The Traitors UK (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

This programme contains
some strong language.
Previously, the players arrived
at this Scottish castle
to play the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
After some players fell at
the starting blocks
I'm afraid it's goodbye. No!
..we threw in a hurdle of my own.
You're going to choose three players
to put on trial.
You will murder one of them.
And with three people targeted
Ivan, Alex and John.
No surprise there.
..the Traitors had thrown
this castle into chaos.
Alex isn't a Traitor, straight up.
She's my girlfriend.
You two have been lying
all the way through!
But who will be banished tonight?
It's Alex. I am telling you,
Ivan is a Traitor.
Alex. Alex. Ivan.
Ivan. So it is down to
the final vote.
Amanda, who do you believe
is a Traitor?
We stand at six votes for Alex,
six votes for Ivan,
so it is really down
to the final vote.
Amanda, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
It's fine, Amanda.
The tension around that table
is immense.
It was truly a horrible environment
to be in, really.
In the end, I had the casting vote
between Ivan and Alex.
I really hated
what you two done today.
I think it was absolutely terrible.
I know it's a game,
but to stand there and lie,
well, I just find it
morally, morally wrong.
..I'm going with Ivan.
Oh, thank God!
Sorry. I'm so sorry.
So, Ivan, you have received
the most votes.
Please come up here and join me.
Oh, Ivan!
Ivan, before you reveal whether
you're a Traitor or a Faithful,
would you like to say anything
to the group? Yeah.
No hard feelings.
I came here to play a game,
and today that's exactly what I got.
This was fun.
Tom, this was your big flourish.
And here's the prestige.
That was not my card.
I'm a Faithful. Yes!
I knew it, I knew it!
I was going to go for Hannah
Come on! Kill me tomorrow.
Kill me. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm not being funny, Tom.
You were convinced it was him
I know. ..and I knew it
Kill me tomorrow.
But maybe you can't read people
as well as you've said you can.
True, true. And all
he's done tonight
is tell you exactly what to do
and you've done it.
And now there's another one
that's gone.
The Traitors are still among you.
They are playing
an extraordinary game.
Tonight, Alex and John,
as you are on trial,
one of you will be murdered.
The rest of you,
I'll see you tomorrow.
I think people are well aware,
because of my career,
I can be very manipulating.
I can manipulate people.
I can, like, convince people to do
what I needed them to do.
But I
I was wrong.
Oh, Ivan, you fucking lovely human.
Why would I do that?
Alex is still here.
# Someone has the power
# Someone holds the key #
I feel so shit that I
He swayed me. He did sway me.
Who did? Tom? Tom.
I cannot allow a man especially
to walk into that room
and tell people what to do But
that deflects everything, darling.
But to then say I don't care,
I'm not bothered.
For some reason, Tom's had huge
influence over that room tonight.
That's why Ivan went.
And everybody's now regretting it.
I think everybody
just didn't know what to do.
And they wanted someone
to lead the way.
But they made a very big mistake.
If you are a Traitor,
John will go home.
But that's not true
That's the fact of the matter.
Matt, I'm telling you right now,
it's not facts. But, OK, believe it.
Ivan, he's gone.
We banished him - stupidly -
so myself and John
are up for trial tonight,
and I know that I will probably
get murdered
and I won't be here tomorrow.
We need to say goodbye
because one of us is going to go.
I know. 100%.
How would I feel
if I was murdered tonight?
Yeah, I'd be gutted,
if I was really honest.
And I'm not ready to go.
See you, guys!
# This is how villains are made #
Now that the players have departed
for their individual lodgings,
the Traitors can return
to strike again.
The murdering hour has begun.
Oh, my God! And breathe!
It's the sigh of relief every time.
Do you know what?
We had a winner today.
They're all now getting so intense.
They're all cracking.
We have got them where we want them.
I love it.
We've got Alex and John left.
We have to murder
one of them tonight.
Alex has got to go.
We've got to break that pair up.
I don't know. Tom's gone,
no matter what.
No matter what, right?
Alex is gone, no matter what.
No-one cares about her.
Like, they want her out,
they want him out, cos they lied.
John is a threat to me
because he's the only one
that will listen to Maddy.
Just think about it now.
Think about it logically.
What we've done so far is working,
OK? Yeah.
If we kick John out, that's going to
get everyone's back up.
A lot of people are on board
with us
But they're all going to look at
Tom and Alex.
No, I don't think they are.
I think we're doing the right thing.
Last night, the Traitors murdered
yet another Faithful.
But will it be John or Alex
making it to breakfast?
Oh, God! Where is everybody?
Good morning!
Good morning, my love!
It was nice to see Amanda,
because I could just be open
about being a Traitor, but also at
the same time, I'm just terrified.
Who has their ear in a glass to
the door? So we had to be careful.
