The Victims' Game (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


[waves crashing]
[foreboding music]
- [man 1] Fuck!
- [Chen] Are you going to talk now?
- [man 1] Spit it out!
- [man 2] I dare you to run.
- Did someone let you out?
- [Tsung-ming coughing]
- [Chen] Spit it out!
- [man 1] You were fast.
- [man 2] Fuck.
- [Chen] You won't talk?
- [man 1] Fuck.
- [thwacking]
- Try to run again.
- Fuck.
[Chen] Who let you out?
- [man 1] Fuck! Did you stare at me?
- Kuang-yung.
- [man 2] Boss asked for you.
- [Chen] Keep going.
Fuck. Stop screaming.
- Don't stop.
- [Chen] Beat him to death.
[man 1] Still staring?
Do you want to run again?
Fuck. Stop staring.
[Chen] Beat him to death.
[Tsung-ming coughing]
[Tsung-ming breathing heavily]
You're back.
Let me ask you something.
Did you let him go?
[Tsung-ming panting]
[Tsung-ming coughing]
Hit him.
Why are you hesitant?
- [man 2] Hit him.
- [man 1] Hurry!
[Tsung-ming whines]
- [thumps]
- [Tsung-ming screams]
Keep going.
[man 1] Harder.
- [thumps]
- [Tsung-ming groans]
[Chen] Keep going.
[Tsung-ming coughs]
- [Chen] Come on!
- [man 2] Fuck!
Did I tell you to stop?
- [thwacks]
- [chair squeaks]
[Tsung-ming panting]
[wood clatters]
[ominous music]
[man 2] I don't think he's breathing.
[man 1] Boss. I think we killed him.
[Chen] Go! Let's go!
[young Kuang-yung panting]
[blood dripping]
[dramatic music]
[waves crashing]
[sobbing continues]
[dramatic music]
[exhales sharply]
[water splashes]
[theme music]
[siren blaring]
[siren blaring continues]
[stretcher rattles]
[doctor 1] Nurses, get ready.
Go to the ER.
- On endo.
- [doctor 1] Sorry, Mrs. Liu.
You have to wait here.
[stretcher rattles]
Don't worry, Mrs. Liu.
I'm sure your husband will be fine.
You can sit down.
[approaching footsteps]
- Kuan.
- [Cheng-kuan] What's wrong?
Captain Sun wants you to report to him.
[foreboding music]
You, come here.
- Keep an eye on Liu Kuang-yung.
- Yes, sir.
- Keep me updated if anything happens.
- I will.
[Cheng-kuan] Come here for a second.
[Cheng-kuan sighs]
Check the phone records
in Liu Kuang-yung's house,
the cellphone records of him and his wife,
and the place he works at.
If anyone has ever talked to him,
I want them to be checked.
Don't you dare miss anyone.
Got it.
- [rushing footsteps]
- Hey!
[Cheng-kuan] Why are you here?
There's nothing for you here. Get lost!
[Liao] Don't mess things up.
[door opens]
- [nurse 1] Family of Mr. Liu Kuang-yung?
- [Yu-jung] Right here.
[nurse 1] I need you to sign
a couple of documents.
[Yu-jung] Okay.
[clothes rustle]
[coins clink]
[coins clatter]
[engine revs]
[approaching footsteps]
[cop 1] What are you doing, Yi-jen?
How much money was in his pocket
when you searched his body?
[cop 1] Only 15 dollars.
[heavy breathing]
[foreboding music]
[birds chirping]
[plastic rustles]
- [phone vibrates]
- [lighter clicks]
Are you stupid?
I told you to stop calling me.
[Hai-yin] Did Liu Kuang-yung
say anything last night?
[Hai-yin] You sure you want to hang up?
What do you want?
[Hai-yin] Is he still
in the police station?
I'll tell you.
Liu Kuang-yung tried to kill himself,
but he failed.
He's not well.
He's at Zhen Xin Hospital. That's all.
Fuck! You crazy bitch.
[phone thuds]
[Yung-chen] How could this happen?
