Thirty Nine (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2

Hey, you're up.
Can you come and help me?
Mi-hyeon ran away.
Did the music wake you?
This sock…
I can't find the other sock.
Really? That always happens.
Strangely, one of the socks
goes missing at times.
Did the washing machine swallow it?
How do you like this music?
It's warm.
You have great sensibility, Mi-jo.
That was a beautiful expression.
What's the title of this music?
It's "Piano Concerto No. 2"
by Rachmaninoff.
Tricky, right?
"Piano Concerto No. 2" by Rachmaninoff.
Here. Come to me.
Goodness. Let's find the other sock.
Here it is.
All right. Let's find this one too.
-Let go of me.
-Come here.
I'm working! Let me go!
So-won, please.
Why did you come here?
You're too drunk.
Let's go to my place, okay?
I don't know how you found out,
but you shouldn't have come
even if you knew.
It's really over for me,
now that you know.
I have nowhere to go now. I'd rather die!
Why would you die?
Why would you die?
You should've asked me for help,
not work at a place like this!
Why do I have to tell you everything?
We're not family anymore.
Kim So-won.
Do you seriously think…
we're not family?
Didn't we share a mom?
Damn it.
I hate this.
I hate this all!
-Let's go back inside.
-No, wait.
No, wait. So-won.
So-won. Wait.
Hey, shouldn't you go check on him?
I don't think now is the right time.
That woman couldn't have been
his girlfriend, could she?
They didn't seem to be lovers.
Let's go. I'm hungry.
Let's grab something to eat.
No, wait. So-won.
Wait. So-won!
Why do I have to tell you everything?
We're not family anymore.
Come in.
You're avoiding eye contact.
No, I'm not.
You look anxious.
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
I went to a nightclub
with my friends last night.
We decided
to make Chan-young
the happiest terminally ill person,
though we don't know if it'll work.
So that's why you were there.
I was there…
for So-won.
It turns out
she works there.
I wanted to talk with her,
but she turned her phone off.
Then have you tried her place?
I don't know where she lives.
I guess…
she got stuck in a difficult place.
Don't worry about her.
You already have a lot on your plate.
Come in.
I'll let patients in now.
I'll be leaving work in the afternoon.
I'm hungry.
Is the preparation going well?
There's a lot to do
before you leave, isn't there?
I'm not going.
I can't.
Are you afraid to go
to an unfamiliar place?
That's not why.
My friend is very sick.
If I go…
she may not be here when I come back.
I believe you said you felt the most
at peace when you were with your friends.
Is she one of them?
How are your panic attacks?
Have they gotten worse?
I think I'm feeling much better.
Maybe it's because
I found something to desperately focus on.
Anything else?
I just want to be able to sleep.
I'll prescribe you some medicine again.
Instead of worrying about the future,
think about the good memories
you had with her.
The good memories?
They look exactly like each other!
-I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
-It's your fault!
-Stop it!
Okay. What should we eat?
-Tteokbokki? Okay. It's my treat.
That's the only thing we eat.
You're right. We eat it every day.
-You're right.
-But it's tasty.
I agree.
The doors are opening.
Please get on
after passengers have gotten off.
The doors are closing.
Excuse me.
Did you lose something?
I'll just think I helped the needy.
Gosh, what a crazy…
Hey, get lost. Just go.
The doors are opening.
The doors are closing.
What are you doing here?
What about you?
I'm hungry.
You were never the type
to search for tasty restaurants.
I just searched for tofu dishes.
They say protein is good for you.
Eat up.
I have no food at home.
Let's go to Yangpyeong.
You can get food from your parents.
And you should tell them.
It's good.
Have some soft tofu too.
Why did you want to go to the States?
You know…
I told you. I just wanted to rest.
I must be getting in your way.
It's not like that.
Don't lie.
It's not.
Don't go.
I don't want you to go.
What will I do without you?
Don't go, okay?
I won't.
I'm going to stay by your side.
I'm scared, Mi-jo.
It's scary.
Me too.
Do you know what's funny?