I feel like I'm living Yeah.
..a double life, as it were.
We are.
Do you find it difficult?
Yeah, do you? I'm finding it
really difficult.
Yeah, it's more the guilt
that's killing me.
To be honest, as much as I say that
it's a facade,
me being innocent and naive,
I think this experience
has taught me that maybe I am.
I thought it'd be so much more
easier separating players
from people, but no-one gets it
like Will and Amanda.
No-one else is going to understand
how I'm feeling.
It's exhausting.
You know, you think before you speak
all the time.
My children would be like this,
"I knew you could do
Father Christmas, but this?
"This is to another level, Mum!"
I guess we'll just have to
Hello! Hello!
Good morning!
I think everybody was
in a much better mood already.
There wasn't as much anticipation
as there has been
over the past couple of days.
I think we were all just waiting
for Alex or John.
So, if you think Alex is going to
come in the door, put your hand up.
It makes sense for her to.
I don't.
And then if you think John?
Well, this is a big old divide,
If Alex comes in,
I mean, I have it in my head
that she's a Traitor anyway,
but if she does come in, then
that really solidifies my suspicion.
If John comes in, then John's
going to have to be a suspect.
I think there has to be one Traitor
on trial. Has to be one Traitor.
I convinced myself that John
was a Traitor, and because of that,
I was prepared to not see Alex.
Oh, it's not fun!
Come in! Come in!
Hey! Hello, everybody.
If we keep Alex and Tom in
They'll think Alex is
..they'll think Alex is the Traitor
or him. And all eyes
We just need the eyes to be away
from us.
So Let's get John out.'s John. Let's go for John.
Are we happy with John?
Agreed? Yeah. Yeah, agreed.
"Dear John, by order of the
Traitors, you have been murdered.
"Signed, the Traitors."
I was popular. People liked me.
So maybe it was, you know,
a target on my back.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Whatever everyone does think
of John,
he was a big part of all of us.
To John? To John!
To John!
You were well liked.
Yes. Look at him there. I know.
We've got rid of
a lovely person, John.
But we've got now
Alex is a big suspect.
We got to do what we got to do.
It's a game to play, and we're in it
to win it, as they are.
It's us or them.
Yesterday, I was quite withdrawn
and I was down.
And that's simply because
yesterday was not fun for me.
When you vote tonight,
really think about it
because I can assure you it's not
me. You'll be wasting a vote.
I hope everyone
has a nicer day today.
I don't buy it, I'm sorry.
I think her and Tom are a team,
whether they're Faithfuls or not.
I don't know how I feel
about that still.
I'm still a bit confused
about the whole thing.
Morning, everybody!
Morning! Good morning, Claudia.
Alex, you survived being on trial.
Yeah. John, however, did not,
sowe're going to take him down.
So, we're in for a great day.
I've got a quick question for you.
Are your brains switched on?
No. Anything but.
I'm going to ask again -
I'd like a resounding yes.
Are your brains switched on?
I will see you in church.
I've sinned a bit too much.
I might burn!
I can't quite stop thinking about
Alex and Tom.
I mean, I just think that, look,
right, when we all came in here,
there was a chance that one of us
could be a Traitor.
Yeah? It was one in 22, whatever.
The chances of both of those being
Faithfuls is far less than us
It's one in ten. Yeah, exactly it.
It's Exactly it. One in 11.
His job is reading people
and manipulating people.
Yeah, and he did
He did convert everybody to Ivan.
I still think Tom's really smug.
I still think Alex
is a bit of an actress.
I don't want to be
under their control,
but there's a lot more suspicion
on other people now.
So, I dunno, I just want to get
a Traitor out.
We need to look at
And I think Alyssa is a really
good example of this.
You need to look at the people
who have not been either way
saying anything.
She is also winding me up
in the sense that I was like,
"I don't care if you put my name
down, that's fine,
"but give me a good idea" Oh,
did she vote for you, yeah? Yeah.
And the reason was, "Because I just
can't think of anyone."
Obviously, like, people are going to
start looking at everyone now
cos it's getting smaller, people
are going, talking about Alyssa.
I'm like, "I'm just going to go
with it to keep myself safe."
So I was like, "I have to get
involved in conversations,"
but I have to keep just, like,
downplaying it as much as I can.
Do you think it's Alyssa?
Yeah, I do.
And I feel bad. Now I feel
But now I'm not even convinced,
because I was convinced on That's
the thing. I react emotionally.
I just said
that would break my heart.
No, but I've been convinced on Ivan
and then look what happened.
Looked like a mug. And now, like,
could just be,
you know, accusing Alyssa,
and then she's just innocent.
I don't know.
She's the only one really
that I'm
..that I am suspecting now.
I feel like I just need to look.
I just need to probably
do it myself.
