The Wedding Planners (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Sweet Home Wedding

(WILLIAM) Paige! Your choices
are so elegant and perfect.
I agree! It's exactly how
I pictured our wedding.
You both have impeccable taste.
Honestly, one look inside
the Harrington Royal Hotel
told me everything I needed to know.
It's a gorgeous venue.
Yeah, we've known the
Harringtons forever.
And by 'we' he means his family, not me.
James is in love
with that vintage gown
you're wearing, Amber!
He restored it to perfection.
(WHISPERS) He's never spent
so much time on a gown.
(WILLIAM) It was my great grandmother's.
It's gorgeous.
(WILLIAM) I hate to keep
you both in suspense,
but my next appointment is here.
He is so excited. We both are.
We can't wait to meet you all in person.
We'll be up in Hartbridge tomorrow.
Great. We'll see you then.
See you!
(JAMES) Love them!
I feel really good about this one.
We're going to knock
it out of the ballpark
and then we'll be in with a whole
new crowd of potential clients.
Hashtag Paige loves an upscale wedding!
An investment banker
and a corporate lawyer
in the ultimate traditional
black-tie wedding.
We've planned it down to a T.
There's literally nothing
that could go wrong.
Why would you put that
jinx out in to the universe?
Hey, Dad! How's it going?
Yes, yes of course.
Of course we have room.
Yes, I'll tell James and Hannah.
Yes, we can have a family dinner.
Great. Well, I'll see you later.
Dad is coming!
Oh stop with the sarcastic jazz hands.
I miss him more than ever
now that Mom's gone.
It will be nice to see him
in person and not just,
you know, over the phone.
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love ♪
And love for all ♪
To us!
To us. And our big day.
I am so lucky to be marrying you.
It's so close.
I feel like I should be doing more.
No that's why we have wedding planners.
They take the stress off brides
who work sixty hour weeks.
I know.
It's going to be so beautiful.
Paige has thought of everything.
And I definitely love that
we're doing it in Hartbridge.
It feels more
- (WILLIAM) Sophisticated.
- (AMBER) Homey.
Oh, it's Nav.
We were talking last night and
And it begins.
William, he's my cousin.
And not to mention my
best friend in Spring Hill.
Oh. He's important to you
and you value his opinion.
Yeah. Like you value your Mother's.
He was just reminding me
how we used to hide out
near the local church and watch
the weddings on Saturdays,
dreaming of our own weddings.
You never mentioned that.
No, I guess I didn't.
There was this one bride,
she had long-flowing hair.
She had wildflowers in
it that looked so pretty.
I wanted that for my wedding.
You would look stunning
in any hairstyle.
I think what I'm trying
to say, William, is
not much of our wedding feels
like my childhood dreams.
Nav's right.
It will be dreamy, okay, I promise.
Nav just doesn't like me.
Remember our engagement party?
He made that crack that
my Mother had booked the
wedding before we even met.
I kind of think she might have.
No no no no.
There might have been a
tentative hold on the venue.
But that's normal for my family.
We do weddings well.
It just, it feels more like your
Mother's wedding than ours.
You'll feel better when
your Mom and Dad arrive.
Okay? Having family around
makes all the difference.
You're right.
I think I'm just missing them.
I love you.
I love you too.
Because Nav's coming to help next week.
I know he'll have a
lot of creative ideas.
He designed and made my high
school prom dress you know.
Grandpa! You're finally here!
How are my little girls!
Look what Grandpa bought.
- Presents!
- You're the best!
Hey Jimmy.
- Hey Dan. How are you?
- It's good to see you.
It's been too long.
I know.
- Dad!
- Paige!
- (GABBY) Cool headphones!
- (SOPHIE) Yes!
You really shouldn't have.
Yeah, these are too expensive
even for most adults.
Oh, I had to bring a little LA with me.
Hannah Banana! There she is.
It's so good to see you.
Jimmy Junior!
