kang take over as president of SH Seoul
now that he's married.
Hold on. What does his marriage
have to do with his title?
Tell me about it.
Who gives out companies as a wedding gift?
This is absurd.
I see I was late for the meeting.
Have you all finished your meal?
- Yes, sir. - Right.
Why aren't you congratulating me
when my grandson got married?
Congratulations, sir.
Please take your seats.
Sir, I must ask you something.
Are you considering a promotion for Vice President Kang Tae Ha?
Just because he's now married?
If that's the case, I must object.
Director Ko, you never disappoint me.
You always say what needs to be said.
Good. What I meant
was that we should consider it
if Vice President Kang Tae Ha
manages to successfully host our collaboration with Midam.
Aren't I right, Ms. Min?
It seems as though I was mistaken.
Of course.
Proper procedure will be followed on this matter
once we wrap up the one-year anniversary event.
Should it be needed, I mean.
Proper procedure. Yes, of course.
Proper procedure should be followed.
Go on and have your tea.
- Stop. - What?
Put down your phone and do your job.
Just this one time.
Ha Na, again with the sandwich.
From now on, you'll be penalized for working during lunch break.
Seok Ju, let's collect a subtle amount of ten dollars each.
Ten dollars. Got it.
This is Assistant Manager Yoo Ha Na at SH Seoul.
Hello, this is Do Yoon Jae at Midam.
Mr. Do?
At Midam?
You're turning down our proposal?
I apologize.
But we're grateful for the offer.
- Then - Mr. Do!
What is it? Did Midam decline our offer?
What do we do when the event is around the corner?
I'll head to Mr. Kang.
Ha Na.
Are you kidding me?
Ms. Oh, don't we need Midam on board for the event?
What will happen to Mr. Kang if this falls through?
It'll be subtly over for him.
Ms. Min won't let this slide.
Maybe you should reconsider.
Mr. Kang's offer was quite nice.
It's too bad, but what can I do about it?
I've already made up my mind.
Got it.
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
Mr. Kang, I have something to report.
A scar?
What can I do for you, Ms. Yoo?
I'm sorry.
I asked why you were here.
Midam called, sir.
I thought you should know,
but Secretary Hong wasn't at his desk.
So tell me. What did Midam say?
They turned down our proposal.
- They declined? - Yes.
But I'm thinking about trying to persuade them once more.
All right. You're dismissed.
By the way,
no matter how urgent things are,
always go through Secretary Hong.
Yes, sir. I'll keep that in mind.
The chairman came by.
What happened to your face?
Goodness. Was there a marital spat?
Of course not. It's just a scratch.
It's about Yeon Woo.
Send her back to Italy.
- Back to Italy? - The directors
found out about your marriage.
Your mother must've told them.
What is it? Does it scare you?
You must be able to solve a matter like this
if you are to take over SH.
Tae Ha.
Power and authority do not allow attacks to be made.
The directors will obviously blabber their mouths,
so send Yeon Woo back to Italy and away from the crossfire.
It'll be the best move for everyone.
Can we please slow down?
What do you mean Cheon Myung is in these woods?
Something came over you
that made you go there in the middle of the night.
Maybe you were hallucinating.
It was her.
Once we meet her,
she will tell us how to get back to Joseon.
I believe
that the answer lies with
how you married the eldest son of this family
who looks exactly like
your late husband.
What do you mean by that?
It means you can return home
once your desire is fulfilled.
What else could it be
if not my lady's and Young Master's
wedding night?
Wedding night?
Right, my wedding night.
My wedding night?
You never had to starve and always had a warm place to sleep,
so what could you possibly lack?
However, you never had your wedding night
and were also kidnapped.
There is only one thing you never got.
And that is a passionate night
with your husband.
Forget it. A passionate night, my foot.
Are you absolutely sure nothing happened between you two?
When a grown man and woman live under the same roof,
they could
hold hands like this
or have their lips meet
even if it is by accident.