Didn't you tell me you let him go
just so you can spy on him?
Why did it turn out this way?
I made the wrong call.
I didn't know he would kill himself.
Didn't you say you could find
some clues about him?
What have you found?
I'm still looking.
Kuan. You just got promoted as captain.
If anything happens, I can't protect you.
I know.
[clicks tongue, sighs]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[phone ringing]
- [Hai-yin] Hello.
- [Yi-jen] Hello?
[Hai-yin] I'm at Zhen Xin Hospital.
Where are you, Fang Yi-jen?
[breathes sharply]
[in soft voice]
I'll call you in a bit.
[breathes sharply]
[dramatic music]
[Hai-yin] If that body
is Chuang Ping-jung
Does this mean that
Liu Kuang-yung also saw
his last wish fulfilled?
It is all my fault.
- [beeps]
- [door opens]
[doctor 2] Family of Mr. Liu Kuang-yung?
[Yu-jung] Right here.
Mr. Liu is stable now.
[doctor 2] We'll send him
to the recovery room later.
[Yu-jung] Okay. Thank you, doctor.
Thank you, doctor.
[somber music]
[retreating footsteps]
[monitor beeping]
[ventilator wheezing]
[door opens]
[nurse 1] Mrs. Liu.
We have to do the routine checkup.
You may have to leave us for a while.
Please take care of him.
[nurse 1] We will.
- [phone ringing]
- [chair rasps]
- [Fatso] Hello? That's me.
- Kuan.
I was thinking.
Liu Kuang-yung tried to kill himself
by jumping into the sea.
Su Ko-yun died
and then became the hottest news.
As for Chuang Ping-jung,
there were signs of self-harm on his arms.
I was informed that Yu Cheng-hao
held records of overdosing
on carbon monoxide.
It's possible.
Which hospital was he sent to?
- Zhen Xin Hospital.
- Thanks.
[chair creaks]
[Fatso] Nanlin Hospital just called.
When Chang Tsung-chien
was undergoing chemotherapy,
they found him swallowing sleeping pills
in the bathroom before getting discharged.
He was saved by a nurse.
That's right.
Each one of them committed suicide.
Not only the time and place
were different,
but so were the hospitals.
I don't think they're related.
Is it really like what the media
and the critics are saying?
The murderer looks for those
who don't want to live
and kill them
after fulfilling their wishes.
No way! I told you!
The times and places are different.
How could one person do that?
Where's the murderer, then?
[Fatso] Weren't the deceased injected
with an anesthetic before they died?
They could've been killed!
Will you inject yourself beforehand?
- Have you ever tried killing yourself?
- [phone rings]
No! I mean
- I mean
- If you want to kill yourself
Will you please send her up?
Okay, I got it. Thank you.
[phone clanks]
[exhales sharply]
[Cheng-kuan] Go on.
[Cheng-kuan grunts]
There are five new sets of clothes.
- I'll get you some more if you need it.
- [Cheng-kuan] Okay. Thanks.
Why wouldn't you go up?
I just received an emergency order.
They want us to stay here
and we can't have any breaks.
I can't be with you guys later.
[exhales sharply]
By the way,
I heard he'd get addicted
by consuming too much antidepressant.
What did the doctor say?
- [Fang-ning] The doctor said that he's
- Mom!
Don't tell him.
Why can't she tell me?
Tzu-hao just thinks that you're busy.
He doesn't want to worry you.
I'll take care of the family anyways.
When is the next session
for your physical therapy?
I don't know.
Why don't you text me when you know?
[Cheng-kuan] I'll be there if I can.
No, really. You can keep working.
[breathes sharply]
[Fang-ning] I'll tell you
when I know the time.
That's enough.
You're out of the house. Stop using it.
Put it away.
Yes, your dad is worried about you.
[Fang-ning] We need to go to the hospital.
Go back to work. We're leaving now.
Okay. Please update me.
- [sighs]
- [wheelchair clanks]
[foreboding music]
[footsteps thumping]
[door opens]
[door closes]
How did you know I'm here?
