The Young Montalbano (2012) s01e05 Episode Script

The Third Secret

Where the hell are you going, Catarella?
Where are you going? What the fuck are you doing?
Where are you going?
No. Catarella!
Christ, Catarella!
What happened?
Doctor, is that you? - Yes
What happened? - Nothing,
Doctor. - Stay calm.
I'll call for help. - You don't need to.
You don't understand!
It's all fake. Theater.
What are you saying?
We are in a show, doctor.
This is not blood.
It's tomato sauce.
What, Catarella?
The time is over
I die in despair.
I die in despair.
- No!
- The nuptials are all screwed.
Doctor, have you gone?
- No, I'm here.
Catarella, can you be more
clear? - You want me to spell it?
The nuptials are screwed. - Leave it.
I can't handle it.
Call Augello. - Doctor
Augello isn't here.
Then discuss everything with Fazio.
Fazio, father or son?
Christ! Joseph.
Carmine is retired.
Why are you so upset?
- I had a strange dream.
I dreamed of Catarella.
We were together during
an operation.
Someone shot him
in the chest and he died.
I felt terrible.
Why are you laughing?
It makes me laugh that you
dream about Catarella.
What about it! You never
dream of a colleague?
Oh, yes! And he's tall, blond, with
blue eyes a nice guy.
Yes! - It's a recurring dream. If
you want, I'll tell you. - Stop it!
No more dumb dreams.
No! This is not the
Cicalone Funeral Home!
This is the police station.
You want me to say it singing?
Catarella, you sing very well.
You're talking to me, doctor?
- Who else would I be talking to?
You've heard me sing?
Yes, last night. - Last night?
Last night I was in my bed.
But I heard you sing
in a dream.
In a dream? What a beautiful thing!
You think of me
even when you sleep?
I don't dream of you every night.
- Last night you dreamed of me?
It means that you think of
me even when not on duty.
Doctor, but
what was I doing in your dream?
I don't remember.
Is Doctor Augello in the office?
- Yes, doctor.
So if you need me,
I'm with him. - As you command!
I do not know. Livia says
that's not normal to dream of Catarella.
It seems to me something
that can happen.
What do you think?
- I believe in dreams, Salvo.
Not all, but some end
up being prescient.
It happened to me recently.
I dreamed of a husband who
discovered me in bed with his wife.
Shit! Four days later the cuckold
was going to surprise us.
But I remembered the dream
and had time to escape.
This is a prophetic dream?
- Sure.
A husband finding you in bed
with his wife is a likely thing.
But what I'd dreamed, occurred.
I'll bet your hand
slipped. - No, my foot.
There was wax on the floor.
I got this envelope
with your address.
Put it on my desk.
I'll read it later. - Yes sir.
Catarella, what did you do
to your leg? - It hurts.
- I slept badly last night.
I fell out of bed
and twisted it.
Ok, I was just curious.
Can I ask you something?
In the dream was Catarella
lame like now?
Sorry, I almost forgot.
Remember the house I'm renting?
The owner has decided
to sell it at a good price.
But I have to renovate.
Then there's the mortgage, the deed
What do you want from me? I won't
give you any money. - Have I asked you?
I wanted to tell you not to worry
if I need some time off.
I know you can't live without me!
But you have the beautiful Genoese.
- Stop it!
I can't even mention her?
- Not all the time.
But take that smile off
your face. - I saw her first,
and sportingly left her to you.
In the same way
you leave this place.
Can I go back to work?
Good morning, Commissioner. - Fazio,
helping the cleaning lady?
No. I have been called
by the Montelusa police station.
These practices must be examined
and signed by tonight
By you, Inspector!
- By me?
Not later than tonight?
- Yes. Where do I put them?
In there.
Oh! I get a headache
just looking at them.
I beg you.
- By tonight, all right.
Catarella was raving something about a
spousal disappearance. I didn't understand.
This morning Mr. Crisafulli,
employee of the Registry
noticed that the town hall
board had disappeared.
Perhaps an employee
brought it in.
No. That is the message board
of the marriage notices.
It must be shown day
and night as the law says.
Otherwise the marriage can't
take place. - On the appointed day.
They must redo do it all.
- Exactly what I said?
- Go!
I'm still shocked.
The doctor dreamed about me last night.
He told me. He loves you.
Do you really think so? - I think so.
But it seems impossible.
You've had your break,
now back to work.
Yes sir, doctor. - If the phone
rings, nobody answers.
You spoke of the dream?
- No! - No.
You cried so much in the dream?
- Livia! - Tell me.
Catarella, Catarella!
Come by Calogero.
(Salvo speaks in Sicilian dialect)
What did you say?
(Salvo speaks in Sicilian dialect)
I didn't understand.
I am very hungry.
- You said that? - Yes
I said that.
- Interesting.
What is it?
- Excuse me a moment.
Good morning.
- Hi. - Are you Mr. Crisafulli?
- Commissioner Montalbano.
I heard about the theft.
It's all right now? - Yes.
