The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Usato, Back in the Forest!

Why do I have to join
Inukami-senpai's training?
Kazuki had Siglis-san, didn't he?
You were supposed to
join Hero Kazuki, too.
But you had just returned
from the forest, so I refused.
Then, Lloyd-sama sent
another request yesterday.
I couldn't refuse him twice, could I?
Relax. You're only there just
in case they need a healer.
Play your part for three
days and come home.
Color me surprised!
To think that you'd be coming with us!
And with Blurin, too?!
Wait! I know what this is!
You're going to help us bond, aren't you?
No, Blurin doesn't like anyone
else, so I have to take him along.
Once again, you don't know
how to play along, do you?
Excuse me?
Oh, the introductions!
They'll be coming with us, too!
Aruku the knight and Korin the mage!
The pleasure's mine!
Pleased to make your acquaintance!
It's great to meet you!
Wait, haven't we met before?
We have! I'm usually
standing by the gate.
Oh, that's right!
Hero Suzune.
Usato's healing magic isn't omnipotent.
It can heal wounds and cure poison,
but it can't bring people
back from the dead.
Don't take it for granted.
Well, seeing that you
were trained by Siglis,
you should be able to
hold your own just fine.
I've got nothing to say to you.
Not satisfied?
N-no! I'm good!
Not like you have anything
nice to say to me anyway!
Then, get going.
She's really strong, isn't she?
Huh? What do you mean by that?
Never mind.
Now, off we go! Off we go!
(The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic)
The walls that tower over you
are just so tall and thick.
They're not there to overwhelm you.
They're there for you to overcome.
That's what I believe.
For thousands of nights
and tens of thousands of mornings,
I can keep trying
without losing my way.
As long as I can arrive
at the final chapter,
it's okay even if
I'm scarred.
Stand! Up! Again!
Over and over!
Don't! Look! Back!
Only towards the future.
Only towards the future.
(#5 Usato, into the Forest Again!)
What are you doing?!
Practicing my sword strikes?
Well, I can see that.
But I received word that
you were all fatigued
after returning from
training yesterday.
And you're practicing already?
I had a good night's rest.
I'm as right as rain, Celia-san.
Are you certain?
Are you not pushing yourself too hard?
I'm not.
See? Check this out!
V-very well.
But please, do keep your
own well-being in mind.
Oh? Kazuki was that worn out, huh?
Yup. But he said that the
experience was worth it.
He battled a ton of monsters in a
clearing by the Darkness of Llinger.
That's exactly what we're going to do now.
The Darkness of Llinger, huh?
I wonder if Blurin misses his home.
By the way, Usato-kun. Is Blurin
gonna wake up any time soon?
Excuse me?
Seeing that he's asleep
he wouldn't mind if I petted him, right?
He wouldn't, right?
Just a little, just a little!
What are you doing, Usato-kun?!
No, that's my line
what are you doing?
Smacking a girl and talking down to her?
Have you become a
sadist or something?
I have no idea what you're going on about.
Oh, Blurin, you awake?
You can walk by yourself now, right?
Hey, are you all right?
Now's my chance!
I'll carry you, Blurin!
Come on, hop on!
Wait, Senpai! I don't think that's
I-I did it!
He's so fluffy!
This is Blurin's
Jeez don't go hurting
yourself outside of battle.
Sorry, Usato-kun and
thanks for healing me.
Now, that I'm fine with.
Multiple entities detected ahead!
Don't move, the two of you!
No, they're
Looks like they noticed us.
Right when we were plannin'
on ambushin' the lot of you.
What do we have here?
A palace knight and mage?
Hand over yer valuables!
We refuse!
Huh? Ya sure about that?
We clearly outnumber ya guys.
Who are these guys? Bandits?
They're not intimidating at all.
These guys aren't a threat at all, Senpai.
Real live bandits!
I've never seen one before!
They really do exist!
Senpai. You never fail to amaze me.
H-hot dang! These guys got
themselves a Blue Grizzly!
N-no! Look closer! It's just a cub!
It ain't nothin' to fear!
Y-yeah! Let's catch it and skin it alive!
You fiends!
Not on my watch!
T-thank goodness, he's alive!
That was amazing! Perfect control, too!
I know, right? I practiced a lot!
Alright, Senpai, go wild!
I'll heal them if I have to.
Me? Go wild?
That magic won't hit if we get close!
Everyone, charge!
Go, Senpai! Thunderbolt!
Just what do you take me for?!
Go, human stun gun!
No, human electric eel!
I'm going to get mad if you don't stop!
That just ain't fair!
Then, stop what you're doing!
I've detected something else.
They're fast.
Fall Boars?!
But they live much deeper in!
Thanks, Blurin!
It's all right! Just hold on tight!
Senpai, are you okay?! Senpai?!
Wait, this river!
I fell into it before!
That means
there's a waterfall ahead!
Senpai take a deep breath!
Got it!
Usato-kun! Usato-kun!
Don't quit on me now!
I'm going to get you somewhere safe!
I'll protect you!
This gal's not going to
let a debt go unpaid!
Inukami-senpai I'm fine.
and you're kinda embarrassing me.
Y-you're awake already?
I was just taking a breather after
pulling you out of the water
Anyway, let's get that cut
on your face healed up.
T-thank you. Sorry it had
to come to this, Usato-kun.
Don't apologize. I'm glad
we got stranded together.
Still, I never thought I'd be
back here again so soon
The captain dumped me into
this forest to train before.
