The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Trees 'N Zzzs

[upbeat music playing]
When I think of tree house, I think
of, um, the only escape from adults.
Yeah! Tree houses are one of the most
popular categories of places to stay.
[Luis] There are more than
2,600 vacation rentals
listed as tree houses around the globe.
It also happens to be one
of the fastest-growing trends in the U.S.
In this episode, we'll show you
how to climb up in the trees
and embrace your inner child.
From this alpaca retreat
in the middle of Atlanta.
[Megan] To this tree house
here in Orlando.
And, yeah, this is an elevator.
To this romantic luxury retreat
here in Charleston, South Carolina.
[opening theme music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
Okay, we just landed in Atlanta.
We're taking all of our clothes off
because it is super hot.
Hello. [laughing]
[Jo] This is one of the ones
I'm the most excited about.
This is really like a bucket-list stay.
-Actually, in fact
-Coming from you, that's huge.
For our unique tree house property,
we're headed to one of the most
in the world.
And it's right in the heart
of the Deep South.
So I'm taking you guys
to a tree house in the middle of Atlanta,
which is crazy in itself
because a tree house in a city,
you never think of that.
-[Megan] Right.
-[Jo] But
There are special guests on the property
that will be sharing the space with us.
You guys, no.
I don't think anybody's ready for this.
-[Luis] This is nice.
-[Megan] So cool.
All right. I don't know
if you guys are ready.
[Megan] I don't know if I'm ready either.
-Ah, look at the llama!
[Megan screams]
[Jo] They're waiting for us
like a welcome committee. Hi, cuties!
[Luis] Hello!
-This is our backyard.
-[Megan] "Alpaca Treehouse."
-[Jo] These are our roommates.
-[alpacas purring]
[Luis laughing]
I just love you so much.
[Luis] This is the property?
So you see this bamboo forest to the left?
-[Luis] Yeah?
-[Jo] The tree house is in that.
[Megan] See you soon!
This is amazing.
-[Jo] Are you guys ready? I hope so.
-[Megan giggling]
Look how beautiful this is.
[Megan] That's magical.
[Jo] Amidst a beautiful bamboo forest,
the Alpaca Treehouse is located
on a working
three-and-a-half-acre rescue farm
with alpacas,
chickens, and rabbits.
The 240-square-foot, two-story tree house
contains two beds,
one-and-a-half bathrooms,
sleeps up to four guests
and goes for $380 a night.
It is 100% made of restored materials.
[Megan] Nice!
It's a quite sophisticated tree house
because it has a wraparound terrace.
This bamboo forest sort of takes you away
from everything else. It protects you.
-It's like your own little forest.
-See this hanging bed?
[Megan] That's incredible.
-[Jo] Oh my God, it's so beautiful!
-[Megan] Look how huge the mattress is.
[Luis] This is such a great idea.
You often see this online.
Oh yeah! This is really nice.
This is not a bad place to sleep.
You know why? Because I I feel like
the bamboo becomes sort of like walls.
It really does feel so private.
[birds chirping]
Don't get too comfortable.
We have more house to see.
[Megan chuckles]
Wow, this is charming!
-This is the reclaimed materials?
-[Jo] Yes.
When I look at the ceiling,
I can tell this is over 100 years old.
This stuff is pre-Civil War.
Did you see the bamboo, Megan?
[Megan] Oh,
that was the first thing that I saw.
If you just stand here,
the actual bamboo trees line up
with the banister railing,
so it makes you feel
like you're still of the trees.
[Luis] This is nice.
Wow, this is it! This is what
I thought about when I was a kid.
[Jo] Oh my God, let's run!
Beautiful wraparound terrace.
Oh, look at this!
Oh, wow, this is great.
Oh, this is super playful.
-A real tree house!
-Whoa, the ceiling!
-[Luis] Wow.
[Jo sighs] I love it, I love it.
Excuse me.
I just love the design of this place.
Now, this is where I'm sleeping.
