The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Madman Across the Water

What is the strongest
force in the world?
If you were a layperson,
you might say gravity.
If you were
a high school student,
you might say electromagnetism.
If you were a physicist,
you might say nuclear.
But you would all be wrong.
Because the strongest force
in the world
is the force of nature.
No way.
Your grandpa does
not listen to punk.
I swear.
My grandma
Nature contains us all.
We are nature.
Cogs in a massive machine,
playing our part.
my grandpa would
just be like
Playing more than our part.
We, as a race,
think we can escape
its pronouncements,
skirt its rulings,
sneak past its guards.
It gives no consideration
to wants or needs,
feelings or sentiment.
We think we can steal from it
and come away with its bounty
without consequence.
But it contains us
from our beginning to our end.
The biological imperative that
all organisms must survive
To seek food, water,
shelter, to procreate
Is the only reasonable offset
to the crushing power
of nature.
Huck says
the military
blew all the bridges
over the Mississippi
when things went back.
we'll need a boat.
gonna be tough.
And the terrain
on the other side,
it's a lot rougher than
anything we've seen so far.
You sure
you're ready to do this?
We really should
turn back.
Yeah, yeah. No, you've
finally convinced us.
Hey, Elton, you wanna
give me a hand back here?
I got these lines
all tangled up.
Yeah. Sure.
There is no tangle,
is there?
Look, I think this is
the easiest route
back around The Blaze.
Huck and I
we're gonna bring it up to the others soon,
once you help us
lay some groundwork
and make the others
seethat if we don't do this
Well, I ne I never
I never said I was in.
Yeah, but, you never saidthat you weren't.
The Mississippi is
our last chance
for us to
all get home safe.
It just is.
And I need youto help me get Silas
and the girls to see that,
you understand?
What makes you think
that they'd listen?
Because they care
about you,
just like you care
about them.
That's gotta countfor something, right?
Yet even with
our resolute will to survive,
nature will end us,
because that is its law.
Death inevitable.
Just another of its rules,
another part of the life cycle
of the very old world
churning with energy.
There's no escape
from the inescapable.
There is no respite
from the unceasing.
It makes its choices for us.
In short
Accept the wind.
It always wins.
So many options.
I don't even know
where to start.
Any updates?
Elton's with us.
In a perfect world,
we'd have one more of them
on our side, but
this is it. This is the only angle we got.
I know.
That's why I'm thinking ahead
to Plan B.
Hell, maybe it doesn't
have to be all or nothing.
What do you mean?
I mean, if Corduroy gets
Silas to see the light,
best way to keep 'em safe
might be if one of us
keeps going
with the girls
while the other
takes back the boys.
Just puttin' it
out there.
Yeah, well
Maybe we still got some time
to change somehearts and minds, huh.
Seems the locals used
these boats to evacuate
when things
got hairy.
It's likely we're looking
at the last of them.
Then we'll get creative.
Build our own.
It's not exactly what I was
getting at with
Let's do it.
You're gonna
build a boat?
what if it's more of a
Seems a bit precarious,
don't you think?
Could work.
If we fix it up
add stuff.
There was a warehousefurther north.
See if there's stuffin there we can use.
I say we hit it.
This placelooks turned out.
maybe not.
Uh, split up
and keep looking?
Hi. Hi.
A lot of stuff.Yeah.
Let's get some lights.
Oh, careful.
It's very, very old.
Even older than you?
Older than pretty much
One night
when I was 10,
I was trying to take
a photo of Mars,
and that fleeeeew
across the sky.
Do you know what that is,
It's a meteor.
It's a bunch of chunk of rock
flying through space
at thousands of miles
an hour,
faster than anything
you've seen.
And when the meteor touches
the air around the earth,
it starts to burn up,
kind of like how when you rub
your hands together,
they get hot.
Like this?
And sometimes,
the meteor makes it
all the way
to the ground.
Then what happens?
That's what made all
the dinosaurs go away.
This giant ball of
fire just c Isaac.
He's 5.
If he wants to learn, Amelia,
he should learn.