I went up to Montelusa and
the judge gave this authorization.
Luckily, there were
only six publications.
These days, there aren't
many weddings. It's too hot.
How did you do it
without duplicating?
We had to start
all over again.
We had to reconvene the bride and groom
and redo everything.
Can I have a copy
of the weddings?
A copy? Why?
Is something wrong?
No, it's just to be safe.
- As you wish. Wait here a moment.
I'm going for the photocopies.
Very curious.
Commissioner, can I talk to you?
- Tell me.
This is my nephew John
and he saw who stole the board.
John said that evening he
was chatting with two friends
in Town Hall Square.
He had forgotten his cigarettes.
When he returned, he saw a man
had pulled down the bulletin board.
What did this man look like?
He was stocky and maybe 50.
Thank you. If you smoke at 16,
what will you be doing at 30?
He's right. Quit smoking or
I'll tell your mother. - No, please.
Whoever stole the bulletin board,
had a reason to do so.
It was no accident.
The board has already been replaced.
What was stolen?
It was a wedding announcement.
- To all the couples?
No, maybe just a few
or just the groom or bride.
He could just break the glass
and take the name he wanted.
Had he done so, it would have been
like leaving his signature.
Instead he took the whole board and whoever
had to understand, will understand.
What? - The phrase from
"The Betrothed". Did you read it?
It's enough to read in school.
"This marriage cannot be."
- Yes we understand that.
We begin
to reason logically.
Take a pair and find out everything
about the betrothed.
What do you want to know?
The past,
what people think of
them and their wedding.
Discover which diseases they've
had, if you can.
Selinunte was twice besieged
by the Carthaginians and Romans.
I didn't know that.
The ruins of unfinished palaces remain,
not affected by the war.
We Sicilians
like to do things slowly.
I want to go there
before returning to Genoa.
Tomorrow I can take a half
day off, if you want.
- Yes - What time?
Will you come for me or should I come to you?
- I do not know. - Please come.
I'll come for you.
Thank you.
See you later.
We'll go to Selinunte.
Have a good day at work.
- Thanks.
At 1:00 PM today the Albanian mason will
go to a better life, falling from scaffolding
in Tonnarello. Can you do something
to stop this workplace incident?
Is something wrong?
- No, it's all right.
See you later.
Catarella, what time
did you get this letter?
It was express mail.
It arrived at 9.
Did you hand it to me right away? - Sure.
- Thanks. - You're welcome.
Three days to go from
Vigata to Vigata.
Catarella. - Yes? - I need
Why not go to the doctor?
The doctor's busy. - Call
another. - No, he's a good veterinarian.
To check the leg, you call the
vet? - We are animals.
Why did you call?
- Nothing. I'm going shopping.
"Yesterday, Albanian bricklayer, Pashok
Puka, 38, who worked
with a regular work permit
at the Santa Maria Company
fell from a scaffold
in Tonnarello."
Between Vigata and Montelusa.
This anonymous letter warned that
the crime could be avoided.
Why haven't we done anything?
- Because it arrived yesterday morning.
It was sent three days ago
and if the post office had done it's job,
we might have prevented this death.
- What do we do now?
Tonnarello is much closer
to Montelusa than Vigata.
If we haven't heard anything of the
accident, others are investigating already.
There is a carabinieri station
in the neighborhood.
I've already spoken to them.
Find out more.
- Okay. I'll go.
Salvo, I think they even gave
the story to the news.
"Tele Vigata"?
- No. "Free Network".
Your friend Nicholas has spoken
of the white death.
You loved the show so much
you want to see it again?
I could not see it, but
they said it was on Tonnarello.
And five other deaths
in the province of Montelusa.
I call this the "massacre".
- I need to
see the material.
No problem. It will take an hour to
get the material together. - Perfect.
I should already have
the archive tape.
I can duplicate it, but it takes about half
an hour. Wait, or come back?
I'd rather wait.
- Well. I'll give you a gift.
Check out this variation.
That's it.
This is the Honorable Carlo Posacane.
Inaugurating a highway
from his hometown, Sancocco
with 313 inhabitants in Montelusa.
There are piles of concrete
for no apparent reason.
The Mafia must be fought,
but with distinctions.
We should not generalize.
There are gentlemen
who have always stood
for justice
and were rewarded
with the stigma
of "mafia".
Who is that?
- That?
It's an honest victim
of unjust justice,
Vincenzo Scipione,
Great Elector.
Mr. Posacane, owner
of the highway company.
I'll get the cassette.
- Thank you, Nicholas.
May I speak?
The next time I'll eat alone
because you don't talk.
What's on the tape?
- I do not know. We'll see it together.
We'll do the film club?
- Doctor. - Fazio.
Sorry to disturb you, but my father
said I'd find you here.
We're done. Sit down.
- Okay.
Tell me. - I've already
talked with the carabinieri.
The sergeant seems to
be a good person.
So are we out?
We are half in and half out.
- What do you mean?
It's not our investigation,
but we know things that they don't know.
We know it is a tragedy,
but also a murder.
