The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Selfishness Is NOT Black & White

[dramatic music playing]
[Tolú] There's individuals
from all walks of life here.
We're either gonna tear each other apart,
or we're gonna become best friends.
[Brian] Eleven people
can share this money.
A quarter of a million dollars.
[Brian] If we don't have to
vote anyone out…
maybe we just don't.
We can be a family, we can be a team,
and we can walk through this together.
But if I smell blood in the water,
and someone does something
to someone else,
I would cast a vote.
-Juelz can't be trusted.
-So he has to go.
Juelz is going home.
This is bullshit. He was nothing but kind.
Shots fired.
Put them in the order
from most loyal to least loyal.
[Jake] I'm right up here, man.
The confidence of a straight white man.
What happened was very misogynistic.
Please. Don't speak for me.
Speak for yourself.
The feelings that I'm feeling right now
from you guys,
it really hurts.
I think Jake's the target now.
At 21 years old, I became a millionaire.
I definitely can't fess up.
Everyone's gonna wanna
get me out of this house.
I'm not gonna vote for anybody because
I want to keep this family together.
Not vote.
I would like to
vote somebody out of the Trust.
I'm gonna vote Simone out of the Trust.
The Trust has been broken.
It's not fair for Simone to go home.
Who did she have beef with in the house?
[dramatic music playing]
I spoke to Lindsey. She said
if we wanna vote Bryce, she's down.
And then after that, Jake.
I cast a vote to protect you.
[Bryce] Grandma Jay, she's a loose cannon.
She has to roll.
If it comes down to it,
would you vote for Jake?
I don't want to.
-You are about to be in the secret Vault.
If you choose to open the offer,
you have to take the offer.
My integrity is not sale.
I wanna take the offer.
[dramatic sting]
[contemplative music playing]
I wanna take the offer.
Take a look.
[contemplative music continues]
"You must vote
at the next Trust Ceremony."
"$15,000 from the Trust is yours to keep
if the person you vote for goes home."
Got it.
It's a lot of money.
It's a lot of money.
I feel like people like me
don't always get offers.
And if you come from where I came from,
to reject an offer is stupid.
Because life isn't fair outside of here,
and it's not equal.
We're family,
but that word is really empty to me.
Because I've had a family
that's turned their backs on me.
I've had families
that would never give me
an offer of a better life,
and I had to make it myself.
So I don't think this idea of selfishness
is as black and white
as a lot of the group makes it seem.
What are you thinking now
in terms of the votes?
So, it sounds like
I can keep 15,000
if the person I vote for goes home.
Which means
it can't be a neutralized vote.
For me to get this money,
I need to ensure that I'm not the only one
who's voting this person home.
[music fades]
[birds chirping]
[pensive music playing]
[Julie] Hi.
How'd it go?
It's tough.
-I couldn't do it.
-I couldn't do it either.
-I thought about it.
[chuckling] I'd be lying if I said
I didn't think about it.
Oh man. My family could use that money.
I know.
Honestly, at this point
I would trust Brian enough to tell him,
but that would mean
he could go tell everyone else.
And I don't want everyone else to know
that I took her offer.
All I can do is look at him back and go,
"Thank you…
for believing me
and seeing the best in me, Brian."
[music fades]
I hope I didn't make a mistake.
I'm trusting that the Lord is gonna
provide for my family.
I do hear you. I--
I mean, I went back and forth.
I went… I truly went back and forth.
It wasn't an easy choice for me.
Yeah. What do we tell them?
-I don't think we should say anything.
-I do.
You do?
[pensive music playing]
If you want to, I'll back you up,
but, in my opinion, I would rather not lie
but just talk about
everything we did here.
-Because I think we're--
-We set…
We set a new baseline with our team.
And I think
that's gonna get harder and harder.
I don't know if I'm strong enough.
[sighs] Tests like these
make it difficult.
[Julie] Mm-hmm.
But ultimately, at the end of the day,
I think this is all about…
-We need to trust each other.
But the problem is…
are they gonna believe us?
[music crescendos, fades]
[upbeat music playing]
[Tolú] When Gaspare is
in his sixties, seventies…
-It's just gonna be worse.
-[Tolú laughs]
-That's gonna be a thousand times worse.
-"Uh, let me tell you a story."
[Gaspare] Do you know that
when I was young… I have a quick story.
[all laugh]
When I was young, my voice was so raspy,
I sounded like The Godfather
at the end of every night. I was like…
[in raspy voice]
"Ma, can you get me the milk?"
They thought I had a throat problem.
It turned out I talked so much
through the day
that it actually exhausted my throat,
that I lost my voice every single day.
-[Tolú] I so believe that.
-I had to… I had to scale it back.
[all laugh]
I talk a lot. I know I do.
Like, if it's two o'clock in the morning,
and I wake up,
and, like, I see that my wife's up,
I know that my wife tries to avoid
eye contact with me.
'Cause she knows if she looks at me,
I'm gonna start a conversation with her
because I like to talk.
My son talks more than me.
-I don't believe that.
-I'd have to see it, man.
He's just… He's a funny guy, yes.
But goddamn, he talks so much.
He really does.
