The Winchesters (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Legend of a Mind


- Oh, good. You're here.
You've got five minutes
before your press conference,
and the reporter's already set up.
If you need a little
is everything all right?
You gonna get that, Councilman?

All right, Gordon. Come on.
Another nightmare?
What's on my schedule for today?
Oh, uh, yes.
Um, there's the meeting
[RINGING] To go over the recent vote.
Then a photo op with
the radio commission

Spending a lifetime of hunting monsters
takes its toll.
There comes the time
when you gotta let out
that pain inside you.
If you don't, it'll eat you alive.
They all say I'm blowing my cool ♪
So when's the last time you
actually rode this thing?
That would be never.
My mom bought it for
my dad for his birthday.
And he showed his appreciate
by leaving two weeks later.
It's been collecting dust ever since.
- Ouch.
The gasket to the
intake manifold's shot.
Hand me that 9/16?
You really know your stuff.
My mom taught me my
way around an engine.
I know it's intimidating,
but, I don't know,
I could teach it to you.
Yeah, um, I'm not so sure.
I mean, don't sell yourself short.
All right, let's start here.
Look, so this is the manifold.
All right, it makes sure
that the air coming in
to the engine gets distributed
equally to all the cylinders.
And what about this?
That's the carburetor.
It makes sure the air and
the gas is equally mixed.
Okay, Mr. Professor.
What's this?
The front wheel?
Which you knew already because
My parents taught me, yeah.
The last thing you want
escaping a pack of werewolves
is a starter that won't catch.
[GRUNTS] Your spark plugs were loose.
I see that.
Well, look, when you finish hunting,
you should get a job here.
Yeah, thanks.
I I'm not really sure
No, no, yeah. I I didn't
I didn't mean forever.
I just meant until you figured
out what you wanted to do.
No, I know. It's not that.
It's, um, when I leave hunting,
I may have to leave Lawrence too.
I've just been thinking,
and there's just a lot
of old memories here, you know?
- Yeah.
- And
No, I know. You don't have to
I get it. It makes total sense.
So, look, this is the wrong wrench.
I'm gonna go. I'll be right back.
- Yeah.
- Okay.

The old birthday hog, huh?
Number of times I almost
took a pry bar to that thing.
Guess now I'm glad I didn't.
I just needed a little project.
- Hope you don't mind.
- Are you just kidding?
I'm just glad you're
taking a little time off
after that last hunt.
You had me scared.
Look, you, uh
you don't have to worry about me.
The VA brought some stuff up
about the war, about Murph,
but I'm good.
I promise.
I'm glad you're spending
more time with Mary.
I like her.
She's good for you.
Like Betty was.
It's not like that.
Hell it's not.
Those two may be totally different,
but the look on your face is the same.
Do you know how she feels about you?
I have no idea.
You know, one second I think maybe,
the next, I
I don't know.
Can't read her.
Well, maybe if you open up to her,
she might open up to you.
Hey, Ms. Winchester.
Hey, Ms. Campbell.
Sorry. Millie.
We should get to the clubhouse.
I think I found our next case.
Councilman dead from unknown causes.
- Interesting.
- According to the article,
he died of a massive brain trauma.
It's as if his brain
had been beaten to mush
from the inside.
Police have no idea what
to make of any of it.
Okay, a fancy councilman
with a mushy brain
is tempting, but the
demon Ada and I trapped
in a bonsai tree said
the Akrida have a leader
running around in a human body.
Seems like we should
maybe find that person
before they, you know,
destroy the world.
I agree with Carlos.
No, going after this case could
be our way of finding the Akrida.
Ever since they arrived,
monsters from far and wide
have been showing up around Lawrence,
and I don't think that's a coincidence.
Plus Samuel is also hunting the Akrida.
So focusing on them is a direct line
- to finding my dad.
- Well, we are tied
two to two, so what do you say, Ada?
Are you ready to cast the deciding vote?
Yes. Yes. No.
I agree with Mary and John.
Investigating this case
is the best lead we've got.
Traitor. [SCOFFS]
Thank you again for seeing us.
We were a huge fan of
the councilman's work.
- He was an inspiration to us.
- Of course.
The councilman was an
inspiration to me as well.
I hope that's how he's remembered.
Well, why wouldn't he be?
I mean, did, like, something happen?
He was so idealistic.
But in the last month,
something shifted.
Well, doesn't sound like
the Gordon Baxter we knew.
Any idea why?
No, but he became so focused.
He barely ate,
started sleeping in his office,
and he would become so angry.
In the article, you mentioned he'd
been suffering from nightmares.
For the last week.
He'd wake up screaming,
but every time I asked him about it,
he'd brush me off.
When did that last happen?
Right before he died.
You'll have to excuse me.
I've got a memorial to arrange.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
Nightmares, changes in behavior.
Sounds a lot like a djinn to me.
- Hey, what's a djinn?
- They attack a person
in their subconscious and
feed off their mental energy,
usually till the person
slips into a coma and dies.
It's sort of like a brain vampire.
Okay, so how do we track it?
They tend to be solitary,
like to hole up in abandoned buildings.
But in order to feed, they
have to be in close proximity
of their victims.
You really know your djinn lore.
- I do.
- If they're hiding in a warehouse,
we can track them down easy.

