The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

In Plain Sight

Hi, do we have anything to eat?
Or, you know, something else?
I haven't had any dinner yet.
- Have you eaten?
- Kari?
I saw the video.
What video?
You know you can always talk to me.
I just don't know
what you're talking about.
- Don't lie to me.
- Jesus!
- Excuse me, I'm talking to you.
- I have no idea what you're talking about.
I want to know everything
about this video.
- I don't know anything about a video.
- Just like you never went to that party.
Just tell me the truth!
Okay, I went to the party.
But I left way before this happened.
I swear.
- Tell me what you guys did to her.
- Mom
You have to tell me what
you did to Telma. Tell me the truth!
- You can tell me
- Mom!
[phone rings]
[Dísa] Erlingur, come here for a second.
[Hugrun] I pulled a fingerprint
from Thor's photo. Hurry over.
Yes, fantastic. I'm coming.
- Arnar?
- Not now. I'm on my way to see Hugrun.
No, come, now.
Isn't that Thor?
Yes, so it seems.
Who's that with him? Can you enlarge this?
Yeah, hold on. Let me find another angle.
- Can I see?
- Yes.
I'm running the prints
through our database now.
Do we have Steinthor
Jonsson's fingerprints on file?
- If he's done time.
- Run them against those prints.
- Shouldn't I finish
- Do it now.
This is our guy.
- Armed police!
- Police, hands up!
- Get down! Get down!
- On the ground, face down.
Steinthor Jonsson, 40 years old,
extremely dangerous. Most likely armed
and highly unpredictable.
All our evidence suggests
that this is our guy.
Show me your hands! Hands up!
- Armed police! Get down!
- Get down!
Face down, on the floor!
As we know, Steinthor has been living
in a halfway house the last few weeks.
- Armed police!
- Clear!
Get down!
- Hands up!
- Hands up! Hands up!
Down on the floor!
- Go, go, go.
- Armed police!
Armed police!
He has no assets.
His bank account is empty and
there have been no transactions.
We're monitoring surveillance
cameras at Keflavik Airport
and are operating under the assumption
that he has not left the country.
Steinthor sent a letter to the deceased,
with a photo taken at Valhalla years ago.
His fingerprints were found
on the photograph.
And CCTV footage from the post office
proves that he mailed the letters.
The numbers 28:13 were handwritten
on the back of the photographs,
which we believe is a Biblical reference.
We have spoken to his mother, close
relatives, and known associates,
and nobody seems to know his whereabouts.
It's imperative that we find
this man, right away.
We are racing against time.
So, think fast.
Great, thank you.
Carry on.
Where were you?
I had a personal matter to attend to.
I have to be sure that I can count on you.
- Yes.
- Can I count on you?
Of course you can count on me.
Excuse me, is this a bad time?
Oh, hi.
Can I have a quick word?
Yes, of course. We can go in here.
I want to apologize for my behavior
the last time we met.
No, no. You had every right
to say what you said.
I never imagined
that anything like this
had happened at Valhalla.
- Well, it happened.
- Yes, I know.
And now my name is on this report
that whitewashes these people.
I don't want to be known
as the man who did such a thing.
If there is anything I can do
to assist you with the investigation,
don't hesitate to contact me.
You can reach me at this number.
Thank you.
I don't want to wrap up my career
by covering up the crimes of others.
I know that this doesn't
make amends for what happened
or my negligence
but I take full responsibility.
Well, I better get going
to my meeting with Helga.
I I just heard about your father.
And you didn't say a word about it?
My deepest condolences.
I understand
the funeral is at
four o'clock today.
Arnar, my friend.
If you need anything,
you know I'm always here for you.
[Hugrun] Arnar.
Can you come to the lab?
Thank you.
We've pieced together the broken taillight
found outside Valhalla.
According to the lab in Oslo, it's
from a Toyota Yaris, 2005-2009.
There were 500 such cars
sold here in just the last year.
Five hundred?
Yes, it looks like it.
That's well over 2,000 cars, and between
1,500 and 1,700 in the capital area alone.
Well, they weren't all down by
the harbor the night Thor was killed.
- Review the footage from the harbor.
- Yeah.
Look for a Toyota Yaris 2005-2009
in all harbor footage
the night Thor was killed.
There is no Yaris registered to Steinthor.
He could've borrowed
the car or stolen it.
- There are no reports of a Yaris
- Just find the car. Okay?
Are we done here?
[Eyja] Hi, Arnar, can we talk?
What do you want?
I I want you to come
and say goodbye to our dad.
We're family, and we need to be together.
The answer is no.
There's no way I'm coming.
