Thin Ice (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Del 5

You're being attacked on the internet
for being corrupted.
Is any of it true?
The US think Russia is behind this.
Are those my emails?
- Let's hope he didn't send it to the media
or your lovely wife.
What do you want?
- Put an end to this council.
I cannot second the motion of granting Greenland
this kind of financial support.
Russia is attacking me
and you flirt with one of their delegates??
They use you to get to me.
What about the Reuters' interview?
- What interview?
Your kids' biological mother claims
she never agreed to the adoption.
Those are my daughters!
You're still bleeding?
I don't know.
It ain't necessarily serious,
a little bleeding can be normal.
How would you know?
My wife, Ina, is a midwife.
Pregnant women always stop by
for a coffee and a chat.
So I've heard about every single symptom
and its possible causes.
Are they coming any soon?
It's clearing up.
I'll check the signal again.
Ina's best advice would be to relax.
Enok, what happened?
- I need a helicopter. Liv is bleeding.
Give me your coordinates.
- We're in Ittoqqortoormiit, in a hunting shack.
Local police know where it is.
We also need forensics.
We found a body and there could be more.
Shit don't touch anything and be careful.
- Roger.
Hey, Sasha
Good morning.
Liv, they've come.
Now we'll get you away from here.
Liv! Are you ok?
- Yes.
Where's the body?
- Over there.
I'm not leaving till I know who that is.
- You need a doctor. You too.
I'm staying here,
I wanna have a look around.
Who are they?
- Americans. They're searching the area.
Let's have a look.
- That way.
Is it all here?
- This whole area.
Ok, do your job.
Listen to me,
you must think about recovering now.
- Elsa?
Is it that bad?
- It's a public execution.
What's happening is
- Nothing is just "happening"!
Even my party is turning
the back on me.
Focus on what we came here for:
get the treaty signed!
Fat chance, Martin will cancel the meeting.
I think I know why.
- What?
It's in Russian,
you got it from your girlfriend?
Never mind how I got it
Liam, they'll trace this back
- It's just a photo of an email. Look.
What is this?
- That is Martin Overgaard's internet history.
Mail, appointments, times and places everything.
I know more about him than I'd like to.
He's being blackmailed, Elsa.
That's his jacket!
- That's his jacket!
Calm down!
That's his jacket!
- Ok turn him around.
It's not him
They want to question me.
- What for?
They should have taken me
instead of my daughter.
There's nothing we can do right now.
We must kill the deal with Beluga.
- No!
Didn't your hear what the Russians did?!
- If they're innocent, we'll be guilty of breach of contract!
Unless they're proved guilty, of course.
Marius they have your daughter.
Listen, Elsa
I'm so sorry to see that this
birth mother issue came on.
- Thank you.
Are you still going to disband the Council?
- We didn't finish the meeting.
That's what you were going
to do yesterday, right?
We have more issues to address.
Are we gonna let the Russians get away with this?
What do you propose, Martin?
We have to unite!
Well I still feel like
this isn't the forum.
The Council is about Arctic cooperation.
- Then let's cooperate and find a joined response.
Do you have any suggestion?
I think that we should pass
economic sanctions.
If Denmark agrees,
the Russians can't drill for the oil.
We need to discuss that back home.
You have phones in Denmark, right?
Let's take the day, consult with our cabinets
and come up with a statement by tonight.
Why is he so eager to get back home?
Probably he's just nervous
about how the situation has escalated.
They found bodies.
- My God
No no
How long have they been here?
- Hard to say.
We usually check body temperature
and coloring
but these bodies got frozen very quick.
There could be blood in the cabin
- Enok, let forensics do their job, ok?
Katarina I want to stay here.
Maybe I can trace them.
I have friends in Ittoqqortoormiit.
We can still find them!
They have snowmobiles,
they can make 100 km in one day!
But we know the area!
I found the cabin!
We can find out where they're headed.
- We have the US choppers for that
They don't know the area
- Enough! Drop that!
It's a waste of time
and I need you in Tasiilaq!
Liv we've finished.
He's not here.
You don't have to do this.
- I have to be sure.
Stop that one moment.
I'm here.
I will find you
I can't tell you much right now, but
it is true that the police found bodies.
They have yet to be identified.
I can't go into details but
we believe all the attacks are related and
there is evidence to support Russian involvement.
US forces are surveilling the area.
We got them on the run.
We are getting closer.
Thank you.
Keep me informed.
- Copy that.
You'll be the first to know.
How are you feeling?
He wasn't among the dead.
- What about you and the baby?
Gustav started sending home
Russian diplomats.
They're considering sanctions against Russia.
- Why you know this and I don't?
They're also thinking of calling us back.
- That's exactly what the Russians want!
They think the treaty is not the priority.
We have other issues now.
- No, we don't.
Elsa whole Sweden believes
you've stolen your daughters!
You're no longer the right person
to handle this.
I won't let them win.
- Elsa
How are you?
I was so relieved
he wasn't out there.
It's no coincidence.
