The Veil (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Grandfather's House

MAX: I had an operative shot in the head
this morning at point-blank range.
Maybe not another coincidence.
ISIS doesn't usually go in
for clean assassinations like that.
It's like they were
trained by another entity.
Got a light?
SAMHURES: The ship has departed,
and is en route to Marseille to meet you
and head to America.
The Djinn Al Raqqah
confirms she's still in Paris
with the British woman.
Tell everyone I will be back
at the ship by tomorrow night.
Are you hoping to see some old friends?
I just haven't been here in years.
Adilah, this insanity has to stop.
IMOGEN: I know who he is.
ADILAH: It's not what you think.
EMIR: The explosive
device is secure on board,
and soon we will depart
for the US harbour.
fresh intelligence.
There is a ship.
It contains some kind of device
that will be detonated in a US harbour.
We know it's being organised
by a terrorist cell.
They are using names that are taken from
The Book of Surprises.
IMOGEN: She showed me
that book in Istanbul.
It's like she wants me to figure it out.
I'll continue to promise
protection for her and her daughter,
and I'll concentrate my investigation
on getting her to tell
me the name of the ship.
Okay, I know this apartment is bugged
by both the CIA and the DGSE,
so if any of the night
shift are still awake,
the target is gone.
I repeat, somehow the target is gone.
Yeah. Hello, I don't
know who was in here,
but there's a horrible odour in my room.
All right, thank you.
How the fuck?
We got ten million dollars'
worth of surveillance equipment.
Seven operatives surrounding
a single apartment building
with one way in, and one way out.
How the fuck!
Imogen, speak to me.
IMOGEN: Tell your people she's wearing
black jeans and a green jacket.
I know because they are my clothes
she's wearing, and I know what's missing
because I make it a point to
be somewhat decent at my job.
MALIK: French and American surveillance
can confirm that a delivery driver
is the only person to have entered
and left the building
in the last few hours.
That means he may still
be in the building.
MALIK: Yeah, can you get eyes on him?
Copy that.
Okay, to whom it may concern
the guy who made the switch
is still in the building.
I repeat, still on the ground floor,
but he won't be for long.
Same height as Adilah, same build.
He's wearing a grey overall.
This was a smart operation.
He entered as a delivery guy
and will leave as a cleaner.
He's undoubtedly part
of the terrorist cell.
Send back-up.
I don't care if it's the
French or the Americans,
but give me five minutes alone with him.
Do you understand me?
IMOGEN: I imagine they'll call you soon
to make sure it all went as planned.
As soon as they do, this
will track their location.
I can answer the call
and we'll find out
who you're working for,
and I would imagine
you'll be in deep shit.
you can just tell me where she went,
walk away, enjoy the rest of your day.
I don't want any trouble.
Where are you from?
Poland? Russia?
So what's it gonna be?
- Yes.
Hand it over.
It's not what you're thinking.
Who do you really work for?
Answer me.
Why didn't you shoot him in the leg?
He was surrendering.
Clean this up.
Malik, just so you
know, I had him twice.
I'm going back to the apartment.
the organisation, our commanders,
everyone thinks you've
gone to the other side.
I don't want to, but
it's hard for me not to.
Are you an informer
for the British agent?
No, it's not true.
You can tell them that it's not true.
I'm only using her to
find out what they know,
and I'm using her as a
shield for protection.
She's working with the Americans.
If I don't stay with her
they will find me and
they will capture me,
and we will not be able to
go through with the plan.
I reminded them that only you
could've devised a plan like this.
But you have to prove you're dedicated.
You know what will happen
to Yasmina if you fail?
They would kill her while you watch.
ADILAH: Emir, you promised me.
You promised that you would make sure
we were protected even
after you leave this world,
if I do this.
I will still help you.
But you have to prove your loyalty.
She has to be killed,
and you have to do it.
It has to be on a busy
street, like Montmartre.
Your grandfather Mohammed's house.
Meet her there at four o'clock.
Keep her busy until the crowd is full.
I will get you a knife
and you will use it.
I will do everything you say.
I will take her there.
But please find someone else to use it.
All right.
I'll find a man to do it.
Thank you.
In a few days from now,
I will be dust and bones,
and I want us to be wed.
To be one in the eyes of God.
I will be waiting with the imam.
I leave for Marseille later tonight.
They have the license plate.
They must be looking for me.
Take this.
Here is the detonator and the chip.
Everything was delivered
to Paris as promised.
I am so happy you will have this honour.
Sir, you have zero jurisdiction here.
We are only here because
we have intercepted
on the French police
comms, which is illegal,
and we cannot let them know that.
It would be better all around, sir,
if we just got back in the car
before they realise who we are.
Let the French police do what they do.
What the French police "do"
is they do fucking nothing.
They let an incredibly dangerous target
just slip through their fingers.
She evaded our
surveillance team, too, sir.
When we find her, we do it.
We do what we have to do.
No more fucking waiting and watching.
We do what we should have
done right from the start.
We break some fucking rules
and break some fucking bones.
I'm outside the surveillance.
Do you have something?
Cesar has intercepted an email
from the Americans to Langley
about a high-level
emergency meeting today.