That is hilarious, yo.
[percussive music playing]
-Did you see it?
-[Jay] No. Did he come out?
-Is it right there? Is it out that…
-[Lindsey] There you go.
-[Tolú] Hey, y'all!
-[Winnie] Guys!
-[Jake] Look at you!
-Lindsey! Mama Jay!
-They came back. They're coming back!
-[Gaspare laughs]
[Tolú] How was it?
I wanna hear everything.
-It was incredible.
-I'm jelly.
-[Tolú] How was it?
-It was so fun.
-[Jake] How was it? Was it good?
-I fell a hundred feet.
-[Gaspare] How was it?
-We gotta talk.
I jumped.
[Brian] Are they truly gonna believe
that we're coming back
with absolutely nothing?
There are people
that immediately think bad things
about other people inside this house.
They start to question things.
They'll pick apart
the things that you say,
manipulate the things that you say.
How is the house gonna perceive this?
-[Brian laughing]
-Yeah. We laid in hammocks.
We had a good little date.
Yep. And then guess who walked out?
[Tolú] Oh Lord.
-There was a vault.
-[Jake] Yep. I knew it.
-There was a vault?
-[Jay] Really?
And she tells us
we're going in separate.
-[Brian] Separately.
-[gasps] Shut up.
She says,
"This is a very, very lucrative offer
that is sitting here.
If you open it and you see what it is,
you have to accept the offer.
-[Winnie] Wow.
-Very simple.
Did you open it?
[suspenseful music playing]
I put my hand on it and said,
"My integrity is not for sale."
Heck yeah, dude.
We knew that, man. Good job, bro.
-I have no idea what's… what the offer is.
-[Jake] Good.
I have no idea what's coming of it.
So that's why I'm very curious
what's happening here.
So Brian, not a surprise
what he chose to do.
That man will always pick team, I believe.
However, I'm very aware
of Julie's trigger on money.
Okay. So, I did not look at the offer,
but… I really thought about it.
And I'll say the reason why I said no
was more because I didn't want
the consequences of the house
and what you guys would think of me
and if that was selfish.
But I went back and forth.
Look, you guys are strong.
I mean, that's… that shit's not easy.
Don't think about it.
-It's gonna eat you alive.
-[Jake] Yeah, it's done.
Julie is a lot like myself in some cases.
And I feel like if I were there,
I probably would have looked.
She didn't even peek at the offer?
I don't know. I'm a little skeptical.
I'm not gonna lie.
A tiger doesn't always change his stripes.
[Brian] It's perfect.
[Gaspare] Look at you. You thought
you had to always be a selfish person.
[Julie] Thanks for sending me.
You thought you had to be
the selfish bitch.
In the end of everything,
you didn't have to be 'cause, you know…
I know! Oh!
[chuckles] The old me would have!
All these people are proud of me
for doing the right thing,
when I did not do the right thing.
I did not do the right thing.
But they don't need to know that.
[groovy music playing]
[Brian] Are you supposed to iron linen?
[goofy music playing]
-[Jake] Did you bring me food?
-[Julie] I have to finish--
-[Jake] I missed you today. [kisses]
I'm just saying
that I like her lips.
Like, they look like
they could be kissable.
-They're like pillows.
They're just really nice.
[indistinct chatter]
Don't return it.
-Don't kiss me in front of everyone.
-I'm not going to.
You smell good too.
[whimsical music plays]
Hey, you are supposed to iron linen. Okay.
[mysterious music playing]
-What's going down?
-All right. So, we're gonna vote tonight.
And we wanna go for Bryce.
-Are you on board?
We spoke with Lindsay.
-Lindsey is on board.
-I support that.
[Julie] And… you have my vote.
[Julie] It's a game.
And I'm so relieved.
Because I thought I'd have to plant it
in people's heads of who to vote for
and have to finagle,
and make some moves, and do some strategy.
But I get in the house, and I pretty much
get a free pass to this $15,000.
[Tolú] You know
what's gonna be great, guys?
Tomorrow morning we're gonna wake up
to more money in our pocket.
So the plan is to get Bryce out.
He really doesn't deserve
to be here in the house.
He's like,
"From the moment I came in here,
I had to hide
my Louis Vuitton toiletry bag."
-Shut up.
-[Tolú] Bitch.
He's a millionaire.
This chunk of money that he gets
would probably not really even
impact him much, honestly.
Obviously, after this happens,
everyone will be sad and everything, like…
-I'm gonna… I'm gonna play my part.
-Let's play it down. Play it down.
[Tolú] Hell yeah,
I'm playing, "Oh my God."
"My bougie bitch."
At the end of the day,
there is money to be made.
So Bryce is cut from the Trust,
and that's more money for the rest of us.
Oh, y'all wanted a villain?
Baby, I was born for this role.
Your ass gonna be flying home first class.
[pensive music playing]
-[Bryce sighs]
-[Lindsey] How're you doing?
I wish I had a couple more convos today
that I didn't have.
[Lindsey] Yeah.
We still have the table to discuss things.
-You gonna bring some shit up?
-Oh, what are you gonna say?
-There's more to me than just my secret.
I mean, I have five employees.
