The Unit s01e05 Episode Script

Non Permissive Environment

In 1979, Congress authorized the formation of a contingent of elite special force soldiers i gotta start at square one every day with you guys to prove myself our missions, and our very existence are closely guarded secret I need some explaination ask for the president even our wives cannot know the truth of our missions gun! Previously on "The Unit" what is the 303rd the 303rd is where your husband works other than that, it doesn't exist hostage situation unfolding that's where your husband and bob are this what they do yes.
How'd you know i was coming home? I figured they'd have you back for debriefing they didn't have low-fat.
so what's-- cream.
still no target.
he reminds me of someone.
does he? my wife's granddad,maybe.
what's that make him,my grandfather-in-law? did your grandfather-in-law ever bomb a busload of school children? not that i know of.
there's one big difference,then.
grey,you got 40 minutes of downtime.
bob,you've got the gun.
i'll be,uh-- i believe we all know where you'll be.
what? -it's off.
-what do you mean? the mission is off.
i got no such order.
this is your order.
his majesty's spanish government is withdrawing consent.
-because? -some politicos.
they've decided they'd rather trade him than kill him.
the point is,this has become an illegal operation.
you understand? this entire country is now a non-permissive environment.
get out.
get out now.
target spotted.
he's out of the light.
you want to switch to night scope? no.
he's back out.
i can see him.
-who's-- -bank president.
-all right,then.
-righteous shot.
prairie fire.
leave it.
prairie fire.
what is prairie fire? down the elevator shaft.
"e" and "e" plan is in effect now.
follow your specific portions.
air? land? sea? -boss? -escape and evade,brown.
see you around the water cooler.
Howardlee Season 01 Episode 05 hey! what the hell? do you know what you're doing? they know what you look like.
they have all of your names.
they will put you in jail, and i can't help you now.
not me,not the agency.
what are you doing here? are you deaf? we have no connection with you or your team.
you know,i am surprised.
you didn't offer us a lift home.
look,why don't you--aah! what are you doing here? -are you in trouble,child? -i'm not in trouble.
then to what do we owe the pleasure? -i'll talk to daddy.
-excuse me? i'll talk to daddy.
you'll talk to your mother, and you'll talk right now.
i don't think i will.
you want to tell me who stole my daughter, or has that school been teaching you this kind of obscenity? i came for some papers.
-what is this? -that's a pistol.
are you on drugs to act like this? sit down,child.
and you'll listen to what i have to say.
i am your mother, and i love you more than anything else in this world.
i brought you into this world, and i will take you out before i allow you one more moment of disrespect.
-my problem is-- -i know what your problem is.
your problem is,you've lost your mind.
now, what did you come home for? i need some papers.
thank you.
which papers do you need, and what do you require them for? i'm dropping ouof school.
my fine black ass you are.
it's freight only,sir.
we're a cargo carrier.
would you look at my passport,please? sir,we're a freight carrier.
would you look at my passport,please? mr.
holdhe plane.
welcome aboard liberty cargo,mr.
-- thank you.
no! lo siento.
no explic? come here,thief! we'll deal with you when our business is done! but the problem is that men take advantage.
then what's the point of dating?what's the point in getting mried? thats a good question.
but things change.
think there's any chance you and brian will get back together? no.
he's all over this angela girl.
uhh! then you're well rid of him.
it doesn't feel that way.
bets,there's lots of boys to date at college.
just 'cause one is-- they're all snooty,stuck-up snobs.
all they want to do is party,drink, and do drugs.
rush a girl? yeah.
i wasn't ready.
i-- no.
it's good,bets.
don't ever let anyone rush you into something you're not ready for.
you know,you could tell your mom that.
-she'd understand.
-no,i can't.
maybe just not yet.
it's good to have you home.
i know your mother feels the same way.
aunt tiffy? how long does it take to get over him? forever.
serena! mommy's coming!shoes on.
i'm almost ready! -let's go,kiddo! -ok,mommy! -we no longer offer that course.
-yes,but that's the area i've been studying.
that's my major.
i mean,my credits-- i wish i could help you,ms.
brown,but your credits are from four different colleges.
and i hate to admit this,but this is the only communications class we have a spot in.
-news writing 101? -that's right.
i've taken it.
serena,get off that chair.
public speaking-- is that open? the young woman who taught that, her husband was transferred.
you pick those up right now,young lady! -creative writing? -i'm sorry.
just what else is available? tuesdays and thursdays,we have openings in beginning computers and military history.
oh! we have an opening in home economics.
it's only 2 credits, but many of the military women like-- like to better themselves by making pies? feel free to give that back to the agency with my regards.
good to have you home.
williams? grey? both safe,both inbound.
mack? no word,but i'm not shaking.
bob brown? we got a scan of a police report.
individual matching his description violently resisting arrest.
they're in pursuit.
if they catch him,they'll put him on trial for murder.
better know it.
so this is not brian,i talk to his mother.
she says betsy broke up with him.
-you check that with brian? -yes.
hoping for a different answer.
so she lied to tiffy.
yes,she did,and her advisor says her grades are fine,attendance is fine.
then it's not about college.