Look, you see bamboo through this window.
[Megan] That window is great.
From this vantage point,
you can see the entire thing.
There is a full bed up here
and where you are.
It just feels like a tree house.
-I feel like I'm separated from adults.
And everything we talk here,
it's between us. It stays here.
-[Luis] Look at the sink. Megan. [laughs]
-[Megan] That's the sink?
So, hey, we have to save water.
[Jo] So this is the kitchen.
Oh my gosh!
[Jo] They don't have a kitchen, but
I'm okay 'cause I got a coffee machine,
-and there's a fridge for you.
-Tree houses are meant to play.
If you put a kitchen here,
you ruin the space.
Me and Jo will take you out for dinner.
Don't worry.
Here, we play, drink wine,
be kids like there's no tomorrow.
-And we hang out with llamas.
-We hang out with llamas.
-[Jo] Deal?
Okay. Good.
[mid-tempo music playing]
This is it, baby girl!
Tree house livin'. Look at this!
This is my bed.
And that's Megan's bed.
-This is like childhood fantasy here.
-[Megan] Oh yeah.
This is the perfect way
to continue feeling like a kid.
So here's a travel tip,
and take it from me.
The property is the experience.
When you understand that
And what I mean by that is that
if you wanna feel like a king,
you go live in a place
that makes you feel like a king.
If you wanna live like a kid,
there's a place for that, too.
In today's world,
there is a property for everything.
-[pleasant music playing]
-[birds chirping]
[rooster crowing]
[Jo] Okay, come on.
[llama purring]
-[Luis] What's going on?
-[girls laughing]
-[Jo] Good morning.
-[Megan] Good morning.
[Jo] The best wake-up call.
-Here, get a morning kiss.
-[Megan chuckles]
[Jo] Look, Figgy. Look! Right there.
[Megan] She is hungry!
[Megan] After seeing this DIY dream house,
I had to learn more about how
this came property to be from its owner,
who bought this bamboo-covered property
five years ago
and built the tree house from scratch.
What makes me so excited
is that you basically found
everything in here is reclaimed, right?
Pretty much. Yeah, like all the doors,
the windows, the glass,
the stained glass, even the floors
are from a 1900 church.
These boards are all the original paint.
It's beaded board.
And what we did
is we just sealed it really, really well.
[Megan] What was this property like
when you bought it?
[Kara] It was covered
with ivy and wisteria.
The moment I stepped back here, though,
there was a little clearing
-where the tree house is now.
And I was like,
"This is something magical."
-"There should be a tree house here."
-And so everyone's like, "That is dumb."
[Kara] "Why would you build a tree house?"
They thought that's a waste of money.
[Megan] Despite the critics,
Kara not only built her dream house
and created a haven
for her rescue animals,
she now has one of the most popular
vacation rentals in the world.
It has been, like, a wild ride.
It's been four and a half years.
It's changed my life.
But I also feel like there are people
that feel the same way,
that it's changed their life.
-It is very magical.
-Thank you.
When it comes to real estate investing,
getting 7 to 10% on your money every year
is a very healthy
and solid form of investment.
I'm not sure
what she paid for this property,
but at $375 a night at 85% occupancy,
that's $100,000 a year.
That's a very good return on a tree house.
So the possibilities
for that kind of return,
it's there in the vacation rental market.
You just gotta do it right.
[upbeat music playing]
It's llama yoga time, which is
a sentence I never thought I would say.
[Megan and Luis laughing]
-We got baby carrots.
-And our yoga mats.
-And our llamas.
-And the llamas.
-So let's do yoga with llamas.
-Let's go!
[instructor] Just gonna gently lift
our shoulders up, back and around.
-[llama purring]
-Take deep breaths when you're doing it.
Just keep going at your natural rhythm.
So this is Figgy,
and she's an empath llama.
And she connects with the yogis here.
This is the best view
I've ever had doing yoga.
-"Llamaste." [laughing] It's too good.