It's not at the Paris station.
They're ignoring all protocols,
so, it must be really serious.
I think they're trying
to take this away from us.
I'll update you after the transmission.
No, I'm seeing that in real time.
It's too important.
I don't care if I'm the DGSE's
best kept secret. I'm coming in.
No, no, no. I don't
think it's a good idea.
I'll be there in an hour.
MAX: The head of the terrorist
cell, which we believe is planning
a major attack in the United States,
has escaped from our remote custody.
I want to be clear.
Her escape from our surveillance systems
is a direct consequence,
and is directly attributable
to the French security services
and in part to the involvement of MI6.
A female British agent who is used
in very high-level
sensitive situations,
very gifted at gaining
the trust of people
but also known to be
erratic and unpredictable.
On top of that,
she had a previous sexual relationship
with the French operative
who is Muslim of
French-Algerian descent.
The British agent
had been given total
control of the investigation,
and sole access to the target,
and as a result, the
target has now flown
the rather insecure Anglo-French coop.
You were right, they're
trying to take control.
MAX: The French police
and security services
are conducting a nationwide
search for the woman,
but I hold out very little hope.
CHIEF OF STAFF: We have information
that the plot involves a frigate,
allegedly carrying
some kind of dirty bomb.
And based on the timeline,
we believe that it's leaving Europe
and headed for a port
on the East Coast of the United States.
We do not know the name of the ship,
or the exact location of embarkation.
We believe the ship will
arrive on the East Coast
in the next two to three days.
"Next two days"? Jesus
MAX: We believe the attack
will be on one of the top three ports,
New York and New Jersey,
Savannah and the Port of Virginia.
HOMELAND: They all
have dense populations
for hundreds of miles around them.
Any of those harbours
would have, on average,
between 18 and 22 cargo
ships docking in any one day.
MAX: Forgive me, we're talking about
a needle in a fucking haystack here.
Any ideas how we find the needle?
We freeze all shipping in the Atlantic
and prevent all cargo
ships from docking.
And the entire East
Coast of the United States
ask "what the fuck?" A rumour gets out,
and before you know
it, there will be chaos
beyond anything anyone could imagine.
I would like to suggest
a course of action
which is both illegal
and some would say immoral,
but which I believe is our only chance
of preventing this attack in time.
We kidnap the target's
daughter and use her as leverage
to apprehend and interrogate the target
using every tactic at our disposal.
CHIEF OF STAFF: Kidnapping a child
is not in anyone's playbook.
HOMELAND: With all due respect, madam,
we've done it before.
Max, I'm gonna need to hear from you
if there are any alternative options.
No, sir.
I can tell you unequivocally,
there are no other options.
HOMELAND: Do what you need to do.
you can't do anything
with that information.
Promise me you won't do anything.
Don't talk to me about promises.
I promised her I would
protect her and her daughter.
I failed.
That woman is a monster.
A murderer.
She's not your friend.
You see, it's not my job
to think of her as a monster
or a saint.
It's my job to get her
to tell me what she knows.
It's my job to save
those people's lives.
And I failed in that, too.
The thing is, I know
she would have told me.
I know it.
(INHALES) Bloody hell.
Damn fine pad you got here.
Friends in high places?
Yes, actually.
MAX: I was hoping you'd be
coming with your girlfriend.
So listen, game's over.
I've gotten permission from my bosses
to terminate your services.
The French are in agreement.
We have a new strategy.
Come on, Max.
What the fuck?
Don't do it.
- Hey
- Please.
I know how hard it is to
lose an assignment like this.
I do.
Especially with whatever
I don't know, sins of the father.
It's not about that.
It's about the fact
that it's not gonna work.
It didn't work, Imogen.
It hasn't worked,
and we're running out of fucking time.
I looked into your Russian proxy thing.
I got shit.
Thousands of American
lives are still at risk,
and the only way out
is Adilah El Idrissi.
if she happens to come by
I know you'll contact
me immediately, right?
(SIGHS) I don't work for you.
Everybody works for us.
Sooner or later.
Sometimes you just gotta fold.
You know how it is.
It's hard to let go sometimes.
Especially when you lose.
MAX: You came real close.
Real close.
MAN: Direct 20. Site collection.
MAN 1: What's going on?
WOMAN: (ON RADIO) Roger that.
Hurts my feelings a bit
when you run out on me like that.
Why are we here?
This is the truth of me.
What truth?
It's my grandfather's house.
This is who I was before
everything happened.
I wish you could have known me then.
(SIGHS) I need to tell you something.
The Americans are tired of our
little game of hide-and-seek.
They're going to kidnap Yasmina
and use her as leverage
to get you to talk,
but I can get her out somewhere safe.
I can get you new identities,
and they will never find you.
We need to do it immediately.
do you mean, kidnap her?
Where will they take
her? They can't do that.
- She's just a child.
- I know. I know. I know.
My people would kill Yasmina
if they think I betrayed them
for the fucking Americans
Believe me, I am aware of that.
That's what I'm telling you.
I can get you and Yasmina to England.
You have to travel separately
and we have to go, now,
because the most dangerous place
for you, and your child
is Paris right now.