Do you know why I think it's her?
It's because if I was
given the role of Traitor,
I would play it exactly like her.
What does Alyssa do?
Business studies.
Cos she wants to become
an estate agent.
I don't believe that.
I don't believe
she wants to be an estate agent.
Yeah, I know, but if
you were a Traitor,
why would you lie about anything
else? Cos that's hard enough.
Maybe she's trying to hide how
intelligent she is. I don't know.
I've thrown out who I think
is a suspect, in my opinion,
but I'm still planting seeds.
Keep Tom and I safe in this game.
With the prize pot
sitting at £39,700,
the Traitors and Faithfuls
head off on another mission
where they must work together
in order to add money
to the final prize.
Oh! What do you think
it's going to be?
Hello and welcome.
I just walked into that room,
and as I walk in, I just see
all these people in a suit
as if they're at a funeral.
That was creepy enough already.
It had me wondering,
"What is going on here?"
That was bone chilling.
Honestly, my goose bumps
had goose bumps.
Players, welcome.
In this mission,
we remember those we've lost either
from murder or from banishment.
Here's how it's going to work.
There will be four rounds.
You're going to be split into
two teams.
You're split by the aisle.
Are you happy with this team?
You're happy with this team?
One of your team will come and
join me in the confessional booth,
and I will verbally guide you
to a short riddle
that then you will find here
in this, The Book Of Traitors.
Each group must solve that riddle,
and that will lead you to an item
worn by a member of
this congregation.
If you identify the correct item,
they will reward you with
£2,000 worth of gold.
But finding them won't be easy.
You're racing against each other.
Now, players, I've got something
really juicy for you now.
The team that gets
the most correct answers
then has the chance to win a shield,
protection against murder tonight.
Oh, my!
Not against banishment,
but against murder.
Claudia announces that someone
could win the shield.
Brilliantif you're a Faithful.
Not so good if you're a Traitor.
So, you are playing for gold
and you are playing for immunity,
to gain protection
from murder tonight.
The stakes could not be higher.
Enjoy your time in church, and
I will see you for your confessions.
Let the code breaking begin.
Nice hat!
Go, go, go!
Walk fast, walk fast!
Big steps, Theo. Big steps!
Any confessions you'd like to make?
Erm I stole some fudge
when I was a kid.
I'll take that. OK.
Here we go. Mm-hm.
The riddle you seek can be found
in paragraph 17,
line three.
Claudia would give us a paragraph
and how many lines down,
and we'd run back to the group. They
then look through this massive book,
and this line would be a sentence
and the sentence would be a riddle.
17. Chapter 17.
I'm going to go again,
I'm going to go again. 17, line 3.
17, line 3.
You're joking, babe.
Not by choice.
OK. What do you need?
Just the paragraph and line.
Paragraph 17, line 3. Run!
Feel like Theo's my son.
Paragraph 17, line 3. There.
Oh, a dragonfly!
I am a sucker for a riddle.
We would decode it and then
find something
with that defining feature.
They're all wearing some
sort of, like, badge or hat.
And then if we got it right,
we have the gold.
Sun. A star.
It could be a sun.
It could be a sun.
Yeah, I'm going to check for those
things Star. It's a star!
Yeah, it has to be.
It has to be a star or a sun.
There's a star scarf over there.
I think it's a star.
There's a sunflower.
No. No. It's a lemon. It's not that.
Star scarf. Star scarf.
Yeah, OK, go for it.
Hello. Have you got the gold?
£2,000 banked.
Oh, well done! Well done, well done!
Sorted that out.
Hello, Alyssa. Hello, Alex. Hi.
The riddle you seek can be found
in paragraph 4, line 12.
Paragraph 4, line 12.
It's an instrument.
Strings. Strings.
Strings is an instrument. Song.
I'm personally not brilliant
at riddles,
but I knew Alex, she's very good.
Tom, obviously, he's going to be
very good at riddles.
I thought we would work well
together as a team.
Rainbow Yes,
there's a rainbow bag.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
It's not rainbow. It's not rainbow.
When it's paired
It's WHEN paired, when paired.
Come on, guys, get it!
Let's build the prize fund.
Otherwise I'll just spend that money
on eyeliner. Nobody wants that.
Feather, like bird That's what
I thought. Like a feather
It's not a dragonfly, is it?
Maybe go for a bow,
but a different spelling.
No, a different spelling.
Oh, that. Oh, my God, yes!
That's genius!
Am I right? Yeah, go for it.
Go for it.
Do you have the gold?
Well done, guys!
I told you it was a bow.
We had it. I told you!
I was so close to getting
that bow thing right.
And it was
Well done, teams. One apiece.
Here we go. You ready? Yes.
The riddle you seek can be found
in paragraph 25, line four. Go.
