The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Fucking hell!
Kill them!
Kill them!
What are you doing?
Come on. Kill him!
God damn it!
Check what Jung Gicheul is up to,
where he's going, and with who.
Just tell us about those things
in real time.
You damn son of a bitch.
You motherfuckers!
Hyeok was sent to the ER.
I don't think I can go fishing tomorrow.
You two go without me.
Hi, Boss.
I got a flat tire, so I'm stuck here.
I apologize.
Could you go on ahead first?
What the hell are you doing?
Jung Gicheul.
You son of a bitch!
Do I look like a backstabbing
scumbag to you, you son of a bitch?
Hurry and get in.
You fucker!
God damn it!
Kwon Seungho!
Come on. Wake up.
Seungho, stay with me.
What are you doing? Go now!
- We'll need a lot, so get more ready.
-Yes, Doctor.
- He's bleeding a lot.
- So be careful not to touch the wound.
- Okay.
- Gauze.
- Yes, Doctor.
Something happened
on our way to the port.
I'll take full responsibility.
Was it a call from the Chinese, Boss?
Maybe you should call the Japanese too.
Wait outside.
Yes, Boss.
Chief Seo.
Yes, Boss.
You know who knew I was going fishing
other than the three of us, right?
Yes, sir.
Heesung, Jungbae, Kyungjin, and Byungwoo.
Find out which one of them
joined hands with Jaegeon Group.
Right now,
you're the only one I can trust.
Yes, Boss.
Hello, sir.
Have you recently been asked
to handle a Mercedes with a flat tire?
That one.
I went to fix it,
but the guy was so rude
and kept rushing me.
This is the one.
He must drive pretty aggressively.
It's an unusual puncture.
Is Seungho all right?
Is Gicheul still in the hospital?
Those fuckers will pay for what they did.
I was at the office
the whole time that day.
I watched a video with him,
and then at night,
we went to his bar and had drinks.
We played pool before that.
Right. We went to a billiard hall too.
Don't move. Stay still.
I'll call the nurse.
Captain Seok is talking
with the doctors there,
- so don't worry too
- You're so irresponsible.
You knew they were having a turf war
with Song Donghyuk's gang.
But did you really have to
leave Junmo alone in there?
Shouldn't you have taken some measures,
like getting backup
or trying to mediate them?
We can't predict every possible scenario.
It's actually normal
to have unexpected situations arise.
Yet after all that's happened,
you're going to push through with this.
Did meeting with Jung Gicheul
help Junmo
I mean, did it actually help
with the investigation?
If it did, let me help more actively.
As long as I can get my husband
out without getting him hurt again,
I'll meet Jung Gicheul
and play mind games
I'll do whatever it takes
to end this crazy operation!
This is the second time
you've saved my life.
I trust you now.
In that case,
can I have a cigarette?
We didn't get the product?
No, we didn't even get
to meet the Korean captain.
Any word from them?
No. His phone is turned off.
The payment has been made
in advance, right?
Yes, Boss.
Keep trying to reach them.
Yes, Boss.
About the fishing trip
Do you actually go fishing?
In the middle of the night?
At least the sailing part, yes.
What for?
Honestly, after all this,
I have the right to know too.
Do you go out to sea
to do some kind of smuggling?
You'll know in time.
Did you find anything?
Not yet, sir.
I think I know who it is though.
Who is it, sir?
Send all the boys back to Seoul
and have everyone assemble
at 9:00 p.m. in the office.
Every one of them.
Yes, Boss.
And before that, be clear to tell everyone
we found out the rat
who sold out our gang to Jaegeon Group.
And I'm going to punish him
in front of everyone.
Yes, Boss.
Have a safe trip.
I'll see you there.
Wait. I have a question.
How are the punks who got shot?
They're all alive, so don't worry.
You better worry about yourself.
Give me the car key.
- Hello?
-You son of a bitch.
How dare you ignore our calls?
Do you think we can't find you
if you just run with our money?
Do you?
It's me.
What happened?
On our way to the sea,
Song Donghyuk's boys ambushed us.
One of our members almost died.
An ambush?
That means those boys knew
which route you took to the sea.
I also just found out
that I'm under surveillance now.
This means there's a rat
running around at your feet right now.
Do you have anything to say?
Anyhow, you'll have to take responsibility
for what happened.
What do we do?
Start the car!
Gosh, seriously.
Isn't it cramped in here for you?
You can make yourself
comfortable, you know.
Hey, are you trying to be
like Chow Yun-fat or what?
Wherever you go, there's a war.
But somehow, you never die.
Just like "A Better Tomorrow".
Gosh, Chow Yun-fat is so cool.
It would've been perfect
with some matches though.
You must've fought like this too.
So awesome.
I'm going to use the restroom.
It seems like you need to go too.
I'll make it real quick then.
My stomach.
It hurts!
Are you okay?
I almost fucking died.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
It seems Jung Gicheul is actually
smuggling when he goes fishing.
And tonight,
he's planning to kill
the traitor in the gang.
We must stop that.
Okay. Take care.
