The Witcher: A Look Inside the Episodes (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[GERALT] You must be the mage.
Yennefer of Vengerberg.
[GERALT] Hm. Chireadan
didn't mention that, uh
[WOMAN] This episode is based
on a short story called "The Last Wish",
and it's important and probably
one of the best-known stories
for one main reason,
which is that Geralt and Yennefer
meet for the first time.
The famous White Wolf!
[JASKIER] Years? What is time, anyway?
[LAUREN] Geralt is
searching for a djinn,
which is a genie.
We had to come up with a reason.
What is he looking for?
He's not just looking
for a djinn, so why?
And the thing that we
thought was interesting
is if we looked back to episode 104,
when he claims the Law of Surprise
and Pavetta starts vomiting,
and he realizes that
he has a child of destiny,
that there is a child
that now belongs to him.
And we decided to play
that that is so on his mind
that he can't sleep,
he cannot shake the idea of basically
what being a dad would be like,
in not a nice way.
It's in this lake somewhere
[YELLS] and I can't fucking sleep!
[LAUREN] So, basically, we give Geralt
the worst case of insomnia imaginable,
and when he's looking for a djinn,
he's looking for a reason to sleep.
but has it occurred
to you that maybe
we're merely rubbing salve on a tumor?
Jaskier's the one that basically says:
"You know, maybe
this isn't just insomnia.
Maybe this is you
trying to escape destiny".
Being unable to escape the child
that belongs to you, et cetera.
- No!
- Geralt of course says: "No, it's not".
[LAUREN] Geralt finds the djinn.
That was a bit of an anticlimax.
Jaskier ends up being
the one that gets hurt
- and Geralt is forced to seek out
a magical remedy to this magical injury,
and that puts him on a
crash course with Yennefer.
Oh dear.
[LAUREN] And they
meet at an orgy, of course,
as all romantic couples do
[GERALT] I, uh
brought you apple juice.
and actually very quickly
meet and kind of fall in love.
They are really, really
opposite in everything.
Um, they're both really strong characters,
but they're each on their own journey
and have no desire to have any
connection to people whatsoever.
[YENNEFER] You were created by magic.
Our magic.
[GERALT] Thank you.
Made for a magical childhood.
I think that's actually, kind of,
what draws them together in the end.
[YENNEFER] You're free.
No longer under my spell.
And yet, here I am.
[LAUREN] They have such a
push and pull in their relationship,
and the more that they try and deny
that they need each other,
the more that they
actually do need each other.
- This episode brings into question
what role magic plays
in their relationship.
How much of their relationship is real
and how much is based on the fact
that Geralt actually makes a wish
that ties Yennefer's fate to his?
So, it's something we'll continue
to go back to again and again
as we explore their relationship.
In this episode, Ciri is
really settling into Brokilon,
in a kind of great way.
She can imagine staying there
and it's the first place
that's really started
to provide comfort for her.
We started to talk about
what could actually tempt her
away from Brokilon,
and so, we decided to bring back
someone from her past,
which is Mousesack.
In episode 101,
we see Mousesack disappear unexpectedly
in the middle of a battle,
and that question is kind of left hanging.
And what we learn in this episode
is that Mousesack was
kidnapped by Nilfgaard,
and they've been waiting and
trying to find a purpose for him.
And we introduce the idea of a doppler.
Everything you've ever done,
ever debated
- ever dreamed, is in our head now.
[LAUREN] So, a doppler
is a really famous,
uh, monster from the books,
which is a being that can
transform into any other being,
and we thought it would be fun
to send Mousesack back to get Ciri,
except for it's actually not
Mousesack; it's the Doppler,
and he has nefarious purposes.
[DOPPLER] Children are our favorite.
[LAUREN] So, by the end of the episode,
you build this really fond moment
where Ciri finally feels like:
"Oh my God, I could have
a chance to go back home".
[LAUREN] That's what
she's being promised.
"I could go back to Cintra.
Maybe he'll take me
to Geralt of Rivia, my destiny.
I have a chance to have a life again".
This is Mousesack. He's known
me since I was born. He's like
Like family.
[LAUREN] And it's one of those moments
that we Storytelling-wise,
we chose suspense over surprise,
so the audience knows what's happening.
And there's a great look that
Adam Levy, who plays Mousesack,
gives at end to the camera,
that you realize just,
sort of, how evil he is
and what his plans are
for this little girl.
And Ciri is just sort of smiling
in the background and super excited,
and it's a It's a great
sort of horror movie moment.
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