The World of the Married (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

I, Lee Tae-oh, solemnly swear
that I will love and respect Ji Seon-u
till death do us part.
Whatever the situation,
I will never lie.
Whatever the situation, I will never lie.
the only woman in my life.
Don't you know that?
Don't lie to me. Please.
I will forever stay truthful.
I will forever stay truthful.
This is my solemn vow.
This is my solemn vow.
"Till death do us part.
What does that
even mean?
Da-kyung, please pick up.
Are we really going to end it like this?
Can we please meet up and talk?
Whatever it was
that I was trying to protect,
none of that
exists anymore
between us.
When did you come home?
At dawn.
We hadn't met in a long time.
So we had a lot to talk about.
Was there a place
that stayed open for that long?
After the seminar,
we booked a hotel room and drank there.
Jun-yeong, let's go.
I'll drive you today.
Hello, is this Birds Hill Hotel?
He's our new doctor.
Oh, is it him?
It's great to be here.
I heard you're very good.
It's a new department for us,
so we have high expectations.
Oh, there she is.
She's our associate director.
I told you about him last time.
Joining us is a new specialist
in neuropsychiatry.
I'm Kim Yun-gi.
I've heard a lot about you, Director Ji.
I'm Ji Seon-u. Welcome to our hospital.
He'll be coming to work
starting from tomorrow.
He'll be taking over Dr. Ma's old office.
-Oh, I see.
Dr. Kim, let's have tea together.
-That sounds nice.
What do you think of Dr. Kim Yun-gi?
Isn't he pretty handsome?
I heard he's single.
He's a divorced man who doesn't have kids.
I see.
If you like him,
you should give it a shot.
Should I?
Are you still angry at me?
Why would I be angry?
Hey, what's up?
Did Seon-u come to work?
Of course.
Have you noticed
anything different about Seon-u lately?
What is it this time?
I thought the flowers you sent
helped patched things up.
I sent her flowers?
I don't get what this means.
So just sum it up for me.
To sum it up,
it means TO Pictures is an empty can.
He hasn't paid his office rent for months.
Last month,
he couldn't even pay his employees.
How is it possible
that he's not making any money?
What about his event planning business?
The sales don't matter
because he always spends more than that.
Tae-oh doesn't even know
how to calculate his profit and loss.
His company is about to go bankrupt.
He told me there's an investor.
He also had a meeting
with a Chinese buyer.
Was that all a lie?
That Chinese buyer
decided not to invest ages ago.
He's talking to another investor
who seems interested.
But nothing's for sure yet.
He's just waiting for things
to get better.
What about his personal bank account?
Did you check that as well?
Is there nothing?
This is all I can give you
without breaking any laws.
I'm not allowed to check his personal bank
account without a valid reason.
Even the president of the bank
can't do that.
So what?
Are you saying you can't find out?
I need some time.
But instead,
a high risk demands a high return.
If I give you what you want,
you need to give me what I want.
Forget it.
I'm just going to think
that this is the best you can do.
Do you really not need it?
Tomorrow night.
I'll wait for you there.
Do you also want a drink?
Was someone here?
Yes, a close client of mine.
What brings you here without calling?
You told me you're working late again,
so I brought you
a pair of clean underwear and a shirt…
I thought you'd be really busy.
I was just taking a break.
You haven't come here in a while,
so let's eat dinner together.
What is it?
I went to the hospital this afternoon.
Are you sick?
I went to the OB-GYN.
Apparently, I'm all good.
That's it?
Did you go for your regular checkup?
I want a baby.
If you're bored, just get a dog.
I want you to cooperate.
I gave you what you wanted. We both made
a living and agreed to not have kids.
Now, it's your turn to cooperate.
We already talked about this.
How do you call this a marriage?
I want you to think about it carefully.
I'm serious.
I looked at your cell phone.
I was thinking of getting a new phone.
Do you want me to show you?
I just wanted to check how heavy it is.
I have what you want.
Oh, hello.
You must not get enough sleep.
Your eyes are really red.
I'm a working mother
who can never get enough sleep.
You have the superwoman complex.
That's pretty dangerous, you know.
If you want to be happy,
you need to stop trying to be perfect.
Dr. Kim.
Dr. Ji.
I promised the director something
when I decided to work here.
I said I'll take care
of the mental health of our doctors.
I promised free counseling
to help the doctors deal with
whatever it is that stresses them out.
That's why I said all those things.
Forgive me if I offended you.
To be honest,
I really want a baby.