We can also pretend
it was an accident.
You're right. Now we can choose.
We can pretend
we never received the letter.
Or deliver the letter and a lot of
encouragement to the carabinieri.
That's what I'd do
- Me too.
There is a third choice. We can
start investigating ourselves.
Let's see how things go.
But it must remain secret.
The murderers or the carabinieri
must not find out.
It's an unorthodox procedure.
You are right. We deliver
the letter to the carabinieri.
Okay. We investigate in secret.
- Bravo, Mimi.
This time it's dangerous.
- Quiet.
Fazio, go to the post office
with the envelope.
Few use the express mail
from Vigata to Vigata.
You get the receipt of sender and
ask if they remember him.
In a friendly way to explain the facts
and ask how a letter
sent by express mail can take
three days to go one mile.
Will do.
- Cheers!
Explain to me why we are
watching this thing?
Enough corpses.
- There have been too many
deaths at this site and the death
of this Albanian is strange.
Go back. Look at this.
If he fell through the broken platform,
he would end up
under the scaffolding
and instead beside it.
Look at the position.
It's just as we would imagine.
It almost seems fake.
Look at the wound on the head.
If it was caused by the fall,
it would be the other way.
Excuse me Salvo, you're trying to make
the evidence show that it's a murder.
If you had not received notice
with the anonymous letter
would you have
the same feeling of farce?
What are you doing here Montalbano?
I don't think we have anything pending.
No. I was passing by and thought
I'd visit Dr. Pasquale
to inquire about
the Albanian. - What are you doing?
Intruding into the deaths
of others? - No.
The ministry has ordered
a statistical survey on how many
How many Albanian masons fall
off scaffolding every year?
The survey - I don't
make fun of you.
If you want information, speak out.
You're right, Doctor . I'm investigating
a robbery in a jewelry store.
It seems that Pashok Puka was involved.
We think that he was killed
by one of his accomplices.
Why didn't you say so?
Why do you lie?
I guessed you weren't doing
statistical research with numbers.
Here is your Albanian.
There are fractures and wounds
compatible with a fall.
I do not know if the fall was
accidental or intentional.
It's something an autopsy
can never establish.
One thing that surprised me.
I've seen many dead masons,
especially recently.
This one was different from others
and not just because he was Albanian.
In what way.
- He had the physique of a mason.
He had a tan typical
of construction sites.
He had skin damaged
by the sun and lime.
He did not have calluses
on his hands.
This man's hands were perfect,
like a pianist.
Now if you want more information,
ask Sergeant Verruso.
I think you should be cautioned
that he investigates this. - Indeed.
I think I will. Thank you.
- Not at all.
See you. Thank you.
- Goodbye.
Yes, yes.
I forgot the appointment.
Fuck you.
What do you want?
- Be more polite.
What did I do?
- Damaging a public service.
Who are you?
- sergeantof the carabinieri.
Excuse me, I was nervous.
- Don't be nervous anymore.
- Hello, Livia. It's Salvo.
Something has come up.
I have to do something important.
Do you mind going to
Selinunte tomorrow? - No.
It can happen.
- It won't happen again.
Good morning. You were right.
Few use the express mail
from Vigata to Vigata.
The clerk remembered a child
with the form and the money ready.
This doesn't solve anything.
Did he explain why
the letter arrived late?
Yes, there was a strike by the COBAS
trade union. - Whoever sent the letter
didn't know and wanted
to prevent the crime.
It is now a crime.
- You've found something?
A little bit.
The victim had the hands of a pianist.
What does that mean? He was Albanian,
but he was certainly a mason.
Maybe he pretended to be a mason.
Ask if the site is still
locked. - I already know.
It's still locked.
- Is there a guard? - Yes
Wait, Commissioner.
What are you gonna do?
If Sergeant Verruso sees you,
we'll have trouble.
Is Dr. Augello here?
- No, he had an errand.
I go?
Doctor, what happened?
Why are you all wet?
Nothing happened. Call
Fazio and Mimi while I wash.
Are you sure you don't
need help? - Yes
Send Fazio and
Mimi in my office.
I am here now, what have you done?
At the site where Pashok Puka
was killed, there is a shack
that workers use
as a changing room.
On the bathroom door
I found this. Dried blood.
If it belongs to Puka, it becomes
a key piece of evidence. About what?
Of how they killed him.
I think it was in the bathroom, he was
surprised and struck from behind.
He left the door open.
The assassin entered
and hit him with an iron pipe
and then moved him
to set the stage.
He must have an accomplice.
They returned to the bathroom,
and cleaned up
but they forgot about the blood
on the door. - How did it get there?
The bathroom is small.
They gave him the first blow,
and were preparing to hit him again
and the pipe bumped against the door.
Sorry I'm late.
The important thing is that you're here.
But I'm sorry to leave you alone.
I'm sorry to be here
and not be with you.
But think of when we are apart.
I am here and you in Boccadasse.
I worry most about
when we're together
but in reality we are
apart. - No!
It will never happen.
I promise.
