The Traitors (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Getting Away with Murder

the traitors struck again.
- If we get rid of Azra,
that just looks bad on Kyle.
- Kate and Michael
faced suspicion.
Who's told the most lies?
- Okay.
- I've heard you talk a lot,
and it goes nowhere other
than voting faithfuls off.
- And Michael was banished.
- Yes, I am
- a faithful.
- Oh, my
- I'm surprised, too.
The game is taking
its toll on Cody.
As a traitor,
it is weighing heavily on me.
And as the traitors plan
their next murder
If we send Kyle,
it throws everybody off.
Why wouldn't Ryan
do the same thing?
I know that's your mans.
- What?
Cirie's suspicions
about Cody and Ryan
You and Ryan have
a relationship outside of here.
- I never met Ryan one time.
- threaten to implode the group.
You're letting your head
get to you right now.
- Well, you're a traitor, so
- Okay, then let's vote Ryan.
I've been very passive,
but tonight, the vote will go
the way I want it to go.
So, why not Ryan, then?
'Cause I feel like
you're going more personal
because you think I know him
from outside the house.
If that backfires on us
as traitors,
that's gonna be on you.
- That is true.
That is. That is true.
Let's not make a decision
on Ryan
just to have his loyalty
be proved to us.
As traitors, we have to be
on the same page.
This is not good at all.
- So, it's Ryan or Kyle.
This morning,
the surviving players
will make their way to breakfast
and find out who the traitors
decided to murder.
Which faithful didn't make it
through the night?
There's nobody here.
- Oh, cool.
I've never been first
to breakfast.
Might be a first in my life
that I'm the earliest riser.
- I was not expecting that.
- I had a really good thing going
where I really thought
it was you, Kate.
The whole plan
to get rid of Michael,
it was started by, like, Kate.
Michael is a faithful,
and that's another one of us
I still think, potentially,
Kate could be a traitor.
Oh, God.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Ohh, hi!
Rachel's personality
is so abrasive and annoying
that I don't trust her.
I really thought I was murdered.
- Yeah.
- Gosh.
- Come in!
- Hi!
- Hey!
- Hi! It's so good to see you.
- You too.
- So glad you're here.
- It's gonna be another, like
so we can't point fingers.
It's gonna be another
Bam type vote,
it's gonna be another Azra
Like, makes no sense.
Like, gives us nothing.
What's up?
Hello, boys. Oh!
- I'm so happy to
You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
I don't even know how
everybody can be okay.
Like, I'm dying inside.
- Yeah.
- Who's not showing up?
- I don't know.
I just feel like there's been
nothing but confusion
surrounding who's been
murdered at night.
They want us to be
emotionally charged.
They want us to be confused.
They want total chaos.
It's, like, easy-peasy.
- Yeah.
I have a knot in my stomach,
like, "Oh, no."
Maybe it's somebody I really
would never suspect.
- Stephenie's really smart.
I want to maintain that
alliance, support,
whatever you want to call it,
of Stephenie.
She could be starting
to figure out
what our next move is.
- That felt like a Ryan knock.
- It's really intense.
Oh, wow!
Why was that a big "oh"?
What was a big "oh"?
It's fine.
What's going on, y'all?
No, 'cause we said
it felt like a Ryan knock.
- Y'all are like
- Late?
- It's just the guys.
We're missing Kyle and Ryan.
- Kyle and Ryan.
- That's interesting.
Wait, so there's only Kyle
and Ryan left?
- Mm-hmm.
- I mean, I love both of them.
you're kind of looking
like a bad actor in a B movie.
- Damn.
- And Cody is, like, shaking.
If I'm noticing it,
I guarantee you the rest of
the room is noticing it.
- I mean, either way, it sucks.
- Yeah.
- If Ryan or Kyle goes.
One of the guys that I have
really enjoyed being around
is not coming back.
Honestly, it's a brutal,
brutal game.
It's just throwing me off,
and I'm just like
I don't know.
