Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Breaking Point

[calm music]
[birds squawking]
[indistinct chatter]
Here, look.
This is my little cousin, Lina.
Lina, Midouche.
Worked here for 35 years.
He'll look after you.
His whole family works here.
He's your guard.
[chatter continues]
[intense music]
[alarm ringing]
I never thought that you would do that.
I say when the four of you
get together, I swear
- There. See?
- What, "the four of you"
- [woman] I'm telling you, we didn't know!
- Well yeah, we trusted her.
See? When you do stuff behind my back.
Where's the money?
A colleague has it.
- Who is this colleague?
- Just a colleague.
She's known her for 15 years.
- [woman 2] That's right, Riad.
- Mykonos
- Dubai.
- We were such idiots.
- Just call her!
- [man 2] On my mother's life.
I don't have her number.
[man 1] You give her our money,
but you don't have her number?
I told you, she's a lost cause,
like her brother.
- Hey, don't talk about my brother!
- You'll do what?
Hey, listen up, would you rather
we talked about your sister?
If I were you, I'd shut it.
And you buffoon, what were you thinking?
- What buffoon? You're the buffoon.
- Sure, fucking buffoon. Just sit down!
[Fara] Yasmina had to face
her in-laws on her own.
- She was in deep shit.
- Where's the money now, huh?
[overlapping dialogue]
[Fara] And the only thing she wanted was
that Karim would react like this
Just saying, it's your wives
that handed over their money.
How about you just keep a grip on them?
This is what you get from me.
- And this is what you get from me
- [all arguing]
and this is what you get from me.
How about you suck my dick?
- Oh, right!
- [overlapping dialogue]
And you've really changed
a lot, little brother.
Ever since your Moroccan wife
started feeding you up with her food.
- [Karim] Yeah, that's it.
- What's he talking about?
- Shut your mouth
- Hey, micro penis, ring any bells?
[Karim] Your wife blabs her mouth too.
And you, you don't need to go out whoring.
You have a nice slut sitting at home,
with her huge, fake butt.
- [Fara] In reality, he reacted like this.
- [all arguing]
It's not a scam. It works!
All right. Shut up, Yasmina, will you?
We're all in this shit.
- [man 1] We want our money.
- [woman 1] Yeah, give it back.
Did you hear that?
[man 2] What's her name?
I'm not gonna let this go.
What's her address?
'Cause we're not letting this go, either.
Call her.
- Hi, you good?
- [employee] Hi.
I'm good.
- Fara?
- Yes?
Check out National News.
from what we know, Fara Bentayeb,
the rising star reporter of 24 News,
is the sister of the criminal on the run,
Selim Zahiri.
The police are still looking for him
[Arabic music]
[somber music]
Significant resources
have been deployed to find him.
We will keep everyone up to date
with any developments on the search
for the suspect.
And now, for sports news update
[woman] As a journalist,
you have a duty to be transparent,
honest, and exemplary.
[Philippe] A journalist?
Right. You can't present the news
whether or not your brother is guilty.
Okay. So during your last show,
you will announce
that you have decided to resign.
You're sacking me?
[woman] A position has opened up
in the sports department.
[man] It could be seen
as a conflict of interest
for the editorial team,
which would be inappropriate.
[Philippe] Come on, you're talking
to Ms. "Down on Fake News" here.
A fucking farce.
Alban, did you know about this?
[sighs] No.
Aren't you close?
[Philippe] No?
[man] Eglantine is ready.
We can release the statement.
- [woman] Eglantine?
- [man] Tomorrow.
- [Philippe] Shouldn't we take a moment?
- [man] Good luck.
Fara, you can't say
we never gave you a chance.
You can take the woman out of the ghetto.
You could have told them
I'm a good journalist.
- That I do a great job.
- [sighs]
That I had to fight hard to get here, huh?
That they should trust me.
Listen, they don't give a damn
what I think.
All they care about are the numbers
and the channel's image.
- Do you understand?
- Yeah, I get it.
You wanted to save your skin, not mine.
But, well, we're not close.
You let me down.
