Thunder in My Heart (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


-Should I throw away these photos?
No, we shouldn't throw away this.
We have so much trash at home,
we have to draw a line somewhere.
This isn't trash, they are memories.
You can pick out a few.
We'll throw away the rest.
There might be pictures
where we kiss, so you know.
Oh, shit.
There you are.
I really thought you would miss it.
-Hi there.
-Hi there.
-Where is Sigge?
-I don't know.
-Did she tell you what happened?
-Of course.
What did she say?
When she told you what happened.
-To me?
-I was there.
-What are you talking about?
-About Saturday.
What are you talking about?
-That Sigge and I are in a big fight.
-What? Why?
He doesn't even answer
when Benjamin calls.
Sometimes I think
that I shouldn't have left him.
It feels like
everything was easier before.
-But it wasn't.
-No, but I have anxiety!
Don't look into the hole
when you put it in.
Glass splinters can spray back
into your eyes.
I'm not looking into the hole!
Sam sent me a few links
about breaking free
from a manipulative person.
I could send them to you.
They were great.
Have you talked to Sam about us?
Yes. He won't tell anyone.
-You don't need to
-People can use this against you.
Even those you think you can trust.
You sound exactly like dad now,
can you hear that?
-I mean
-No way.
-Grow up, Sigrid.
-I can't hear you.
-Where should we start?
-Let's start with the small ones.
Not The Catapult or the Free Fall,
maybe the Ghost House
-Damn, you're cute.
-Hi there.
-What are we doing here?
-I'll tell you.
Today, we're affirming
our inner child.
Seriously Toni,
I think you should call Sigge.
Being an adult
has only brought me a lot of pain.
And since we all feel like shit,
apart from you,
we'll leave all the grown-up
problems and responsibilities behind.
When we enter here, we're kids.
Hi. This is Sigrid, hello.
I know.
-Where are you?
-At home.
I was going to call you
and thank you for the links.
I also wanted to ask
if you didn't call me all week.
It's cool,
I haven't thought about it until now.
I might be calling now
to check why you
haven't called me all week.
-Haven't I? Called you.
-Should we talk about what happened?
-No. Absolutely not.
I've forgotten it. I don't know
what you're talking about.
Okay. Do you want to come
to Gröna Lund?
-We're at Gröna Lund.
-Who are there?
-Me, Rebecka, Alex och Toni.
Toni arranged it an hour ago.
She wanted us
to meet our inner child.
Please come.
No, she doesn't want me there,
so that's a bad idea.
Yes, she said you were in a fight.
But you know how she is, it will
pass. And I want you here.
She doesn't own Gröna Lund, right?
No, I guess not.
But I can't afford it.
Just come here. I will pay for you.
We have to drink some more.
Everyone's in for another round?
-Yes, please.
I'll follow I'll help you carry.
I hope you don't think it's weird
that I'm dating your brother.
Not at all, you're so cute.
Okay, because we
had something going on
We made out twice at a party.
-We're cool.
So How long have you been
in love with her?
-Hi. Can I order four beers from you?
I think I had a pillow
that I rubbed up against.
I made pillows too, but I liked
cuddly toys more
because they had eyes.
-Hello Sigge!
-Come here.
-Hi. Oh.
-Come, we'll make room.
-Come, sit down.
-Yes, thank you. That's kind.
Hi. Hello Toni.
-So no rubbing against a pillow?
-Not even if you masturbate?
-No, I don't want to hear it.
That's your thing.
-You don't own Gröna Lund.
Neither do you. What?
No, I never said that.
Okay. I don't want to know
what you lost souls are doing.
Excuse me. I would like a shot.
-A shot?
-Maybe you have different kinds.
-Or if it's
I guess you're judging me.
In that case, I want a shot, now.
Yes. Damn, that packed a punch.
Am I the only one who's dizzy?
Stop for booze! Oh, no!
There you go.
-Sigge, wait.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Why?
It feels like you're angry with me.
No, I'm not angry with you.
Sorry if I came across like that.
I'm really not.
One thing,
I think you still have a chance
with Rebecka, if you're quick,
because she looks at you
all the time, did you see that?
You would be great together.
What is it?
-Sigge, it's okay.
-What is okay?
-It just is.
-You know
They're really popular,
these terraced houses from the '60s.
-Are they?
-Yes. So trendy now.
Beautiful light conditions.
Are you moving to a bigger
or a smaller place?
There was a kind of divorce.
-It is what it is.
-Are you divorced?
My husband and I
separated last year, so
Gosh. How was that?
It was tough.
It might sound silly, the expression
"Time heals all wounds",
but it's really true.
-Would you like a glass of wine?
-No, I'm good.
-Did you have a balcony, that I
-Yes, pass through the bedroom.
Toni? Can we talk?
Just let it go.
There was something there
I don't want to!
Let's go back!
I don't want to. No!
It's okay. It's not for real.
Excuse me, what's your name?
I'm Antonia.
-I'm Björn. Nice.
-Björn? You're so great.
Look at how you fix everything.
Your work is excellent.
Incredible! None of us
had been here without Björn.
Not you, not you,
and especially not you.
Björn. Come on, everyone.
Björn, Björn.
Björn! There you are, Björn.
I love you.
You're doing a fucking great job.
You're a star!