I support five different people
off of the business that I've created.
Like, my mom did build this business. Yes.
She's handing this business down to me.
But I've scaled this business a 1,000%
and joined her when I was 14 years old.
Instead of saying, "I am supporting
five people on my shit…"
No! Say,
"Listen, I'm doing it,
and I'm bringing in cash."
"But it goes out directly
to all five of these people."
"I don't keep a lot of it, guys."
Like, that's way different.
-But it's the same message.
-Yeah. It's the same message.
[Lindsey] The more he speaks,
the more I realize
this dude was born into real privilege.
He is not part of the real world.
And he also doesn't even know he's not.
Dude, downplaying millionaire status
is your best bet.
I don't know if you're so stuck,
this is my impression of you,
if you're so fixated on,
"I'm a young millionaire,"
that you are unwilling to humble yourself
to not be recognized as that
in front of the house,
I don't know that you want to do that.
The thing is that outside the house,
no one knows that.
No one knows how much money I make.
Okay, well,
why'd you tell everybody here? [laughs]
That is true. Yeah.
-Do you want my advice?
-[Bryce] Yeah. 'Cause I trust your advice.
[Lindsey] If you feel like
you're a target, and there's a risk,
just, like,
at least consider your options.
Yeah, that's the question. Like,
do I vote because I feel that I'm unsafe?
-Do you think you're that unsafe?
-I feel I am a target.
-[Lindsey] Okay.
There's no way I'd be a sitting duck.
That's all I'm saying.
There's just no way.
I know that Bryce trusts me more
than anybody else in the house.
However, as far as weapons goes,
he's like a rubber band.
I don't think he'd take a bold stand.
I don't think he would ever protect me,
even though he likes me.
If he was willing
to take a stand, to even vote…
if I even had an inkling
that he would vote for himself,
but I saw nothing that led me to believe
that he was anything
other than a lamb going to slaughter.
[dramatic stinger]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Bryce] I'm feeling uneasy
before the meeting
because I feel that people want
to cut me from the Trust.
Do I really need
to be casting a vote to save myself?
This is new territory for me.
[music intensifies]
Going into this house meeting,
me personally,
I haven't heard anybody's looking at me,
so I'm not looking at anybody.
I'm not trying to cast stones
'cause no stones are coming my way.
So I'm just gonna have to sit back
and let it play out.
[suspenseful music continues]
-[contestants exclaim]
Hey, hey. Well, you know why we're here.
It's time for your next Trust Ceremony.
Last time you all gathered at this table,
you could feel the good vibes.
It led to a no vote. No one went home.
What will tonight bring?
[tense music playing]
It is up to all of you.
I'll let you guys talk it all out.
Then I will see each of you
at the Cliff's Edge.
-[Gaspare] See you later.
-[Jake] See ya.
Have a good night.
[tense music continues]
Yesterday, someone was brave enough
to share their secret.
And so you are a millionaire.
I know that you don't need the money.
So what is your "why"
for being in the house?
I've proven time and time again,
I'm here for the team.
Building that community together,
being able to trust someone.
It's a way for me
to understand not just who I am,
but be receptive
to other people's opinions.
Money is just so convoluted.
It's not truly what defines me.
[music stops abruptly]
-[clears throat]
-[music resumes]
Honestly, Bryce, bud,
you didn't answer the question at all.
You went every which way,
and you danced, and you sang,
and you never landed on an actual point.
And honestly, I was checked out.
I was thinking about football.
[music intensifies, ends]
He does not have to apologize
for having money.
[Tolú] He doesn't.
He's here for a reason, lesson,
some kinda lesson.
But he does not have to be ashamed
that he has money.
Thank you.
And I wanna say, like, thank you
for holding that space for me as my friend
'cause we talked after.
And to let me also have emotions
for us to, like, work through that.
I really appreciate not having to be fake
with each other,
and being able to be real about it,
like, talk through it.
-Yeah. So thank you for giving that.
-Yeah. You deserve it.
Thank you.
[suspenseful music playing]
I mean, I just feel like,
today, we just carried
the same energy in from yesterday.
And we can carry it
into tomorrow as well too.
We got this.
[tense music playing]
My view on money
is more profound than it ever has been.
It can very much poison your thoughts,
your mind, your intentions.
It can poison your relationships.
If you let it.
[dramatic music plays]
[Brooke] Brian.
That was quite a journey for you today.
Absolutely. But I… I meant what I said.
My integrity cannot be bought.
Do you plan to hold true to that
and "no vote" the rest of the time?
-Or are you taking each vote as it comes?
-[Brian] I don't want to vote anyone off.
The only way that you can get me to vote
is if there's some malicious intent.
That would cause me to vote,
but only to protect someone.
I just don't see any reason
to get rid of anyone.
I would love to not vote.
Continue sharing the money.
[dramatic music playing]
[Gaspare] It's not that I'm against
someone going home.
I just don't wanna be the one
to send anybody home.
Anything can happen, but as of today,
I would not like to vote
someone out of the Trust.
Keep sharing the money.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jake] I think
we're on a good path forward.
If things go south, as a group,
we're gonna have to have conversations
and shift the strategy in the house
to make sure
that we take care of those individuals.