I'm getting, like, drained.
- I can see it.
- Ohh!
- Ohh!
That was kind of
a brutal welcome.
Am I the last?
- Yeah, last one.
- Welcome.
- It's Ryan.
- Ryan.
- It's Ryan.
- So, you sure? Ryan over Kyle?
Ryan makes people
feel comfortable.
And if that was what makes
you feel threatened,
then we should send Ryan.
They're not gonna suspect
me murdering Ryan,
you murdering Ryan.
Everyone loves Ryan.
- Mm-hmm.
Guess what
Ryan dies tonight.
I'm not gonna act
emotionally on it.
I'm not gonna have distrust
in Cirie.
But I now have my eye
on the people
that I'm supposed to be
working with closely.
"You have been murdered."
I was not expecting that at all.
I mean, from my understanding,
everyone was like,
"Oh, my gosh, we love you,
we love you, you're the best."
Traitors thought I was
a threat or something,
and they just wanted to get me.
I'm really sad
that I'm not gonna be
a part of this game anymore.
What the
- This is hard.
Ryan was the type of person
that, you know,
was great for morale,
for the team.
It sucks.
- Actually, that's really sad Ryan's gone.
- Yeah, absolutely.
- Just as, like, a fun person.
It's sad that Ryan's gone but
- Mm-hmm.
- The traitors need two things.
They need somebody to blame
being a traitor on,
and they need to murder people.
So, Ryan's only use
was the murder
'cause nobody was gonna believe
that he was a traitor.
So it was another
good deflection, so good job.
- Yeah. Spot on.
- Buongiorno.
It is me, your friendly
neighborhood eccentric
with a wardrobe to die for.
So, it came to pass
for poor, lovely, smiley Ryan.
Gone, but not forgotten.
At least not for
the next 10 minutes.
As always, though, after
stalking your prey,
tonight when we enter
the roundtable room,
you will have a chance to pounce
and catch a snake.
And you really need to catch
some snakes, people.
But before that,
we have a wee mission for you.
And I must confess,
it's one of my favorites.
Ciao, tutti.
So, I think Cody just
blew his cover.
- No way.
- No way.
- No way.
"I'm suspicious of Kyle,
Arie, and Rachel."
I think it's pretty ballsy
that he thinks I'm gonna buy
what he just told me,
'cause I know for a fact
Ryan's not gonna
throw my name out.
There's no way Ryan said
those three names
on the way into the roundtable.
Ryan's not that kind of guy
to just be, like,
spurting out some suspicions
or a hunch or a rumor.
I think it's very clear
that someone who's capable
of manipulating,
lying, and deceiving people
it's Cody.
We're all working together to
find out who the traitors are,
and Rachel walks in
like a steamroller.
- Hello! How are you?
This is the most awkward
situation I've been in.
I walk in, Kate gets up
and walks out of the room,
and I'm like, "Oh, okay."
- Rachel's so annoying.
I just needed a little break
from Rachel.
- I'm thinking
I have not changed my mind
about Kate.
But I am, after last night,
I'm convinced it's Kyle.
He is the only one
that interjects
and changes the subject.
And the way he does it
is he comes in
in a "rallying the troops"
type of way.
Kate, I think you are a traitor.
- Here's the problem.
We're wasting so much time
focusing on the wrong things.
He gets everybody back
into that emotional state
"right, we gotta find the traitors,
we gotta find the traitors"
As opposed to
potentially listening
to what I just said
about this person
that makes sense.
He rallies and then he throws.
I have tried to talk
to Kate numerous times,
and she won't talk to me.
- Do you guys want privacy?
- No. Sit.
Rachel, she felt that she came
in the room and you got up.
- Right. Okay.
And actually, I kind of figure
at this point,
people should be allowed privacy
to have conversations,
so that is why I left.
But it feels, like,
very personal.
Nothing here is personal.
I don't even know you.
- Okay.