Knowing that I'll die soon…
made me think about those around me.
When I think of my parents…
I'm sad…
because I'm sorry and worried.
When I think of Jin-seok,
I'm sad because of what could've been
and because I'm sorry.
When I think of Joo-hee…
I'm sad because I worry
and feel sorry for her.
What about me?
That's the funny part.
When I think of you…
I'm sad because I already miss you.
So is that why…
you were at the subway station?
What about you?
My doctor told me to think about
only the good memories we had.
And that place came to my mind.
Where we met for the first time.
You must freaking love me.
Oh, please.
To my friend whom I freaking love,
eat lots of tofu.
You better finish this.
It wasn't easy to find this restaurant.
Yes, ma'am.
Live as if this isn't happening.
As if it's not happening?
As if it's not happening…
For example,
don't stop yourself
from seeing Seon-u because of me.
I know how careful you are.
Judging by how quickly you slept with him,
he must be really special.
Let's talk about something else.
There you go again.
You keep straying because of me.
Don't worry about it.
You broke up with Seong-cheol
because you kept saying no
to a trip together.
That was because I wasn't sure about him.
So you're obviously sure
about Seon-u, you idiot.
What should I do then?
Follow your heart.
That's what I'm doing.
No, you're not.
I stopped you from taking a sabbatical.
You finally met a guy you like,
yet you're hesitant because of me.
Then I'll become
even more ill because I feel bad.
Keep acting like this,
and I won't be
the happiest terminally ill person.
Rather, I'll be a terminally ill person
who feels the most terrible.
That's a frightening way
to threaten someone.
Just know that the state
of my condition depends on you.
I'll show you how passionate
dating at the age of 39 can be,
so don't feel hurt.
If you're all talk,
I'm going to flick you on the forehead.
Gosh, you're terrible.
You're so annoying.
You must be cleaning up for the day.
Are you here to eat?
No, I was just passing by.
This is for you.
It's not free though, is it?
There must be something.
Actually, I was wondering
if I could borrow
your kitchen after closing time.
Well, may I ask why?
I want to cook something for Chan-young,
but I can't really do it at home.
I see. Of course, you can.
What will you cook?
Well, it's something I made
for my mom when she was sick.
She also battled cancer in the past.
She had such a hard time
eating it back then.
So I'm afraid she might
become nauseous if I make it at home.
I see.
Then let me help you.
No, that's okay.
It takes a long time to make the dish.
But I'm curious about what it is.
When will you make it?
Don't tell me you'll come here every day.
What about work?
The director and I
decided to split the work
so I could spend more time with you.
I don't have that much time, you know?
I have many things to do
and many people to see.
Have some alone time.
I told Ju-won.
About the divorce.
Why are you rushing things
all of a sudden?
That young boy must be so hurt.
Come on.
Why did you have to do that
when I already have a lot on my mind?
I'm in a rush.
Why? Because I'm dying soon?
You're not dying soon.
Eat good food
and move to a rural area.
I'll go with you.
What about your work?
I already told you that
the director would be helping me out.
And the company runs fine without me.
Please don't do this.
You're stressing me out even more.
Chan-young, can you please reconsider it?
Why are you refusing treatment?
It's not treatment.
Treatment should help you get better.
But in my case,
I'll just be living a bit longer.
I have a lot on my mind
and a lot of things to do.
Receiving medical treatment
should be your top priority, Chan-young.
I don't know
how to tell my parents.
And I need to take care
of some things for Mi-jo and Joo-hee.
What? What's there to take care of
for them in this situation?
I won't talk to you
if you keep raising your voice.
Okay. Is it better if I whisper?
You're too nosy, Chan-young.
-Stop it.
Come on.
I'm looking for a place to stay.
A rural area
with fresh air is best, right?
What do you mean?
Live with me
if you're not going to be hospitalized.
You've gone insane. You truly have.
Jin-seok, don't be rash like this.
Who's going to stay by your side longer?
Ju-won's mother is.
Follow your heart,
and I'll follow mine. Like this.
This is so nice. I can do whatever I want.