You Our lips, my foot.
Did something happen?
Something obviously happened!
Yes, there is something we must do.
- Come along, quick. - What is it?
(College of Humanities, Student Union Building, Central Library)
(The Symbolic Street of Hanyang)
Park Jae Won was
a very famous Silhak scholar of the late Joseon period.
His father, Park Hyun, was also a renowned scholar.
The family itself was a prominent noble family.
Well, about his daughter, Park Yeon Woo.
Is there more information on her?
Well, all I could find was her name.
But I'll keep digging.
I read that Park Jae Won lived in a place called Hwanghwabang.
Was it close to where Hotel Grand Seoul is now?
Hotel Grand Seoul?
Hoeundang was around here,
so that sounds about right.
His father Park Hyun's pseudonym was Hoeun.
That's why Lord Park Jae Won's residence
was called Hoeundang.
After the two of us walked in,
Ms. Yeon Woo popped out of the water.
Nowhere in the video do we see her jumping into the swimming pool.
And that crape myrtle tree by the pool.
I heard the tree had never blossomed properly in the past.
the day Ms. Yeon Woo appeared, the flowers suddenly bloomed fully.
And this is just what I think,
but that lady named Sa Wol could also
I think she's also from Joseon.
Yes, I believe that.
Based on her reaction yesterday.
They're from Joseon? But how?
It makes no sense.
And how did Sa Wol end up at the chairman's residence?
Right? Is this really happening?
Does this make sense to you?
Why are you so excited?
I'm teaching Tae Ha's wife some housework.
Housework? You?
Hey, my ex-husband was the eldest son of the family!
Both Tae Ha and Father are so overprotective of her.
We need to discipline her right off the bat.
This is no ordinary family.
Right, it is unusually dysfunctional.
Aunt Hae Ryung, what should I do first?
My gosh!
Oh, no!
Hand it over.
What was that?
This family is wealthy.
Why do they have to do their laundry like this?
I am telling you. Be it Joseon or the new Joseon. It is all the same.
Rich people are the stingiest. This is so much work.
Are you talking about me right now?
My gosh. I am so forgetful.
I left the kettle on the stove and forgot.
I should run back inside.
Sa Wol.
My grandfather
told us about an island called Jeju, remember?
He said it was a big island.
A lonely one, because it was far away from the rest of the country.
Ever since I came to the new Joseon,
I have been thinking
that I was like that island.
I think he feels
the same way too.
It is funny, is it not?
I am reminded of Jeju Island even though I have never been there.
What are you doing here?
I was just looking at you.
You, Ms. Park Yeon Woo
from Joseon.
Thank you.
For believing me.
Thank you so much.
Please, Ms. Park. You're making me feel uncomfortable.
I apologize. I am just overjoyed.
Does it make you that happy?
Yes, it does.
Finally, you believe me, Mr. Swindler.
Just remember this one thing.
I do admit that you could be from Joseon, after all.
But I can't believe you 100 percent because there isn't enough evidence.
- That said - I have told you
over and over again that I am from Joseon.
The place where we first met
was where my house used to be. It was called Hoeundang.
That is where I came from.
That's why Lord Park Jae Won's residence
was called Hoeundang.
- Did you say "Hoeundang?" - Yes.
Hoeun was my grandfather's pseudonym.
So, please stop interrogating me.
I was just saying
Look at this.
Rainwater is shooting out of the ground.
Are you that happy?
Gosh, you scared me.
Do not disturb them.
It is such a lovely sight.
My gosh.
Mr. Kang is smiling!
Are you crying or laughing?
Oh, my. Look at that.
If Midam opens a boutique at SH's New York location,
your net profit will go up by 67 percent at the very least.
I'm sorry.
Such numbers aren't really important to us.
Right, numbers aren't everything.
However, people use such numbers to judge everything,
including your brand value and sales figures.
This is a win-win opportunity for both SH and Midam.
Please kindly reconsider our proposal.
I must admit I admire your persistence.