[dramatic music]
["Glock" by Mc Artisan
feat. Didine Canon 16 playing]
[indistinct chatter]
- Salam, wesh.
- Salam alaykum.
- Do you have a public phone?
- Number four. Over there.
[buttons clacking]
- [line ringing]
- [sighs]
Fucking pick up.
[Fara] You have reached the voicemail
of Fara Bentayeb.
Leave a message. Thanks.
- [beeps]
- [Louiza] This is Louiza. Leave a message.
[line ringing]
[telephone slams]
[birds squawking]
- Hi, Ali.
- How are you?
I need my money back.
Whoa, back up. Salam alaykum. How are you?
- Good? All good.
- [car door opens]
What do you mean, your money back?
You only gave it to me a few days ago.
You need to let it work.
I know, but I shouldn't have done it.
I regret it.
Hold on, Yasmina, forget it.
You think I'm an ATM?
- Your money's left, huh?
- What do you mean "left"?
It has left.
- No.
- It's an investment. It's got to grow.
Are you kidding me, Ali? I'm in deep shit.
I need to get my money back.
- I don't have your money
- What do you mean?
Are you trying
to screw me over, Ali, or what?
- Hey, come on.
- What's your deal?
- Stop shouting. Just stay quiet.
- Are you trying to scam me? Damn it, Ali!
- I trusted you!
- Hey, calm down. Calm down.
- And now you're trying to screw me over?
- What are you doing? Don't touch me.
I'm not gonna lower my hand.
You're trying to steal!
- You're just a crook.
- Hey, you know what?
- Wallah, how could I have trusted you?
- I'll give you your money early. Here!
And with a little profit on top.
Thanks, Ali.
I'm so sorry.
You're sorry, huh? What's going on?
I'm under too much pressure right now.
- It's
- All right, no hard feelings.
What are you going to do with all that?
Politeness classes?
- I'm gonna fix my problems for a start.
- Oh, yeah?
So no plans to enjoy it?
A little holiday? A massage? A new outfit?
[both chuckle]
Got too much to figure out.
Sure, but once everything's sorted?
After all that drama and fuss?
What are you gonna buy? Tell me.
You must be into something.
- Well, there is something.
- What is it?
I'd like to go see Céline Dion.
Right at the front.
- That's your thing?
- Yeah. In Las Vegas.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Like in that film? The Hangover?
- Can I come?
- Are you serious?
[Ali] Well, yeah. I'd love to.
But until Las Vegas,
could you do me a little favor?
- Sure, whatever you want.
- Is there any chance of a date?
With your hot sister, the journalist.
What for?
Do you think she'd agree to
to promote Ali and the 40 Burgers?
"Ali and the 40 Burgers."
She presents the news, not comedy.
What does that mean?
Come here Céline Ding-dong, wait.
It's an application to spy on him.
I can see everything he receives
and everything he sends.
- I'm sure he has a lover.
- Let me see.
- It's crazy.
- Oh, wow.
- Oh, yeah.
- And do you get all his messages?
How did you manage to install this?
I scanned the QR code.
- And it duplicated all?
- Yeah.
Okay. Here.
- Okay, lie on your front.
- I don't understand
the texts they're sending. Oh.
- [phone chimes]
- Look, what does this mean?
[woman] What's the aubergine?
- Why are you both laughing?
- You tell her, you know.
Uh, no, I don't know.
You tell her, you know.
You love aubergine.
Yeah, but I haven't had one
in a long time, so
["(Holy Matrimony) Letter to the Firm"
by Foxy Brown playing]
Uh, I mean, damn
Me and you, forever hand in hand ♪
I'm married to The Firm, boo
You got to understand ♪
I'll die for 'em, gimme a chair, man
I'll fry for 'em ♪
And if I got to take the stand
I'ma lie for 'em ♪
It's me and you, hand in hand ♪
I'm married to The Firm, boo
You got to understand ♪
I'll die for 'em, gimme a chair, man
I'll fry for 'em ♪
And if I got to take the stand
I'ma lie for 'em ♪
Got all the phone calls taped
And all the weights and ice ♪
To get the dough and the guns
And then we straight ♪
Him again.