Let me go.
Come on. It's locked now.
Hello, Father.
Are you home?
No, I'm outside. I'm doing something.
You'll be late then.
I'm in Seoul.
I flew in today.
Is something wrong?
I came because I could never reach you.
I'll call you tomorrow.
He's Jane's older brother.
Her older brother?
I'll go in first.
Thank you for seeing me.
Jane never told me
she had an older brother.
That's not her name.
Her name is So-won. Kim So-won.
I know.
Are you her real brother?
Can you tell me her home address?
Shouldn't her brother know that?
It's a long story. Please help me.
I left something at your door
since I thought you'd be sleeping.
Please let me know if you're okay.
Come in.
Let's get lunch.
Don't say you're not hungry
or that you're full.
All right. I guess I should eat.
Just a second.
Let's eat, Seon-u.
Hey, this is great.
I was worried there wouldn't be
enough braised chicken for everyone.
Go enjoy your lunch.
This looks tasty.
-Who is she?
-It's going to get cold. Dig in, guys.
I knew it.
How could someone so handsome be single?
She's too pretty.
No one can be prettier than her.
-I can!
-I can!
Oh, please.
She's his younger sister. Happy?
-I see. Thank you for the food.
-I see.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Eat up.
-I feel better now.
I was so worried.
If she was his girlfriend,
you'd be no match for her.
What are you talking about?
So many guys hit on me
at a nightclub recently.
You went to a nightclub?
You should've invited me
if you were dancing.
Just eat.
This is really good.
You're going to have an upset stomach.
Drink some water.
I always crave spicy food
when I'm stressed.
Mom did too.
It's true that you and I
shared a mom.
That's why I came here.
It gave me the courage to.
I'm glad you came.
It wasn't like this
when I first came back.
I have many questions.
I can't sleep because I'm curious
and heartbroken. But you know what?
I'm not going to ask.
Because I know
it won't be easy for you to answer.
But let's live together.
-Just rest. Don't work.
-I have a lot of money.
I had nothing to spend money on.
So you don't need
to support me financially.
I have a favor to ask.
Don't tell me to play the piano again.
This thought came to my mind.
What kind of person would I have become
had I stayed at the orphanage?
Luckily, I was adopted by rich parents,
so I was able to play the piano.
Had I not been adopted,
I would've struggled to make ends meet.
Why would you say that?
Girls your age don't say such things.
Do you think so?
Maybe it was from a movie.
Or a TV show.
Don't ever say things like that again.
You can play the piano again later--
Then I'll run away again.
Tell me to play the piano,
and you'll never see me ever again.
Let's eat.
Eat slowly.
I quit that job.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Seon-u.
Eat up.
-Why are you feeding me olives?
It's not pitted.
Why are you giving me olives
when there's no wine?
Spit the seed out.
Isn't this the same thing?
This is really good for you.
Have a spoonful every day.
I'll cook you
something really delicious next time.
Look forward to it.
That's okay.
-Don't cook.
-Be quiet.
Hey, please don't tell me
you'll be coming over every single day.
Do you want to move?
You said my neighborhood
was upscale and nice.
I don't want to spend the rest
of my life there, thinking I'm dirt-poor.
Then come to my neighborhood.
-That's not a bad idea.
-Your mom could cook tasty food for me.
-Of course.
How about we just buy a house
and move in together?
Should we?
Why does everyone want to live with me?
Your love for me is overflowing.
Who else said that?
I don't know.
Where's that crazy program
for the terminally ill?
If that list is just filled
with your personal wishes,
then I don't want to see it.
I knew it.
She's always so predictable, right?
Let's go on a trip.
What? That's boring.
I have a few creative ones.
-I searched online--
-Hey, you guys can just go home.
Come on. Can you please
appreciate her hard work?
She jotted down so many.
Let's just hear them.
Fine. Tell me.
All right. Number one.
"Take wedding photos."
-Forget it.
-Forget it.
How about this one?
"Going on a memorable trip
with our parents."
-Come on.
Isn't that quite original?
