Thunderbirds (1965) s01e05 Episode Script

Edge of Impact

'Thunderbirds are go! ' When I got there they had the fire under control, so it seemed best to leave them to it.
'Not too many casualties, I hope? ' I don't think so.
It wasn't as bad as it first appeared.
I want you to take Alan up to the satellite later.
- 'Tin Tin's packing his bags now.
' - Will do, Father.
(Hums happily) (Crash) What the?! Kaballa hu-but! Kaballa hu-but! Kaballa tu-hura! Kaballa tu-hura! Base from Thunderbird 1.
I'm under attack from three unidentified aircraft.
I'm taking evasive action.
- I've been hit! - 'Nose up, Scott! ' Nan geborga Thunderbird garanga belu-duk.
Oh, Mr Tracy! What can have happened? Thunderbird 1 from base.
Thunderbird 1 from base.
Repeat, can you hear me? Nothing.
Ah, ow! Base from Thunderbird 1.
Base from Thunderbird 1.
Come in, please.
The radio's smashed, darn it! I suppose I'd better look outside.
Not a sign of anything.
What a predicament! 5,000 miles from base, and the radio's dead.
Ow! That's some crack I got.
I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna I've just spoken to Brains.
What's happened? It's serious, Virgil.
Scott was returning from Tokyo and was surrounded by some unidentified aircraft.
He's been shot down.
But the radio - what about the radio? Oh, Virgil.
It's gone dead.
He won't answer.
I've plotted his position, Father.
He can't have got far from his last contact point.
- Right, Virgil, off you go.
- Right! I heard that, Mr Tracy.
L-l-I've selected the pod.
There's no knowing what Virgil and Brains might find out there.
There might be another attack.
What they're going to find is Scott, wounded, perhaps critically! He'll need all the help we can give! All right, Tin Tin, go and get ready.
Thunderbird 2 launches in four minutes.
and levelling out, Father.
OK, Virgil.
Good luck.
- Some mystery, this, Father.
- It sure is.
I just wish I knew what it was that made these men shoot Scott down.
Maybe they thought he was some kind of spy I just thought I heard a signal.
Gee, I wish I could figure what had happened.
It must be hot in that sun.
And not a single, solitary soul within miles.
Slow down, Wilson.
You've gotta treat this sand with respect.
Respect? I hate the sight of it! You'll kill us! Sit tight, Lindsay.
We've been 15 days in this desert.
The sooner we're out, the better! - I'm sick of this expedition! - You wanted to come! I must have been crazy.
Now, shut up and hang on! - Hey, what was that? - What was what? I can't see now.
It's gone behind that sand dune.
(Wilson) I can't see anything.
Hey, you must be seeing things.
It was a mirage.
Yeah, that's right.
It was a mirage.
(Engine slows) Now who's seeing things? This might be serious.
We better take a look.
Hey, Wilson, what about those markings? It's International Rescue.
Wilson, it's International Rescue! Gee, that's some craft, isn't it? Wilson, look! There's somebody stretched out in that hatchway! Hey, he looks in a bad way.
Ooh My head.
Hey, you're hurt.
I'll survive.
Lindsay, get the first aid from the jeep.
What happened? These three fighters came out of nowhere and forced me down here.
Fighters? Who could they be? There's no human life for miles around, and we've been all over.
What are you fellas doing here? We're on a expedition to locate the lost pyramid of Camandades.
We WERE, but you decided you'd had enough! Yeah, well, the locals aren't all that friendly.
This part of the desert gives me the creeps.
Come on, we're going to fix you up.
Hold on.
Just do me a favour first.
Sure thing.
Just name it.
Radio International Rescue, tell them I'm 0K.
Certainly, what's the frequency? I guess any frequency will do.
They'll receive you.
(Bleeps) Go ahead, John.
'Father, wonderful news about Scott.
He's had a knock, but he's 0K.
' Well! Well, I'm sure relieved to hear that.
What happened? 'It seems that he had to make a forced landing.
' Fill us in later.