Just James.
Well it's great to see all my kids!
You know what to do with them, right?
(JIMMY) They go in your ears.
(DAN) Did we say thank you?
- Thank you!
- Thank you!
(JIMMY) You're welcome.
(JIMMY) This looks fantastic, Paige.
Where did you learn to
become such a good cook?
Oh I did not.
Dan is the one who cooks around here.
It's delicious honey.
Thank you. But actually Gab and Soph
picked it out of the
cookbook themselves.
Kudos to you Dan.
My daughter sure knows how to pick them.
And what about you, Little Miss Banana?
Me? What about me?
Is there anybody I should know about?
Yeah, Hannah Banana.
Anyone special we should know about?
A little high pitched voice.
I think we hit a nerve.
He must be special indeed.
Actually, he catered Marguerite's
Ah, funeral.
It was a tough day.
But, he helped us out there.
I miss Mom.
So do I.
She was the best Mom and
Grandmother ever created.
And I want everyone
at this table to know
how deeply sorry I am that
I couldn't make the funeral.
And that I couldn't
be here for all of you.
It's okay, Dad. It's okay.
I'm going to get some wine.
Did one of the writers on his
TV show come up with that?
I'm sorry.
(JIMMY) How's the wedding business?
We have an amazing wedding
coming up at the Harrington.
- Oh, that is posh.
- (PAIGE) Very posh.
Well you would know, Dad.
What's the wife count up to now?
Not as many as my character on the show!
That's Jenna.
And she wants me to say hello
to everyone. Hello everyone.
How are things going with her?
Well actually, there might
be a new Mrs Clarkson
sooner rather than later.
A three-peat?
I have to get through my
contract renegotiations
to afford that rock she wants. So
We'll play it by ear.
Oh, she's calling me.
(JIMMY) Hey Jenna bug
Anything is more interesting to him
than his children.
(PAIGE) It's so good to see you.
- Are you excited?
- Yeah.
Amber! Look at you!
You're finally here!
Look at you. You look so
sophisticated and Grey!
Is William buying all your clothes now?
Nav, how are you?
I'm well. And you, William?
I've heard so many great
things about you, Nav.
Welcome to Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
This place is beyond adorable.
And you are beyond adorable.
Stop it!
James Clarkson from
America's Next Fashionista.
That's me. Nice shirt.
James Clarkson from
America's Next Fashionista
just complimented my outfit.
Are you going to narrate
the entire conversation?
I bet fifty bucks you'd
win that first challenge.
My friends think you were a long shot,
but I knew you had
serious couture talent.
I like this guy.
Where have you been hiding him?
Nav is my cousin.
He's here to help us with final touches.
Oh. We'll take all the help we can get.
- Are you joining us at the dress fitting?
- Try and stop me.
I love it all, Paige.
You're an absolute genius.
Ah, it's easy when people
know what they want.
What? What's wrong?
Nothing unless you're the
queen of bloody England.
Where's the Amber sass in here?
You do realize she's from a small
town called "Spring Hill", right?
Well, I haven't lived
there in a long time, Nav.
And I really like the
simplicity of this style.
You mean monochrome?
They are very distinct
shades of pale pink.
The understated color palate
is meant to allow the
bride and groom to pop.
Oh really?
How did understated work for you
in the resort wear challenge?
Don't worry, cousin.
I'm going to help you fix this.
(NAV) It's just not you.
It's been her for the past seven months.
Remember when I did your prom dress?
We added some flair, some personality.
I know Nav, but this is
William's family's dress.
I don't want to alter it too much.
It's tradition.
I hope that's not a
metaphor for your life.
What does that mean?
I mean where's my cousin hiding?
Where's your individuality in all this?
You know, I hear you.
And usually I am the first to customize.
But in this case, it is
an impeccable vintage gown
that speaks for itself.
I do love the way I look in it.
Of course you look gorgeous.
But Amber, let me ask you, bottom line.