No, it's not.
I mean…
I knew this would happen,
so I came up with my own.
What are they?
You see,
I have some lifelong wishes.
-Tell us.
-Tell us.
I'll find you a boyfriend.
-Let's find your real mom.
Hey, that has nothing to do with you.
Why would you waste your time
on those things?
Let's go with the wedding photos.
-Let's do that.
-Yes. Let's just go on that trip.
-That's much better.
-They're my wishes.
I mean it. I'm serious.
-They're my wishes.
If you'd picked up my calls,
I wouldn't have flown all the way here
from the other side of the world.
Why did you give up
that good job of yours and come here?
What about work? Do you have a job?
I do.
I like it better here.
Don't tell me you came here
to find So-won.
Shouldn't you ask how she's doing first?
Why are you so obsessed with her?
It's the same reason as to
why you flew all the way here to see me.
She's not like us.
-She's family.
She refused to be our family ages ago.
She's not even related to us by blood,
so how could she be family?
Do you think
she wouldn't have noticed
how you truly felt about her?
I provided enough for her.
She received more support
than she deserved.
What if we didn't adopt her?
Would she have played
the piano or gone to Juilliard?
She would've struggled to make ends meet.
What kind of person would I have become
had I stayed at the orphanage?
Luckily, I was adopted by rich parents,
so I was able to play the piano.
Had I not been adopted,
I would've struggled to make ends meet.
Did you say the same thing to her?
-What does that matter?
-Did you?
I only said the truth.
-How could you say such a thing to--
-Lower your voice!
How dare you?
You should go back.
Kim Seon-u!
What are you doing?
I'll be staying at a hotel for now.
How could you do this?
Why didn't you tell me sooner
when you knew it all along?
You must've despised me for so long.
It's not easy to despise someone.
I just didn't have
the courage to let everything out.
Aren't you better than this?
Now that you want a divorce,
you threaten me with it.
Are you this low?
Ju-won will come home soon.
We'll talk again next time.
Why do you care about him
when he's not even your son?
Because you don't.
Dad, where are you going?
I need to go on a business trip.
When will you return?
Soon. Go wash your hands.
I'll be calling you,
so keep your phone close. Okay?
Go wash your hands.
I'll be staying
at a hotel near your place,
so call me right away if you need me.
Just until Christmas.
Until then…
I wonder what delicious dish
Joo-hee made for us.
I can guarantee
that it'll be bad.
You're right.
It's hard to appreciate her dishes.
Hey, have you thought about it?
-About what?
-How to set her up with that chef.
Oh, that? Of course.
I really thought long and hard about it.
But you know what?
I have no idea. I'm drawing a blank.
I guess IQ has nothing to do with dating.
But it's too difficult.
He has a girlfriend and Joo-hee is older.
It's not easy.
She should keep trying aggressively, okay?
Geez. I was a fool
to expect anything from you.
Why are you scolding me?
Just drive.
Are you going to…
tell your parents today?
I don't even know how to accept this yet,
so how can I tell them?
Come in.
That's all for the morning.
Let's eat.
I'll pass. I'm not feeling too well.
You're right. You don't look too good.
I couldn't sleep well.
I think a short nap will do the trick.
Rest up.
Enjoy your meal.
What kind of person would I have become
had I stayed at the orphanage?
Had I not been adopted,
I would've struggled to make ends meet.
What if we didn't adopt her?
Would she have played
the piano or gone to Juilliard?
She would've struggled to make ends meet.
You guys shouldn't go on diets.
You need to eat well to be healthy.
I don't go on diets.
We're always eager to eat.
Have some bulgogi.
Please sit down.
Gosh, my legs.
Mom, you should hire more people.
You looked so busy back there.
You need more than two.
We're not busy all the time.
By the way, what's the occasion?
We've been seeing you often.
It's Mi-jo's day off today. We thought
of going elsewhere but came here instead.
We didn't have anywhere else to go.
Wait. I'll get some braised pollack.
-It's okay. This is already a lot.
By the way,
why have you lost so much weight?
