The Village (2023) s01e05 Episode Script


O deity, the protector of our clan!
The boon that you blessed us with!
Vettaiyan! Come on! Come!
Remember, an old tab needs to be settled!
See that old moron there?
He calls me his father and
is digging up the past!
Go and butcher down that swine!
Hey! No!
Dad, leave us!
Don't do this, Dad.
Look at him! Now, that's my son!
The boon from my Goddess!
She sent him to protect my clan.
Why are you doing this, Dad?
Leave us!
Hey! Fatso! Don't you dare go near him!
Come to me. I'll stomp you
right on your throat!
You have tied us, you cowards.
Untie me and I'll kill you all!
Face me or else you're a bastard!
Just shut up!
Go prove that you're not a bastard! Go!
Dad, no! Don't do this!
Dad, no!
Sakthi, you've done a lot for me.
This is the least I can do for you!
Shut up, you idiot!
Hey, stay away!
- Peter! Stop it, you!
- Come on!
- You fool! You swine!
- Peter sir.
Sir, please shut up! Stop it!
Leave him!
Brother, don't worry.
We'll find your family.
Peter is a strong man!
Leave him!
- I'll stomp right on your throat!
- Hey! Peter.
Peter sir, no! Please!
I'll kick that head out of your body!
You bald-headed beast!
Leave him!
- I'll kill you!
- Leave him!
God! Peter!
Peter sir!
Peter sir
Forgive me, sir.
It's all my fault.
He passed out.
The sleeping pills worked.
Please! Help!
- Did you hear that?
- Please! Help!
That's Maya!
You! Wake up!
Tell me where they are. Wake up!
Wake up!
Brother! Please don't.
Please wait. Patience!
No, only if I cut my finger
I can unshackle myself.
What are you doing?
I don't see any other option, sir.
Don't do anything crazy!
Obey the elders!
You heard us!
Don't you have to make a living
after you rescue your family?
How will you do that if
you cut off your finger?
Put some sense into him!
But for that, we must
get out of here alive.
I dragged you all into this.
Forgive me, sir.
Listen to me!
This isn't your fault.
This is the sin of this soil.
It has been going on for ages.
You are the one who got dragged into this.
Even our children were
sacrificed because of this land.
As long as we're alive, we won't
let the same happen to your family.
But I don't see any other way, sir.
Sorry, sir.
Hey! Stop apologizing and listen to me!
You didn't force us!
We came of our own free will.
So shut up!
Give that to me!
Sir, what are you doing?
Sir, please listen to me! Don't do it!
Sir, please listen to me.
Saving you will be like saving my son.
You know, he too was
a doctor just like you.
Sir! Sir! Please listen to me!
Sir, please don't!
Tell him not to do it, sir!
Sir, please don't!
No, sir. Don't do it. Sir!
What is this place?
Looks like Satan's den.
Where have you brought us?
Will you tell us or not?
How will I know, Farhan?
I also came with you guys.
I have no idea what happened here.
It's been 20 years since
I've been to this place.
The samples Prakash sir
asked for, must be in that safe.
Let's get those samples
and get the fuck out of here.
Look at that.
It's so fascinating!
Let me take a closer look.
Sanjeev. No!
Wait, sir. Let me check it out.
Hey, Sanjeev
Everybody, down!
Everybody, down!
Stay low! Stay low!
Happy, check on him.
It's okay. It's okay.
Devaraj, keep them quiet!
Keep them quiet!
- Quiet!
- Look at me, look at me, look at me.
- Stay low!
- You'll be fine.
- You'll be fine, Sanjeev.
- Sanjeev!
- Sanjeev
- Quiet.
- Silence!
- It's okay.
- Sir
- It's okay. Stay with me, Sanjeev.
Breathe breathe, Sanjeev.
It's okay, you'll be fine.
You'll be fine.
Fucker, silence!
You'll be fine, Sanjeev.
You're alright.
Sanjeev Sanjeev!
- Sanjeev!
- Is he dead?
- Is he dead? You fool!
- Sanjeev!
Silence! If you don't
shut up we all will die.
Okay, guys! We need to move out.
Come on
Come on
Hurry up.
Come, let's go.
Get up
Get up.
Stay down! Stay down!
Why'd you do that, Karu?
Come on, let's go.
Look! I'm a doctor.
I know how to save you.
I also know how to hurt you so
badly that you'll wish you were dead.
Will you tell me where
my family is or not?
Tell me!
Get up!
Let go of me.
Do you think I'm the captive here?
Wait till my son, Vettaiyan is back.
This guy right here a son
as good as born to my shit!
He isn't like you!
Now, Vettaiyan is my real blood!
He is the bravest of brave
warriors, hailing from my dynasty.
Only God knows what
he'd have done to your
wife and kid by now.
Finally, a feast for my
boys after a long wait.
- They are over there!
- Neha!
- They are over there!
- Move!