Is this how you pressure people?
By standing outside their homes?
I got the sack. You won.
Welcome to the club.
What do you want from me?
I have something to show you.
[Fara] Prawn Pad Thai.
They're good. Do you want the number?
In the middle of Ramadan?
Don't tell my family,
they might get upset.
- Right. How about we stop playing games?
- No, how about you stop playing?
You've been suspended from your job.
What you're doing is illegal.
You too. Something like that
could get you five years.
I mean, if the judge is nice.
I need you to help me trap Oumar.
[Imam praying in Arabic]
[Samuel] He'll never let your brother go.
[praying continues]
He set your mother's house alight.
Walid's dead.
Exactly. If I help you,
what'll happen next?
A bullet in my head?
No, no, no. You don't understand.
I'll get him off your back for good, Fara.
[Imam prays in Arabic]
[all pray in Arabic]
[Samuel] Don't you see he has you?
He thinks you're at his mercy.
And we can play on that.
And I've got you too,
with that CCTV footage.
- [all pray in Arabic]
- Come and work with me.
I'll take care of Oumar for you,
and disappear.
I'll leave you alone.
We already had this conversation
and you know my response.
Do whatever you want with the video.
[praying continues in distance]
[ominous music]
[Fara] Everywhere has its gossips.
Seriously, did you hear? He has two wives.
- Oh, no.
- I swear.
[Fara] But here,
they communicate through onomatopoeia.
- Uh
- [laughter]
- [laughter continues]
- Oh
[Fara] They're not bad people.
They're just retired.
- Salam alaykum.
- [women] Salam.
Salam alaykum.
He had surgery, and they took it all.
Oh, poor
[all laughing]
[woman] I think he likes me.
- It's like a main course without the meat.
- [laughter]
What's that?
[Fara] My mother didn't like the gossips.
But she sensed
that she wasn't being told everything.
That little clique was more efficient
than Voici, Oops, and Closer put together.
I heard about Fara and Selim.
- I saw it on television.
- Yes, yes.
It's so hard.
- [Fara] Real hypocrites.
- Mm. I know.
- I know it's hard.
- I know.
- It is.
- May Allah come to his aid.
Tell me everything in detail.
Oh, I haven't heard a thing.
- I don't know anything.
- Walou
- [woman 1] We don't know anything.
- [woman 2] Nothing at all.
- Not a thing. Do you know anything?
- Nothing at all.
[Fara] And to get them to spill the beans,
she went straight for their weak spot.
You're lying in the middle of Ramadan?
[Louiza] Haram alaykum!
You are phishing,
and I won't forget you in my prayers!
Tell me everything!
[Fara] And she didn't have
to grill them for too long.
Go on, you tell her.
Listen, your son is wanted
by a drug trafficker.
Oh, my God!
- My God.
- There, Oumar.
- Oumar.
- He owes him a lot of money.
- So much.
- Tell me how much.
- Five hundred thousand.
- I heard it was 1.5 million.
- Two million.
- Five million.
Is this the stock market?
- It was you that wanted to know!
- [overlapping dialogue]
[woman 1] She's never happy.
And your home,
- that was sending you a warning.
- It was just a warning.
- [woman 2] To be continued.
- [women chuckle]
Leave me alone!
Leave me alone, don't touch me!
- Mom!
- Don't touch me. I'm leaving!
- Mom! Mom, please!
- Leave me alone!
[Louiza] You bunch of pathological liars!
Liars! Pedophiles!
Go help your sister with her exercises.
- [Louiza] You took me for an idiot!
- This is not good.
[Louiza] What am I saying? A big idiot!
- Where are you going, Mom?
- I'll stay with Monique.
- That's it. Liars.
- You're Monique, right?
Nice to meet you.
- I've been watching you on the telly.
- [Louiza] Hypocrites.
- I gave birth to worms.
- You were great.
[Louiza] You hide things from me, right?
We're talking in front
of Monique now, Mom?
Oh my, we're talking in front of Monique?
- [Louiza] Yes, yes, yes!