I think in this mission, everyone
was thinking about the money,
but the only thing I could think of
was the shield -
cos in this game,
you could be killed at any point
and that makes you powerless.
And that shield, that's power
all of a sudden you're getting back,
even if just for one night.
I think it's a looking glass.
Are there any others? Go on, then!
You reckon? Have you got the gold?
Andrea's team have got
two correct answers so far.
Amanda's team has one.
Final round, final chance
to win some gold.
If Andrea's team win the next round,
they've got the chance
to win a shield
..and protection from murder.
The riddle you seek can be found
in paragraph 61, line 9.
Andrea, like a whippet!
It's a snake.
It's a snake, it's a
snake, it's a snake, it's a snake!
Left-hand side? Tom! Go, Will!
Go, Will! Will, go!
Go! It's definitely that one.
Have you got the money?!
No, no, Matt! Matt, no, no.
Can I have the gold, please?
Well done. Well done, everyone.
Well done. Smashed it.
So, well done, teams.
You both got two riddles correctly,
so now it's time for
the tie-breaker.
You are playing for the chance
to protect yourselves
from tonight's murder. Good luck.
Guys, don't let the pressure
get to your head.
Let's just do as well as we've
been doing. Let's focus.
I wanted that so much
cos it just means
that I'll have a full night's sleep.
The riddle you seek can be found
in paragraph 51
..line 7. Go!
Love a tie-break!
Chapter 51, line 7.
Paragraph 51, line 7.
Quick, quick!
It's here, it's here!
I had to keep my head in the game.
Kept pushing through.
We still have hope to get
to that shield.
Flower Sunflower, sunflower!
Which one?! Sunflower!
It's overwhelming. Like, I want
to be in the winning team.
Obviously, I want the shield.
Are you sure? Yes. Do it.
Have you got the gold?
Well done, kids. Well done.
Well done, guys. We smashed that.
What was really nice is that
even though me and Alex and Tom
had our differences yesterday,
we came together as a team
and, like, we did
really, really well.
I'm really proud of everyone today.
A huge well done.
£8,000 added to the prize fund.
Now, this team,
you won the tie-breaker,
so you are in with a chance to get
protection from murder tonight.
Team, you did really well
in finding that gold
from our lovely
congregation members.
Shall we thank some of them?
Stand up, please.
Kieran and Amos did not
leave the game on Day 1.
You can only leave The Traitors
if you are murdered or banished.
I've had them hidden away separately
and they are now coming back
to play the game.
Confused. Even more confused
than I was yesterday.
I just That was not even
in my mind, I must say.
Kieran, Amos, please go and join
your fellow players.
Amos and Kieran are back.
It was such a surprise.
For them to come back
at the same time, it's like "Yes!"
Then I was like, "That's another two
people I have to murder." Like
I can't believe it. That is sick!
Here's the thing.
Are they joining you as Faithful
or Traitors?
"Dear Amos, welcome back."
"You are entering the game
as a Faithful."
"You are entering the game
as a Faithful."
Let the rest of the game begin.
I mean, wait, you haven't
found the Traitor?
No, it's impossible.
I'm just putting it out there.
I'm a Faithful.
But if you've got no Traitors
out, they're going to add more
Traitors in.
And I'm a Faithful. I would
not come in if I wasn't a Faithful,
I would have left.
So we're a couple, by the way.
There we go. Oh, wow. OK.
Thanks for the information.
OK. So who are you
guys suspicious of?
Tom. Yeah. I'm a
little bit suspicious of Tom.
Which is fair, because I got it,
I basicallyI basically stood
up and I completely voted out
a Faithful, which is bad.
It's what you don't do in this game.
OK. But that was not my aim.
So go on, then.
What are you, Faithful?
100% Faithful, 100%, yeah.
I'm ready to play the game.
I think from when I come in,
to what I've seen today,
Alex's whole demeanour has changed.
She wasn't the Alex what I left in
the car that she is today.
That's my first red flag to me,
without a shadow of a doubt.
Come in. Come in.
Look at this.
Hey, you haven't been to the castle.
I haven't been to the.
Phoar, this is amazing.
I'm back, baby.
I'm back and it really feels good.
I'm so glad you're here.
Mate, this is the nuts.
Oh, mate.
Is it privately owned or is it?
Oh, it's owned by the Traitors.
I'm very happy to be back.
Definitely very pleased to be back.
So I'm just trying to get myself
settled in as quick as I can.
Short chat, quickly.
Are you a Traitor?
100% no.
You passed the test.
We've banished Faithfuls the whole
time, so we're playing pretty shit.
I'm hoping we bring a nice
little thing to the game, mate,
and we'll take someone out tonight,
basically, so I think
We'll see. I'll be buzzing if we do.
Yeah, there's guys down there.