I promise.
Ah! - The shoulder?
- Yes, but it's nothing. - Does it hurt.
It's nothing.
- You're sure? - Yes.
At what stage is the investigation
on the weddings! - What can I say
It is said that Gaetano Palminteri
is a very good person.
Sells fish at the market
and widowed two years ago.
He has two sons, one ten, one
eight, but he can't look after them.
Then he married Teresa
who was a friend of his wife.
There is nothing strange.
- Ok, who's next?
Filippa Di Stefano,
married Alfonso Serraino,
8 years her junior.
But not as you might think.
What were you thinking? - A widow
who is rich with a boy.
Instead? - Instead, Serraino, had
a car accident many years ago
and was paralyzed,
He's confined to a wheelchair.
He then
- Okay, tell me.
Gerlando Cascio worked for 8 years
in Dusseldorf.
He was a waiter in a restaurant
where he met Ulrike Roth.
After the wedding, they went to Germany
and with them, Humbert and Calogero.
They all go to work
in this chain of restaurants
owned by Ulrike Roth's father.
That's it.
Perhaps the story of the wedding
is just a hoax. - So?
For now let's leave these and go
after the other three pairs. Go.
Fazio! - Commissioner. - I want to know
all about the building societies
where the 6 victims worked.
Do it quickly
and discreetly. - Okay.
Mamma mia!
There is a carabinieri sergeant
who wants to talk with you
"In person, personally."
He's called "Velluso". Should I tell
him to come in? - Sure. - Please.
We meet again!
- We meet again.
Can I get you anything?
- No, thank you.
are you investigating Pashok Puka?
Who? - I spoke a moment ago
with Dr. Pasquano.
He said that you asked for
the results of the autopsy
because Puka may have committed
theft. - Really?
He told me so.
We have heard, but it's just a rumor
that this Albanian, together with other
elements of local crime
Only rumors?
- Only rumors. - Express-mail is not it?
Yesterday I received this,
too late to intervene.
But you should know.
You received one identical to this.
I did? Who says?
- Read it.
As a favor.
"I sent the same letter
Commissioner Montalbano."
Since you're surprised, I assume
yours was missing his postscript.
I received it. What next? - You
would have delivered it to my superiors.
I know, nobody has to
teach me my job.
Take the letter and go on.
Make it disappear.
My superiors don't
need to know this story.
Thank you.
What did you find at the site?
How do you know about that
- I was there. - I'm a pawn?
I would never have allowed it.
I decided to do an inspection
of the yard
but then I saw your car and
- How did you know it was mine?
I saw it when we had
the discussion. - I didn't see you.
I parked outside the fence.
You entered the shack
and I hid myself.
It could appear as it did
this morning, I could be
What? A thief?
Commissioner, you looked like
a hunting dog pointing.
Come in!
Commissioner, sorry when you're finished.
No, come Indeed, bring
the envelope I gave you.
I want to show it to the sergeant.
- I do not remember where I put it.
Excuse me.
Why are you behaving like this?
- I do not understand anything anymore.
You told us we had to do
this investigation
and now you want to give the envelope
to the sergeant? - I changed my mind.
Give me the envelope, now!
I don't understand.
- Okay.
Thanks. - If you can prove
this is the blood of Puka,
it will mean that we'll compare it with
the other sample. - Other sample?
When you left the yard
I brought in two of my men
and we looked carefully
in the bathroom.
There were blood stains
behind the bowl
that escaped the "cleanup"
by the killers.
Puka has not been the
only one killed. - I agree.
I've told you everything.
I gave you the sample,
but now I've got things to do.
Maybe you didn't understand.
- What should I know?
I came here to tell you
I came to ask
if you would help me.
I do not mean officially.
- Why would I do that?
The history of the rivalry between the police
and the carabinieri is bullshit.
We all work for the same purpose.
I have only 3 men.
Do you think I deserve all
the credit for this investigation?
No, I do not know at all.
Me, I don't give a fuck about these things.
But I think you're
still hiding something from me.
You are a cop.
But you're right, there is
something I didn't say
and I can't tell you.
But trust me.
Commissioner! - We will not deal
with the death of the Albanian.
You said we needed to do
one thing. - You were right.
It was an investigation of the carabinieri.
We shouldn't have intruded. - Why?
The institutions and rules are
sometimes less than a man.
And Verruso is a man before being
a policeman. - Yes. - Okay.
What had you written?
Nothing, silly things
I found on those sites.
Like what? There is a link
between two of the six accidents,
between one that died under
an iron beam and the Albanian.
They worked for the same
construction company, Santa Maria.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
What do you want?
- I am Inspector Montalbano.
I would like to speak with
Mr. Corso. - What do you want from me?
I'm here about the Albanian
who died at your site.
Where's the Revenue Service?
- I do not understand irony.
The carabinieri had to look
into this thing.
Now the police!
- I'm not here for trouble.
The Albanian was suspected of
theft. - I don't believe it. - Okay.
I understand people immediately.
I just look to see how they think
and Puka was not a thief.