Liu Kuang-yung is already
in the recovery room.
He's okay.
I can't figure out
why he took out all the money
in his pocket
and then put some back.
[Hai-yin] Let's say he saved the money
to go somewhere
to fulfill the next person's last wish.
Does that mean
there will be another suicide?
Fang Yi-jen, we can stop them.
What if the next one is Hsiao-meng?
What if Hsiao-meng
is going to kill herself?
[Yi-jen] That night,
Liu Kuang-yung took 85 dollars.
After paying 70 dollars
for the bus from Sijiaoting Station
to Andong Station,
the money he had left
was exactly the amount
he needed to go 16km on the bus.
So the place he was heading to
should be 16km away from Andong Station.
The range is too wide.
[door closes]
[phone vibrates]
[cop 2] Hello, Mrs. Hsu,
this is Pinglin Police Station.
Your mom was withdrawing money
from the post office on Sanmin Road.
The post office noticed
something was off, so they called us.
But then, she had already left
with 300,000 dollars.
We are afraid that it might be a scam.
That's why I'm calling you.
- Please keep an eye on your mom.
- I see.
[Hai-yin] Thank you.
I heard that no one knows
what Liu Kuang-yung looks like.
But suddenly, he committed suicide.
And he deliberately left his will.
What is the story behind this?
I specifically brought his will with me.
[Yu-hsuan] You can clearly tell
it was Liu Kuang-yung's handwriting.
But do you think it's possible
that he felt conscientious
and tried to kill himself
to pay for his sins
after 20 years away from prison?
I don't think that's possible.
There are serial murder cases recently.
Coincidentally, Liu Kuang-yung
committed suicide at this point.
Could he be behind all these murders?
It's highly possible.
I think he's the mastermind.
[commentator 1] And this man
is seriously antisocial.
[interviewer] Can you think
of a similar case?
[commentator 2] There was
a serial killer in the US.
His name was Ted Bundy.
He abducted, raped,
and killed more than 30
[dramatic music]
[ventilator wheezes]
[nurse 1] Mr. Liu.
You're at the hospital.
I'll bring you the doctor.
[door opens]
[Yu-jung] Can you contact the captain
of the Investigation Corps?
What serial murder? Can you tell me?
Is it about the serial killer on the news?
Can someone tell me what is going on?
What made my husband attempt suicide?
I'm sorry, Mrs. Liu.
It is an ongoing investigation.
- We can't tell you.
- He already attempted suicide.
I'm his wife. What can't you tell me?
I also want to know what happened!
Why don't you come in with me
- and we convince him to tell us?
- Kuan.
- [Cheng-kuan] What are you doing?
- [Liao] Hey!
- I need to go in there.
- [Cheng-kuan] You think you're from CID?
[Yi-jen] I need to go in there.
Don't you understand what I said?
- He himself is our evidence!
- [Cheng-kuan] Fang Yi-jen!
I've been tolerating you for so long.
You go wherever we go.
If you disrupt our investigation again,
I'll put your ass back into the lab!
Mrs. Liu.
Come on.
Come on! Wait!
[Liao] Which media is paying you?
This case is just too bizarre.
If you're being paid,
remember to be discreet.
Kuan doesn't want to expose you.
- If you keep this up, then goodbye
- What are you talking about?
[Liao] You fucker.
Holy fuck!
[Cheng-kuan] Liu Kuang-yung.
I know you feel terrible
and you can't talk.
But to clear the case,
I have to ask you something.
If you think it's true, nod your head.
If not, shake your head.
In the interrogation room, you told me
Chuang Ping-jung, Yu Cheng-hao,
Su Ko-yun, and Chang Tsung-chien
were willing to take their own life.
Is that right?
If it is, please nod.
What happened?
Could you please tell me?
[Yu-jung] Tell me.
I don't give a damn
about what you've done before.
[Yu-jung] I don't give a damn now.
I won't give a damn in the future too.
Because I know you're kind.
[Cheng-kuan] Then is their death
supposed to be fulfilling
the next person's last wish?
I want to ask you.