Do you feel a personal
connection to this dress?
Is this really reflective
of who you are?
I like it, actually.
It's elegant, and it's kind of my style.
All I'm saying is that maybe
you should try on some other dresses?
The wedding is Saturday.
You're a miracle worker, right?
Or is that just on television?
- (HANNAH) So this is Bei Panini.
- (JIMMY) It's nice.
The coffee's incredible. Oh Christopher.
- This is my Dad, Jimmy.
- Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, Christopher.
Hannah says you're a culinary genius.
I try my best.
You own this café?
I do, yeah. For better
for worse, it's mine.
Very nice.
Hi. You're Drake Dresher!
Well, I'm Jimmy Clarkson, actually.
But I know Drake. Hell of a guy.
I watch your show every day!
Can I take a selfie?
I'm just going to go deal with this.
think I've ever had
a celebrity at Bei Panini before.
- Hmm
- It's kind of exciting.
Oh, and he's signing her pastry box.
That's a little weird.
Fans everywhere, Dad.
Well, what's a man to do, huh?
So you two are adorable.
Oh, no no no. We've
never even been on a date.
But we could check our calendars?
Young love.
Isn't it the best?
You're welcome.
There you are.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I have something to show you.
This is your 'something blue'.
It's even more stunning in person.
Totally worth the wait.
- May I?
- Yeah.
I mean, it's stunning.
But it's not as stunning as you.
You are the most beautiful
woman in the world, Amber.
Mom! Dad!
I missed you so much.
You are a sight for sore eyes.
Oh honey, I can't believe
it's almost your big day!
Good to see you, son.
Welcome Hank, Violet.
My baby girl is getting married!
My little shining star.
Oh, that reminds me. Sweetheart.
Before I even unpack, I've got
something for you from Grandma.
How's she doing?
Mad as anything she's
missing the wedding.
Is this what I think it is?
Yep. The one she's always talking about.
The one in the picture on the mantle.
It's from the 1850s,
if you can believe that.
Oh and I should get
a good picture of you
walking down the aisle!
We have professional photographers, Mom.
We're fine.
Ah, what about my
Grandmother's necklace?
William, how can I not wear this?
Because I promised my Mother.
Well, I'm already wearing
her rings and her dress.
Exactly. It's a matching set, so
- Drink? Drink.
- Yeah.
We're going to grab a drink.
High school Amber was a wildcat!
I can tell you that.
I mean, what'd you
do with that fun girl?
I can be fun.
Oh, I'm sure you're up in all the clubs.
Christopher! Perfect timing!
Let's taste the cake!
It's delicious.
It's exactly what we
discussed. I love it.
- Good.
- I love the little rosettes.
Well, it's a classic cake
for a classic couple.
Now what's the theme
for the groom's cake?
Ah, we didn't discuss a groom's cake.
Well, that could be fun.
Maybe Nav, you could help plan that?
Let's me see. What would
your cake theme be?
Oh, let me guess.
A little penguin with
a teeny little bow tie?
Does he have to be here?
You know as fun as this visit's been,
does anybody know when Dad's
heading home to his "Jenna Bug"?
Give him a break James.
I think it's been really
fun having Dad here.
Yeah, until he shows up on
your date with Christopher!
He didn't say that, did he?
- No.
- Okay.
Well, Dad has been
amazing with the girls
and I think he is really
trying to be here for us.
James, you may not know this
but Dad's own Mom passed
away when he was your age.
No I did not know that.
Don't think he doesn't know
what we're going through.
I, for one, will let him know
that he can come here
whenever he wants and stay
for however long he likes.
Here, here!
I'm going to referee the city
mice and the country mice.
They're getting together for
the first time this afternoon.
Speaking of rodents, will Nav be there?
(FAKE LAUGH) Very funny.
You guys want to come?
Well I'd rather watch
another family's dysfunction
than our own, so count me in.