Those who want to work with me
are chosen by me, one on one.
And I've never been wrong.
- Not even with foreigners?
Whatever the color,
men are always
like you and me.
You have many immigrants working
for you. - What should I do?
Should I send them to steal or
to sell themselves or their children?
I know what it means.
I immigrated 30 years ago.
I know these people.
How do you find them?
- They're referred to me.
By whom? - La Caritas
and other similar organizations
The Prefecture.
- Puka who referred him?
I do not remember. - It 's important
try to remember. - Catherine!
What? - Do you remember who
alerted us to Puka, the Albanian?
The police headquarters. After the accident
I looked on the computer.
Then no one asked me about it.
- Commissioner.
You came with bullshit.
- Calm down, remember your blood pressure.
Don't worry, goodbye.
My daughter, we had her late.
And now, if you have nothing
else to ask me, I have work to do.
I too. Goodbye, and thanks.
Hello? - Doctor, they shot the
message board. - I'll be right there.
Commissioner, here it is.
- Doctor, we were lucky.
He only fired a few shots. - It's a hoax?
No. - This idiot shooting,
wanted to clarify his intentions.
These shots show us
this is a serious business.
Let's check the other 3 couples.
Fazio takes care of David and Golia.
Gallo, Capo di Casa and Umile.
Paterno, Lumja and Jalma Driss.
Any questions?
No? Then you can go.
The worker!
- Mimi, I was thinking of you. Come in.
Salvo, it's all done
and the house is almost ready.
I have to ask you for a few days
off for the furniture.
Fazio said that you have passed the
Puka investigation to the carabinieri.
So you do not need me anymore.
- Are you kidding? I need you.
Okay, I don't think we have
anything big. - What?
The annual report on the actual
costs of the police?
It's important and must be delivered to
Montelusa Police Headquarters immediately.
The report? - Yes - Could
you do it? - Not a chance!
Hello? -There's a phone call from a
young lady who has a course.
What course?
- She said only "course".
Okay, pass her through.
Commissioner Montalbano? - Yes
- Catherine Corso, I must talk to you.
Catherine, tell me.
I do not like talking behind
my father's back, but it's for his own good.
If I had spoken in front of him, he'd
have had another heart attack.
Miss, your father won't know
- He may not have understood.
I'm doing
some things he doesn't know about.
My husband and one of his colleagues is
doing work of the utmost secrecy
but I couldn't tell you at work
because even my father doesn't know.
I can imagine.
- Can we walk? - Sure.
When you asked us about who
referred Puka - Let's get to you.
When you asked us about Puka, I
said that it was the police.
This is what I told my
father and is on our computer,
but it isn't true.
- It was your husband who referred him
and told you to tell your father
it was the police.
Do you know the builder, Vincent
Scipio? - Zuscesce? - Yes
He's a rival of my father,
is mafia and won't tell you.
Things have changed. The Honourable
Posacane's his baby.
Dad didn't want anything
to do with the Mafia and paid.
Rigged contracts, banks that didn't
expose losses, threatening letters
Then, 4 months ago, there was the first
accident in our yard
I am aware of two incidents,
the worker who was
crushed by a beam and
Puka. Is this how it happened?
Before that, it
had never happened.
My father respects the
safety regulations.
They were two masons.
They leaned on the railing
and fell from the scaffold.
My father thought that someone
had loosened the bolts.
Then I received a phone call.
They went to direct threats.
- I was afraid, I did not say anything
to my father or my husband.
Ten days later, a builder friend
of Dad's came to dinner
and told us he had sold out,
relegating everything to Scipio.
He said he had needed just two accidents
and didn't want anyone else dead.
I ran to my husband in Rome
and I told him everything.
A few days later he phoned me
telling me to take Puka.
Commissioner, you're on the wrong
track, Puka is not a thief.
That was a pretext to get
information about him.
Why do you care about him?
- What you just told me
confirms what we already knew,
namely, that Puka was not a mason
but a policeman, an infiltrator.
I think they have killed
him because of this.
When did you reopen the site?
- It opened at 2:00 PM.
But for now there is only the custodian.
I never would have imagined.
Who is it? - Commissioner
Montalbano, I have to talk to you.
Let me see you better.
Come in.
- Please put away the gun.
Sorry, I forgot.
You always open the door with a gun
in your hand? - Not before, now I do.
What is your name?
- Angelo Peluso.
How many times have you been in
Prison? - Once and that was enough.
You become gay in prison ?
- Maybe I was before and I didn't know.
Maybe I was better.
Commissioner, what do you want?
To talk of the dead Albanian.
- But we told the carabinieri.
Yes, but neither the carabinieri nor we
managed to stop this mishap.
Why didn't you call instead of writing a letter?
Puka might still be alive.
People like me are hiding. I wouldn't
have written anything.
Was Puka homosexual?
- I don't know, I never asked.
I just watched him.
He was one of the nicest guys
I've ever seen.
You told the
carabinieri sergeant
that Puka sometimes came here
before the others. - Yes
He arrived about half an hour early.