You were at the bus station yesterday.
Were you trying to kill yourself
in order to fulfill another's last wish?
Please nod if it's true.
[monitors beeping rapidly]
Liu Kuang-yung, is another person
going to take their life?
- Is there?
- [coughing]
- [Liao] Kuan
- Liu Kuang-yung!
- [Cheng-kuan] Liu Kuang-yung!
- Stop!
- [Cheng-kuan] A person's life is at stake.
- [Yu-jung] Stop asking him.
You can't provoke the patient!
- [Liao] Sorry! We'll leave right away.
- Please leave the room.
[Liao mutters]
Mr. Liu.
- [nurse 1] I'll call the doctor.
- Okay.
[monitors beeping rapidly]
[beeping normalizes]
[dramatic music]
[Kuang-yung] I see him
when I close my eyes.
I haven't done enough.
I'll be there for you.
[dramatic music]
[engine revs]
- [cloth rustling]
- [door opens]
[door closes]
You're home.
Why didn't you call me?
Why did you sell all of this?
I just want to have something to do.
Where's the 300,000 dollars
you withdrew at the post office?
[Hai-yin] Mom!
I thought you were kidnapped!
[Mrs. Hsu] They asked for money.
I panicked
and you didn't pick up my calls.
I was worried about you.
Last time, you invested with a friend
and they betrayed you.
You spent over 100,000 dollars for
an IR bed that claimed to cure everything.
Cancer energy water.
Somewhere along the way,
came a teacher who told you
it'd cost more than 100,000 dollars
to perform a Dharma ceremony for Dad.
- Why don't you ever tell me first?
- The ceremony was for his own good.
I'll try to make money
and pay you back what I owe you.
[Mrs. Hsu] Aren't you busy?
Just go back to work.
Stop minding my business.
- So noisy.
- What's the rush?
I know you're meeting the landlord later.
[Hai-yin] He said you're buying
this house. Are you?
He said someone wanted to buy this house
and that I have to move.
[Hai-yin] Great.
If someone wants it, why don't you move?
[Mrs. Hsu] I've been staying here
for a long time.
Why should I move?
[doorbell buzzes]
[door opens]
- [Mrs. Hsu] Mr. Shih, please come in.
- [Mr. Shih] Mrs. Hsu.
Please sit here.
Thank you.
[Mr. Shih] Thank you.
Please read through the contract.
[paper rustles]
We're not buying the house, Mr. Shih.
I know.
Your mom wants it, but you don't.
[Mr. Shih] You're putting me
in a very difficult situation.
- Let's talk this through at once
- There's nothing to say, we're not buying.
Fine, Ms. Hsu.
You don't have to talk to me like that.
Someone finally gave me
an offer last month.
[Mr. Shih] Your mom stopped me.
So now you need to make a decision.
If you agree, sign the contract.
If you don't, please move out.
I'm sorry about last time, Mr. Shih
A scam gang took all her money.
Her signature is useless.
[Mr. Shih] Fine.
Please move out by next month.
[paper rustles]
[Mrs. Hsu] Mr. Shih.
I really want this house.
Give me a bit more time, Mr. Shih.
Mr. Shih.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Why are you staying in this bloody place?
Do you have any idea
every time I come back here,
I would remember him saying
he's taking us out for some fun?
He took us to die instead!
[gloomy music]
This place
is the house
your dad and I found together.
[Mrs. Hsu] For you,
perhaps he wasn't a good dad.
But in my heart, he was a good man
and a good husband.
Even though he wasn't brave enough
to face his pain,
in the end,
he did not choose to abandon us.
[Hai-yin sobs]
I found a house.
I'll pay for the down payment next month.
Start packing and get ready to move.
[door closes]
[heavy breathing]
[Hai-yin] Hello, Ching-ching.
[Hsiao-meng] This is anonymous, right?
He's a police officer
- [clicks]
- but he collects evidence.
[video rewinds]
[Hai-yin] The tattoo on your wrist
is quite special.
- Did you design it?
- No.
[eerie music]
[video rewinds]
What interview does David want?