Yeah, I'm all caught up on
Housewives, so sounds great.
It is so good to meet you, Hank.
And I want to say, I like country music.
Well I'm not a musician, but
I do love working with them.
Ah yeah. Right.
Amber did say that you
Manage artists.
Violet, when did your flight get in?
Oh no no no. We drove.
I'm not keen on the air in planes.
My eyes dry out, and before you know it,
my mascara's running
like the Bluestone River.
Quite right.
They're polar opposites.
- Yeah, but civilized.
- Sure.
- Sandwiches.
- This tiny thing's a sandwich?
I should have brought
my magnifying glasses.
So, Bill! You like country music.
What band did you book
for the kids' wedding?
Oh they went classical.
I objected, but, tradition.
Oh no! So there's not
going to be any dancing?
People have been dancing
to classical music
for hundreds of years now Violet.
Well on the bright side,
at least nobody will
throw out a hip like, remember,
Milly and Ronnie's wedding.
We have chosen the
most beautiful waltzes.
(WHISPERS) Did she just say 'waltzes'?
Well, I'm looking
forward to wearing a tux.
And showing off my boots
that I got made for it.
He had some specially designed.
They're just beautiful.
Cowboy boots?
Hank, one knows that one only wears
black patent leather oxfords with a tux.
Billy, one could wear
black patent oxfords.
I, however, will be wearing
charcoal Grey ostrich skin
I'm sure you'll both look very dapper.
I agree. You'll look great.
Violet, did you adhere
to our wardrobe vision?
Who's 'wardrobe vision'?
(HANK ASIDE) More like
a wardrobe hallucination,
if you ask me.
William and Amber wanted you and I
to wear floor-length
gowns in neutral tones.
No. No. Neutrals just
don't feel like me.
Don't 'feel' like you?
Here. I took some
pictures at the fitting.
There you go.
But we were supposed to coordinate.
Well we did coordinate.
Hank and I are dressed
in the same palette!
Yeah, we spent some good
money on those outfits too.
Well Hank,
we have spent a lot of
good money on this wedding.
And the least we could ask
is for some nice photographs
for Maeve Dearing's society page.
This is our legacy.
Your legacy?
There have been Townsend
weddings at this hotel
for over a hundred years.
And they have all been premier events
on the social calendar.
Well I hate to break it to you,
but just in case you forgot,
weddings usually involve two families.
(HANK) I told you this
was going to happen, Vi.
All they care about is
money and appearances.
(BILL) No no no no.
Dear Hank, we believe
in tradition and decorum.
Well our daughter has decorum
flying out of her butt!
Let's all just take a minute. Shall we?
Thanks Paige. I'm sure
our family will be fine.
It's not like there's
an actual dress code.
Are you sure about that, honey?
You just try to kick me out
of my own daughter's wedding.
(JOAN) I would advise you
not to start an argument
you can't finish.
(COUGHING) Decorum.
The important thing is that
William and Amber are happy.
(DAN) That's for you.
You can read, right?
I can read.
These pictures are in Swedish.
This is where all the
creative magic happens, huh?
Hi, Dad.
How you doing?
Hey, Jimmy. What can we do for you?
Well, actually I just came to apologize.
(JIMMY) Again.
Apologize for what?
I should have been here
for your Mother's funeral.
I deeply regret I couldn't come.
Couldn't or you wouldn't?
There was no way I could have made it.
Okay, well thanks for stopping by
but I only have Dan for an hour and
we need to get this cabinet built.
I'll get out of your hair.
It's just that I'm on my
way to the airport. So.
You're leaving? Already?
Did you say goodbye to Gabby and Sophie?
I spent the whole morning with them.
Took them over to Christopher's bakery.
We ate cake for breakfast!
You're their favorite person
in the whole world right now.
Good old fashioned bribery.
All right.
Don't be a stranger son.
I'd love it if we talked more.
I've just got a lot going
on with me right now.