- Oh, don't worry. I can't hear anything.
Monique, please, could you leave us alone?
- Yes, yes, yes. I'm leaving the house.
- Monique, you stay!
- Stay here, Monique! Right!
- Well Well, I'm staying.
We talk in front of Monique, yes?
You are liars!
You are liars! Hypocrites!
Made from snakes!
I gave birth to snakes! Yes, serpents!
- Mom, we were trying to protect you.
- What were you trying to protect me for?
Oumar burned my house down!
I was in there!
- And you were trying to protect me?
- [door opening]
Calm down, please, Mom.
I will not calm down!
I can explain it.
But you can't explain why?
When you're alive,
you just hope for a date.
When you die, it's just a palm tree.
Is that it? You're not my girls.
I don't love you! Bunch of liars!
- Get ready, she's just starting.
- [Louiza] What did you say?
- Nothing.
- You poop head!
- Did she tell her?
- Oh, no. I didn't tell anyone.
No, it's the neighborhood gossips.
Her pals.
The neighborhood gossipers
don't lie like all of you.
How much do we owe, huh?
- No, not much.
- Not much.
1.5 million euros.
- Oh, my God.
- [Monique] Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
- What?
- How are we going to work this out?
- We'll handle it.
- [Louiza] You're going to handle it?
You were never capable of preparing
even food without fighting each other.
A gust of wind and poof!
Like ghosts, you float off.
We'll solve it, Mom. We have a plan.
Have a plan? Monique, leave us alone.
- They have a plan.
- [Monique] Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Who knows about the plan?
Just us four.
You sure you can do it?
Well, we've got no option.
- Where's my blue sweatshirt, please?
- Uh, on the clothes rack.
- Did she fall asleep?
- [Lina] Yeah.
Are you moving out or what?
Mom, do you expect me
to sleep on the couch, or what?
- I'm not on my own. I'm with Auntie.
- You don't mind?
No, no. I'm very happy
to spend some time with you, Lina.
Go on, get your stuff. It's getting late.
[Lina] Be right back.
I talked with Yasmina.
[both] And we want you
to stop seeing Monique.
[Louiza] Why?
[Fara] Because every time we argue,
you rush off to stay with her.
Something's unique about Monique.
[Louiza] Ay, ay, ay.
Oh, for once, it's not me bringing her up.
Well, Monique is my friend.
- She's your friend?
- Yes.
- Do you know where she's invited me?
- [Fara and Yasmina] Where?
- Senegal.
- Senegal?
- Yeah, so
- Do you know why she goes to Senegal?
- It's for the black cocks, you know.
- What you say?
[Louiza] Aye, Fara. Aren't you ashamed?
You think I don't see you?
You, eat your soup. And you
- Eat shit?
- Yes.
[all laughing]
You have to make this work.
It's all good.
Tomorrow, I'll get to the incinerator.
I have the guards by the balls.
No balls involved. It has to be tomorrow.
We can't hide this from your mom
much longer. If she catches us Goddamn.
What if Ma finds out
about your little white guy?
What do you think
she's going to do about it?
- I'm not your age.
- Why not tell her?
- Just because
- How long have you been together?
- [Fara] You're interested in my life now?
- No, but it's a bit of gossip.
One year.
Do you love him?
Do you have feelings for each other?
- I bet you melt when you see him.
- [both laugh]
Yeah. Yeah.
But I try not to show it.
With guys, you should remember
to always have the psychological edge.
- You see?
- Yeah.
How'd you keep the psychological edge?
You need to go back to school.
Okay? Let's go.
[Fara] Psychological edge, bruv.
[Lina] I swear I'll go back to school,
but please don't tell on me.
[phone chimes]
I'm gonna go to the store.
I'll be right back. Need anything?
[Fara] I'll come with you.
It's okay. It's round the corner.
It's just five minutes.
Is the store owner sending you texts?
- What?
- Stop it.
All right.
Let's go talk to your footballer.
- It's all right!
- Don't embarrass me.
A good manager knows how to talk
to the players. Don't worry. I'll come.
Is that him?