But I don't feel like
this is one of those nights.
And I'm not gonna vote
for anybody in this house right now.
[dramatic music playing]
[Bryce] I really want to fight
for one last chance to stay in this house.
But if I put a vote on someone,
I'm going against my word.
I don't know. This is my chance
to fucking defend myself,
and I feel like I'm just…
struggling with this decision.
[tense music playing]
It's been a crazy evening.
-Talk to me.
-I've been all over the map.
I'm some emotional basket case
in this house. [laughs]
You know, at the table, it could've been
a very difficult conversation.
It really could have.
And I recognize that,
instead of having to go on defense mode,
I can just speak my truth.
Is there any doubt, is there worry
that someone may vote you out
because of this?
I'd be lying if… if I said there wasn't.
[dramatic music playing]
-[Brooke] You had a big day.
-[Julie] I did.
Are you worried that not telling the truth
might come back to bite you?
I think I know
how to read people and what to say,
and how to look people in the eye
and still keep people's trust.
How do you feel
in your choice of taking that offer?
I made the right choice.
Because, I mean,
I have to put myself first.
And again, you're still waiting
'cause you don't have the money
until you know someone
is going home, right?
I'd like to vote Bryce out of the Trust.
Why Bryce?
He does not deserve it
as much as other people in the house
because he doesn't have the same need.
We can, like, play philosopher, like,
"Oh, maybe everyone is deserving."
Your basic needs are met
and other people's aren't.
Is it fair to penalize someone
who's been successful? Who's worked hard?
I don't… Has he worked hard?
Your parents are the ones
who already had a real estate business.
My parents haven't helped me
with ten dollars for rent, ever.
Julie, thank you.
-[Julie] Thank you.
-See you back up there.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brooke] What are you thinking tonight?
I'm feeling very confident
in the decision I'm about to make today.
-[Brooke] Okay.
-[Tolú] Let's be real.
Yes, it's about trust, building bonds,
but this is also about a trust.
What is $30,000 to a millionaire?
This shared amount of money is
but a drop in the bucket
of the well of wealth
that you already have.
I'd like to vote Bryce out of the Trust.
[dramatic music plays]
You know, last time everybody was kumbaya…
This is still a game.
Bryce, baby, you gotta go home.
And that's who I vote for.
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Brooke] Jay.
-[Jay sighing] Hmm. Yeah.
Well, that was a sigh.
What are you feeling?
[smacks lips]
-I like Bryce.
Bottom line is, I don't think
it's right for me to vote tonight.
[music crescendos, fades]
[Brooke] Hi, Lindsey.
-[Lindsey] Hello, Brooke.
-How are ya?
I wish I was here
under better circumstances.
[pensive music plays]
Tell me.
I believe tonight, unless I'm mistaken
and people are lying to me,
then Bryce has himself
four votes to go home,
and it's really unfortunate.
I have no other choice but to save myself
and vote with the people
that I'm in cahoots with.
[pensive music continues]
I'm not happy about this.
So why do it?
Not voting for him
doesn't do me any good here.
He would still go home.
I have to stay safe,
and I have to vote with them.
[inhales deeply]
Honestly, if he gave me
any indication he could save himself,
I could have been, like,
"Go gather some votes, dude."
But he was just like, "Nope."
And, like, I just have to let him fall.
I cannot defend someone
who will not defend themselves.
[sobbing] Sorry.
[Brooke] Okay.
All right, Lindsey. It's time to decide.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
I have to vote Bryce out of the Trust.
[pensive music playing]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
You came to the Cliff's Edge
to make a choice.
[suspenseful music playing]
Tonight, multiple…
people have voted.
[tense music playing]
The trust has been broken,
and someone is going home with nothing.
[tense music continues]
The person who received the most votes is…
[dramatic stinger]
-[music fades]
[Brooke] Bryce, come on up here with me.
[pensive music playing]
Does anyone want to look me in the eye
and tell me they made a vote for me?
[pensive music continues]
Bryce, thank you so much for being here
and being part of this experience.
Thank you, Brooke.
May your glass never empty.
Love you, buddy.
-[contestants] Bye, Bryce.
-[Bryce] Au revoir.
It hurts to feel excluded.
But it seems
that the dollar signs blinded people
and their perception of who I am.
I feel there were multiple people
that voted me out of this trust.
I think Winnie, I think Tolú, maybe Julie.
And I swear if it's Lindsey…
[Lindsey sighs]
…I'm gonna look like a real dumbass.
I can't wait to see everyone again.
Hopefully, they have a little more courage
to stand on their word,
like I did the entire game.
[music fades]
We've got fucking cowards in this room.
[contemplative music playing]
I don't understand.
I liked Bryce.
-Me too.
-He's… He's a bird of a different feather.
He's just different guy
than I normally would have ever met.
Just vastly different.
But still so dynamic.
Seemed like a good guy with a good heart
on his sleeve, a good smile.
He was always kind to me
just like each one of you.
What did you mean by
"bird of different feather"?
Or whatever you just said.
Jesus Christ.
[pensive music playing]
He's… He's just very different,
and I absolutely loved it.