It's never too early
for science, right?
Elt Elton,
come here.
You want to feel
Come here.
Come here.
Right here?
Is that my little sister?
Yeah! She's kicking.
Oh, wait, I
I think she's also saying,
"I can't wait
to meet you."
If you're gonna teach him
about departures,
I'm gonna teach him
about arrivals.
It's only fair.
And my staff meeting at the U
just got moved up.
I have to go.
I know.
I'm sorry, baby.
Be safe.
Heard something's
going onnear the hospital.
There's a lot
of police activity.
I want to get another one
likethat for my Esmerelda today.
My sister.
That's what
I'm naming her.
Okay, yeah, maybe
we can talk about that.
Well, a bracelet
is a very sweet gift, honey.
I will
see you soon.
I love you both.
Come here, noodle.
do some work.
I'm gonna give you
my favorite brush.
Thank you.
Blow on it.
Blow on it.
Go with the grain.
That's the grain.
Good, good.
Give it a little
You can't tell until
Okay, we have barrels
for floatation,
straps for binding,
A fan blade thatcould
make a good propeller.
And I spotted a shit-tonof pallets outside.
Uh, got these, too.
So, you're saying,
we're in business?
Except we don't
have an engine.
There's nothing
to fight the current.
There's not much
left here,
other than some
long-dead batteries,
huge broken air conditioner,
a couple of bags of sand.
W Uh, h-hold on.
The A.C.
I read about
how those work.
We could use the partsand
make some sort of, um
What's that called.
A steam boiler.
It'd be like the still you
madeback at the University.
It's like the dorm furnaces
I had to fix.
I guess.
It's worth a shot, right?
A'ight, then.
Let's get to work.
It's reallycoming together.
Looking great.
It's funny.
Working on this boat,
it kinda makes it seemmore possible.
Finding my dad.
I mean, the river's probablythe
last big thing in our way.
And once
we cross it
It's all downhill from here.
Come here.
Look, the closer we
getto finishing this boat,
the harder it's gonna beto sway the others,
You wanna make
the pitch now?
Yeah, I think I shouldstart things off,
then you an Elton come inwith the backup.
Hey, I know you're just looking
out for 'em but
Maybe it's time
to let this plan go.
What are you talking about
"time to let
this plan go?"
You know that this
is the only way
that we get everyoneback safe.
Hey, is it true?
You're working
behind our backs,
trying to get us
to turn around?
Hold on, what
What's going on?
Him and Felix.
They've been working
against us together,
trying to make us
do a 180.
No way.
He's committed to this.
Hope, Elton is not
working with Felix
Yes, I am.
Sort of.
Can we just talk
about this here? Pass.
You've been trying
to screw us over
with Elton asyour little sidekick.
What was your
Plan B, huh?
Maybe sabotage the boatto make us to back?!
No, of course not.
Listen, h-h-he and I have been talking,
and I agree witha lot
of what he says, alright?
It j m-makes sense.
You mean about going back?
What the hell happened
to seeing the world
from start to finish?
Listen to me.
Yes, I was gonna have us
take the boat downriver,
then head back up along
the banks of the Missouri
until we reached
the University.
It's safer than cutting
through The Blaze,
and it's the smartest thing
for us right now.
We don't know
where we're going.
We don't know what we're gonna
do if an when we get there.
We don't even know that
you're dad's really in trouble!
Hell, for all we know,
he could've sent us 10 messages
back at the University
right now from him
telling us that
he's just fine!
You don't even believe that. It
doesn't matter what I believe.
He made me promise him
that I would keep you safe,
and that is exactly what I'm doing. You care
more about a promisethan you do about his life?!
Calm down, alright. That is not
what I'm saying! Iris: Stop! Stop!
Yes, it is! We don't have time for this!
There is still
so much left to do!
And you know what,
leave your shit at the door.
Because without each and every
one of us giving 100%
we're not making it
across that river.
See anything
that could be fuel?
Just driftwood, driftwood,
and more driftwood.
Better than nothin'.
Let's grab it all.
I can't believe
he would try
and mess with Elton's headlike that.