Have you seen a doctor?
It's because I have
too many private lessons.
Then cut down on them.
Don't overwork yourself.
Fine. I'll cut down.
By the way…
You guys get
medical checkups regularly, right?
Goodness. We get them yearly.
Honey, let's switch hospitals.
That place is too expensive.
They're all the same.
Come to Seoul.
I'll take you to a hospital I know.
That'd be great.
Hey, you should take her there instead.
I bet you're too lazy to get checkups.
I got a checkup too.
Don't worry.
We got them
with Joo-hee.
Well done.
It's wonderful to have a doctor friend.
So? Did they say you're healthy?
I have a bit of inflammation.
I was told to exercise.
See? I knew it.
You should stop eating spicy food.
Don't let her have this.
That's not the problem.
You should stop drinking.
You too, Mi-jo.
I know. I plan to quit drinking.
Take them all away.
Hire more people, okay?
You'll get sick
if you keep overworking yourself.
-Hey, I have better stamina than your dad.
I became stronger with age.
Right. Hold on.
I got one for each of you,
so take them every day.
-We already have enough supplements.
These are much better.
Don't just store them.
That'll be pointless.
Gosh. You should take them instead.
Drive carefully, Mi-jo.
I will. We'll visit again.
-Sure. Visit often.
Bye, ma'am.
-Go inside.
-Come on. Get in.
-Get in.
-Get in.
Dad, let me hug you.
What's gotten into you?
Goodbye. Be careful.
Something's up with her.
Can we pull over for a minute?
Just cry.
They should've had…
another child.
After I die…
who will take care of their funerals?
There's me…
and Joo-hee.
Who will hold
memorial ceremonies for them?
Damn it.
I'll do it.
Will you do that?
I will.
After seeing them…
Damn it. It finally hit me.
What should we do?
I don't know, Chan-young.
Hey, Mi-hyeon.
Yes, I'm at the clinic.
I'm looking at today's medical charts.
Dr. Kim did? Why?
I'm not sure. I think he's sick.
Is it bad?
The person you are trying
to reach is unavailable…
You said this was a space for me,
but you didn't pick up my calls.
My phone was on mute, so…
Are you unwell?
Just a slight headache.
You had lunch with your sister,
so I thought everything was fine.
Why do you have a headache?
I realized
that I wasn't a reliable brother to her.
What about you?
Did you trust and feel comfortable
with your parents and sister
from the very beginning?
I was…
adopted and sent back
to the orphanage twice.
They said I was too quiet
and cold.
I still remember it.
I barely talked at all.
When I first moved in
with my current family,
I didn't talk for over a month, I think.
Why not?
I was anxious.
Do you know why I only like
"Piano Concerto No. 2" by Rachmaninoff?
One day,
I woke up from a nap.
My mom was folding laundry
in the living room,
and music filled the room.
Then she asked me
to help her with the laundry.
While folding the laundry with her,
I finally started to talk.
I chatted away.
"I see."
"This is a place where I can be safe
and consider my home."
That was the first time…
I felt comfortable.
So that's why you like Rachmaninoff.
The thought that you weren't a reliable
brother to her came from you, didn't it?
I doubt she feels that way.
I'm not sure.
I met my father yesterday.
He flew in from the States?
I came here to find So-won,
and he came here to find me.
Then I found out
that he had hurt her deeply.
It's driving me crazy.
I have no idea.
I don't know what I should do.
How could you have no idea?
You should protect her by her side
so that he won't hurt her anymore.
That's the right answer.
stay strong, okay?
When we meet So-won next time…
can I introduce you to her again?
As my girlfriend?
Can I?
We'll let this boil for now.
I'll lower the heat
and let it boil
for about two and a half hours.
Gosh. This requires
a lot of patience and effort.
Could that be why it's healthy?
You three have a great friendship indeed.
We met as teenagers,
spent our twenties together,
and now, we're nearing
the end of our thirties.
I guess you could say that.
I'm the closest
with those I served
in the military with. Why is that?
Did you play soccer with them?
Correct. How did you know?
