The Wheel of Time: Origins (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

The White Tower

As one age passes into memory,
another finds its beginnings.
Out of the ashes of the Breaking,
surviving factions of female Aes Sedai
emerged into a new world.
They met under common cause,
to protect the world
from further devastation.
While male Aes Sedai
continued their descent
into madness and destruction,
the island of Tar Valon was chosen,
and the White Tower was born,
a base dedicated to progress,
research and training.
Here, those with the natural ability
to channel are welcomed as novices
to begin their training.
From novice-hood, years may pass
before a sacred serpent ring
is placed on one's finger,
raising her to the level of Accepted.
And long after, when deemed ready,
the Accepted take the Three Oaths
and are raised to wear the shawl
as Aes Sedai.
Those lucky enough to get called
to the shawl will choose their Ajah,
of seven factions,
each with their own specific purpose.
Warriors standing ready.
Healers of all things living.
Keepers of the past.
Seekers of justice.
Law-focused diplomats.
Pursuers of truth and reason.
And those dedicated to preventing
the wrong and dangerous use
of the One Power.
The Hall of the Tower
is our central council,
represented by three sitters
from each Ajah.
Here, we vote and deliberate
over important matters.
On the throne, the Amyrlin Seat.
Here, I was sworn in
as the Watcher of the Seals,
the Flame of Tar Valon.
Chosen for life.
It was no accident that
we chose the island of Tar Valon
in plain view of Dragonmount.
It's a message, spoken to all generations.
A reminder of the past,
a warning that
the Dragon Reborn will come
one day.
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