I'll try speaking to Ms. Lee about it again.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Ma'am, I heard the chairman met with Mr. Kang.
It looks like the bomb has gone off.
That won't do.
Use that girl, Yeon Woo, to raise the stakes.
As if Tae Ha shouldn't have married her to begin with.
"Raise the stakes?" What do you mean?
Start a rumor!
But how?
Do you carry around that big head of yours as an accessory?
I shall put this big head to work.
But Mr. Kang isn't a pushover.
The war has already begun.
And it won't end until one of us falls all the way to the bottom.
Hye Suk
is capable of doing anything she sets her mind to.
You know that, right?
About Yeon Woo
I'll take care of it, Grandpa.
Since when was the night sky
of the new Joseon this sparkly and beautiful?
All I did was travel forward in time,
but this place is so different from Joseon.
It's about Yeon Woo.
Send her back to Italy.
It'll be the best move for everyone.
Don't forget about your promise.
You promised me that you'd help me return to Joseon.
I saw a strange hallucination.
You in Joseon.
You saw me
in the Joseon period?
At first, I tried hard to understand what it was.
But it's okay now.
I've realized that is not what's important.
I'll be sure
to keep my promise.
While you're staying here,
I will help you.
So don't worry.
You conned me.
You cannot call yourself a man for you are infertile.
- That's nuts. - What?
- You witch, how dare you - Your father's money.
Do you want to see your brother taking it all?
I have to say, trashy dramas are fun.
They're eventful, and they keep you on your toes.
Right, brother?
How would you feel about someone from Joseon?
Did you read another web novel?
Is it a time-slip story about Joseon this time?
No. It is real, but it sounds more unrealistic than a novel.
But the problem is
that the Joseon person
is pretty.
She's very pretty.
What's he saying?
Eat this and snap out of it, you freak.
Yes, I should snap out of it.
Both me and Mr. Kang.
What is that?
It's dirty. I should throw it out.
A passionate night with your husband.
Your wedding night.
No, it is not.
What? What do you mean?
Oh, never mind.
- Let the great wisdom lead me - Your wedding night.
Your wedding night.
- Your wedding night. - Sa Wol, that little
I pray with all my heart
to the Buddha and every deity that exists.
Please help Lady Yeon Woo
achieve her goal
so that we can go back to Joseon soon.
My goodness.
Gosh, I feel hot.
Hello, Ms. Oh.
Ms. Yoo, did you hear?
Kang Tae Min, the newbie joining the team as of today.
He is Ms. Min's younger son, right?
Do we have to accept everyone who got hired through connections?
Is our team where the royal family hangs out?
What can we do? The higher-ups already made the decision.
I was told to treat him like any other employee.
That is complete nonsense.
Who here doesn't know that he's Ms. Min's son?
Hello, everyone.
I'm Kang Tae Min. I'm joining the team as of today.
Hello, sir. I am
I am the marketing manager,
Oh Hyun Jung, sir.
Good morning
Gosh, my throat is sore.
I am Kang Tae Min, the new hire.
I look forward to working with you.
I have a junior colleague now!
Wait, your name is Kang Tae Min?
That kind of sounds like the vice president's name.
Kang Tae Ha, Kang Tae Min.
Someone here doesn't know who he is.
Yes, I see that.
He got married?
When? Who is he married to?
No way. This is my first time hearing about this.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm sensing some odd tension.
I'm getting chills for some reason.
You need to see this.
(S Group's heir is rumored to be married. Who is his wife?)
(There are various rumors going around about his mysterious wife.)
(Who is his wife?)
(A Group chairman's love child)
(Bar girl, pregnant, after S Group, deliberately approached him)
(S Group's heir is rumored to be married. Who is his wife?)
I guess you are
more afraid of me than I thought.
I guess you are more full of yourself than I thought.
What you did today.
You made a mistake.
You don't know how hard I've worked to grow SH to what it is today.
And you expect me to hand it over to you for free?
