Three-Body (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

I'm sorry.
I hit your car.
My motor bike is uninsured.
I tell you what,
leave me your phone number.
I'll have your car repaired.
How dare you
ride an uninsured motor bike?
Driving license, registration.
I'm so sorry.
(Driving License of the People's
Republic of China, Mu Xing)
Mu Xing?
You look familiar.
I heard on the news recently
that a policeman was suspended.
Is that you?
Did you really
hear it on the news?
I found it out.
Found it out?
Let me introduce myself.
I work in media.
In new media.
In new media?
You can think of me as a reporter.
I am
investigating some events
concerning environmental protection.
I've noticed what you were doing
in the last several days.
I also know
it wasn't your case.
The reason why you went to the scene
is because it has something to do
with your current case.
What else do you know?
I know you are investigating
the scientists' suicides.
I'm investigating it too.
You can find out my case
and fake an accident.
You are not an average reporter.
I'm a professional little reporter.
Why don't you work with me?
I have lots of information.
I believe that it can help you.
You can't get
any information out of me.
Ride an uninsured motor bike, you
I have insurance.
The policy is in the driving license.
Do you think there are any similarities
between their suicides?
Do you think it was caused by
psychological problems
or external stimulation?
What's your investigation focus?
Are you going to start from
their social relations or research topics?
Take it.
Miss Mu,
I know you scratched my car by accident.
It doesn't matter.
My car has been scratched many times.
You don't have to pay.
Please think it over.
=Episode 5=
Dr. Sha.
Are you Wang Miao?
I'm Professor Ye's student, Sha Ruishan.
Nice to meet you.
Are these all your instruments?
Yeah, they are used for observation,
but they have nothing to do
with my project.
Come in.
Aren't they breathtaking?
Unfortunately, they are all like
the ears of a deaf man.
Ever since construction was completed,
interference has been unceasing
in the observational bands.
First, there were the paging stations
during the 80s.
Now, it's the mobile communication.
Most of the tasks that need
metre-wave aperture synthesis
radio telescope
can't be performed.
There should be a way to solve it.
Solve it?
Who will solve it?
Should mobile communication be stopped
just because we want to
explore the universe?
In recent years,
commercial operation of basic research
has been fairly successful,
like in high-energy physics.
the observatories should be moved
to places farther away from cities.
It all comes down to money.
Right now, we can only use
technical means
to shield against interference.
Fortunately, my project
only depends on satellite data.
The ground interference
doesn't affect me much.
Let me show you around.
Professor Wang, this is my lab.
It's like home to me.
Enjoy yourself.
I usually live here.
Have some water.
OK, thanks.
My lab is used to
receive the data
sent by three satellites
and display them in real time
on the eight terminals.
My job is to
use these observational data
to create a more detailed map
of the cosmic microwave background.
What kind of data do you want to see?
The overall fluctuation in the
cosmic microwave background.
Can you be more specific?
What I mean is
the isotropic fluctuation
in the overall
microwave background,
between one and five percent.
Professor Wang,
you're not
a specialist in the field, right?
Do you have some basic understanding
of the cosmic microwave background?
I don't know much.
I think it was back in the 60s
when two Americans
accidentally discovered the radiation
when they were testing a super sensitive
satellite reception antenna.
The overall fluctuation
in the cosmic microwave background
is almost negligible.
Even with the sensitivity
of the Planck satellite,
continuous observation
for a million years
might not detect any such shift.
But you want to see
a five percent fluctuation tonight?
Do you realize what that would mean?
What would that mean?
It means the universe
would flicker like a fluorescent tube
that's about to burn out.
This must be some joke.
If only it was a joke.
Come and look.
This curve is the measurement
of the cosmic microwave background.
After our conversion,
it's basically a straight line.
The error range
is due to the Doppler effect
from the motion of the Milky Way.
If the kind of fluctuation you anticipate,
in excess of one percent, occurs,
this line would
turn red
and the fluctuation
will show in real time.
I would bet that
it's going to stay a flat green line
until the end of the world.
If you want to see it
show the red line of fluctuation,
you might have to wait until long after
the death of the sun.
If you say so,
it's really unlikely to happen.
It doesn't matter.
Since Professor Ye asked me to help you,
let's do the observation.
It's not a big deal.
Shall we start now?
It might happen around 1:00 AM.
It will be soon.
Take a seat.
Let me set automatic save.