- Kuang-yung called and asked for you.
- [Hsiao-meng] What for?
[Cheng-hao] How would I know?
[video rewinds]
[Cheng-hao] Kuang-yung called
and asked for you.
[Liao] Kuan, if Liu Kuang-yung
was telling the truth,
a lot of things make sense.
- Look. Yu Cheng-hao had Su Ko-yun's ID.
- Mm-hm.
Chang Tsung-chien's SD Card
was in Su Ko-yun's stomach.
Chang Tsung-chien died
in Chuang Ping-jung's warehouse.
When Chuang died,
he had Liu Kuang-yung's will.
Isn't it obvious?
If that's true, we need to keep
an eye on Liu Kuang-yung.
Don't let him fulfill
the next person's last wish.
- [Cheng-kuan] That way, he can't die.
- [Liao] Yes! That's it.
[Cheng-kuan] But there's one thing
I don't understand.
- Fentanyl was found in everyone's bodies.
- [curtain rattles]
But fentanyl is controlled
by the government.
Normal citizens
can't get their hands on them.
Or does this have to do
with the tattooed girl?
The question is, how did she get fentanyl?
[suspenseful music]
[approaching footsteps]
[door creaks]
[curtains rattle]
[suspenseful music]
[broadcaster] Earlier in the day,
Peng Yi-ling found the will
and the body of Liu Kuang-yung,
the man who kidnapped her dad.
Our reporter has gone
to her stall to interview her.
But she still appears to be traumatized
and wouldn't respond.
- Let's have a look.
- Is it affecting you?
What happened back then?
[reporter 1] Can you tell us how you feel?
- [reporter 2] Ms. Peng!
- Ms. Peng! Can you not hide from us?
- Ms. Peng, care to tell us how you feel?
- Can you tell us how you feel?
The patient in 503 has stopped breathing.
His heart ceased beating.
- [nurse 1] The doctors are with him.
- [doctor 2] Any reaction?
[nurse 1] They used the defibrillator,
but his pulse still has not risen.
- [monitor beeping rapidly]
- [doctor 3] Three, two, one, clear!
[defibrillator zaps]
[doctor 3] Again.
Three, two, one, clear!
[flatline beeps]
[doctor 3] Three, two, one, clear!
Three, two, one, clear!
Three, two, one, clear!
[doctor 3] Three, two, one, clear!
[flatline beeps]
[camera shutter clicks]
[doctor 2] After we brought him back
to life, his vitals had been very stable.
We wouldn't know why he passed away
until the dissection.
[Cheng-kuan] It even happened
in the hospital?
What kind of policeman
can’t even take care of one person?
I'll see how you write your report.
[ominous music]
[Fatso] Did you see Liu Kuang-yung
doing anything weird on ward rounds?
[nurse 2] I don't think so.
[trolley rattles]
Excuse me, miss.
What happened to Mr. Liu Kuang-yung?
[nurse 2] You are?
I'm a friend of his wife.
This is an ongoing investigation,
so I'm not allowed to say anything.
Should I ask it for you?
- Miss!
- [nurse 1] Yes?
Um, that's okay. I'm fine, thank you.
I'll talk to his wife. Thanks.
[nurse 1] What happened?
[nurse 2] A friend
of Liu Kuang-yung's wife.
[Yao-hui] There are traces
of ropes on his neck.
We also found fentanyl in his body.
Fentanyl again?
We didn't see any needles.
Why is there fentanyl?
I know.
We didn't see any syringes.
It was also in the drip of the hospital.
I thought he committed suicide?
[Liao] But he was so weak,
he couldn't possibly stand.
How could he do the injection by himself?
Or maybe the next person killed him?
[Cheng-hao] Hey, Hsiao-meng.
Why are you still here?
What interview does David want?
- Kuang-yung called and asked for you.
- [Hsiao-meng] What for?
[Cheng-hao] How would I know?
[Cheng-kuan] Okay, since he died
at the hospital,
Zhen Xin Hospital
must have something to do with it.
Let's start with the medical records.