Oh, do you even know where you are?
Fucking no.
So let me explain it.
So that's the bar. Yeah.
And library. This is beautiful.
Hello. Please, could I have
the winning team?
That's you. That's you.
Oh, that is you.
Claudia's called, we've got to go.
Please meet me in the bar.
So, huge well done on
winning the mission.
I really just want to tell
you that this castle
is also full of secrets.
Like this.
Oh, my days.
Oh, my God. I like that.
In there is my armoury.
You will each enter the
armoury alone.
When you go in there,
there is a multitude of chests.
Choose one.
Open it.
If it contains a shield,
you will have protection
from murder tonight.
It does not protect
you from banishment. Oh.
So that's awkward.
It protects you from death,
but not democracy. Yeah.
I like that.
If you do get a shield must decide whether to
tell your fellow players,
or whether to keep it a secret.
Oh, this is deep, man. Ah!
Why is it never straightforward?
You can't just make it simple.
A shield is powerful.
You will sleep well.
I'm going to let you think
about this.
Enormous luck.
I'll see you at the Round Table.
Straight away, I don't think we
should say it, let's not risk it.
Why risk it? Yeah, why risk it?
Like the Traitors shouldn't
vote for any of us?
Yeah. Because one of us
is too risky.
There's a one-in-seven chance
that they're going to get it wrong.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God, so if
we tell them that, they're just
going to leave us alone.
Hopefully. Oh, my God. Yes!
We collectively agreed that
we wouldn't disclose to anybody
who actually won the shield.
Technically, we've all got a shield.
Oh, my God. That's so sick.
Tom came up with that idea.
I thought, "Hang on, mate,
this is tiring."
So, yeah. You've got to go.
You've got to go.
You can't come up with game
plays like that.
Please don't disappoint me.
This is very scary.
Oh, there we go.
Let's go with this one.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
This is cool.
I'll try that, yes, please.
Looks like I haven't got
much choice.
We'll take it.
I got the shield.
So I just need to
get through this Round Table.
As long as I get
through that Round Table,
I'll be seeing you at breakfast.
I'm coming to be filled in. Oh, God.
Because I want to talk to all you
guys. Wait, wait, wait.
So before that even happens,
tell us about you first.
Uh, I'm a GP.
How long you been doing it?
Qualified a year ago.
Been a doctor since 2016.
How old are you? 30.
I know we're double questioning
you OK
..but honestly, when you are
in here, that's how you get.
Well, as long as you've not got
the poisoned chalice, you're safe.
What's the chalice?
Are you a Traitor?
I'm not a Traitor.
I'm just not a Traitor.
Tell me, if you want to,
who you're suspicious of.
Oh, up here with Alex and Tom
at the moment, because they did
literally live A lie. ..a lie.
We never suspected
they were together at all.
To keep that up is You've got
to be a good liar.
It's the most tangible evidence
we've had so far. Yes.
Wow. Obviously everybody is
saying they're Faithfuls.
Yeah. Yeah.
No-one really knows anything
in this game.
I'm excited to see how people
are at the Round Table and see
if I can spot the Traitors.
The players are about to meet
for another Round Table banishment.
But the question is,
can the Traitors keep hidden
and will we see yet another
Faithful banished from the game?
We really, really, really
need to get a Traitor tonight.
There are a couple of names
being bandied about.
It's a very difficult one
for me tonight.
I have no idea, at this moment,
who I'm going to vote for.
Going into the Round Table,
I was like,
I have to convince it's Alyssa,
and I have to, like,
keep me and Alex in.
Ideally, at the Round Table,
I don't want anyone to mention my
name unless it's in defence.
I think what's getting
to me the most is the guilt.
You know, it's eating me up inside.
I'm happy to be back,
but I'm shitting my pants,
so it's level ten in there.
I've severely underestimated
how things have ramped up
very, very quickly.
It's time for the Round Table.
Today you added £8,000
to the prize pot.
So the total is now £47,700.
We have two new individuals with us.
Welcome to Amos and Kieran.
It's your first day in the castle.
So tonight, I'm afraid you won't get
a vote at this table.
It also means that you are exempt
from banishment and murder.
But tomorrow you are fair game.
So there are Traitors here.
The question is, who are they?
Who would like to begin?
Can I just say,
as the winning team,
we all had an opportunity
to get a shield.
We were told that we could either
be transparent about it and we could
tell everyone, or we
could keep it to ourselves.
Collectively, we have decided
that we would be stupid to say it,
because to the Traitors
who are in the room, everybody
who was part of that winning team
has potentially got a shield now.
And if you vote for one of us
to kill us, then that means
that your murder will be completely
void and we will all still
be at breakfast tomorrow morning.
The shield protects you from murder,
but not from banishment. Yeah, yeah.