And that's all I wanted to say is, I…
I liked him.
[pensive music continues]
[music crescendos, fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Gaspare whispering] Jay's gotta go.
After she attacked you tonight
and it's like, dude, like,
I think Jay just fucking votes
for whoever the fuck's around.
I don't see any reason
why to keep hate here.
I feel like Brian and I are very similar.
Morally, we don't want to be the ones
who have to kick anybody out.
I'm here for my wife, for my kids,
to make them proud, to win them money.
The thing is, like,
we're next on that list.
-Oh yeah.
-One of us.
Winnie, Tolú, and Jay
are seemingly coming after us.
So we need to now go on the defense.
Think about this.
Don't get rid of Jay yet.
-Don't get rid of Jay first?
-I'd get rid of Winnie first.
The push was to go after Jay
for her erratic behavior,
for misconstruing my words,
and trying
to basically accuse me of something
without accusing me of something.
She will turn your words
and use them against you.
But she's not that dangerous.
You wanna know who's dangerous?
That's the two ladies
that refused to look in the eye
of their good friend
that they just sent home.
They are dangerous.
[music ends]
And I'm coming for you.
If we're gonna be successful,
I think it makes… I think it makes
better sense to go after Winnie.
And then Jay.
[pensive music playing]
You're right. I think Winnie's the first.
-[Brian] Yeah.
-[Gaspare] And do we clip Tolú?
It's hard 'cause you and I both have,
like, a good relationship with her.
-I know.
-I don't want to get rid of her.
I love that girl,
but she's aligned with the wrong…
the wrong team.
The thing is, we have the numbers.
I think Lindsey's more aligned
with us than them
because Lindsey knows
that they'll cut her in the end.
-Do you think Lindsey would go for Winnie?
I think our bet's better with Lindsey.
Agreed. I don't think
Julie's gonna vote against them.
I think Julie is on our side.
We're gonna convince her.
And, you know, her and Jake
are falling in love down there.
So love is gonna also guide that decision.
And you think that they didn't notice
that she right away
got up and went to Jake?
So, they're probably like,
"Fuck. We're outnumbered."
And they are. And they should be.
[Jake] I wanna kiss you bad.
We should have a…
We'll have a conversation about that.
-Obviously, 'cause…
-[Jake] Mm-hmm.
-But not tonight. I'm too tired.
-[Jake] Yeah, clearly. [scoffs]
But I know.
-Been thinking about it.
-[Jake] That's good.
I mean, it's no pressure. I just…
I just really wanna kiss you, so…
[joyful music playing]
We have to eliminate one of them.
But we have to… we have to remain
rock solid the whole way otherwise.
[Gaspare] One of them
has to be eliminated tomorrow.
[Brian] Yeah.
It's gonna get real interesting.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jake] Talk to me, boys. Your vote.
-It's gotta be Winnie.
-For Winnie.
The head of the snake's gotta get cut off.
[Brian] She's a greater threat
than Jay is.
This is the one thing
I never wanted to do.
On the exact same token,
this was the game plan
from the very get-go.
Find out who is cutting people
from the house
and cull, hard.
Assemble some type of peace
and harmony back in the house,
then get as many people back forward
to the finish line as possible.
That starts today.
Once you leave this room
and once we wake up in the morning,
Winnie's going home.
[dramatic music crescendos, fades]
[groovy music playing]
[music fades]
[Brian] Yippee-ay-oh, yippee-ay-hey ♪
Our little rooster's well on the way ♪
[Jay laughing wheezily]
Are you laughing or coughing, my friend?
[continues laughing]
No, I just found these.
-Crackers. I mean…
-Chips. Oh, okay.
-You had a whole meal.
-[Jay] Chips.
[mystical music playing]
[Gaspare] Where'd Jake go?
[music continues]
[music fades]
-He's underneath.
-[Gaspare] Oh, what the…
I was like, "I just saw Jake,"
and then he just…
I don't know. Should I go in the pool?
Let me feel the water.
Did you know, Gaspare, the reason
why I don't have a swimsuit on?
My body was so sticky this morning,
I couldn't get it on
'cause I have a lot of spandex in my suit.
-I couldn't get it on.
-What? From the heat?
Yeah, I was just… My body is all sticky.
Then you weren't there.
I would have said, "Come on."
"We're… We're roommates.
Pull this over my butt."
[music stops abruptly]
[mystical music resumes]
-[Gaspare] I would've done it for you.
-I know, and I couldn't.
"Can I tell you something?
I'm gonna tell you a secret."
-Guess what I did for the very first time?
-[producer] What?
I pulled the side of my swimsuit over,
and went to the bathroom,
and did not pee
on my fingers or get my suit wet.
Oh, I just farted, excuse me. Delete that.
You know what that's called? Multitasking.
[laughing] That you laugh and fart
at the same time.
[ambient music playing]
[Jake] This is real simple math.
Five people that I see remaining
in this house, staying together,
and getting through this journey,
Lindsey, is… is you, me,
Brian, and Julie, and Gaspare.
I, us, we need you.
We've gotta go after Winnie first.
[Jake] Because she's
controlling those three.
And they're getting rid of people.