In case,
I mean in case,
the fluctuation really occurs,
it's really worth recording.
I'd rather believe there are aliens
than believe the universe would flicker.
Professor Wang.
Professor Wang.
Are you OK?
Would you like some chips?
No, thanks.
Maybe instant noodles or ham sausage?
One minute left.
Look, it's moving!
It must be a mechanical malfunction.
It doesn't matter.
I have two other satellites.
It isn't a malfunction.
Not a malfunction.
Absolutely impossible.
There's another way.
There's another way.
Answer the phone.
Answer the phone.
is it the Urumqi Observatory?
This is Miyun.
Send your cosmic observation data
to this terminal now.
(Urumqi Radio Astronomy Observatory)
The universe is really flickering.
The universe is flickering.
The universe is flickering!
Can you print out the curve?
Dr. Sha,
can you print out
the waveform? Print!
(From Shen Yufei)
I'll send you a website address.
Morse Code.
What do you mean?
Give me a pen.
A pen!
Do you have a pen?
Take it.
Long, long, long, long, long.
Only 1,108 hours remained.
What hours?
Three days from now.
Then the countdown will continue.
The entire universe
will flicker for you
from one to five in the morning.
Professor Wang,
it's been 57 minutes
and it's still flickering.
Is it possible that the three satellites
and the observatory
are all malfunctioning?
Absolutely impossible.
Is it possible that it's sabotage?
Even more impossible.
To simultaneously alter the data
from three satellites
and an observatory on Earth?
That's a supernatural saboteur.
Not the ghost of a chance?
In fact,
it's easy to confirm this.
If the cosmic microwave background
is fluctuating this much,
we should be able to
see it with our own eyes.
The wavelength of the cosmic microwave
background is seven centimeters.
That's about seven orders of magnitude
longer than the wavelength
of visible light.
How can we possibly see it?
Using 3K glasses.
What 3K glasses?
The glasses made for
Beijing Planetarium.
These glasses
can compress the wavelength of the
cosmic microwave background
by seven orders of magnitude
so that 7 cm waves
are turned into visible red lights,
which is the
universe flicker we said.
If I leave here now,
before five o'clock in the morning,
can you find me a pair of 3K glasses?
I'll go to Beijing Planetarium alone.
I know.
What I want to say is that
you must know a lot of things
I don't know.
I hope that you will
explain the truth to me
when you feel the time is right.
If this phenomenon
should lead to some research results,
I won't forget you.
The flickering will stop
at five in the morning.
You shouldn't pursue it after this.
You won't get anywhere.
Hello, Dr. Sha sent me here.
Here are the 3K glasses.
This button switches it on.
This is for adjusting brightness.
They're fully charged.
You can look as much as you like.
Sha Ruishan must be mental.
(Beijing Planetarium)
Professor Wang!
Professor Wang!
I hear strange things have been
happening to scientists lately,
Is it our turn?
It's my turn, at least.
Are you OK?
Don't touch me!
Do you need me to call someone?
What will happen
at the end of the countdown?
What will happen
at the end of the countdown?
Tell me,
what will happen
at the end of the countdown?
Snow in winter, clouds in the sky ♪
White ♪
What will happen
at the end of the countdown?
What will happen?
Tell me what will happen at the end
of the countdown!
What can it be?
What is it at the end of the countdown?
What can it be?
I don't know.
Fly away ♪
To the place I've never been to know ♪
Fly away, away, away ♪
To the place I've never been to know ♪
finding it hard to bear?
I said you couldn't handle it.
And you insisted on
playing the tough guy.
You wouldn't understand.
I understand too well.
What's next?
You've cried your frustration out.
Let's go grab a bite.
I don't want to eat.
Then what do you want?
Kill yourself?
Let's go drinking.
My treat.
Let's go.
I know
you are different from
Yang Dong and the others.
What do you mean?
I mean,
you dare not kill yourself.
Welcome, sirs.
What would you like?
A bottle of Erguotou.
Two orders of quick-fried tripe,
a bowl of soymilk,
and one order of
deep-fried dough sticks.
Grab a bite before you drink.
You'll be sick drinking like this.
Gonna throw up?
I lied to you.
I don't have floaters in my eyes,
instead, I have a countdown in there.
Don't you want to say anything,
like I'm sick,
or I'm mental?
Since I came to see you,
I wouldn't doubt you.
Sirs, your food.
I told Shen Yufei about it.
She told me to
stop my nano experiment.