I would like to apologise
for my actions yesterday.
Especially for you, Hannah.
I was wrong. Fair play.
I did put myself on the line,
which I felt like I had to do
in the moment.
I am Faithful.
Like, it is not me.
But I also fully respect if you
want to put my name on your card.
And I'm going to echo
what Tom said, as well.
I am Faithful and I still believe
you would be wasting your vote.
Currently, it almost feels
like we have no empirical evidence
to go and vote for anyone
and everyone feels
just as lost as each other,
so we would be the easy vote.
Can I just ask a question?
How could you have been so certain
that it was Ivan?
I fully believed it was him.
That's why I was getting
close to him.
I was playing the game of
get close to him.
That's why I thought I was still
here, to be honest with you.
The reason I thought,
and I genuinely believe,
I'm still here is
..I thought I would be
killed off very early
because I said I was a magician,
but I thought the reason
I'm still here
is because I've secretly got
a Traitor onside.
I want to stay in this game.
I'm enjoying it.
I'll admit it.
I really, really am.
I feel like you need to stop
manipulating people, though,
if you're a Faithful.
I'm not going to lie.
No, no. True. It's what I do for
a living, trust me, and I had to
And do you know what? I will hold
my hands up that I went full,
like, convincing mode to try
and save my girlfriend.
I will fight my last battle
and I'll say what I think.
The thing in my head with it is,
in the nicest way possible
to you and Alex,
you both lied to us all Yeah. start off with.
And that is the most
compelling argument for us
and do you know what? It's the
only argument we've got, actually.
Exactly. Well, I've got one.
I've got one.
Go on. Which
No, no, no, I've got one.
The first thing,
everyone voted Nicky
and Nicky was a Faithful,
apart from Aaron
voted Imran, right?
They knew who the Faithful was
OK. they wanted to appear good,
so they thought,
"Let me vote for the person
"that's, like, someone else,"
because they know Nicky
is a Faithful.
So he voted Imran.
So I was immediately, like,
Aaron is a Traitor from that.
The next day,
a few of us voted Aaron
and we nearly got him out.
But as we were going round,
Wilf voted Aaron.
Aaron then runs out of the room
because a Traitor
has backstabbed another Traitor.
I've just thought, as a Faithful,
we should approach this,
go for Will
and then at least
if we know Will's a Traitor,
it will work out that Aaron
definitely is one.
But I'm not. You're just going
to get rid of a Faithful
who's in the game to try
and get Traitors.
We're playing the tactics,
then we're ahead of the game.
Can I ask a favour? I don't
mind you coming at me all the time.
You do it as much as you can.
I'm going to. Listen.
But can you please actually help us
find other Traitors, as well?
Like, can you not be blindsided
by me?
You can still come at me as much
as you want,
but can you please open your
minds to what's around you?
Yeah. And I think that's fair.
Like, Maddy keeps going for me
and, like,
I can't get too confident
about this because, like,
it might literally mess me up,
but people are laughing
because they're like,
"Will's definitely a Faithful."
Like, that gives me confidence.
I want to raise my suspicions.
Alyssa, I do think it's you.
I think it's you, because if I was
given the role of Traitor,
I'd play it exactly
like you're playing it,
which is to be only spoken
when spoken to
..not really say much when you do
speak and not give any accusations,
so to kind of hide in the shadows
a bit and I think that's very smart.
To be honest,
I know this sounds stupid,
but the way I see a lot of you,
I see you as adults and I don't
spend a lot of time with adults,
so the whole thing
is just a little bit scary.
I would hate for me, being genuinely
shy and intimidated
by this whole thing would be the
reason that people put me up there.
As you said,
someone is a Traitor here.
Two, three, four of you
are Traitors.
You know, we don't bloody know!
It's crazy.
We are picking at straws.
You have overdramatised sometimes,
but I don't think
I'm just struggling here. are
a Traitor after listening to that,
to your passion, you know.
It's nerve-wracking to hear that
my name
is being thrown
around the Round Table.
You know, as difficult
as I'm finding it,
it's probably a good thing
in hindsight,
just so I can actually prove myself
as a Faithful.
Can I say as well that I am
suspicious of you too, Rayan?
Why? You pull the shy card,
but I know you're not shy.
I'm not playing that game.
You hide in the shadows.
Some people made that point
but when I'm in the car,
I have conversation with people.
I don't think I'm blending in.
No, I think that's quite
an unfair description.
If you were a Traitor,
you'd have known Ivan was Faithful,
so you would have felt comfortable
having that conversation.
I try to have conversations
with people.
Some people have seen
that yesterday
I spent all of the evening yesterday
trying to put down to paper
to fill some sort of spreadsheet
to read people's body language,
to figure out who are the Traitors.
So yes You've told us that,
but of course you would do
that if you were a Traitor.