They're shooting down
their own closest friends.
Is that not indicative of the next action?
They're gonna be very strategic
about who they take next.
I know that us five can ride this out
and go into vaults,
come out in a way that is positive
instead of feeling hostility.
[pensive music playing]
I want to align
with the women in the house
because we were in it on day one.
We have a really great plan.
It was totally working.
We were orchestrating everyone going out.
It was beautiful.
But unfortunately,
Winnie and Tolú turned mean,
and now I do not feel safe.
Brian, Gaspare,
and Jake make me feel safe.
They want as many people as possible
to make it to the end.
I believe that's always been their line.
And so I'm in on the group.
We need the five.
I hear you.
[dramatic music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
-[Winnie] Hey, girl.
-[Brooke] All right.
It is the perfect night
for your next test.
[music ends]
I'm nervous.
We've talked a lot
about what builds trust.
But we haven't talked about the one thing
that really tears it down.
[whimsical music playing]
Tonight, I'll be asking you all
one big question.
Who here has been telling the most lies?
[Julie] Listen, I've told
a lot of lies in this house.
So I'm a little worried.
I start racking them up.
How many times have I lied?
But then I'm like, "Oh, shit. Am I the one
that's lied the most in this house?"
I could be. I… I probably am the one
who's lied the most in this house.
But before you answer that question,
put on your blindfolds.
-Oh man, I don't know about this.
-[Winnie chuckles]
This is a real ominous kind of energy.
I don't like that.
I don't like
any of my senses being impaired.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brooke] When I tap you on the shoulder,
remove your blindfold
and answer the question.
Who here has been telling the most lies?
And whoever you think it is,
go blow out one of their candles.
We're gonna keep doing this
until one of you
has all three of your candles blown out.
Everyone understand?
[Brian] This is going to be interesting.
The girls are gonna be in trouble here.
Essentially, a house built on lies,
it will crumble, it will fall.
[contemplative music playing]
[Julie] Who do I actually think
lies the most in the house?
It's between me, Tolú, or Winnie.
But I know it would be
a stupid strategic move
for me to vote for the ones
that are lying in the house the most.
[music continues]
[Gaspare] When I took my blindfold off,
I knew exactly where I was going.
I was going for Winnie.
Is Winnie a liar? I don't know.
I-- Did she lie
about not voting for Bryce?
Sure. I think she is cold.
She is calculated with her votes,
and that's a poison in the house.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lindsey] I pull the blindfold off,
and immediately I'm fixated
on Winnie's candles,
and all I'm thinking is,
"Yeah, I'm not surprised."
And I feel like
Winnie is the mastermind here
in telling the most lies
and the most manipulative.
She's gonna freak out.
This isn't gonna be pretty.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Tolú] I take my blindfold off,
and I already see that there are
two candles blown out for Winnie.
I'm not gonna lie.
I'm mad as hell.
I'm considering who here has been kinda
making me second-guess who they are.
I already know I don't like Jake.
What you see is what you get with him,
so I already know him.
But Brian, Mr. Moral High Ground,
he's real quiet.
I just don't trust him.
I truly don't know who you are.
He's the only candle
that makes sense to me.
[contemplative music playing]
This is interesting.
Two people blew out my candles.
[laughs] Wait.
Are you kidding me? Are you serious?
But I got up,
and I went directly to Julie's.
It wasn't no question.
There wasn't no doubt about it.
I didn't need to look
and take my time or anything like that.
She's the biggest liar
out of all of us, in my opinion.
[music continues]
I honestly thought,
"I don't know that anybody's lying."
Except Jake.
He has done nothing but cause trouble.
He's saying lies about me,
running around telling people
to vote me out because I'm a wild card.
[music continues]
I felt like I wanted
to blow one of Tolú's out,
but at this point, I'm just like,
"Why are we even wasting our time?"
[music crescendos, fades]
[tense music playing]
[whispering] I gave you that card
with the silver stripe.
-You know what that is?
-That means you're going into the Vault.
And you're gonna be
going into the Vault by yourself.
It's your secret.
And no one needs to know.
When Brooke handed me that card,
it was like somebody gave me a black Amex.
Like you know you're about to do damage.
Like, you know--
you just feel so powerful.
You know you're that person.
This plus Winnie…
This. Yeah.
I'm excited for this.
If money is on the line,
but I have to vote somebody out,
I'm going to take that
and vote Jake out first.
All right, everyone.
Take off your blindfolds now.
[tense music continues]
[Tolú] Winnie is one of the realest
people in this house.
I know none of my candles were blown out,
but as far as I see it,
Winnie and I, baby,
well, you can't get one without the other.
Y'all might as well have blown
all of mine out too.
All right, Winnie, you see
your candles were all blown out first.
I do.
I want to give you the opportunity
to address the group.
All I'm gonna to say is, here on out,
don't ask me shit about nobody.
If you're concerned about anybody,
go talk to them your damn self.
'Cause that… that's a pussy-ass move.
'Cause y'all have had time
to come and speak to me,
and you didn't do it.
So you chose this opportunity
to hide like a little bitch.
Everybody in this line,
you know where my loyalty stands.