I have good news,
the baby is fine.
There is no internal bleeding whatsoever.
- You'll recover, just take it calmly.
Do I have to stay in bed?
- Yes, no more sleigh rides for the moment.
Seriously your body cannot bear
any physical or mental strain.
If you keep running around,
that could have consequences on the baby.
Got it?
- Yes.
Those were finally some good news!
I'll arrange your return home.
Police here have all the help they need.
The Americans
- That's not enough!
Could you leave us alone one moment?
You heard the doctor,
you can't keep working.
You risk to
- I can take care of myself.
Thank you.
The baby
- What do you know?! You never had one!
I know you don't wanna hear it
but I'm just saying it because I care for you.
I know
But Elsa if they're keeping Viktor alive
it's because they have a plan for him!
He's being held hostage
so you will cancel the treaty!
- I wanna see them!
Stop, please!
I've seen them, they're all men!
How can you be so sure?
- I've seen them I tell you only men.
Where is she then?
- We'll find her.
We'll find her.
Forgive me.
- What?
I used this against you.
- It's too late now.
I didn't understand.
- You should have
'cause you let the same thing
happen in Ethiopia.
Thank you for taking the time.
We just witnessed
an unspeakable tragedy.
If there is anything I could
have done differently to prevent this
I am truly sorry.
But right now
I want to address another issue.
As you all know
my children have been
the subject of headlines today.
I just spoke with them
about their birth mother.
Didn't she died in the war?
That's what we believed.
When I met you,
we were working in Ethiopia.
Many refugees were converging
in the small village where we lived.
We found them abandoned, uncared for,
on the streets close to the war zone.
We decided to care for the girls
until someone came looking for them.
Weeks went by and nobody came.
So we thought your whole family had died.
So, when we had to come back home
We had no children of our own.
- Why?
It just didn't happen.
But you must know
you are the best thing that ever happened to us.
Never did we suspect that their mother
was still alive somewhere.
I'm aware of
that in my position,
you cannot make mistakes like this.
And you cannot ignore
when a mother makes such an accusation.
That is why I decided
to take my responsibility
by resigning my position
as Foreign Minister of Sweden.
I also want to take responsibility
as a mother.
It is our children that will pay
for our decisions.
My girls
will be 40-something in the year 2050.
Maybe they will ask about us.
Do we really want them to ask
why we didn't do anything while there still was time?
Are we going to wreck their future
in front of their very eyes?
We will be giving an answer
to that question here in Tasiilaq.
That's why I've spoken to
the Prime Minister of Sweden
and he has given me the full authority
to act on behalf of Sweden
for the duration of this meeting.
Then, as the meeting concludes,
I will exit politics.
Thank you.
You can ask any question later.
What's going on?
Someone help me!
Over here!
You don't want to do this.
Let him go.
- He must be questioned.
He's from Russian security,
he has diplomatic immunity.
I am sorry about that.
How can you let him go?
This is too much.
Bloody idiot!
Sasha, what are you doing?
- Moscow called. Apparently I've been compromised.
You took a picture of my email?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
Liam, they're on your phone!
Do you know what you've done?
They're gonna kill me!
They think I showed that to you,
that I'm working against the Russian government!
You have to confess,
tell Bojan what you did!
My life depends on it!
- You know I can't do that.
Besides, I have the feeling
we'll be sent back home today.
What? I will tell everybody
you broke into my room and took the picture!
I'll take you down with me!
- Sasha
You will be the man who destroyed
all relations between Russia and Sweden!
Good evening.
Excuse me Anton, right?
I have a friend
who lives in Russia and he
sent me this email but it's in Cyrillic.
I wonder if you maybe could help me.
I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry!
I'm sorry!
It's Liam.
Wasn't my phone supposed to be secure?
Obviously not
or I wouldn't have called you.
They don't just listen,
they have access to everything!
Get me new phone, a secure phone!
I don't give a fuck!
I want a secure phone!
We all agree you handled the situation
extremely well.
That's all.
What did he say?
- Nothing.
Now what?
We do what we came to do.
We go ahead.
- Absolutely.
Let's say we keep fighting the Russians and all
how do we do it?
Martin wants to end the meeting
and Gustav wants us home.
There's a way.
We can't.
- It's the only language these people understand.
It's for a good cause.
Elsa, they forced you to step down.
They took Viktor.
They attacked you as a Minister, as a woman
and even as a mother.
I'm really sorry, Elsa.
- This only proves the importance of what we're doing.
They will not stop at anything.
This is my last meeting as a Minister,
don't leave it unfinished.
Haven't you gone far enough?
- No.
It only strengthened my conviction.
- Should we join against Russia?
You realize the consequences?
Russia want to buy this oil well
and this will finance Greenland's independence.
We don't know that.
- Yes, we do.
Soon as the deal is closed,
they'll proclaim independence.
And you'll go down as the Minister
who lost Greenland.
You want to avoid this by opposing Russia?
We kick them out
and then we get the treaty signed.