That's your guise. Yeah, but
then so would a Faithful do that.
That's the whole point
of the role we have
as a Faithful, it's to find the
Traitors. That doesn't say anything.
As a Traitor you want to blend in.
All you're saying is I'm behaving
as a Faithful,
that must mean I'm a Traitor.
That makes no sense to me. OK.
I've got a couple of theories.
I now think In my mind,
I don't think Alex is a Traitor.
I'm going to turn back to you, Tom.
You look scared.
You look like Aaron did.
I was thinking to myself,
"Oh, Tom's a magician.
"It's all about deception.
"It's all about what you see." No.
No, let me say, that's how I feel.
I hear what you're saying.
And I can't change the way I feel,
I might be totally wrong,
forgive me.
If I'm not here tomorrow,
you'll know.
Just in response to that,
whether you're a Faithful
or a Traitor,
you're lying in some way.
You're not lying as a Faithful.
You've got nothing to hide.
The three people on trial -
Ivan, Alex and John -
we allhe convinced us all,
as he did, to get rid of Ivan.
These two are not going to lie
to each other. They're together.
So maybe their theory was,
let's put one of us up
for that three
You think we're both Traitors?
..because One of you may be,
because you'd cohese. Absolutely.
The only evidence
that we have is the fact
that you two admitted that you lied,
so we do have some evidence.
We have to decide now whether or not
that's enough for us to vote.
I am not a Traitor.
Like, it's not a double
double bluff.
Players, it's time to vote.
Oh, we've got to vote. Oh, no.
Who are you going to banish?
Who in your midst is lying?
Write the name of the Traitor down.
Have you all locked in your answers?
Tom, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I wrote Alyssa.
I'm a Faithful. I had to go for
who I thought
gave me the best opportunity to stay
in the game.
Thank you.
I'm voting Will. Oh!
If you do the crime,
you've got to do the time.
I believe Alex is a Traitor.
Realistically, seeing the couple
and seeing how you've lied
and you've lied,
you've lied well,
and I'll give you that, genuinely,
it's looking like
it's one of you.
I've gone the other way.
I've gone Tom.
Tom, I have no idea if you
are or you aren't,
but I think you actually made
a monumental fuck-up yesterday.
For me, that's it.
Let's have a vote check.
It's one for Alyssa, one for Will,
one for Alex and one for Tom.
Alex, who did you vote for and why?
Rayan, sorry, I went with you.
Alyssa did manage to convince me.
Maybe rightly or wrongly,
I don't know,
but you didn't, so I'm sorry.
I actually went for Tom.
Ivan isn't sat
in that chair right now
and I think that's probably
more because of you,
because I do genuinely believe
that he still should be sat there.
I went for Alex.
Meryl, who have you voted
for and why?
After yesterday,
with Ivan's situation,
I just was so persuaded.
That's the only reason.
But I do think you're amazing
and very intelligent.
Thanks for putting my name, Meryl.
So, I put Alex.
The reason I put Alex is basically
I'm not sure if the Traitors
took us for a ride by mentioning
three people that aren't Traitors,
but I genuinely have no idea
who that person could be.
The other theory is one Traitor
is there, you're the person left.
So They've set you up so well.
I'm really sorry. I'm sorry,
they're so genius.
I'm just watching this all play out.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I went for Alex. I'm really sorry.
Don't apologise. Alyssa,
you did manage to convince me.
I can't go any further
in this process without saying
that you both lied
and I can't ignore it,
so I'm sorry.
Tom, I mean, you're one of the most
amazing guys I've ever met,
but I have to take the emotion
out of it.
For Ivan being gone
and you being at the centre
of that decision.
So, a count check, then.
Four for Tom, four for Alex,
one for Will, one for Alyssa,
and one for Rayan.
who did you vote for and why?
So, Tom.
If you are Faithful,
I'm really sorry, Alex, but I've got
massive suspicions over you.
I've gone for Tom.
Cos you know I'm in awe of
you with your magic and everything.
However, we know magic
has got deception.
And finally, Theo?
I've gone with Tom.
I am really sorry.
I'm sorry.
Thank you. Tom, you have received
the most votes.
Come and join me.
Tom, before you leave us forever,
please reveal if you
are a Faithful or a Traitor.
# When the fire starts to burn #
Just like Alex
if you vote for her tomorrow,
you'll find her standing here saying
exactly what I'm about to say.
I'm Faithful.
I knew it. I fucking told you guys.
I knew it.
I know I voted for him
but I fucking knew it.
You Meryl, you just said
you knew it, but you voted Tom.
I know, but it was either one.
But I knew then.
It's not either one.
That's a bit dodgy, guys.
Oh, my God, Maddy.
Sorry, sorry. Jeezy peeps.