[SIGHS] This neighborhood is,
like, a sea of abandoned buildings.
Next time, remind me
not to open my mouth.
- Happily.
- All right.
For the dozenth time,
Ada, Lata, you watch the door.
John and Carlos, let's go.
I feel like every warehouse we enter
just gets bigger and bigger and bigger.
- I know.
- Come on.
- Come on!

Ada, watch out!

Ada, did you know him?
Ada, who is he?
He's my son.
I'm sorry, maybe it's just
the DMT talking from this past weekend,
but did I just hear you
say that A, you're a mom,
and B, the monster we're
hunting is your son?
- Yes.
- Ada, does that mean you're a djinn too?
I am human.
Tony is half-djinn.
Well, why didn't you
tell us any of this?
[LAUGHS] Yeah.
Yeah, of course, tell a group of
hunters my son is half-monster.
You told us that Tony was half-djinn.
Do you wanna tell us about his dad?
Knew we were from
totally different worlds,
but I was young, about your age,
and I thought I knew everything.
So I fell in love anyway.
He thought he could
use his powers for good.
By being in people's subconscious,
he could help them.
his hunger to feed took over.
I tried to get the Ali
I fell in love with back,
but he caused so much destruction.
The hunters, they found him and
Ada, I'm so sorry.
I thought our story was over.
I went home,
devastated, sick from grief, and
[LAUGHS] At least I thought
that's what was making me sick.
You were pregnant with Tony.
I was determined to save my baby.
I didn't want him to get the
that hunger that possessed Ali.
I I made decisions.
There was a chance he wouldn't
inherit his father's powers
or urges, so yes, I hid the truth.
When he turned 17,
the djinn marks started to show,
and I couldn't explain those away.
And then one night, he
walked right into my dream,
and he saw everything,
including the fact that he terrified me.
And he ran before I got
a chance to explain to him
the danger he posed to
everyone else, and I
now here he is, and I
have no idea what to do.
Well, I'm guessing
whatever the Akrida's doing
to lure monsters to Lawrence
is bringing him here.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter how
the monsters get to us
or who they are, okay?
It's our job to hunt them.
We have to find Tony
before he kills anyone else.
Let's search his stuff.
Maybe he left something
we can use to track him.
They're just a bunch of old bus tickets.
Looks like he was in Los Angeles
a few weeks ago, and
then he started here.
He'll come back for that.
Ali gave it to me.
It's the only thing I have left of him.
Tony took it before he ran away.
Listen, I know
if Tony is behind all of this,
I know we have to stop him.
All I ask is that you give me a chance
to try and talk to him first.
Well, Tony might not come back,
so Ada and I can stay here
and keep watch in case he does.
Okay, yeah. John and
I can go to the police
and see if anything turned
up in their investigation.
I made a contact at the coroner's office
when we were investigating
Patches' death.
They might be able to slide me a copy
of the councilman's autopsy.
Ada, Tony is half-djinn.
He might affect humans differently.