And Paige and Hannah
and I are trying to get
the business on track and I'm
Just really at my quota
for family at the moment.
Well, you know where to find me.
Okay. Um What do we do?
Right here.
(PAIGE) Hey Dad.
Paige. You at the office?
I just got in.
I wanted to say good bye to
you. I have to head back now.
I thought you were staying 'til Sunday?
So did I.
I got a callback for an
audition and my agent says
Well you know how it goes.
It's okay. I get it.
I'll let James and Hannah know.
You know, I did try to
say goodbye to James.
Dad, he's trying.
It's hard for him.
It's hard for all of us.
Let's just keep trying. All right?
That's what Mom wanted.
Yeah, I know what your Mother wanted
and I've been paying for it ever since.
What's that supposed to mean?
Sorry. Nothing. I'm just tired.
I'll get some sleep on the plane.
I'm so proud of you.
You know that, right?
Thanks Dad. I love you.
Love you too.
What about here?
Millions of people watch
his ridiculous soap opera
where he plays this perfect patriarch.
And in real life?
I know you're angry, James,
and I don't blame you.
But it does seem like
he's trying to reach out.
You know, I'm sure
Mom's death just hit him.
Everyone grieves in their own way.
(SHOUTING) He didn't
come to the funeral!
Why are you sticking up for him?
I am not! Okay. It's just..
Take it from someone who has
a terrible relationship with his Father.
If you can break the pattern
now you should do it.
He never said, 'Hey James,
come out to LA and hang out.'
Maybe your Mother didn't let him.
Maybe she might not
have wanted that kind of
instability for you.
But why didn't he try?
Why didn't he want to try?
I don't know.
But I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
- Hi Paige.
Oh, William!
I came early because I
need you to contain Nav.
He doesn't understand the
pressure that I'm under
from my family and he's
turning Amber against me.
Have you tried talking with her?
Yeah, yeah. I tried.
But I'm at a loss.
Amber loves the city.
She hasn't lived in
Spring Hill for years.
But now, she and Nav seem
to want the whole wedding
covered in leather and rhinestones!
I mean, next thing you
know she'll want big hair
and line dancing! Not a good look.
Amber, I'm sorry.
You know what, William?
Line dancing is fun. People love it!
Amber wait!
Just leave me alone.
Yeah relax.
Both of you.
To your Father!
For embarrassing us enough
to finally go out on
our first official date.
Like, he's so embarrassing.
At least now I get to ask you
about your big Africa trip.
I took some really cool photos.
Do you want to see?
There was this one ape. Beautiful.
I kept taking photos of him.
I want to show you this one
Why is my
Sorry, my phone is re-booting right now.
- Of course.
- I'll show you another time. Sorry.
So. The Congo?
Yes, the Congo.
Well, for a while, I was
volunteering at this
chimpanzee sanctuary.
These little chimpanzees
would just grab onto you.
And then there was these big ones
that were just swinging through trees.
Always, everywhere you looked,
just like swinging, swinging
Wow! Okay. That's cold.
I am such a klutz. I'm so sorry!
No, it's fine. I'm wine proof.
I'm just going to go to the restroom.
I come in peace.
I'll have one of those.
(BARTENDER) Sure thing.
To you and Amber.
I'd say that's a little
up in the air right now.
Look, I'm sorry.
Even I can see how much
you love each other.
I got carried away with my mission.
What mission?
My family wanted to make
sure that the wedding
wouldn't be all about the groom's side.
Mission accomplished.
Your Mother's a force
to be reckoned with.
My Mother needs a drink.
I know it's hard not to
conform to family tradition.
Believe me, nothing about me
conformed to my parents' idea of
what they thought a boy should be.
They bought me a football
when I was four years old.
I put it in a dress and pushed it around
in my little sister's doll stroller.
Must be nice to know who you are though.
With my parents
it was polo.
back on the horse William.
You must make the team.'
Who wants to chase a
ball around on horseback?