Do you have his position? 'Yes, Father.
Reference 67-93.
' Reference 67-93.
0K, Father.
We're very near that area now.
Look, there's Thunderbird! And what's that parked beside it? That must belong to those, uh, to those fellows who found him.
Losing height now.
How's Scott, Father? 'Tin Tin's fixed him up.
' Brains has repaired the radio.
It got smashed during the skirmish.
'Any ideas who it was? ' No, it's a real mystery.
I'll have to report it.
Scott can clarify things when he gets back.
I guess his satellite relief can wait till he's fit.
We'll see when they get home.
They're settling in for the night.
That apple pie you brought out was good, Tin Tin.
Is there any more? No, Scott.
You've scoffed the lot! Anyway, you're supposed to be an invalid, remember.
Considering the, ah, brutality of the, ah, attack, I think you got off quite lightly.
I checked the radio, by the way.
It's all right now.
If these guys attack tomorrow, they'll find us prepared.
Do you think they'll attack? I don't know what to think.
I'm baffled.
It's this desert! I've felt it ever since we came looking for the pyramid.
Pyramid? I didn't think there'd be any pyramids here.
Some explorers claim to have seen the lost pyramid of Camandades, others say it was just a mirage.
The sun can play funny tricks.
Well, it's very late and we have an early start tomorrow.
Let's get settled down for the night.
How about some more coconut crumble, Scott? Gee, no, thanks, Grandma.
I just couldn't.
How do you feel? Have you any idea about those fighters? OK, 0K, that's enough questions for the time being.
Scott knows we're glad he's safe.
I've got you all to thank for that, and those other fellows.
Imagine them finding you there! I hope they find their pyramid.
Well, it was certainly nice to have a change of faces, wasn't it? I'm just as sick of your ugly mug! We'll soon be out of this desert.
Wilson, Cut that out! You're going too fast again.
Relax! Just you keep your mind on navigation.
We're supposed to be looking for a pyramid, remember? Please, Wilson, slow down.
Quit whining! You'll get sand in your throat.
- She's sliding.
Pull her round! - 0h, shut up! You stupid fool! All our gasoline and water is in that trailer.
We've got to get it.
Wilson! It's gone! All of it! Water, gas, food everything! What do we do? We're 300 miles from base camp.
There's only three gallons of juice left.
We can radio base for help.
Sure! Say, we can't.
I put the radio on the trailer.
Blast it! Why did you do that? Wilson look! It's taken a pounding, but it could be 0K.
Base Camp Salar from Wilson.
Come in, Salar.
Come in, Salar.
This is Wilson.
Do you read me? What's wrong with it? Come on, baby, start working.
Let's have a look.
Some of the sonic wave compensators have been damaged.
We must get through somehow.
We need water or we'll die.
The water's lovely, Virgil! Why don't you join us? - Yeah! - Later, maybe.
I'm gonna play tennis with Dad when Alan and Scott have gone.
OK, Alan.
Time to relieve John in the space station.
- All set, Father.
- Sure you're fit, Scott? A-1, Father.
All right, boys, away you go.
Take up launch positions.
Come in, Salar.
Do you read? It's no good.
There's not enough power to reach the next sand dune.
- I need water.
- Quit moaning! If only the truck didn't have an air-cooled engine.
Well, it has! Let's think.
We've got enough gas to go about 50 miles.
Which way shall we go? That's a fool question! Always there's just sand and more sand.
But deserts have water holes, too.
Here's one 40 miles due north.
Let's go.
Keep working on that radio.
Come in, Salar.
Do you read me? 'Base Camp Salar from Lindsay.
'0h, what's the use? ' (Alan) 'Thunderbird 3 to space station.
Ready for boarding tube.
' FAB.
- See you in a month.
- Sure, Alan.
Good luck.
Hi, Alan.
It'll be good to get home.
Anything that needs watching? Keep listening to band 794.
It's very faint.
I figure someone's in trouble.
Band 794.
That's the Sahara area.
I thought it might be the two archaeologists who found Scott.