But Je-hyuk keeps refusing to cooperate,
and I don't know what to do.
Why don't you
talk about this with Dr. Seol?
I feel like
she might not understand
since she isn't married.
It's also a sensitive issue
between married couples.
You are
the only person I can be honest with
and open up to about things like this.
Thank you for thinking of me that way.
But I don't know.
I wonder why Je-hyuk doesn't want kids.
Does he have a good relationship
with his parents?
They're just like any other parents.
They don't really interfere
with our marriage.
Why don't you get counseling together?
Our hospital recently opened up
a neuropsychiatry department.
He won't want to get counseling.
You know he won't listen to me.
One person can't force
the other person to do things their way.
So I hope you guys find a middle ground.
I'm sorry
that I can't really help you out.
How is it between you guys?
Is everything okay between you and Tae-oh?
All married couples have problems.
And we're no different.
We're just like any other married couple.
By the way,
didn't you see me yesterday?
I dropped by Je-hyuk's office.
And I think I saw you on my way out.
Yes, I saw you.
Aren't you going to ask me
why I was there?
I already know
that Je-hyuk is a great financial advisor.
I took too much of your time.
If there comes a situation
where you need to know something,
I wouldn't hesitate to tell you the truth.
I'll see you.
See you at 8 p.m.
I'll be waiting.
Get out.
Get out of here right now!
You promised to stop taking medicine.
Why do you think
I started taking them in the first place?
I wasn't even taking them.
I don't need any of this
if you're not around.
It was the medicine.
I didn't get how that doctor
managed to get close to you.
It was the medicine.
You crazy jerk.
What are you thinking?
It's not what you think.
I never said anything.
See you at 8 p.m.
I'll be waiting.
Damn it.
Oh, goodness. Dr. Ji.
I'll see you girls next time.
-Okay, bye.
What brings you here?
I had an alumni meeting here,
and we ended up chatting for so long.
What about you?
Oh, I also have business here.
My goodness, what a coincidence.
I think we were meant to be friends.
We ran into each other that time
at the restaurant,
and we even meet again in Seoul.
Yes, exactly.
I need to get going now.
Okay, go ahead. Dr. Ji.
I'd like to invite you over
to my house one day.
-I'll invite you over
to repay you for dinner last time.
You should come with your husband.
I'll see you soon. Bye then.
My husband
has started to become suspicious.
Are you saying he knows that you're
getting ready to file for divorce?
He keeps trying to unlock my cell phone.
he's caught onto something.
Try your best to buy time
for at least two to three more weeks.
-"Two to three weeks"?
Prior to the division of property,
you can file a request
for a provisional seizure and disposition.
After the questioning,
it'll take about two to three weeks
for us to get the results.
And your husband will be notified
after two to three months.
I'll try my best.
Although I'm not sure
how much money he has.
Hey, you're home.
You're late.
Je-hyuk, what brings you here?
I have something to say to Tae-oh.
Just a second.
What do you think you're doing?
Why didn't you show up? I waited for you.
I never said I'll go.
Tae-oh doesn't know that you're
getting ready for a divorce, does he?
No, wait. Do you think he noticed?
Do you want me to ask him for you?
Don't worry though.
I haven't told him anything yet.
Do you really think
that's enough to blackmail me?
I wouldn't call it blackmailing.
We had fun
that night.
Didn't we?
He has 220 million won.
It turns out Tae-oh wired some money
to his slush fund account.
On top of that, he recently even got
his mother's death benefit
which was 100 million won.
In total, that's 320 million won.
What do you say?
Wouldn't you call this a pretty good deal?
I'll deal with it with my attorney.
I want you to stay out of it.
Doesn't that take a few months?
And he'll get to make divided payments.
I can help you get that money all at once.
But of course,
I also have the power to ruin everything.
Well then,
I'll leave you guys to talk.
How about some beer?
Sounds great.
In total, that's 320 million won.
I can help you get that money all at once.
But of course,
I also have the power to ruin everything.
What's up?
Aren't you going to bed?
Did Je-hyuk leave?
Yes, he left just now.
What did you guys talk about?
Nothing much.
We just talked about life.
You can sleep without me.
I still have some work left.
You're always late these days.
Are you busy?
Yes, I have a lot of work.
Why were you late today?
Must you know everything?
Just act normal.
You were never really interested
in what I do.
I'm just saying you should be
more attentive to Jun-yeong.
Be honest.
You want to kill your husband, don't you?
It'll be no fun to just get a divorce.