- No. No, no, no.
- [whistles]
- Stop doing that, Auntie. Please.
- Oh, come on, I know how to talk to him.
[Fara] Don't worry.
- [Lina] What are you going to say?
- He's so cute, poor thing.
- Stop.
- What's with the jacket?
[Lina sighs]
Good evening.
- Good evening, ma'am.
- Don't call me "ma'am."
- What should he call you, "Auntie"?
- And don't call me "Auntie." Fara.
Bryann, good to meet you.
Nice to meet you. So, listen, uh
I just wanted to say,
enjoy your sweet little love story.
Don't overthink things.
But if you touch her nickers,
you'll never touch football again.
Yes, ma'am.
That's keeping the psychological edge.
She's home in an hour.
Don't forget, you've got work tomorrow!
Your aunt seems nice.
[Lina] Sorry about yesterday.
I hope I didn't embarrass you too much
in front of your friends.
No. Everything's fine.
Anyway, you'll make up for it.
- Make up for it?
- Yeah.
What does that mean?
I don't know. Improvise.
You're too pretentious. Way too arrogant.
No, seriously.
Last night, the gala, today, the Lambo.
And tomorrow?
Well, I'm here to sweep you
off your feet, beautiful.
"I'm here to sweep you off your feet."
I like simple things. Basic things.
- Okay. You want it simple?
- Yeah.
Tomorrow, we'll go for a kebab.
Sound good?
Come on, please. Something in between.
Like what?
["911" by Damso playing]
[Lina screaming]
- [screaming]
- Woo-hoo!
[screaming continues]
Thank you.
[Philippe] You look great like that.
Have you seen yourself
on the screen there?
No. I mean, you're in charge of makeup.
She doesn't need any.
[Eglantine] Idiot. You wind people up.
[Philippe] Oh, yeah?
This is so great, I swear. I'm so happy.
We're done with her.
- [director] Where is Camille?
- [Philippe] Egg-nog.
Eglantine? What should I say?
Geltine? Ms. Galtier?
We were just running a test
for your replacement tomorrow.
Have a good last show.
[staff] Camera's all set. We're ready.
- [Eglantine] Raise her seat back up.
- [Philippe chuckles]
- [Fara sighs]
- She looks great on camera.
And so does your wife.
I'm messing with you.
[Alban] Is the intro ready?
Camera three, zoom in a little.
Do you want the teleprompter?
You make your announcement,
and introduce Eglantine, okay?
Are you okay, Fara?
I'll tell you how to be a real journalist.
It's having the right info,
oh, and balls to do it.
- [staff] Live in five, four
- It's you who leaked that info?
It's the best scoop of my career,
my sweetheart.
Thank you, Bentata family. Sheh!
Well, hello, everyone.
Thank you for joining us live.
To begin with, I'll be handing you
over to my co-host, Fara Bentayeb.
Well, hello, Fara.
Well, hello, Philippe. Hello, everyone.
I am the sister of Selim Zahiri,
the main suspect in the hit-and-run,
resulting in a policeman
being hospitalized.
My thoughts are with his loved ones.
Contrary to what some have claimed,
I am in no way involved in this business.
If it turns out that my brother was,
in fact, involved in this crime,
I will condemn him
in the strongest possible terms.
For 15 years as a journalist,
I have never let my private life
interfere with my work.
- We, journalists, have a code of ethics
- That's not the teleprompter.
Oh, fuck. What is she doing?
I make every effort
to handle information objectively.
- Okay, cut.
- Don't cut.
So I have decided,
with the full support of 24 News,
to continue presenting this program
Are you deaf or what?
- Come on, cut this bullshit!
- Don't cut.
with my loyal co-presenter,
Philippe Escoffier.
[Fara] Coming up. Today's headlines.
A scandal in the world of high-tech
You're done here. You're fired.
[Philippe] The king of Cupertino
has offered to buy Facebook
simply just to shut it down.
[door closes]
[indistinct chatter]
[doorbell rings]
- How are you doing?
- Oh, hi, Yasmina. How are you?
- How are you, Yasmina?