Thank you.
You're pretty quiet.
Oh, um, yeah, I was just
thinking about what Ada said.
How she was our age when
her and Ali fell in love.
I don't know.
It must have been
confusing for her is all.
Anyways, we need to
get intel from the cops.
Any ideas?
I think I have a way that won't
involve us getting arrested.
But I'm gonna need lunch first.
- Afternoon, Officer.
- Johnny?
I just stopped at Harper's.
Figured I'd get you something too.
French dip sandwich
Extra au jus.
What is this?
It was my mom's.
Saint Miguel.
Patron saint of law enforcement.
- Hmm.
- Mm.
Yeah, well, I'm sure you guys could use
all the help you can get.
You know, with what happened
to the councilman and all.
Nobody else thinks what
happened to the councilman
is a little suspicious?
[SIGHS] Just me.
You know, I found two other victims
who sustained similar injuries.
Garret Moles and Cynthia Klein.
Their brains were scrambled,
but there was no sign of blunt trauma.
Is there any other connections
between the three of 'em?
None that I can find.
My shift starts soon.
Yeah, of course.
Enjoy, and stay safe out there.
What's with the grin, soldier boy?
Baxter wasn't the only victim.
Garret Moles and Cynthia Klein
were both killed in the same way.
So if we can figure out
what links all three,
well, we may be able to figure
out who Tony's targeting next.
Wow, and you got all
of that with a sandwich.
Yeah, I did, because unlike some people,
Betty's easy to talk to.
- Are you talking about me?
- Mm-hmm.
- No, I'm easy to talk to.
- Oh, right, yeah, no.
Just forgot.
- Forgot what?
- How easy to talk to you are.
That's what they say, you know?
Mary Campbell, she's easy to talk to.
Shut up.
- I am.
- Ow.
One. You get one a day.
I failed Tony.
I tried to raise him right.
But it just wasn't enough.
[LAUGHS] Ada, you're human.
You did your best you could
in an impossible situation.
I mean, look, mi abuela used to say,
"Big bad wolves start off as nice pups."
Did you see that?