You deserve a nice revenge.
Mr. Ha.
Just say the word.
I'm always willing to help.
Thank you for helping me.
But you can take your mind off it now.
I'll take care of my family issue,
so please--
Why would you ignore
my kindness like this?
I'm not ignoring your kindness.
I just don't want to cross the line.
Why would you ignore me like that?
I helped you.
I can help you out.
Mr. Ha.
Calm down.
Why would you do this?
This is between us.
It's between
you and me, okay?
What… Who are you?
Let me go!
Get off!
Darn it! Get off me!
How could you do this?
You can't do this to me!
Let me go!
Did you get hurt?
Dr. Ji. Stay with me.
Are you okay?
I'm more than just a patient to you!
We had something special going on!
We're a team!
I can't believe this.
Dr. Ji.
Stay with me.
He visited
all the nearby hospitals,
and about a year after
I started treating him,
it looked like he had OCD,
so I was persuading him
to go see a neuropsychiatrist.
But he didn't listen, did he?
That's because he thinks you're
the only person who understands him.
I think he's already
experiencing transference.
Did you not notice that at all?
This is the first time
he was violent with me like this.
I'm also taken aback by all this.
It's not uncommon for patients
to experience transference
toward their doctors.
By any chance,
did you do anything to cause that?
Countertransference does happen
from time to time.
Dr. Kim, you're jumping to conclusions.
I never cross the line
between me and my patients.
You don't know much about me,
so please watch what you say.
Thank you for the tea.
Do you usually hyperventilate?
Or have you ever tried to hurt yourself?
What kind of nonsense
are you talking about?
By any chance,
did you ever have PTSD
and didn't get it treated?
Do you want to talk here?
Or we could go somewhere else if you want.
I tend to be a little impatient.
You can either throw it away
or give it to someone else.
Do whatever you want.
And don't ever come see me again.
Or I'll sue you for blackmail.
My gosh.
You must really love the law.
Okay, fine.
Let me deal with this legally as well.
I heard you asked Hyeon-seo
to tail your husband
in return for giving her prescriptions.
Are doctors allowed to do that?
What do you think will happen
when people find out you even threatened
to send a completely normal person
to a mental institution?
Dr. Ji.
Where's the brave doctor
who told me she could use her connections
to forge a diagnosis from a psychiatrist
to put me in a mental institution?
What's wrong?
Are you a little scared now?
I was only trying to save my patient
from an assailant who kept abusing her.
You disgusting piece of trash.
Look at you talking like a doctor
to this very moment.
But let's be honest. You're disqualified.
So what?
What are you going to do?
There are lots of places I can call.
Your hospital, the medical association,
or the press.
Get me what I asked for
as soon as possible.
You don't have much time.
You just need to pay 30 million won
to keep your job and title.
Isn't that pretty cheap?
Call me.
I want 30 million won, okay?
My gosh.
She won't pick up?
Her cell phone is turned off.
Should I go home by myself?
No, you should wait.
I'll be right there.
I can't believe
she just left Jun-yeong waiting.
My goodness.
Where in the world is she?
Do you not know where Mom went?
Maybe she suddenly got an urgent patient.
Eat up.
How disgusting.
Women who look like her disgust me.
Why aren't you eating?
I need to go to the bathroom.
Are you guys still fighting?
No, we're not.
Just tell me what time she got off work.
My goodness.
You're still seeing Da-kyung, aren't you?
It's over between me and Da-kyung.
But Seon-u's been really weird
the past few days.
She's always so cranky
every time I talk to her.
And she even slept out…
Seon-u slept out?
Never mind. It's nothing.
I said it's nothing.
let's talk next time.
Mom is angry
because you did something wrong, right?
No, it's nothing like that.
I did nothing wrong.
And as for your mom,
I'll take care of it.
So don't worry, Jun-yeong. Okay?
Let me tell you.
-Why the heck am I still here?
-Someone do something about this guy.
You haven't gone home in days.
-My gosh.
-Stop it.
Okay, let me drink first.
-What about me?
-There's none for you.
My gosh, come on.
Is it going to rain?
-My gosh.
-Did you know it was going to rain?
There was no news of rain today.
It's raining.
-Come inside.
-Okay, just a second.
-Come on.
-My goodness.
-Scoot over.
-I'll carry this.
-No, it's fine.
-My goodness.
-Try it out.
Look at him. He's enjoying his food.
He eats so well.
You should've called the police.
What were you thinking?
If he really does report you,
you'll be in big trouble.
I bet you feel great.