Have some shame.
"Hand it over?" Is the company a toy or something?
This is why you can never beat me,
Ms. Min.
We'll wait
and see if you're right about that.
President Min gave me this
on the day of Hye Suk's wedding,
saying, "Please take good care of my daughter."
President Min loved Hye Suk very much.
This may look like it's nothing special, but it's very valuable.
The board members are all concerned.
The rumors surrounding Mr. Kang Tae Ha's marriage.
I'm worried they wouldn't fizzle out easily.
What is it? Just say it. It's okay.
It's about the project with Midam.
Some say it's not likely to happen.
The employees are quite concerned.
I heard Ms. Min had
a separate meeting with Midam.
I must say, Hye Suk knows what she's doing.
Compared to her, Tae Ha is still a kid.
What should we do?
It doesn't matter how competent and useful someone is.
We should get rid of them if they get in our way.
What can we do?
I'm sorry, sir. Tae Min
I mean, Mr. Kang Tae Min
It's my first day in the office, so I wanted to come and say hi.
Yes, sir.
I must say, I'm surprised.
And here I thought I'd first be in the tabloids.
What will you do about Ms. Mourning Dress?
It has nothing to do with you, so mind your own business.
I see.
The marriage itself is fake to begin with, so it doesn't matter.
Is that it?
Don't tell me you're surprised.
Why wouldn't I know something that even Ms. Min knows?
What is it that you want to say?
Think of it as a warning.
You see, I like Ms. Mourning Dress.
Get it sorted out so reporters or other riffraff won't bother her,
unless you'll take care of her to the end.
You got that?
Excuse me.
Get it sorted out so reporters or other riffraff won't bother her.
What are you doing?
I was just asking her for directions.
- Was he asking you for directions? - Yes, he was.
But I do not know my way around here at all.
What is this?
I will be sure to help you next time!
Why are you so on edge?
From now on, if strangers come and talk to you, just ignore them.
stay home, and don't go out for the time being.
This place is different from Joseon. It's dangerous.
What are you doing? Let's go.
I told you it was dangerous.
Here are the reports and the proposal
you'd need at the meeting with Midam tomorrow.
Thank you.
Oh, right.
Ms. Yoo, Ms. Oh told me you worked hard to make this meeting happen.
That's right.
Ha Na visited Midam to persuade them in person,
which was definitely not easy.
Well done. Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Yoo.
No problem at all. I was just doing my job.
Hold on. Are you sure you saw Cheon Myung here?
I do not see a single trail.
I swear, she went this way.
(Business Proposal, Midam)
You are about to get sucked into that piece of paper.
What is that?
It's for tomorrow's meeting.
Is everything okay these days?
Are you going to cause trouble?
No, thank you.
I only asked because you looked pale and tired.
I did not want to throw it out,
so I fixed it a little.
These are apricot flowers, which bloom in winter
and signal the beginning of spring before anything else does,
like hope that blossoms after much waiting.
I thought they would suit you, so I embroidered them on the shirt.
I see.
Hand it over if you do not like it. I will throw it out.
An emergency board meeting?
I believe Ms. Min called the meeting
because of the tabloid articles.
What should we do about the meeting with Ms. Lee Mi Dam?
- Shall I reschedule it? - No, it's okay.
- There he is. - Oh, he's here.
Mr. Kang, is it true that you're married now?
One moment. Please tell us about your wife.
- Sorry, let us through. - Wait, one moment.
Hello, I'm Song Jae Ho from "Mainpatch."
What are your thoughts about all the rumors surrounding your wife?
I never agreed to an interview.
Your wife's photo has been posted on the company's intranet forum.
- Did you see it? - I'm sorry.
Would you and your wife
be interested in doing an interview with me?
- Let us through. - No, wait.
- No, wait. - Just one comment, please.
What are your thoughts on the rumors?
- Are they true? - Can I get an interview with you?
- Mr. Kang! - Tell us!
