Thundercats (1985) s01e05 Episode Script

006 - Pumm-Ra

Zero to 105, clear.
Continue scan.
This is working pretty well for a test run, Tygra.
Scan for 105 to 130.
Negative activity.
- Quiet today.
- One-thirty, 140.
Holding 150.
Seismic registration.
Please check.
Yes, there is some activity in sector nine.
Try the enlarger you built.
Good idea.
Seems to be some smoke or something coming out of volcano seven at 155.
- Maybe we should get a closer look.
- Okay.
This is as tight as I can get.
Hey, look what we've found.
Cheetara, out for her morning jog.
I clock her at about Incredible.
I think we should have a closer look at that volcano.
- You driving? - ThunderTank is ready to roll.
Let's go.
Looks quiet now, but we'd better take a closer look.
Don't see Cheetara around.
- Guess she finished her run.
- Let's go.
Looks quiet enough.
Guess we can head back.
I told Lion-O he could have the tank this afternoon.
- Can he drive it? - He took to it like a fish to water.
Come on, Lion-O.
You promised us a ride.
Well, we've got to wait for Cheetara.
She said she'd be here.
Funny, she's never been late before.
Cheetara, late? That's like the sun forgetting to set.
We'll give her another five minutes.
- Did you get her? - Yes.
Yes, of course we got her.
She's there now.
I hope this works.
Those cats are very clever, and I don't trust Mumm-Ra.
But it is a good plan so we'll wait and see.
Yes? - Yes.
- Yes.
So the cheetah has been trapped.
"Cheetara," they call you.
"The quick.
" We were not so quick this time, were we? Fear not, fast one.
You shall be back among your friends this very night.
And you will remember none of this.
Sleep and dream peaceful dreams while Mumm-Ra calls upon all of his strength to leave this pyramid in a new form he has never tried before.
Behold! Spirits of evil transform this ancient body to Mumm-Ra the ever-living! And now from Mumm-Ra the ever-living to Pumm-Ra, the puma of Thundera.
Pumm-Ra! Drink this.
You'll feel better.
What happened? Who are you? You were captured by some strange creatures.
I heard a name.
"Smithe" or something Slithe.
Yes, that could be it.
They drugged you and were about to carry you off when I appeared.
There were three, and I fought them off.
I'm pleased that you seem to be well, and so I shall be on my way.
But wait.
Who are you? - Are you from this Third Earth? - No.
I am from a distant planet that was destroyed, called Thundera.
- You know of Thundera? - It is Was my home.
But I thought all the other ships that tried to leave were destroyed.
All but mine.
My crew was killed and my ship was stranded in nothingness with no engines until yesterday, when the gravity pull of this planet brought me here.
Then you must come with me at once to the Cats' Lair and meet my friends the Thundercats.
I would like that.
Yes, I would like that very much.
Well, Pumm-Ra, we would be happy to have you join us.
We owe you much for saving Cheetara's life.
Will you agree to stay and promise to obey the laws of Thundera? And our code of justice, truth, honor, loyalty? Yes.
I would like very much to join with you on this inhospitable planet.
Friends are important.
Then we'll meet in secret council and tell you of our decision in the morning.
- But why? - In the meantime, you are our guest.
Our home is open to you.
Wilykat, show our guest to Lair West Four.
Then, until morning.
Good night.
I don't trust him.
Snarf, why would you say that? You don't even know him.
Just a Snarf's intuition, that's all.
We'll meet in the council chamber room in one hour.
Do you hear me, Slithe? Are you there, reptilian? Yes.
We are here, and we are prepared.
Where are you? Where I am supposed to be.
In the kitty-cats' lair.
We must know what their plans are.
If you find their war room and Mumm-Ra does I mean, Pumm-Ra does not need any instructions.
Just be sure you are where you are supposed to be at high noon tomorrow.
We will be there.
Yes, we will certainly be there.
Although Lord Lion-O leads us Jaga chose me to be the head of the Thundercats council.
This puma has apparently saved Cheetara's life and he appears to be one of us.
Have you anything more to say, Cheetara? You didn't actually see him before you fainted, did you? No.
That's true.
But when I awoke I vote we take him in.
Be not hasty in your decisions, Lion-O.
Your instincts may be correct but one does not make decisions by instinct alone.