[uplifting music playing]
[Jo] So this magical retreat
is only missing one thing, a kitchen.
But that's no problem
when our vacation rental
is just ten minutes away from
the incredible food scene here in Atlanta.
-[Megan] Oh, my gosh!
-[Jo] We're starving!
[waiter] Chicken and waffles, greens,
biscuit, fried chicken, sausage gravy.
It's coming from all angles!
[Jo] This tree house is definitely
a must-book destination.
-[peaceful music playing]
-[birds chirping]
[Luis] This is a clear example
of when a property's well done.
I love it.
It transformed me to being a kid,
to my real vision
of what a tree house should look like.
I would definitely come back here.
This is so unexpected that you wanna
bring people you really love.
My favorite part of this
was obviously experiencing it,
but seeing how much
youenjoyed experiencing it.
We all started glowing.
We got that llama glow.
-I love this job so much.
-Cheers. I love that you guys love it.
I'm literally going through
boxes of carrots.
-[Jo] Cheers.
-[glasses clinking]
-[Megan] Ahh!
-Okay, we're in Florida! Welcome!
[Megan] Welcome to my hometown, Orlando.
You're basically seeing
the streets I grew up in.
-75 million people come here a year
-[Luis] Wow.
in order to go to these big theme parks.
For my budget property, we are headed
just outside Orlando, Florida
to a tree house that is so special
it's actually
in its own little village named after
the master inventor and builder
who envisioned this mini theme park.
This guy is an inventor.
He used to be a pilot,
so he, like, found a bunch of stuff,
and it's like an adult theme park.
-There's a sign!
-This is it?
-[Megan] Pulling into Danville.
-[Luis] It's just like a Florida sign.
-That is such a Florida sign.
-This is huge land. Look at this tree.
-[Jo] Mm-hmm.
-[Luis] Wow. It's beautiful.
-Okay, this! That's the tree house.
-[Jo] The tree house?
-[Luis] Wow!
[Jo] That's really cool.
[Megan] The Danville Treehouse
is a three-story, 15-foot-high escape
in between two giant oak trees.
Built by its ingenious owner,
the tree house has a one-bedroom yurt,
one bathroom, a custom-built elevator,
and a hot tub
repurposed from a jet engine.
It sleeps two guests
and goes for $250 per night.
We're about to be little kids.
[Jo] Megan, this is truly inside
of a tree, though. He nailed the concept.
-Okay, let's go see this house.
-Okay, let's start down.
[Megan] Ooh, look, a tiki bar.
[Jo] Look,
you have a little patio situation.
-This is kind of cozy.
-[Megan] This is cozy.
We wouldn't be sitting
this close to the fire
Trust me, when it gets cold,
you want to be this close.
Like this? Let's go upstairs.
-[Jo] So, where is this?
-[Megan] This is the walk-in shower.
-[Jo screams]
[Jo] Wait, hold on.
Can you see me in here?
-[Luis] What is this?
-[Jo] This is the shower!
-[Luis] Oh! [laughing]
-[Jo] Amazing!
You have a little bench
just waiting for your shower.
-Wait for your shower.
-Are you done yet, Megan?
-[Megan] Okay, moving on.
-[Luis] Oh, and there's a hot tub!
[Jo] Wow!
I've never seen a hot tub like this.
Okay, well, look at this.
-[upbeat music playing]
-[Luis] Oh!
-Look familiar?
-A plane engine?
[Megan] So this is actually a jet engine
from a large airplane
he turned upside down, put water in it.
Now it's a hot tub.
-[Luis] This is so nice.
-[Megan] And it's hot!
Oh, we're getting in this, baby.
Look at the string lights,
and there's a table.
This man clearly is a DIYer.
Like, you would never think a hot tub
would be a plane engine.
What kind of brain do you have to have
to make a place like this?
This is only part one.
We are basically going to be taking a tour
of the inside of an inventor's mind.
-Ready to go up?
-This is an elevator? Stop it.