Wow, that is
Really hard to relate to.
I begged to be on the
rowing team, but
'Townsends have been
on Ivy League polo
teams for generations.'
When I'm in a rowing
boat in the early morning,
it's so peaceful.
That's how Amber makes me feel.
And now I've blown it.
No way!
You tell her what you just told me
and you'll win her back in a second.
Violet and Hank are
ready to call a truce.
You just need to get your
Mom to back down a little.
She's worse than I am!
You're right.
I need to talk to her.
But I need another
drink first. Bartender!
Okay Mom
Whose wedding is this?
No no. That's a serious question!
Hey. Everything okay over here?
I didn't say tradition isn't
important. You're not listen
No, I've listened enough okay.
Now you're
You're going to listen to me.
Was this your idea?
You're breaking up Mrs
Townsend! He'll call you later!
All right. Let's get you home.
(HANNAH) Sorry. I got to get him home.
Yeah. I should really get home as well.
You want a drink?
I don't want to stop
or get in my way ♪
Stick you right in
the back of my mind ♪
But it won't be easy ♪
Want to feel the high
until it fades away ♪
See it right in the line of my sight ♪
Until it wants to leave me ♪
Amber, I'm so sorry.
I didn't know you were standing there
listening to me vent.
Are you sorry that you vented
or that I overheard you?
I'm sorry I'm a fool.
This whole week has just
gotten so out of control.
William, you're a totally
different person this week.
Not at all the man I fell in love with.
I'm just having trouble
with this wedding.
I know. I know, okay.
I've been an idiot.
Look my whole life I have
argued with my parents
over their soul-crushing
expectations that I just
They've worn me down.
I never wanted to become them.
Why didn't you tell me that?
Because I didn't want you
to have to deal with it.
I wanted to keep it all separate.
But marriage isn't about separation.
It's about bringing two people together.
I finally got through to my Mother.
She finally understands how
important this is for us.
You talked to your Mother?
Yeah, Nav and I were
drinking at the bar, and
Okay now you're messing with me.
No no. Actually
He bought the drinks.
I think.
And we talked. He's a decent guy.
Yeah. He is.
I love you.
What if you just love one side of me?
No. No.
I love all of you.
I love the Spring Hill
girl, Uptown Amber,
and I love my college sweetheart
that I fell in love with.
I love you too, William.
What do you think we inject some sass
into this East Coast wedding.
Hmm I have two words for you.
- Line. Dancing.
- Oh!
all your love I'll take it ♪
Put your hand in mine we'll make it ♪
And you can have my
heart on one condition ♪
You don't break it ♪
Give me all your love don't fake it ♪
Leave your fears
behind we'll make it ♪
And you can have my
heart on one condition ♪
You don't break it ♪
Hey, so Mrs Townsend called.
She wanted to change
some of the appetizers.
Oh that's weird.
I thought she knew that
requests go through the office.
I'll call her and loop back to you.
How's the groom's cake?
Oh, better today.
I really like Nav's improvements.
Good. Good.
I'm really sorry that
our date was so bad.
It was all my fault.
I spilt wine all over you
and then I left without
even saying good night.
I do admit I've had better evenings.
Do over?
No no no.
That wasn't for you.
It's this flower order's wrong.
No I should probably let you go.
I'll call you later.
Let's chat later for sure.
All right, so, later then.
Bye Hannah.
Jimmy, could you put that
thing away for a just a minute?
I came a long way to
talk to you face-to-face.
I lied to the kids, told them
I was going to a trunk
show for a couple of days.
What news could be so big
that you need to see me in person? Huh?
You're getting married again aren't you?
That's what my assistant seems to think.
I'm not well Jimmy.
What's the matter? You
got the flu or something?
No, it's a little more
serious than that.
What's wrong, Margie?
I got cancer.
I'm so sorry.
What do you need me to do? Anything.
You need help paying for
the treatment? Just name it.