- I can't.
- Listen to me.
- I can't
- Listen.
If you let them take her,
you will never see her again.
Even if you tell them
everything you know,
they will never let you
go back to a normal life
with your child,
and no country will take you.
You will lose her.
We have to go, now.
Please? You have to trust me.
Fuck it.
The woman saw me.
She had a gun. She took her.
The Djinn Al Raqqah will succeed.
Report that she has the detonator.
Once she surrenders,
we get them on the plane immediately,
- okay, and then
Hold on a second.
I got a call from the surveillance team
around the girl.
MAX: I'll call you back.
They had them pinned in the apartment,
but they've heard no movement
or conversation inside for two hours.
And they did not see
them leave the building.
They've broken into the
apartment and it's empty.
It's evident that
they've been extracted.
It's Imogen.
The woman will not fold.
We have to find her.
Yes, sir.
Thanks for the update. I have to go.
on her way to England.
I've made arrangements
for her to meet us.
Working on the new
identities and getting you out
of the country, somewhere safe.
They'll never find you.
She's doing fine.
She wanted an ice cream.
Thank you.
you realise I'm the
only person in the world
who knows where your child is.
You can't see her until you give me
the name and location of that ship.
(SOFTLY) Oh, my God.
You are all the same.
You're all the same!
You're using my daughter now?
You're doing exactly what
they were going to do.
If it wasn't for me,
you'd be in a cell right
now being waterboarded.
I'm the only one who's protected,
defended and fought for you.
I've saved your arse over and over,
and I have had to save my
own three times this week.
So the least you could do
is be fucking honest with
me and tell me what you know.
Why would I be honest with
you or tell you anything
before I see my daughter
with my own eyes?
My own eyes!
Just shut up.
"My daughter, my
daughter, my daughter "
Do do you think
you're the only woman
in the entire world
who has ever loved a child
and can't be with them?
Do you think you're
the only person in life
to have experienced this?
I have an idea.
Why don't you try not
becoming a terrorist
and see if that improves
your parenting skills?
What the fuck would you
know about being a mother?
(SOFTLY) Everything.
(NORMAL VOICE) Never mind, I forgot
I forgot you're the only person
to have ever experienced pain.
Who's ever felt loss.
The only one.
You know, millions of
people have shitty lives
and shitty opportunities,
and they do not join a terrorist group
and plan an attack to
kill thousands of people.
I don't know why I
haven't just turned you in
and let them cause you so much pain
you beg for mercy.
I don't know why I haven't
just handed you over
and let them break you.
I don't care about you.
You're nothing to me.
You are nothing to me!
You're a woman with a child
who loves you and needs you,
and you are choosing to
throw all of that away.
I had no choice.
You're choosing "this" over her.
I had no fucking choice!
And that is something you
will never understand, Imogen.
Because your life has
been full of choices.
You chose the life you
lead now. I did not.
You jumped off a cliff and joined them.
No one pushed you.
And don't you dare pretend
to know what my life has been.
Because it was so sad, wasn't it?
Because Mommy left and Daddy left
and you were all alone
when you went to Oxford and fell in love
- with a handsome man
- Oh, fuck off.
who gave you the opportunity
to become this glamorous spy.
Now, fuck off!
Was that sad for you, Imogen?
Tell me, does it make
you feel less lonely
to be the daring white heroine
who gets to save the world
from destruction and
evil monsters like me?
Who said you get to decide
what is good and what is evil?
Because there are millions
of people, families,
including mine,
who have been murdered, displaced,
our lands occupied, colonised,
our mosques desecrated.
Our homes and hopes are destroyed
like they're nothing.
Oh, but it's only a tragedy
when it happens on your lands,
to your people.
We're just collateral damage, aren't we?
Aren't we?
Do you think what you're
planning will solve this?
Do you?
Or is it a way out
for you and your child?
Please tell me.
The reason you are with me
is because we are the same,
you and I.
We are the same.
Because if killing
thousands of people
helped bring your father back,
or your mother,
or your baby
then you might think of
doing exactly the same thing,
and that scares you to death.
MAN: Can you remember her face?
I know what you were gonna do today,
and I know you did not want to kill me.
So I'm going to choose to believe
that you're not a monster
and that you are a human being,
and you're gonna do the right thing,
and you're gonna choose
whether or not to get in that car.
what's it gonna be?
Get me out, give me in ♪
I gave you everything I could give ♪
You tried to take
you try to make it ♪
But take all everything
you can't break ♪
If you go so easily ♪
Go on, get out, when you leave ♪
I will wait, I will want ♪
Wait 'til the day you're back again ♪
Let me out, let me in ♪
I've given up, not given in ♪
'Cause together we are
not one, we are nothing ♪
We're holding on and on ♪
Together now, forever then ♪
Go ahead, don't you let me in ♪
But I will wait, I will want ♪
Wait 'til the day you're back again ♪
Let me go ♪
You know I'm not one for leaving ♪
Let me go ♪
You know I'm nothing
without your love, no ♪
I know I'm nothing
without your love ♪
- So let me go ♪
- Let me go ♪
You know I'm not one for leaving ♪
Let me go ♪
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