- I can hear them. This way!
- Go fast!
Move! I said. Come on!
Hold him!
O Mother!
Those monsters have
found out our sanctuary.
Don't you worry.
Our son will take care of them!
He will slash them down!
Who the hell are you talking to?
This is a temple.
Our Goddess' nest.
Those who came to
destroy the Goddess' sanctity,
must be killed and sacrificed
at this very place.
Only then our Goddess' anger
will subside.
I had been to their place, Goddess.
The traitors were leading
a happy life over there.
They had a bright sky
and prosperous land.
They have reaped the
benefits of our downfall.
I couldn't tolerate it.
We must take revenge, and when we do it,
we must hit them where it hurts!
We must take revenge, even if it
comes at the cost of our men.
Goddess, all we ask of
you is to stay by our side.
Pull out that fetus!
Kill it, brother!
Women from our clan lost
their ability to bear children.
That's when
she came to us, like a boon!
After all, she belongs
to the Amaran dynasty.
My blood is purifying her womb.
She is the mother, who gave life
to my true heirs.
My granddaughter!
Karu, look! It's our Mala!
- Oh my God!
- Oh, no!
What have you done to her?
Hey, what have you done to her?
What have you done to my child?
Dear dear
Dear dear
It's me, your dad!
Dad's here.
Oh, no! Hey!
He deserved to die.
If not for his beliefs
but for his actions that
were fueled by his beliefs.
My son,
my grandchild who never
got to see the world,
my daughter-in-law and my wife
For people like him
death is just a small punishment.
Dad is here, dear.
I am here. Let's go home.
Does it hurt?
I can't get up.
Oh my God
God, what am I supposed to do?
It hurts!
Dad will take care of you.
Yes, yes. It's me, your dad!
I'm here. Your dad is here.
Wait. I'll somehow save you.
It hurts, Dad.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Enough, Dad.
I'm done.
I won't
leave you ever again.
It hurts
Sir, No!
Leave her, sir!
Sir, listen to me!
Sir, please don't.
She has suffered enough.
Let her sleep peacefully now.
Oh God!
Oh, God!
Don't touch me.
Don't touch me! No!
Hey, leave my mom alone!
If I catch hold of you
You heard me! Leave her.
Leave my mom alone!
Leave her!
Leave her, you fatso!
- Leave her!
- Vettaiyan!
- I said, leave my mom!
- Vettaiyan!
- You fatso! Leave her!
- Vettaiyan!
Leave her alone.
Leave her!
- You are not allowed to do that!
- Leave her!
You should finish the ritual first.
Leave her.
Dad! Dad!
Sakthi, come.
Sakthi, come.
Come, let's leave.
That way!
Walk. Keep moving.
Come on.
Alright, guys! Listen carefully.
This place is not safe.
We'll all be dead if we
don't move right now!
- Let's move. Move!
- Let's go, let's go
Quick! Let's leave.
I said, move!
Clear, sir.
Those samples are
in that safe,
that way!
Okay. Down! Down!
Sanjeev sir
We just left him there.
We came here trusting this guy!
Don't yell, Arul!
We're going to die anyway.
Can we go see him once?
I understand, but it's
dangerous to go there. Please
Shoot him.
Shoot this bastard!
Disgusting creature!
Shoot him!
Shoot it, Farhan!
Devaraj, check if the
exit routes are clear.
Done, Chief.
Exit route?
Farhan, our work here is not done yet.
Mission priorities have changed.
Getting out of here safely
is more important now.
But then
what will you tell Prakash sir?
Look Farhan, you won't
get your balance pay.
Think it through, Farhan.
Think twice.
That's all I've got to say.
Stay down!
Stay down, guys.
Happy, kill him!
Save me!
hear you.
Are you okay?
Hold on.
- Maya
- Dad!
I hope you're alright, dear.
Are you okay, dear?
Wait, leave him alone.
He was the one who took care of me.
It's okay.
- Mom
- Maya.
Are you alright?
Oh my God, Gautham.
God does exist.
Yeah, they're with us.
I'm really sorry.
I shouldn't have left you two alone.
It's okay.
Dad, Hectic?
I have no idea.
Look what I've got.
Your butterfly clip.
Come on, smile now.
Bigger one.
Let's get out of here first.
Do you know the way out?
This guy must know.
I I know
Hey, tell us the way out! Now!
No, leave him.
He can't talk properly.
He's harmless.
How do we go out?
That that way!
Okay let's lock him up then. Come here!
No, wait!
Only he knows this place very well.
Let him show us the way.
"To the warrior who died
in the battlefield
the sky will shed tears.
Mourning in the field
and wasting time
is something we don't prefer.
Nor does she".
Where is Jagan?
Where is Jagan?
This way.
I made a mistake.
It's all my fault.
If only I had not allowed
the factory to be built here
It's not your fault that you
were born to those crazy folks.
Now, come on.
Come come on.
There upstairs
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