A-Actually, I can.
They were only
trying to do
what they felt was best
for everybody.
Not something
you can fault them for.
I can fault them
for being shady.
You know what, I can fault
themfor what you just said, too.
They deserve it.
So whose side
are you on?
I heard what you said
to himabout calling it off.
Not gonna lie.
For a while
A long while, yeah,
I was all
for bringing you back.
But now
I don't know.
This thing we're doing
right now,
going across country,
is big,
maybe the biggest thing
we'll ever do.
It's shit like this
that makes us stronger
makes us better.
So everybody knows
how I got to the City.
They found me floating down
the Missouri in a raft,
arm broken,
messed up,
not sure if I was
coming or going.
Next thing I know,
they're calling me Huck.
Not that I mind.
It's kinda cool, right?
There's a lot I leave out
of that story.
The days of not knowing
if I was gonna live or die.
How close I came
to giving up.
Letting the water
just take me away.
Never woulda
lived long enough
for Omaha security
to pick me up
if I didn't keep
every single moment.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
It pushes me
to overcome
to be stronger,
Maybe that's whatthis
whole thing is for you.
The others, too.
Even Felix.
Maybe you should
tell him that.
I was about to.
Then Hurricane Hope struck.
And, um
maybe it's not my placeto tell him that.
Maybe he's gotta figure it outfor himself.
His own way.
Let me get a word with her alonereal quick.
I know you're pissed off I am.
The thing is
I'm more pissed
at myself.
Why's that?
For being dumb enoughto
think that we could turn you.
That I could turn you.
My dad first took you in,
I was so excited.
Iris, too.
We thought we weregonna get a brother,
but we never got one
becauseyou never acted like one.
Dad gave you every chanceto
be a real part of the family,
and you never took it.
We're not your sisters. We're your
All you had to do was
be the oneto tell him not to go.
He trusted you
more than anyone!
He would've listened. Hope, I couldn't.
You know what, no, it's cool! I get it.
You had your reasons.
But still, I-I hoped.
You know?
But joke's on me.
You are who you are.
Guess it's time
for me to grow up.
Fire's not hot enough.
This shit ain't
cutting it.
It's the best
we could find.
Well, I don't know
what to tell you.
Well, there has to be something.
The nail polish box back
at the warehouse,
it said
it was flammable.
Alright. You and Elton take care of that.
We'll finish up here.
Maybe double time it, huh?
I don't like
the sound of that.
We should grab
what we can fast.
Well, that doesn't quite
live up to its hype,
now does it?
So, this was
your plan?
You really want
to get into this now?
I'm not mad.
I'm just
Do you really think
my dad is safe?
This rope's still
got some use in it.
I think they're safe.
Leo and Will.
They have to be safe.
What do you mean?
I was supposed to be the one
to go with your dad,
Not Will.
Your dad asked me to stay
behindand watch after you and Hope
and so Will took
my place.
And that is why
they have to be.
I'm not there to protect them
if they aren't.
I mean, I knew all that, but
I didn't knowhow you felt about it.
Guess I didn't think
it mattered.
What, b-being honest?
That matters.
When everything's
burning down,
it is the only thingthat matters.
Well, we should go.
Come on.
I just don't want
anybody to die.
And yes, I know
death is inevitable,
but is it so horrible
to try to put it off
for just
a little bit longer?
The notion of fear is
Is biologically obsolete.
It's just the body's
chemical reaction to risk,
so if you can understand risk
on a conscious level,
then there is no need
f for fear.
You have to listen to me,
okay, Elton?
I need you to stay
inside this box
and be as quiet as you can,
and you can't leave,
no matter what, okay?
Where are you going?
I'm gonna go find us
a safe way home.
And I'm gonna lock that door
from the outside
so nothing can hurt you.
And to be extra sure
This is a very special horn.
It keeps anyone who's
holding itsafe forever.
So go ahead and hold it.
Hold onto it tight, okay?
I'm scared.
Don't be.
I'm not scared, okay?
And you shouldn't be, either.
It's all gonna work out the way
it's supposed to, right?