-Wait, no! [gasps]
-[Luis] Stop it!
-Stop. Do we all fit in here?
-[Luis] We're about to find out.
-[Megan] Whoo!
-The light!
-[Jo] Opens this way.
All right, ladies, uh, to the penthouse!
-Wow! This is crazy!
-[Jo] I can't believe this works.
-[Megan] Are we here?
-[Jo] Did it get stuck?
What? Yes!
-[Megan] We did it!
-[Luis laughing]
It's interesting, because tree houses,
you have to be able
to appreciate the tree, right?
-Have to pick the right tree.
-Gotta pick the right tree.
[Luis] Wow, look at this! This is my spot!
-Roof deck!
-[Megan] Nice!
This tree house has a roof deck.
In New York City real estate,
having a rooftop is a rare luxury,
and this tree house has a roof deck,
which means it's a penthouse.
This is the front door of our house.
Look it! This is wondrous!
-[Luis] Oh my God! Nice!
-[Jo] Beautiful!
I love this! Look how much light. Nice!
[Luis] Wow, this is so cool!
This is so nice!
When you said tree house, I was expecting
like wood planks, not a yurt.
[Megan] Coming from Florida,
you could have a rain shower at any time.
Having a yurt is super important
because every 15 minutes,
you could have rain.
[Jo] So this is one of the best ways
to have a tree house.
So let's talk about
the sleeping arrangement.
-[Megan] Whoa!
-This is so nice.
-Look, you get the skylight here.
-[Luis] This is nice.
-Is there a bathroom?
-[Luis] Has to be a bathroom.
Yeah, it said one bed, one bath.
Okay, behind the tree.
-Is there a bathroom?
-[Jo] Full bathroom.
-[Luis] Nice!
-[Megan] The shower is a canister.
-[Jo] There's a bidet!
-[Megan] Nice!
-There's not a bidet.
-There's a bidet.
-Let me see.
-[Jo] Look.
-[Megan screams] Oh my God!
-Stop it!
-[Luis] Have you used a bidet before?
-[Jo] We don't see these often.
-This is your first bidet?
-See what I deal with? Every day!
[Megan] This tree house just feels
like it was built by a big kid.
It's just filled with wonder and wacky
in all of these imaginative parts
and accessories.
I mean, what adult
looks at a jet engine and goes,
"Now, that's a hot tub"?
[Luis] Okay, you ever thought
of being in a hot Jacuzzi in a tree house?
That's something you would think
of a luxury tree house, right?
You're not just getting the tree house.
This is a playground.
-[Luis] It's amazing.
-[Jo] It's super creative.
Can only be one Danville.
Meeting Dan and understanding
his brain would be really cool
in order to see the inner workings
of the inventor behind everything.
[Luis] So when do we meet Dan?
[Megan] There's so much to see here,
so we're gonna meet him tomorrow.
-Let's stay in a little longer.
-[Luis] Yes, please.
Wow, tree houses, man.
This truly feels like a tree house.
You open your eyes, and you're in a yurt.
And the light coming in
-Oranges! [laughing]
-Oh my gosh.
I can squeeze orange juice.
-I love you.
-[Jo] You're so happy.
-You don't understand.
-He always asks for fresh-squeezed.
I know!
And he's about to make it.
[smacks lips, exhales]
[Megan] You know, the tree house
is only one of five vacation rentals
located on the property,
but there are so many more amenities
that come with this entire town,
and we're gonna see them all.
Hello, children.
For us to feel like kids again,
I packed you your own lunches.
[Jo] Wow, it's like a proper lunch!
-A disposable camera!
-[Luis] Wow!
We're gonna play hooky from school,
and we're gonna experience Danville.
-Miss! No, miss!
[Megan] Okay, today we are gonna explore
all the fun that Danville has to offer,
and there is truly something for everyone.
-Okay, drop me off at the goats.
-[Luis] Dropping you at the goats.
[Megan] Wanna play with animals?