[Cheng-kuan] Let's go.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Chen Yao-hui.
I want to see the tattoo file.
[Yao-hui] Wait.
[Yao-hui] They belong to the John Does.
We trace back to the tattoo artist
to confirm their identity.
[folders thudding]
[Yao-hui] Why do you want it?
[photos rustle]
[Yi-jen] Find the artist who did this one.
[suspenseful music]
[woman 1] Sir, would you like a tattoo?
[needle buzzing]
[tattooist] Sir, do you want a tattoo?
[tattooist] Sir, if you're not here
for a tattoo, can you please leave?
Did you hear me?
[keyboard clacking]
[lighter clicks]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Yi-jen] How do you know this place?
I wrote this article.
[Hai-yin] I noticed Hsiao-meng
had a cool tattoo,
so I asked her where she got it.
I'm here to see
if I can find anything about her.
What's the matter with you?
Why didn't you tell me
Liu Kuang-yung is dead?
[siren blaring]
I want to use my way to find her
before anything happens.
This isn't the first time
she got into trouble.
She went in and out of a detention center,
but you didn't even care.
Your daughter began working
at a hostess club at 15.
Don't tell me you don't know
what she's been doing.
How long has it been since you talked?
[door opens]
[door closes]
- [knocks on mirror]
- [tattooist] Come in.
You did this tattoo, right?
[tattooist] A tattoo artist can't easily
reveal a client's information.
Do you smoke?
[lighter clicks]
We're worried she might want
to take her own life.
[tattooist] You should go to her family.
Why did you come here?
Who is she to you?
We're social workers
from her youth detention center.
[metal container opens]
[photos rustle]
[metal clangs]
Do you know where we can find her?
[tattooist] All I know is that
she works in Fenglin Club.
[Yi-jen] You must have her number
since she came here.
Or do you remember who accompanied her?
[tattooist puffs]
[tattooist] She was with a boy
with long hair.
Can you confirm
if this person was that boy?
[tattooist] Yes, it's them.
I have vivid memories of them
because there were scars
under her tattoos.
She said she's working in a club
and those scars frightened the customers.
So she wanted to cover them up
with tattoos.
I designed it for her.
Look at the picture of her collarbones.
[photos rustle]
The sentence was my gift for her.
She would see that
every time she looks in the mirror.
[Yi-jen] Hsiao-meng! Don't breathe!
[Hai-yin] Where's your dad?
[Hsiao-meng] No idea.
We parted since I was a kid.
He didn't care about me and my mom.
All he cared about was his job.
[Yi-jen] Have you contacted her mom?
[woman 2] Didn't you know?
Hsiao-meng's mom passed away
before she was sent here.
Thank you.
Fang Yi-jen.
I'll give you all the videos
of Hsiao-meng.
You haven't seen all
and they're not edited.
Why did Liu Kuang-yung suddenly pass away?
The police blocked the news outlet.
Is there something wrong with the case?
The autopsy indicates
a reaction to fentanyl.
He was murdered.
Send the original files to my email.
[retreating footsteps]
Reaction to fentanyl. Murder is confirmed.
[phone vibrates]
- Hello? What's up? I'm at work.
- [coin clinks]
[Hai-yin] Why did Liu Kuang-yung
suddenly pass away?
Did you find anything?
You're really good.
How do you know about the case?
This is not right.
[Liao] Is there a spy on our team?
Don't bullshit me.
Just answer the question.
[Liao] Pieces of information
need to be sorted out.
We haven't found a number.
We have a bunch of stuff to do.
Don't mess with me.
Give me his contact information.
[Liao] You always threaten me.
I'm being very nice to you right now.
Bitch. Here we go again.
[phone chimes]
[engine starts]
[engine revs]
[Fatso] Got it.
Got it. Thank you.
[Liao] Work harder, guys.
Okay, thanks. Thanks. Bye-bye.
[Liao] I've checked
with Zhen Xin Hospital.
They're not short on fentanyl.
- The amount is correct?
- [Liao] Yes.
There's nothing suspicious
with the camera footage.