Let the facts weigh heavily on your mind and listen to your peers with caution.
You are right, Jaga.
I guess I should take more time in making important decisions.
Tygra, how will you vote? I vote to give the puma a week's probation.
A trial period.
Yes, I agree.
If he is who and what he says he is he should have no objection.
- Yes.
I guess we cannot take our sacred trust lightly.
So say you all? By the code of Thundera.
They must all be asleep by now.
So while the Thundercats purr Pumm-Ra pursues.
They must have salvaged all of this equipment from their space capsules.
Yes, an amazing job.
But all for nothing.
Lion-O must sleep with that blasted sword.
Yes, this door would be safely locked to anyone but Mumm-Ra.
They have used an old Egyptian tomb device unknown for a thousand years.
Unknown, that is, except to one who has lived for a thousand years.
This must be the one.
But it is much smaller than when I last saw it.
No matter.
It is mine.
I understand your decision, and I agree with it.
I hope I will prove worthy of your trust.
We hope so too.
Come, Tygra.
We have work to do in the Thundrillium fields.
Cheetara, kids Hey, are we gonna take the ThunderTank? Yeah, you promised.
No, not today.
We can go on foot.
Lion-O, we'll be back by noon.
Here it comes.
Three in a row.
This game is beginning to bore me.
Well, guarding this place is just as boring.
Come on, Snarf, let's have a look through the cat's eyes and see how Panthro and the group are making out.
Nothing is working.
Maybe the master power supply is malfunctioning.
It's full.
The fuel supply is full.
So something else is really wrong here, Lion-O.
This is serious.
I'd better see where Panthro is.
- With the sword? - Yes.
It's gone.
But how? There's a corresponder in the ThunderTank.
You can call Panthro on that.
If it's still working, that is.
No good.
Trouble, Snarf.
Big trouble.
Somehow he has done it.
That's the signal.
The Cats' Lair is as good as ours.
I knew it.
I just knew it.
Stand back and do as I say, boy.
Who are you? You're not from Thundera.
You're not one of us.
I was foolish to trust you.
- What do you want? - Everything.
I want it all.
And before this day is done, I shall have it.
The sword will not obey you and without it, you are no match for me.
Your tongue speaks faster than your brain can think.
Hold, and behold.
We have met before, boy, and I remember.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! I have never seen the likes of such a storm.
It's not a storm, it's a cataclysm.
No, it is something more.
We are needed.
The mystic Sword of Omens cannot be used for evil deeds.
Attempt it, and know the wrath of Jaga.
Too late, boy.
It's jammed.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! He is behind you! Sorry about that.
Everyone all right? Yes.
A little dizzy, but intact.
Well, that takes care of the mutants for a while.
But that puma's locked up our lair.
Not necessarily.
There's another way in you haven't told us about? The power exhaust.
But suppose he turns the power on? It's a chance we'll have to take.
I'll go.
I'm the architect of Cats' Lair.
I know every turn, nook and cranny of the system.
But I have the sword.
Ingenuity is called for, not bravery and strength, Lion-O.
Tygra is right.
It is he who should go.
Agreed? Good luck, Tygra.
- Tygra.
- Get out of the sight of those eyes.
And pray that Tygra made it.
Sword of Omens, give me sight, sight beyond sight.
- He is safe.
- Good.
And I'm sure he can use a hand.
I'll distract the eyes.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! Wait for Snarf.
Spirits of evil send forth a force from the darkest depths.
Is that you, Tygra? It's over, Pumm-Ra.
You can't defeat us all.
Who are you? What are you? Who am I? Wouldn't you like to know.
Suffice to say that I have lived here for a thousand years.
I am not the intruder.
It is you who have disturbed my rest.
But I have time.
A thousand years more, 5000.
You cannot defeat me, for I am Mumm-Ra! And wherever evil exists Mumm-Ra lives.
Mumm-Ra lives! Mumm-Ra lives! Well, it's all back in working order again.
That mummy creature was really something to see.
I hope we never see it again.
But you know that we will.
We will need new safeguards for our lair.
First thing on the agenda for tomorrow.
I can't believe I misjudged that Pumm-Ra like I did.
First impressions are often wrong.
Trust is something that takes time to grow.
And I guess new friends are not as easily made as I thought.
And friends like the Thundercats are forever.
Thundercats, forever!
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