- Why?
I don't know. I opened the large cabin.
He came in and I came back here.
Why wasn't the scaffold in the cabin that day?
Gotta ask for yourself? I'd already
seen him here another day.
What was he doing? - Talking
on one of those portable telephones.
He said the one in the shed
"takes" a little.
That phone was stolen. It's already
difficult to find the Italian who has it!
It was there because Corso
gave it to me for work.
What happened to Puka's phone?
- I didn't see it near the dead man.
Perhaps the sergeant took it.
When Puka fell from the
scaffolding, where were you? - Here.
I had not slept all night.
I had a severe toothache.
You didn't even hear a cry?
- Nothing.
Not even the noise of the fall?
- Nothing. What do you want, sir?
Nothing. If you didn't
write the letter, I'm finished.
Doctor, we have the information
on couples who are to be married.
You're done early, come.
Fazio, you had David and Golia?
Yes, David Cimarosa and Donatella
Golia, a couple for 70 years. - Tell me.
I took some notes.
David Cimarosa fell in love with
Donatella Golia at age 19
Donatella at 17,
fell in love with David.
Her parents did not want
these two to marry.
Donatella had a brother
named Antonio.
One evening he met David
and beat him severely.
They sent their daughter to a boarding
school in Palermo. - David did not give up.
He went to Palermo
once a month
and the two were seen
walking out together.
After ten years,
Donatella's parents died
and she would not return to Vigata
because she hated Antonio.
But last year she came back for
the first time to marry David.
Bring me Anthony Golia,
Donatella's brother.
It shouldn't be difficult to find out
where he lives. - You're right.
I know where he lives,
in the cemetery. - Shit!
Couldn't you have said so at once instead
of telling the whole saga?
Gallo, how about you? - Stefano
Capo di Casa and Virginia Umile?
And if you pull out a bunch of lace like
Fazio did, I'll kick your ass!
It's a couple who makes you laugh. He
sells flowers and she fruits and vegetables.
They have small, neighboring
stalls in the market
and nobody wishes them harm.
- And why do you laugh?
She's a giant has
arms like hams.
He is tiny and educated.
Her name is Virginia Umile (Humble)
and he, Capo di Casa (Head of House).
To me that's pretty sharp.
In a few days, the
weddings are celebrated
and we do not know who to protect or
from what. Where's Paterno?
I forgot to tell you,
he's ill with influenza.
- Paterno, it's Montalbano.
Commissioner, I'm sorry
I can't be there.
Salvatore Lumja is a butcher and
lives above a shop in Pirandello
but I could not go,
because of the flu.
Hello, what do you want?
- I am Inspector Montalbano.
I'd like to talk to Salvatore Lumja,
is that you? - No, he's my brother
but you can tell me. - No, I need
to talk to him. He's getting married and
You have something against
Salvatore's wedding? - Me? No!
But maybe someone else does. - Because
of that bullshit on the bulletin board?
Who said it was a
warning to him? - No one,
but his name is on the bulletin board.
I am also informing the others.
That's bullshit. No one can be
against his marriage.
Do you think so? - Yes - But
can I talk to your brother?
Do as you wish. - Thank you,
it was nice meeting you. - Okay.
Who is it? - I am Commissioner
Montalbano. - Please come up.
I have a headache and it hurts
to speak. - I won't stay long.
You know why I came to see you?
I can imagine. Jalma! Jalma!
This is Jalma, my girl.
Inspector Montalbano.
He came to inquire
about our marriage.
My documents are in order.
- It's not about the documents.
The fact is that
- Jalma, you can go back.
Excuse me, I do not want to upset her
with the history of this shit
that threatens the couples who are
getting married. - How did you meet?
In Palermo, a friend's house,
I fell in love immediately.
She was free and came here
to live with me, but is Muslim
so we'll get married at City Hall,
For the rest we have no enemies.
The history of the board
has nothing to do with us.
We are not involved at all.
Answer . . .
Livia, where are you?
It arrived sooner than
I had expected. - What?
The time when one of us
would be somewhere else.
What are you saying? I am concerned,
I haven't heard, and then
I'm bored. I took
the bus and went to Selinunte.
Was I wrong?
- No.
You know the story of the weddings?
I think I've figured out which couple
has a problem.
It's Salvatore
Lumja and Jalma Driss. - The Tunisian.
Today I went to see him.
He said he had a headache
but for me he was locked in the house
to protect his woman.
He keeps his girlfriend at home?
- Yes
He allowed her to say hello
and sent her back to her room.
You'd lock me up at home?
- No.
If you were in danger, yes. -
Is Jalma Lumja in danger, or is he jealous?
I do not know, but if they are the
troublesome couple, I hope
to find what the problem is. She couldn't tell me
because she is housebound.
- When is the wedding?
The day after tomorrow.
Good morning.
Good morning. Your father isn't
back? - No, but he'll be here soon.
I need more information
about Puka. - Sit down.
I phoned my husband. - You
told him what happened?