OK, John.
I'll keep watch.
See you.
'Base Camp Salar from Lindsay.
Come in, Salar.
' Band 794 again.
And still no answer.
I wonder what's happening down there? It's no good.
They don't answer.
This heat - it's unbearable.
I'll go crazy.
Take it easy! Say, look out there.
Do you see what I see? The water hole! You found it! By jingo, you found it! I'm gonna drink it dry.
Ha! Save some for me! Lindsay, take a look at that darned hole.
Take a good, long, hard look! What's wrong? I don't see anything strange.
Just palm trees and Nothing.
No, it can't be.
There's got to be water.
We'll die! You've got to do something.
We can't just give in.
Hold on, Lindsay.
You'll be 0K.
Let's try that radio again.
- They don't answer.
- Try someone else.
Who? We're miles away! - I've got a crazy idea.
- What are you gonna do? I'm going to call International Rescue.
Tracy said that if we were ever in trouble he'd help us out.
Go ahead.
We've nothing to lose.
'Calling International Rescue.
Come in.
'Can you help us? We need water.
' We are receiving you.
What is your position? 'Come in, International Rescue ' This is International Rescue.
Can you hear me? Do you read me? Come in, please! (Bleeps) Go ahead, Alan.
'Father, I've just received a distress call from the Sahara Desert.
'I think it's those guys who helped Scott.
' - Didn't they say? - 'The call was very faint.
'They said they needed water.
' I might recognise the voice.
'Sure thing.
Coming up.
' (Wilson) 'Calling International Rescue.
Come in, please.
'Do you read me, International Rescue? - 'Can you help us? ' - That's the guy! Scott.
Get down to Thunderbird 1 and stand by for launching.
One good turn deserves another.
- How do you mean, Father? - I'll tell you when you're underway.
Yes, sir.
There he goes.
I only hope he gets there in time.
When a man is without water, he can get desperate.
The radio finally gave out.
Do you think International Rescue heard us? We'll have to wait and see.
But we're dying of thirst! With this heat we'll be lucky to last an hour.
Wilson, what's that over there? I can't see anything.
Only sand and desert.
Look, man, over there! Holy smoke! We've found it, boy.
We've found it! It's what we came all this way to see - the lost pyramid of Camandades! We've just enough gas to reach it.
Hey, there might be some nomad tribe camped by it, with water.
What are we waiting for? Let's go! Will we have enough gas? Yeah, just about.
There's not far to go now.
- It's fantastic! - Yeah, it's deserted! Finding anyone else in this lousy desert was too much to hope for! You can read hieroglyphics, Lindsay.
What does it say? "This is the tomb of King Camandades, God of the Eternal Fountain.
" The Egyptians thought of their kings as gods.
I know.
But I guess the Eternal Fountain's run dry.
I can't see any door, Wilson.
This place is probably solid rock.
Well, there's your door.
But how did it open? (Water splashing) - Do you hear that? - Yeah, water! Come on! - They're magnificent! - So is the sound of that water.
Hey, what's that? Lindsay, the door! We must be able to open it.
Feel along the walls.
Wilson, use your lighter.
0ver here.
- You don't think? - It looks that way.
This guy tried to get the door open, too.
What can we do? We're trapped.
I'm going to find that water! International Rescue from Thunderbird 1.
Danger zone, negative.
The water hole's dry.
'Any signs of life? ' I see tracks heading north.
I'll follow them.
'FAB, Scott.
Keep in touch.
' - Maybe there are other people here.
- Hello! Anyone there? Hello! Not a sound.
Only that splashing water.
- There it is! - The Eternal Fountain! International Rescue from Thunderbird 1.
I've found the jeep, but it's abandoned outside a pyramid! 'Are you sure, Scott? ' It sounds crazy, but it's a pyramid.
I'm going down to take a look.
I've never tasted water like it.
So sweet and cool.
Yeah, but how does it get here.
What IS this place? We could have made the archaeological discovery of the age! The Egyptians buried their kings with treasure - that'd make this trip worth our while! I don't figure this.