I just came to talk.
So you could distract me.
So your hunter friends can move in
and take me out just like Dad?
I had nothing to do
with what happened to your father.
I just wanna help.
I don't want your help.
I haven't hurt anyone.
You don't believe me.
- You're scared of your own son?
- I'm not scared of you.
I you are my son, and I love you.
If you love me, you
would've told me the truth.
I had to figure out
what I was all by myself.
I couldn't control my abilities.
I just leapt from dream to dream.
All I saw in those dreams was suffering,
And even though I was in
pain, I refused to feed
'cause I'm not a killer, Ada.
I'm not.
So I started small.
I stayed in a dream.
I helped someone face their fears,
and then I helped another.
Yeah, I fed in the process,
but only enough to get by.
The worst I did was
give a guy a headache.
Everything was fine
until I started I
started hearing this sound.
So I followed it here to Lawrence,
tried to do my thing here, to help.
But the dream I went into,
there was already something
else inside his mind.
What was it?
Another monster.
There were some strange green lights.
Somehow it was controlling him.
I got a glimpse. It
was like a giant bug.
Are you sure?
I knew you wouldn't believe me.
And I really don't care.
This will be the last
time that you hear from me.
If you and your hunter buddies
wanna actually do some good,
go find Derek Fisher,
because the monster in control
said he's their next victim.
Just wait.
No, don't.
You really thought I'd
visit you in the real world?
Please, just wait. Please.
- Tony!
- Ada.
- I'm sorry!
- Ada.
He didn't hurt anybody.
Well, so who's dropping
bodies all over town?
The Akrida.
These X-rays are part
of the autopsy report
I got from the coroner's office.
You can see clear signs of trauma,
but if you look closer,
the damage is hiding something else:
three entry points.
I think this is what caused
the councilman's brain injury.
Look, djinn gain access
to a person's subconscious
through the dream realm,
not by any physical means.
So you're saying that
Tony was telling the truth
and that he didn't kill
Baxter, and the Akrida did?
EMTs found three splinter-like
objects near the body.
It's just a theory,
but these stingers could have
been implanted by the Akrida,
allowing them to take
control of the human host.
The toxicology report
confirms an unknown substance
was found in the councilman's brain.
Okay, but why would the
Akrida wanna control humans?
Whatever the reason, we
need to find the next person
Tony was talking about.
Well, Carlos and I get on that,
try to find the connection
between these victims and
why the Akrida chose
to control these people.
- Okay.
- Great.
And I will keep looking
for answers in the report.
Sounds like a plan.
I just thought you'd wanna know
that Lata confirmed Tony's story.
That he was telling the truth.
He didn't hurt anybody.
One thing you learn about plants,
you can never treat
any of the two the same.
They each need their own perfect amount
of light and water in order to grow.
I was so scared Tony
would become his father,
I started treating them
like the same person.
I never let him just
be who he'd always been,
I doubt he'll forgive me for that.
Maybe telling him what you
just told me is the first step.
I may never see him again.
When I think of him out there alone,
by himself, struggling
Trust me, Tony found a way to survive.
Where do you think he learned that from?

- I'll take that win.
- Mm-hmm.
I'll take that.
Um, can I ask you something
about you and Tony's dad, Ali?
What would you like to know?
Well, going into it,
you both knew you were
from different worlds.
- Mm-hmm.
- But you went for it anyway.
If you had the chance
to do it over again,
would you?

I followed my heart.
I don't think that's ever a mistake.
- Even if you're scared?
- Especially then.
It's just part of falling in love.

Hey, where's John?
I thought he was with you.
I sent him down here to come get you.
Anyway, I found the
guy that Tony mentioned.
Derek Fisher. He's a
mechanical engineer,
and his secretary said
he's working on a job.
I've got the address.
We need to get to him
before the Akrida do.
[SIGHS] Tarps. Dark corners.
Seems like the perfect place
for our little buggy friends to be
pretty much anywhere.

Say something.
Hey, this is private property.
What are you doing down here?
Sir, uh,
we are building inspectors.
- Uh-huh.
- College building inspectors.
Um, this is our first
Uh, but unfortunately
it is not up to code,
so we're gonna have to
escort you out of here.
I know it's not up to code.
I was hired to fix that.
What the hell is going on here?
Listen, I really think
it's best if you come
- Shoot!
- Hang on!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Run faster! Definitely run faster!
- Mary!
- Get in! Go! Go!
- We can't hold it much longer!
- John!
- Never mind! Come on!
- No! [GRUNTS]

Hey, what are you doing?
What the hell was that thing?
Let's get you out of here, shall we?
Hey, hey. You okay?
Yeah, I I don't know.
All right, come on, come on. Get up.
Get up. Come on. All right, let's go.
Let's go. Okay, easy, easy.
- John
- Hey, hey, hey.