They've got it!
Yeah? You wanna travel the world with us?
Okay, he's eating my shirt now. [laughing]
Want some excitement? They've got it!
Hey, ma'am, ma'am!
License and registration, please.
-Ma'am, you're going too fast!
-[Luis] Check this out.
-[Megan] Whoa!
You wanna feel like a rock star?
You can be one!
Mr. Luis Ortiz, y'all!
[Luis singing in Spanish]
[Megan] And it's all the brainchild
of Dan Shaw.
-Nice to see you in person.
-I'm Dan.
[Megan] Dan is a lifelong inventor
with 23 patents.
Millennials particularly
are all about experiences.
You're teaching the rest of us
that experiences are worthwhile.
Possessions come and go. So you try
to have as many experiences as you can.
[Dan] This is a man cave.
It was built for my friends and I,
but it's a guest house now.
-[Megan] I love it.
-Wow, is this a bar?
[Dan] It is a bar, but it's also
the fuel tank of an F-4 Phantom.
Everything that you don't know
what to do with,
you hang it up in the ceiling.
If you look at the map,
that's where all my guests have come from.
[Luis] Damn! Australia, Thailand!
I have the most amazing people
all over the world come to stay with me,
and I usually get to spend 15, 20 minutes
having a beer with them.
-You like to meet the guests?
-[Dan] I do.
And it always disappoints me
when I don't get to.
[Dan] This is Danville.
And Danville is my own city that I built.
And, uh, I keep it inside this building.
[machine whirring]
-[Jo] Hold up.
-[Luis] What's happening?
[Luis] Ohh!
[Megan] What?
[Dan] It was built just for fun.
[Megan] This is a visual dream.
[Dan] It is an airplane hangar,
except I modified it.
[Jo] How cool is this?
[Megan] Ice cream shop,
bars, a barbershop!
-[Jo] You built this?
-[Dan] I did.
-[Megan] I almost can't believe my eyes.
-[Luis and Jo] Wow!
[Jo] Look how cool this is.
-And it looks amazing!
-Take that picture!
[camera shutter clicking]
If there is one thing
I have learned from this trip,
it's that it all comes down
to experience, experience, experience.
If you're investing in a vacation rental,
follow Dan's lead.
His tree house is booked almost 100%
of the time and generates great income.
And that's just one of his rentals.
He's created an entire world, and that is
an experience you will take home with you
'cause you cannot take the bed,
but you can take the stories.
[Megan] As a part of your stay, Dan offers
a happy hour to all of his guests.
You have how many reviews?
I have about 2,000 five-star reviews.
You're way higher than
than even good Superhosts.
[Jo] You have to really love
hosting people from all over the world.
Then the customers come and appreciate
your art and become friends of yours.
It makes traveling a destination.
-[Luis] This has been an amazing day.
-To new friends.
-[Dan] New friends.
Next stop, South Carolina.
What an entrance, huh?
I've always wanted to come to Charleston.
I've always
heard about the Southern charm,
the horse carriages, the old houses.
-It's such a romantic city.
-Looks like everything's frozen in time.
[Luis] Now it's time to sweep the girls
off their feet and up into the trees
at Wadmalaw Island,
just outside of Charleston.
We'll be going
to a luxury tree house retreat
that specializes
for couples.
I'm really curious
what this luxury twist is gonna be.
[Luis] I'm gonna take you
to a very special place.
And what I really, really want is for us
to reconnect with our love stories.
-Our love stories?
-Which one? Like
-Which one?
-To our significant others we don't have?
My love storybook is blank.
[Luis] This is the property.
-Get ready to fall in love.
-[Jo] Okay, fine.
-I'm in love with the trees.
-[Megan] They're storybook.
This is all part of the fairy tale.
Guys, welcome to the Bolt Nature Retreat.
[car doors closing]
Wow, it's so beautiful!
[Luis] The Bolt Farm Treehouse Retreat is
the perfect romantic getaway for couples
to connect with nature
and each other all at the same time.