The prints just end in a blank wall.
There's no entrance anywhere.
A doorway's just opened.
I'm going in.
'FAB, Scott.
Be careful.
' Hey! The door! (Faint voices) - Lindsay, look! - Mountains of treasure! International Rescue HQ from Scott.
The entrance has closed.
I'm trapped, but I hear voices.
'Check that place out.
' If we don't hear from you, I'll send out Thunderbird 2.
OK, Dad.
We're rich, Wilson! The richest men alive! Yeah.
Yeah! We could buy the world! Say, we've forgotten something.
We're trapped in here.
We couldn't open that entrance door.
We can't be! We're too rich to be trapped.
International Rescue at Y0UR service.
You've come to steal our treasure! Hold on! You called us for help.
Don't shoot! He's come to rescue us.
- He wants the treasure! - You're crazy! Don't be a fool! You need help! You're the one who needs help.
You're gonna die! You've had a tough time.
You need a hospital.
Then you'll get my treasure! OK, if that's the way you want it I'll just have to blast you out.
You'll have to kill me before you get my treasure! Ha! Ha! Now I have you, Mr Clever Tracy! Come out! You can't escape! You can't hide behind there! You're going to die! (Continues shooting) (Laughs) There's no more protection, Tracy.
Now you will die! (Laughs) Arana-chan abba! I don't know who you are, but They want us to go with them.
Don't worry.
I was only stunned when I fell.
You fooled me.
Arana-chan-chan abba! We'd better do as they say.
OK, Father.
We're on our way.
I calculate we'll reach the pyramid in 1.
4 hours.
'All right.
Good luck.
' Take care when you're crossing that desert.
We're depending on you.
'Yes, Father.
' Jeez! I figure we must be in the bowels of the Earth.
Where are they taking us? This is where these guys get their fuel and power.
It looks like some mineral that gives off an explosive gas.
And highly lethal, too.
Look at that joker in the gas mask.
He's tanking up those fighters.
They look like the craft that shot me down.
I wonder what they're going to do with us.
I've started to cross the Sahara.
- 'Have you heard from Scott? ' - Not a word.
We keep trying, but he just doesn't answer.
I wonder what's going on in that pyramid.
Garanga ka-buko artullo.
Nicht nicht tarassa! - Karabungo mit nos bongo.
- Deton argalla! Hagalla kara.
Nandallabi! - It's Virgil! - He must have come to look for us.
Garanga belu-duk.
Hut-uplek belu-duk! Garanga assam! They're going to attack.
We've got to warn him.
Right! This is what we'll do Garako zumrest ha-qui-tun.
Hum-pa! Hum-pa.
Go-ba! Kara-koo! We're under fire! Those missiles were too far off to be intended seriously.
It was a warning.
Could it have been Scott? Quick! Start the car! (Siren wails) - What's going on? - Keep going, Wilson.
- What's happening? - It's the pressure in these pipes.
The gas is escaping.
I'm glad this glass protects us.
Can't you get any more speed? This place is going to go up at any moment! No.
This is maximum.
This place will go up with a bang.
We must warn Virgil to stay clear.
What's going on in there? We get a salvo of rockets and then nothing.
Scott must need our help.
We can't just hang around.
Let's go down and investigate.
Father, we're going down.
Galaba hil-merab Thunderbird! Galaba hil-merab Thunderbird! (Coughs and splutters) Where where am I? What's going on? You've woken just in time.
In a moment you'll have to run like you've never run before.
(Scott) Hurry it up, fellas.
Let's get out of here! Calling Thunderbird 2.
Thunderbird 2 from Scott Tracy.
It's Scott! Go ahead, Scott.
We're coming in to land.
'No, Virgil! Keep away! ' Regain height and keep away from the pyramid! But are you all right? Don't ask questions! Just do as I say and beat it! There she goes! Yeah.
The lost pyramid of Camandades is lost forever now.
Look at that.
What an escape! Yeah, we've certainly got a lot to thank International Rescue for.

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