You wanted to see me get ruined.
You talked as if I was a mess.
Look at you now.
I ran over with a pair of scissors
in my hand.
I wanted to kill Tae-oh.
But of course, I failed to take action.
Move somewhere else with Jun-yeong
and start over.
You're only living in Gosan
because it's Tae-oh's hometown.
You know I have nowhere else to go.
After I lost both my parents,
it took me such a long time
to finally free myself
from being the pitiful kid
who was left all alone.
This is where I achieved everything.
My son was born here,
and I also consider this my hometown.
When he threatened to expose everything,
that's when I realized
what it was that I was most afraid of.
If I get divorced,
people will start to pity me again.
And they'll pity Jun-yeong as well.
So what if they pity you?
Who cares what other people think?
You need to stop pitying yourself.
Get to your senses.
You probably resent him
as much as you love him.
But if you take this any further,
it'll be dangerous.
If things go wrong,
you'll end up ruining your life like me.
I'm off to work now.
I cooked breakfast for you,
so make sure you eat.
Have fun at school.
Make sure
to keep an eye on that woman
so she doesn't do anything funny.
It's what you need to do to stay alive.
Don't forget that.
Are you going somewhere?
I plan to stay with my parents
for a while.
I'll be moving soon.
Did something happen?
I broke up with him.
You should break up with that guy, too.
Don't let him control your life.
Call the cops or something.
I'll be off now.
I hope you stay well.
I'm sorry.
I should've made sure
he didn't see the pills.
Here are the medical certificates
regarding all your injuries.
My job is done, right?
Give me the money you promised.
Do you have a plan for your future?
Don't mind me.
I'm sure you won't want to see me again.
Yeo Da-kyung
apparently broke up with your husband.
She packed her stuff and left today.
What are you going to do now?
Da-kyung, open the door
if you're not sleeping.
Are you really not going to eat?
It's nice that you decided
to go on a diet,
but who starves to lose weight these days?
Come outside in a little while.
I'll make you a Cobb salad.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
You can clean up the table.
Okay, ma'am.
Isn't she going to eat?
Why is she so down
when she came back here on her own?
You should try to cheer her up
a little later.
Okay? And ask her why she quit work.
What matters is that she's back.
Just leave her be.
We just need to support her
once she decides on what she wants to do.
Yes, I know that.
It's just that it's hard to guess
what's on her mind.
And why does she look so tired?
Gosh, it's so upsetting.
Do you think she's sick?
Tae-oh, it's me.
Why are we going so far away to eat?
Why not go somewhere nearby?
No, we can't do that.
Someone invited us to dinner.
I was asked to bring you.
Who invited us?
You'll see once we get there.
I bet you'll love it.
Who sent you flowers?
Was it a patient?
Didn't Je-hyuk tell you?
He told me he sent it
for client management.
It was Je-hyuk?
Gosh, that crazy jerk.
Why would he send flowers
to someone else's wife?
I know, right?
I'll see you there tonight.
Should I tell you
something interesting in advance?
The person
that's investing in Tae-oh's business
is Chairman Yeo Byeong-gyu.
Why aren't you getting out?
Seon-u, what are we doing here?
Ms. Um invited us.
Isn't it great?
You always wanted to form
a close relationship with Chairman Yeo.
You should thank me for this.
You should tuck in your shirt.
My goodness, Dr. Ji.
We're here.
What brings you here?
Is someone here?
Oh, goodness. Hello, Dr. Ji.
-Hello, sir.
You invited us. That's why we're here.
Did I tell you to come today?
That's what I thought. Was I mistaken?
Oh, dear.
My goodness.
Honey, how could you forget
something so important?
I mean, I…
My gosh, I'm so sorry.
I can't believe I forgot.
No, it's okay. We'll just go.
No, don't.
I invited you,
so I can't let you leave.
You came all the way here, so come inside.
-Come inside.
-Yes, come on in.
Come inside.
Come on.
We'll just eat what we have.
My goodness, this is amazing.
Your house is beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you.
He designed this house himself.
You really have a good eye, sir.
No, my wife was in charge
of the interior design.
My goodness.
No wonder it seemed so aesthetic.
It was all thanks to you.
You can take your time
to have a look around.
I'll have the dinner ready.
Let me take your bag.
-Oh, thank you.
-I'll put it down somewhere.
Come this way.
Did you also design your villa
in Jeju Island?
How do you know that?
I heard rumors.
I'm guessing it looks
quite similar to this house.