No, I think he already knows,
he spoke in monosyllables.
I think he was abroad.
What did you need?
I need the names of others
working with Puka. - Ok.
I'll give you a floppy disk.
- Is it possible to print them?
The printer always jams.
My father is coming
and I don't want him to see you here,
It would be difficult to explain.
Catarella! There is no one
in the office? - They're all out.
Dr. Mimi had to work on
a report. Perhaps he took-off
because he received a phone call
from a woman.
Can you read the information
on this and print it here?
Doctor, I've never done it, but I'll try.
I'll be in my office. Call me as soon
as you finish. It's a secret.
No one must know. Can you do
that? - Doctor, I am too happy.
Not only did you dream about me last night,
but also that you have a secret with me now!
Well, I'll wait in the office.
Doctor, I did a double "click"
on the small figure and it is open.
Then I entered the menu
and I printed.
Bravo, Catarella! Remember
- It's a special secret.
Thank you, you can go.
Today Command has informed me
that the procedures on Puka's body
will be done at the Prefecture
and I should have no more contact
with the Albanian representatives.
I don't understand why. - Puka
wasn't a mason and we knew it.
But also we knew he was
one of ours. - What?
Digos, Ros, Anti-Mafia I don't know,
but he was sent here
under cover to see if they
were murders. - As you know
I can't tell, but the person
who told me is reliable.
I wondered how Puka
could get in to investigate.
I went into Corso's office
and asked the names of those
working at the three
sites of injuries. - Three?
The first incident occurred 4
months ago. A guard rail
came off. A worker
became disabled.
Mr. Corso claims
that the bolts were loose.
In the second incident an iron
beam fell from a crane
and crushed a worker. The third
incident was Puka.
To what end? - In order to force
Corso to sell his business.
Another entrepreneur was a
victim of the same incidents
and he retired immediately.
Someone, under political cover
wants the monopoly on
construction companies. - Zuscesce?
The crew at the first site
were Cavaleri Amedeo
and Stefano Dimora. At the second
site were Gianfelice Barresi,
Cavaleri Amedeo, and Stefano Dimora.
At the third site, still Barresi,
Cavaleri and Dimora.
Maybe they just discovered the corpse.
This proves nothing and everything.
The watchman is the
same at all 3 sites.
The murderers needed
an accomplice inside.
Someone to open the
gates at night.
Angelo Peluso is the weak link
in the chain. - Why?
I think he was forced into this.
When he discovered
they wanted to kill Puka,
he probably wanted out and sent
us the anonymous letters.
How was he blackmailed? - Peluso
is gay and they threatened him.
How many men do you
have available? - Three.
How many cars?
- Two. - Here's something you can do.
Five minutes before the end
of work, go to the site.
Go with sirens and put
a man at the entrance of the yard.
that no one can leave.
Then go into the watchman's cabin
and close him in.
You must give the impression
of an interrogation resolution.
Then take Angelo Peluso away.
The killers will be afraid.
Okay. But if I arrest Peluso,
then what happens?
Something will happen.
They will do something stupid.
I hope so.
Sergeant, are you okay?
Yes, I'm all right.
- Doctor, good to see you!
What are you doing here?
- Joseph said I'd find you here.
How are you? - As a poor
retiree, I read the paper
and wait for Joseph to come back
in the evening to tell me all.
He also told me about the small
discussion between you two.
I told him that a good cop
must be able to change strategy.
If he realizes he's made a mistake,
he must know how to fix it.
I think he understood.
- I know, you are identical.
He did well in investigations.
I would like to ask you something.
You know Sergeant Verruso?
Have you ever done any investigation
together? - No.
But you know him?
- Yes, we met in the hospital.
In the hospital?
He's had a tumor for two years.
He hasn't long to live.
Hey! - What's her
name? - Margot.
My wife's name was Margot
Doctor, there is a beautiful woman,
a heart stopper!
- In your office.
Miss Driss, good morning.
- Good morning.
How are you?
- Well, but I don't have much time.
Tell me. - Salvatore is away
on business, but will return soon.
Yes - I told you that my
papers are in order.
They're false.
I didn't tell the truth.
Explain. - A friend of Salvatore's
got me a domestic work permit.
It said that I was a
babysitter, but it wasn't true.
I was doing a different job.
I arrived in Sicily illegally
three years ago.
The money for the trip was given to me
by an organization here in Italy.
You worked
for this organization?
I was entrusted to a guardian.
Salvatore was a client of mine.
He fell in love with me
and I with him.
We fled.
I came here to hide.
But he has found me.
- Do you think it was him
that shot the bulletin board?
- I am sure it was.
He calls every day
and threatens us.
Salvatore and Francesco aren't
afraid, but I am, for me and for them.
This is very important.
You must remain calm,
until we take care of it.
You've studied? - Yes, in my country.
If I marry, I'll stay here.
Congratulations on your Italian,
It's better than ours.
Can you tell me the name of this
man you talked about?
His name is Nicholas Lo Presti.
- Do you know where he lives'? - I don't know.