I did as she said
and the countdown really disappeared.
A trick.
I thought it was a trick at first.
So I told her that I would restart
the experiment in three days.
If she could, she should project
the countdown onto the sun
and the entire universe.
And then?
She did it?
She really did it.
She did it exactly
at the time and the scale
she designated.
I went to the
radio astronomical observatory.
I saw the cosmic microwave data.
Then I went to
Beijing Planetarium.
Then I went to Beijing Planetarium.
I borrowed a pair of 3K glasses.
I saw the entire universe
was flickering,
flickering for me.
You're saying that
the universe was winking at you?
It was exactly the same
as the countdown in my eyes.
It's true.
I saw it. Sha Ruishan saw it.
The Urumqi Observatory recorded it.
More bullshit.
Shi Qiang,
have you ever considered
certain philosophical questions?
Where do we come from?
Where will we go?
Where does the universe come from
and where will it go?
The sesame paste is too salty.
When you look at the stars,
don't you feel curious
and awed at all?
I never look at the sky at night.
Don't you often work the night shift?
when I work at night,
if I look up at the sky,
the suspect is going to escape.
We really have nothing to say
to each other.
You know what,
even if I had time to look at
the stars and the moon,
I wouldn't be thinking about
your philosophical questions.
I have too much to worry about.
I gotta pay the mortgage.
My child hasn't found a job.
And the endless stream of cases
I tell you what,
I'm such a simple man that
look down my throat
and you can see out my ass.
Naturally, I'm not that kind of person
bosses would like.
Years after being discharged
from the army,
my career is going nowhere.
If I weren't pretty good at my job,
I would have been kicked out
a long time ago.
How can I get the time to gaze at stars
and philosophize?
Have you heard of
the shooter hypothesis
and the farmer hypothesis?
You're now a two-dimensional creature
inhabiting on the surface of the target,
or a turkey on the farm.
You're mocking me.
I can tell that.
Though I know nothing
about the hypothesis you referred to,
I do know
an ultimate rule,
which is,
anything sufficiently weird
must be fishy.
There's a reason to pull leather pants
on cotton-padded pants.
Either the latter is too thin
or the former is without fur.
What kind of crappy rule is that?
What crap?
There's always someone behind things
that don't have an explanation.
There's no one!
If you had a little
basic knowledge of science,
you'd know it's impossible for any force
to accomplish the things I experienced.
A countdown was displayed
at the scale of the universe.
You can't explain it
with our current science.
I couldn't even imagine
how to explain it outside of science.
It's more than supernatural.
It's super, I don't know what
I'm telling you,
I've seen plenty of weird things.
But I really want to know
what will happen
at the end of the countdown.
What can it be?
What can it be?
The destruction of earth?
Human dying out?
Or physics no longer existing?
Human science no longer existing?
So what?
Human returns to the agrarian society,
or even the primitive society.
We have to bore wood to get fire,
farm and hunt.
So what?
Our ancestors lived in that way.
We can also live in that way, right?
I know you want to comfort me.
If you don't think
it's important,
you wouldn't have followed me
all the time, right?
The end of the countdown
will never be a simple degradation.
What exactly will happen?
What is there that we must face?
Why do they want to destroy our science?
Apart from our science,
what else will they destroy?
I'm right about you.
It was a compliment when I said
you dare not kill yourself.
All right.
Let's eat.
And then we go.
Where to go?
I'll send you home
so that you can get some sleep.
After the sleep?
You'll have dinner,
and then have some drinks.
And then get more sleep.
And then?
And then, you'll have to
work the next day.
There are only 1,103 hours left
before the end of the countdown.
Forget about the countdown.
Wang Miao, I tell you what,
your first priority is to stand straight
and not collapse into a heap.
Then we can talk about other things.
Shi Qiang, can you tell me something
about what's really going on?
I'm begging you.
I've said the very same thing
to Chang Weisi several times.
We're in the same boat, you and I.
I'll be honest with you.
I don't know anything.
In the Battle Command Center, at least,
I'm a turkey.
Do you know what turkey represents?
But I do know,
the harder they try to scare you
with something,
the less you should let them
satisfy their desires.
Now they're targeting you.
I'll never let you die easily.
(Wang Miao (Nano, Coward) calling)
Where are you?
Move a little. I'm upstairs.
Look up.
Now I see you.
Are these all you've got?
The negatives are in there too.
All right.