I was getting ready to go,
"I think it's personal"?
Shut up.
Kate and Rachel have this thing.
We as traitors might
be able to use that,
because I wouldn't mind
keeping Kate around
because she is a great shield.
Alright, let's get ready
for this mission.
- Whoo! Let's do it.
- Ooh! Mission time!
- Let's go!
- Tonight, I'm banishing Kate.
I think that Kate has proven
that she's done shady stuff
and I think she's trying
to manipulate things.
I literally think
Kate's a traitor.
- You want some honesty, Rachel?
You look like you get dressed
at a community theater.
You're literally the only person
who thinks it's cool
that you were the first
"Big Brother" baby.
No one cares.
- We're going into the church.
- Oh, we're going to church!
Just what we needed.
- Oh!
- This is interesting.
It felt like walking
into a horror movie.
This is intimidating.
- Welcome.
- Welcome.
- Oh!
- Oh, yo, that's sketchy.
- Are you kidding me?
- Wow.
What is this?
That is creepy.
That is creepy.
No, guys, this is like
a living nightmare for me.
Take deep breaths.
Breathe in deep.
- Weird.
Though I know my little estate
may seem like a paradise,
as you have realized
rather quickly,
you're never far away
from a murder.
Today's mission
will be a memorial
for the fallen comrades
you have lost.
Very generously,
they have left you $20,000
- Whoo!
- Okay.
Hidden somewhere
amongst this congregation.
So, you're already in two teams.
That was easy.
- Oh!
- It's a race against each other
to find that gold
within the congregation.
- Stupid Rachel is on my team.
So annoying.
- This is a mission of precision.
First, one of each team will
enter the confessional booth.
I'll give you directions
to a riddle that can be found
in this great book
"The Book of Traitors."
The answer to that riddle
will lead you to an item
one of the congregation
is wearing.
This person in the congregation
will also be holding
$5,000 in gold.
- Wow.
- Mm.
- Alright.
- Okay.
There is only one guess
per round,
and you have four rounds.
you're well acquainted now,
but how well are you
working together?
Will the traitors view you
as weak links
and vulnerable for murder?
This is a chance for you
to prove your worth
at a crucial point in the game.
So, who's ready for a bit
of ecclesiastical code-breaking?
I'm known
as something of an enigma
around these parts, myself.
Okay, so you want me
to go into the crowd?
- Andie's going in the crowd?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- You're going to the confessional.
We're all looking for the
chapter, solving the riddle.
The only reason
I'm still suspicious of Cody,
because I know he's capable
of being a traitor.
So, the mission is
a very obvious opportunity
to identify suspicious actions.
- I'm trying to win.
- Hello, my child.
How long has it been
since your last confession?
- A while.
- Long time.
Good to know.
Can I help you?
- The clue you need can be found
in paragraph 25, line four.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
- Chapter 25, line four.
-25, line four.
- Now, what one?
- Chapter 25, line four.
- No, he said line
- XVII is the chapter. XVII.
- Oh, thank you.
- Okay, so here we go.
It's in another language.
Alright, no, is it paragraph 25?
- It's paragraph 25, line four.
- 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
- Line four.
- Can you read it again?
"People look through me,
but I am not a ghost.
I come in different shapes
and sizes"
- "And my use requires a host."
Just keep looking
for shit that sticks out.
I have seen way too much
Investigation Discovery.
This is too easy.
Yes or no?
We only get one shot.
- Yeah, with the blue tie.
- Yes. Yes. You're right.
- Okay. Give me your thing.
Give me the thing.
- Wait.
- Go, go.
I am so good at riddles.
I got this.
- Glasses.
- Do you have the gold?
- Let's go!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yes! Good job!
- Glasses.
- It's okay. It's just one round.
It's just one round.
We can win the next one.
Not worried about it.
This mission is so frustrating.
I have felt Kyle
slightly changing.
He's starting to question me
a little bit,
and I can feel it 'cause
his body language changes.