Your signature will be
binding for Greenland as well.
You save the planet AND your reputation.
- My reputation?
What's it got to do with international agreements?
- Actually
Do they have something on you?
- No.
What you're saying?
- I don't know.
They definitely had something on me.
Just think about it.
We've been through all
the evidence we got.
What you think?
These two were part of the crew, but
these two,
I have no idea who they are.
Most bodies have bullet wounds.
These could be kidnappers.
They don't look Russians.
- It'll take a while for the DNA tests.
Of course the results must get
all the way to Ittoqqortoormiit.
And when I finally catch a suspect,
I must let him go!
You were arresting a member
of the Russian delegation!
This wouldn't have happened
if you'd let me stay in Ittoqqortoormiit.
There's only ice and snow!
- I spent my childhood there, I know where to look.
You and your "good old days"
We have the Americans scanning
the area for us!
They don't know this land and neither do you.
What are you doing?
- The area is sealed.
It's sealed.
Qaqiffik is about alcohol support.
You understand?
We don't get paid, we just help
and support each other the best we can.
To free ourselves from
the slavery of alcohol.
- Hi! I'm glad you came!
They're beautiful!
Thank you!
Nobody grows real flowers in Greenland, so
- Maybe there will be in the future.
How are you?
- I have something to show you.
Hey, you must lick the plate!
- What?
If you lick the plate,
you'll have a healthy, pretty baby.
Old Greenland customs
- Ok.
This is the flash drive I found.
It must belong to the missing girl.
Look at this.
When was that?
- Two days before we found the bodies.
Go back.
Aaja, sit here with your iPad.
That's a Danish soldier from Sirius patrol.
Sirius is a Danish elite unit
patroling north Greenland on dog sleds.
I thought it might be
one of the kidnappers.
What if
A Danish soldier?
- What if we're after the wrong people?
But there was a Russian spy on board.
If anyone has it in for Russia,
that's Denmark.
Russia wants our oil and
will push for Greenland's independence.
Think about that.
Can I take it?
I have to file it as evidence.
This is the flash drive.
Ina you didn't feel like talking?
Today I just wanted to listen.
- That's ok.
I'm Gappi.
You'd like to join the 12-step program?
- Great. I can be your guardian if you want.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
"I'm scared but I'll still do it, Jonathan,
so I won't be scared anymore".
"Ah, Nangilima!"
"Yes, Jonathan, I can see the light!"
"I see the light!"
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you.
I have much respect for
your experience and knowledge.
I don't drink.
- Listen
You can't go to Scorebysund,
I need you here!
You don't act like you need me.
No, you're right.
You're very professional and I apologize.
I came to say this.
You wanna come in?
Can I offer you something?
We can open the bottle if you want some.
- Yes. Thanks.
Thank you.
It's been a long day,
I'll have one myself.
Did you ask Sirius patrol
to search the area?
They were notified, but
dog sleds aren't the best to search 40,000 square miles.
It just came to me
that's the area they usually patrol.
Good evening.
- Good evening.
So, we're all here.
Now, Russia has broken
every code of ethics in international relations.
I think it's time we strike back.
The international community is already
uniting in sanctions against them.
They don't care about that.
All they want is to prevent us
from passing this treaty to put an end
to their oil ventures in Greenland.
I know this is hard but I think
we should kick them out of the Council
and sign the treaty.
What do you say?
I think we need some time to talk that through.
- Yes, let's make time.
When we came here,
we were all going to sign the treaty.
If we go home now
we will essentially be telling the world
that you can block international law making
with a terrorist attack.
Elsa does have a point.
- Thank you.
Ok but that has nothing to do
with the Council.
It would be better to go home
- You want them to keep plucking us down one by one?
You realize if someone was to kick them out,
it would have to be me as a host?
Yes they attacked your country,
they kidnapped innocent people,
I think you should have declared them
'persona-non-grata' a long time ago.
I already proposed economic sanctions
with the Parliament back home, but this is too much.
Enjoying the sight?
- It's not that
What then?
- The scars.
I was in Bosnia in '94
with the peacekeeping force.
It's shrapnel.
I was left behind.
What happened then?
- An American rescue unit found me.
I've been in surgery for 8 hours.
They said it was a miracle
my liver was still working.
So I came back to Denmark to find me
a less exciting job and became a cop.
It must have been hell.
- You got scars?
You saw mine it's your turn.
Don't you have anything to do?
Come on are you chicken?
Ok, ok
A polar bear did this.
It went through 3 layers of heavy clothes.
My father killed it
before it could do more damage.
This is the claw that did it.
No, it's just my appendix cut.
She has a point, it would make a strong statement
to unite by signing the treaty!
And will put an end to this barbarism
that oil industry always is!
I agree
- It's easy for you to say
but if the Russians choose to
respond aggressively
the Finnish border is the first thing
standing in their way!
America will stand with you
if push comes to shove.
Thank you but we're not part of NATO
so we have no guarantees.
We're not actually going to war!
- No!
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