The four private tree houses
sit on 30 acres
of South Carolina tidal-water views.
Each custom-designed rental
is one bedroom
including amenity decks
with outdoor showers and claw-foot tubs.
Ideal for two guests,
and the price starts at $500 per night.
-What do you guys think, huh?
-This is adorable.
[Megan] My little design heart
is swooning over this.
We're gonna be staying in two of them.
This is a honeymoon suite.
This is where I'm staying. I'm going
to have a honeymoon with myself.
I'll show you your tree house,
just a short walk away,
after we check out this one.
Before we see the tree house,
let's see the amenity deck.
[Jo] Which is ridiculous
that there's an amenities deck.
-What is that?
-[Luis chuckles]
[Luis] Well, basically
it's your amenities on a separate deck.
-Like a playhouse of its own.
-This is so nice.
-[Megan and Luis] Pizza oven!
-[Jo] This net. Wow!
[Jo gasps]
[Luis] Ah, look at this Jacuzzi.
-The outdoor shower!
-[Megan] Cute!
This is a very special room.
So, basically, you have an outdoor bed,
a swinging bed.
[Jo] This is beautiful.
And it also comes with a screen
to pick up
your black-and-white romantic classic.
This is really romantic. Damn!
This is not the tree house.
This is the amenity deck.
-[Megan] Right.
-[Luis] Let's see the main house.
-[Luis] Wow, this place is great.
-[Jo] This is perfect.
This is so precious.
This is how you set a mood.
[Luis] Slanted ceiling
with beautiful moldings and skylight.
-The light is nice.
-[Jo] How would you describe this design?
Like, what is this design style? Vintage?
-Elevated shabby chic.
-[Jo] This is elevated fairy tale.
-[Luis] This is a fairy tale.
-[Jo] There's a lot to take in.
Then the bathroom. This is so cool.
[Megan] Charming!
Look at all the tiny little details.
Everything is weathered.
Everything is very charming
in a way that is lived in.
Right? You feel, like, swept away.
It's very storybook.
[Megan] Ooh!
Music? Record player?
[Jo] I'm an analog chick.
I see the record player, the typewriter.
I own these things.
I've never seen them in a vacation rental.
[Luis] Okay, guys, the tub is not
in the bathroom. It's next to the bed.
-They know exactly what they're doing.
-That's sexy. This is sexy.
-[girls] This is sexy!
-[Jo] This whole place is sexy.
I need to take a picture of you
very quickly.
-Hold on.
-The rose?
-The rose!
[camera shutter clicks]
I need to check out this bed.
-Oh wow! You This is a marshmallow.
-You like?
-You gotta try it.
[Megan grunts] Ooh!
-[Jo] So good, right?
-[Megan] The windows.
It feels like we're outside
because of all the windows.
[Luis] Now that you got a taste,
are you excited to see yours?
[Luis] So let's follow the trail
and the nature.
-Welcome to the Charleston.
It's so big! I think I'm in love.
-I honestly don't believe it's real.
-[Megan] Jo, look at the view!
-[Jo] Wow! Look at these tubs!
-[girls gasping]
With the roses.
Wow, these are my favorite roses.
Mine too!
[Luis] I'm glad you enjoy it,
but let's look at the house.
[Megan] This is gorgeous.
The design of this place is immaculate.
-[Jo] Wow.
-This brick [gasps]
[sighs] I love it.
These materials? I'm in heaven.
The fact that this entire wall
is basically a window.
This is bigger than the other one.
[Luis] This is much bigger.
The ceilings are higher too.
[Jo] Look, there's a loft up there.
-So many details.
-[Megan] It's all details.
[Jo] We have another tub in here
if the two outside aren't enough.
[Megan] Whoo!
All of the blue tones?
This has a completely separate feel
of the other one.
If Luis' goal was for us to fall in love
with the property, it's working.