I think I slipped up.
So, okay, so you're gonna say
and do it again?
- I'm gonna do the same thing.
- Just like that.
I think you did great.
- Oh, lord. Okay.
So, because I did so well,
our team decided that I would go
to the confession booth again.
- Who won the first round?
- We did.
- You did? Well done.
- Yes.
Oh, boo.
You little lost sheep.
Have either of you sinned
since I saw you last?
- No.
- No, of course not.
It was only a few minutes ago.
You didn't have much time.
The clue you seek can be found
in paragraph 17, line three.
Alright, here we go.
Here we go.
- Go forth.
Do not multiply.
- Paragraph 17, line three.
-17, line three.
-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
It's the moon.
Somebody with a moon thing.
"I'm gone every day
but I'm there 'til I fall."
Is that the moon?
- Anybody see a moon?
- I don't see it.
- Read it.
- Here, here, here!
Over there, over there!
- Do you have the gold?
We've just got one guess
in that congregation.
We better be damn sure we're
feeling confident about it.
- What is wrong with our team?!
Like, did I just pick a team
with a bunch of dummies?
Or am I the dummy?
That right there.
Right there. Her.
- Do you have the gold?
- Yes.
- Let's go!
- Want to hug it out?
Let's just consider a few
options before we go running,
'cause maybe that would have
occurred to you
if we had waited until stars.
I was like, "Seriously?"
Rachel, like, think about
what's going on.
Stop rushing.
I don't know if she's a traitor,
but I want her gone
'cause she annoys me.
Blessings upon you, my child.
Your team is two up.
And you, do you feel
there's any sin in your past
that accounts for
your current bad form?
- Perhaps. Not gonna lie.
I believe in you both,
my little lambs.
And I now shall give you
the clue.
It will be found
in paragraph 23, line eight.
Go forth.
- Here they come. Here they come.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
It's oh,
Hold on.
I'm second-guessing my numbers.
I don't even understand
how Kyle could forget.
He doesn't know the numbers.
He's going back
to get the numbers.
- Okay.
- If Kyle is a weak link,
Kyle could be put up
for banishment.
As long as there's
a bunch of heat
and that heat is not coming
in my direction,
that's the name of the game
for us traitors.
- Have you forgotten already?
It's all your sinning
from the past, Kyle.
-23, eight.
- It's a watch.
- It's a watch.
- It's a watch.
- Yes.
That person has a watch
right there.
- Right here?
- Hold on, hold on.
- Go. Yeah.
- He covered his watch up.
- He did cover his watch up.
- He covered his watch up.
- We have no money.
If we don't get this right,
I think all hope is lost.
- Yes!
- Wait. We don't know yet.
- Oh, my gosh.
We went with literally
the first watch we saw,
and it didn't even fit
the description.
Christian! Come here!
It says metal.
"I'm made of metal."
'Cause there's many watches.
- Found it.
- Is it metal?
- It's gold.
- Gold is metal.
Team, are you comfortable
as a group
me going with the gold watch?
Christian is
a natural-born leader.
At the end of the day, I know
Christian is all about
the mission
and all about
getting that money.
- Do you have the gold?
- Got it.
- Okay.
- What is going on here?
We suck.
Ladies, this is
your final round.
Stephenie, your team
has added $15,000.
Anjelica, your team
has added nothing.
But this is your chance
to redeem yourselves.
So please focus.
You are looking for
paragraph 61, line nine.
Go forth!
-61, line nine.
- Paragraph 61, line nine.
- 61? Holy shit.
- Geez, 61 paragraphs?
- I know.
- Guys, X is 10, so
- Yeah. And that's five, right?
- Yeah.
- Nine is V, three I's.
- What were the numbers?
- 61, line nine.
Yeah, yeah.
So, start with just count.
-46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
-60, 61, 62, 63
- I thought it was 61.
- 61.
- 61? Okay.
- Yeah.
We can't even count
the paragraphs down.