Arnar, you know
you're making a mistake.
A mistake?
You'll always regret it if you don't come.
You know, Eyja
Why would I want to come?
Will you do it for me?
The tooth matches the skeleton.
Can you call Tomas' parents and
ask them to come to the station?
Yes, will do.
"According to our sources, the police
are searching for Steinthor Jonsson,
who is suspected of murdering
the four former Valhalla employees."
- You're kidding me. When was it published?
- Just now.
- Who is their source?
- Someone called Andres.
That stupid bastard.
If Steinthor sees this,
he will go into hiding.
What happened to
improved relations with the media?
You didn't give us a goddamn thing.
We know about Andres. The nonsense you're
eating up could ruin the investigation.
This is bad: "Steinthor
is also suspected of
being responsible for
the death of a young boy,
previously believed to have died of
exposure close to Valhalla 30 years ago."
- This is not okay. We have to suppress it.
- What do think he's doing?
- We have to stop this reporter. Now!
- He's working on it!
Guys! I think I found the car.
The car was never at the harbor.
He parked it next to the restaurant
where Thor and Iris had dinner
and followed them from there.
Can you see the license plate?
Of course you can't see anything
in these crappy cameras.
Play it again.
Gray Toyota Yaris, circa 2007 model,
with a red front fender and
one broken taillight.
I'll put out an APB.
The Reykjavik Police are looking for
a gray Toyota Yaris.
The car has a red front fender
and is a 2005 to 2009 model.
Those with information
about the car or its whereabouts
are asked to contact
the police at 444-1000.
Information can also be
shared by private message
through the Reykjavik
Police Facebook page.
Yeah, we're at the school.
PH-850. This is not the car.
No, there's no red fender.
Do you want some coffee?
No, thank you.
No, me neither.
[phone rings]
Yes, okay, I'll be right there.
Has anyone gone through this?
Hello, Kristjan.
Thank you for coming.
Would you like to step inside?
It's about the DNA test.
It's Tomas?
The DNA from his baby tooth
matches that of the skeleton.
I read online
that someone named Steinthor
Jonsson is suspected of
murdering our boy. Is that correct?
I'm sorry, I can't give you
any information at this time.
Oh, for God's sake.
Tell us what you know. I have to
We have to hear the truth
about what happened,
if we're ever going
to move on with our lives.
You must understand
I'm sorry, but I can't
give you any information.
Do you have any children?
Yes. A son.
What would you do if your son
disappeared without a trace?
Kristjan, I
Do you recognize this man?
No, I can't say that I do.
- Do you have a large congregation?
- Yes, but I know almost everyone by name.
Hey, is this related to
the serial killings at all?
Do you have any idea why he would have
a bookmark from this church?
No, they're everywhere. The Benefactor
Society had them made a while back.
We also have a hall downstairs,
which is used for AA meetings and such.
- AA meetings?
- Yes, there's a meeting there now
- that's about to wrap up.
- I see.
I don't know what to tell you.
You know this is anonymous.
- Later, Patti.
- Bye.
Yes, I know, and I'm not
asking you to betray his trust.
On the contrary, you
would be helping him.
I assume you've been following the news.
Steini has been acting weird, and I think
this Valhalla stuff totally fucked him up.
Okay, and you have no
idea where he might be?
No, I simply don't know him that well.
But I know his best friend lives
in an RV by the stables in Ellidaardalur
if that's any help.
Yeah, okay.
[Kata] Where are you?
I'm at the Church of Breidholt.
Steini attended AA meetings here.
And what?
His sponsor mentioned a friend who
lives by the stables in Ellidaardalur.
- I'm going to check it out.
- Want me to come?
No, I have to stop by a place on the way.
- Okay, call me when you're done.
- I will.
- Bye.
- Kata?
Someone called and reported a gray Yaris
with a red front fender in Kopavogur.
- Can you stop by?
- How reliable is it?
It has a red fender.
I'll check it out.
Good afternoon, Arnar.
I'm sorry for your loss.
You have my deepest condolences.
Don't do this to your sister.
Don't ruin this moment for her.
You know you're always welcome
back to the congregation.
- You know what you need to do.
- Get your hand off me.
- We all want you back home.
- Get your hand off me!
I fear nothing, Arnar.
My doors are always open
to you, if you wish to return.
But he worshiped Jehovah.
And true adoration of Jehovah
does not divide us, but unites us.
It teaches us to love Jehovah.
Who are those who teach others,
men and women, all over the world
to believe in Jehovah?
Yes, it's us.
We are the ones teaching
each other how to serve God.
Sometimes we lose sight
of what is true and right.