Carlos, help!
Okay, all right, she's fading.
All right, how long until
she's under Akrida control?
There's no telling how much time
before the toxin takes effect.
You guys have to tie me up.
I don't wanna hurt you.
You got a safe word?
[LAUGHS] Shut up, 'Losi.
There's gotta be a way to get
the Akrida stingers out, right?
Some way to cut off the supply of toxin.
There's a supernatural element involved.
We'd need a supernatural brain surgeon.
You mean we'd need Tony.
If he can dreamwalk
into Mary's mind, maybe,
but we'd have to find him first
and convince him to help us.
He had bus tickets in his bag.
You have to talk to him, querida.
I know if you want him to say yes,
the further away I am, the better.
He's definitely not gonna listen to us.
When you find him, give him this.
It'll hide his djinn nature
and allow him past the warding.
Just tell him the truth.
- Sorry.
- Miss.
Just a moment, okay?
I just need to
Please, just just hear me out.
I take it your monster
hunter friends are nearby?
They know you didn't do
anything, and so do I.
Then why are you here?
I came to ask for your help.

was wrong to lie to
you about who you are,
and I was even more wrong
for not believing in you.
I know you're not your father.
You're not the worst parts of him.
You're not the worst parts of me.
You're j you're my s
You're Tony.
And you're exactly
what you've always been
from the moment you were born.
you're perfect.
You can't just apologize
and make all of this just go away.
You told me
that you use your
powers for good, right?
Let me see that before
I never see you again.


So what do you think?
We get the stingers out
and your friend's home free?
Yes, though I don't believe
they can be removed conventionally.
Because they're not just
embedded in the brain.
They're also embedded in her mind.
Okay, I'm gonna need two
chairs and a volunteer.
What are you, a magician?
Let's hope so.
Our nightmares are rooted in trauma.
They take shape in our darkest memories.
mine are about turning into my dad.
The councilman,
his are tied into the boiler room
- of his apartment as a kid.
- What the
I'd follow him, trying
to help, and every night,
one of those Akrida
was down there with him.
You think that's where the
Akrida hid the stingers.
Where better to hide them than a place
where you don't want to face?
A place where your deepest,
darkest fears exist.
So you're saying that
Mary's is gonna be hidden
in the same kind of place,
and you're gonna help her find them?
Oh, no.
She'd run from me, just
like the councilman did.
That's why you need a volunteer.
Someone that she recognizes,
ideally someone she feels connected to.


Okay. Uh, yeah. What do I need to do?
Well, it's gonna take all of my strength
to get you inside Mary's mind.
Once you're in, you're
gonna need to help her
confront her trauma
and find those stingers.
That way, she can destroy them.
- How?
I have no idea.
I think the neurotoxins are working.
All right, then we don't have much time.
Okay. All right, what do I do?
Take her hand.
As soon as I close my eyes,
I'm gonna be in the dream world.
Someone's gonna need to help John.
On it.
Help me with what?
What are you doing here?
It's okay.
Look, I'm here to help, but
we don't have much time.
Tony said the Akrida
stingers will be hidden
in a traumatic memory,
buried in the deepest part
of your subconscious.
Which apparently looks
exactly like my house.
Any ideas where to start?

Mary's restraints are working,
but they're not gonna hold forever.
- What is all this?
- Everything I could find
about the Akrida and the
people it's taken over.
As near as I can tell,
they're all connected by jobs
at a building, a new radio tower.
A radio tower would be a good way
to send out a pied piper-type signal
to lure rare monsters
and bring them here.

Kinda doesn't seem like I'm
supposed to go in this one.
Oh, I think that's
exactly why you need to.
You can't fight your
trauma, but you can face it.
She's losing control.
We're running out of time!

Is this someone you lost?
Someone I killed.

Jacob was just a kid.
He was part of a werewolf
pack my family hunted.
It's okay.
He changed back into human form.
He begged me not to do it.
I know.

And I'm sorry.
It's not in here.

Hey, what's wrong?
- I I can't face it. I
- What do you mean,
- you can't face it?
- I can't do this.
What do you mean, you can't face it?
Mary, we don't have time for this.
All right? The Akrida are closing in.
Um, maybe there's another way.
There's not another way. Okay, look.
Nobody would rather punch their way
through these things than me, okay?
But that's not an option here.
Listen to me, Mary! Hey!
Look, whatever's on the
other side of that door,
you can face it.
- I can't.
- All right, listen.
If you do not go through
that door right now,
you will die.
Whatever's on the
other side of that door,
I'm right here.
You can do this.
Okay? Trust me.
I'm right here.