I was a college athlete.
It's in my DNA
to be competitive.
So, yeah, I'm pretty pissed off.
- "I love a tight hug."
- Yes. Christian.
- It's a snake.
That's not right.
That's all in Latin, guys.
- What is going on here?
- We really need to win this one.
- Is that a snake?
- Yes. Christian.
- Christian.
- It's a snake.
- Is it, though? Is it actually?
- Look at it.
-61, 62, 63
- Look at it. Look at her hair.
- Yeah, there's two of them.
There's some on the side
and on the necklace.
- Go, go, go.
- Let's do it.
- Do you have the gold?
- Shit, yes.
- Yes!
- Good job, you guys.
- Hey!
- Good job, you guys!
I was on the winning team,
which is great.
We worked together,
I've built some camaraderie,
which is essential
for, you know,
what I'm trying to do
as a traitor.
- Wow, we did terrible.
Here he comes.
Here he comes. Here he comes.
- Shh, shh!
Well, players, that was
a very revealing task.
Never have I heard such a din
in my chapel.
You lot did very well.
Four correct answers,
bringing a total of $20,000
to the prize pot.
You lot contributed nothing.
You have disappointed yourselves
and you have disappointed me.
Are cracks in the team's trust
leading to your failure?
So, back to the castle.
As far as memorials go,
this one was a hoot.
- Wow.
- Whoo!
- Ah, good job.
- Well done!
- Someone's got to lose.
Well done, team.
How does it feel?
- We were horrible.
- Ah, home sweet castle.
- Well, that was good.
- That was something!
- Yeah. Ayy! Ay-ay-ay-ay!
- Welcome home.
- $20,000 richer.
- Shall we go to the bar?
- Let's do it, baby.
- Let's go.
I just want you to let you know
I trust you 100%.
- Same. I think
- I think if we don't
vote out Kate,
we're gonna really be
She ain't gonna do shit.
Everyone's gonna vote her out.
I can't stand Kate.
- Yeah.
- It is Kate or Kyle tonight.
You don't think Kyle
is a faithful?
From what everyone said,
it's either Kyle or Kate.
I've really got to work on
convincing people today
to make sure that we all are on
the same page to banish Kate.
We already know
we don't trust Kate.
- Sure don't.
Do not.
Who's pulling the strings
and who's trying to distract us?
Who is Kate going
to stick up for today?
Can I say, um
I'm highly suspicious of Kyle.
I think he is highly suspect.
I think the vote for Ryan
was very strategic
because a bro wouldn't vote out
another bro.
It was to throw
the scent off of Kyle.
He is just about my number two.
I've already been tossed out
Kyle's name.
I feel that it could be
advantageous for the traitors
to tell Kyle
this bit of information.
I got to be
I got to be like
If we're gonna try
to really work
and get the traitors out,
I have to be transparent.
Your name's being
floated around.
Oh, my God.
Did I miss something?
I had no idea
that some people suspected me.
My God, if we voted right now,
I might get a majority.
You guys are barking up
the wrong tree,
unless you got
something to hide.
Earlier this morning,
something was said to me
that I find highly suspect,
and I've kind of
locked in on one.
Again, I'm not gonna name names
'cause I'm just like,
not, like, comfortable
or confident right now.
- Okay. Mm-hmm.
By not sharing his information,
you don't trust me.
And if you don't trust me,
that means you can potentially
target me later.
I'm just letting you know
Look me in the eyes
I'm a faithful.
I need to prove I'm a faithful.
I mean, I'm hoping to still have
some conversations
before we go to the roundtable.
I actually have a strategy,
but it also involves
- I do, too.
- Multiple steps.
I'm just like, the last thing
I want to do is get banished
before I was right
about anything.
That's just embarrassing to me.
I'm telling you right now,
you want to be right about
something I'm not a traitor.
Listen, I don't feel
like voting for you.
Oh, I'm just letting you know
I wasn't gonna vote for you.