-you gonna talk to her? -said she'd talk to me.
i imagine that's what she'll do.
and you'll daddy her up, but you won't put it to her.
don't tell me what i'm gonna do.
then show me what you're gonna do.
be careful.
even the dumbest of generals wouldn't start a two-front war.
how many,do you think? she bring laundry? set the three.
go for blane.
Assassin,it's him!the killer! the american on televison! here's his gun.
XXXXXXXXXX it's freaky,huh? i guess we missed the boat.
i guess.
i don't know.
maybe it's fate, getting stranded in a foreign country, talking to someone you'd probably just walk right by back home.
well,what are we supposed to do now? -can i ask you something? -sure.
where'd you get your drugs? how could you tell? kieran,you have detention in five minutes.
we have time.
bonnie,what's up with you? teenage rebellion? there's rebellion,and there's stupid.
kiddo,don't be stupid.
you look like the cheshire cat.
well,i disappear and reappear and disappear.
come here.
you're two minutes late.
and you're actually on time.
that's for you.
and so are these.
i know you can't take 'em home and put 'em in a vase,but-- is this about mack? -he's not-- -no.
but you know where he is.
we haven't heard anything to make us think that there's a problem.
but he is missing.
he's late.
and i wanted you to be aware that-- i know you are-- the rest of the team? some are in or incoming,but two are-- late.
as you say.
come on.
and lady.
the most lovel mrs.
the little brownling.
miss serena brown.
pleased to meet you,serena.
nice to meet you too.
that's laurenda george,good friend.
kim brown,wife of coworker.
-very nice to meet you.
-nice to meet you too.
that what you're calling me now,a friend? i said a good friend,baby.
we should get moving.
guys,is bob off-duty too? -out of the office.
-yeah,but-- if i see bob when i get back to the office, i'll tell him to call you.
okay,but--but-- we'll see you later,kim.
all right.
we've been waiting on you.
i was at aunt tiffy's,babysitting.
you back-talk your mother, told her you were home to talk to me.
i come home,you're not here.
what do i make of this? you break that side window? i forgot my key.
nobody was here.
it was cold.
tiffy has a key.
could have gone there.
but you chose to destroy property.
you think that's normal? your mother was concerned that you might use this.
i wasn't gonna use the gun,daddy.
it's good to see you.
-why are you here? -i need my birth certificate.
-you don't need that to get a job.
-a job? well,you drop out of school.
you got to support yourself.
i presume you're planning on getting a job.
i'm not in the right place at school.
i'm not cut out for it.
like i said,you don't need a birth certificate to procure employment.
i need it to enlist.
the australian guy is over ther.
how much you got? -what? you mean- -cash on you,just to get us started.
i got a friend back home.
wanted me to buy him a guitar.
well,this will be more fun.
wait here.
uh,me and a bunch of friends are having a party.
-good on ya.
-we figure we can use a little help.
how much will 2,000 euros buy us?that is, if you got it.
i could get it.
i'm waiting.
did you have any trouble? right as rain.
aren't you ever scared out there? scared of losing everything? losing me? you are what gets me home,baby.
we said four years of college, and that's what we meant: -four years.
-of being unhappy.
-of being in college.
-you didn't go to college.
-i learned somewhere else.
-and that's what i want.
in the military,i'll learn skills.
they'll give me a good job after, when i'm done.
there's money for school after.
there's discrimination against women.
there's mud and dirt.
there's rape, there's war.
-i know the military life.
-is that right? it's been all my life.
i don't think the military is the issue.
does it surprise you that you're not involved in this decision? it surprises me,young lady.
when you speak to your mother, you do it with respect.
-do you understand me? -yes,sir.
i can come back later.
no,no,it's okay.
come on in.
i should get back.
-kim,is there anything-- -no.
this is our daughter betsy.
betsy, -this is mrs.
-she's married to one of my-- -his men.
to bob.
it was nice to meet you.
i'm sure i'll see you around.
i only came by to get some-- never mind.
i should get going.
i'll see you later.
mack's home.
-we'll finish this later.
-your way.
one way or the other.
you wouldn't try to stop me if i was your son.
you're not my son.
you're my daughter.
i apologize for my behavior when i came home.
i heard what you had to say, and i was out of line,and i'm sorry.
but i'm andult now, and i need to make my own decisions, even if they're the wrong ones.
well,that's better.
and as an adult,i'd like my birth certificate,please.
all right.
i followed you.
-bloody hell.
-i want to meet the man who supplies you.
i've got $1,000 for the man with the boat.
-a boat? -i need a boat,yeah.
why we'll not kill you now,or take your money? give it a shot.
can we talk? i don't know.
can we? let's start this visit over.
i'll acknowledge that you aren't a little girl anymore.
-it doesn't feel that way.
-we're parents.
as a parent,i'd like to figure out what this has all meant.
-just means that i've grown up.
