The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

1 [Rex.]
Don't say a word.
[Anna exhales sharply.]
- [squeals.]
- [Rex.]
Is that your husband? - Is he here? Is he at work? - [Anna.]
When's he coming home? Soon.
Any minute.
Any minute.
- [whispers.]
- [whimpering.]
All right, all right.
Text him and tell him you need something from the store.
Hold up.
L let me see what you write.
Uh, uh What are you waiting for? Just text your husband.
Oh my God.
Can you stop by the store? What should I tell him that I need? Uh [spluttering.]
I don't know.
I don't know.
[suspenseful music playing.]
"This is weird"? - Why the fuck is this weird? - Um Why is this weird? [Anna.]
"I'm concerned about you"? Why the fuck is he concerned about you? Because because he knows that I don't I don't eat carbs.
I'm on this diet, so I I don't eat bread.
Then why the fuck did you say you wanted bread? - You said bread, and [whimpers.]
- Goddamn it.
I can fix it.
Hold on, I can fix it.
I can fix it.
- Okay? - [Rex.]
- Who is this fucking guy? - Okay, okay.
- Bread! It's fucking bread! - Okay, okay.
Here, here.
- Goddamn it.
- Huh? [Rex.]
Yeah, that's good.
Send that.
[both exhale.]
- Okay.
- [grunts.]
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
[panicked breathing.]
- Are you gonna kill me? - I want answers.
Okay? Sit down.
What do you got going on with her? Huh? - Lisa? - Yeah.
Are you working together? - Are you two trying to cut me out? - Cut you out of what? I have no idea what you're talking about.
You you live right across the street, and then you follow me on Instagram, like it's a coincidence? You're running some kind of game with her.
I swear to God I'm not.
Hold up.
Is she here? Chastity! - Hey, Chastity! - No.
Chastity! Hey! - Who is Chastity? - Lisa is Chastity.
Chastity! What? Lisa is Chastity? Oh, Jesus Christ, I feel like my head's gonna explode.
Well, whatever her name is, she's dead.
I just talked to her.
When? Tonight? [police radio chatter.]
Oh, what the fuck? Did you call the cops on me? [Anna.]
No, no, no, no.
What is happening? [Rex.]
Get away from the window.
- [car door closes.]
- [Anna whimpers.]
[Anna panting.]
- [Rex whispers.]
You stay here.
- [Anna whispers.]
Holy shit.
- You never saw me.
- No.
- You don't know anything about me.
- Okay.
[knocking on door.]
[Rex panting.]
[knocking on door.]
[breathing heavily.]
Hey, if you say one word about me, I'll kill her.
You can't kill her.
She's already dead.
There's nothing you can take from me that I haven't already lost.
[knocking on door.]
I just want answers.
That's all I want too.
[theme music playing.]
[police radio chatter.]
Detective Lane.
Hi, Anna.
Would it be all right if we came inside? - Wha what for? - We just wanna talk to you for a second.
Uh, sure.
[Anna clears throat.]
[Detective Lane.]
Actually, I could sure use a cup of coffee.
It's been a long day.
A cup of coffee.
[suspenseful music playing.]
A cup of coffee.
[shutters squeak.]
So, uh [chuckles.]
what brings you over at this hour? It's about your neighbor, Mr.
He's a handsome devil, isn't he? I can see how someone might become infatuated with a guy like that.
[coffee maker hissing.]
[exhales, sniffles.]
Could I trouble you for some sugar? Sugar.
It's in the pantry.
[tense music playing.]
[breathes deeply.]
Here you go.
So, what about Neil? Officer Walters.
Uh, Miss Whitaker, this is a temporary restraining order filed by Neil Coleman for unlawful entry into his home and harassment of his family.
You're lucky he didn't press charges.
I know.
I I don't know what I was thinking.
I Well, I wasn't thinking.
[dog barking.]
I shouldn't have done it.
I'm glad to hear you say that, Anna.
Is this chicken casserole? Um, yes.
Would I be putting you out too much to ask for a slice? I mean, it has been a long day.
Uh, sure.
[microwave beeping.]
[microwave continues beeping.]
You okay, Anna? Mm-hmm.
We've got a 10-52 in progress at 622 South Lincoln.
Dispatch, this is Patrol 4.
We are on our way.
Thanks anyway, ma'am.
Sorry to put you through the trouble.
It smells delicious.
Just stay out of their business.
Okay? [dog barking.]
You can come out now.
[clears throat.]
[clears throat.]
Thank you.
I didn't do it to be nice.
I'm just trying to figure out if I'm crazy or not.
Let's see if you can help me figure it out.
So Lisa's real name is Chastity? That's what she told me, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was a lie too.
And you heard from her tonight? [sighs.]
I told you that already.
Well, that's interesting, because I saw her two nights ago with her throat slit right there.
We were supposed to meet up two nights ago, and she never showed.
- [laughing.]
- What's so funny? - It happened in that window? - [Anna.]
Don't you think it's pretty convenient that you can see everything over there? - [Anna.]
What are you saying? - She didn't die two nights ago.
- I bet she faked the whole fucking thing.
- Faked it? She's smart.
She's fucking smart.
I know what I saw! And she knew you were watching her.
Bored soccer mom with nothing better to do gets to play detective, pokes around in her Instagram, finds me.
She knew I'd take the bait.
Why would she want you to think that she's dead? So I won't come after her.
So she can keep all the money.
What money? Neil's money.
[dramatic music playing.]
You were ripping him off? That was the plan, but I I guess she found a way to do it without me.