But it is never too late to repent
and confess one's sins.
A good father
wishes all the best for his children.
Our Father in Heaven
wishes us
to live in happiness for all eternity.
Bodvar was a good father
and he loved his daughter
and grandchildren.
and welcomes anyone
who wishes to join him.
Can we have a word with you?
Listen, just let me sit here for a minute.
I'm not bothering anyone.
- Not bothering anyone?
- No.
No. Get up.
- Come with us.
- No, not now.
- Let go of me.
- No. I'm telling you to come with us.
- Not now. This is my father's funeral.
- Stand up.
- Can you stop, please.
- No.
- Get up.
- Let go of me.
- Get up.
- Don't touch me!
Yeah, okay.
Hey, okay.
Okay, okay.
Not in here.
Yeah. No.
Hi, my name is Arnar, from the
Criminal Investigations Department
of the Reykjavik Police.
You probably know who I'm looking for.
Yes, but I haven't seen Steinthor
for almost two weeks now.
- Aha.
- Aha.
What happens if I get
a search warrant for that RV?
Chill, man. I've got nothing to hide.
I was going to call you when I
saw the news, but you know
Oh? Why is that?
Just being helpful.
- Where is Steinthor?
- That's the thing, I don't know.
- Where is he? Where?
- I don't fucking know!
He might be at the old power plant.
Okay, okay.
Okay, good. Sorry.
You're sure that this is
a gray Yaris with a red fender?
Yes, we think so.
The car vanished as soon
as the bulletin came on the radio.
Do you think it might be the killer's?
- Hi.
- [Kata] Hi, did you find anything?
No, I spoke to a friend of his
over at the stables.
He mentioned the old power plant.
I'm going to check it out,
but I don't know.
Hold on.
How about you?
A witness saw a gray Yaris.
It's not out front,
but I'm checking the garage now.
Keep me posted.
Okay, bye.
There are more windows on the other side!
- Can you give me a hand with this?
- And how am I supposed to do that?
I think people should be paid
for assisting like this.
Right, but then you have
to actually provide assistance.
- What did you say?
- Nothing.
What did you see? Is the car in there?
Was that it?
- Wait here!
- Okay.
- Hi, Hugrun.
- Hi.
- I found the car.
- Great!
Send me some backup, right away.
- We'll be there right away, but Kata
- Good. Yes.
Egill just brought Kari to the station.
- What?
- He's giving a statement.
- Do have any idea why?
- No, I just saw them in the hallway.
Okay, thanks for letting me know.
- We're on our way.
- Okay, bye.
The old power plant! Arnar!
Dispatch! Send all available units
to the old power plant in Ellidaardalur.
Officer in danger. Top priority.
Send backup at once!
Arnar, pick up the phone.
Pick up!
Why aren't you picking up?
- Steinthor.
- Don't move!
Get back!
- Kristjan! Put the knife down.
- Get away from him!
I'm not armed.
They were goddamn liars,
every last one of them.
They told us that Tomas had run away.
It was all a lie.
They deserved to die.
You're right, but put
the knife down, Kristjan.
Hold still. Hold still!
Tomas told me that they
were hurting him there.
That they were hurting the boys.
But I didn't believe him.
I didn't believe my own son.
But then I saw the
pictures in the newspaper.
The lighter and the necklace.
It all made sense.
And then I realized the truth.
This piece of filth and
the other three had to die.
I had to kill them for Tomas.
- Murderer!
- Kristjan, don't do it!
- Confess!
- Put the knife down!
How far away is the SWAT team?
Hurry up!
Of course I'll wait.
- Confess, you bastard! Confess!
- This is not the right way
You can still stop this.
Kristjan. Look at me!
No, Kristjan. Don't do it!
Put the knife down!
This is Katrin Gunnarsdottir. I need
the security code for the safe in car 440.
Hurry! A man's life is at stake.
Do you have it?
Thank you.
One more time. Thank you.
Got it!
- Put the knife down! Kristjan!
- Confess, you bastard!
- This isn't the right way.
- Confess!
Kristjan, this isn't the right way.
You can still stop.
- Confess!
- Kristjan, look at me.
This is not the right way.
I can't tell the truth
from the lies anymore.
Tomas deserves justice.
This is not justice.
This animal killed my son.
Those people had to pay.
Kristjan, give me the knife.
- [Kata] Kristjan! Drop the knife!
- No, Kata, don't!
- I'm going to kill him!
- No!
Okay, relax. Relax.
Everything will be all right.
No, Kristjan
No No
Kristjan, give me the gun.
[shot fired]
Subtitle translation by Sindri Eldon
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