I will.
Incheon Port in two days?
They're coming here?
All right.
I'll make it easier for you
to address each other.
Seungho is older than everyone here,
so from now, you'll all call him "Sir."
Yes, Boss.
Louder, you bastards.
Yes, Boss.
Do you know who sold out our gang
to Jaegeon Group?
Nice to meet you.
Even if you turn us down,
somebody will take our offer and join us.
So think wisely.
Take a look around
and see who's not here,
because they didn't want to die.
Kyungjin, Byungwoo, and Chief Seo.
I don't see these three.
Sorry. It was hard getting a taxi.
Who's the traitor?
I don't think it's Heesung or Jungbae.
They're all alive, so don't worry.
Oh Kyungjin.
We should find him and get him out
as soon as possible.
He was the only one who knew about
the situation in Jaegeon Group.
Oh Kyungjin.
Yes, Boss.
Oh Kyungjin.
Oh Kyungjin!
God damn it.
Kyungjin, why did you do it?
Why would you ask that?
It's fucking embarrassing for me.
Right. Why would it matter?
What matters is
that you caused all this mess.
I want you all to watch closely
and see what happens
when you betray our family.
Chief Seo.
What are you going to do now?
That bastard almost got you killed.
And he has to pay for it.
Try to bear it.
Because it'll hurt.
You fucking son of a bitch.
Let's watch a little.
Fucking son of a bitch. You motherfucker.
You motherfucking piece of shit.
Stupid motherfucker.
You fucking son of a bitch.
Fucking piece of shit.
I almost died because of you, fucker.
Get it? Fucking rat.
I think that was enough
for almost killing me.
- Hey, Yongdae.
- Yes, sir.
Stay out of my sight.
If I ever see you again,
I'm going to kill you for real.
Heesung, Jungbae, Chief Seo, follow me.
You too, Seungho.
Consider yourself lucky, you bastard.
Clean this up.
Yes, sir.
Throw him out somewhere far away.
Yes, sir.
The Chinese are coming here in two days.
Why, all of a sudden?
Why don't we talk about this
more privately, sir?
No, we need more than just us three now.
You already kind of know
what's going on, right?
I'll deal with them when they come.
So you prepare something
to make them feel better.
Yes, Boss.
And Heesung,
see if Kyungjin's up to
any funny business.
Chief Seo, take care of Seungho.
Yes, Boss.
You can go now.
Among ex-convicts who did time for meth,
we thoroughly investigated
just the meth cooks.
Yoon Wongil.
Why did you say she went to China again?
For traveling.
Hasn't she returned yet?
Traveling in China for half a year?
Bring the interpreter.
I need to call Mr. Murayama.
Yes, sir.
- Hello, Captain Seok?
- Hello, sir.
Do you know Professor Yoon?
The gray-haired lady.
I got a big one.
This trade might not be
just between Korea and Japan
but among Korea, China, and Japan.
So the Chinese are
our suspects as well now.
If Detective Park joins
tomorrow's meeting with the Chinese,
we'll be more sure
about this theory though.
Could we ask him for help?
Hi, Gicheul. It's me, Euijeong.
Hi, Euijeong.
I should've called you.
How are you? Are you okay?
I'm fine, thanks to you.
Thank you so much
for coming to the funeral.
No need to thank me.
I just did what I had to do.
Speaking of which,
are you free tomorrow?
Yeah, tomorrow is the only day I'm free.
Can we meet?
Yes, we can. Let's meet tomorrow.
Please tell Seungho
that I appreciate him visiting too.
I will.
I have an urgent appointment tomorrow.
So you go deal with the Chinese.
What happened?
Yes, Boss.
Did you look into any hospitals?
Can I get back to you on that
with Chief Seo?
Finish eating first.
Yes, Boss.
What did you name your baby?
Hong Jaeyoung.
That's a great name.
I'll visit sometime.
Sure. The baby's so cute.
Doesn't look like me at all.
The baby looks like Hyeok.
What did you want to say in private?
Chief Seo.
You've looked into
Oh Kyungjin's whereabouts that day, right?
Of course, I have.
I just wonder
how he located our car
and told them about it.
It's not like he followed our car.
Jungbae is the one
who followed us that day.
Are you suspecting Jungbae?
Do you agree, Chief Seo?
Yes, I have the same suspicion.
Let's do one last check.
Our guests from China
sound like important people
to your business.
How about we send Seungho there
while I check on Jungbae?
I think you should be careful
until we're sure
about Jungbae and Heesung.
Jungbae is like a little brother to me.
Make sure to do it perfectly.
Yes, Boss.
Chief Seo.
You can go now. Make sure it's done right.
Yes, Boss.
Hello, Boss.
You have information
on all of my employees, right?
Yes, I do.
I'll need to do some background checks.
If things go well,
it might be out with the old,
in with the new.
Did you call for me, Boss?
Did you buy gifts for the Chinese?
Yes, I got something expensive ready.
Good job.
Thank you, Boss.
I feel like getting a drink,
but I don't want to drink alone.