Everything about the Charleston Treehouse
echoes the French country,
Victorian style of its namesake,
from the tall wood-paneled walls
to the claw-foot bathtub.
Do I not look like royalty?
And this wonderland isn't just one story.
It's two,
equipped with a mirrored-ceiling detail
that doubles the space's light and warmth.
-[Luis] So do we like?
I love this place. I am a romantic myself.
And the energy we feel
from this property, the romanticism,
it's all because
of the couple who built it.
They get it. It's very amazing.
You know this place was put together
with love and intention.
[Luis] This is what I thought
when I spoke to them.
We're going to meet them here tonight.
[peaceful guitar music playing]
[Luis] I wanted them to hear from you
everything you told me about your story,
how it all started.
-[Megan] Yeah, tell us!
-Tell us the love story!
[Seth] So, really,
love was the inspiration.
It was built
for our wedding and our honeymoon.
So, my dad and I built the first one
by hand, and, uh, did that together,
and it was a surprise for her
on our wedding day.
[Tori] I was beside myself.
I'm a hopeless romantic.
So I love, like,
the heartfelt, you know, big acts of love.
I've never experienced anything like that.
-We decided this is too good not to share.
-[Tori] Gotta share it.
So, um, she put it on Airbnb,
and, like, within a year,
it became the number one Airbnb
in the state.
-You guys killed it. You did so good!
-To love.
[peaceful music playing]
[Luis] Good morning.
The sunlight coming in in the morning.
[sighs] This is a magical place.
With a property as magical as this,
we do not have to leave this place
to have an amazing experience.
It's just all about
relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.
[sighs] Wow, this is so beautiful.
And all of this stuff actually works.
The Treehouse Retreat embraces
the art of slow living.
It features these items that require
a little more work but less technology.
The intention is
to get guests to slow down
and enjoy the simple things.
This thing is so cute.
[mellow music playing]
[Luis] Joanna, come on! Start relaxing!
[Jo] You're ridiculous. I love it!
So I'm exploring the deck.
Look how beautiful this is.
Damn. Uh, there's this
tiny little door right here.
I have my journal because I heard
that's what you're supposed to do in here.
[gasps, squeals]
This is so cute!
Why didn't I sleep in here?
Wow! Look at the view.
[relaxing music playing]
It's crazy the way that this place
is just, like, oozing with creativity.
This place brings out the kid in you,
the artist in you.
It just requires you
to slow down and reconnect.
And to be honest, I'm in love.
-I feel like I own the world right now.
-[Jo] That's so much fun.
[both scream]
-I wasn't ready for that!
-[laughing] Oh my God!
[Jo] Okay, let me just sit and enjoy this.
-So we have dough, prosciutto.
We have, uh, black truffle mushrooms.
We have everything Italy ever made.
We're gonna make our own pizza!
[Luis] And of course, we had
to cap our day with a meal
both fitting for romantics
and children alike. Pizza!
What do you guys think of the stay here?
You guys like it?
-I don't wanna leave.
-This has been incredible.
I think one of your best.
This property really helped us slow down
and reconnect with what makes us special,
and what makes us feel alive.
Finishing touch. More cheese.
[Jo] Formaggio!Beautiful.
-Are we obsessed with living in trees?
-[Megan] Totally!
[Luis laughing]
[Luis] Tree houses have been
one of my favorite journeys.
This is very nice.
My favorite one was Danville.
The creativity behind all the amenities
that were inspired by his own vision
of what he thought people would love.
It's a very unorganized, beautiful chaos.
-[both scream]
[Megan] My favorite tree house
was Bolt Farm
because of all of the intention
in every square foot of it.
[Jo] Look how beautiful this is!
My favorite was the Alpaca Treehouse.
Where in the world would you expect that?
And I think there's something so special
about connecting to animals.
[Luis] This whole experience
has allowed me to be the kid that I am
in every single form, and I loved it.
What a life!
["All Around the World" playing]
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
All around the world we move ♪
[horn honks]
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