Arie, I get a very good read
on you.
I feel like you and I
have thought about things
very, very similarly.
Rachel, some of the same
suspicions you're picking up on,
like, I share, okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, let's do it.
- Do you want to just quickly chat?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Unless
I mean, I'm happy to do it
in front of people.
I don't care.
- No, go ahead. You two go.
Dude, this is so hectic.
There's just not enough time.
- I know.
- I'm just, like, bugging out
because, like,
some people suspect me.
So, like, I'm telling you
right now, I fully trust you.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm gonna tell you this.
Someone came up to me after
Ryan didn't come to breakfast
and said, "At the very end
of the night,
Ryan told me three names"
My name, Arie's name,
and Rachel's name.
They're trying to
The traitor is trying to see
if I take the bait
and start spreading that rumor.
- Is that Cody?
- It's Cody.
I need your help.
- Okay.
Going into the banishment,
I feel confident
that I have the votes
to get Kate out.
Kate is going home.
I feel like I have
slipped up with Kyle.
So now I need to make sure
I do some damage control
that can protect me
to move me forward.
All I want is to banish
a traitor!
Is that too much to ask for?
- And so we meet again
here at the circle of life.
For most of you, anyway.
Your prize pot currently stands
at $114,900.
God, that is an annoying number!
Let's make it $115,000.
You're welcome.
It's an impressive sum,
but if you want to keep it,
you need to get rid
of the traitors.
Take a look around you.
You must know that
some of these people
are lying through their
undeniably perfect teeth.
Be very careful
who you call a friend.
The floor is yours.
- I'd like to start tonight.
So, I've heard a few names
definitely be chirped in my ear.
But I think what stood out
the most to me
was you, Kyle.
Like, I genuinely felt like
we had this good rapport
and I was really
trusting of you.
And then watching you today
kind of just run around
to different groups
and defend yourself, of course,
after hearing your name
being brought up,
that was kind of more
of a sign to me than ever.
I've been 100% genuine with you.
Everything I've said.
Someone said something to me
today that made it clear as day
what the strategy is.
My number one suspect
is someone whose name
has not been brought up.
- Right.
- Well, say it.
- And who is that?
I know that reaching a consensus
is going to be very challenging
at this table,
which is why I was running
around trying to make headway,
trying to actually have
some conversations.
- I'll say this.
You come up on people's one
and/or two and/or three.
That means I have to just
kind of lay it all out there.
Like, alright, Cody.
I think that the only person
here capable of manipulating,
deceiving, lying, stabbing
is someone who's done it before.
- Wow.
- Not once twice.
- Mm-hmm.
But then comes in here
and is oh so quiet,
oh so reserved,
playing the safest,
cautious game.
- Mm-hmm.
And what you told me was that,
"Hey, I was the last person
to talk to Ryan
before we all went to bed.
Ryan told me three names,
and you were one of them."
And I was like, "Okay, well,
who are the other two names?"
And he mentioned Rachel.
And Arie.
Two people that I know
Ryan has never suspected.
So you're telling me,
straight up,
that Ryan said those three names?
- Yeah.
Those three names,
straight to my face.
Cody, really?
What the hell are you doing?
This is not good.
This could be a problem.
- You're telling me, straight up,
that Ryan said those three names?
- Yeah.
Those three names,
straight to my face.
- Can I just
- I know you're a lot like me,
and I know if I was a traitor
right now,
I would be a wreck.
Like, I would be a wreck.
And I'd be afraid to talk
'cause I'd be afraid to mess up
and I'd be afraid to get caught
in a lie, and you're
You've kind of been
a little bit like that.
The game that I played
on "Big Brother,"
it took me a very long time
to actually open up to people
because it takes me a while
to trust people.
There's moments
where I get nervous
because when I have
to try to speak up
in these group settings,
it makes me uncomfortable
Until I'm attacked,
'cause I don't shy away
from being attacked.