- Good, you? Good, thanks.
What are you doing here?
Do you have no pride?
What, because you do?
[man] She's not welcome here.
- Mom, hey there.
- You all right, Mom?
- How you doing, boys?
- Great.
[indistinct whispers]
[baby coos]
I hope it didn't hurt.
Good luck, because you fell
into the wrong family.
Hey, what are you doing?
You weren't invited.
It's not for you. It's for the baby.
Don't go. Stay.
- At least stay a few minutes.
- No, Ahmed. My heart's not in it.
That's okay. Get home safe.
- Next time, all right?
- Inshallah.
- Look after yourself.
- Thanks.
Mom, what's all this money?
- [woman 1] Hey, what's he got?
- What's all this?
Give me that. Give me that here.
- That's a lot, yeah?
- [woman 2] She got our money back.
- It's all there.
- [woman 3] Uh, did she get this
- You want us to say "well done"?
- Well, yeah.
- Yasmina, did you pay it all back?
- Yeah. Here's your money as well.
- And you? How much did you make?
- Enough to never have to see your family.
Okay, we're off.
In the car.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[somber music]
Why didn't you cut the live feed?
It was the right thing to do.
I owed you that much
after letting you down.
Come on, you know you're being ruined.
They'll destroy you,
do everything to annihilate you.
You're gonna have to hang on.
But I get the impression you know
that's how the business works these days.
Keep going, and you'll present
the evening news like you wanted.
You might have saved your career,
but you haven't saved everything.
[somber music continues]
[phone chimes]
- [Ali] Hey, Yasminouche! What's up?
- [chuckles]
So, just chilling in my jacuzzi.
What about you?
[Ali] Listen up, I'm in my car
listening to "Regarde-moi" by Céline Dion.
And I thought of you and Vegas.
Don't you want to sing it for me?
All right now.
[sighs] Okay, wait.
What a mess!
I look just like my grandmother.
Like I've aged 20 years.
Well, that's me
if I had a fortune, you know.
No, that's taking the piss.
That is me without the problems.
[sighs] Okay.
Like an engine at full throttle ♪
A locomotive charging endlessly ♪
I'm getting thrown about, about, about ♪
- Can't get used to it ♪
- What's going on?
It's Mom.
- Who's driving? ♪
- What is she doing?
- Who's pushing this train? ♪
- I don't know, I can't see.
- Who knows where it's going? ♪
- Sure, you're fat and blind. Move over.
Look at me ♪
Speak to me tenderly ♪
Hey, it's star act
- "Star act"? Just tell me.
- Mom is making some weird videos.
- What do you mean "weird videos"?
- She's singing.
- What?
- And she's shaking her butt.
Shut up. That's Mom you're talking about.
Don't be rude.
[Karim] What are you doing?
- [Rayan] Uh, nothing.
- [Riad] Mom's being all sexy.
Go, get out of here. Go.
Move, move, move. You little snitches.
[Yasmina singing]
Ooh ♪
Look at me! ♪
That's it.
Okay, I'm sending it.
Okay, all done.
- And then you go and call me a snitch?
- Oy, go away!
[Ali] Oh. Mashallah. My beautiful.
Lovely voice. Lovely lady.
How about you make me your manager, right?
I could be your René.
He liked it.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Uh, did you see it?
- Who? What?
- Uh, the remote control.
It's wherever you left it.
Kids, come and eat!
Your spy thing isn't working.
[woman] Oh, that's weird.
Did you install it properly?
Hold on, wait, do it with me now.
Okay, I'm on the app.
What should I do now?
[machine clanking]
[woman] Did you activate
the "duplicate" feature on your phone?
Thanks. That's it. I'll call you back.
She's never happy.
That's women for you.
Don't don't send them anything.
- They're never happy.
- Makes sense, right?
A truck just arrived on site.
This is where they unload
and burn everything, including the gear.
[truck beeping]
As far as I can tell, this is the spot.
- All good, bro?
- Let's have a look.
- You have two minutes. Come on, guys.
- [Lina gasps]
Come on. We need to be quick!
Quick! Come on, guys!