-yes,you have.
but what's eating away at you? everything's changing.
that's all.
you won't understand.
when i was young,i didn't think my parents understood a thing i did.
well,that was you.
there was a boy, j.
howard alexander.
i dropped out of school.
i followed that boy to chicago.
i got off at union station.
i knew right then i'd made a mistake, but damned if i was going to admit that to my folks,so i stayed.
well,it was your decision.
it was right for you.
i missed a semester.
i missed my folks.
luckily,i never missed a period.
well,this isn't about a boy.
that's right.
it's about a man: your father.
you want to be like him so you don't have to be like me.
i want a life that i'm responsible for.
i want a life that i run.
i mean where's your life? in you,bird.
you know how to hold it.
you know how to check it.
get your coat.
we won't be long.
you're rusty.
i don't do this all the time.
my point.
i paid my dues for this family.
i haven't paid mine.
we're all paid up.
-this ain't no video game.
-i know.
you know?how is it you know? my job don't got no "take your daughter to work" day.
-but i want to be able to-- -you want to fight.
who you mad at? i'm not mad.
i just want to get out-- it's never gonna happen for you.
sure it will.
forget the sights.
look at the target.
so if i was a boy-- i'd tell you to join the rotc.
i'm not saying you're wrong.
i'm saying you got to have options.
finish school.
you still want to do this, i'll sell you your first salute.
how about it? what are you scared of? i fear no man.
one woman.
courage is moving into danger when there's a means of escape.
you got choices,bets.
-be courageous.
-i'll try.
"i'll try" means "i'll fail.
" you don't know that, you don't belong in the army.
good work.
we're done here.
-you're sure this is the place? -be calm.
dos cervezas.
i need to get out of the country.
-my english is perfect.
-i can pay.
for a thousand,you can't even look at the boat.
so how much? for an american and an assassin, the ratones, the guardia, they say anyone who gives you up gets 10,000.
you know,if i was in your line of work, i'd want to be able to see at night before oth people could see me.
for 10,000,you can't even touch it.
but for a boat ride,20 mag infrared night scope.
very limited issue,u.
military only.
half kilometer range.
you-- where did you go with my money? she just wants her money back,mate.
what is this? a misunderstanding.
she's harmless -you want me to get rid of her? -what? you're speaking too fast.
-it's no problem.
i'll do it as a favor.
-what's going on? speak english.
the boat's named Nicola.
go to number 5.
come with me if you please,miss.
get your hands off me! stop it! what's going on? -let her go.
-leave me alone! she's my concern now.
consider her part of your payment.
-oh,my god.
-that's not gonna work.
oh,my god! thank you.
let's take a stroll.
i know everyone's back but bob.
listen,when you came over, we were right in the middle of well,we just were.
i wanted to come over and talk to you-- if bob was in trouble,would you tell me? no.
if he was all right? yes.
so you're saying he's in trouble? the best training a man can have is what your husband has.
bob knows what he's doing.
you just have to have faith in just how good he is,you follow? you have to believe as he has to believe, to know, that you're at home,handling things, living your life the best you can.
all right,then milita history.
there still an opening? i believe so,yes.
-sign me up before i change my mind.
you could take me with you,wherever you go.
-oh,you poor thing.
-uh,could you not? -ahem.
the barman's calling the police.
i really must go.
i can't afford the publicity.
i'm not even supposed to be in this country.
wait,wait! he was going to take me with him on his yacht.
his what? his rich,big,beautiful boat.
-a yacht? -s? his yacht.
-no,where are you going? -look,i really like you-- -janice.
-yeah,janice,but-- what are you gonna say, you have a girlfriend now? no.
i'm gay.
you dropped this.
that's my handkerchief! why? why are you picking that trash when you could have me? trash? you-- well.
permission to board,sir? -you found it.
-what? your grandmama's ring.
oh,it was in the drawer of my desk.
i've been looking for it for-- me too.
that's a little bit of a stone, but it's been in our family for so long.
what's this? your birth certificate.
make sure you put it someplace where you're remembering, in case you need the damn thing for something.
i don't need it.
i remember you were born.
i'm scared.
that's what it is.
we're all scared.
honey this place,this--it's home.
it's what i know.
the rules are different at school.
mom, the way people act.
i'm not ready.
trust me.
the army isn't what you think,either.
then i've got no place to go.
you've got a life at school.
XXXXXXXX but what if i can't? this place is gonna be here: our house this.
most important,your daddy and me, we're always gonna be here.
i'm proud of you,bird.
thank you,mom.
call us.
they come,and they go.
so it turns out that she was romanian.
she was working in the hotel as an illegal.
says she'll get me out the same way she came in.
i ride across the border in her cousin's chicken truck.
it's easier to steal the plane.
yo,yo,i was land,remember? okay,wait,wait,wait,wait.
hold on a second.
bob,you're telling me that you deny yourself a night with a gorgeous available hippie chick? i don't know.
i guess i believe that,but-- but he's married.
-not overseas.
-not overseas.
okay,listen,bob, i'm with you right up to that point, but then you tell me yomeet this english guy with a yacht? rupert.
and he just takes you with? what's he leaving out? how exactly did you buy your ticket home? does it matter,gentlemen? does it really matter? i guess not.
ah,he's playing us.
Howardlee Season 01 Episode 05
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