The treatments haven't
been very successful.
The truth is, I have been
planning my funeral.
What are you saying?
Well I think that everybody
should be invited to wear white.
Because that's more me.
I don't want a room
full of gloomy guests.
This isn't easy. Um
The thing is Jimmy, ah
I've been giving it a lot of thought and
I would rather that you didn't come.
Not come to your funeral?
What the hell are you talking about?
It's just, the kids, they're
going to need to grieve.
Yeah, well so
In peace. And I think that
your celebrity would just
cause stress.
If you could do this for me,
it would be the greatest gift.
All right. Okay.
(SOBBING) Oh Margie. I'm sorry.
(WEDDING GUEST) So. Can I sit here?
(PAIGE) Yes. You can sit right there.
Hannah! Could you make sure
all the guests are seated?
(HANNAH ON WALKIE) Yes, of course.
James. Is our bride ready
to walk down the aisle?
Just final touches and we can
cue the music in one minute.
Copy that.
Let me just pouf this flower.
And let's just settle the necklace
You're the perfect bride.
I love you so much.
Don't make me cry! My mascara!
Nav, let's not make this about you.
You may be seated.
Thank you for joining
us on this blessed day.
And a special thanks to
the folks who have traveled
to be here for William and Amber.
(JAMES) Do I sense peace in the valley?
William. You are the most sensitive,
compassionate human
being I've ever known.
Your smile and laughter
are gifts to my spirit.
You're the symphony to my steel guitar.
And I love you with all my heart.
You are the peace that my
soul has always been seeking.
In my heart, you are
the warmth of the sun
and the calm of the water.
You are the better part
of everything I know.
And I promise to love you
every morning, noon and night.
I take you, William, to be
my lawful wedded husband,
to love, honor and cherish forevermore.
And I take you, Amber, to
be my lawfully wedded wife,
to love, honor and cherish forevermore.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may share a kiss.
Nice groom's cake.
I thought it was going to be a penguin.
It's a better fit, don't you think?
I love it. Thanks, Nav.
May you and Amber have lasting
peace and love together.
Do you want to go dance?
Lead the way.
That was like an upper
east side hootenanny. Whooo!
My feet are killing me.
What else can we do, Paige?
I think that's it. Thank you.
Dad said you gave him the
cold shoulder when he left.
Did he also tell you about Hannah's
catastrophe of a first date?
Whoa whoa whoa. Answer
the first question.
He's making an effort.
He apologized.
Mom would have wanted him
to be a part of our lives.
Then why didn't she leave
us some note or message.
She planned everything else!
I don't know.
Maybe she wanted us to find
our way back to him on our own?
I like the planning she left us.
All the little breadcrumbs.
I'm sorry. It's late.
I shouldn't have brought this up.
Get out of here guys.
Good night.
Good night.
Leave the light on low ♪
I need some shelter from this storm ♪
(MARGUERITE) Paige, my eldest.
I am so proud of you.
Pretty soon, I am not going
to be with you anymore.
But James and Hannah
they still need support.
You can see that they're
struggling like I do, right?
So you are going to need
to be the new matriarch of the family.
One that brings everyone together.
And as someone who has
done that for many years,
it is not always easy
getting the Clarksons
moving in the right direction.
You might need some help from your Dad.
Not that he isn't a little
directionally challenged.
He's a good man.
And there is a lot of
him in the three of you.
You and James and Hannah,
you're going to have to
each forgive him in your own way
because his intentions are good.
There's a lot of sides to the story.
All for love and love for all.
Right Sweets.
Next time on The Wedding Planners
Most of our relationship
has been online.
Now this is real life.
I invited your Mother
to our anniversary party.
And she said yes.
She seems too good to be true.
I brought this little dress with me.
I thought it might match nicely.
Maybe we would just
reserve white for June?
I'm going to be taking
this company national.
I wish it could have been different.
Is everything okay?
I've just been thinking.
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