Did you serve in the military as well?
Come on.
Have you not talked
to your girlfriend since then?
I felt hesitant about texting her first,
and Hye-jin didn't text me either.
It's frustrating.
I still think you should text her first.
I think she hasn't texted you
because she feels so sorry.
I bet she knows that you were hurt
at her birthday party.
Then she should text me first,
not ghost me like this.
You can't when you feel too sorry.
Text her first.
Act like nothing happened.
I did it.
What if she ignores my text?
It's her.
Hey, Hye-jin.
I'm at the restaurant.
What about you?
Really? That must be fun.
Those are the good times.
Should we eat with your sister?
You're obviously so worried about her.
She wouldn't be happy to see this.
Let's meet up together.
I may not be a comedienne,
but I'll try to make it fun for her.
Would it really be okay?
Tell her to come to the clinic
when she's free.
Treat us to something good.
Thank you.
I need your help.
Of course, I'm a pretty charming guy.
You know that.
But now that I'm nearing 40,
I've lost my touch
when it comes to dating.
It's the director from before, right?
Yes. She's really eccentric.
I don't know how to
move on from first base with her.
So-won, will you help me?
You're the best.
Can you come in the evening?
Okay. Come by around the time we close.
My gosh.
"Really eccentric"?
-Talking about me?
-You heard?
Isn't that what people call
those who are crazy?
Not at all.
That's not what I meant.
I was just trying to make her come.
Anyway, this eccentric nut
will step out now.
And I'm pretty sure you know
how to move on from first base.
She startled me.
I made this in Chinatown's kitchen.
It took me well over three hours.
With Hyeon-jun?
Gosh, I'm so proud of you.
You did such a good job.
What did you guys
talk about for three hours?
I bet you're much closer now.
I think we did become quite closer.
This is nice. It's beautiful.
I gave him some advice
because it seemed like
he was going to break up.
So I told him about women's point of view
and persuaded him
to reach out to her first.
I counseled him a bit.
And then?
I think they're good now.
You almost gave me a heart attack.
Why did you yell at me?
During all those hours
you spent making that…
Gosh. My head…
Why would you mend
their broken relationship?
They hadn't broken up.
They just almost did.
What are you, Mother Teresa? Gandhi?
Why did you have to be so nosy
and help them?
He was worried sick.
-You're just being nosy.
Fine. I'm nosy.
Now, try some of this Hippocrates soup
that this nosy woman made.
Okay. Let's eat for now.
-She did put a lot of effort into this.
This would've been invigorating
had they flirted.
-What can we do?
-I'm sorry.
Try some first.
Isn't it amazing?
Don't you already feel healthier?
Hold on.
What's this taste?
The name of the soup itself
already sounds healthy.
-Here you go.
-That's right. Have some of this too.
Gosh. I think this is the first time
you've told me about someone you like.
Isn't she gorgeous?
Come on. This is unlike you.
What do you mean?
-Hey. I'm sorry I took so long.
-She's here.
You must be hungry.
It's okay. I didn't wait that long.
What should we have?
I used up all my energy, so I'm famished.
Where did you go?
You see, I have an eccentric friend.
I feel drained
whenever I hang out with her.
Compared to her, I'm pretty much normal.
You're still bitter about that?
I'm sorry, but we're closed.
Why is she here with you, Seon-u?
What brings you here?
Why are you here?
Perhaps the way she looked
reminded me of how I looked
at the orphanage.
I was anxious every day
with no one to lean on.
She reminded me…
of the little girl I used to be.
I didn't know how…
but I wanted to become her Rachmaninoff.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
I'm sorry.
Back when you used to run a snack bar
did anyone mention anything
about an orphanage?
We decided she would be the happiest
terminally ill person in the world.
But I'm not sure what to do.
Don't tell me you're moving in.
Taking turns to visit every day
is practically living here.
Seon-u did all that
so you wouldn't feel depressed.
-Thank you.
-My heart just skipped a beat.
You're awesome.
You looked so good together.
Please leave.
Ripped and synced by
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