Ten minutes! Come on, guys!
[man] Quickly! Quickly!
[Lina] What's going on?
They're stealing the bags.
[Lina] Luxury handbags.
No way, that's crazy.
Actually, yeah. They're taking everything.
It's crazy.
[man] Go on! Go on!
Hey, get down!
Get down, come on, get down!
[guard 1] Whoa! Stop right there!
Stop! Stop!
- Stay there!
- [man] Let go! Let go!
Hey, you! What are you doing here?
- [Lina] Let me go! Let me go! I got lost.
- [guard 2] Come with me.
- Come with me! What are you doing?
- [Lina] Let me go!
[police siren wailing]
[cop 1] Okay, come on, guys.
Let's go. Go, go.
[police chatter]
[cop 2] Let's go!
[phone chimes]
[cop 3] Let's go!
[siren wailing]
[tires screech]
[car door closes]
- [grunts]
- [Souhila] You stupid bitch!
How could you drag my daughter into this?
- She was just checking the place out.
- Do you think I'm some kind of idiot?
I installed the spy app on her phone!
I know it all!
Souhila, what did you think
we were gonna do?
Fuck's sake! Aren't you tired of getting
us into trouble with your stupid ideas?
You burned the car.
That wasn't for Selim. That was for you.
We're nothing to you.
We didn't do anything.
You don't have kids.
You have nothing to lose!
Sure, because I don't want to have a kid
just so I can raise it in a slum.
- A slum?
- Shit, have you forgotten
the place where you grow up?
[Souhila] Sure, Miss I-went-to-college,
and now she looks down on us.
Yeah, the career.
Success! All you care about is money.
Sure, but it's my money
that helps Mom out.
- You help Mom out? Have you gone mad?
- We help Mom out all the time!
- You help Mom out, huh?
- [Yasmina] Yes! Yes!
You're depressed, and you're frigid!
Well, I'd rather be frigid
than a bitch like you!
A bitch?
Because I have a man
who I'm not married to?
I prefer that than married at 20
and divorced at 40.
Do you have no shame,
talking to your sister like that?
- Shut up!
- Don't touch her!
- I swear, I'm going to smack you one.
- Get off her!
- You're defending her?
- Yes, I'm defending her, or what?
- Huh? Your best mate?
- Yes, she's my friend.
- Your confidant, huh?
- Yes, don't touch her!
You two are always together.
Well, you know what?
Tell her who got Lina the job
at the incinerator.
- What?
- You have some nerve.
- You have some nerve. It was your idea!
- Hold on, you lied to me?
It was gonna be just a day,
kind of internship. It wasn't
- [grunts]
- You idiot! Traitor!
- Take it.
- You liar. You're worse than her.
No, I'm not like her. She's manipulative.
- Manipulative?
- [Yasmina] Yes, manipulative.
- You're a prick tease!
- Whose prick do I tease?
- Ali. You know exactly who I mean.
- So you fancy him?
- Fucking whore!
- [Souhila] Whoa, stop!
Old slag!
- Stop it! It's Ramadan! Stop!
- [Yasmina] You sellout!
Who wants people to think she's white?
- Listen to me, you jealous bitch!
- Hey, stop!
- Hey! Let go of me! Watch out!
- I'm going to take you out!
- I don't ever wanna see you again!
- Get off me!
- I'm gonna kill you!
- I don't ever wanna see you!
[door opens, closes]
[Yasmina] Happy now?
It was better when you weren't there.
[car door opens, closes]
[car engine starts]
[engine revs]
[line ringing]
It's Fara.
I wanted to talk to Oumar.
What do you want?
The police are going to search
his hideout.
That's sweet. You're worried about me?
It's a way to repay my debt.
Your source?
A colleague from criminal justice.
- [Oumar] A colleague?
- [Fara] Yeah.
When's it happening?
I don't know, but very soon.
[Oumar] Okay, I'm gonna need you.
Make sure I can reach you.
What do you think he's going to ask of me?
Do you really think this will succeed?
He's paranoid. He'll do it.
You can trust me, you know.
[closing theme music]
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