- Mr. Kang. - Just one comment, please.
This is huge. You need to see this.
- My gosh. - For real?
I know. He is really married.
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
Darn it.
Something's up with you, right?
I sent your data to the surgeon in the US
who operated on your heart.
It looks like there's a problem with your blood vessels.
Let's do a checkup promptly.
Next time. I can't do it now.
Tae Ha.
I'm talking about your heart.
You are in danger.
I won't back down this time.
I'm going to tell the chairman about your condition.
The most dangerous and miserable thing that can happen to me
is providing Ms. Min with a reason to use
my heart condition ridiculously.
Just like what she did to Mother.
You're crazy.
They are vasodilators. Keep them.
But you are going to get checked no matter what.
There must be a reason for Cheon Myung to appear.
And for this crape myrtle to stay the same.
Gosh. I don't know.
My goodness.
In the new Joseon,
- they say these are bussin'. - I see.
As expected, you are the only one I got.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
How do you think I got here?
I came because Young Master wanted me to take care of you.
Really? Mr. Swindler did that?
So, eat them all.
I put every healthy herb out there in these,
so finish them all.
So that during the day or night, you will have strength
to have your wedding night
If you are going to talk like that, you should leave.
What? Your hair.
Gosh. What is it?
Did you sew something?
Yes. I had a lot on my mind,
so I tried to exhaust my body instead.
Why are you wasting your stamina on useless stuff?
I cannot believe this.
What is that?
(SH Seoul)
Why? What is it?
What? Midam?
(Midam Company Analysis Report)
It's for tomorrow's meeting.
This is the department store I saw on TV.
A 99-kan house cannot compete with this.
I give Young Master a pass.
His body is not satisfactory, but he does have money. Yes.
No. His body is okay too.
I got a glimpse of it last time.
What? When?
When did you see it?
Where should we go?
When did you see it? No. How much did you see?
Gosh. Stop it, will you?
- There was something. - There was nothing at all.
Why should there be something? Let go of me.
(SH Informant: The woman with documents is Mr. Kang's wife.)
Mr. Kang's wife?
Excuse me. Wait a second.
You are Vice President Kang Tae Ha's wife, right?
I have some questions.
- Can you spare a minute? - What is this?
I'm reporter Song Jae Ho from "Mainpatch."
I said stop!
- I didn't ask you - Stop it!
Yes, I am learning a lot from you.
Gosh. Don't say that.
Should we get lunch? It's on me.
Sure. I love it.
- Just one minute, please. - No. Stop it!
- Don't do it. - How did you feel
- No! - when you first saw it?
I told you to stop!
- Mourning Dress? - Beef?
Gosh. That's a bit too much.
It's expensive.
- Stop it. - How do you feel right now?
- Quit it, I said! - I mean
What? Who is that?
- What's going on? - Wait!
Goodness. My joints.
Hurry up.
Hey. Where did they go?
No. Not that way.
They went this way!
Come on.
Hey. Why are you here?
Didn't Tae Ha tell you anything?
Your marriage is a big deal right now.
Gosh. I told him to take care of it.
I knew it. He is having a problem.
I should get going.
Wait. I will take you home.
It might cause a bigger problem, so I will go home by myself.
Hey, Mourning Dress.
Okay. Go that way, then.
There won't be many people there.
Thank you.
Gosh. Why is she so stubborn?
Nice to meet you. I'm Kang Tae Ha.
I'm Lee Mi Dam.
Mr. Kang had quite a difficult time
with the reporters.
With the photos online too.
Corner him with the slow progress
with Midam during the management meeting.
Okay, ma'am.
By the way, did Chairman Kang mention anything afterward?
Not yet.
He's good at hiding his intentions.
Chairman Kang is coming.
Gosh. What is this all of a sudden?
Chairman Kang, what brought you here?
Why? Is it wrong for me to visit my own place?
There's a management meeting today, right?
Gosh. He's deliberately intruding, isn't he?