I don't understand.
It's a long story.
All right.
Start talking.
I met her at work.
- Where do you work? - Strip club.
Of course she's a stripper.
She was the bartender.
I'm the stripper.
- ["Can't You Hear Me Knocking" playing.]
- [women cheering.]
Can I get a "yeehaw" for Sexy Rexy? [cheering intensifies.]
Yeah, you got satin shoes [Rex.]
After work one night, Chastity came backstage to talk to me.
I have a private job you might be right for.
I assumed she was talking about a bachelorette party or something.
Who's that? She had something different in mind.
My boyfriend.
You like 'em old, huh? I like 'em rich.
A long con.
This is my brother Rex.
She told him I was dying of a rare blood cancer.
That there was this experimental treatment that could save my life, but it wasn't covered by insurance.
She could make herself cry on cue.
Chastity had me open up a bank account in my name, but only she knew the PIN number.
Yeah [Rex.]
Once we got the money, it was time to move on, and she had a pretty slick plan for that.
I don't like olives.
Your late wife liked olives.
About a month after my "successful operation," she started getting into arguments with the guy, picking fights over nothing, until finally it was too much for him, and he kicked her to the curb.
Why don't you just go! Can't you hear me knocking? [Rex.]
Little did he know who was at the curb waiting for her.
Can't you hear me knocking? Yeah [Rex.]
We did it time and time again.
Can't you hear me knocking? Yeah Oh, 60 grand would be perfect.
Throw me down the keys All right now [Rex.]
Chastity could always find some poor sucker in the obituary section.
Hear me ringing Big bell tolls Hear me singing Soft and low I've been begging [Rex.]
To catch a fish, you gotta first bait the hook.
Oh God.
And what nice guy is gonna leave a pretty girl stranded in a parking lot? Hi.
Hi, I'm so sorry.
Uh, my car won't start.
Is there any way that you could help me? Uh, yeah.
But to set the hook, you need a sob story.
[dramatic music playing.]
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
God, I'm such a mess.
Um [sniffles.]
It's just that normally I would call my husband for something like this, but, um, he he died.
He he died two months ago.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
I I know exactly how you feel.
I lost my wife recently.
[car engine starts.]
Oh my God.
Thank you so much.
Hey, I I don't want this to come across the wrong way.
Um, could I give you my number? Just just to chat.
I I just I don't know anyone else who knows what this is like.
- [Lisa.]
Yeah? - Of course.
There you go.
[jazzy music playing.]
But this one was complicated from the start.
He had a little kid.
- [Neil.]
Oh, here she is.
- [Lisa gasps.]
I never signed up to hurt a kid.
- Oh my goodness.
- Thank you so much.
Look at this.
-Is this for me? So sweet.
[speaking Spanish.]
I told her I wanted out.
But she reminded me that it was my name on the bank accounts.
Go back to gyrating.
She could pin the whole thing on me.
And then, there was radio silence.
Until tonight.
"Sorry I've been ghosting you.
I had a family emergency.
" She could be anywhere by now.
I'm such a fool.
You're not.
She was just using you.
I guess she used me too.
But you didn't deserve it.
[car approaching.]
Oh fuck.
Is that your husband? Don't worry.
He won't come in.
He's my ex-husband.
We're divorced.
[car door closes.]
[crickets chirping.]
[dog barking.]
So, what's really going on? Nothing.
I just, um I th thought it might rain, so - [Anna sighs.]
- Right.
Are you sure? We haven't seen each other in forever.
Now I'm the guy you want to bring you bread? Yeah.
I'm sorry.
I don't I don't know what I was thinking.
I just Old habits.
- I'm worried about you.
- No.
Really, I I'm fine.
I just wanted to see a friendly face.
Is that what my face is? It's friendly? Shoot.
I always wanted to look, like, intimidating.
- I'm in the FBI, for goodness' sakes.
- Yeah.
I think your face is just right.
[chuckles softly.]
- Here.
- [whispers.]
Oh thanks.
I also got you Red Vines.
They were at checkout.
I know how much you like 'em.
Thank you.
It's really nice to see you.
[emotional music playing.]
[dog barking, howling.]
Guess someone needs to bring their dog back inside.
- Well, I should get going.
- Right.
- Thank you again.
- Yeah.
What the hell are you doing in here? I'm sorry.
I I thought I heard something upstairs, like someone was up here.
And I came to look around, and I saw her room.
It's an old house.
It creaks.
I'm sorry, I I shouldn't have come up here.
I'd never hurt your kid, you know.
She used to collect these.
She always wanted the turtle, but we could never find it.
It was always sold-out.
I bet you were a great mom.
I don't know about that.
Elizabeth told me at breakfast that it's Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
Oh, honey, I can't.
Not today.
There's just so much going on today.
Douglas, please.
It's your daughter.
She's so excited.
Anna I would take her to work with me, but I work from home.
That would be no fun.
Douglas, it would mean so much to her.
[clicks tongue.]
Please? [chuckles softly.]
You know I can't say no to you.
[emotional music playing.]
It would have been her birthday on Wednesday.
It was all my fault.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
Just please go.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
[both breathing heavily.]
[Anna exhales.]
I haven't been touched in such a long time.
[both breathing heavily.]
[Anna moans.]
[breathing heavily.]
[both laughing.]
Oh my God.
[dramatic music playing.]
[dog barking, howling.]
[dog whines, howls.]
[sinister music playing.]
[dramatic music playing.]
[cat meows.]

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