It's teeming with monsters that
put those Fall Boars to shame.
No food, huh?
I wished we had enough to
last us at least one night.
Usato-kun, if this forest is
as dangerous as you say it is,
shouldn't we prioritize escaping it?
It's going to get dark soon,
and it might start raining.
Let's find a safe spot
to camp for the night
and find our way out tomorrow morning.
You have a point.
But where's safe?
I slept on a tree branch.
Is that all right with you?
I've never climbed a tree before
I've always wanted to,
but I was never allowed to.
Did she come from a rich family
that sheltered her all her life?
I guess it adds up
Let's camp there, then.
We'll be sheltered from the rain,
and it's way better than
going deeper into the forest.
That makes sense.
Now that that's settled
you should get out of those wet clothes.
Don't mind if I do.
You won't peek, will you?
You haven't even considered it?!
Are you ready, Usato-kun?
Yup! Feel free to start zapping away!
Zapping? That doesn't sound cool at all!
Here I go!
Wow! That's amazing!
That's dinner in the bag, Senpai!
and now, fire! If you'd please.
Just leave it to me!
It's really fire!
I'm so glad to have you around, Senpai!
Aw, shucks, you're making me blush!
It's nice and warm!
I'll never take fire
for granted ever again!
Sorry, Senpai. I didn't mean to
make things awkward for you.
No, no! Don't mind me!
He's even more ripped than before!
Huh? Did you say something?
Venom Monkeys!
You know them?
I've only read about them.
This is the first time
I see them in person.
O-one's heading this way!
They shouldn't be that aggressive
But they are venomous,
so, no touching, okay?
Come on, don't be afraid!
What are you doing?!
After what I just said?!
If I get poisoned, then so be it!
I'm already poisoned by their cuteness!
It's the price I have to pay.
See? Nothing to fear.
What did I tell you?!
They're missing?!
What is the meaning of this?
We just got word
from Korin's familiar.
They ran into a herd of monsters
and Suzune and Usato got separated.
I hesitated to tell you,
but Celia was adamant
about not keeping any secrets.
Has a search party been dispatched?
One is being assembled
as we speak. Tomorrow
Tomorrow will be too late!
I'll head out at once.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Hero Kazuki.
Hero Suzune and Usato are
probably stranded together.
In that case, there is
nothing to worry about.
Usato is my subordinate.
He's not going to die so easily.
And if Usato is fine, so is Hero Suzune.
That was delicious!
Man, with you here, surviving
in the wilderness is a breeze!
Are you treating me like some
kind of camping equipment?
Not at all!
I really am grateful!
Fine I'll leave it at that.
Let's take turns sleeping.
You first.
N-no, I bet you're tired from
using all that healing magic.
You first!
You sure?
Well, if you say so
Are you asleep?
No, I'm still awake.
Something on your mind?
How do you feel about being
summoned to this world?
How I feel?
Do you want to go home?
That's a tough one.
I want to go home. But I
also have a reason to stay.
I don't want to go back.
Not going to ask why?
You want me to?
I do.
I think I already know why
you don't want to go back.
It's because you prefer
this world over ours.
Isn't that right?
There's nothing left in our world for me.
My family, my friends, who I was before
I'll throw them all away to stay here.
I've been waiting for this all my life
a chance to free myself.
There's nothing tying
me down in this world.
That's a freedom that
I'll trade everything for.
Sounds good to me.
What's with that face?
I mean
aren't you disappointed
by who I really am?
I've always wanted to change.
Back home, I was tired of my
ordinary life and my passive self.
We're not so different, you and I.
When I first arrived, I just didn't
want to hold you guys back.
But now, I'm determined
to protect you, Kazuki,
and the people of this kingdom
as a member of the Rescue Squad.
What about you?
Me, too.
I want to protect this place
as a Hero!
All right! Let's save the people
of Llinger Kingdom together!
Forget our previous world.
Let's just protect our here and now.
You've really grown,
haven't you, Usato-kun?
and you're much more relatable now.
Back in our world, I thought you
were flawless the perfect girl!
Are you serious?
You've been treating your "perfect
girl" rather curtly, you know?
You think?
Not that I mind.
I'd rather be close to you
than be admired from afar.
I'm going to bed. Good night!
Did I get you all flustered?
I'm glad we had that chat.
Good night, Usato-kun.
I think we're heading
in the right direction.
Let's just keep an eye out for monsters.
Got it. I'll get ready to take them on.
Oh! Blurin!
Wait! I need to brace myself
before you jump on me!
Usato dono!
We were searching the forest perimeter
when that bear cub suddenly
started to run off on its own.
We thought it might lead us
to you, so we chased after it.
G-good job keeping up.
He must have picked up
your scent, Usato-kun!
Good job, Blurin!
Usato-kun? What is this place?
This was Blurin's home.
His parents were killed
by a giant snake monster.
I see
Hey, Usato-kun!
What's this?
I think he wants to leave.
I think he's decided!
That by your side is
where he belongs!
Let's go home, Usato-kun!
Let's go home.
Back to where we belong.
The beginning was sudden and silent.
Then, everything before
me began to change.
Even the stones lying at my feet
seem to shine a little brighter.
That's because you're reflected in them.
Like a young leaf that's just sprouted,
you're brimming with a translucent light.
Let the wind blow you onward.
If I'm with you, I can go anywhere.
Even if you're not special,
you can be anything.
Let me believe in the strength
that's awakened in your heart.
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