I stand on the shit
I've said since day one.
If you don't like it, I don't give a fuck.
I'm not the biggest person in the house
that you should be worried about.
And that's what I'm gonna stand on.
All right, guys, this is it for now.
Have a good night.
[tense music continues]
[percussive music playing]
At this point the guns are completely out.
[Brian] Okay. But… But think of this.
We got Brian, Jake,
Julie, and three on Winnie.
-Did you said there was only…
-It was only seven votes.
-So, you're the only one who didn't vote.
-Okay. Brian, Jake, Julie, Jay.
Who put the one on Jay?
Who did you vote for?
-Brian. For two out of three.
-[Julie] Brian?
-Who did you vote? Oh, you didn't.
-I didn't get to vote.
I decide to tell them I didn't vote
because first of all,
that keeps my Switzerland status intact.
That means I didn't have
to pick anything, number one.
And number two, I was not gonna
tell Winnie I voted for her.
No way. No how.
[Julie] I'm gonna be honest. I threw
my vote and I just voted for Mama Jay.
It was… It truly was random.
And so I was…
I just, like, voted. So I'm sorry.
-That's who I voted for.
-I appreciate your honesty.
I'm like, "What the hell?"
You picked me as a liar?
I'm the one who has bluntly said things
at the table,
and I'm pretty vocal.
And if you're vocal,
I don't think you're seen as a liar.
[Julie] Did you go?
So Winnie voted for me.
Which is fine. I don't care.
[Tolú] Yeah.
[Julie] I feel betrayed
because she's supposed
to be my closest friend.
Me, Winnie, and Tolú.
So, knowing that Winnie was the one
blowing out my candle,
it is confirming my fears
that Winnie, one day, is going
to kick me outta this house.
So that literally means
all three of the boys voted for Winnie.
The feelings that I have for Winnie,
and the feelings that she has for me,
I feel like our bond,
it transcends friendship.
I look at Winnie, and I see a big sister.
I see a sister that I've never had.
So, her pain is my pain.
-What's up, goose?
-All right, y'all.
Still cracking?
-What's up?
-What's up?
-Why what?
-[Tolú] Jake, let's not play dumb.
-What do you mean, we're playing dumb?
You're literally sitting down
saying, "Why what?"
I'm asking you your, "Why?"
I'm giving y'all
the opportunity to explain.
She's not here. She's over there.
Obviously, y'all have an issue with her.
I'm looking all three of you
in the eyes and asking, "Why?"
Like, what's the issue?
But you're assuming also that
all three of us were the ones who voted.
The three of you are the ones
who voted for Winnie, no?
[Jake] That's pretty bold to say that.
Babes, I literally asked
every single other person in this house.
But has everyone told the truth
at every step of the way?
You're assuming it was us.
It might not have been.
I get you… Just listen.
Y'all blew her candles out.
Don't ask me,
"You didn't even ask who I voted for."
"You're making an assumption."
No. That's bullshit.
Don't question my intelligence, Gaspare.
-You asked everybody, right?
-I have.
[Gaspare] Yesterday, Bryce asked
everybody at the table,
and not one person said a word,
and there was multiple votes for Bryce.
-[Gaspare] So, is that fair for--
How is this any different?
[Gaspare] How's it any different?
Bryce went home.
-He actually got sent home from this.
-Okay. You know what?
I did vote for Bryce.
-Okay, so thank you.
-I voted for Bryce,
and I have my reasons
for voting for Bryce.
At the end of the day,
I looked at the house, and I said,
"Who here needs the money the most?"
This man has two kids. He's a teacher.
This man's trying to foster a child.
Bryce is a 22-year-old millionaire
that comes from a wealthy family.
He has the least to gain from this money.
At the end of the day, cutting him out
means that the rest of us
get a better share.
And if any of y'all had bothered to come
and ask the "why,"
maybe there wouldn't be
this secret kind of feeling.
So what this tells me is that
y'all have been sitting down in private.
Y'all have been bad-mouthing
and plotting and talking.
At least go to her and give her
the opportunity to speak her truth.
[suspenseful music playing]
That's all I have to say for now.
Hope y'all enjoy your time.
All of them? I'm done with all of them.
And you know who the first to go is? Jake.
Now, I have zero feels. No empathy.
Oh, baby, the game just begun.
It's really about to get fun.
It's really about to get fun.
[music fades]
[captivating music playing]
[powering up]
[access beeps]
Step on in. Welcome to the Vault.
-Thank you.
-Your first time.
It is.
Maybe not the way
in which you had envisioned coming in.
-But you're here nonetheless.
-I am. I am here.
How are you feeling?
Whatever this offer is… [laughs]
…I hope it benefits the women more
than it benefits the men.
'Cause obviously,
it's not no team thing anymore.
What they don't know is
that you're in here with me.
Nope. They don't.
-[Brooke] And they never have to know.
-Nope. They don't.
You can be open about it
or keep it to yourself.
-This is your offer.
If you open this offer,
you have to take this offer.
So, you can walk out of the Vault
never having even looked
at the offer and pass.
And no one ever has to know.
This is an offer
that may just benefit you.
It may not benefit the group.