You said that you were afraid
of the monster under your bed
and your parents told you not to worry.
Yeah, why?
Well, my parents told
me that the monsters
I was afraid of were real.
And that one day it would be my
job to hunt them down and kill them.
And this was the night
they told me that.


I was five, John. Five!
Every door to every future
I could possibly have had
closed that night forever.
I'm sorry, Mary.
Okay, no kid should ever
have to go through that.
Those doors are not closed forever.
just be here.
Okay, in this moment.
Look, when you were five
What would you have wanted to hear?

Mom and Dad told me not to be scared,
but I am scared.
It's okay to be scared.
In fact, it's good to be scared.

You can't be brave if
you're never scared.
It's gonna be okay.
Not in this moment.
Not today.
But someday.
[SNIFFLES] I'm gonna find a way
to open all the doors
that were closed for you.
I promise.

Round like a circle in spiral ♪
Like a wheel within a wheel ♪
Never ending or beginning ♪
On an ever-spinning reel ♪
Like a snowball down a mountain ♪
Or a carnival balloon ♪
Like a carousel that's turning ♪
Running rings around the moon ♪
Like a clock whose
hands are sweeping ♪
Past the minutes of its face ♪
And the world is like an apple ♪
Are you okay, baby?
I'm good.
I'm okay, Mama.
Like the circles ♪
Thank you.
In the windmills of your mind ♪
Pretty quiet today.
Not much to talk about.
Did you open up to Mary yet?
But she opened up to me.
Just not how she expected.
Sounds like you two have
some things to talk about.
Working on the bike without me, huh?
Uh, I'm just doing the easy parts.
Thanks for keeping an
eye on this one for me.
How you doing?
I'm still processing
it all, to be honest.
I mean, seeing all
those versions of myself
was a lot.
thanks for being there with me, John.
Look, I'm, um
I'm glad that you stopped by.
There's something I wanted
to talk to you about.
What is it?

I think that you're right.
You know, when you
finally do leave hunting,
I think
I think you should leave Lawrence too.
You deserve that fresh
start we talked about.
So once we fix her up, she's all yours.
You can take her wherever you want.
Just like you always dreamed of.
I will.

I wish you were here longer.
I've got, like, a million questions.
Well, you never know. I might come back.
Sorry to be tapping out in the
middle of your battle with these bugs.
Thanks to you, Mary's
brain isn't Jell-O,
and now we know more about the Akrida.
I don't know if this helps,
but the Akrida I heard in the
councilman's mind and the others',
there was talk about collecting essence
from the remains of rare monsters.
So you're telling me by
killing these monster unicorns,
we've also been doing
the Akrida's dirty work?
- Basically.
- Great.
Okay, so what are they planning
on doing with the essence?
That I couldn't tell you.
But I'm guessing whatever it is,
it's probably bad news.
See you guys.
So where are you headed next?
Somewhere where the Akrida
can't get into my head
and scramble things up.
Somewhere quiet.
Any chance that you could use a ride?
Only if you'll let me drive.
- I'll regret it.
- No, you won't.
- I will.
- You will not.
- I always used to.
Ask 'Losi to water my
plants while I'm gone?
Can I write to you?

All right, I'll see you.

All right, so the monster signal
is mostly likely coming
from a radio tower.
Pretty sure. This is everything
I can get my beautiful little hands on.
Employee records, blueprints,
land deals, you name it.

You thinking what I'm thinking?
Roxy has you covered, my friends,
playing all the hits that
got through the cracks 24-7.

Unfortunately, Mary Campbell
didn't succumb to our control.
These young hunters
are gonna be a problem.
You don't need to worry.
We'll get them the
way we want eventually.
We just have to make sure
the hits keep on coming.

You better stop the things you do ♪

I ain't lyin' ♪

No, I ain't lyin' ♪
I put a spell on, spell on you ♪
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