I love you, Elton.
I love you, too.
It's okay.
Is your skin
Get down!
Shit. The hell did
that come from?
Go, go, go,
go, go, go!
It's getting closer. I know.
Where the hellare Silas and Elton?
That's a positive strike.
Positive strikes
can happen
20 miles awayfrom the storm's center.
Judging by
the wind direction,
we're minutes awayfrom
being in the line of fire.
Come on!
Hey, there's a
Lightning storm headed
this way real fast.
Yeah, we know.
Empties, too.
Couple dozen of them, maybe 15 minutes out.
There's not enough time.
We need to take cover.
The rising waterwill wash the boat away.
We can't risk that.
Okay, so we launch
before the shit hits.
Where are Silas
and Elton?
I swear, that wasn't on purpose.
Come on.
Ow! Felix: What happened?
Damn it!
You okay?
I-I'm good.
I'm good.
Here they come.
- Yes.
- Alright.
Add another problem.
Elton, throw me
your fisherman.
The drive belt's
come loose.
Can we fix it?
If somebody can fit down there
and reattach it
I can't.
I-I-I'm claustrophobic.
Elton, please.
You can do it, Elton.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune.
Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune.
Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn!
I'm stuck!
I'm stuck!
This is
a very special horn.
It keeps whomever's
holding it safe.
You're alright.
You okay?
I'm okay, I think.
Th-Th-Thank you.
Thank you.
Now we just gotta get
this thingin the water.
We don't have enough fuel
to keep the propeller running.
Not to mention them.
Let's move.
Everybody ready?
One three.
One, two, three.
Come on!
We can do this!
One, two, three.
No! No.
There's no time.
We have to drop the boat
and make a run for it.
The boat won't make it.
We won't make it. Watch out.
Come on. I can't do this by myself.
Let's go.
Come on, everyone.
Everybody, keep going.
Come on.
- It's moving.
- It's moving. It's going.
Come on!
It's almost there.
- Go, go, go!
- Go!
Get up! Come on.
Come here!
Get up. Get up!
You good?
- Hey.
- We did it.
Why'd you do it?
We would've
ditched the boat.
I mean, that would've given you
more time to turn us around.
Yeah, well, that woulda done zero good.
And you and your sister
you really are
stubborn as shit.
You know that, right?
Look who's talking.
Huck thinks
this'll be good for us.
That it'll turn us
into the people
that we're supposed to be.
We'll see.
And for what
it's worth
it was never
just about
a promise I made
to your dad.
I need you to know that.
I do.
For what it's worth,
leaving those clues behind
wasn't just so you'd come
and turn us around.
I was also hoping
Your here now,
So, whatever.
So, I take it
you're just
You're just good
with us moving forward?
We'll keep 'em safe,
and when we find Leo
and Will, keep 'em safe, too.
But for now
I say we divide
and conquer.
What do you mean?
Hey, listen up.Everybody.
I'm gonna spend the next
dayor two scouting ahead.
Our intel's weakfor this side of the river,
and you're only as solid
as your intel.
You're going off?
On your own?
Don't sweat it. I'll be back, 48 hours max.
Till then you're in good hands.
Here's the thing
Nature accounted for
everything about the human race
except our self awareness.
Because we know we can change.
We can act in ways
nature wasn't expecting.
Wasn't ready for.
So every now and again,
that lets us see the path
through the wind,
even if it's just for a moment.
And sometimes
a moment is all you need.
You okay?
The Night the Sky Fell
my father told me
not to be scared.
He said that he wasn't scared,
and that I shouldn't be, either.
But he was.
Probably more than he'd ever
been in his entire life.
that didn't stop him from doing
what needed to be done.
He was brave because
he was scared
not in spite of it.
I wish I could've
met your dad.
And your mom.
They must've been pretty
coolto make a kid like you.
I-I know it's
crazy to even say,
the odds against it
are astronomical.
I sometimes think
that she's still
out there
With my sister,
Both surviving
That's not
so crazy to me.
It's an empty.
I can do it.
Be right
behind you.
I got this.
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