- Fatso.
- [yawns]
[Cheng-kuan] What do you have?
I'm still checking
Liu Kuang-yung's phone records.
You're too slow.
- Liao.
- Huh?
[Cheng-kuan] Go help Fatso.
[Liao] Sure.
[phone rings]
Yes, that's me. What's up?
[Fatso] Hold on.
The guys at the funeral home said
Liu Kuang-yung's body is missing.
- His body is missing?
- [Fatso] When did you find out?
Roger that. Okay.
- Liao. Call Forensic Center.
- [Liao] Huh?
[foreboding music]
[gear cranks]
[foreboding music]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
[engine revs]
[man 3] When we took the body
out of the morgue locker,
we noticed the weight wasn't normal.
So we opened the body bag
and the body wasn't there.
[Liao] What the hell
are you talking about?
Did you send it to another place?
- I've checked it.
- [camera shutter clicks]
- The address was right.
- Fucking hell
Is the economy that bad
that they even want dead bodies?
- I
- Stop it.
Blaming him won't get you anything.
Call all the precincts
and police stations.
Ask them to help us look for the body.
- Hurry!
- Okay!
[tense music]
I can't find any fingerprints.
[phone chimes]
[Yu-hsuan] Ta-tse.
All the reporters have left.
Am I supposed to keep waiting?
[Ta-tse] I'm telling you
staying there is the right thing.
- [Yu-hsuan] Hmm.
- [Ta-tse] If you get the interview,
you'll be taking Hsu Hai-yin's crown.
[Yu-hsuan] I got it.
Thank you, Ta-tse. That's all.
- Bye-bye.
- [car door closes]
[Yu-jung] Is anybody home?
Is anybody home?
- [door clacking]
- [Yu-jung] Is there anyone?
Who are you?
I'm Liu Kuang-yung's wife.
[Yu-jung] Can we talk for a while?
My husband caused you great pain
for what he had done.
And now, you can't even
keep running your business.
I'm really sorry.
Did you know he killed someone?
I do.
[Yu-jung] I knew it when I first met him.
So I know how much he regretted it
more than anyone.
He killed my dad
and he ruined my whole family.
[Yi-ling] Killing himself shows
that he was cowardly and selfish.
There's no need to be sad for him!
Hate him and you will feel much better.
[door rasps]
[somber music]
I don't hate him.
Because I know
that he just didn't understand
how to face his own torture.
[Yu-jung] I'm sorry.
[somber music]
[engine revs]
[Hai-yin] Fang Yi-jen.
Did you get any new leads?
I have Liu Kuang-yung's phone records.
I found that he called the same number
twice on that day
before he left the house.
[Hai-yin] It seems like the receiver
was located in the same place.
I checked the address.
It's a nursing home called
Anguang Nursing Home.
It's located near Andong Station,
which is around 16km from there.
I think that place was where
he wanted to commit suicide.
His body was stolen.
[Yi-jen] There are no fingerprints
on the site.
[Hai-yin] Anguang must have
something to do with it.
The next person must be there.
[Hai-yin] Fang Yi-jen, we can stop this.
We can't have another victim.
[closing theme music]
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
If you can understand ♪
Stop hesitating now
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Do you truly ♪
Accept me for all that I am ♪
I'm willing to bet all my love on it ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
[Cheng-kuan] There's a wristband
on the corpse that's from Anguang.
They are definitely involved.
[Yi-jen] Based on the damage
of the corpse,
it was flung off from a tall building.
However, Anguang is on the sixth floor.
Kuan, the news is showing
all the victims' last wishes.
[Fatso] Do you want to take a look?
[broadcaster] There's a clip of
the victims' last wishes online.
We'll show you the latest footage.
Find the IP address of this video
and the identity of Chiang Hsiao-meng!
[Cheng-kuan] Answer me.
When was the last time
you saw Fang Yi-jen?
You've been his colleague for years.
How can you not know anything?
We found the IP address.
It's from a private residence.
[Cheng-kuan] He already knew.