It will be a good opportunity for Midam too.
A one-time exhibition as an event isn't what I want.
I want to draw a vision with Midam.
The proposal
was quite interesting.
But I've already made up my mind.
Can I ask you why?
Not so long ago,
Ms. Min came to see me
with another proposal.
I can give you a good explanation for it.
I'm just a dressmaker.
It feels uncomfortable to get into something complicated.
I don't trust every rumor out there,
but it does bother me.
Thank you for your proposal.
And I'm sorry.
Ms. Lee.
I'm sorry, Mr. Kang. Are you all right?
I'm fine.
Ms. Lee.
Please consider it one more time.
Midam's hanbok, its value, and your philosophy.
I will never damage them.
I promise.
I understand you,
but it won't happen.
Ms. Lee, I beg you.
Ms. Yeon Woo.
The rumors about the vice president
have spread through the shops in our department store.
They are going crazy, saying it's a risk caused by the owner.
The calls from the reporters
have paralyzed the communications team.
In this situation, he isn't even providing an explanation.
This is ridiculous.
Mr. Oh, Mr. Kim, and everyone, let's calm down.
Wouldn't Vice President Kang have a plan?
Why don't you make his marriage public
and do an interview, Mr. Kang?
It's all about timing.
What is he going to do?
- He can't just say nothing. - What?
He didn't say a thing.
That's enough, everyone.
He will explain everything himself.
First, I apologize for making a scene
with a personal matter.
But the rumors aren't true.
There's no smoke without fire, isn't there?
Did it self-ignite?
It's a fact that you are married now.
Why did you hide it and cause a bigger problem?
Yes. Marriage is a personal matter.
But when it affects the company,
it's another story.
Whether it's a false rumor or not, we need an explanation.
- That is - So.
So, what is it that you want to know?
What do you want him to say?
Sir, we don't know what problem
will be caused by the vice president.
The executives are right to worry about it.
Mr. Kang, you answer me.
Is there a problem with your marriage?
Like the rumor has it?
No. That's not true.
You all heard him, right?
If this causes a problem,
I will be the first to take him down from the vice president position.
Do you all get that?
Mr. Kang, you should focus on the first anniversary event
so that it won't cause any trouble.
I heard Midam turned down your proposal.
Didn't they, Mr. Kang?
Midam turned down the proposal?
Is that true?
He was so confident about it.
- Gosh. Now what? - For goodness' sake.
- It's not an easy target. - I know.
I already told people about it.
Let's talk about it later.
How have you been, Mr. Kang?
This is Ms. Lee Mi Dam, who will be in charge
of the first anniversary exhibition.
I brought her here because I wanted to introduce her to you myself.
I heard you turned down our proposal.
- What happened? - I thought about it,
but Vice President Kang presented me with a fabulous gift.
Mr. Kang, your granddaughter-in-law has a special talent.
She is excellent at embroidery.
You mean my granddaughter-in-law, as in
His granddaughter-in-law?
Isn't she the one in the rumors?
You met someone who looked just like your mother?
I really thought she was my mother.
Why do we keep running into people who resemble those from Joseon?
Sa Wol.
Does this mean
Ms. Yeon Woo.
What is it?
is yours, right?
What is this?
It's something you dropped. I didn't get to give it back to you.
What? Gosh.
My lady, what is wrong with the color? It is so black.
It wasn't black at first, but it has changed.
Isn't it silver, though?
Does silver change its colors in water too?
It is where my husband's blood was on.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
I want to work with you.
As someone from Joseon, I do not know if I can do it well.
Wherever it is, you are the one who is making the clothes.
I'm sure you will do an excellent job.
Nice to meet you!
She is more social than anyone.
Keep a room between each other.
I'm impressed.
I didn't expect you to work in the company.
Will it be dangerous for Ms. Yeon Woo too?
I'll make sure Ms. Min can't touch her easily.
How far will you go?
You will see the truth of the repeating fate.
The end of the repeated connection?
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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