I guess you could've heard
since lots of people in Gosan visited.
This leads to the second floor.
May I take a look around the second floor?
Honey, that's rude.
No, it's not rude.
Feel free to look around yourself.
Okay, sir.
This isn't polite.
Chairman Yeo told us
to take a look around.
My gosh, I don't think
you should touch that.
It looks expensive.
Oh, dear.
It slipped and broke.
This is why you should not touch
what belongs to others.
Why would you barge into my house
and cause a mess like this?
I didn't barge in.
You are very impolite
to your mother's guest.
Would you like some wine
while we wait for dinner…
Why is this…
I'm sorry. It was an accident.
My goodness, it has an elegant aroma.
Dr. Ji brought us
an amazing bottle of wine.
I made sure to pick the best one.
There's a bottle of wine
my wife and I recently drank
called Château Léoville Bar…
-Yes, the aroma of this wine
is very similar to that one.
But I think the aroma of this one
-is much more elegant.
-I agree.
Okay then.
What should we drink to?
Let's see. Let's drink to the happiness
of both our families.
-Or how about this?
To Chairman Yeo
for investing in Tae-oh's business.
Honey, how did you know?
Is that really important?
Aren't you going to drink with us?
No, I don't want to.
Okay, fine.
This wine tastes amazing.
Dr. Ji, you're a bit strange today.
Is something stressing you out?
Yes, I'm a bit stressed.
My goodness,
what could you be stressed about?
You have such a great reputation.
Yes, she does.
Is this funny to you?
I'm sorry.
She's awfully stressed these days.
You should stop drinking.
I'm stressed because of my husband.
He cheated on me.
You know what? Let's get up.
I apologize. We'll get going now.
I think that will be best.
I see your parents
are still unaware of your pregnancy.
What do you mean by that?
-Who's pregnant?
-Your daughter.
She had an affair with my husband
and got pregnant.
Sir, you invested a huge amount of money
without even knowing that.
It's… It's a misunderstanding, sir.
Let me explain.
See that?
He's trying to escape until the very end.
That's who he is.
This is the kind of guy
you were crazy enough to have sex with.
Watch how you speak
-to my daughter.
-You should've taught her well.
"It's wrong to mess with a married man.
You shouldn't hit on a man
who's married and has a kid.
Regardless of how horny you may be,
it's never right to break a family.
Only bitches do that kind of stuff."
You crazy bitch!
You're a crazy bitch!
That's enough!
I think…
I think you should leave now.
-Shut your mouth!
I enjoyed the dinner, Ms. Um.
Did you
really have to do this?
Did you have to come all the way here
to cause this mess?
I gave you dozens of chances
to tell me the truth.
You're the one who always ran away.
And now, you're going to resent me?
Were you always this low?
Do you feel better
now that you've created a mess?
Do you feel better
now that you've ruined everything?
This is only the beginning.
We still need to take care of something.
What more is there to do?
A divorce.
You won't ever get to see Jun-yeong again.
He's my son!
Do you think
you have the right to say that?
When you chose
to have fun with another woman,
you should've been ready
to cut ties with your child.
Okay, fine. I admit that I made a mistake.
I couldn't help it.
But I never intended on
abandoning my family.
Falling in love isn't a crime!
I had already ended it with her!
If you hadn't caused this mess,
I would've gotten the investment,
and things between Da-kyung
and I would've ended quietly.
slept with Je-hyuk.
I said I slept with Je-hyuk.
Did you want to take revenge?
Is that why?
At first, it was to get revenge.
it actually turned out to be
pretty exciting.
I never felt that way
with you.
How could you do that to me?
Have you lost your mind?
Je-hyuk is my friend!
How could you sleep with someone else?
What's wrong?
Are you angry?
Do you feel disgusted?
Does the feeling of betrayal
drive you crazy?
Whatever it is you're feeling right now,
make sure you never forget it.
Because that's exactly how I felt.
Jun-yeong saw everything.
He knows your relationship with Da-kyung.
Why can't you give up on your son?
What kind of lunatic would agree
to give up on his money and child?
Did you sleep with her?
If you already knew everything,
why are you making a big deal out of this?
I don't care how you feel.
I expect you to do your best
as my husband.
This is where the last signal was caught.
How does she know where we live?
Did you tell her?
Do you really want to live with Jun-yeong?
I admit that I made a mistake
by cheating on you.
But how do you expect me
to trust you with Jun-yeong
when you're not sane?
Go ahead and do what you want.
I won't let you have things your way.
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
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