When he realized that his daughter,
Chiang Hsiao-meng is involved,
he kept covering up for her
and concealed evidence.
Fang Yi-jen, where are you?
[Yao-hui] If you don't clarify,
they will have you hunted down
as a wanted man, get it?
Hit him.
Why are you hesitant?
- Hurry!
- [man 1] Hurry.
- [thwacking]
- [yelling]
Can someone tell me what is going on?
[Yu-jung] What made my husband
attempt suicide?
[Kuang-yung] I see him
when I close my eyes.
I haven't done enough.
[water splashes]
I think what hit me when
we were conducting field study was that
Oftentimes, what we write
in the writer's room,
what we imagine,
or what we read in the books
are sort of inflexible knowledge.
But in a field study, when you're actually
sitting down with a person, for us
Things in their field of expertise
are just like daily life and a reflection.
So, sometimes, you feel it
as a living knowledge.
I think that is
what a writer has always craved
to collect and explore.
Because that way,
we sort of found a pathway
for us to transform inflexible knowledge
into something more humane
and sentimental.
That's right.
Each one of them committed suicide.
[Jui-liang] For example,
Mr. Hsien Sung-shan
is a student of Li Chang-yu.
He told us about a case
where he and his teacher
had two different explanations
about the same lead.
The concept is like
having two ideas about human nature
based on the same proof.
It's like having two ways
of looking at the same scar.
At that time, forensic science, to me
It kind of widened my imagination.
High technology is involved.
Scientific methods and tools are involved.
But, in the end, it's about human nature.
It opened up our imagination
to develop Fang Yi-jen's character.
He went from someone
who only believes in science,
to someone that has to slowly understand
what people are thinking.
- [young Hsiao-meng] Help me!
- [Yi-jen] Hsiao-meng!
Don't breathe! Hold your breath!
Hold your breath! Don't breathe!
[young Hsiao-meng] Mom!
[Shu-ting] At the very beginning,
when we were throwing ideas
back and forth,
we actually went to discuss
with the Criminal Investigation Department
about this series.
We found something quite interesting.
The police themselves
also have different opinions on suicides.
[stretcher rattles]
He will be fine. You can sit down.
[Fatso] Kuan!
- He comes out and you see him.
- [Cheng-kuan] Hey!
And then you walk out.
[Shu-ting] Some of them have
When getting calls like this,
some think that
it's merely their job,
that they have to handle it.
When police get the call,
they go and stop the suicide.
There are also some officers
who feel sentimental and curious
about the background of the ones they save
or about the story they find
during the investigation.
- [Wei-ming] So I say, "Hold the case."
- Yes.
- [Wei-ming] And she asks, "Why?"
- Why?
[Wei-ming] And you should say
We've interviewed
several different reporters
during the field study.
Some work for news channels, magazines,
and some work for newspapers.
There's something really interesting.
For example, the reporters
you know from the news
or even from books
are actually very different
from the reporters
we met during the field study.
[Shu-ting] Because, uh, you can imagine
that they are just like everyone else.
They're doing their job.
Just like every other job,
there are hardships.
But honestly, not many people can see
that reporters also get very tired.
We hope that through the characters,
we can show the audience
what kind of inner emotions they battle
when the reporter's character
has to deal with many hard circumstances
and different choices.
[Ta-tse] Don't fuss over it with a girl.
Our battlefield is not in New Times News.
[indistinct chatter]
[Jui-liang] When the story
went from a novel to a script,
I suppose the thing that pushed us forward
was the fact that we found
a connection to our lives within.
It's my life experience
and the other writers' as well.
I was once the person
who was telling
an important friend not to let go.
[Jui-liang] Yes.
I had to face this person.
He wanted to let go
because he thought there was no way out.
That kind of life
I was in that situation
for a very long time.
It sort of shaped
my understanding of life.
When we talk about life and death,
I think it's okay
for us to think outside the box.
Let's not give it a definition yet.
I believe it's a never-ending discussion.
What is life? What is death?
I won't give a damn in the future too.
[Yu-jung] Because I know you're kind.
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