Thou Shalt Not Steal (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[theme music]
[Robyn VO] Thou shall
never go to Coober Pedy.
Ringer reckoned it's
full of opal fever,
venereal diseases,
and my dad.
Ringer reckoned these mob
keep a lot of secrets too.
But the clever ones
know how to hide it.
Just like they hide
them bodies.
What's another one?
[whip cracking]
Who was driving?
Don't know.
It's enough to put you
off your lunch.
[Mick] We stop
plenty of cars, Trace.
I don't remember all of them.
[Gidge] What are you going
to say when you see him?
Hey Steve, I'm your daughter.
Just broke out of custody
and killed a man.
Nice to meet you.
Well, I think you can
leave that bit out.
I'm hungry.
You hungry?
- You like Chinese food?
- Don't know.
Well, there's a Chinese
joint over there - Steve's.
[Gidge] Yeah, like yellowish
sign - right there.
Steve's Chinese.
[Gidge shouting]
Steve's Chinese!
[whispering] Steve's Chinese!
Wait, hang on. What?
Are you Chinese?
No, I don't know.
How do I look?
Come on, quick.
[music playing]
[crowd chattering and cheering]
- Scotch, double.
- Hey hey
- That bad, hey?
- Worse.
- She burnt my taxi.
- Oh mate! On the house.
Oh yeah. Great.
I'll get a Fanta, thanks.
Ha, not you. 80 cents.
I'll be back.
Hey, um, hey, do you
think maybe I should,
maybe I should come with you?
Look after this.
[Maxine] Oh fuck me dead.
Mate, can you chuck us a roll?
[knocking] Mate?
- [bathroom door opening]
- [Gidge] Robyn!?
[Gidge] Robyn, are you in here?
- [Gidge] Oh fuck!
- [door slamming]
[toilet flushing]
[bathroom door opening]
[door closing]
[toilet flushing]
- [thudding]
- [Robyn gasping]
Where's my money?
- Burned it.
- Burned it?
And why would you do that?
'Cause I know where
that money comes from.
[Maxine] Hey
That was a very
foolish thing to do.
I'll work for it.
That's what you want, hey?
I'll work for it.
Take off your clothes.
No one's going to want you
looking like that, are they?
[people chattering]
Look, I, I just,
I came to say that I
I appreciate what you're -
coming all this way to--
You look like a woman.
This, this is how I dress now.
It's that girl, isn't it -
the one you've been
running around with?
Where is she?
No, I, I don't know, why?
Well, because she
stole something
that doesn't belong to her,
and I've come to get it back.
Well, well, I mean,
you know, we're
We're not together anymore.
A girl like that.
Nothing but trouble.
No, she isn't.
The woman you're with
There's the trouble.
I know Robyn
doesn't like her.
You're not a
gin burglar now, are ya?
Take that back.
[man whistles]
[room goes silent]
That's the look your
mother used to give me.
[Robert groaning] You bugger!
[Tracey] Okay. Okay.
Move out of the way, mate.
Out of the way.
Break it up. Oi!
Come on. Get up.
Get up, gentlemen.
[Tracey] Get up and get out!
[man] Piss off!
[Gidge] Hey,
my friend's still in there.
[man] I'd listen to her.
[crowd chattering]
Come on
You simmer down there, hey?
[crowd chattering loudly]
[dramatic music]
Scotch - top shelf.
I know just the fella for you.
[man wolf whistling]
[Maxine] Oh, great!
What about the
Chinese restaurant?
What about it?
Maybe he's there.
[Maxine] Fuck me dead!
Come on.
[Tracey] Yeah, have you
seen this girl?
Ah, we don't serve
minors in here, mate.
So you got a menu?
- Kitchen's closed.
- Oh, for fuck sake!
[ABC News theme playing]
[reporter on radio] Good
evening, this is ABC News.
I'm Richard Benson.
Tonight, Elizabeth II has
announced that her eldest son,
Prince Charles,
is engaged to be married--
[man on cassette]
Here's a song.
This is all about
a mechanical harvester,
or a header, whatever
you like to call them.
They're used for harvesting
wheat and soy,
things like that.
Years ago the word
for a harvester, headers,
was called a
thrashing machine,
and they were driven by steam.
This is all about a steam
driven thrashing machine.
[country music song starts]
Now I found in Queensland
when I was a boy ♪
A cotton of Rosie
was my pride and joy ♪
- [electrical spark]
- Oh fuck!
Now Rosie was pretty
and yet seventeen ♪
When I showed her the works
of my thrashing machine ♪
Thrashing machine
thrashing machine ♪
When I showed her the works
of my thrashing machine ♪
Now Rosie, she says she's
a much travelled girl ♪
Been places seen faces
all over the world ♪
[door opening]
- [Maxine] He's not here.
- [man belching]
[Maxine] Pick a bloke.
Off you go.
Touch my arse.
- Oh, where have you been?
- Just do it!
What? No. Why?
I'm not comfortable
doing that.
Shhh! Look over there.
[whispering] Shit.
Can't I just like
hold your hand?
Oh, fine.
[door opening and closing]
What are you doing here?
What the fuck
are you doing here?
You look really beautiful.
- I look fucked.
- No!
- Hey, who owns this place?
- My mum.
- Where is she?
- She's cooking.
Why's it called Steve's?
He's my dad.
Where is he?
I've been thinking,
you don't want this old truck,
worn out, no tread.
Come on.