Great. I was going to grab a drink too.
Should I get the drinks ready outside?
Sounds good.
Okay, sir.
It's only a simple interview.
You can just nod to answer my questions.
We got stuck here in our investigation.
How did you know which route
Jung Gicheul was taking that day?
Did somebody tail his car
and tell you about it?
Then, how did you know?
Did your gang tail his car
all the way from Seoul?
With the car you were riding in?
But sir
I know you've been shot,
but how could you not recognize my face?
It's me, Seo Jongryeol.
It's so nice to talk with you alone
without the other boys.
It's been a while.
I'll send Kwon Seungho
to Incheon Port tomorrow morning.
You just rest up.
Yes, Boss.
That's life.
What goes around comes around.
Think of it that way.
And think of this
as falling into a peaceful sleep.
Since you brought it up
Just in case
Just to be sure,
you didn't suspect me or Heesung, right?
What are you talking about?
Sorry. Just forget it, Boss.
Boss, this is Jongryeol.
As you instructed,
I took care of Kang Geon.
As for Heesung and Jungbae
they're clean.
Well done. You can go rest now.
Who was it on the phone, Boss?
If you think about it
Yes, Boss?
You and I.
We've always been together, right?
Why are you stating the obvious, Boss?
The son of the stationery store owner
in front of school, Choi Jungbae.
Why are you talking about the old days?
It's so awkward.
Are you drunk?
The only student
in Yeoksam High
who lived in a studio apartment was you.
And I was the only one
who lived in a semi-basement.
The poor ones.
Since it's just the two of us here,
are you not meeting
with the Chinese yourself
because of something important?
It's nothing.
Boss, as you said,
I've been tagging along
with you all my life.
And now, I can read your mind quite well.
Is it because of that girl, Yu Euijeong?
- Jungbae.
- Yes, Boss?
If you can read my mind,
you should know how
to look the other way too.
You're right.
But it just doesn't make sense.
It's not like you can marry a cop.
I can't?
Can't I marry her?
To be perfectly honest,
I'm a little scared.
What if something bad happens
because of her?
I just want you to keep in mind
that you're about to start
something really dangerous.
Well, some things are dangerous
but worth trying, right?
Let's drink.
Oh, hey.
How have you been?
Choi Jungbae.
Yes, sir?
Do you trust me?
I trust you. I mean it.
I trust you too.
Jung Gicheul has started to trust me.
From now on, whenever I get free time
Stop. Let's not talk about that now.
I don't want to think about those things.
I just want to think about us.
Your mother.
Did the funeral go well?
I'm sorry.
How's your wound?
Are you okay now?
Yes, I'm okay.
Eat up.
You asshole.
You're distracting me, you asshole.
Think about it.
Don't you think Gicheul is trusting
Seungho too much?
What is it now?
It kind of bothers me
that he's sending him
to that important meeting and not us.
You got some free time thanks to that.
When he said "an urgent appointment,"
he meant a date with the cop, right?
Well, that kind of bothers me too.
Whatever. It's his fucking business.
Let's mind our own.
Yoon Wongil. An ex-convict
jailed for meth who went over to China.
Please check if this Chinese guest is her.
Dear passengers
Are you Mr. Jung's man?
Yes, I am.
Let's go.
I said we should go somewhere nice.
I wanted to visit the church.
It's been a while.
Is that okay with you?
Of course, it is.
It would be nice
if your mother started
to attend church again.
As far as I know,
if you're from China,
only Korean-Chinese
who are over 55 can enter Korea.
So I didn't expect
to see someone so young.
We don't do this kind of job unprepared.
I didn't know you were Korean.
No, you're right. I'm Korean-Chinese.
I didn't know Mr. Jung would send
someone so innocent.
Is the person you came with taking a taxi?
And about the recent mishap
Let me apologize first.
We are very sorry.
Is it a Korean thing
to have other people apologize for you?
One makes a mistake,
and someone else apologizes.
How interesting.
Please get some rest.
Your name?
I'm Kwon Seungho.
They're Korean-Chinese.
Their passports must be forged,
so there's no point in background checks.
I wonder why they came to Korea.
To deliver the stuff on land
since they couldn't on water?
Customs clearance at Incheon
wouldn't be that easy to pass.
It must be something else.
So let's watch them for now.
What are you doing here, by the way?
Shouldn't you be with Jung Gicheul now?
Let me take care of this.
Jung Gicheul is
with Inspector Yu now.
Why is Euijeong meeting with him?
Didn't you see what that bastard did
to her at the funeral?
Since you got hurt,
she decided to continue helping us.
So why
Why is Euijeong helping us now?
God damn it, before deciding
something like that,
shouldn't you have
at least asked me first?
Things were urgent,
and we couldn't reach out.
We couldn't just sit back and watch.
- Inspector Yu must've felt the same.
- God damn it.
She insisted she'd do
anything it took to help you.
You trust her, don't you?
Don't think too much into it.
Thanks to her,
these potential Chinese drug producers
are right before our eyes now.
God damn it.
Excuse me.
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