It doesn't matter. Gallo!
Yes, doctor. - Accompany this
young lady home. - Please.
Thanks. - Goodbye. Best
wishes for your wedding.
Maybe we'll solve the case
of the wedding.
You and Gallo do overtime.
- We need to watch the bulletin board?
Yes, but you must also look
for a Nicholas Lo Presti.
Come, I'll tell you everything.
- You're drinking!
Where's Livia? - In the other room.
- Doing the math!
Hello! - Hello.
- What are you doing here? - What are you doing here?
It's all right.
- It's all right?
Yes. Mimi asked me for advice
for the renovation of his house.
He knows that I work in an
architecture studio. It's all right.
- Salvo!
Maybe it's better if I call
another architect. - I think so.
Catarella! Is Fazio here?
- No, Doctor.
He's on a stakeout with Gallo.
- Has the flu.
There's no one in the police station?
- Just the two of us, doctor.
OK, come with me. Close
everything. I'll wait outside.
Catarella, this is a secret
that must remain between you and me.
I must not tell anyone.
- I'm excited. - Why?
We have two shared secrets.
Doctor, can you explain the nature
the second secret?
We need to go see something
the carabinieri must do.
An arrest. - Why do we care what
the carabinieri are doing?
I can't tell you, it's a secret!
- All right, Doctor.
Get the binoculars.
Please, Doctor.
What is it, Catarella?
- I'm allergic to mint.
So why did you take it?
- To keep you company. - Are you crazy?
It can put you into anaphylactic shock.
- It happened to me once.
You went to the hospital? - Sure.
- Have you relapsed!
They took me for for hair.
- Yes, for the hair.
What's happening?
- It's the carabinieri.
Bravo, sergeant. The gate keeper
is in the cage, so he talks.
Watch as they try to escape!
They are making their appeal.
Now take them away.
Why only two?
The third is missing.
- Maybe he ran away. - It's possible.
They're leaving?
Whose car is this?
Sergeant, it's Montalbano.
I just called.
I was told you were out.
I went
- You have more news?
What should I know?
You must tell me.
your binoculars reflected.
You want to know where I parked
the car? - It isn't necessary.
Cosa, that is, the perpetrator of
the crimes, has fled. - What?
Maybe he ran when he heard
our sirens. He'll be far away by now.
His buddies said that?
- No. But the watchman is talking.
- This time, Zuscesce has come
to the end. - It will be worse for him.
Sure. - Can you tell me something?
- Sure.
What is Dimora's license plate number?
- Why do you want to know?
Out of curiosity.
- ML876583.
Thank you.
Doctor, you told me
to keep a watch on that car.
At some point, someone
arrived. - Are you sure?
Yes, doctor.
You want the binoculars? - Yes
Where does that road go?
- To Gallotta.
We're going to follow him.
Take a look down there.
Doctor, nothing!
There's the car.
Maybe he's inside.
Cover me.
No one.
Watch out!
I knew he was hiding
at the site.
I didn't seize the car
because I left it as bait.
I knew he was there.
- I had to shoot him.
Did anybody see you?
- I don't think so.
The windows were closed.
They probably preferred to
be asleep. - Better so. Now go.
You shouldn't be involved.
I'll say that I killed him.
The two accomplices have both
confessed that it was Zuscesce
who ordered the murders. I think
even with his political connections,
he won't be able to cope.
I can take responsibility for
the death of the murderer.
I had to shoot
to save one of my men.
Why do this for me?
You deserve it.
You always knew I
was sick, right?
But this is an important case
that occurs only
once in a lifetime.
Yes, that's true.
I wanted to finish it.
And so you will.
Good luck, sergeant.
- Thanks.
It's all happened just as
in that prophetic dream I had.
It 's amazing!
My skin is still tingling.
this is our third secret.
Unfortunately yes, Catarella.
They wanted to intimidate your father
to force him to sell to Scipio.
We have nothing to fear.
- For the moment no.
Be careful with your father,
this thing will come out sooner or later.
I'll try to keep him away from TV
and newspapers. Have a good day.
Good day to you.
Come in!
Good morning, Commissioner.
- Good morning.
Another night in black
and without results.
We must try Nicola Lo Presti.
We did some investigation,
but haven't found him.
If Jalma is married, he must resign himself.
The marriage between Jalma and
Salvatore Lumja is set for today.
What time is the wedding?
- At 11. Come with me.
Where's Lumja? - With Salvatore?
- Yes - He stayed with his brother.
Why? The groom must not see
the bride on her wedding day.
It's bad luck. - Jalma is alone?
- Sure. But who are you?
Why? - A piece of shit like
Lo Presti doesn't give up.
Freeze, police!
Stop, Lo Presti!
Drop the gun and don't move.
He wanted to disfigure me.
- It 's all over.
How can I? I can't get
married like this.
Go get ready. - Salvatore
will expect me in the hall. - It doesn't matter.
The groom has to wait for the bride!
- Thank you, Commissioner.
Sorry about yesterday,
I was ridiculous.
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