You want a nice young one.
Fresh off the production line.
Ah, nah, nah, I mean,
what's wrong with old?
You know, vintage.
I mean, I'm a,
I'm a classics kind of a guy.
Mate, I found you a girl.
Ah no, no
Let Gidge have her.
- Gidge?
- Yeah.
Is that your son?
- Yeah.
- Is he wearing my clothes?
Oh, that explains it.
I'm going to fucking kill
the fucking pair of them.
Wait, wait!
I've got your money.
- [Gidge] Excuse me.
- Wait! What are you doing?
- Hi.
- What?
This is Robyn. She's also
Steve's daughter.
That makes you sisters.
Jesus! Another one.
[Gidge] You should like
hug or something.
That fuckhead never
mentioned you. You sure?
[Gidge] Yes. Steve Sanders.
He was a jockey, right?
- Hm-mm.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Gidge] We've got his trophy
from here in Coober Pedy,
and we can go and we can
[Gidge] Aah
I left the trophy in the bag
and I left the bag in the pub.
[Gidge] Sorry. My dad was
in there. It was weird.
We got into a fight.
I punched him in the face.
It was really, really weird.
What do you want?
That cockhead's long gone.
- [Gidge] Where is he now?
- No idea.
If you do see him,
cut his ball bags off.
You want a cut?
No. No. It's, it's not your
money I want, Maxine.
- Okay, let's go.
- Beauty.
[Mike] Good evening.
How's the feed?
Evening, detectives.
[Maxine] You're in luck.
She's over there.
[Tracey] Robyn!
Don't do anything dumb, alright?
Detective Wills, this is
Senior Detective Burke.
I want to ask you
some questions.
[nervous chuckling]
We didn't kill him.
[caravan door opening]
[Robert] Come on in.
Home sweet home.
Well, I like what you've
done to the place.
You didn't need to go to
so much effort, Robert.
Oh, you know.
Ah, would you like a drink?
- Ha, the good stuff.
- Yep.
[country music plays
in the background]
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Where's my money?
It's safe.
Yeah, money first
and then we'll
No, no, no, no, you're not
going to fool me again.
Oh come on, Robert.
Don't you trust me?
I just think it's
better this way.
How do I know you've got it?
Alright, let's get on with it.
Oh stop, stop, stop
I want
I want you to undress me.
[zipper sound]
I just want to
I just want to kiss every
inch of your body.
[sultry music]
Does it feel good?
You know what'd
really get me going?
- Yeah, what?
- My money.
Oh, let's not
talk about money.
[sultry music continues]
You can grab my tits.
You can slap my arse.
You can ride me like a donkey.
You can choke me.
- What?
- Just hurry the fuck up!
Oh, fuck me dead.
Like any other bloke -
get in, get out - come on!
Jesus! Put a bit of
fucking effort into it.
It doesn't feel very nice.
Alright, I know
what will help.
[both moaning]
[urgent upbeat music]
[Maxine] Oh, there we go.
[Robert convulsing]
Oh, fuck me dead!
- [electricity crackling]
- [Maxine moaning]
[electricity crackling]
[dramatic music]
[crackling ends]
Oh, that was terrific.
How was it for you?
Hey! Hey, Maxine?
How was it?
Oh, shit
[Tracey] Seems this bloke's
been doing this for a while.
You both had a
very lucky escape.
- [Mike] Excuse me, miss er
- Kitchen's closed.
You're fucking with me.
Oh, this is ridiculous.
Do you mind if I
[Tracey] Jesus, Mick,
we're at work.
[Mick] What? I'm hungry.
My blood pressure drops
if I don't eat, Trace.
[Tracey] Yes, Mick, I know.
Maybe you should
talk to your doctor.
[Mick] But it's just one chip!
[Mick] Well, you'll have
to come with us
and make a proper statement.
Then we're going to have to
take you back to Alice Springs.
No, you can't. We're on a
mission to find her dad.
I'm sorry, Robyn, but it's
going to have to wait.
Don't move.
What's that, mate?
- I'll pull it.
- Pull what, mate?
I've got a weapon.
- A weapon?
- Yeah, it's a gun.
Put it away, mate.
- Don't talk.
- Don't be a hero.
Get your hand
out of your pants.
Get up, Robyn, let's go.
No, no, no, no. We are
both going to get up
and we are going
to walk out of here
and neither of youse
are going to follow.
[Mike] Pull your hand out of
your pants and stop playing.
- I'm warning you.
- [Mike] Come on!
3, 2, 1
Trace, give us your gun.
What? No. Where's yours?
- I left it in the car.
- Why'd you do that?
We were coming in for a
feed, not a shoot out.
[Mike] Hey, just
Don't do this, right?
[urgent music]
[blade scraping]
Let's go, go, go!
That's unfortunate.
[electrical sparking]
[engine starting]
[church organ music]
[Robert] Oh, I didn't mean
to do it. I'm really sorry.
Look, I, I, I know
I haven't been, you know,
your most faithful servant,
but, but I can do better.
[Robert] It was an accident.
[dramatic flourish]
Oh, don't Iook at me like that.
[electrical crackle]
[crackling then silence]
[flies buzzing]
[sharp exhale]
[Robyn VO] Missionary or not.
Thou shalt never lie on your
back with your legs spread.
Ringer reckoned
the desert is drier
than a nun's you-know-what.
You can't just
wash away your sins.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla" by
Isaac Yamma playing]
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