So if I open this…
You gotta do it.
[music ends]
[contemplative music playing]
…we're not a big team anymore.
They know the gloves are definitely off.
It's a game.
And this benefits me.
As long as this does not affect
the one person I really truly care about.
[Brooke] Mmm.
But I would hope
that she would understand.
-And this could change my life.
-[Brooke] Yeah.
This is a lot harder than I thought.
-Yeah. Welcome to the Vault, baby.
[contemplative music continues]
Fuck it.
[dramatic stinger]
"$20,000 from the Trust is yours to keep,
but if no one is voted out
in the next Trust Ceremony,
you will go home instead."
[clicks tongue, sighs]
[sighs] How's that feel?
I came in here playing a game.
And that's what I've been doing.
'Cause at the end of the day,
it's me and just me.
I take care of me. And that… helps me.
And that's how I feel.
We already had somebody in mind
that we didn't want in the house,
and he needs to go home.
Let's keep playing the game.
[Brooke] Thank you, Winnie.
[groovy music playing]
[Jake] You ready, Cowboy?
[Brian] Ready.
[groovy music continues]
So, I'm gonna be honest with y'all.
I went to the Vault.
-Just you? Fuck!
-[Winnie] Yep. Just me.
The offer was $8,000 goes to me
if I get somebody out the house.
-[gasps] Oh.
-No one goes home? I go home.
You go home?
-[Winnie] Yep.
-If no one goes home.
If no one goes home.
That was my offer, and I took it.
You know, I told them a little truth
but I didn't tell them the full truth.
I felt like I needed
to keep that number to myself.
So, help me understand.
8K, and you get to decide
who to send home?
-Or you cast a vote?
We have to get somebody to go home.
-[Julie] Okay.
-[Julie, Winnie] And if no one goes home…
Winnie goes home.
Honestly, I already know
that we're talking about who to send home.
And if y'all decide y'all want
to send me home for that,
I would understand.
-Girl, bye. Fuck outta here.
-[Julie] That's not, like…
Girl, I'd have done the exact same thing.
I'm definitely casting my vote for Jake
'cause, I'm sorry, Winnie cannot go home.
He was going home regardless.
He was going home for free.
Now baby girl get 8K.
That's icing on the mother… cake.
[Julie] I have loyalty with the girls
because of the trust
that we built right away in the beginning.
But I literally see
these guys as my friends.
I know about their kids.
I know about their struggle.
I know about why they want the money.
I don't see these people
as just a number that we can vote out.
The fact Winnie keeps talking about game
and strategy and voting people off
just keeps making me
feel like, "Am I next?"
And that's making me not trust Winnie.
[pensive music playing]
[Gaspare] Things got
a whole lot more interesting.
[Jake] Yeah.
Julie, we are gonna have to
kind of kid-glove her through this.
She's the most sensitive.
-And it's nothing against her.
-[Jake] No.
-[Gaspare] We have to protect her.
-[Jake] Yeah.
If Julie and Lindsey
take that stand with us,
that's it. The game is over for them.
The walls are closing in.
When people start feeling that pressure,
they panic.
[Winnie] So, my question to y'all is,
do we stay on Jake right now? Or Brian?
So would you be comfortable
with voting Jake?
Be honest. Do you want
more days with him? Be honest.
[tense music playing]
I don't have, like…
There is multiple truths of honesty.
-We just wanna know how you feel.
-I see clearly…
I see, like, all 40 sides right now.
So there's no, like,
honesty of… If I say one truth,
that's not the full spectrum of truth.
You're making it seem
like a tough decision.
I guess his leg rubs really made you
feel very comfortable,
or he's giving you some promises
that are gonna be outside of this house.
To be honest with you, it's hurtful
she would basically pick Jake
over saving my ass.
It made me more disappointed
and trust her even less.
I'm aware of all…
Like, I'm aware of what can happen.
[Tolú] But you do understand
that you have to vote.
I know that. I do know that.
Otherwise, Winnie goes home.
[tense music continues]
Hard choices
will probably have to be made.
-Oh yeah. And it starts today.
[music fades]
I knew it. I fucking knew it.
[dramatic music playing]
The simple fact you asked her.
"Could you save Winnie?"
And you said, "I have to think about it."
[Tolú] That was it for me.
Yes or no?
So you're cool with Winnie going.
[Winnie] You're that cool with him.
[Tolú] At the end of the day,
you have chosen him. Don't talk to me.
[Winnie] She's the wildest one
out of everybody.
She has to go home.
[Tolú] I can't save her.
I'm not gonna save her.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
["This Is War" by Extreme Music playing]
I got a number, I got a name ♪
I got a target, it has a face ♪
Hush, little lover, don't you cry ♪
It always ends this way ♪
'Cause this is war ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
Stack the bodies here on the floor ♪
This is war ♪
Now don't you cry ♪
Stack the bodies here on the floor ♪
This is war ♪
I got a number, I got a name ♪
-I got a target, it has a face ♪
-Stack the bodies here on the floor ♪
-I got a number, I got a name ♪
-This is war ♪
-I got a target, it has a face, oh ♪
-Stack the bodies here on the floor ♪
This is war ♪
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