Sorry that this game isn't
even close to "Big Brother."
Not the same game.
Well, I don't understand
why we've switched off
from the person that we know
is a traitor Kate
To switch off to Cody.
Why, when we said we were
sacrificing Michael as a group
to see if he was a traitor
or a faithful,
that plan deviated
Because obviously,
he was a faithful.
And if Michael's a faithful,
that means Kate,
who was pushing for it so hard,
has to be a traitor.
- I was just wrong.
We've been wrong
about all of them.
I mean, I know that Kate,
she has a big personality,
and I do feel that she's doing
a lot of self-damage.
But for some reason, I don't
believe she is a traitor.
I do not believe someone
would be as boisterous as her,
because I feel like she's just
trying to figure it out.
24 hours ago, you were willing
to put your neck on the line,
say, "Banish me
if I'm wrong about Michael."
- Yeah, do it.
- And I jumped on that bandwagon.
I mean, I do think Kate
is a traitor.
- Yeah, I know.
I am so loyal,
I don't even want you guys
to waste the banish on me.
- But here's the thing, Kate.
How many people have you named
at this table?
- Oh, so many.
- Just do me a favor.
Go around and name them.
- Okay.
- Just do me a favor.
- I've suspected everybody
at some point.
- No, you haven't.
Keep naming them.
- I've been very open.
So, you.
- I'm so confused.
I'm trying to analyze
in this moment
where my mind is gonna go.
- Players, time for talk is over.
It is now the time
to vote.
To have numerous people
that I was like getting closer
and closer and closer
to trusting
be bringing my name up,
it's not what I thought
was in store for me.
Nothing that comes out
of Kate's mouth is a truth,
and she has literally been able
to manipulate her way
through the game thus far.
Like, let's get Kate out.
I don't want to blow up my game
after getting this far.
I'm gonna have to be
very calculated with my vote
and make sure
whoever I vote for does go home.
- Slates down.
Players, it's now time
to reveal your votes.
We're going to begin with Cody.
- So, my vote is for you, Kyle.
I don't like
how you spread information.
That was me sharing
something with you
that I was hoping
I could connect with.
And now you're using it
against me,
which is gonna put
a target on my back.
And so, I'm voting for you.
- Shelbe.
- Kyle, I am voting for you.
I think that you have a skill
of telling the group
what we should be thinking,
what we should say,
when is the best time
to come up with strategies,
when we should not?
And so for that reason,
I had to vote for you.
- Anjelica.
- Kyle, I voted for you.
After hearing all of
the information and stories
that everybody has told tonight,
I had to vote for you.
I'm sorry.
- Three votes for Kyle.
- No surprise.
Kate, I truly believe
you are a traitor.
- Okay. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Kyle.
- Voted for Kate.
I was gonna vote for Cody.
Just from
a pure numbers standpoint,
didn't have an opportunity
to really
kind of steer the narrative.
Kate, I've kind of been
50/50 on you.
I think if you're a traitor,
you're kind of reckless.
I think if you're a faithful,
you're kind of reckless.
- Rachel.
- I voted Kate. No surprise.
I think you're manipulative.
I think you're
the puppet master.
And I just
I think you're a traitor.
- Okay.
- Three votes for Kyle.
Three votes for Kate.
Everything to play for.
- I voted for you, Kyle.
- Cirie.
- So
I voted for you, Kyle.
I guess there's a common theme
to how you don't
share information.
And the people that I trust
as faithfuls
and believe are faithfuls,
we share information openly.
And that's why I voted for you.
- Amanda.
- I voted for Kate.
- Kate.
This isn't tit for tat,
'cause I wrote it down
at the same time,
but I voted for you, Kyle.
I just felt like your answers
were so long
and it sounded like you
wanted to keep something.
And also, you are very smart
and like a good leader,
so I think you'd be good
at that role.
So, we have six votes for Kyle
and four votes for Kate.
With three votes left,
if Andie votes for Kyle,
Kyle will be banished
from the game.