Catch me Björn. Come on everybody!
Björn, Björn..
Björn, Björn
Excuse me, where have you been
the last two and a half hours?
Let's say it.
You guys, we're leaving.
-No. Why?
Yes, we are.
Good for you guys.
Sam, dad just texted.
Everything's cool.
-Make sure he eats something.
-Hi, have you found dad?
But I've started the process
of selling the house.
That's good.
But how do you start an event
on Facebook?
I think there's a button
called Create event.
Sort of.
-And you just press it?
-Yes, or
-What kind of event are you having?
-A wine night.
-With who?
-People you haven't met.
What about it? It'll be fun!
Can you put wine night
as the title?
Should there be a title?
Where do you write it?
I don't really know.
If you Google it,
you'll get the right information.
-I really must leave now.
Let's go in.
It seems like your dad is staying
in Västerås.
There's a picture of him here.
That someone called Andreas
has posted on Facebook, so you know.
-Wasn't that Janice?
-Eh, yes.
But wait.
Is she together with Eva again?
-What the hell?
-Yes Sigge, you see that, don't you?
-But she was with you last week.
-This is not okay.
Stay here. Don't go there.
-I'm just telling her what I think.
-Stop! I don't want you to.
Aren't you angry? And sad?
Yes. But I don't want you
to go there.
No one can make you sad.
You know
-Should we take a beer?
-Hi Janice!
-Hello Janice.
Sorry. Here are some people
I study with, at KTH.
I wish.
Yes, I know.
Janice told me that you
She has a lot of problems with her
family, so it gets messy
-We can go.
-I'll be back later. Will you stay?
-What are you doing?
-Sorry, it wasn't on purpose.
Are you trying to ruin things?
-No, I'm not.
-You can't follow me like this.
-This is not normal.
-I'm not following you.
-Yes, you are.
I just saw you, can't I say hi?
I'm sorry.
The only thing I wonder is
Why can't we talk?
You just stopped answering my texts.
You've seen my stories. I know that.
Is that why you're here?
-You know what?
You have to leave me alone when I'm
with Eva, this is too much for me.
I know. I'm sorry.
-I thought that if you saw me
-We shouldn't meet anymore.
Everything about you
gives me anxiety.
-From me?
-Yes, that's what happens.
You make me anxious,
and it's too much.
-And I need to choose.
I know, can I just say
And I'm sorry.
Can we just forget this?
It was really stupid.
We can meet tomorrow.
You're stressed now.
-We won't.
-Whenever you can.
No. Because I have to choose
and we can't go on like this.
Okay, but choose me.
I know Hello?
I know that you actually like me.
Choose me.
-Choose me.
-Stop it, for fuck's sake.
-What the hell happened?
Hello, what happened?
-She hates me now, because of you!
-Sigge, wait.
I can talk to her, stay here.
Are you okay?
You'll find someone better.
Should we go home?
-She doesn't own Gröna Lund.
-No, she doesn't.
Okay, guess what I'm called
in her phone?
Okay. I'm called "Little brother".
Get it?
So that Eva doesn't get suspicious
when I call or text her.
Little fucking brother.
Hi little brother. Do you know
why I'm called Little brother?
-No, you don't. Do you know why?
-Maybe she went home.
-Wait, I'll call her.
-Can we stop that now?
-No! One more time.
Cut it out. You're kidding me.
Are you serious?
-Stop it now.
Guys. It's time to go home.
You're kidding.
I hope you're having fun.
-Let me walk on my own.
-If we let you, will you be quiet?
You're an adult,
you should be ashamed of yourself.
At least tell Milla you're sorry.
My God! I'm sorry, Milla.
-Too bad that you want to go
-All three of you should be ashamed.
-We're leaving to be ashamed.
-Can we buy you some ice cream?
Great idea. I want popcorn.
-Toni, you don't get
-I do.
Thanks a lot. There.
You like sprinkles, right?
We'll have sprinkles on both.
Okay. Can we get some sprinkles
on these?
-I have to puke.
-Was that all?
-I really need to puke.
She's kidding. Talking about puking
is one of her jokes.
No, I'm not kidding.
I have to puke.
-Be careful.
-Fuck. Don't leave without me.
-No. I'm here.
Get in.
Have you thought about it?
Thought about what?
-What happened?
-I don't know.
What the hell?
70% of my anxiety is triggered
by social media.
I'm saying such great stuff now,
you should write it down.
-Yeah, yeah.
-You never listen to me.
-It's the worst
-What are you doing?
What about you?
Don't touch me, please.
-Come here.
-Give me.
70% of your anxiety is
triggered by social media, you said!
I do listen.
-little brother.
-I do listen.
There. Sleep.
-Won't you stay the night?
Yes, I think about it sometimes.
What did you say?
I said I think about it sometimes.
Me too.
-Do you need help?
What did you say?
-He's in the bathroom.
-Is she awake?
-Let's continue.
-She didn't wake up.
Are you sure?
You have five new messages.
It seems like your dad is staying
in Västerås.
There's a picture of him here.
That someone called Andreas
has posted on Facebook, so you know.
My anxiety is so bad.
Benjamin tried to call him all night,
but he doesn't pick up.
I don't know what to do.
And he's sitting
in Västerås, laughing.
What kind of fucking dad is that?
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