Sorry, but that's dodgy. Like,
honestly, I feel dodgy with you,
because you go down
every rabbit warren
because you're trying to deflect
that anyone ever looks at you.
Yeah. Nicky mentioned my name. I am
a Faithful. How can you prove that?
I'm just trying to track
down the Traitors.
OK, so why do you keep going round
voting for Aaron?
Why did you keep on going round?
Because there was a physical
That's not real.
There was a physical reaction.
Oh, my God.
And I believed his panic attack.
Guys, listen,
can we just be quiet for a bit?
Just for a minute?
Tom's literally just left
and we're all just already going in
on each other. Exactly.
It's quite inconsiderate.
It's the same thing again.
OK, players, you have lost
another Faithful.
The Traitors are on a roll.
Another Faithful will be
murdered tonight.
I will see the rest
of you at breakfast.
Can I just tell you,
we've lost, like, I know,
like, he made a monumental mistake
that's probably his fault,
but he was probably one
of the best minds
to actually help us find
a Traitor.
To get rid of one of our best
leaders, that's the reason
We're letting emotions cloud our
judgment. I know, and that's why
I did that, on that basis.
We're letting emotions cloud our
judgment again.
Does someone want to go and?
# Everybody lies
and everybody cries
# Everybody feels that they're
on the outside sometimes #
Can I give you a hug?
I hate this game. I know.
It's so shit.
It's so, so shit.
I had to leave the Round Table.
I couldn't sit there and listen
to everyone just chat rubbish.
I was like, "I need to go
and just have a moment to myself."
I think you've got a real chance
now because I know I voted you
..but I think because it came out
about you and Tom,
I think it was always going to be
one of you that went.
Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
But I think you have
a real chance now
to stay and help us
find the Traitors.
Do you know what I mean?
Oh, he's gone.
I'm going to be left here alone.
I have to remind myself
that this is just a game.
I think he talks a great deal
and he manipulates people.
I'm just a bit shocked about, like,
how quickly things have descended
into a bit of Lord Of The Flies.
I think when me and Kieran left,
we kind of left this kind
of, like, bright-eyed,
civilised line of people who
we expected to come back and find.
And what's actually happened
is they've kind of been corrupted
by the game into being
super paranoid.
Are you a Traitor or
are you a Faithful? I'm a Faithful.
I believe that there's somebody out
there who's taking us for a ride.
As we keep voting out Faithfuls.
# All around me are familiar faces
# Worn-out places #
Oh, God.
Let's all go. Let's all go.
It's the end of the evening.
People are getting very, very,
very nervous
and very shaky.
I don't want to go home at all,
but I'm not going to really
shit a brick over it.
Oh, not now. Are you joking?
If you're going to try and do stuff
like that, then
Anyway, let's call it a night.
It's good to be back. Yes.
Good, yes.
The murdering hour is upon us.
Thank you. Is it wine? Thank you.
I think it would be quite
for the Traitors
to murder me tonight.
Potentially, I might have a shield
and so it would be a wasted murder
by the Traitors if they do choose
to go for me.
# Mad world
# Mad world
# Mad world
# It's a very, very
# Mad world #
Oh! Oh! How do you feel?
Oh, my God. Wow.
I was prepping my speech to be like,
"Yeah, you caught me
as the Traitor."
Yeah, it was coming for you.
It was coming for you.
I was happy that I was under fire,
because I had a moment to prove
myself as a Faithful. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, you've had yours.
But you did really well.
You think? Yeah. Oh, yeah. 100%.
Because now you're off the radar.
Do you think? Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Off the radar.
To be honest, we can't attack
anybody who is the winning team,
because one of them is shielded
and we don't know who they are.
Yeah, we can't risk it.
So we need to go with someone
on your team.
Fay, for me, right,
Fay Is dangerous.
Yeah, she's very, very dangerous.
But she's on our side.
She adores the two of us. Yes,
she does. She genuinely does.
Andrea's a threat.
Andrea is a massive threat.
She's looking at
She's going to be looking
at the two of us, realistically.
Andrea's a threat,
but at the same time,
she's easily swayed
by my opinion.
She will not be banished.
Yeah. And she
We will have to murder her.
And I think she will build a strong
relationship with Amos.
He might feed her the wrong things
if we don't get him onside.
So, yeah, we need to be looking
at her.
I'd like to get rid of Andrea
at some point.
Why not today?
Yes. Well, I think Matt today.
I think Matt is He's quiet but
he's very observant, mind.
I think he's more smarter
than we think, to be honest. Yes.
It's Fay.
Or do we take Matt?
Or Andrea.
I do think you're a Traitor,
I'm sorry.
I think you're a Traitor, too.
Oh, my God.
Can you hear me?
I'm here! Hello? Hello?
So I'm going to do
something different.
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