So, Andie?
- With three votes left,
if Andie votes for Kyle,
Kyle will be banished
from the game.
So, Andie?
- Kyle, I voted for you.
The behavior change in you today
really kind of threw me off.
I truly am sorry
if you are a faithful
because I respect you
as a person
and I hope outside of this
we can continue that rapport.
- Arie.
- Sorry, buddy.
And with the final vote,
- Oh, I went with you, Kyle.
I'm sorry.
So, Kyle, you have received
the most votes
and have been banished
from the game.
Please come forward
to the circle of truth.
Kyle, before you leave
the game forever,
reveal to us
Are you a faithful or a traitor?
For being someone
who's outspoken
and extroverted as I am,
I actually do get nervous
in these types of situations.
I mean, look, my behavior
changed today
because I actually started
to figure it out
and I just didn't have
enough time to circulate
and share and figure out
who I can trust and who I can't.
I'm a faithful.
- Ohh!
- Sorry.
- Y'all got played yet again.
So congratulations.
Take note of who's planting
those seeds
'cause you guys
are watering them
and you're making them grow.
- Thank you, Alan.
- Thank you, Kyle.
- Peace out.
- You'll be missed, Kyle.
- Faithful, faithful, faithful.
What is going on here?
You're overthinking it.
- Yeah.
Or maybe you're not
thinking at all.
And so, to bed.
The days have eyes,
the nights have ears,
and unfortunately
for one of you,
the traitors have
a murderous plan.
Sleep well.
Cody brought suspicion
onto himself
because there was
no reason for Cody
to say anything that Ryan,
who was murdered, said.
Why would you do that?
It makes zero sense.
- Oh, man.
No, that was so intense.
Holy shit.
Now I need to make sure
I do some damage control.
To be 100% honest,
I only mentioned it to Kyle
'cause I didn't want your name
to get into circulation
based off of Ryan.
Yeah, well, thank you for that,
and I think that's
I was like, what am I gonna do,
say the person that left
And I literally chose
to tell him in confidence
in hopes that his name
didn't get out there.
And so I didn't want your name
to get out there
or Rachel's name to be like,
the one that's like,
oh, the guy that left the house
is spreading
through the house now,
all based off of Cody.
Yeah, that's a perfect excuse.
You know what I mean?
- I know if I was a traitor,
I would have loved
what just went on tonight,
especially that Kyle
just showed up as a faithful.
Stephenie was someone that
I was so, so questionable of.
I'm super suspicious
of Stephenie.
- I'm like 98 it's Cody.
I mean, he has been on my list
since day one in the game.
And I didn't want
to say anything
'cause I didn't want
to get murdered that early.
Kyle told me
it's definitely Cody.
And now he's gone.
So we have got to get Cody out.
He knows I'm onto him.
Cody knows I'm onto him.
It's been such
a freaking long day.
- I'm exhausted.
Hopefully see you guys
at breakfast,
and I'm not murdered.
Goodnight. Sleep well.
Following on from the loss
of Kyle at the roundtable,
the faithful have been dealt
another blow.
Amanda has had
to leave the castle
for reasons beyond her control.
But the game must go on.
And tonight, things are going
to take a surprising turn
for the traitors.
- What a day.
Not the best roundtable
for the traitors.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You know what?
I shouldn't even say traitors.
Not the best roundtable
for your boy.
Thing is,
it wasn't even premeditated.
- Right.
- Like, what the you doing?
I said it to him in that moment
thinking like,
"Oh, maybe this
will gain trust."
And it had the opposite effect.
Honestly, at that point,
I was like, "I think I'm done."
I think Cody's shaken
a little bit.
I just think he's going
a unique way about this
with who he is defending,
how his name's
getting brought up.
People are onto him.
It was my way to try
to build trust with Kyle.
- Mm-hmm.
- And it obviously backfired.
It was a big time
- Yo!
- Oh, shit.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
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