Go get some sleep.
Daddy, come here.
Sit down.
Mom said your eyes were uncomfortable.
Let me check them.
Captain Shi,
I never thought you were so patient.
You're getting along better and better
with such a coward.
Focus on driving.
Daddy, I have a question for you.
Why shouldn't we eat many lotus roots?
Because they would make us ugly.
(Wang Miao Nano Coward)
Why is the water in the Eastern Sea so good?
(Edit remark)
I don't know.
Because of the Dragon King.
(Name: Nano Coward)
Why is the seafood in the Eastern Sea so good?
Because of the Dragon King?
Because the Dragon King has a daughter
called Little Dragon Maiden.
Guys, dinner is ready.
Daddy, let's have dinner.
Have dinner.
(Nano Coward)
(Wang Miao)
Dad, your glasses have steamed up.
Steamed up.
Please don't go,
because it only flickers for you ♪
When the whole universe
flickers for you ♪
When the whole universe
flickers for you ♪
Please don't go,
because you deserve it ♪
When the whole universe
flickers for you ♪
Please don't go,
because it only flickers for you ♪
Only flickers for you ♪
Dad, Dad, Dad.
Dad, Dad, Dad.
Dad, Dad.
The teacher asked me again.
Are you going to give the lecture
in my school?
What lecture?
I told you the other day.
You are a professor of physics.
My teacher wants you
to give us a lecture in my school.
Please say yes.
Say yes.
Who can catch this ball?
Me. Me. Me.
(Charm of Physics) - Sir, me.
- Me. - Me.
Sir, I can catch it.
Sir, me, me.
OK, now I have a question for you.
Why does the ball
always hit the ground
no matter how high
I throw it?
Very good.
You are very smart.
This is the truth of physics.
It reveals
the nature of all things in the world
and the laws of movement,
and explores the mysteries of nature.
will tell you all the answers.
According to calculation,
using this rule,
we have a probability of about 3.22%
to reduce the costs.
And we may also solve the problem
that Nano Flying Blade
can't go into mass production.
Now the shutdown
and maintenance are over.
I declare,
the experiment restarts.
This is the tennis ball we just tossed.
This is an iron ball.
If we release them
at the same height
and the same time,
which will hit the ground first?
- Tennis ball.
- Iron ball.
Now let's count one, two, three,
and see
which will hit the ground first.
Mr. Wang,
everything is ready.
The experiment can restart in two hours.
Ready to restart.
As you saw,
they hit the ground at the same time.
This is physics.
It isn't based on imagination
or speculation.
We need to conduct experiments
down to earth,
one experiment after another.
Our experiments may fail,
but we shouldn't give up.
Like when you were little,
you had to learn to walk,
ride a bike,
and skate.
What would you do
if you fell down accidentally?
Stand up.
Very good.
You won't stop moving forward
just because you are afraid of falling.
Of course, it will never be easy
to pursue the truth.
You'll face setbacks
and suspicion.
But whether Giordano Bruno
or Galileo,
history has eventually proved that
their adherence to the truth
is incomparably correct.
Let's stick to our intention
of pursuing truth
and never give up.
What's this?
Look carefully.
Look in the middle.
What's this?
Dr. Ding.
Dr. Ding.
Stay back.
Stay back.
In 1975,
Victor, the scientist,
used a high-energy electron
accelerator collider
to verify his model.
But he failed.
Then he stayed there for over four hours
to check all the components,
and eventually found that
his calculation
was incorrect.
So are you paying tribute
to Victor now?
The first data at 9:07,
the second data at 10:22,
and the third data at 10:50
are inconsistent.
Neither are they consistent
with the calculation.
The experiment failed.
I saw all the data.
I think at most,
the verification hasn't been completed.
It isn't a failure.
But I didn't find any regular patterns.
This kind of problem
happens in most experiments.
If it were me,
I would find various excuses.
Maybe my
outfit today
isn't right.
Or maybe I shouldn't
have had that cup of coffee.
Or maybe I shouldn't
have played that music during bath
last night.
I think
you should think about it in this way.
Maybe you left home
too early this morning.
Maybe you didn't wear the perfume
I gave you.
the experiment will go smoothly
if you say yes to my proposal.
You should know,
every time when we get
inaccurate data,
it means the theoretical models become
more and more complex,
vague, and uncertain.
Experimental verification will
become more and more difficult.
Then you should measure more times.
And I'll propose more times.
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